Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: Tom Danheiser, “Coast to Coast AM” screener
G: George Noory, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
M: Mike, caller from Roseville
K: KFI taped announcement
W: “Coast to Coast AM” weekend screener
B: Barbara Simpson, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
R: Robert, caller from San Antonio
J: John, caller from Winnipeg
L: Billy, caller from Connecticut
T: Steve, caller from Albany
(X): (unattributed sounds occasionally noted as samples)
S: “Coast to Coast.” What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
S: Hi, Mark. Where are you calling from?
Q: From Los Angeles.
S: Okay did you have a story for us?
Q: I wanted to talk about last night’s show.
S: Okay.
Q: And compare it to John Lilly’s research.
S: Okay.
Q: Because it — he was an early EVP researcher and I think it places it in perspective.
S: Do me a favor. Hold on, okay.
Q: Okay.
G: . . . planet on June 2nd has now been delayed a week. They’re not going to contact it. Why? Something’s gone a little awry with this one. The postponement is required to allow engineers time to decipher an unexpected message from an instrument on Beagle’s mothership. I wonder what the message might have been. It sounds like it’s Hal aboard the ship, (X) doesn’t it? But they’re trying to boot it up. It has to do with an onboard computer system. Now they say that there’s no cause . . .
S: Hey, Mark, what were you going to tell us, again?
Q: Okay, well I wanted to refer to the research of John Lilly who —
S: I remember. I remember. Hold on, okay?
Q: Okay.
G: . . . (X) to look up into the heavens one night and not see any stars (X) at all. None. Total blackness. It’s all possible. Ninety-six percent of the cosmos . . .
S: Mark, hang on for me.
Q: Okay.
G: . . . of it and perhaps by a million years. I hope mankind is still around. (X) By a million years . . .
S: “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Yeah. I’m still on hold.
S: What’s your name?
Q: This is Tommy?
S: Yes. Who’s this?
Q: This is Mark.
S: Oh. Hi, Mark. Didn’t I — I just had you up here. Hang on a second, okay?
Q: Okay. (line disconnected)
S: “Coast to Coast.” What’s your name?
Q: Is — is your real name Thomas?
S: That’s correct.
Q: Because there’s some interesting anagrams in your name.
S: Really?
Q: Yeah. (“DID”) Have you been to the testament dot org website?
S: No, I should go there. What’s it called?
Q: So you can see why I’m not getting on the air? Testament dot org.
S: Test: T — E — S — T —
Q: A — M — E — N — T.
S: Dot org. Okay.
Q: Okay?
S: I’ll check it out. Thanks for telling me that.
Q: Okay. Meanwhile, can I get on?
S: Oh (“TONI[GHT]”) what did you want to say?
Q: I wanted to talk about EVP.
S: Okay. What about it?
Q: Well the late John Lilly’s research included finding that if one listens to a tape loop of a repeated word for 15 minutes, one may hear as many as 30 different words other than the one which is on the tape loop.
S: Really?!
Q: Well it puts last night’s show (“INTO THE”) into an interesting context.
S: Uh-huh. What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
S: And, Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: L.A.
S: Okay. That’s interesting. So really that shows that so if someone listens for 15 minutes —
Q: Well if you — you can understand how EVP operates —
S: Uh-huh.
Q: — by comparing the phenomena with other documented accounts of Spirit interaction. And that’s (“ONE OF”) one of the well-known cases. I mean I just know that that research would have some —
S: That’s interesting. Hold on, okay Mark?
Q: Okay.
G: . . . a motorist’s trouser in Germany is being blamed for a car crash there that caused about $7,000 damage. That’s got to be a horrible feeling. You’re driving in your car. A bee goes up your (X) pant leg. You’re supposed to pull over to the side of the road. You’re not supposed to keep driving. (X) Those of use who brush our teeth on a regular basis — at least I hope we all do — they say that brushing your teeth longer and harder than necessary may not make them cleaner and could cause permanent damage. Listen to this. They say that all you need is about two minutes of brushing at a pressure equivalent to the size of the weight (X) of an orange. That’s about it. So hold an orange. That’s about the pressure you’re supposed to put on your teeth. Anything more than that will (X) cause damage to gums and the tooth enamel. I never knew that. On my website,, take a look at the picture under “Hot Stories” that says “Ahhh.” It’s a picture of a kid — a 25-year-old kid who decided to get his tongue split. (X) And he did. What a disaster that is. I mean just take a look at it. I put it up there because I just want kids to say don’t do this at home. (X) And while you’re on the website, probably the first story under “Hot Stories” has to do with your vampire name. You can have a little fun with this. (X) Click it and type in your first name and your last name. (X) You also have to click whether you’re a male or female. And it will tell you who your known vampire is and what he or she is all about. Mine is Ariel Tussand and he’s got a ghastly appearance, gaunt, very gothic looking, and he’s known in some parts of the world as the Atlas of the ghast. So if you want to find out who your born vampire is, just to have fun, just go take a look. Now let’s — let’s give you the phone numbers. West of the Rockies (gives number), east of the Rockies (gives number), first time caller line (gives number), wild card line (gives number). And let me read you a real quick headline because that will explain our special topic line. (X) You wake up unable to move, barely able to breathe. You feel an oppressive weight on your chest. You sense some evil (X) presence in the room. The old hag strikes. The old hag hotline is opened up for you. I want your old hag stories. (gives number) That line only for old hag stories. (gives number) (commercials) Got this Email in, you know, when we were talking about — last night as a matter of fact, when we had the GIS people on, the Ghost Investigators, about phone calls that come from the dead — said, “George, When my father died in 1970, my mother chose the (X) clothes for him to wear in the casket. He was a very proud man so she brought a suit, even his socks and his shoes. The funeral director told her that they did not put shoes on bodies. Well that night after (X) the funeral, the phone rang about midnight. (X) My mother answered. It was a man’s voice: “My feet are very cold.” She screamed, woke us all up and that was very, very scary.” I shouldn’t laugh. That’s from Dabi in Washington. (small laugh) That’s — that’s an amazing phone call, I’ll tell you. Let’s go to our wild card line, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the show and get us going. Hi, there.
Q: Hi, George.
M: Yeah, this is Mike —
Q: Oh.
M: — from Roseville.
G: Hi, Mike, Roseville . . .
S: Hang in there awhile, Mike — or Mark —
Q: Okay. Yeah, I will.
S: — sorry. (line disconnected)
Q: Oh fuck.
Q: So I was screened calling on the early morning hours of June 21st. Now the first two hours of the show had featured an interview scheduled earlier that day with Jon Rappoport and here was definitely something conforming with Clear Channel’s agenda. It was all about — well it was just propaganda concerning the World Health Organization and all the terrible things the organization is doing. Anyway, you heard what happened to me. Now what had inspired my call was some recent show broadcasts, two or three that made it seem that perhaps George would be more open (“TO”) taking my calls. There was the mysterious scratching that he’s been experiencing in bed — maybe that has something to do with why he’s encouraging people to call in with their ‘hag’ visitation stories. Anyway, I’ll go ahead and share with you two recent clips of the show (X) reveal to you what I’m talking about.
( . . . )
Q: So this was from the June 3rd show.
G: I saw something today that I have never seen in my life. It was in the supermarket and a guy was — you know, his bill came to like nine dollars and forty-two cents. And he reached into his pocket for the change. He dropped (X) a penny. This (X) thing landed on its side. Now how in the heck (X) could something like that do that? I mean it — it hit, it bounced a little bit and landed on its side. Now everybody that was in line just kind of like stopped and said, “Don’t touch it. Don’t touch it. You’re supposed to have the greatest luck in the world as (X) long as that (X) little penny stands up on its side.” So we just left it there. And somebody I’m sure is going to kick it over eventually but I’ve never seen that. You drop a coin and it lands on its side like that. Let’s go back to the phones. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” It is your . . .
( . . . )
Q: So this is an excerpt from the June 18th ‘open lines.’
K: KFI AM 640, more stimulating talk radio.
G: Oh this is a great Email I got and it says, “George, I was listening to ‘Coast to Coast’ (X) when someone had (X) called in and said that he was in a car (X) and must’ve gone into time because he saw himself in the car looking back (X) as he looked at himself. I too saw myself drive (X) past myself. It was about eight years ago. I’m not (X) kidding. I was in deep thought, thinking rather troubling thoughts about how frustrating my life was at the time and waiting in a very long (X) traffic line to make a turn onto the highway. (X) The same car I was driving, which is a rather unusual make and color with unusually colorful trim, weaved its way through the lane next to me. Now cars mysteriously just moved out of its way, making a path for it, you know like when an ambulance (X) trailing you comes by and how everybody gets out of the way. Well something rather un(X)common here. (X) While I was driving that car, (X) as the car drove (X) past me, I did one of those movie triple takes, (X) looking at it in disbelief. I was alone. There was no one in my — vehicle to authenticate what I was seeing. As the car passed me and turned onto the highway about (X) 20 cars ahead of me, I checked out the license plate and it was the same, (X) save for the last letter which was an ‘M’ rather than the ‘N’ on my car. (X) Now the only difference is that (X) in the other car, (X X) I looked happier and a bit physically younger (X) as if I had an enjoyable life. I don’t know if that’s a message from a Higher (X) Power saying, “Look, you can have this kind of fun life too and leave your miserable self behind”; where if it was actually me, happier with a mate and a full life because there was somebody with me. (X) Could it have been in a parallel universe? It happened for real. Your caller was the only (X) other person I’ve ever heard with the same experience. (X) Take care, Brogan.” Great Email, Brogan. And I don’t know — I don’t know if that was a message from someone saying that, you know, get on with your life, have a better life, (X) or if somehow you did cross into a parallel universe or even time. (“WI[TH]”) But if you want to Email me, it’s or if you are already on the website it is (X) merely, of course, and then on the left it says “Contact.” Click that and then the Email page opens up. (X) Let’s go to the phones. Wild card line, welcome . . .
( . . . )
W: “Coast to Coast.” Please hold.
B: . . . ever you are. Barbara Simpson. Welcome to the Saturday edition of “Coast to Coast AM” coming to you from our Coast studio right here in sunny San Francisco and reaching you wherever you are across the world of radio. Glad you’re with us. We will spend the evening right into the morning together with a “Coast to Coast” look at the world around . . .
W: “Coast to Coast.” How can I help you?
Q: Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Barbara.
W: Okay. What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
W: Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from Los Angeles.
W: Okay. And what did you want to talk to Barbara about?
Q: Well on Thursday night’s show, they — it was a show about Electronic Voice Phenomena, which I’ve had some dealings with myself. And I wanted to comment — get away from some of the ghost stories that I’ve been hearing and talk about how you can understand how EVP can occur by comparing the phenomena with other accounts of spirit interaction —
W: Um-huh. (“AN”)
Q: — talk a little bit about Edgar Cayce and John Lilly’s research.
W: Okay, I’m going to put you on hold, Mark —
Q: Okay.
W: — and I’m going to get right back to you, okay? Because I have lots of phones . . .
Q: Okay, thank you.
B: . . . Bay right up through New England, Pennsylvania. Two inches of rain in parts of New Jersey and New York. Thunderstorms in the South across the Florida peninsula, across Minnesota, South Dakota, into Nebraska. Plains states: mostly light showers across the Pacific Northwest. Pretty rainy today. Pretty wet and kind of damp. Give you a lot of bad hair days. Saturday’s temperatures around the lower 48 from a morning low of 27 in Stanley, Idaho to a midday reading of 93 at Wink, Texas. And speaking of rain, I know we talked last weekend about (X) the flooding in the West Virginia area. On Monday I heard one weather report and I just — I jotted it down (X) because I just wanted to mention it to you. In Charleston, West Virginia on Monday, they had three inches of rain per hour for 12 straight hours. Can you imagine? Needless to say, (“THEY”) terrible flooding. There were minor earthquakes jiggling parts of Southern California yesterday and today. A magnitude 3.2 Friday morning and then a 3.3 sort of about 180 miles northwest of Los Angeles. No great damage on those; however, down in central Chile a terrible earthquake — 6.2 magnitude (X) quake hit at 9:30 in the morning. This is yesterday, Friday in Coquimbo, a Pacific Coast city north of Santiago. They felt it for hundreds of miles and then in the Peruvian Amazon region around dawn on Friday they had a 5.7 earthquake. In China — southwestern China, landslides of mud and rocks after a torrential rain. Dozens of people were injured. Ten people were (X) killed. More than a dozen homes were damaged and they’ve had a lot of landslides (X) in China this summer, most of them blamed on improper excavation work such as building roads but not shoring up the slopes. A tropical storm (X) cut across southern Japan on Thursday. Fifty-six mile-an-hour winds. Twenty-one people were injured, mostly by falling objects in the southeastern main island of Kyushu, 26 houses were damaged, landslides reported in 22 places, 10,000 homes without power, and nearly 257 domestic flights Thursday and Friday were canceled, including train and ferry services. A real problem. Talking about real problems, we’re hearing it, seeing it on the news — a terrible fire outside of Tucson in Arizona. About a thousand firefighters on the lines, winds gusting to 60 miles an hour, more than 250 houses burned. The fire has gone through a radar telecommunications area around the area of the University of Arizona Telescope and into, they think, the ski area on Mount Lemmon, which is a 9,100 foot mountain and it’s going down the other side. So it’s a terrible situation. They don’t know what caused it yet they are investigating. It could be arson, it could be lightning, you never know. Speaking of lightning, (X) they’re saying that last year Nevada got off easy with a small fire season because they didn’t have as many lightning strikes but, in fact, they’re expecting more this year. So more lightning strikes means more fires for Nevada. Speaking of earthquakes, numerous buildings on the Greek island of Evia were damaged by a magnitude 4.9 tremor. And there were also earth movements in Taiwan and in Russia. And I mentioned the lightning. Lightning striking a whole variety of places in Russia. (“BB”) One particular place was a munitions dump. It sparked explosions and a major fire that forced the evacuation of a military town five miles away. People were taken to a safe area very far from the arms dump. They didn’t say what types of munitions were stored there. (“BUT”) In fact, it was a lightning-caused situation. And in Cheyenne, Wyoming, an amazing story. (X) A college student survived a lightning strike while mountain climbing but was (X) killed in a second strike an hour later as he and his (X) girlfriend were waiting out the storm — young man Ryan Sayers of Colorado Springs was recovering the day after — (“AA”) was recovered Tuesday. His body was re(X)covered Tuesday, the day after he was (X) killed. He and his (X) girlfriend from Munich, Germany were climbing a — cliff on the 12,000-foot peak Monday afternoon when lightning first hit them at 1,500 feet from the summit. They took off their equipment, decided to sit out the storm. An hour later, they were hit by another lightning strike. He fell into a ravine. She suffered minor burns. He was (X) killed. How about that? And in Stonehenge because today, by the way, is the first day of summer—summer solstace—30,000 partygoers, druids and New Age followers gathered. Where? Well you might know. At Stonehenge — banging drums, blowing whistles and chanting, greeting the summer. It was sunny there, very clear. They had a beautiful dawn so they could see the sunrise. Usually, it’s (X) obscured by clouds. But it’s a traditional gathering place and this — (X) for some reason this year they had many, many more people than they have before. Our lines are open. Coming up next — you, right here on (X) “Coast to (X) Coast AM.” I’m Barbara Simpson.
W: How can I help you?
Q: Oh hi. I’m still on hold.
W: Okay. What’s your name again?
Q: Mark.
W: Mark and what would you want to talk about? EVP?
Q: Correct.
W: Okay. And where are you calling from?
Q: Los Angeles.
W: Los Angeles, okay. Okay, this is what I’m going to do, Mark. I’m going to put you on hold.
Q: Okay.
W: And when she gets to you, you’re going to be wild card line and you’ll hear like a kind of a static-y noise light — right before you get on the air. And when you hear that noise that means you’re on the air.
Q: Right.
W: I want you to get straight to your — your — your question or your comment, okay?
Q: Okay, great.
W: Okay, hold on. (commercials)
B: Barbara Simpson here on “Coast to Coast AM” on this Saturday evening. By the way, that Japanese space probe which has been plagued by technical problems made its final flyby of the Earth and is, in fact, on its way to Mars, according to space program officials in that country. The probe is called Nozomi. That means hope. It passed within 6,800 miles of Earth and it will use the planet’s gravity, Earth’s gravity, to slingshot it towards Mars. It’s Japan’s first attempt at interplanetary exploration. It was originally scheduled to reach the destination in October ’98 but earlier swings past Earth didn’t give it enough speed. They made some adjustments but that burned up too much fuel and they had to retool the flight plan. And then in April of last year there was a burst of solar flares which damaged the heating system and cut off most of the communication. The computer control systems were okay so engineers could repair it. They’re going to try to fix the electrical damage next month and if it’s successful (“PUSH”) (the) probe will reach there in late December or early January. (As) far as the NASA attempt, the Mars-bound rover is on track for a January 3rd arrival on Mars. Apparently, a correction maneuver has worked perfectly, we’re told. The second NASA rover will be launched early on Thursday, if all goes well, from Cape Canaveral. The $800 million double mission twin-wheeled robot will go across the surface of Mars if all goes well to prospect from there minerals (to) figure out whether they had life on that planet and water there. We’ll see how that works. And I told you this was going to happen. Sally Ride is the first American women member of the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. She and three other former Shuttle astronauts were inducted in that today at the Kennedy Space Center. Her induction came almost 20 years to the day of her historic space flight as the nation’s first woman astronaut in space. (X) Also inducted today were Daniel Brandenstein, Robert ‘Hoot’ Gibson and Story Musgrave so some history made today as always with NASA always seems to make history, good and bad. Robert is on the phone, calling “Coast to Coast AM.” He’s in San Antonio on the wild card line. Hello, Robert.
R: Hi, Barbara. How are you doing?
B: Pretty good. What’s up?
R: Oh I wanted to tell you about a couple incidents that happened but first can I just elaborate on the space thing you were just —
B: Sure.
R: — talking about?
B: Yeah.
R: Now I just — you know, it kind of baffles me a little bit that we’re sending all these probes and stuff to Mars and we really haven’t had too much success landing there.
B: That’s true.
R: And it costs us like billions and billions of dollars to investigate a rock that’s uninhabitable.
B: Well we don’t know. And we don’t know that it — it’s more than a rock. It’s a planet.
R: Yeah.
B: And we don’t know whether it’s inhabitable because we’re not quite sure what’s there. And the only way that we’re going to find out is to go. Don’t you want us to explore space?
R: Well — well yeah. I’m kind of like a space nut anyway. It’s just —
B: Me too.
R: — this teaches that, you know, we can be spending a lot more of that money here on Earth, you know?
B: Well let’s face it. Somebody will always find a place to put money. Especially somebody else’s money. But I don’t know. I am a great supporter of exploration in space. I have always been intrigued by what’s out there and fortunately or unfortunately the only way we’re going to find out is to either send probes like this or to send people. And I think it’s probably safer at first to send probes.
R: Exactly.
B: Yeah.
R: But what I — what I really called for was about some incidents that happened here at the house that I’m living in.
B: Um-huh.
R: We just bought this house about six months ago. And the first time it happened — you know, it just kind of scared me. And I just thought of, you know, I couldn’t believe it. But anyway what it was, was I heard — it — it was — it’s weird because it happened at the same time all the time like eight o’clock. It happened three times —
B: In the morning or at night?
R: At night.
B: At night.
R: And we have a three bedroom.
B: Yeah.
R: We have a master bedroom and then my son’s room and then we have like a study room where I keep the computer and stuff.
B: Um-huh.
R: And in the study room I always hear this clicking. (X) Right?
B: Yeah.
R: I don’t always hear it. It’s just every time I do hear it — the first time I heard it I ran in to the study room to see if it was a . . . what that noise was because it was irritating me. And then I looked up and there was this figure. It was — it was a (“LIKE”) — a — a white shining figure but it was a — a black guy, a melting — it looked like he was melting, you know?
B: Melting?
R: Yeah. It was — (“IT”) it freaked me out. I mean —
B: Wow.
R: Yeah, I — I mean I ran and tried to get my wife to check this out . . .
B: Now wait — wait. When you say he was melting you mean like you looked at his face and then his face kind of melted like (a) wax melting kind of thing?
R: Exactly. Exactly that.
B: Ooohh.
R: But he had a white aura about him. And it was — he looked very, very (X) old. Like a very old black man that was melting. And it happened — this happened three times, you know, in the past month. And the weird thing about it is this happened at eight o’clock every time, you know . . .
B: When you said the clicking, did you ever find out what the clicking was?
R: No. No, I — I got kind of scared. (X)
B: (small laugh) I’m not surprised. Did —
R: Oh yeah.
B: — did he look the same every time. In other words, each time it happened it was exactly the same as the time before?
R: Exactly the same. And the third time I was finally able to — to get my wife because my and bi — wife both went when we heard the clicking.
B: Um-huh.
R: It goes like — no, I’m not going — I’m — I don’t like (“FLY”) — don’t play with me like that, you know?
B: Yeah.
R: And so the third time I heard the clicking, I said, “Well come with me” and we went and then there it was just hanging there, you know, so now I’m kind of — get on the Internet and find out exactly who owned this house and —
B: Um-huh.
R: — you know, because it’s a used house and, (X) you know, I’m just —
B: . . . He didn’t say anything? He didn’t do anything? He didn’t leave a message or anything?
R: No, he didn’t say nothing or do nothing. He just looked very scary.
B: That is scary. Did — did you watch him long enough to see whether he totally melted away?
R: Oh no. I watched it for a while, no, but he didn’t melt away. He just had that melting look about him.
B: Ahh, I see.
R: And this is like he was (“AA”) had already been burned or something like that.
B: Yikes. Do me a favor. Will you do that research? If you find out anything, call me back and tell us, okay?
R: I sure will, Barbara.
B: That would be great, Robert. Thank you very much. Whoa. But you know I’ll bet you he’ll find that there’s something about the history of that house (and) find out who that man is, (X) why he’s there. That is frightening. Let’s go to Mark . . . (BEEP) . . . line in Los Angeles. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: I want — wanted to comment about EVP on the Thursday night show —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — when the Ghost Investigators Society was on. Have you interviewed them before?
B: I have not. Art has and George has. I haven’t had the pleasure at this point in time.
Q: Well one thing that wasn’t discussed was (or “WAS”) — because I’ve had a lot of experience with EVP myself.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And I just wanted to let others know that you can understand how EVP oc(X)curs if you (X) compare the phenomena (X) with other documented ac(X)counts of Spirit interaction. For example, cases where dis(X)embodied voices have been documented. (“IT”) This reveals sort of an ex(X)ternalized (X) condition (X) with what happens to (X) people who be(X)come mediums or channelers.
B: Um-huh.
Q: Such as Edgar Cayce, for example. (X) Of course, first you must understand that there is an organizing Force or (X) Consciousness that makes (X) all this and the related forms of spirit communication possible. For example, in the famous Bell Witch case of the nineteenth century, this was an amassing of different (X) spirit voices. And at one point the Entity was quoted saying that, “I AM ALL THINGS AND ANYTHING I WANT TO BE.” It’s sort of a — a metaphor sort of similar to the “Phaedra” song that you play on the show sometimes.
B: Um-huh.
Q: However, the (X) correct name of the Superconsciousness is, in fact, ‘Michael’/’Mighael’ (same pronunciation) and this is supported in some of the details in many books. Some of which have (X) become bibles; for example, in the Jewish, (X) Christian and Islamic (X) faiths. But the most important aspect of the Thursday night show I thought was that you could hear examples on the broadcast of EVP (X) that was (X) originating on the broadcast that, apparently, the partic(X)ipants weren’t aware of. (X) For example, when George said, “Have you two ever been frightened?,” the first two words that followed was “I MEAN” and this was a different voice from either Brendan or Barbara McBeath.
B: You mean there were voices on the program itself?
Q: Yes. EVP originating on the broadcast.
B: What do you think would cause that?
Q: What I’ve been talking about. There was another time when Brendan said, “As Barbara mentioned before.” In the middle of his statement you could hear a — (X) the word “YEAH.”
B: Um-huh.
Q: And then he said, “Going into a cemetery where . . . ”
Q: And then there was another time in the interview when Barbara said (X) etc., etc., “. . . know they’re able to react with us and talk with us.” There was a pause and there was the word “WE” in a different tonality. And then she said, “We don’t see them and so it is like . . .”
Q: I mean those are just some of (X) the examples — some of the more clear examples which I guess you can hear on the archive edition of the show.
B: I would think so. I — I don’t remember hearing that but that but (“THAT”) that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there, you know. I don’t — I don’t recall that has ever happened before with any of the other interviews. And I know that Art has done that a number of times and George has done it several times as well. What do you think made that happen this week and not before?
Q: Well no, it — it has happened before but unless you’re aware of it — I mean I remember even — I once even called up Ian Punnett and I played some examples for him (“ON”) on one of his shows.
B: Um-huh.
Q: But the reason for this — of course, you have mediums such as James Van Praagh who says when he hears voices as a medium he (X) doesn’t hear them in complete sentences —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — but bits of speech like when he hear(s) — when a spirit says, “Hello, how are you today,” he may hear “‘lo, are yo day.'” And, again, these were fragments of speech (“THAT”) you hear as EVP. (“WHAT”) What is going on is there does seem to be a telepathic aspect to how one hears EVP because, of course, the ghost investigators themselves disagree sometimes on what’s being said.
B: Yeah.
Q: For example, there was one EVP that was played where they interpreted it as “NO AT RANDY’S” (“AND I[T]”) and I heard — I played it back several times on my machine and it sounded to me like “TELL ANN.” So there does seem to be a telepathic aspect to what — what’s going on. (X)
B: So would that mean then that each person hearing it might be getting a different message?
Q: It may be. What happened (“IN”) — there were about twenty-odd (X) different examples played. Some of them —
B: . . . We’re at the bottom of the hour.
Q: Okay.
B: Mark, thank you very much for talking about that. I know we’ll be doing those programs again. Now if they’ll listen (X) much more closely next time. I’m Barbara Simpson on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em all around
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Oh dear. Synchronicity can be so cruel sometimes. I know when I’ve been the brunt of it, it’s helped me to evolve. So did you hear that song? “Dirty Laundry” performed by Don Henley. (X) I printed out the lyrics at lyricsdomain and apparently after the (X) portion of the song they played — well I’ll read a little bit of it.
We got the bubbleheaded bleach-blonde, comes on at 5 She can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye It’s interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet? You know the boys in the newsroom got a running bet Get the widow on the set, we need dirty laundry You don’t really need to find out what’s going on You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone Just leave well enough alone, keep your dirty laundry Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re stiff, kick ’em all around Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies We got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie Love to cut you down to size, we love dirty laundry We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing When it’s said and done, we haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry
Q: The song begins, by the way:
I make my living off the evening news Just give me something, something I can use People love it when you lose, they love dirty laundry Well, I could’ve been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear Come and whisper in my ear, give us dirty laundry
Q: Well, anyway. I was able to listen the following evening to Barbara on a channel from I don’t know where. It was barely audible and I think I’ll share some of the calls because it really exposes what happens to radio talkshow hosts under the corporate hierarchy.
B: Barbara Simpson here with you on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’re going to go right to the phones now. We’re going to go to Canada — Winnipeg, Canada, (“AN”) east of the Rockies line, John is here. Hello, John.
J: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
J: Yeah, I’ve got an interesting train of thought for you.
B: Okay.
J: I — I — I find it kind of intriguing that the teachings of Christians, Jews and Muslims speak to — an(d)/or speak and preach about a Son of God or a Son of Man or — or the Messiah coming down from somewhere out here to speak publically on the nature of truth, justice and freedom. And, you know, it — just how impossible could that poss(ibly) — you know — could that be? You know, I figure (“NO”) there should come a time when we would become self-aware of — of being a part of our infinitely wise universe and that relationship (“WE”) we would figure to reason would be of an equal partnership. You know, I’ve (“LI”) likened it to a single cell on our skin being critically important to our human body. Now you can say it’s just a small little thing but — but overall — we all have this potential to be a part of the universe that we live with. It’s like it’s just like self-evident sort of thing. An(d) — and being that so many religions talk about a — an individual speaking on — on that nature. It just doesn’t seem as far-fetched as — as it maybe did once for me. And, you know, we sure could use it in today’s world. (“NO”) There’s — there seems to be a tremendous amount of suffering as humanity or — or God if you will, needlessly. (“I”) Just for our failures to communicate on — on, you know, things like the indivisible nature of justice and freedom and so on and so forth. And I think that the interesting thing that I found with this endeavor of — of thought is that your — you maybe you can be compelled to recognize are all of us are of God, all of us have that responsibility or all of us are of Christ even. Or Bu(ddha) — of the bodhisatva as other religions have — have taught. And I can see that this — this could be a very real thing. And — and a benefit for all people because if this individual should show up, I mean his mantra we would expect would be of an — one of equality, not of worship, not of ideology, not of blind faith but of what we can measure and — and conclude scientifically. Particularly that would be one thing that we’d have to grab onto because in an infinite universe you can fall all over the place all — all — all over yourself. But, again, this — this humanity being God usually suffering, I can only beg and encourage (“NO”) “Coast to Coast” listeners as — as great as the listenership is, to personally, you know, get involved and look up this — this depleted uranium situation. I don’t want to harp on it.
B: Wait a second.
J: I won’t talk about it any more . . .
B: Wait wait wait — wait wait wait.
J: . . . okay.
B: It’s a very interesting segue. You go from believing in a god to depleted uranium? Now how are you going to make that jump, John?
J: Oh — yeah, well the thing is if all people were God — of God — and an innocent person was suffering, we’d be persecuting God irrationally or stupidly. Or we just don’t have our politics together.
B: . . . Well if you believe what the definition of God is, people are not God —
J: Yeah in . . .
B: That — that denies the definition. It negates the definition.
J: Exactly. Well in . . .
B: Now just — let’s not go in to a long discourse on it but how do you make the jump from that to — you’re against using the depleted uranium in weapons. Why don’t you just come out and talk about that?
J: Well it — because it’s political in nature and people shy away from it because there’s no absolute —
B: (laughs)
J: There — well there’s no absolutes in — in any of our political affairs so it’s dangerous. But as — again, you know, it — it — it is — it is needlessly is the most critical word I’m trying to get across. There is no justifiable reason to use it.
B: Alright.
J: Even before the war. Even before the war.
B: I don’t want to get into a war discussion. And that war is over anyway. And thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let me tell you something, folks, I will talk with you about anything but don’t tell the screeners you’re going to talk about one thing and then go into something else, okay? I can spot it a mile away. And what he said at the end had nothing to do with what he wanted to talk about in the beginning. So come on, John, be up front, be honest and say what you want to talk about. But don’t try to trick “Coast to Coast.” We can’t be tricked, John. (small laugh) Let’s go to . . .
Q: (“HE HAD”) I think I’d laugh too. Anyway, later in the show there was this call.
( . . . )
B: Let’s go to Billy on the wild card line in, I believe, Connecticut. Hi, Billy.
L: Hi, Barbara. How are you?
B: I’m fine. Good to talk with you.
L: You too. I — it’s been years since I’ve listened to “Coast to Coast” and first time calling. I have a few things to talk about but the main thing I wanted to mention was number stations. Have you ever heard of what those are?
B: Number stations?
L: Yeah.
B: No. I don’t think so.
L: As I was telling the screener, years ago when I was a kid I used to listen to shortwave radio a lot.
B: Yeah.
L: By the time I was about twelve, I would hear these broadcasts of groups of numbers: three, four and five-digit groups.
B: Um-huh.
L: And it was usually always a female voice and it was usually always in Spanish. Sometimes it sounded like some other languages were being spoken. Maybe German occasionally. And I heard them in English. Anyway, four or five years go by — I’m a teenager now and I get a magazine called Popular Communications. And in this magazine, they have a person that writes an article every month or weekly — or it’s monthly, a monthly magazine.
B: Yeah.
L: And she starts asking (“THE”) readers to write in about if they know anything about these number stations and what they are. So now, you know, I’m reading this, thinking, “Wow, I’ve heard these for years.”
B: Um-huh.
L: “Now they’re mentioning them.” And this is pretty much it. I’ll wrap it up here because I do have a few other things to mention but it — they have been going on for years. I — the last time I heard them on the shortwave, around four or five megahertz — somewhere in that area, was about two or three years ago. The last time I saw them mentioned in that magazine and I don’t get it every month — I get it when I can find it on the newsstand.
B: Yeah.
L: The last time it was mentioned in the magazine was maybe — and I get them all over the years — all these years — maybe five or seven — five to seven years ago, I had read another article. Someone else had mentioned them but no one ever seems to have known what they are. Some people have figured maybe that a government or our government or underground spy stuff or who knows what?
B: Let me ask you — what you’re saying is you’re scanning the dial and you just hear a voice coming from somewhere? You’re not quite sure on the band where?
L: Right.
B: And — and they’re saying sets of three numbers in a foreign language?
L: Three-digit, four-digit and five-digit groups of numbers mostly in Spanish and — and I’m telling you this has been since I was a — I’m 38 now. This is like when —
B: Um-huh.
L: — I was 12 years old. And I heard them, like I said, up to about a couple of years ago. I haven’t heard any recently . . .
B: I have an idea for you. Wait, I have an idea. Art is going to be — George is on vacation this week. Art’s going to be filling in I believe Thursday and Friday.
L: Okay.
B: Give him a call and ask him because he is in to short wave.
L: I’ll try. It took me —
B: He knows —
L: — years just to get through tonight.
B: Well give it a — it’ll be hard on Thursday and Friday because —
L: Yeah.
B: — obviously people are going to want to talk with him but I would definitely try to call in and ask him because he’s the expert on shortwave and he might know something about. So —
L: Okay, I’ll try. I’ll . . .
B: — quickly, what was the other thing you wanted to say?
L: Okay. Well George is — George’s show, a lot of people talk about the old hag.
B: Yeah.
L: I read a book called The Bell Witch of Tennessee —
B: Um-huh.
L: — about five or six years ago when I lived in Tucson, Arizona, by the way, and my — my feelings go out to those people and they’re in my prayers. I — I’ve been there when there’s fires. I know what that’s like.
B: It’s awful.
L: Ohhh I just — it’s terrible and Summer Haven was a beautiful place like that other caller had said. Anyhow, I know you’re — you’re pressed for time, yourself. Anyway, this book that I read and I honestly — I read it five, six times cover to cover. I was just so into this story because it was so unbelievable. What — what bought me — what sold me I should say on the book was that the writer had mentioned names of famous people like in politics and in the government—and this is back in the 1800s—that had visited this farm in Tennessee: the Bells’.
B: Um-huh.
L: And there was this entity that would torment John Bell, the father. And the kids would get sick. This old hag would visit them in their room. And they called it the Bell Witch. And the reason why they called her witch, they said whenever people would see this old-looking hag woman on the road in Tennessee things would happen. And this entity told these Bells—it’s in his book—a lot of things about itself and it’s pretty scary. But no one’s ever — I made the connection. And all these people that are calling about the old hag story — I keep “Bell Witch” every single time they mention it. And if —
B: Um-huh.
L: — anyone can get a hold of that book, read it.
B: Well you know it’s interesting you mention it. And — and I — I’m trying to remember who it was but I remember doing an interview on “Coast” probably last year some time with someone and I believe in general we were talking about haunted houses and that was one that we talked about then. That there was — and that be the presence of some kind of unexplained spirit/ghost/whatever you want to call it — that was one of the ones that you could not disprove.
L: Because this thing said it would come back and come back —
B: Yes.
L: — and haunt people for years —
B: That’s right.
L: — and decades.
B: Exactly.
L: And everyone keeps talking about this old hag.
B: That’s right. It’s still there. I’ll tell you if I — if I can find the book and name I’ll certainly mention it but yes. And — and as far as I know from what this author said, Billy, it’s still going on. It hasn’t changed, which is frightening in itself. We’ll continue right here on “Coast to Coast AM.” I’m Barbara Simpson.
Q: So I guess I should share with you an example too of the phone calls that come into George because on Monday night, June 30th, this call came in.
G: . . . Let’s go to our wild card line. You’re on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the program. Hi, there.
T: Hey, George. This is Steve, a taxi driver in Albany, New York.
G: Hi, Steve.
T: Yeah. I thought you might be interested in this. I saw the image of the virgin Mary in Troy, New York on a building. (X X)
G: When?
T: It’s one — in a window. (“WHAT”) I saw it today. I saw — had a fri(end) — a bunch of friends with me and they all verified. And they all said, “Yeah, that is the image.”
G: Here we go again. You know, you just had one in Boston over the last couple of weeks (“I”) in a — on a hospital window.
T: Right. It looked exactly the same. It’s on the corner of Front and River Street at the Russell Sage campus — the — the theatre there. It’s in the — it’s on the right hand panel. There’s three panels. And it’s in that panel. And let me tell you. A few days ago, I had an attempted robbery, okay? And I managed to foil it. I got — got like a dozen stitches in the top of my head but I didn’t get my throat cut because of quick action (X) and I — I told everybody, “I had somebody watching over me.” And today I see it. And also the next day somebody offered me a better job.
G: Well did — did you take it?
T: Yeah, I took it. Of course, okay? It get — gets me out of the business in a safer place.
G: You’ve got to tell me how did this — this robbery almost occurred.
T: Well I was at a club. I was pulling in some club, a guy cast down the car, you know, and I stopped to put him in out of sight of everybody. They — he gets in the front seat, a buddy gets in the back. They put a knife to my throat.
G: Oh my.
T: Yeah, but I’ve had martial arts training. I’m a former corrections officer for New York state and then I’ve b(een) — I had 13 years in the military after that. And, you know, it was a short stint as a corrections officer so I was prepared for it. So I fought the guys off and all I got was a — a small (X) cut, just a slight cut across my thumb I had. And as he jumped out he stuck me in the top of my head, missing just about everything vital.
G: Oh my.
T: But I, you know, it’s just — you know, I said that it was a bad thing and a good thing. The bad thing is they picked the wrong cab driver. The good thing is they didn’t get a cab driver who didn’t know what to do. Otherwise, you know, you go to a second place, you get — you know, and they’ll find your body the next day or — you know what I mean by that?
G: Absolutely. Tough business.
T: Okay?
G: Horrible business for a lot of cabbies.
T: But the whole thing is I kept my cool, I knew what — and I had the feeling that somebody was watching over me and taking care of me. (“IN”) Yeah, I had the feeling that that was what it is.
G: Maybe that’s your sign up there on the — on the window. I tell you, that’s — it’s kind of strange when you get the visions of the virgin Mary. It’s been on a hospital window for weeks now in Boston and now he sees it in New York. (X) Let’s go — first time . . .
( . . . )
Q: I guess I should mention that Art was on a couple of nights and he didn’t have any open lines (X) portions of the show. He had Linda Moulton Howe on, I remember. In fact, I taped an hour portion of her show with George Noory because she’s been involved in this very unbelievable abduction case in South America. In fact, the website has had articles talking about the “hoax” and questioning her participation. And listening to George and Linda trying to sell this case just makes it very obvious that they are being used. And I really am not quite sure of just how much they know about their purpose in this. I mean it’s obviously just something for hire. However, for some reason Mighael still wants me to listen to “Coast to Coast.” I didn’t listen to Art Bell’s interview with John Kenneth Hutcheson and then the following day I was getting ready to go to the gym on Saturday morning and a dime fell out. And the only interpretation possible was that Mighael had wanted me to listen to the interview. I kept waking up but I didn’t listen (“I”) for obvious reasons. So it was on again, repeated Saturday evening the following night and I did tape and listen to the show then. Apparently, he’s an inventor involved with the military in alternate forms of energy research involving Tesla technology and there was a time when he turned on different equipment and he had a dematerialization and then a materialization again and various poltergeist-style effects. And, yes, I do plan to send him an Email like so many of the other guests I’ve heard on the show because they really can learn a lot from my own website if they have an open mind. So today it’s Wednesday July 2nd and I’m going to the Getty for the first time because I need to get out of the apartment. I’m transcribing my “Ghostly Talk” interview this week of vacation and I’m working for three weeks during summer school and then three days next week and then I’ll have some time off — a couple, two or three weeks, to do my other transcribing and try to get caught up. But I do want to get a new computer and my webmaster’s helping me find one that possibly where I can add sound files to the website so people can hear the actual tape sides. Anyway, that’s my plan. I don’t know if it will come to fruition or not. I also plan on visiting my brother in Palm Springs as they would like Mother to visit the house to see their house. And, other than that, my life is pretty monotonous.
( . . . )
Q: I might add that if Art had had open lines, something I would’ve liked to talk about was the fact that he really does need to tell the people over at — well what’s the name of it again? — Premiere Radio Networks owned by Clear Channel — to stop calling it ‘open lines.’ It’s not ‘open lines’ anymore. Now it’s ‘screened lines’ and I’m certain there are a number of callers who in order to get on fabricate outlandish stories so ‘open lines’ is becoming more and more of a waste of time.
S: “Coast to Coast.” What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
S: Hi, Mark. Where are you calling from?
Q: From Los Angeles.
S: Okay did you have a story for us?
Q: I wanted to talk about last night’s show.
S: Okay.
Q: And compare it to John Lilly’s research.
S: Okay.
Q: Because it — he was an early EVP researcher and I think it places it in perspective.
S: Do me a favor. Hold on, okay.
Q: Okay.
G: . . . planet on June 2nd has now been delayed a week. They’re not going to contact it. Why? Something’s gone a little awry with this one. The postponement is required to allow engineers time to decipher an unexpected message from an instrument on Beagle’s mothership. I wonder what the message might have been. It sounds like it’s Hal aboard the ship, (X) doesn’t it? But they’re trying to boot it up. It has to do with an onboard computer system. Now they say that there’s no cause . . .
S: Hey, Mark, what were you going to tell us, again?
Q: Okay, well I wanted to refer to the research of John Lilly who —
S: I remember. I remember. Hold on, okay?
Q: Okay.
G: . . . (X) to look up into the heavens one night and not see any stars (X) at all. None. Total blackness. It’s all possible. Ninety-six percent of the cosmos . . .
S: Mark, hang on for me.
Q: Okay.
G: . . . of it and perhaps by a million years. I hope mankind is still around. (X) By a million years . . .
S: “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Yeah. I’m still on hold.
S: What’s your name?
Q: This is Tommy?
S: Yes. Who’s this?
Q: This is Mark.
S: Oh. Hi, Mark. Didn’t I — I just had you up here. Hang on a second, okay?
Q: Okay. (line disconnected)
S: “Coast to Coast.” What’s your name?
Q: Is — is your real name Thomas?
S: That’s correct.
Q: Because there’s some interesting anagrams in your name.
S: Really?
Q: Yeah. (“DID”) Have you been to the testament dot org website?
S: No, I should go there. What’s it called?
Q: So you can see why I’m not getting on the air? Testament dot org.
S: Test: T — E — S — T —
Q: A — M — E — N — T.
S: Dot org. Okay.
Q: Okay?
S: I’ll check it out. Thanks for telling me that.
Q: Okay. Meanwhile, can I get on?
S: Oh (“TONI[GHT]”) what did you want to say?
Q: I wanted to talk about EVP.
S: Okay. What about it?
Q: Well the late John Lilly’s research included finding that if one listens to a tape loop of a repeated word for 15 minutes, one may hear as many as 30 different words other than the one which is on the tape loop.
S: Really?!
Q: Well it puts last night’s show (“INTO THE”) into an interesting context.
S: Uh-huh. What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
S: And, Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: L.A.
S: Okay. That’s interesting. So really that shows that so if someone listens for 15 minutes —
Q: Well if you — you can understand how EVP operates —
S: Uh-huh.
Q: — by comparing the phenomena with other documented accounts of Spirit interaction. And that’s (“ONE OF”) one of the well-known cases. I mean I just know that that research would have some —
S: That’s interesting. Hold on, okay Mark?
Q: Okay.
G: . . . a motorist’s trouser in Germany is being blamed for a car crash there that caused about $7,000 damage. That’s got to be a horrible feeling. You’re driving in your car. A bee goes up your (X) pant leg. You’re supposed to pull over to the side of the road. You’re not supposed to keep driving. (X) Those of use who brush our teeth on a regular basis — at least I hope we all do — they say that brushing your teeth longer and harder than necessary may not make them cleaner and could cause permanent damage. Listen to this. They say that all you need is about two minutes of brushing at a pressure equivalent to the size of the weight (X) of an orange. That’s about it. So hold an orange. That’s about the pressure you’re supposed to put on your teeth. Anything more than that will (X) cause damage to gums and the tooth enamel. I never knew that. On my website,, take a look at the picture under “Hot Stories” that says “Ahhh.” It’s a picture of a kid — a 25-year-old kid who decided to get his tongue split. (X) And he did. What a disaster that is. I mean just take a look at it. I put it up there because I just want kids to say don’t do this at home. (X) And while you’re on the website, probably the first story under “Hot Stories” has to do with your vampire name. You can have a little fun with this. (X) Click it and type in your first name and your last name. (X) You also have to click whether you’re a male or female. And it will tell you who your known vampire is and what he or she is all about. Mine is Ariel Tussand and he’s got a ghastly appearance, gaunt, very gothic looking, and he’s known in some parts of the world as the Atlas of the ghast. So if you want to find out who your born vampire is, just to have fun, just go take a look. Now let’s — let’s give you the phone numbers. West of the Rockies (gives number), east of the Rockies (gives number), first time caller line (gives number), wild card line (gives number). And let me read you a real quick headline because that will explain our special topic line. (X) You wake up unable to move, barely able to breathe. You feel an oppressive weight on your chest. You sense some evil (X) presence in the room. The old hag strikes. The old hag hotline is opened up for you. I want your old hag stories. (gives number) That line only for old hag stories. (gives number) (commercials) Got this Email in, you know, when we were talking about — last night as a matter of fact, when we had the GIS people on, the Ghost Investigators, about phone calls that come from the dead — said, “George, When my father died in 1970, my mother chose the (X) clothes for him to wear in the casket. He was a very proud man so she brought a suit, even his socks and his shoes. The funeral director told her that they did not put shoes on bodies. Well that night after (X) the funeral, the phone rang about midnight. (X) My mother answered. It was a man’s voice: “My feet are very cold.” She screamed, woke us all up and that was very, very scary.” I shouldn’t laugh. That’s from Dabi in Washington. (small laugh) That’s — that’s an amazing phone call, I’ll tell you. Let’s go to our wild card line, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the show and get us going. Hi, there.
Q: Hi, George.
M: Yeah, this is Mike —
Q: Oh.
M: — from Roseville.
G: Hi, Mike, Roseville . . .
S: Hang in there awhile, Mike — or Mark —
Q: Okay. Yeah, I will.
S: — sorry. (line disconnected)
Q: Oh fuck.
Q: So I was screened calling on the early morning hours of June 21st. Now the first two hours of the show had featured an interview scheduled earlier that day with Jon Rappoport and here was definitely something conforming with Clear Channel’s agenda. It was all about — well it was just propaganda concerning the World Health Organization and all the terrible things the organization is doing. Anyway, you heard what happened to me. Now what had inspired my call was some recent show broadcasts, two or three that made it seem that perhaps George would be more open (“TO”) taking my calls. There was the mysterious scratching that he’s been experiencing in bed — maybe that has something to do with why he’s encouraging people to call in with their ‘hag’ visitation stories. Anyway, I’ll go ahead and share with you two recent clips of the show (X) reveal to you what I’m talking about.
( . . . )
Q: So this was from the June 3rd show.
G: I saw something today that I have never seen in my life. It was in the supermarket and a guy was — you know, his bill came to like nine dollars and forty-two cents. And he reached into his pocket for the change. He dropped (X) a penny. This (X) thing landed on its side. Now how in the heck (X) could something like that do that? I mean it — it hit, it bounced a little bit and landed on its side. Now everybody that was in line just kind of like stopped and said, “Don’t touch it. Don’t touch it. You’re supposed to have the greatest luck in the world as (X) long as that (X) little penny stands up on its side.” So we just left it there. And somebody I’m sure is going to kick it over eventually but I’ve never seen that. You drop a coin and it lands on its side like that. Let’s go back to the phones. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” It is your . . .
( . . . )
Q: So this is an excerpt from the June 18th ‘open lines.’
K: KFI AM 640, more stimulating talk radio.
G: Oh this is a great Email I got and it says, “George, I was listening to ‘Coast to Coast’ (X) when someone had (X) called in and said that he was in a car (X) and must’ve gone into time because he saw himself in the car looking back (X) as he looked at himself. I too saw myself drive (X) past myself. It was about eight years ago. I’m not (X) kidding. I was in deep thought, thinking rather troubling thoughts about how frustrating my life was at the time and waiting in a very long (X) traffic line to make a turn onto the highway. (X) The same car I was driving, which is a rather unusual make and color with unusually colorful trim, weaved its way through the lane next to me. Now cars mysteriously just moved out of its way, making a path for it, you know like when an ambulance (X) trailing you comes by and how everybody gets out of the way. Well something rather un(X)common here. (X) While I was driving that car, (X) as the car drove (X) past me, I did one of those movie triple takes, (X) looking at it in disbelief. I was alone. There was no one in my — vehicle to authenticate what I was seeing. As the car passed me and turned onto the highway about (X) 20 cars ahead of me, I checked out the license plate and it was the same, (X) save for the last letter which was an ‘M’ rather than the ‘N’ on my car. (X) Now the only difference is that (X) in the other car, (X X) I looked happier and a bit physically younger (X) as if I had an enjoyable life. I don’t know if that’s a message from a Higher (X) Power saying, “Look, you can have this kind of fun life too and leave your miserable self behind”; where if it was actually me, happier with a mate and a full life because there was somebody with me. (X) Could it have been in a parallel universe? It happened for real. Your caller was the only (X) other person I’ve ever heard with the same experience. (X) Take care, Brogan.” Great Email, Brogan. And I don’t know — I don’t know if that was a message from someone saying that, you know, get on with your life, have a better life, (X) or if somehow you did cross into a parallel universe or even time. (“WI[TH]”) But if you want to Email me, it’s or if you are already on the website it is (X) merely, of course, and then on the left it says “Contact.” Click that and then the Email page opens up. (X) Let’s go to the phones. Wild card line, welcome . . .
( . . . )
W: “Coast to Coast.” Please hold.
B: . . . ever you are. Barbara Simpson. Welcome to the Saturday edition of “Coast to Coast AM” coming to you from our Coast studio right here in sunny San Francisco and reaching you wherever you are across the world of radio. Glad you’re with us. We will spend the evening right into the morning together with a “Coast to Coast” look at the world around . . .
W: “Coast to Coast.” How can I help you?
Q: Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Barbara.
W: Okay. What’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark.
W: Mark, where are you calling from?
Q: I’m calling from Los Angeles.
W: Okay. And what did you want to talk to Barbara about?
Q: Well on Thursday night’s show, they — it was a show about Electronic Voice Phenomena, which I’ve had some dealings with myself. And I wanted to comment — get away from some of the ghost stories that I’ve been hearing and talk about how you can understand how EVP can occur by comparing the phenomena with other accounts of spirit interaction —
W: Um-huh. (“AN”)
Q: — talk a little bit about Edgar Cayce and John Lilly’s research.
W: Okay, I’m going to put you on hold, Mark —
Q: Okay.
W: — and I’m going to get right back to you, okay? Because I have lots of phones . . .
Q: Okay, thank you.
B: . . . Bay right up through New England, Pennsylvania. Two inches of rain in parts of New Jersey and New York. Thunderstorms in the South across the Florida peninsula, across Minnesota, South Dakota, into Nebraska. Plains states: mostly light showers across the Pacific Northwest. Pretty rainy today. Pretty wet and kind of damp. Give you a lot of bad hair days. Saturday’s temperatures around the lower 48 from a morning low of 27 in Stanley, Idaho to a midday reading of 93 at Wink, Texas. And speaking of rain, I know we talked last weekend about (X) the flooding in the West Virginia area. On Monday I heard one weather report and I just — I jotted it down (X) because I just wanted to mention it to you. In Charleston, West Virginia on Monday, they had three inches of rain per hour for 12 straight hours. Can you imagine? Needless to say, (“THEY”) terrible flooding. There were minor earthquakes jiggling parts of Southern California yesterday and today. A magnitude 3.2 Friday morning and then a 3.3 sort of about 180 miles northwest of Los Angeles. No great damage on those; however, down in central Chile a terrible earthquake — 6.2 magnitude (X) quake hit at 9:30 in the morning. This is yesterday, Friday in Coquimbo, a Pacific Coast city north of Santiago. They felt it for hundreds of miles and then in the Peruvian Amazon region around dawn on Friday they had a 5.7 earthquake. In China — southwestern China, landslides of mud and rocks after a torrential rain. Dozens of people were injured. Ten people were (X) killed. More than a dozen homes were damaged and they’ve had a lot of landslides (X) in China this summer, most of them blamed on improper excavation work such as building roads but not shoring up the slopes. A tropical storm (X) cut across southern Japan on Thursday. Fifty-six mile-an-hour winds. Twenty-one people were injured, mostly by falling objects in the southeastern main island of Kyushu, 26 houses were damaged, landslides reported in 22 places, 10,000 homes without power, and nearly 257 domestic flights Thursday and Friday were canceled, including train and ferry services. A real problem. Talking about real problems, we’re hearing it, seeing it on the news — a terrible fire outside of Tucson in Arizona. About a thousand firefighters on the lines, winds gusting to 60 miles an hour, more than 250 houses burned. The fire has gone through a radar telecommunications area around the area of the University of Arizona Telescope and into, they think, the ski area on Mount Lemmon, which is a 9,100 foot mountain and it’s going down the other side. So it’s a terrible situation. They don’t know what caused it yet they are investigating. It could be arson, it could be lightning, you never know. Speaking of lightning, (X) they’re saying that last year Nevada got off easy with a small fire season because they didn’t have as many lightning strikes but, in fact, they’re expecting more this year. So more lightning strikes means more fires for Nevada. Speaking of earthquakes, numerous buildings on the Greek island of Evia were damaged by a magnitude 4.9 tremor. And there were also earth movements in Taiwan and in Russia. And I mentioned the lightning. Lightning striking a whole variety of places in Russia. (“BB”) One particular place was a munitions dump. It sparked explosions and a major fire that forced the evacuation of a military town five miles away. People were taken to a safe area very far from the arms dump. They didn’t say what types of munitions were stored there. (“BUT”) In fact, it was a lightning-caused situation. And in Cheyenne, Wyoming, an amazing story. (X) A college student survived a lightning strike while mountain climbing but was (X) killed in a second strike an hour later as he and his (X) girlfriend were waiting out the storm — young man Ryan Sayers of Colorado Springs was recovering the day after — (“AA”) was recovered Tuesday. His body was re(X)covered Tuesday, the day after he was (X) killed. He and his (X) girlfriend from Munich, Germany were climbing a — cliff on the 12,000-foot peak Monday afternoon when lightning first hit them at 1,500 feet from the summit. They took off their equipment, decided to sit out the storm. An hour later, they were hit by another lightning strike. He fell into a ravine. She suffered minor burns. He was (X) killed. How about that? And in Stonehenge because today, by the way, is the first day of summer—summer solstace—30,000 partygoers, druids and New Age followers gathered. Where? Well you might know. At Stonehenge — banging drums, blowing whistles and chanting, greeting the summer. It was sunny there, very clear. They had a beautiful dawn so they could see the sunrise. Usually, it’s (X) obscured by clouds. But it’s a traditional gathering place and this — (X) for some reason this year they had many, many more people than they have before. Our lines are open. Coming up next — you, right here on (X) “Coast to (X) Coast AM.” I’m Barbara Simpson.
W: How can I help you?
Q: Oh hi. I’m still on hold.
W: Okay. What’s your name again?
Q: Mark.
W: Mark and what would you want to talk about? EVP?
Q: Correct.
W: Okay. And where are you calling from?
Q: Los Angeles.
W: Los Angeles, okay. Okay, this is what I’m going to do, Mark. I’m going to put you on hold.
Q: Okay.
W: And when she gets to you, you’re going to be wild card line and you’ll hear like a kind of a static-y noise light — right before you get on the air. And when you hear that noise that means you’re on the air.
Q: Right.
W: I want you to get straight to your — your — your question or your comment, okay?
Q: Okay, great.
W: Okay, hold on. (commercials)
B: Barbara Simpson here on “Coast to Coast AM” on this Saturday evening. By the way, that Japanese space probe which has been plagued by technical problems made its final flyby of the Earth and is, in fact, on its way to Mars, according to space program officials in that country. The probe is called Nozomi. That means hope. It passed within 6,800 miles of Earth and it will use the planet’s gravity, Earth’s gravity, to slingshot it towards Mars. It’s Japan’s first attempt at interplanetary exploration. It was originally scheduled to reach the destination in October ’98 but earlier swings past Earth didn’t give it enough speed. They made some adjustments but that burned up too much fuel and they had to retool the flight plan. And then in April of last year there was a burst of solar flares which damaged the heating system and cut off most of the communication. The computer control systems were okay so engineers could repair it. They’re going to try to fix the electrical damage next month and if it’s successful (“PUSH”) (the) probe will reach there in late December or early January. (As) far as the NASA attempt, the Mars-bound rover is on track for a January 3rd arrival on Mars. Apparently, a correction maneuver has worked perfectly, we’re told. The second NASA rover will be launched early on Thursday, if all goes well, from Cape Canaveral. The $800 million double mission twin-wheeled robot will go across the surface of Mars if all goes well to prospect from there minerals (to) figure out whether they had life on that planet and water there. We’ll see how that works. And I told you this was going to happen. Sally Ride is the first American women member of the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. She and three other former Shuttle astronauts were inducted in that today at the Kennedy Space Center. Her induction came almost 20 years to the day of her historic space flight as the nation’s first woman astronaut in space. (X) Also inducted today were Daniel Brandenstein, Robert ‘Hoot’ Gibson and Story Musgrave so some history made today as always with NASA always seems to make history, good and bad. Robert is on the phone, calling “Coast to Coast AM.” He’s in San Antonio on the wild card line. Hello, Robert.
R: Hi, Barbara. How are you doing?
B: Pretty good. What’s up?
R: Oh I wanted to tell you about a couple incidents that happened but first can I just elaborate on the space thing you were just —
B: Sure.
R: — talking about?
B: Yeah.
R: Now I just — you know, it kind of baffles me a little bit that we’re sending all these probes and stuff to Mars and we really haven’t had too much success landing there.
B: That’s true.
R: And it costs us like billions and billions of dollars to investigate a rock that’s uninhabitable.
B: Well we don’t know. And we don’t know that it — it’s more than a rock. It’s a planet.
R: Yeah.
B: And we don’t know whether it’s inhabitable because we’re not quite sure what’s there. And the only way that we’re going to find out is to go. Don’t you want us to explore space?
R: Well — well yeah. I’m kind of like a space nut anyway. It’s just —
B: Me too.
R: — this teaches that, you know, we can be spending a lot more of that money here on Earth, you know?
B: Well let’s face it. Somebody will always find a place to put money. Especially somebody else’s money. But I don’t know. I am a great supporter of exploration in space. I have always been intrigued by what’s out there and fortunately or unfortunately the only way we’re going to find out is to either send probes like this or to send people. And I think it’s probably safer at first to send probes.
R: Exactly.
B: Yeah.
R: But what I — what I really called for was about some incidents that happened here at the house that I’m living in.
B: Um-huh.
R: We just bought this house about six months ago. And the first time it happened — you know, it just kind of scared me. And I just thought of, you know, I couldn’t believe it. But anyway what it was, was I heard — it — it was — it’s weird because it happened at the same time all the time like eight o’clock. It happened three times —
B: In the morning or at night?
R: At night.
B: At night.
R: And we have a three bedroom.
B: Yeah.
R: We have a master bedroom and then my son’s room and then we have like a study room where I keep the computer and stuff.
B: Um-huh.
R: And in the study room I always hear this clicking. (X) Right?
B: Yeah.
R: I don’t always hear it. It’s just every time I do hear it — the first time I heard it I ran in to the study room to see if it was a . . . what that noise was because it was irritating me. And then I looked up and there was this figure. It was — it was a (“LIKE”) — a — a white shining figure but it was a — a black guy, a melting — it looked like he was melting, you know?
B: Melting?
R: Yeah. It was — (“IT”) it freaked me out. I mean —
B: Wow.
R: Yeah, I — I mean I ran and tried to get my wife to check this out . . .
B: Now wait — wait. When you say he was melting you mean like you looked at his face and then his face kind of melted like (a) wax melting kind of thing?
R: Exactly. Exactly that.
B: Ooohh.
R: But he had a white aura about him. And it was — he looked very, very (X) old. Like a very old black man that was melting. And it happened — this happened three times, you know, in the past month. And the weird thing about it is this happened at eight o’clock every time, you know . . .
B: When you said the clicking, did you ever find out what the clicking was?
R: No. No, I — I got kind of scared. (X)
B: (small laugh) I’m not surprised. Did —
R: Oh yeah.
B: — did he look the same every time. In other words, each time it happened it was exactly the same as the time before?
R: Exactly the same. And the third time I was finally able to — to get my wife because my and bi — wife both went when we heard the clicking.
B: Um-huh.
R: It goes like — no, I’m not going — I’m — I don’t like (“FLY”) — don’t play with me like that, you know?
B: Yeah.
R: And so the third time I heard the clicking, I said, “Well come with me” and we went and then there it was just hanging there, you know, so now I’m kind of — get on the Internet and find out exactly who owned this house and —
B: Um-huh.
R: — you know, because it’s a used house and, (X) you know, I’m just —
B: . . . He didn’t say anything? He didn’t do anything? He didn’t leave a message or anything?
R: No, he didn’t say nothing or do nothing. He just looked very scary.
B: That is scary. Did — did you watch him long enough to see whether he totally melted away?
R: Oh no. I watched it for a while, no, but he didn’t melt away. He just had that melting look about him.
B: Ahh, I see.
R: And this is like he was (“AA”) had already been burned or something like that.
B: Yikes. Do me a favor. Will you do that research? If you find out anything, call me back and tell us, okay?
R: I sure will, Barbara.
B: That would be great, Robert. Thank you very much. Whoa. But you know I’ll bet you he’ll find that there’s something about the history of that house (and) find out who that man is, (X) why he’s there. That is frightening. Let’s go to Mark . . . (BEEP) . . . line in Los Angeles. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: I want — wanted to comment about EVP on the Thursday night show —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — when the Ghost Investigators Society was on. Have you interviewed them before?
B: I have not. Art has and George has. I haven’t had the pleasure at this point in time.
Q: Well one thing that wasn’t discussed was (or “WAS”) — because I’ve had a lot of experience with EVP myself.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And I just wanted to let others know that you can understand how EVP oc(X)curs if you (X) compare the phenomena (X) with other documented ac(X)counts of Spirit interaction. For example, cases where dis(X)embodied voices have been documented. (“IT”) This reveals sort of an ex(X)ternalized (X) condition (X) with what happens to (X) people who be(X)come mediums or channelers.
B: Um-huh.
Q: Such as Edgar Cayce, for example. (X) Of course, first you must understand that there is an organizing Force or (X) Consciousness that makes (X) all this and the related forms of spirit communication possible. For example, in the famous Bell Witch case of the nineteenth century, this was an amassing of different (X) spirit voices. And at one point the Entity was quoted saying that, “I AM ALL THINGS AND ANYTHING I WANT TO BE.” It’s sort of a — a metaphor sort of similar to the “Phaedra” song that you play on the show sometimes.
B: Um-huh.
Q: However, the (X) correct name of the Superconsciousness is, in fact, ‘Michael’/’Mighael’ (same pronunciation) and this is supported in some of the details in many books. Some of which have (X) become bibles; for example, in the Jewish, (X) Christian and Islamic (X) faiths. But the most important aspect of the Thursday night show I thought was that you could hear examples on the broadcast of EVP (X) that was (X) originating on the broadcast that, apparently, the partic(X)ipants weren’t aware of. (X) For example, when George said, “Have you two ever been frightened?,” the first two words that followed was “I MEAN” and this was a different voice from either Brendan or Barbara McBeath.
B: You mean there were voices on the program itself?
Q: Yes. EVP originating on the broadcast.
B: What do you think would cause that?
Q: What I’ve been talking about. There was another time when Brendan said, “As Barbara mentioned before.” In the middle of his statement you could hear a — (X) the word “YEAH.”
B: Um-huh.
Q: And then he said, “Going into a cemetery where . . . ”
Q: And then there was another time in the interview when Barbara said (X) etc., etc., “. . . know they’re able to react with us and talk with us.” There was a pause and there was the word “WE” in a different tonality. And then she said, “We don’t see them and so it is like . . .”
Q: I mean those are just some of (X) the examples — some of the more clear examples which I guess you can hear on the archive edition of the show.
B: I would think so. I — I don’t remember hearing that but that but (“THAT”) that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there, you know. I don’t — I don’t recall that has ever happened before with any of the other interviews. And I know that Art has done that a number of times and George has done it several times as well. What do you think made that happen this week and not before?
Q: Well no, it — it has happened before but unless you’re aware of it — I mean I remember even — I once even called up Ian Punnett and I played some examples for him (“ON”) on one of his shows.
B: Um-huh.
Q: But the reason for this — of course, you have mediums such as James Van Praagh who says when he hears voices as a medium he (X) doesn’t hear them in complete sentences —
B: Um-huh.
Q: — but bits of speech like when he hear(s) — when a spirit says, “Hello, how are you today,” he may hear “‘lo, are yo day.'” And, again, these were fragments of speech (“THAT”) you hear as EVP. (“WHAT”) What is going on is there does seem to be a telepathic aspect to how one hears EVP because, of course, the ghost investigators themselves disagree sometimes on what’s being said.
B: Yeah.
Q: For example, there was one EVP that was played where they interpreted it as “NO AT RANDY’S” (“AND I[T]”) and I heard — I played it back several times on my machine and it sounded to me like “TELL ANN.” So there does seem to be a telepathic aspect to what — what’s going on. (X)
B: So would that mean then that each person hearing it might be getting a different message?
Q: It may be. What happened (“IN”) — there were about twenty-odd (X) different examples played. Some of them —
B: . . . We’re at the bottom of the hour.
Q: Okay.
B: Mark, thank you very much for talking about that. I know we’ll be doing those programs again. Now if they’ll listen (X) much more closely next time. I’m Barbara Simpson on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em all around
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Oh dear. Synchronicity can be so cruel sometimes. I know when I’ve been the brunt of it, it’s helped me to evolve. So did you hear that song? “Dirty Laundry” performed by Don Henley. (X) I printed out the lyrics at lyricsdomain and apparently after the (X) portion of the song they played — well I’ll read a little bit of it.
We got the bubbleheaded bleach-blonde, comes on at 5 She can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye It’s interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet? You know the boys in the newsroom got a running bet Get the widow on the set, we need dirty laundry You don’t really need to find out what’s going on You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone Just leave well enough alone, keep your dirty laundry Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re up, kick ’em when they’re down Kick ’em when they’re stiff, kick ’em all around Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies We got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie Love to cut you down to size, we love dirty laundry We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing When it’s said and done, we haven’t told you a thing We all know that crap is king, give us dirty laundry
Q: The song begins, by the way:
I make my living off the evening news Just give me something, something I can use People love it when you lose, they love dirty laundry Well, I could’ve been an actor, but I wound up here I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear Come and whisper in my ear, give us dirty laundry
Q: Well, anyway. I was able to listen the following evening to Barbara on a channel from I don’t know where. It was barely audible and I think I’ll share some of the calls because it really exposes what happens to radio talkshow hosts under the corporate hierarchy.
B: Barbara Simpson here with you on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’re going to go right to the phones now. We’re going to go to Canada — Winnipeg, Canada, (“AN”) east of the Rockies line, John is here. Hello, John.
J: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
J: Yeah, I’ve got an interesting train of thought for you.
B: Okay.
J: I — I — I find it kind of intriguing that the teachings of Christians, Jews and Muslims speak to — an(d)/or speak and preach about a Son of God or a Son of Man or — or the Messiah coming down from somewhere out here to speak publically on the nature of truth, justice and freedom. And, you know, it — just how impossible could that poss(ibly) — you know — could that be? You know, I figure (“NO”) there should come a time when we would become self-aware of — of being a part of our infinitely wise universe and that relationship (“WE”) we would figure to reason would be of an equal partnership. You know, I’ve (“LI”) likened it to a single cell on our skin being critically important to our human body. Now you can say it’s just a small little thing but — but overall — we all have this potential to be a part of the universe that we live with. It’s like it’s just like self-evident sort of thing. An(d) — and being that so many religions talk about a — an individual speaking on — on that nature. It just doesn’t seem as far-fetched as — as it maybe did once for me. And, you know, we sure could use it in today’s world. (“NO”) There’s — there seems to be a tremendous amount of suffering as humanity or — or God if you will, needlessly. (“I”) Just for our failures to communicate on — on, you know, things like the indivisible nature of justice and freedom and so on and so forth. And I think that the interesting thing that I found with this endeavor of — of thought is that your — you maybe you can be compelled to recognize are all of us are of God, all of us have that responsibility or all of us are of Christ even. Or Bu(ddha) — of the bodhisatva as other religions have — have taught. And I can see that this — this could be a very real thing. And — and a benefit for all people because if this individual should show up, I mean his mantra we would expect would be of an — one of equality, not of worship, not of ideology, not of blind faith but of what we can measure and — and conclude scientifically. Particularly that would be one thing that we’d have to grab onto because in an infinite universe you can fall all over the place all — all — all over yourself. But, again, this — this humanity being God usually suffering, I can only beg and encourage (“NO”) “Coast to Coast” listeners as — as great as the listenership is, to personally, you know, get involved and look up this — this depleted uranium situation. I don’t want to harp on it.
B: Wait a second.
J: I won’t talk about it any more . . .
B: Wait wait wait — wait wait wait.
J: . . . okay.
B: It’s a very interesting segue. You go from believing in a god to depleted uranium? Now how are you going to make that jump, John?
J: Oh — yeah, well the thing is if all people were God — of God — and an innocent person was suffering, we’d be persecuting God irrationally or stupidly. Or we just don’t have our politics together.
B: . . . Well if you believe what the definition of God is, people are not God —
J: Yeah in . . .
B: That — that denies the definition. It negates the definition.
J: Exactly. Well in . . .
B: Now just — let’s not go in to a long discourse on it but how do you make the jump from that to — you’re against using the depleted uranium in weapons. Why don’t you just come out and talk about that?
J: Well it — because it’s political in nature and people shy away from it because there’s no absolute —
B: (laughs)
J: There — well there’s no absolutes in — in any of our political affairs so it’s dangerous. But as — again, you know, it — it — it is — it is needlessly is the most critical word I’m trying to get across. There is no justifiable reason to use it.
B: Alright.
J: Even before the war. Even before the war.
B: I don’t want to get into a war discussion. And that war is over anyway. And thank you very much. I appreciate it. Let me tell you something, folks, I will talk with you about anything but don’t tell the screeners you’re going to talk about one thing and then go into something else, okay? I can spot it a mile away. And what he said at the end had nothing to do with what he wanted to talk about in the beginning. So come on, John, be up front, be honest and say what you want to talk about. But don’t try to trick “Coast to Coast.” We can’t be tricked, John. (small laugh) Let’s go to . . .
Q: (“HE HAD”) I think I’d laugh too. Anyway, later in the show there was this call.
( . . . )
B: Let’s go to Billy on the wild card line in, I believe, Connecticut. Hi, Billy.
L: Hi, Barbara. How are you?
B: I’m fine. Good to talk with you.
L: You too. I — it’s been years since I’ve listened to “Coast to Coast” and first time calling. I have a few things to talk about but the main thing I wanted to mention was number stations. Have you ever heard of what those are?
B: Number stations?
L: Yeah.
B: No. I don’t think so.
L: As I was telling the screener, years ago when I was a kid I used to listen to shortwave radio a lot.
B: Yeah.
L: By the time I was about twelve, I would hear these broadcasts of groups of numbers: three, four and five-digit groups.
B: Um-huh.
L: And it was usually always a female voice and it was usually always in Spanish. Sometimes it sounded like some other languages were being spoken. Maybe German occasionally. And I heard them in English. Anyway, four or five years go by — I’m a teenager now and I get a magazine called Popular Communications. And in this magazine, they have a person that writes an article every month or weekly — or it’s monthly, a monthly magazine.
B: Yeah.
L: And she starts asking (“THE”) readers to write in about if they know anything about these number stations and what they are. So now, you know, I’m reading this, thinking, “Wow, I’ve heard these for years.”
B: Um-huh.
L: “Now they’re mentioning them.” And this is pretty much it. I’ll wrap it up here because I do have a few other things to mention but it — they have been going on for years. I — the last time I heard them on the shortwave, around four or five megahertz — somewhere in that area, was about two or three years ago. The last time I saw them mentioned in that magazine and I don’t get it every month — I get it when I can find it on the newsstand.
B: Yeah.
L: The last time it was mentioned in the magazine was maybe — and I get them all over the years — all these years — maybe five or seven — five to seven years ago, I had read another article. Someone else had mentioned them but no one ever seems to have known what they are. Some people have figured maybe that a government or our government or underground spy stuff or who knows what?
B: Let me ask you — what you’re saying is you’re scanning the dial and you just hear a voice coming from somewhere? You’re not quite sure on the band where?
L: Right.
B: And — and they’re saying sets of three numbers in a foreign language?
L: Three-digit, four-digit and five-digit groups of numbers mostly in Spanish and — and I’m telling you this has been since I was a — I’m 38 now. This is like when —
B: Um-huh.
L: — I was 12 years old. And I heard them, like I said, up to about a couple of years ago. I haven’t heard any recently . . .
B: I have an idea for you. Wait, I have an idea. Art is going to be — George is on vacation this week. Art’s going to be filling in I believe Thursday and Friday.
L: Okay.
B: Give him a call and ask him because he is in to short wave.
L: I’ll try. It took me —
B: He knows —
L: — years just to get through tonight.
B: Well give it a — it’ll be hard on Thursday and Friday because —
L: Yeah.
B: — obviously people are going to want to talk with him but I would definitely try to call in and ask him because he’s the expert on shortwave and he might know something about. So —
L: Okay, I’ll try. I’ll . . .
B: — quickly, what was the other thing you wanted to say?
L: Okay. Well George is — George’s show, a lot of people talk about the old hag.
B: Yeah.
L: I read a book called The Bell Witch of Tennessee —
B: Um-huh.
L: — about five or six years ago when I lived in Tucson, Arizona, by the way, and my — my feelings go out to those people and they’re in my prayers. I — I’ve been there when there’s fires. I know what that’s like.
B: It’s awful.
L: Ohhh I just — it’s terrible and Summer Haven was a beautiful place like that other caller had said. Anyhow, I know you’re — you’re pressed for time, yourself. Anyway, this book that I read and I honestly — I read it five, six times cover to cover. I was just so into this story because it was so unbelievable. What — what bought me — what sold me I should say on the book was that the writer had mentioned names of famous people like in politics and in the government—and this is back in the 1800s—that had visited this farm in Tennessee: the Bells’.
B: Um-huh.
L: And there was this entity that would torment John Bell, the father. And the kids would get sick. This old hag would visit them in their room. And they called it the Bell Witch. And the reason why they called her witch, they said whenever people would see this old-looking hag woman on the road in Tennessee things would happen. And this entity told these Bells—it’s in his book—a lot of things about itself and it’s pretty scary. But no one’s ever — I made the connection. And all these people that are calling about the old hag story — I keep “Bell Witch” every single time they mention it. And if —
B: Um-huh.
L: — anyone can get a hold of that book, read it.
B: Well you know it’s interesting you mention it. And — and I — I’m trying to remember who it was but I remember doing an interview on “Coast” probably last year some time with someone and I believe in general we were talking about haunted houses and that was one that we talked about then. That there was — and that be the presence of some kind of unexplained spirit/ghost/whatever you want to call it — that was one of the ones that you could not disprove.
L: Because this thing said it would come back and come back —
B: Yes.
L: — and haunt people for years —
B: That’s right.
L: — and decades.
B: Exactly.
L: And everyone keeps talking about this old hag.
B: That’s right. It’s still there. I’ll tell you if I — if I can find the book and name I’ll certainly mention it but yes. And — and as far as I know from what this author said, Billy, it’s still going on. It hasn’t changed, which is frightening in itself. We’ll continue right here on “Coast to Coast AM.” I’m Barbara Simpson.
Q: So I guess I should share with you an example too of the phone calls that come into George because on Monday night, June 30th, this call came in.
G: . . . Let’s go to our wild card line. You’re on “Coast to Coast.” Welcome to the program. Hi, there.
T: Hey, George. This is Steve, a taxi driver in Albany, New York.
G: Hi, Steve.
T: Yeah. I thought you might be interested in this. I saw the image of the virgin Mary in Troy, New York on a building. (X X)
G: When?
T: It’s one — in a window. (“WHAT”) I saw it today. I saw — had a fri(end) — a bunch of friends with me and they all verified. And they all said, “Yeah, that is the image.”
G: Here we go again. You know, you just had one in Boston over the last couple of weeks (“I”) in a — on a hospital window.
T: Right. It looked exactly the same. It’s on the corner of Front and River Street at the Russell Sage campus — the — the theatre there. It’s in the — it’s on the right hand panel. There’s three panels. And it’s in that panel. And let me tell you. A few days ago, I had an attempted robbery, okay? And I managed to foil it. I got — got like a dozen stitches in the top of my head but I didn’t get my throat cut because of quick action (X) and I — I told everybody, “I had somebody watching over me.” And today I see it. And also the next day somebody offered me a better job.
G: Well did — did you take it?
T: Yeah, I took it. Of course, okay? It get — gets me out of the business in a safer place.
G: You’ve got to tell me how did this — this robbery almost occurred.
T: Well I was at a club. I was pulling in some club, a guy cast down the car, you know, and I stopped to put him in out of sight of everybody. They — he gets in the front seat, a buddy gets in the back. They put a knife to my throat.
G: Oh my.
T: Yeah, but I’ve had martial arts training. I’m a former corrections officer for New York state and then I’ve b(een) — I had 13 years in the military after that. And, you know, it was a short stint as a corrections officer so I was prepared for it. So I fought the guys off and all I got was a — a small (X) cut, just a slight cut across my thumb I had. And as he jumped out he stuck me in the top of my head, missing just about everything vital.
G: Oh my.
T: But I, you know, it’s just — you know, I said that it was a bad thing and a good thing. The bad thing is they picked the wrong cab driver. The good thing is they didn’t get a cab driver who didn’t know what to do. Otherwise, you know, you go to a second place, you get — you know, and they’ll find your body the next day or — you know what I mean by that?
G: Absolutely. Tough business.
T: Okay?
G: Horrible business for a lot of cabbies.
T: But the whole thing is I kept my cool, I knew what — and I had the feeling that somebody was watching over me and taking care of me. (“IN”) Yeah, I had the feeling that that was what it is.
G: Maybe that’s your sign up there on the — on the window. I tell you, that’s — it’s kind of strange when you get the visions of the virgin Mary. It’s been on a hospital window for weeks now in Boston and now he sees it in New York. (X) Let’s go — first time . . .
( . . . )
Q: I guess I should mention that Art was on a couple of nights and he didn’t have any open lines (X) portions of the show. He had Linda Moulton Howe on, I remember. In fact, I taped an hour portion of her show with George Noory because she’s been involved in this very unbelievable abduction case in South America. In fact, the website has had articles talking about the “hoax” and questioning her participation. And listening to George and Linda trying to sell this case just makes it very obvious that they are being used. And I really am not quite sure of just how much they know about their purpose in this. I mean it’s obviously just something for hire. However, for some reason Mighael still wants me to listen to “Coast to Coast.” I didn’t listen to Art Bell’s interview with John Kenneth Hutcheson and then the following day I was getting ready to go to the gym on Saturday morning and a dime fell out. And the only interpretation possible was that Mighael had wanted me to listen to the interview. I kept waking up but I didn’t listen (“I”) for obvious reasons. So it was on again, repeated Saturday evening the following night and I did tape and listen to the show then. Apparently, he’s an inventor involved with the military in alternate forms of energy research involving Tesla technology and there was a time when he turned on different equipment and he had a dematerialization and then a materialization again and various poltergeist-style effects. And, yes, I do plan to send him an Email like so many of the other guests I’ve heard on the show because they really can learn a lot from my own website if they have an open mind. So today it’s Wednesday July 2nd and I’m going to the Getty for the first time because I need to get out of the apartment. I’m transcribing my “Ghostly Talk” interview this week of vacation and I’m working for three weeks during summer school and then three days next week and then I’ll have some time off — a couple, two or three weeks, to do my other transcribing and try to get caught up. But I do want to get a new computer and my webmaster’s helping me find one that possibly where I can add sound files to the website so people can hear the actual tape sides. Anyway, that’s my plan. I don’t know if it will come to fruition or not. I also plan on visiting my brother in Palm Springs as they would like Mother to visit the house to see their house. And, other than that, my life is pretty monotonous.
( . . . )
Q: I might add that if Art had had open lines, something I would’ve liked to talk about was the fact that he really does need to tell the people over at — well what’s the name of it again? — Premiere Radio Networks owned by Clear Channel — to stop calling it ‘open lines.’ It’s not ‘open lines’ anymore. Now it’s ‘screened lines’ and I’m certain there are a number of callers who in order to get on fabricate outlandish stories so ‘open lines’ is becoming more and more of a waste of time.