TAPE #73, SIDE #1
Q: Mark Russell Bell
V: David Botsford
Q: So it’s therapy night and David came to my condo because we went to the new address, the new building for Renaissance Health Center and there were problems. What happened?
V: It was closed up. (“HH”) The people who owned it weren’t there.
Q: Right. So we just sort of decided to come here to my place (“SO”) and he could see all my beautiful antiquities. So we’re here. There was one very interesting thing that happened but I’ll talk about that a little bit later. (“O”) By the way, after — see, he was following me home but he lost me. I’m not quite sure how it happened but I saw him when he — it looked like he went straight when I turned down Fountain. So (“NO”) it’s funny. I said, “Well what should I do? Should I just go on home or should I go back to meet him there?” So I said, “Well I’m going to go back to the Renaissance.” And you know what happened? A car alarm went off and there was no one there. There was no one passing this car. (“S[O]”) It was Mighael trying to tell me, “Go home go home go home.” Like an idiot, I still think, “Well maybe it wasn’t Mighael so (“ILL BE”) I’ll wait for five minutes and check, just to make sure.” So that’s what I did but I should have gone home. (“BECAUSE THAT’S”) You obviously were heading in my direction.” (“BUT SS”) See, so — but you never know. I mean I never know if it’s Mighael or just a fluke. I should know by now. If anyone should know, I should know. So let me think what else should I tell you. Oh — I was going to mention this to you today. Oh here is that handout that Carol Ann Dreyer gave me at the workshop. So look that over and let me know what you think. You know, I don’t know if her technique is close to yours or not. She has a lot of celebrity clients like in her little pamphlet here she’s got comments from Tina Turner, Lynn Andrews, Linda Gray, Dr. Marcia Dale Weiss, Beth Ann Krier of the Los Angeles Times, Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, Dr. Steven Halpern, Dr. Marsha R. Stillman. Do you know who these people are?
V: I’ve heard some of the names. Yes.
Q: She’s a close — she was a close friend of Michael Talbot when he was alive. Have you read any of Michael Talbot’s books?
V: I haven’t see — I’ve seen them but I don’t think I’ve read them.
Q: Okay. And there are some other people too (mentioned in the pamphlet). Okay. Well, anyway. I don’t know if you want to see that as well. Do you want to see? (“O”) I’ll leave that with you too.
V: Well thank you. (“WHAT’S THIS”)
Q: Oh I also got in the mail today — I’m on the Jews For Jesus mailing list so they send issues. I actually called a woman who contacted me from there and told her I was Son of Man. But she lost my number and she couldn’t call me back because she was so busy with her Bible studies. I’m sure you see all the apparent ironies.
V: Yes.
Q: So, anyway. And I showed you my new street sign. Did you have any ideas as to what that — no, you wouldn’t know because you’re from London so you don’t know much about what famous streets there are.
V: In L.A. no.
Q: Well this could be from anywhere. It doesn’t look like an Los Angeles street sign to me. What color is it?
V: Green.
Q: It’s green. (“WW”) Green — white on green so maybe this was an old L.A. street sign. Maybe it was from another city. So — okay, well the interesting thing was, today — well as you know — as, because I’ve been telling you and you’ve been reading my book, it’s like as Son of Man I’m meeting all these people who are the famous reincarnations of other people, quite possibly. Such as Cleopatra, Morgana le Fay, Merlin, Richard III —
V: Mmmm.
Q: Actually, the artist Mark Kostabi thinks he was Abraham Lincoln. (“WELL”) And sometimes when I have interesting altercations with people, (“THERE’S A”) the synchronicity brings certain people as a witness like my trainer at the gym saw me once give money to a man who was very, very — he was acting deranged but in a quite logical way. So he was doing something metaphorical, I guess. I don’t know what. But that will be in my book. I haven’t transcribed that section yet. But tonight I think was a major bit of business because, you know, you saw what happened. Just as I was going there, there was this homeless man, this very — (“HE”) he was naked — it’s cold out. It was raining earlier today. Did you notice? He was wearing practically nothing.
V: Yes. (or “YES”)
Q: He had a beard and he had like long hair. Actually, he looked just like the biblical Jesus. I mean what do you say? What?
V: Yes.
Q: Yeah. I mean he — similar. And because when I — goddamnit, I was (“NO”) — it’s like his energy was very close to Jesus. (“AN NO”) Isn’t this something that God would do — would bring me into contact with the reincarnation of Jesus and he would be a homeless person? Isn’t that what Jesus would be if he was reincarnated?
V: Yes.
Q: Because (“PEOPLE”) being close to the energy are still — like for example Merlyn is a photographer who works magic with his photographs. So Jesus in our day and age— with people being as perceptive as they are—is a homeless man wandering. He was walking towards West Hollywood so it’s too bad he’s not walking in the other direction. (“NO”) But (“I JUST”) the way he looked at me I just felt like he was very close — like this was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. And isn’t this exactly what God would do? He would put Jesus back on Earth as a homeless man because people keep praying for the return of Jesus and he’s here and nobody will even give him a buck. Well, of course, I gave him a dollar. You saw me give him a dollar and the 900 — I mean 800 number. Forgive me. 800 number for public service agencies. I told him, “Look, I work for a helpline. (“NO”) This will — call this number.” And he looked at me. (“AN”) The expression was — (“WW” “NO”) of course, since it was raining I was wearing my hat — you’re the only one I would ever wear that hat to see. Because I’ve told you I’m not Mabus.
V: Yes. (“BUT”)
Q: I was wearing the ‘Mabus’ hat so (phone starts ringing) — which means the antichrist. So unfortunately Jesus saw — had to ask money from the antichrist.
V: Mmm.
Q: For all he knew. I mean Mabus is supposed to be the antichrist.
V: Yes. (“LET IT”)
Q: (regarding phone ringing again) Let Pacific Bell pick it up.
V: (small laugh)
Q: So that was a very ironic, fateful encounter. So if that wasn’t the reincarnation of Jesus I’m sure Mighael will say on the tapes (“LIKE”) “NO” — he wasn’t. (“BUT”) You know what? For all (“PP”) purposes he may as well have been.
V: There’s (“I ME”) a passage in the Bible.
Q: Yeah?
V: ‘The bird has its nest but the son of man has no place to lay his head.’
Q: Yes but the son of man is not Jesus. That’s one thing we have to be very clear on because I know I am the son of man. And when Jesus spoke about the son of man it was metaphorical because—as I went to the channeler and the channeler said—there was some physical basis for Jesus.
V: Yes.
Q: But most of the Bible is allegory and metaphor. So there’s no rest for me because no one believes anything I tell them. (“EVEN THOUGH”) See, I think you innately know when something is true. You innately know. (“LIKE”) Something clicks on and says, ‘Yes, this is true.’ (“IT’S LIKE”) When I read a book and I think, ‘This is true.’ Like when I saw that — did you see that picture of Bigfoot in the Sunday Los Angeles Times a couple weeks back?
V: No.
Q: You didn’t see it?
V: Oh wait, is this the traditional picture?
Q: Yes.
V: Yes. Yes, I know that one. Oh yes, I’ve seen that.
Q: What do you think? Do you think it’s real or fake?
V: There’s a lot of film and photographs of people where you can see the large —
Q: Well this is (“IT’S VER[Y]”) — this is not the famous one. This is a brand new one —
V: Oh. A new one.
Q: — that was taken. (“IT’) It’s authentic.
V: Could be. (“I’M”) Yeah.
Q: I’m going to try to get the rights (and) include it in my book. Most people think it’s a hoax. (“BUT”) You know what? If they were going to do a hoax, they would’ve at least given it a neck. (“NO”) People aren’t so smart — astute that they would invent something this isn’t — even though there’ve been lots of stories of bigfoots not having neck(s) — if you’re going to be a hoaxer, you wouldn’t think of that. I mean you wouldn’t make something (“THAT”) — it did not look — it looked too outlandish to be authentic. So this is what always — (“WHEN”) whenever I see something that looks like it isn’t — (“LIKE”) looks like it (“ISN’T”) doesn’t confirm with what we think of as Bigfoot or something, it’s probably true. Because if somebody was doing a hoax, it would probably be true — I mean, you know, it would probably look more like “Harry and The Hendersons.” No? (“SO” “THIS IS” “AA”) This is a legitimate photo — (“I”) just was transcribing a portion about it earlier this morning. And I couldn’t help but thinking — because I was saying, (“YOU KNOW”) ‘The way you can catch a bigfoot — (“IS BY”) by projecting love.’ Right? Anyway, (“SO”) one of the things I’m dealing with is (“NO”) I keep realizing how much love there is in the world if we can just tap into it; (“AN”) do surrender our life to God as I have done. You know, that’s why I guess I keep getting new antiques. And I guess poor Jesus is still making the same mistakes he did in his first life. So he’s homeless again. You know? (“II” “IT’S” “IS”) It’s sad. (“I MEAN”) I’ve been listening to some of those Christian shows where they have people call in. And listening to (“YOU KNOW THE”) the Christian — I don’t even know his name. (“BUT”) The one who responds to them and I just laugh and scream and (“AN”) giggle because everything he says is basically true but it’s wrong, though. (“NO”) It’s true but it isn’t true. I mean they spend — again, they’re spending so much time analyzing instead of actually doing something to help. You know, that’s obviously why my book is important. (“BUT”) Do you think these people who (“ARE”) — after the truth and after — that they really? — see, I am the voice of new Christianity. (“AND” “NO”) The New Age Jesus. (“YES”) The son of man. The original Jesus, even though he’s been reincarnated in our lifetime, has outlived his usefulness. Obviously. So people just don’t relate to him anymore or he would be — have his own TV show or something. At least. So (“BUT”) you know they talk about these things but they don’t really believe it. (“NO”) I mean I hear them say things that are true but it’s — there’s something terribly wrong there because like sometimes — okay, I heard one show (“WHERE HE”) where he played some tape of somebody who was feeling the spirit of God (and) was barking like a dog.
V: Yes.
Q: And then he was equating that (“WITH”) with — you know, with complete insanity when — no, roaring like a lion. Excuse me. It was roaring like a lion. It was almost close to possession. But — And, of course, this was like scandalous to the radio DJ.
V: Mmm.
Q: Or should I say CJ for Christian? I don’t know how they have any self-respect doing what they’re doing in the first place but enough of that. These people are not — obviously not going to embrace my book because it means they’ll have to get a new job. Right? Even though you innately know when something is true and when something is false —
V: Mmm.
Q: — you know. (“NN”) You know in your heart. You know in your stomach.
V: Yes. (“LIKE”)
Q: I’m sure you reading my book, you know, ‘I’ve had similar things happen to me like that.’ (“NN” “I ME”) Well you know — I mean — (“BUT SEE”) but, again, if you don’t believe even though (“U N”) since there’s no dogma at all in my life (“AGA” “NO”) I am the perfect Jesus — I mean son of man for you.
V: Mmm.
Q: New Age Jesus. Not reincarnated Jesus. I met him tonight.
V: Mmm.
Q: And he’s not doing so well. (“BUT THE”) The point is the choice is yours to make. I mean if your ego will let you believe — (“WILL”) let you believe it. Does your ego let you believe it? Or do you need more proof? I mean when is there enough proof? I mean the fact that I have the Ark of the Covenant? (“I MEAN”) Wouldn’t that be proof enough? Once — (“I MEAN”) do you need someone to (“SS”) — to document it and say, (“LIKE”) somebody from Sotheby’s says, “Yes, we did a carbon 13 test. This is from the period.” People still won’t believe it. Because it doesn’t say ‘Ark of the Covenant.’ You know? So it’s like nothing is enough. (“I HAVE THE” “DD”) Declaration of Independence. I have all these wonderful antiques. (“AN NO”) And nothing will be enough for people to believe it. I sort of was kidding this weekend but I was saying to Mighael, who as far as I’m concerned is God because even if he is the number one Archangel God still works through His Subconscious Mind so it’s a very bizarre love triangle. That’s all I can say. Wasn’t there a song with that name? “Bizarre Love Triangle”? New Order?
V: Vaguely. Yes.
Q: Yeah. One of my many theme songs. But (“NO”) I was just thinking — I can’t remember what I was thinking. What was I thinking? But (“NO” “AMB”) basically I was telling Mighael — kiddingly I was saying, “Honey, weed them all so You’ll have more time for me,” (“NO”) which people are going to read that in my book and they’re going to absolutely die to think, “Oh my God, this is our spokesman and he wants to save Mighael for himself.” But I was just making a point. I was just kidding. I really do care about people. That’s why I do all the — that’s why I’m doing this book. It’s not for me. I already know God exists. (“I MEAN”) I knew it before I went to Oklahoma even though like I would watch award shows like the Tonys and the Oscars and whenever anyone thanked God I would think, “You asshole. Why are you thanking God? It’s not the right time or the right place.” (“THAT’S WHAT”) That’s what I was thinking innately. So now, of course, after all this happened, I think they’re just hypocrites. Right? Because how can you have — keep all your money and not give it to — even though I kept all my money too before Oklahoma so I’m just as bad as everyone else.
V: Mmm.
Q: So, again, it didn’t really start until God revealed Himself to me. I was always (“AN”) innately good person who tried to help the people that I came in touch with. I would sort of avoid homeless people but now I’ve stopped doing that, you know? I can’t. I mean I have to give them — I have to help them. And people out there who are reading this book right now — one of them is Jesus. You know? So there’s more of a reason for you to give money. You never know. You never know. Even if this man wasn’t Jesus, Jesus could be reincarnated. (“TT”) Like this poor black woman you see on the corner or this poor Indian man (“WHH”) who is blind in one eye. I mean you just never know. So people (“FIN[D]”) before going — (“WH AH” “NO”) continuing on home to their beautiful house or their beautiful condo and their beautiful lives, why not just try to make someone feel better (“NO”) and give him a little bit of money or (“TELL”) someplace that he might stay or “maybe you can stay in my yard. (“NO”) I have, you know — I have what are they called? A hammock or something."
V: Yes. (“NO”)
Q: Or the church is really — if the churches really all got together to eradicate (“HO”) — again, on one of my other tapes, I think I said it’s very easy to feed people. It’s very easy to do this once the churches got organized. (“BUT”) It’s a whole question of getting them all organized when they’re all saying different things. They’re all saying the same thing but they’re just saying it in their own way.
V: Yes.
Q: So it’s crazy. So that’s what my assignment is — to reveal that (“YOU KNOW”) there is only one religion. Love. And the only way you can show it is through helping your fellow man.
V: Yes.
Q: Because God is in each one of us. And people always say this and people always think this. And we’re all mannequins in God’s dream. (“SO”) For people who write songs and for people who write books and for people who make movies, God is really the Chief Contributor. He — (“IS”) wouldn’t you say that God is more of an artist — (“LIKE”) Picasso. It was really Picasso channeling God so God was the true Creator of all Picasso’s works. Wouldn’t you say that on a philosophical level? Right? Right.
V: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Yeah. Well people say that all the time. Do they believe it? No. Because they keep all the money that they make from their gift. Right? They don’t use it to help other people who are less fortunate than they when God could’ve just as easily blessed them (the others) with this wonderful talent. (“LIKE”) He could’ve given your talent for therapy to someone else. How would you have felt? You probably wouldn’t have cared because He probably would’ve made you something else just as wonderful.
V: (small laugh) Could be. Yes.
Q: And you’re probably still trying to find yourself because you’re very — how old are you?
V: Thirty-one.
Q: Thirty-one. So that’s still very young. I didn’t even start in movie marketing I think until I was like a year older than that. (“NO”) I’d been a talent agent and I didn’t really start working at Paramount until I think maybe until I was thirty-two.
Q: Anyway so of course now my book is taking a new turn and — well first of all I should ask you so do you have any questions? I mean you’ve read a little bit more of the manuscript now. Do you have any questions about it? Is it easy to follow (“CAUSE I”) because like at different times as the sound effects became more familiar I started giving them symbols. First of all, I don’t think the sound effects are that important. I don’t think what the spirit voices are that important. I think what I say is important but I think that you need these other things there (“TO”) to make sure people understand why it’s important. Because it shows that I’m basically channeling, (“THIS”) you know, the Angel Mighael basically. So what I’m saying is similar to what He thinks. We’re very close — our world views are very close. That’s why He chose me I guess. Or maybe this was planned way before when. I don’t know but — so what do you — (“SO THA”) so that can be confusing because I just don’t have the time to go rewrite everything — (“AND GIVE” “PU[T]”) put in new symbols. People are just going to have to take it the way it is and figure it out for themselves.
V: It’s reasonably clear.
Q: Reasonably clear. (“RIGHT”) For example, I’m sure a lot of the spirit — a lot of the things that like when I say “um” because I do realize that Mighael says a lot of “UM”s (“IT”) because He fills in the spa(ce) — whenever I don’t say anything He fills in the space.
V: Right.
Q: Just to let people know He’s there because he doesn’t want me getting all the credit and I don’t blame Him. You know? That’s happened (“EVERY O”) with every other ministry. You know? So He’s not letting it happen. I didn’t know He tap dances all over the tapes. I mean I don’t think I would have chosen tap dancing noises. (“THEY’RE SO[RT]”) It’s sort of ludicrous. But I guess He’s daring people not to believe (in) Him so then He can weed them. (“NO”) I don’t know. Or maybe He’s going to save everybody. I don’t know. I have no idea. I just know I (“HEAR”) hear a lot of heavy breathing and — I mean some — I’m sure some of the sound effects you don’t know what they are or what they mean. And I don’t know what they are. I just try to assign meanings to them that they could be from trying to hear what they are.
V: Um-huh. (“PERSON”)
Q: But I will be honest. There’s one thing in terms of now that I know I have to be totally honest and it’s very bizarre. (“ME” “PEOPLE”) It’s too bizarre that I would not be making this up. Wouldn’t you agree? This is too much.
V: Oh yes.
Q: This is beyond what anyone could possibly conceive of.
V: Exactly.
Q: I mean nothing prepared me for something this outrageous. (“BUT LIKE”) You know where I s(ay) — there’s a few times I say “small slapping sound heard on tape here”?
V: Yes.
Q: Did you wonder what that was?
V: I’d be interested to hear it.
Q: Well it’s like this. (“I[’LL] — I’LL” “WELL”) I don’t have to demonstrate. (“BUT”) At first I — well I knew right away what it was but I didn’t really spell it out because when I was a child — well you know how gets masturbate? My brother had this very brief, brief period where he would masturbate by slamming his penis against his leg.
V: How rude.
Q: And it sounded exactly like this.
V: (laughs)
Q: And now as I hear it more and Mighael’s usually groaning and moaning — the Spirit Mighael. He’s masturbating. You can hear Him masturbating and groaning into my microcassettes. Now would I make up something like this? I mean I want to be taken seriously. (“BUT”) I guess Angels are very sexual being(s) — well you know He’s gay.
V: Um-huh.
Q: But Angels are very sexual beings. (“ME”) Who would want to live in heaven if there was no sex there?
V: Exactly.
Q: Who would want to sing in heavenly choirs throughout eternity? I’d rather be dead.
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t you? It’s awfully boring.
V: Yeah.
Q: Boring.
V: Yeah.
Q: Who would want to do that? Wouldn’t you want — wouldn’t you rather go to — (“HE[LL]”) wouldn’t you rather go to hell if there was whoring and drinking and Las Vegas?
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t that be the fun place to go?
V: Exactly. More interesting people I think you’d meet.
Q: Exactly. So God loves fun.
V: Yeah.
Q: So it’s a matter of proving Love, helping others. And if you do — if you prove your love to Him I guess what happens to me happens to you.
V: Yes.
Q: Even though (“I DON[’T] NE”) I don’t want all these antiques. They’re a pain in the ass. I’m hoping to maybe move to Santa Monica soon. I don’t want to lug these things around. I mean I just want to put them in a museum somewhere and have people pay to see them and give the money to Bosnia. I mean, you know, it’s so ridiculous. I don’t like things. I’m not into things. I like traveling. I like going out to dinner. I like going to the movies, which He will not let me go to the movies. Of course, I’m beginning to understand that too. (“SINCE”) Since my book is becoming a tell-all book about Hollywood — a nice tell-all book about Hollywood — God knows it’s overdue. I think that a lot of the problems in culture are based upon the illusions of the movies. For example, let’s take male action films, for example. What was that film with Edward James Olmos and the gangs that he almost had a death threat for? What was that one? Do you remember that one? “American Me.” Did you see that?
V: No, I haven’t seen it. I’ve heard the name.
Q: I saw it on — (“ON”) on a video on it. And (“YOU KNOW”) basically they were so angry because it sort of — they’d done a lot of research and came up with the fact that basically gangs were a way to permit male homosexuality in prisons. So basically the whole thing about gangs is committing crimes so you get to go to prison to have homosexuality.
V: (small laugh)
Q: And that’s what this movie depicted. (“UH-HUH”) So there were death threats everywhere. Of course, the cowards only killed the woman who was the research consultant for the film. They didn’t kill Edward James Olmos or anyone. (“BECAUSE”) It’s not very macho. (“MIN”) Wasn’t that the most cowardly person to choose?
V: Oh yes.
Q: Is a woman? (“NO”) It just shows you. I mean who’d want to be in a gang after something like that has happened? (“MEAN WHAT”) What glory is there left after this kind of cowardice? I mean it’s like ‘I’m in a gang. I’m a big fucking coward faggot too.’ I mean (“YOU KNOW”) — I mean it’s embarrassing. Who’d want to be in a gang after that? I mean it’s ridiculous. (“BUT”) The only reason why they are in the first place is because of movies like “The Godfather” have glamorized this whole violence. (“VIOL”) Sex and violence. Yes, (“YEAH”) it’s obviously — what I’m saying is obviously true. So (“P”) there’s this (“TERRIBLE”) — real life isn’t appreciated. (“BECAUSE”) People think it has to be the way it is on television and in the movies. “The Brady Bunch.” Even as anachronistic as they are, people still think (“THAT”) everyone deserves a mother like Florence Henderson. And Robert Reed. Well I’ve met Florence Henderson — and notice the ‘son’ in her name — at Ruth Webb’s I met her. She attended this meeting that Mickey Rooney once threw about actors getting their residuals or something. I think I met her a few times. And Robert Reed who was gay. So the actor who was Mr. Brady on TV was gay and he died of AIDS. I mean (“NO”) so it’s like (“BUT”) people don’t understand that (“WHO”) in middle America. They watch “The Brady Bunch” reruns and think that that (“WE”) everyone should have a maid like Alice. And the only reason why I’m talking about this is because at the gym today I just happened to see “The Brady Bunch” on one of the TV screens that had no sound. So it’s like everything I say in these books is sort of manipulated to me by fate and synchronicity. So it’s in — (“SO”) I’m just very, very lucky to be the one that God revealed His Love to and now other people can pass on it or accept it. (“SO” “IT’S”) It’s really the same basic metaphor as in the Bible about coming to God through Jesus but this time it’s true. (“WW” “THAT’S ONE”) That’s an interesting thing though because I do think I’m the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk as you can see from my medallion here. I mean it looks just like me without sideburns and without a beard. No?
V: Yes.
Q: And in fact that’s what even one of the spirit voices says: “WITHOUT SIDEBURNS.” But — so I (“AM”) — so obviously Bel-Marduk, the God Ra, rates higher than Jesus Christ in God’s hierarchy. (“YES”) In terms of ‘son of God’ or I guess I’m His son. I mean I don’t know. I mean there’s enough ‘son’ — people with the word ‘son’ in their names to make that sort of clear. And ‘man’ as we’ve discussed. And ‘king.’ And other names (“LIKE”) crop up. A lot of ‘Rose’s. Rose. What is the rose symbolic of? I’ve never really taken the time to really look at that but I have a book of symbols right here so I’m going to look it up right now. Do you know what it is the symbol of? It might not even be in here.
V: You’ll find that objects such as roses can be held to symbolize a large number of items.
Q: Right.
V: In England there was the wars of the roses which were —
Q: Right.
V: — wars within two houses which were by . . . King Charles of England.
Q: Well you would definitely know about that.
V: Yes. (small laugh) Only one was represented by the white rose. That was the house of York. The house of Lancaster was represented by a red rose.
Q: Right. (“SO”) The rose is sort of symbolic of power, I guess, and beauty and love and romance. I’m looking here in the book. It doesn’t really say — it does say like in the Song of Solomon from the Bible, it says “I am the rose of Sharon.” What does that mean? This book — I just got this book recently and I haven’t really looked at it yet. It doesn’t really say much about what it means but I just know there’s a lot of ‘Rose’s around. (“ME”) In fact, the owner of that apartment building I’ve contacted — his last name is Rosen. And, of course, Deborah Rosen is one of the names that keeps cropping up in my book. (“SHE’S”) She is the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. You know? (or “YOU KNOW”) So I’m meeting all these famous people from history (“IN THEIR”) — of course, and some people when I tell people this (“EVEN) even in joking, they become livid and hysterical because (“LIKE”) there’s this one — like Inna, for example, who is two famous people reincarnated possibly, including Marie Antoinette and Lucretia Borgia. (“WELL” “SHE’S A”) She’s an a — a literary agent friend (of Inna) who actually wanted to read my book. But she became a raving bitch when I happened to mention (“THAT”) Inna might be the reincarnation of Marie Antoinette. “How? What? How dare you?” Because she likes Inna being a loser because it makes her feel ‘Poor Inna.’ (“IN” “NO”) It makes her feel superior that her best friend is a loser. So it’s like ‘We really hate it when our friends become successful.’
V: (small laugh)
Q: And she was such a raving bitch about this that I didn’t even think twice about giving her my book. I mean I said, “Oh, I’ll drop it off at your office.” But I didn’t go. I mean I wouldn’t give her my book. (“B”) Who needs that karma? You know? I also asked a few other people what they thought and, of course, my brother said, “Oh yes, give it to her.” Of course, he would. I mean he’s — he would say anything. I mean, you know, he totally doesn’t believe anything. And then James said, “Don’t bother.” He’s usually more honest. He can’t help being honest. Even when he’s lying, you know he’s lying. He just can’t lie. So it’s very interesting. I’m trying to think. So I don’t know. So anyway — so I’m now — my book is becoming a tell-all book about Hollywood because of the way they’ve destroyed life on Earth. The movies have destroyed life on Earth because — (“BY”) creating illusions that people’s lives can’t possibly live up to. Right? And that’s why they drink alcohol and take drugs and have sex — just to forget that their life isn’t as interesting as they see in the movies and on (“NO”) TV. What’s the last movie — have you seen any movies recently?
V: “Casino.”
Q: Right. Well you keep saying “Casino.”
V: . . . saw “Casino” recent . . .
Q: Well, see, a lot of people who have interesting lives don’t need to go see the movies a lot. It’s the people who don’t have — well I don’t know. When I went to see a lot of movies it was to escape from reality. I admit that.
V: Easy to . . .
Q: Very easy to do. But, of course, now my life is more interesting than anything — any book or movie you could ever hope for, so it’s no wonder I never go see any movies anymore. I still think “Babe” is going to win Best Picture.
V: Yes.
Q: It might not but I think — I hope and think that it will.
V: Could be.
Q: I usually do guess them right but maybe not this year because I haven’t really seen any one. But as far as I can tell karmically I think “Babe” should win. (“I DIS”) I mean I just think it’s the nicest, most upbeat, optimistic message. (“A WHO”)
V: It was closed up. (“HH”) The people who owned it weren’t there.
Q: Right. So we just sort of decided to come here to my place (“SO”) and he could see all my beautiful antiquities. So we’re here. There was one very interesting thing that happened but I’ll talk about that a little bit later. (“O”) By the way, after — see, he was following me home but he lost me. I’m not quite sure how it happened but I saw him when he — it looked like he went straight when I turned down Fountain. So (“NO”) it’s funny. I said, “Well what should I do? Should I just go on home or should I go back to meet him there?” So I said, “Well I’m going to go back to the Renaissance.” And you know what happened? A car alarm went off and there was no one there. There was no one passing this car. (“S[O]”) It was Mighael trying to tell me, “Go home go home go home.” Like an idiot, I still think, “Well maybe it wasn’t Mighael so (“ILL BE”) I’ll wait for five minutes and check, just to make sure.” So that’s what I did but I should have gone home. (“BECAUSE THAT’S”) You obviously were heading in my direction.” (“BUT SS”) See, so — but you never know. I mean I never know if it’s Mighael or just a fluke. I should know by now. If anyone should know, I should know. So let me think what else should I tell you. Oh — I was going to mention this to you today. Oh here is that handout that Carol Ann Dreyer gave me at the workshop. So look that over and let me know what you think. You know, I don’t know if her technique is close to yours or not. She has a lot of celebrity clients like in her little pamphlet here she’s got comments from Tina Turner, Lynn Andrews, Linda Gray, Dr. Marcia Dale Weiss, Beth Ann Krier of the Los Angeles Times, Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, Dr. Steven Halpern, Dr. Marsha R. Stillman. Do you know who these people are?
V: I’ve heard some of the names. Yes.
Q: She’s a close — she was a close friend of Michael Talbot when he was alive. Have you read any of Michael Talbot’s books?
V: I haven’t see — I’ve seen them but I don’t think I’ve read them.
Q: Okay. And there are some other people too (mentioned in the pamphlet). Okay. Well, anyway. I don’t know if you want to see that as well. Do you want to see? (“O”) I’ll leave that with you too.
V: Well thank you. (“WHAT’S THIS”)
Q: Oh I also got in the mail today — I’m on the Jews For Jesus mailing list so they send issues. I actually called a woman who contacted me from there and told her I was Son of Man. But she lost my number and she couldn’t call me back because she was so busy with her Bible studies. I’m sure you see all the apparent ironies.
V: Yes.
Q: So, anyway. And I showed you my new street sign. Did you have any ideas as to what that — no, you wouldn’t know because you’re from London so you don’t know much about what famous streets there are.
V: In L.A. no.
Q: Well this could be from anywhere. It doesn’t look like an Los Angeles street sign to me. What color is it?
V: Green.
Q: It’s green. (“WW”) Green — white on green so maybe this was an old L.A. street sign. Maybe it was from another city. So — okay, well the interesting thing was, today — well as you know — as, because I’ve been telling you and you’ve been reading my book, it’s like as Son of Man I’m meeting all these people who are the famous reincarnations of other people, quite possibly. Such as Cleopatra, Morgana le Fay, Merlin, Richard III —
V: Mmmm.
Q: Actually, the artist Mark Kostabi thinks he was Abraham Lincoln. (“WELL”) And sometimes when I have interesting altercations with people, (“THERE’S A”) the synchronicity brings certain people as a witness like my trainer at the gym saw me once give money to a man who was very, very — he was acting deranged but in a quite logical way. So he was doing something metaphorical, I guess. I don’t know what. But that will be in my book. I haven’t transcribed that section yet. But tonight I think was a major bit of business because, you know, you saw what happened. Just as I was going there, there was this homeless man, this very — (“HE”) he was naked — it’s cold out. It was raining earlier today. Did you notice? He was wearing practically nothing.
V: Yes. (or “YES”)
Q: He had a beard and he had like long hair. Actually, he looked just like the biblical Jesus. I mean what do you say? What?
V: Yes.
Q: Yeah. I mean he — similar. And because when I — goddamnit, I was (“NO”) — it’s like his energy was very close to Jesus. (“AN NO”) Isn’t this something that God would do — would bring me into contact with the reincarnation of Jesus and he would be a homeless person? Isn’t that what Jesus would be if he was reincarnated?
V: Yes.
Q: Because (“PEOPLE”) being close to the energy are still — like for example Merlyn is a photographer who works magic with his photographs. So Jesus in our day and age— with people being as perceptive as they are—is a homeless man wandering. He was walking towards West Hollywood so it’s too bad he’s not walking in the other direction. (“NO”) But (“I JUST”) the way he looked at me I just felt like he was very close — like this was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. And isn’t this exactly what God would do? He would put Jesus back on Earth as a homeless man because people keep praying for the return of Jesus and he’s here and nobody will even give him a buck. Well, of course, I gave him a dollar. You saw me give him a dollar and the 900 — I mean 800 number. Forgive me. 800 number for public service agencies. I told him, “Look, I work for a helpline. (“NO”) This will — call this number.” And he looked at me. (“AN”) The expression was — (“WW” “NO”) of course, since it was raining I was wearing my hat — you’re the only one I would ever wear that hat to see. Because I’ve told you I’m not Mabus.
V: Yes. (“BUT”)
Q: I was wearing the ‘Mabus’ hat so (phone starts ringing) — which means the antichrist. So unfortunately Jesus saw — had to ask money from the antichrist.
V: Mmm.
Q: For all he knew. I mean Mabus is supposed to be the antichrist.
V: Yes. (“LET IT”)
Q: (regarding phone ringing again) Let Pacific Bell pick it up.
V: (small laugh)
Q: So that was a very ironic, fateful encounter. So if that wasn’t the reincarnation of Jesus I’m sure Mighael will say on the tapes (“LIKE”) “NO” — he wasn’t. (“BUT”) You know what? For all (“PP”) purposes he may as well have been.
V: There’s (“I ME”) a passage in the Bible.
Q: Yeah?
V: ‘The bird has its nest but the son of man has no place to lay his head.’
Q: Yes but the son of man is not Jesus. That’s one thing we have to be very clear on because I know I am the son of man. And when Jesus spoke about the son of man it was metaphorical because—as I went to the channeler and the channeler said—there was some physical basis for Jesus.
V: Yes.
Q: But most of the Bible is allegory and metaphor. So there’s no rest for me because no one believes anything I tell them. (“EVEN THOUGH”) See, I think you innately know when something is true. You innately know. (“LIKE”) Something clicks on and says, ‘Yes, this is true.’ (“IT’S LIKE”) When I read a book and I think, ‘This is true.’ Like when I saw that — did you see that picture of Bigfoot in the Sunday Los Angeles Times a couple weeks back?
V: No.
Q: You didn’t see it?
V: Oh wait, is this the traditional picture?
Q: Yes.
V: Yes. Yes, I know that one. Oh yes, I’ve seen that.
Q: What do you think? Do you think it’s real or fake?
V: There’s a lot of film and photographs of people where you can see the large —
Q: Well this is (“IT’S VER[Y]”) — this is not the famous one. This is a brand new one —
V: Oh. A new one.
Q: — that was taken. (“IT’) It’s authentic.
V: Could be. (“I’M”) Yeah.
Q: I’m going to try to get the rights (and) include it in my book. Most people think it’s a hoax. (“BUT”) You know what? If they were going to do a hoax, they would’ve at least given it a neck. (“NO”) People aren’t so smart — astute that they would invent something this isn’t — even though there’ve been lots of stories of bigfoots not having neck(s) — if you’re going to be a hoaxer, you wouldn’t think of that. I mean you wouldn’t make something (“THAT”) — it did not look — it looked too outlandish to be authentic. So this is what always — (“WHEN”) whenever I see something that looks like it isn’t — (“LIKE”) looks like it (“ISN’T”) doesn’t confirm with what we think of as Bigfoot or something, it’s probably true. Because if somebody was doing a hoax, it would probably be true — I mean, you know, it would probably look more like “Harry and The Hendersons.” No? (“SO” “THIS IS” “AA”) This is a legitimate photo — (“I”) just was transcribing a portion about it earlier this morning. And I couldn’t help but thinking — because I was saying, (“YOU KNOW”) ‘The way you can catch a bigfoot — (“IS BY”) by projecting love.’ Right? Anyway, (“SO”) one of the things I’m dealing with is (“NO”) I keep realizing how much love there is in the world if we can just tap into it; (“AN”) do surrender our life to God as I have done. You know, that’s why I guess I keep getting new antiques. And I guess poor Jesus is still making the same mistakes he did in his first life. So he’s homeless again. You know? (“II” “IT’S” “IS”) It’s sad. (“I MEAN”) I’ve been listening to some of those Christian shows where they have people call in. And listening to (“YOU KNOW THE”) the Christian — I don’t even know his name. (“BUT”) The one who responds to them and I just laugh and scream and (“AN”) giggle because everything he says is basically true but it’s wrong, though. (“NO”) It’s true but it isn’t true. I mean they spend — again, they’re spending so much time analyzing instead of actually doing something to help. You know, that’s obviously why my book is important. (“BUT”) Do you think these people who (“ARE”) — after the truth and after — that they really? — see, I am the voice of new Christianity. (“AND” “NO”) The New Age Jesus. (“YES”) The son of man. The original Jesus, even though he’s been reincarnated in our lifetime, has outlived his usefulness. Obviously. So people just don’t relate to him anymore or he would be — have his own TV show or something. At least. So (“BUT”) you know they talk about these things but they don’t really believe it. (“NO”) I mean I hear them say things that are true but it’s — there’s something terribly wrong there because like sometimes — okay, I heard one show (“WHERE HE”) where he played some tape of somebody who was feeling the spirit of God (and) was barking like a dog.
V: Yes.
Q: And then he was equating that (“WITH”) with — you know, with complete insanity when — no, roaring like a lion. Excuse me. It was roaring like a lion. It was almost close to possession. But — And, of course, this was like scandalous to the radio DJ.
V: Mmm.
Q: Or should I say CJ for Christian? I don’t know how they have any self-respect doing what they’re doing in the first place but enough of that. These people are not — obviously not going to embrace my book because it means they’ll have to get a new job. Right? Even though you innately know when something is true and when something is false —
V: Mmm.
Q: — you know. (“NN”) You know in your heart. You know in your stomach.
V: Yes. (“LIKE”)
Q: I’m sure you reading my book, you know, ‘I’ve had similar things happen to me like that.’ (“NN” “I ME”) Well you know — I mean — (“BUT SEE”) but, again, if you don’t believe even though (“U N”) since there’s no dogma at all in my life (“AGA” “NO”) I am the perfect Jesus — I mean son of man for you.
V: Mmm.
Q: New Age Jesus. Not reincarnated Jesus. I met him tonight.
V: Mmm.
Q: And he’s not doing so well. (“BUT THE”) The point is the choice is yours to make. I mean if your ego will let you believe — (“WILL”) let you believe it. Does your ego let you believe it? Or do you need more proof? I mean when is there enough proof? I mean the fact that I have the Ark of the Covenant? (“I MEAN”) Wouldn’t that be proof enough? Once — (“I MEAN”) do you need someone to (“SS”) — to document it and say, (“LIKE”) somebody from Sotheby’s says, “Yes, we did a carbon 13 test. This is from the period.” People still won’t believe it. Because it doesn’t say ‘Ark of the Covenant.’ You know? So it’s like nothing is enough. (“I HAVE THE” “DD”) Declaration of Independence. I have all these wonderful antiques. (“AN NO”) And nothing will be enough for people to believe it. I sort of was kidding this weekend but I was saying to Mighael, who as far as I’m concerned is God because even if he is the number one Archangel God still works through His Subconscious Mind so it’s a very bizarre love triangle. That’s all I can say. Wasn’t there a song with that name? “Bizarre Love Triangle”? New Order?
V: Vaguely. Yes.
Q: Yeah. One of my many theme songs. But (“NO”) I was just thinking — I can’t remember what I was thinking. What was I thinking? But (“NO” “AMB”) basically I was telling Mighael — kiddingly I was saying, “Honey, weed them all so You’ll have more time for me,” (“NO”) which people are going to read that in my book and they’re going to absolutely die to think, “Oh my God, this is our spokesman and he wants to save Mighael for himself.” But I was just making a point. I was just kidding. I really do care about people. That’s why I do all the — that’s why I’m doing this book. It’s not for me. I already know God exists. (“I MEAN”) I knew it before I went to Oklahoma even though like I would watch award shows like the Tonys and the Oscars and whenever anyone thanked God I would think, “You asshole. Why are you thanking God? It’s not the right time or the right place.” (“THAT’S WHAT”) That’s what I was thinking innately. So now, of course, after all this happened, I think they’re just hypocrites. Right? Because how can you have — keep all your money and not give it to — even though I kept all my money too before Oklahoma so I’m just as bad as everyone else.
V: Mmm.
Q: So, again, it didn’t really start until God revealed Himself to me. I was always (“AN”) innately good person who tried to help the people that I came in touch with. I would sort of avoid homeless people but now I’ve stopped doing that, you know? I can’t. I mean I have to give them — I have to help them. And people out there who are reading this book right now — one of them is Jesus. You know? So there’s more of a reason for you to give money. You never know. You never know. Even if this man wasn’t Jesus, Jesus could be reincarnated. (“TT”) Like this poor black woman you see on the corner or this poor Indian man (“WHH”) who is blind in one eye. I mean you just never know. So people (“FIN[D]”) before going — (“WH AH” “NO”) continuing on home to their beautiful house or their beautiful condo and their beautiful lives, why not just try to make someone feel better (“NO”) and give him a little bit of money or (“TELL”) someplace that he might stay or “maybe you can stay in my yard. (“NO”) I have, you know — I have what are they called? A hammock or something."
V: Yes. (“NO”)
Q: Or the church is really — if the churches really all got together to eradicate (“HO”) — again, on one of my other tapes, I think I said it’s very easy to feed people. It’s very easy to do this once the churches got organized. (“BUT”) It’s a whole question of getting them all organized when they’re all saying different things. They’re all saying the same thing but they’re just saying it in their own way.
V: Yes.
Q: So it’s crazy. So that’s what my assignment is — to reveal that (“YOU KNOW”) there is only one religion. Love. And the only way you can show it is through helping your fellow man.
V: Yes.
Q: Because God is in each one of us. And people always say this and people always think this. And we’re all mannequins in God’s dream. (“SO”) For people who write songs and for people who write books and for people who make movies, God is really the Chief Contributor. He — (“IS”) wouldn’t you say that God is more of an artist — (“LIKE”) Picasso. It was really Picasso channeling God so God was the true Creator of all Picasso’s works. Wouldn’t you say that on a philosophical level? Right? Right.
V: Yes, that’s right.
Q: Yeah. Well people say that all the time. Do they believe it? No. Because they keep all the money that they make from their gift. Right? They don’t use it to help other people who are less fortunate than they when God could’ve just as easily blessed them (the others) with this wonderful talent. (“LIKE”) He could’ve given your talent for therapy to someone else. How would you have felt? You probably wouldn’t have cared because He probably would’ve made you something else just as wonderful.
V: (small laugh) Could be. Yes.
Q: And you’re probably still trying to find yourself because you’re very — how old are you?
V: Thirty-one.
Q: Thirty-one. So that’s still very young. I didn’t even start in movie marketing I think until I was like a year older than that. (“NO”) I’d been a talent agent and I didn’t really start working at Paramount until I think maybe until I was thirty-two.
Q: Anyway so of course now my book is taking a new turn and — well first of all I should ask you so do you have any questions? I mean you’ve read a little bit more of the manuscript now. Do you have any questions about it? Is it easy to follow (“CAUSE I”) because like at different times as the sound effects became more familiar I started giving them symbols. First of all, I don’t think the sound effects are that important. I don’t think what the spirit voices are that important. I think what I say is important but I think that you need these other things there (“TO”) to make sure people understand why it’s important. Because it shows that I’m basically channeling, (“THIS”) you know, the Angel Mighael basically. So what I’m saying is similar to what He thinks. We’re very close — our world views are very close. That’s why He chose me I guess. Or maybe this was planned way before when. I don’t know but — so what do you — (“SO THA”) so that can be confusing because I just don’t have the time to go rewrite everything — (“AND GIVE” “PU[T]”) put in new symbols. People are just going to have to take it the way it is and figure it out for themselves.
V: It’s reasonably clear.
Q: Reasonably clear. (“RIGHT”) For example, I’m sure a lot of the spirit — a lot of the things that like when I say “um” because I do realize that Mighael says a lot of “UM”s (“IT”) because He fills in the spa(ce) — whenever I don’t say anything He fills in the space.
V: Right.
Q: Just to let people know He’s there because he doesn’t want me getting all the credit and I don’t blame Him. You know? That’s happened (“EVERY O”) with every other ministry. You know? So He’s not letting it happen. I didn’t know He tap dances all over the tapes. I mean I don’t think I would have chosen tap dancing noises. (“THEY’RE SO[RT]”) It’s sort of ludicrous. But I guess He’s daring people not to believe (in) Him so then He can weed them. (“NO”) I don’t know. Or maybe He’s going to save everybody. I don’t know. I have no idea. I just know I (“HEAR”) hear a lot of heavy breathing and — I mean some — I’m sure some of the sound effects you don’t know what they are or what they mean. And I don’t know what they are. I just try to assign meanings to them that they could be from trying to hear what they are.
V: Um-huh. (“PERSON”)
Q: But I will be honest. There’s one thing in terms of now that I know I have to be totally honest and it’s very bizarre. (“ME” “PEOPLE”) It’s too bizarre that I would not be making this up. Wouldn’t you agree? This is too much.
V: Oh yes.
Q: This is beyond what anyone could possibly conceive of.
V: Exactly.
Q: I mean nothing prepared me for something this outrageous. (“BUT LIKE”) You know where I s(ay) — there’s a few times I say “small slapping sound heard on tape here”?
V: Yes.
Q: Did you wonder what that was?
V: I’d be interested to hear it.
Q: Well it’s like this. (“I[’LL] — I’LL” “WELL”) I don’t have to demonstrate. (“BUT”) At first I — well I knew right away what it was but I didn’t really spell it out because when I was a child — well you know how gets masturbate? My brother had this very brief, brief period where he would masturbate by slamming his penis against his leg.
V: How rude.
Q: And it sounded exactly like this.
V: (laughs)
Q: And now as I hear it more and Mighael’s usually groaning and moaning — the Spirit Mighael. He’s masturbating. You can hear Him masturbating and groaning into my microcassettes. Now would I make up something like this? I mean I want to be taken seriously. (“BUT”) I guess Angels are very sexual being(s) — well you know He’s gay.
V: Um-huh.
Q: But Angels are very sexual beings. (“ME”) Who would want to live in heaven if there was no sex there?
V: Exactly.
Q: Who would want to sing in heavenly choirs throughout eternity? I’d rather be dead.
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t you? It’s awfully boring.
V: Yeah.
Q: Boring.
V: Yeah.
Q: Who would want to do that? Wouldn’t you want — wouldn’t you rather go to — (“HE[LL]”) wouldn’t you rather go to hell if there was whoring and drinking and Las Vegas?
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t that be the fun place to go?
V: Exactly. More interesting people I think you’d meet.
Q: Exactly. So God loves fun.
V: Yeah.
Q: So it’s a matter of proving Love, helping others. And if you do — if you prove your love to Him I guess what happens to me happens to you.
V: Yes.
Q: Even though (“I DON[’T] NE”) I don’t want all these antiques. They’re a pain in the ass. I’m hoping to maybe move to Santa Monica soon. I don’t want to lug these things around. I mean I just want to put them in a museum somewhere and have people pay to see them and give the money to Bosnia. I mean, you know, it’s so ridiculous. I don’t like things. I’m not into things. I like traveling. I like going out to dinner. I like going to the movies, which He will not let me go to the movies. Of course, I’m beginning to understand that too. (“SINCE”) Since my book is becoming a tell-all book about Hollywood — a nice tell-all book about Hollywood — God knows it’s overdue. I think that a lot of the problems in culture are based upon the illusions of the movies. For example, let’s take male action films, for example. What was that film with Edward James Olmos and the gangs that he almost had a death threat for? What was that one? Do you remember that one? “American Me.” Did you see that?
V: No, I haven’t seen it. I’ve heard the name.
Q: I saw it on — (“ON”) on a video on it. And (“YOU KNOW”) basically they were so angry because it sort of — they’d done a lot of research and came up with the fact that basically gangs were a way to permit male homosexuality in prisons. So basically the whole thing about gangs is committing crimes so you get to go to prison to have homosexuality.
V: (small laugh)
Q: And that’s what this movie depicted. (“UH-HUH”) So there were death threats everywhere. Of course, the cowards only killed the woman who was the research consultant for the film. They didn’t kill Edward James Olmos or anyone. (“BECAUSE”) It’s not very macho. (“MIN”) Wasn’t that the most cowardly person to choose?
V: Oh yes.
Q: Is a woman? (“NO”) It just shows you. I mean who’d want to be in a gang after something like that has happened? (“MEAN WHAT”) What glory is there left after this kind of cowardice? I mean it’s like ‘I’m in a gang. I’m a big fucking coward faggot too.’ I mean (“YOU KNOW”) — I mean it’s embarrassing. Who’d want to be in a gang after that? I mean it’s ridiculous. (“BUT”) The only reason why they are in the first place is because of movies like “The Godfather” have glamorized this whole violence. (“VIOL”) Sex and violence. Yes, (“YEAH”) it’s obviously — what I’m saying is obviously true. So (“P”) there’s this (“TERRIBLE”) — real life isn’t appreciated. (“BECAUSE”) People think it has to be the way it is on television and in the movies. “The Brady Bunch.” Even as anachronistic as they are, people still think (“THAT”) everyone deserves a mother like Florence Henderson. And Robert Reed. Well I’ve met Florence Henderson — and notice the ‘son’ in her name — at Ruth Webb’s I met her. She attended this meeting that Mickey Rooney once threw about actors getting their residuals or something. I think I met her a few times. And Robert Reed who was gay. So the actor who was Mr. Brady on TV was gay and he died of AIDS. I mean (“NO”) so it’s like (“BUT”) people don’t understand that (“WHO”) in middle America. They watch “The Brady Bunch” reruns and think that that (“WE”) everyone should have a maid like Alice. And the only reason why I’m talking about this is because at the gym today I just happened to see “The Brady Bunch” on one of the TV screens that had no sound. So it’s like everything I say in these books is sort of manipulated to me by fate and synchronicity. So it’s in — (“SO”) I’m just very, very lucky to be the one that God revealed His Love to and now other people can pass on it or accept it. (“SO” “IT’S”) It’s really the same basic metaphor as in the Bible about coming to God through Jesus but this time it’s true. (“WW” “THAT’S ONE”) That’s an interesting thing though because I do think I’m the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk as you can see from my medallion here. I mean it looks just like me without sideburns and without a beard. No?
V: Yes.
Q: And in fact that’s what even one of the spirit voices says: “WITHOUT SIDEBURNS.” But — so I (“AM”) — so obviously Bel-Marduk, the God Ra, rates higher than Jesus Christ in God’s hierarchy. (“YES”) In terms of ‘son of God’ or I guess I’m His son. I mean I don’t know. I mean there’s enough ‘son’ — people with the word ‘son’ in their names to make that sort of clear. And ‘man’ as we’ve discussed. And ‘king.’ And other names (“LIKE”) crop up. A lot of ‘Rose’s. Rose. What is the rose symbolic of? I’ve never really taken the time to really look at that but I have a book of symbols right here so I’m going to look it up right now. Do you know what it is the symbol of? It might not even be in here.
V: You’ll find that objects such as roses can be held to symbolize a large number of items.
Q: Right.
V: In England there was the wars of the roses which were —
Q: Right.
V: — wars within two houses which were by . . . King Charles of England.
Q: Well you would definitely know about that.
V: Yes. (small laugh) Only one was represented by the white rose. That was the house of York. The house of Lancaster was represented by a red rose.
Q: Right. (“SO”) The rose is sort of symbolic of power, I guess, and beauty and love and romance. I’m looking here in the book. It doesn’t really say — it does say like in the Song of Solomon from the Bible, it says “I am the rose of Sharon.” What does that mean? This book — I just got this book recently and I haven’t really looked at it yet. It doesn’t really say much about what it means but I just know there’s a lot of ‘Rose’s around. (“ME”) In fact, the owner of that apartment building I’ve contacted — his last name is Rosen. And, of course, Deborah Rosen is one of the names that keeps cropping up in my book. (“SHE’S”) She is the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. You know? (or “YOU KNOW”) So I’m meeting all these famous people from history (“IN THEIR”) — of course, and some people when I tell people this (“EVEN) even in joking, they become livid and hysterical because (“LIKE”) there’s this one — like Inna, for example, who is two famous people reincarnated possibly, including Marie Antoinette and Lucretia Borgia. (“WELL” “SHE’S A”) She’s an a — a literary agent friend (of Inna) who actually wanted to read my book. But she became a raving bitch when I happened to mention (“THAT”) Inna might be the reincarnation of Marie Antoinette. “How? What? How dare you?” Because she likes Inna being a loser because it makes her feel ‘Poor Inna.’ (“IN” “NO”) It makes her feel superior that her best friend is a loser. So it’s like ‘We really hate it when our friends become successful.’
V: (small laugh)
Q: And she was such a raving bitch about this that I didn’t even think twice about giving her my book. I mean I said, “Oh, I’ll drop it off at your office.” But I didn’t go. I mean I wouldn’t give her my book. (“B”) Who needs that karma? You know? I also asked a few other people what they thought and, of course, my brother said, “Oh yes, give it to her.” Of course, he would. I mean he’s — he would say anything. I mean, you know, he totally doesn’t believe anything. And then James said, “Don’t bother.” He’s usually more honest. He can’t help being honest. Even when he’s lying, you know he’s lying. He just can’t lie. So it’s very interesting. I’m trying to think. So I don’t know. So anyway — so I’m now — my book is becoming a tell-all book about Hollywood because of the way they’ve destroyed life on Earth. The movies have destroyed life on Earth because — (“BY”) creating illusions that people’s lives can’t possibly live up to. Right? And that’s why they drink alcohol and take drugs and have sex — just to forget that their life isn’t as interesting as they see in the movies and on (“NO”) TV. What’s the last movie — have you seen any movies recently?
V: “Casino.”
Q: Right. Well you keep saying “Casino.”
V: . . . saw “Casino” recent . . .
Q: Well, see, a lot of people who have interesting lives don’t need to go see the movies a lot. It’s the people who don’t have — well I don’t know. When I went to see a lot of movies it was to escape from reality. I admit that.
V: Easy to . . .
Q: Very easy to do. But, of course, now my life is more interesting than anything — any book or movie you could ever hope for, so it’s no wonder I never go see any movies anymore. I still think “Babe” is going to win Best Picture.
V: Yes.
Q: It might not but I think — I hope and think that it will.
V: Could be.
Q: I usually do guess them right but maybe not this year because I haven’t really seen any one. But as far as I can tell karmically I think “Babe” should win. (“I DIS”) I mean I just think it’s the nicest, most upbeat, optimistic message. (“A WHO”)