Q: Mark Russell Bell
D: FM 101.9 disc jockey, Michael
L: Ellen Russell
H: Bill Schmeling, ‘The Hun’
V: Volker
O: Morlock
U: unidentifed
C: background conversation
D: David
B: Brian
M: Momma
P: unidentified passers-by
Q: So here I am back at Paramount Boulevard and the reason why I bought the painting that I did was because my horoscope said “Flowers.” So it made it very easy. And then, of course, I saw the street sign that said “Beloit.” I wonder if that’s a famous street or not? But it had my name on it. And the E. — the saleswoman — her name was Jane — asked me — I told her a little bit about my psychotherapy and my reincarnation. And she said, “Well do you have your parents name?” And I said, “Well, yes, my mother’s name is Ellen.” So she was a little freaked, I could tell. But — oh and I’m listening to the radio. The disc jockey is named Michael. Oh all the usual synchronicity things.” So this Mattson’s place definitely had my name on it as well. And she even gave me $90 off on the price of the painting. I asked her how old she thought it was. And she said, “Well it’s older — because it’s got a new frame — she said that the signature on the painting was hidden by the frame.” So I think that’s very interesting. What song is this?
D: . . . point nine. There’s multi-Grammy nominee Alanis Morrisette and “Ironic” off of Jagged Little Pill. Tom Petty before that: “Cabin Down Below” from his Wild Flowers album. Concrete Blond doing “Joey.” And Michael McDermott from his self-titled album Summer Days. And from the Music Hall from last month here are the Young Dubliners on FM 101.9.
( . . . )
Q: So I’m looking for Atlantic to turn left on and find the freeway. And I can’t help thinking — meditating about God constantly and thinking about my interviews and everything. And — like the check my father gave me which was from his father because he gave it to me (“YEAH”) because he didn’t want to accept it himself. So just it’s an interesting question like what will my grandfather think when he sees that Paul didn’t cash it but I did. (“AND I’M”) I wonder if he took my stock tip. For his sake, I hope he didn’t. I think Mighael wanted me out of the stock market for karma reasons. I don’t know. I could’ve made a little bit more money I guess. I haven’t really been following — I might have actually needed the money for some of these — some of my expenses. So it’s just too hard to figure out. I don’t really have much time to really figure out all these things. So at this point I guess everyone’s pretty much thinking, “Is this guy totally nuts with all this synchronicity business and people named Michael? I mean Michael’s a very common name. Son is a very common name.” You know — I guess they just have to really figure things out for themselves. And I guess they’re asking all kinds of questions after reading this far in my book like, “Is Chris LaMonte going to be one of the ones who is weeded?” I mean there are just so many different questions (“THAT”) that — and I’m not here to judge. I’m just here to sort of be the questioner and let people sort of put out their own feelings and — oh my goodness, my contact lenses. I don’t know, Mighael. What do you think about these big questions? It’s interesting — oh let me turn on the radio again.
( . . . )
Q: KD Lang: “I’m alright if you’re okay.”
D: . . . and Roxy Music before that: “Love Is The Drug” off of Siren. And the Young Dubliners with a live version of “Last House On The Street.” The original version you can hear on the album Rocky Road. I was wrong. I said last — it was from the Music Hall from last month but the date on it was actually last year — Last January in ‘95 from The FM 101.9 Music Hall. Here’s Bonnie Raitt now from Luck Of The Draw: “Come To Me” on KSCA FM 101.9.
Q: Well that’s all I have to say. People don’t believe any of the things I’ve said. Just listen to the song “I’m Alright If You’re Okay.”
( . . . )
Q: My horoscope also said “Music.”
( . . . )
D: . . . FM 101.9. “Rusted Root”—I had that once—and “Send Me On My Way” from the album When I Woke. Peter Gabriel before that. And “That Voice Again” off the So album. And Bonnie Raitt with “Come To Me” from Luck Of The Draw. And Bonnie will actually be hanging out on the radio in your ears Valentine’s Day evening right here on FM 101.9. She’ll be playing some music. She’ll be taking listeners’ calls from all across the country. There’ll be like a toll-free number for you to call in and have a question just for Bonnie and you can talk to her. So Valentine’s night —
( . . . )
Q: So my question for Bonnie is, “What’s your secret? Someone your age, not gorgeous — (“SSS”) what’s the secret of your success?”
( . . . )
L: Hello?
Q: Hi. So I saw Paul today, spent the day with Paul. He gave me a check for $500 and Michael a check for $500. He bought us each a pie. He gave me like —
L: Where does he get all of his money?
Q: I guess from the VA he gets money. (“ANY”) He said something about having to spend it each month or something. I don’t know. But he also gave me like a couple suitcases full of clothing and things which he said were brand new. Well I haven’t had time to go through them yet to see what they are. But he said like there were some traveler’s checks in there too and letters and things so it’ll be quite interesting to see —
L: Well where did he get those from?
Q: I guess he just had them with him for a while and always wanted to give them to us. So we’ll see if there are letters or anything. So, of course, my main reaction was he was the same but he looked older. Of course.
L: Well —
Q: He reminds me a lot of James Ulmer. His personality. Totally self-obsessed. No. (or “NO”)
L: Still has all his hair?
Q: Yeah.
L: Oh that’s nice.
Q: And, let’s see, what else?
L: Well did you just go with him or —
Q: Yeah. Michael didn’t want to go. So, anyway — and I saw the place where he’s living and it’s quite nice. He did (or “HE DID”) — we did talk about — one thing that came up he wanted me to ask you about was apparently that time when you had (“WHAT WAS IT”) the operation during the pregnancy?
L: Yes.
Q: He said apparently it wasn’t that — (“IT”) you had fallen over — you had tried to jump over the table and fell or something?
L: (no response)
Q: What was that?
L: I have no idea.
Q: Okay. Let’s see what else? I’m trying to think what else he said.
L: I never fell when I was pregnant. (small laugh) I mean really.
Q: This is the kind of intrigue that I get from all my relatives. (“L”) So it just — you know. See what else — I don’t know. (“I’LL HAVE”) I did a little bit of a taped interview with him so I’ll have to go home and read it later — I mean at some point I’ll have to transcribe it and I don’t remember what he said. Something about boyfriends. I can’t remember.
L: Whose boyfriends?
Q: Your boyfriends. I don’t know.
L: I mean like I had —
Q: I guess right after you divorced — (“TA[KE] YOUR GIF”)
L: I wish I had all those boyfriends.
Q: No, that’s what I told him. I said (“THAT”) —
L: Please.
Q: — there was just Bud. I said that.
L: I wish I’d had so many boyfriends. Heavens.
Q: I told him that he should write you a check while he was at it.
L: (laughs)
Q: Right?
L: What?
Q: Isn’t that right?
L: No, he doesn’t owe me anything.
Q: But, you know, he said, “Well when did she come back from Florida?” You know? “Is she still married?” And I said, “No. She never got married again.”
L: (laughs) (“HE SAID”)
Q: “You mean she — she didn’t live. She didn’t have a life.”
L: She what? (“HE SAID LIKE”)
Q: “She didn’t have a life” or something to that effect.
L: Exactly. I only told him that once because he was calling me over at Orange Grove and driving me nuts. And I told him and you know that I just got tired of it. And so I —
Q: I know. So he said, “Well you lied to me too.” And I said, “Well yes. I was just telling you what I was told to tell you.”
L: Well yeah. Just tell him (sounds like she’s saying “A LIE” here) I threatened you or something. I mean it doesn’t matter . . .
Q: It doesn’t matter. That’s what I was trying to tell him. (“I”)
L: I mean —
Q: I think he understands.
L: Oh I ho(pe) — I mean I don’t really care.
Q: He seems like he’s in a good place now.
L: Well I’m sure — he’s always been reasonably happy and —
Q: Okay well I have to get ready to go because I’m going to a book signing session. (“FOR”)
L: Okay.
Q: But have you been reading — have time to read my book yet?
L: I really haven’t had — been able to read it too much.
Q: Have you read any of it? Anything interesting?
L: Yeah, I’ve been reading a little bit more.
Q: Any questions or any reaction? (“I”)
L: I can’t think of any right now.
Q: Well when you are, let me know.
L: Okay, honey.
Q: But what would you — what do you — do you have anything to say at all? Were there any interviews you liked? (“OR” or “DOOR” “UHH”)
L: Well, no, they’re all fine.
Q: Okay.
L: Nothing to, you know, really dislike. (“UM-HUH”)
Q: Do you believe in Mighael?
L: Honey — (small laugh) (“WELL”) Not really. I mean —
Q: Well read more. Maybe you will.
L: Is he still around? (“YEAH HE’S”)
Q: Today I went shopping with Him and we bought two new antiques to add to my collection.
L: What? Oh dear.
Q: I bought a beautiful shield and a painting of flowers. An oil painting of flowers.
L: Okay. Well —
Q: Okay?
L: Alright, honey.
Q: Okay, I’ll talk to you later.
L: Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: So I just called up my brother. On the back of this shield it says, “To Mr. Thompson.” And there’s Japanese writing. And it’s signed K. Negami. (“WELL”) The ami has a definite meaning. “My belle ami I’m in love with you.”
( . . . )
Q: So I was just transcribing before leaving to go to A Different Light bookstore and I realized that the portion of the tape that I was especially worried about transcribing and hearing isn’t even on this tape. So that’s good. It gets to be — I get to do it like months from now whenever I get to that tape. So it probably won’t be in my first book. Well you know by now what the situation is. This is like forty tapes. I mean I have like — right now I’m doing this on — in February. On February 10th. So I have no idea when my book will be published and what — how far along it will be. (“BUT” “I”) The reason why I’m adding this tape because the problem when I omitted the whole thing about the gay comic and what happened. I mean I know it broke His heart. He found — (“YOU KNOW”) that’s all described. But I thought that was in the same tape side as my interview with ‘The Hun.’ And I’m going to see him again now. So it’s interesting to see just what will be in my book and what won’t be. Bill Schmeling ‘The Hun.”
( . . . )
Q: I want to make sure I pronounce your name correctly.
H: Schmeling. Bill.
Q: Okay. Very hard name to pronounce.
H: Yeah, it is.
Q: Of course — so, anyway, it was good speaking to you for our first interview. (“BU[T]”) I have to ask you (“O”) because (“NOT”) the Angel Mighael (“I LOVE”) likes to channel through people (“IN TODAY”) and am I — so anyway am I close to the energy of ‘Big Sig.’ I think this is going to be the question America wants to know.
H: Are you close to the energy of ‘Big Sig?’
Q: Yes. (“IT”) Without a beard. (“OLD”)
H: I would say you’re close to the energy of ‘Big Sig.’ (“CLICK CLICK” “YEAH”) Yes. An — (“CAN YOU”)
Q: Yeah, I’m sort of the same physical type.
H: An eager, sincere-looking young man, (“NEXT TO YOU”) wholesome —
Q: Uncircumsized.
H: Uncircumsized and yet very open to the possibilities (“OR”) of those around them.
Q: Trying to project love.
H: Trying to project love in a relatively loveless situation. I mean like Shady Nook Boys School, the boys workfarm. And yet he brings mirth, love, relationship and peace wherever he goes. As he gives up a piece, of course.
Q: (laughs)
H: For the cause. (“AA” or “AH”)
Q: A piece or two.
H: A piece or two.
Q: Right. So, okay, I’m going to get one of the books.
H: Alright.
Q: So you’ll have to give me a message. Maybe you should give a message to Mighael as well as me because if Mighael is channeling through you and I’m His inspiration this message should be pretty good. (small laugh)
H: Alright. We will see.
Q: Okay.
H: And, of course, you pay for it up there.
Q: Of course.
H: Okay. Unless you’re buying some of this.
Q: No. I’ll take a look.
H: Back here.
Q: I’ll take a look. That’s for sure. (“ALRI”) By the way, did you notice right behind you James Broughton’s book Special Deliveries?
H: Yes.
Q: Doesn’t the person on the cover look a little bit like me as well?
D: . . . point nine. There’s multi-Grammy nominee Alanis Morrisette and “Ironic” off of Jagged Little Pill. Tom Petty before that: “Cabin Down Below” from his Wild Flowers album. Concrete Blond doing “Joey.” And Michael McDermott from his self-titled album Summer Days. And from the Music Hall from last month here are the Young Dubliners on FM 101.9.
( . . . )
Q: So I’m looking for Atlantic to turn left on and find the freeway. And I can’t help thinking — meditating about God constantly and thinking about my interviews and everything. And — like the check my father gave me which was from his father because he gave it to me (“YEAH”) because he didn’t want to accept it himself. So just it’s an interesting question like what will my grandfather think when he sees that Paul didn’t cash it but I did. (“AND I’M”) I wonder if he took my stock tip. For his sake, I hope he didn’t. I think Mighael wanted me out of the stock market for karma reasons. I don’t know. I could’ve made a little bit more money I guess. I haven’t really been following — I might have actually needed the money for some of these — some of my expenses. So it’s just too hard to figure out. I don’t really have much time to really figure out all these things. So at this point I guess everyone’s pretty much thinking, “Is this guy totally nuts with all this synchronicity business and people named Michael? I mean Michael’s a very common name. Son is a very common name.” You know — I guess they just have to really figure things out for themselves. And I guess they’re asking all kinds of questions after reading this far in my book like, “Is Chris LaMonte going to be one of the ones who is weeded?” I mean there are just so many different questions (“THAT”) that — and I’m not here to judge. I’m just here to sort of be the questioner and let people sort of put out their own feelings and — oh my goodness, my contact lenses. I don’t know, Mighael. What do you think about these big questions? It’s interesting — oh let me turn on the radio again.
( . . . )
Q: KD Lang: “I’m alright if you’re okay.”
D: . . . and Roxy Music before that: “Love Is The Drug” off of Siren. And the Young Dubliners with a live version of “Last House On The Street.” The original version you can hear on the album Rocky Road. I was wrong. I said last — it was from the Music Hall from last month but the date on it was actually last year — Last January in ‘95 from The FM 101.9 Music Hall. Here’s Bonnie Raitt now from Luck Of The Draw: “Come To Me” on KSCA FM 101.9.
Q: Well that’s all I have to say. People don’t believe any of the things I’ve said. Just listen to the song “I’m Alright If You’re Okay.”
( . . . )
Q: My horoscope also said “Music.”
( . . . )
D: . . . FM 101.9. “Rusted Root”—I had that once—and “Send Me On My Way” from the album When I Woke. Peter Gabriel before that. And “That Voice Again” off the So album. And Bonnie Raitt with “Come To Me” from Luck Of The Draw. And Bonnie will actually be hanging out on the radio in your ears Valentine’s Day evening right here on FM 101.9. She’ll be playing some music. She’ll be taking listeners’ calls from all across the country. There’ll be like a toll-free number for you to call in and have a question just for Bonnie and you can talk to her. So Valentine’s night —
( . . . )
Q: So my question for Bonnie is, “What’s your secret? Someone your age, not gorgeous — (“SSS”) what’s the secret of your success?”
( . . . )
L: Hello?
Q: Hi. So I saw Paul today, spent the day with Paul. He gave me a check for $500 and Michael a check for $500. He bought us each a pie. He gave me like —
L: Where does he get all of his money?
Q: I guess from the VA he gets money. (“ANY”) He said something about having to spend it each month or something. I don’t know. But he also gave me like a couple suitcases full of clothing and things which he said were brand new. Well I haven’t had time to go through them yet to see what they are. But he said like there were some traveler’s checks in there too and letters and things so it’ll be quite interesting to see —
L: Well where did he get those from?
Q: I guess he just had them with him for a while and always wanted to give them to us. So we’ll see if there are letters or anything. So, of course, my main reaction was he was the same but he looked older. Of course.
L: Well —
Q: He reminds me a lot of James Ulmer. His personality. Totally self-obsessed. No. (or “NO”)
L: Still has all his hair?
Q: Yeah.
L: Oh that’s nice.
Q: And, let’s see, what else?
L: Well did you just go with him or —
Q: Yeah. Michael didn’t want to go. So, anyway — and I saw the place where he’s living and it’s quite nice. He did (or “HE DID”) — we did talk about — one thing that came up he wanted me to ask you about was apparently that time when you had (“WHAT WAS IT”) the operation during the pregnancy?
L: Yes.
Q: He said apparently it wasn’t that — (“IT”) you had fallen over — you had tried to jump over the table and fell or something?
L: (no response)
Q: What was that?
L: I have no idea.
Q: Okay. Let’s see what else? I’m trying to think what else he said.
L: I never fell when I was pregnant. (small laugh) I mean really.
Q: This is the kind of intrigue that I get from all my relatives. (“L”) So it just — you know. See what else — I don’t know. (“I’LL HAVE”) I did a little bit of a taped interview with him so I’ll have to go home and read it later — I mean at some point I’ll have to transcribe it and I don’t remember what he said. Something about boyfriends. I can’t remember.
L: Whose boyfriends?
Q: Your boyfriends. I don’t know.
L: I mean like I had —
Q: I guess right after you divorced — (“TA[KE] YOUR GIF”)
L: I wish I had all those boyfriends.
Q: No, that’s what I told him. I said (“THAT”) —
L: Please.
Q: — there was just Bud. I said that.
L: I wish I’d had so many boyfriends. Heavens.
Q: I told him that he should write you a check while he was at it.
L: (laughs)
Q: Right?
L: What?
Q: Isn’t that right?
L: No, he doesn’t owe me anything.
Q: But, you know, he said, “Well when did she come back from Florida?” You know? “Is she still married?” And I said, “No. She never got married again.”
L: (laughs) (“HE SAID”)
Q: “You mean she — she didn’t live. She didn’t have a life.”
L: She what? (“HE SAID LIKE”)
Q: “She didn’t have a life” or something to that effect.
L: Exactly. I only told him that once because he was calling me over at Orange Grove and driving me nuts. And I told him and you know that I just got tired of it. And so I —
Q: I know. So he said, “Well you lied to me too.” And I said, “Well yes. I was just telling you what I was told to tell you.”
L: Well yeah. Just tell him (sounds like she’s saying “A LIE” here) I threatened you or something. I mean it doesn’t matter . . .
Q: It doesn’t matter. That’s what I was trying to tell him. (“I”)
L: I mean —
Q: I think he understands.
L: Oh I ho(pe) — I mean I don’t really care.
Q: He seems like he’s in a good place now.
L: Well I’m sure — he’s always been reasonably happy and —
Q: Okay well I have to get ready to go because I’m going to a book signing session. (“FOR”)
L: Okay.
Q: But have you been reading — have time to read my book yet?
L: I really haven’t had — been able to read it too much.
Q: Have you read any of it? Anything interesting?
L: Yeah, I’ve been reading a little bit more.
Q: Any questions or any reaction? (“I”)
L: I can’t think of any right now.
Q: Well when you are, let me know.
L: Okay, honey.
Q: But what would you — what do you — do you have anything to say at all? Were there any interviews you liked? (“OR” or “DOOR” “UHH”)
L: Well, no, they’re all fine.
Q: Okay.
L: Nothing to, you know, really dislike. (“UM-HUH”)
Q: Do you believe in Mighael?
L: Honey — (small laugh) (“WELL”) Not really. I mean —
Q: Well read more. Maybe you will.
L: Is he still around? (“YEAH HE’S”)
Q: Today I went shopping with Him and we bought two new antiques to add to my collection.
L: What? Oh dear.
Q: I bought a beautiful shield and a painting of flowers. An oil painting of flowers.
L: Okay. Well —
Q: Okay?
L: Alright, honey.
Q: Okay, I’ll talk to you later.
L: Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: So I just called up my brother. On the back of this shield it says, “To Mr. Thompson.” And there’s Japanese writing. And it’s signed K. Negami. (“WELL”) The ami has a definite meaning. “My belle ami I’m in love with you.”
( . . . )
Q: So I was just transcribing before leaving to go to A Different Light bookstore and I realized that the portion of the tape that I was especially worried about transcribing and hearing isn’t even on this tape. So that’s good. It gets to be — I get to do it like months from now whenever I get to that tape. So it probably won’t be in my first book. Well you know by now what the situation is. This is like forty tapes. I mean I have like — right now I’m doing this on — in February. On February 10th. So I have no idea when my book will be published and what — how far along it will be. (“BUT” “I”) The reason why I’m adding this tape because the problem when I omitted the whole thing about the gay comic and what happened. I mean I know it broke His heart. He found — (“YOU KNOW”) that’s all described. But I thought that was in the same tape side as my interview with ‘The Hun.’ And I’m going to see him again now. So it’s interesting to see just what will be in my book and what won’t be. Bill Schmeling ‘The Hun.”
( . . . )
Q: I want to make sure I pronounce your name correctly.
H: Schmeling. Bill.
Q: Okay. Very hard name to pronounce.
H: Yeah, it is.
Q: Of course — so, anyway, it was good speaking to you for our first interview. (“BU[T]”) I have to ask you (“O”) because (“NOT”) the Angel Mighael (“I LOVE”) likes to channel through people (“IN TODAY”) and am I — so anyway am I close to the energy of ‘Big Sig.’ I think this is going to be the question America wants to know.
H: Are you close to the energy of ‘Big Sig?’
Q: Yes. (“IT”) Without a beard. (“OLD”)
H: I would say you’re close to the energy of ‘Big Sig.’ (“CLICK CLICK” “YEAH”) Yes. An — (“CAN YOU”)
Q: Yeah, I’m sort of the same physical type.
H: An eager, sincere-looking young man, (“NEXT TO YOU”) wholesome —
Q: Uncircumsized.
H: Uncircumsized and yet very open to the possibilities (“OR”) of those around them.
Q: Trying to project love.
H: Trying to project love in a relatively loveless situation. I mean like Shady Nook Boys School, the boys workfarm. And yet he brings mirth, love, relationship and peace wherever he goes. As he gives up a piece, of course.
Q: (laughs)
H: For the cause. (“AA” or “AH”)
Q: A piece or two.
H: A piece or two.
Q: Right. So, okay, I’m going to get one of the books.
H: Alright.
Q: So you’ll have to give me a message. Maybe you should give a message to Mighael as well as me because if Mighael is channeling through you and I’m His inspiration this message should be pretty good. (small laugh)
H: Alright. We will see.
Q: Okay.
H: And, of course, you pay for it up there.
Q: Of course.
H: Okay. Unless you’re buying some of this.
Q: No. I’ll take a look.
H: Back here.
Q: I’ll take a look. That’s for sure. (“ALRI”) By the way, did you notice right behind you James Broughton’s book Special Deliveries?
H: Yes.
Q: Doesn’t the person on the cover look a little bit like me as well?
H: It does indeed. You posed for him.
Q: Scary, isn’t it?
H: Yes. You and the angel’s been around. (“WELL”)
Q: At least this One.
H: Alright. Okay. And do you want this for — (“FOR”)
Q: Well whatever — whatever you want. My name is Mark Russell Bell.
H: You want it ‘For Mark — ’
Q: The Arch — Mighael’s my Angel. He’s with me now.
H: We can do it for Mark and Michael.
Q: He’s invisible. Okay.
H: Alright.
Q: I have a twin brother who’s named Michael too.
H: Really? Okay. (“IT’S”)
Q: It’ll be quite interesting because this whole thing — I mentioned a little bit about it on the phone when I spoke to you. But when I placed the order it was like I was trying to be politically correct?
H: (laughs)
Q: So, you know, I edited that part out and Mighael and I had our biggest fight ever.
H: Real nice.
Q: Because of it.
H: Uah uah.
Q: So that’s why I’m — to be on — stay on His good side, I’m making sure the interview is in the first book. And all America is going to have to get over it. You know? They’re going to have to come to terms with their sexuality. (“I” “MY” “NO”) I like this one with the policeman on the cover. I think that is especially appropriate. Talk about closet cases. (“J”) I can’t tell you how many policemen have been stopping me recently.
H: Umm hhh. (“BECAUSE I” “SO”)
Q: Because it was — it said, “Don’t Walk.” It was green and it said, “Don’t Walk.” And I got stopped.
H: Oop.
Q: I was parked at a meter inside my car without putting money in the meter and I almost got a ticket.
H: Really? (“HOW WOULD”) Michael will have to steer you better (“EXA”) unless there’s a message in that.
Q: Well no — there definitely is a message.
H: A message? A lesson?
Q: I don’t know what it is.
H: There’s always a lesson in things.
Q: How would Big Sig have gotten out of those situations?
H: Oh he would probably have negotiated. (laughs) (“HOW”)
Q: How would he have done that? You and I both know.
H: Having no money, he would have to offer what he had.
Q: Exactly. A piece of himself.
H: Yes.
Q: A piece of his heart.
H: A piece of his heart or whatever else the police wanted a piece of.
Q: And I love your buttons. These are great buttons.
H: No, these are places I’ve been, people I’ve known.
Q: Wow.
H: Events I’ve judged or attended or whatever. And so (“DORA KID”) this is from Mister IML — International Mr. Leather a few years back. Henri Tin Have who was from the Netherlands, and so he gave out little . . .
Q: The rose is especially interesting. Portland.
H: That’s the symbol of Portland. And I’m a member of NLA, National Leather Association in Portland. And some of these are recent and some go back ten years or more. (“SOMEBODY YOU LIKE MOST”) Some of them — the people are not (“I”) with us anymore. . . .
Q: And I love your red ribbon. I’m a volunteer for the hotline associated with APLA. So I volunteer four hours a week for that. Do you do any volunteer work? (“IN”)
H: Through NLA mostly.
Q: That’s very good.
H: My volunteer work. And I have helped in — friends who are terminal. It seems I don’t have as rough a time sitting in with death. Maybe it’s because I’m fifty-eight — pushing fifty-eight. I don’t have as rough a time sitting in with death —
Q: You don’t look it. You don’t look like — a lot of people who, like, let’s say, work in the corporate world look older than they are. You look younger because — I think it’s because you love what you’re doing.
H: Well thank you. (“AND I”) I think Big Sig gives me some feed-off of his younger —
Q: Is he like your major character?
H: He has been. I try to work more people into the act —
Q: Now you’re branching out?
H: — but he is certainly a major fixation . . .
Q: I like the idea about the dream sequence with the Angel.
H: Alright.
Q: And Big Sig. So I’m waiting for that.
H: We’ll see what we can do. (“YEAH”)
Q: By the way, everything is a dream. So (or “SO”) —
H: I’ve been told . . . (“EXA”) Hi, how are you?
Q: Okay, well I’m going to take one —
H: Today we’ve got The Hun book that’s (“I”) — flying down from Portland.
Q: He inscri(bed) — I can’t wait. I’m going to show this to all my friends.
H: But they will have it here at A Different Light, West Hollywood, for weeks and I hope years to come. But only tonight can you get it signed here. So come back and see us.
Q: Um-huh um-huh um-huh. Is there anything else you would like to say that you haven’t been asked I wouldn’t think of asking or something that you’d like —
H: Not . . . I guess I’m — my mind is too preoccupied with this event.
Q: Right. Are you on a — are you going anywhere else appearing?
H: Well I’ll probably be going to Chicago for International Mr. Leather. That happens in May. (“NO”)
Q: What about A Different Light in San Francisco?
H: They haven’t invited me yet. I would go if they did. (“LIGHT”)
Q: Well they better get on it.
H: (laughs) Okay.
Q: Okay, thank you.
H: Thank you, Mark. (“AWAI” “AOOHHH”)
( . . . )
Q: Hi. What’s your name?
V: Volker.
Q: Are you working with Bill?
B: I won’t have my voice recorded.
Q: Okay. Fine.
( . . . )
Q: I’m speaking to someone who has the name of Morlock. (“I LOVE”) And he does not think that is close to warlock because he comes from Germany. Is this guy kidding or what? Are you kidding?
O: I’m going to be bashful.
( . . . )
Q: Bill just told me that (artist) Teddy’s real name is?
H: So I (“ME”) . . .
Q: Oh okay. But you said Michel. (“YOU”) You — one of his names was near — close to Michael. (“I DISAGREE” “TWENTY-EIGHT”).
H: Yes. I’ll tell you the first name. It’s — I think it’s Michel in print. (“NO”) M — I — C — H — E — L.
Q: Well, see, this is what my book is about.
H: Which means exactly Michael.
Q: Exactly. That’s what — this is what my book is about.
H: Hhh. Yeah.
Q: Remember Michel — angelo?
H: Yes.
Q: Michaelangelo. My book is all about this subject. (“SO”)
H: That’s amazing that that would . . . in this context.
Q: Exactly.
H: . . . should be Michael . . . with this. (“YEAH”) . . . Channel your book through me.
Q: Now you’re talking. Now you know.
H: (laughs)
Q: Now you know. You always did.
H: I did.
Q: You said that you thought you had, maybe (“I”), someone living in your house. A ghost or something?
H: Well no I said I was the Taurian — that I probably did not know if an angel was standing right in front of me because I’m such an obtuse and grounded —
Q: Well no — yeah, I didn’t know it for thirty-nine years. Not until He started burning up bushes in my backyard.
H: That’ll do it.
Q: And I —
U: It was same for me too. Whatever you said — for me too.
Q: Well I still didn’t get — I didn’t get it for a year later after that. (“OKAY”) It took me a year to figure it out. Actually He was in my life all along and I didn’t know it. You know, like I —
C: Pretty good book too, huh?
Q: Hmm?
U: . . . angels. (“TWYLA”) Maybe we all have . . .
Q: Of course we all do. I’m in a (“VADA” “SPEAK” “I”) — I’m in a personal relationship with One. See? (indicating cover of Special Deliveries) We all have a guardian angel. (“YES”) But mine — when I do interviews with people He talks on the interviews later on.
U: Okay. (“THE”)
Q: You know, (“BOOK”) He says things. So my book (“IS”) should be a bestseller. (“I” “LET’S FACE” “N A” “GO”)
C: And you work out too? (“FULL”)
Q: And he just told me (“N A”) Teddy’s real name. Michel.
C: Same gym or —
Q: So what can I say? (“GO”)
U: Yeah. (“O”)
Q: It’s a very — (“HE’S IN”) it’s a very — going to be very compelling book that a lot of fundamentalist Christians aren’t going to like. (“SAY” “TWENTY”) Because —
C: You’re too sick.
Q: You know. (“BU[T] THEY”)
C: I hardly ever say sex.
Q: They don’t have anything better to do than worry about homosexuality and worry about abortion. (“TONIGHT”) Why don’t they worry about the homeless? Why don’t they worry about the ozone? Why don’t they worry about the whales? Why don’t they worry about the French detonating nuclear, you know, bombs in the ocean and destroying the food chain? (“OUCH”) So I have a very important book to write. So that’s why I’m trying (“NO”) — interviewing people (“IN”) —
C: The open part of my hand.
Q: — trying to get them to talk to me.
U: He looks interesting to be interviewed. The guy with the hat.
Q: Well everyone here would be very interesting to interview because these are obviously very open-minded people. Who would you rather be with on a Saturday afternoon? (“LOVE IT”) Right?
C: It’s a nice place I’ve only visited twice.
U: Maybe it’s good to be here on a Saturday afternoon. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Right.
C: Hamburg.
Q: So I’m going to go home. (“LOCK IT”)
( . . . )
Q: He signed — (“HE” “THE WAR”) said a message to me. He wrote a message. It says: “For Mark and Michael”—that’s the name of my Angel—“with thanks to you both for your continuing encouragement and inspiration.”
D: Oh very nice.
Q: If only he knew how much inspiration Mighael gives him. (“RELIGION”) Gives all of us, I might add. Look at these interesting videos behind us. (“TOO MUCH” “NN”) But you work for Tom of Finland?
B: Much more liberated than over here.
Q: So —
D: I’m Dave . . . I volunteer. (“MY”) But it’s not the Michael that’s this entity Michael, is it?
Q: What is? What isn’t?
D: Your Michael. (“JUMP”)
Q: What do you mean? The books?
D: Yeah.
Q: Of course it is.
D: Read those books?
Q: Yes. Of course it is.
D: But Michael is an entity. It’s not one angel.
Q: He’s a Collection — He’s a collection of spirits.
D: Right.
Q: And my book is revealing that He’s the Archangel Mighael from the book of The Revelation. So mankind better get their act together. I’m sort of a New Age Jesus. So, you know, it’s — people aren’t going to like my book because it’s going to tell them (“THINK”) —
B: Now there’s David.
Q: — time to get their act together.
D: Great. Hi . . .
B: How are you doing? I’m Brian . . .
U: There’s the image you need to see, David.
U: This is my friend, Brian.
B: How are you doing, dude?
U: Piece of art. (“I NEED” “WRONG BUILDING”)
U: Which one?
U: This one.
U: Mmmmmm. (“HELP ME”)
U: See? Told you so (“NOT YET”) . . .
( . . .
D: Hi, it’s David.
H: Hi. Bill.
D: Bill, pleased to meet you. (“U HO”)
( . . . )
Q: Hello. I’m outside of A Different Light bookstore and I just met a very glamorous Hollywood star.
M: Really?
Q: They told me — yes, I saw the hat inside and they said —
M: ‘Oh my God, it’s Barbra reincarnated.’ I don’t know.
Q: Oh really?
M: I — well I have no idea. (“WHERE WHAT”)
Q: What’s your name?
M: My name is Momma.
Q: And who are you the reincarnation of?
M: Any voluptuous person that that man right there wants. Hello, sweetheart.
P: Hello, darling. Mhhh (kiss).
Q: Oh really? Are you friends?
M: A big fan. A big fan.
P: No, I just — this isn’t — I mean how could you possibly pass her by?
Q: Right. Right. Well you never know.
P: Oh —
M: This is just my little Easter bonnet. I’m getting ready for Mardi Gras.
Q: Really?
M: Mmmm. (“YES”) Mardi Gras’s happening next week. I’m going to a ‘Love That Hat’ party right now. See you at church.
Q: So what is your message to the world?
M: My message to the world is let’s just get along and let’s stop pointing fingers — hello, sweetheart — get a personality.
Q: Didn’t somebody else say let’s just — why can’t we all get along?
M: Oh yes but that guy was a dick. And you can quote me on that. (small laugh)
Q: Okay. I will in my second book.
M: (interacts occasionally with others passing by on foot or in car, laughing at this time) Fantastic.
Q: No, I — because Im about forty cassettes behind in my transcribing.
M: Well —
Q: I know.
M: — you’re — (“WE’RE”) we’re going for a triple.
Q: So — so, no, I’m — no, I’m serious when I ask you about reincarnation. What is the first name that pops into your mind of anyone in history? (“WHO”) Who would you be the reincarnation of? I mean who in terms of —
M: Mae West. (“NO”)
Q: What year did she die?
M: Oh well that’s true. She’s — I’m not the — (“YOU COULD BE”)
Q: You could be part of the same splinter.
M: Well she — exactly. I could’ve channeled her into me, maybe.
Q: Definitely.
M: You know? I could be —
Q: Well some people think she was a man.
M: Well yes.
Q: But I don’t think so. (“I DON’T”)
M: No no no, she was too wonderful — she could’ve been a —
P: Oh my. Oh my.
M: Don’t point fingers, sweethearts. So —
Q: Okay. Well it was very nice meeting you.
M: Well — and, darling, what’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark Russell Bell.
M: Mark Russell — Mark Russell Bell.
Q: Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?
M: You can ring my bell any time you want . . .
Q: Exactly. There are so many wonderful songs with “Bell” in it. Aren’t there?
M: There probably are. I haven’t —
Q: And many singers with the name Bell. (“NO”)
M: Patti LaBelle.
Q: Exactly.
M: And who else? Give me another Bell.
Q: Another Bell? Why can’t I think — (“WW”) it’s all so — well in terms of synchronicity, we’re also talking “Michael” because I channel an Angel named Mighael so I bet you know someone named Michael in your life.
M: I know many Michaels.
Q: Exactly.
M: And most of them are all wonderful people too.
Q: Isn’t that the truth?
M: Yeah.
Q: And then I know a lot of people with (“NN NU”) the name “son” in it. Do you know a lot of people with the name son?
M: Son? Not a lot unless the Korean.
Q: Right. Or Michael Jackson.
M: Well Michael Jackson. I know two people by that name.
Q: Or Donald — (“OR”) or O. J. Simpson.
M: Oh Simpson.
Q: When you start thinking about it —
M: Like Jason.
Q: — you start getting a lot more. See? (“RIGHT”)
M: Of the sons. Right. Johnson. (“RIGHT”)
Q: There are a lot more than — (“WHEAT”) than you think.
M: Right . . .
Q: So you’ll have to see where my book is going to figure this all out. But Mae West — may I be so rude as to ask your age?
M: I’m only thirty-five years old.
Q: So I think she was still alive when you were born.
M: She was very much alive when I was.
Q: But if you’ve read the Michael books, you could be a splinter of the same Entity that she is.
M: Amazing. (“LIKE”)
Q: Because they say that it’s possible for a thousand different people to be in part of the same Entity. So maybe you and Mae West are from the same Entity. Who’s that?
M: I have no idea. But they were staring.
Q: One of your many admirers.
M: Yes. Yes.
Q: So now when can we see you? What are you doing now?
M: Right now? Where am I going?
Q: Where are you appearing?
M: I’m appearing all over the place. I have a title this year of being Miss Temple and so I represent Temple, Pump and Utopia. They’re danceclubs. And I’m also going to be working at Axis in a couple of months doing some shows there and being in them. She smiles. Sweatheart, smile. Thank you.
Q: You know, I was once the talent agent for Jim Bailey.
M: Jim Bailey. (“YEAH”) I love him.
Q: Yeah.
M: You were a talent — his talent agent?
Q: Yeah. I booked him in “Nite Club Confidential” and “Night Court.” Lots of things with the word “night” in them, yeah. Have you been in anything with the word “night” in it?
M: No but maybe if you book me into something I would get something with the word “night” in it.
Q: Probably. I’m not a talent agent anymore, unfortunately.
M: You’re an author.
Q: Exactly.
M: That’s where you’re — that’s where you are. I’m being interviewed for a fantastic book.
Q: Is this someone you know?
M: This is my friend Richard and my friend Christian.
Q: Christian, oh my goodness.
C: Dick and Lamb of God.
Q: Exactly.
C: Thank you.
Q: Aren’t we all?
C: Finally. Somebody who understands me.
Q: Exactly. Exactly. So what did you say your name was again? Christian?
C: Christian.
Q: What’s your last name? If I may be so bold.
C: Oh Lamb of God will suffice.
Q: Okay. Why isn’t anybody “out” in L.A.?
C: Well I’m the son of a senator.
Q: You are?
C: Yeah. So I can’t —
R: Shhh.
Q: Well yes but —
M: That’s enough.
Q: We’re all a son of God. (“PER”) And He wants us to be —
C: Yeah, well God doesn’t have to be reelected every six years. (small laugh)
Q: You mean you’re serious?
C: Yes.
Q: Only in L.A. could this happen.
C: Well — it happens all over the place.
Q: I’m writing a tell-all book about Hollywood. Not Washington. You’re luck — isn’t that just your luck? (laughs) So who are you the son of?
R: My name is Richard Dotson.
Q: What?
R: Dotson.
M: Dotson. See? Son?
Q: See? Am I kidding you not?
C: No no no no —
Q: So your last name is D — A — T —
R: D — O — T — S — O — N.
M: Wow. (“GOL MINE”)
Q: Do you know anyone (“WHO WOR[KS]”) — other than him, do you know anyone with the name “Son” in it?
C: No.
Q: Okay.
U: Is that hat party?
Q: Uh-oh, you look very guilty.
U: I think we know who the senator is.
C: No, don’t write that down . . .
Q: Uh-oh, you’re in big trouble. This is going to be published. (“LOOK” or “BOOK” RIGHT”)
C: Well, you know, it’s not coming from my lips so —
Q: Oh my God. This is going to be major.
C: Infer what you will. (“MITEE” “MY TEMPER”)
Q: Okay. Nice meeting you. (“OF THE” “COR”)
C: We have a full office full of people who will deny anything I say.
Q: Well don’t worry. This won’t be coming out for another year.
C: Oh thank God.
Q: So he’ll be reelected. (laughs) If it comes out at all.
C: Exactly.
Q: Because one of my claims is that I’m Son of Man so that’s why (“I’M MEETING” “YEAH” “SO”) — so that’s why I’m meeting all these people named Son. Sort of like (“YOU KNOW”) synchronicity.
M: Alright alright.
Q: Something to think about. (“JOKING”) Right?
U: Hello.
M: ‘Solutely.
Q: But I love your T-shirt. It says “Pride.”
C: Yeah.
Q: Quite a —
R: Color. The colors are like all —
C: Well — unless he’s standing on his head.
Q: By the way, there’s a great — there’s a great artist inside. You’ve got to buy his book. (I show them the cover) Need I say more? . . . (section hard to hear) . . .
C: No no no. Not me . . . I can’t have anything like that found on my person.
Q: Right. One more question. (“YY[OU]”)
Q: Scary, isn’t it?
H: Yes. You and the angel’s been around. (“WELL”)
Q: At least this One.
H: Alright. Okay. And do you want this for — (“FOR”)
Q: Well whatever — whatever you want. My name is Mark Russell Bell.
H: You want it ‘For Mark — ’
Q: The Arch — Mighael’s my Angel. He’s with me now.
H: We can do it for Mark and Michael.
Q: He’s invisible. Okay.
H: Alright.
Q: I have a twin brother who’s named Michael too.
H: Really? Okay. (“IT’S”)
Q: It’ll be quite interesting because this whole thing — I mentioned a little bit about it on the phone when I spoke to you. But when I placed the order it was like I was trying to be politically correct?
H: (laughs)
Q: So, you know, I edited that part out and Mighael and I had our biggest fight ever.
H: Real nice.
Q: Because of it.
H: Uah uah.
Q: So that’s why I’m — to be on — stay on His good side, I’m making sure the interview is in the first book. And all America is going to have to get over it. You know? They’re going to have to come to terms with their sexuality. (“I” “MY” “NO”) I like this one with the policeman on the cover. I think that is especially appropriate. Talk about closet cases. (“J”) I can’t tell you how many policemen have been stopping me recently.
H: Umm hhh. (“BECAUSE I” “SO”)
Q: Because it was — it said, “Don’t Walk.” It was green and it said, “Don’t Walk.” And I got stopped.
H: Oop.
Q: I was parked at a meter inside my car without putting money in the meter and I almost got a ticket.
H: Really? (“HOW WOULD”) Michael will have to steer you better (“EXA”) unless there’s a message in that.
Q: Well no — there definitely is a message.
H: A message? A lesson?
Q: I don’t know what it is.
H: There’s always a lesson in things.
Q: How would Big Sig have gotten out of those situations?
H: Oh he would probably have negotiated. (laughs) (“HOW”)
Q: How would he have done that? You and I both know.
H: Having no money, he would have to offer what he had.
Q: Exactly. A piece of himself.
H: Yes.
Q: A piece of his heart.
H: A piece of his heart or whatever else the police wanted a piece of.
Q: And I love your buttons. These are great buttons.
H: No, these are places I’ve been, people I’ve known.
Q: Wow.
H: Events I’ve judged or attended or whatever. And so (“DORA KID”) this is from Mister IML — International Mr. Leather a few years back. Henri Tin Have who was from the Netherlands, and so he gave out little . . .
Q: The rose is especially interesting. Portland.
H: That’s the symbol of Portland. And I’m a member of NLA, National Leather Association in Portland. And some of these are recent and some go back ten years or more. (“SOMEBODY YOU LIKE MOST”) Some of them — the people are not (“I”) with us anymore. . . .
Q: And I love your red ribbon. I’m a volunteer for the hotline associated with APLA. So I volunteer four hours a week for that. Do you do any volunteer work? (“IN”)
H: Through NLA mostly.
Q: That’s very good.
H: My volunteer work. And I have helped in — friends who are terminal. It seems I don’t have as rough a time sitting in with death. Maybe it’s because I’m fifty-eight — pushing fifty-eight. I don’t have as rough a time sitting in with death —
Q: You don’t look it. You don’t look like — a lot of people who, like, let’s say, work in the corporate world look older than they are. You look younger because — I think it’s because you love what you’re doing.
H: Well thank you. (“AND I”) I think Big Sig gives me some feed-off of his younger —
Q: Is he like your major character?
H: He has been. I try to work more people into the act —
Q: Now you’re branching out?
H: — but he is certainly a major fixation . . .
Q: I like the idea about the dream sequence with the Angel.
H: Alright.
Q: And Big Sig. So I’m waiting for that.
H: We’ll see what we can do. (“YEAH”)
Q: By the way, everything is a dream. So (or “SO”) —
H: I’ve been told . . . (“EXA”) Hi, how are you?
Q: Okay, well I’m going to take one —
H: Today we’ve got The Hun book that’s (“I”) — flying down from Portland.
Q: He inscri(bed) — I can’t wait. I’m going to show this to all my friends.
H: But they will have it here at A Different Light, West Hollywood, for weeks and I hope years to come. But only tonight can you get it signed here. So come back and see us.
Q: Um-huh um-huh um-huh. Is there anything else you would like to say that you haven’t been asked I wouldn’t think of asking or something that you’d like —
H: Not . . . I guess I’m — my mind is too preoccupied with this event.
Q: Right. Are you on a — are you going anywhere else appearing?
H: Well I’ll probably be going to Chicago for International Mr. Leather. That happens in May. (“NO”)
Q: What about A Different Light in San Francisco?
H: They haven’t invited me yet. I would go if they did. (“LIGHT”)
Q: Well they better get on it.
H: (laughs) Okay.
Q: Okay, thank you.
H: Thank you, Mark. (“AWAI” “AOOHHH”)
( . . . )
Q: Hi. What’s your name?
V: Volker.
Q: Are you working with Bill?
B: I won’t have my voice recorded.
Q: Okay. Fine.
( . . . )
Q: I’m speaking to someone who has the name of Morlock. (“I LOVE”) And he does not think that is close to warlock because he comes from Germany. Is this guy kidding or what? Are you kidding?
O: I’m going to be bashful.
( . . . )
Q: Bill just told me that (artist) Teddy’s real name is?
H: So I (“ME”) . . .
Q: Oh okay. But you said Michel. (“YOU”) You — one of his names was near — close to Michael. (“I DISAGREE” “TWENTY-EIGHT”).
H: Yes. I’ll tell you the first name. It’s — I think it’s Michel in print. (“NO”) M — I — C — H — E — L.
Q: Well, see, this is what my book is about.
H: Which means exactly Michael.
Q: Exactly. That’s what — this is what my book is about.
H: Hhh. Yeah.
Q: Remember Michel — angelo?
H: Yes.
Q: Michaelangelo. My book is all about this subject. (“SO”)
H: That’s amazing that that would . . . in this context.
Q: Exactly.
H: . . . should be Michael . . . with this. (“YEAH”) . . . Channel your book through me.
Q: Now you’re talking. Now you know.
H: (laughs)
Q: Now you know. You always did.
H: I did.
Q: You said that you thought you had, maybe (“I”), someone living in your house. A ghost or something?
H: Well no I said I was the Taurian — that I probably did not know if an angel was standing right in front of me because I’m such an obtuse and grounded —
Q: Well no — yeah, I didn’t know it for thirty-nine years. Not until He started burning up bushes in my backyard.
H: That’ll do it.
Q: And I —
U: It was same for me too. Whatever you said — for me too.
Q: Well I still didn’t get — I didn’t get it for a year later after that. (“OKAY”) It took me a year to figure it out. Actually He was in my life all along and I didn’t know it. You know, like I —
C: Pretty good book too, huh?
Q: Hmm?
U: . . . angels. (“TWYLA”) Maybe we all have . . .
Q: Of course we all do. I’m in a (“VADA” “SPEAK” “I”) — I’m in a personal relationship with One. See? (indicating cover of Special Deliveries) We all have a guardian angel. (“YES”) But mine — when I do interviews with people He talks on the interviews later on.
U: Okay. (“THE”)
Q: You know, (“BOOK”) He says things. So my book (“IS”) should be a bestseller. (“I” “LET’S FACE” “N A” “GO”)
C: And you work out too? (“FULL”)
Q: And he just told me (“N A”) Teddy’s real name. Michel.
C: Same gym or —
Q: So what can I say? (“GO”)
U: Yeah. (“O”)
Q: It’s a very — (“HE’S IN”) it’s a very — going to be very compelling book that a lot of fundamentalist Christians aren’t going to like. (“SAY” “TWENTY”) Because —
C: You’re too sick.
Q: You know. (“BU[T] THEY”)
C: I hardly ever say sex.
Q: They don’t have anything better to do than worry about homosexuality and worry about abortion. (“TONIGHT”) Why don’t they worry about the homeless? Why don’t they worry about the ozone? Why don’t they worry about the whales? Why don’t they worry about the French detonating nuclear, you know, bombs in the ocean and destroying the food chain? (“OUCH”) So I have a very important book to write. So that’s why I’m trying (“NO”) — interviewing people (“IN”) —
C: The open part of my hand.
Q: — trying to get them to talk to me.
U: He looks interesting to be interviewed. The guy with the hat.
Q: Well everyone here would be very interesting to interview because these are obviously very open-minded people. Who would you rather be with on a Saturday afternoon? (“LOVE IT”) Right?
C: It’s a nice place I’ve only visited twice.
U: Maybe it’s good to be here on a Saturday afternoon. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Right.
C: Hamburg.
Q: So I’m going to go home. (“LOCK IT”)
( . . . )
Q: He signed — (“HE” “THE WAR”) said a message to me. He wrote a message. It says: “For Mark and Michael”—that’s the name of my Angel—“with thanks to you both for your continuing encouragement and inspiration.”
D: Oh very nice.
Q: If only he knew how much inspiration Mighael gives him. (“RELIGION”) Gives all of us, I might add. Look at these interesting videos behind us. (“TOO MUCH” “NN”) But you work for Tom of Finland?
B: Much more liberated than over here.
Q: So —
D: I’m Dave . . . I volunteer. (“MY”) But it’s not the Michael that’s this entity Michael, is it?
Q: What is? What isn’t?
D: Your Michael. (“JUMP”)
Q: What do you mean? The books?
D: Yeah.
Q: Of course it is.
D: Read those books?
Q: Yes. Of course it is.
D: But Michael is an entity. It’s not one angel.
Q: He’s a Collection — He’s a collection of spirits.
D: Right.
Q: And my book is revealing that He’s the Archangel Mighael from the book of The Revelation. So mankind better get their act together. I’m sort of a New Age Jesus. So, you know, it’s — people aren’t going to like my book because it’s going to tell them (“THINK”) —
B: Now there’s David.
Q: — time to get their act together.
D: Great. Hi . . .
B: How are you doing? I’m Brian . . .
U: There’s the image you need to see, David.
U: This is my friend, Brian.
B: How are you doing, dude?
U: Piece of art. (“I NEED” “WRONG BUILDING”)
U: Which one?
U: This one.
U: Mmmmmm. (“HELP ME”)
U: See? Told you so (“NOT YET”) . . .
( . . .
D: Hi, it’s David.
H: Hi. Bill.
D: Bill, pleased to meet you. (“U HO”)
( . . . )
Q: Hello. I’m outside of A Different Light bookstore and I just met a very glamorous Hollywood star.
M: Really?
Q: They told me — yes, I saw the hat inside and they said —
M: ‘Oh my God, it’s Barbra reincarnated.’ I don’t know.
Q: Oh really?
M: I — well I have no idea. (“WHERE WHAT”)
Q: What’s your name?
M: My name is Momma.
Q: And who are you the reincarnation of?
M: Any voluptuous person that that man right there wants. Hello, sweetheart.
P: Hello, darling. Mhhh (kiss).
Q: Oh really? Are you friends?
M: A big fan. A big fan.
P: No, I just — this isn’t — I mean how could you possibly pass her by?
Q: Right. Right. Well you never know.
P: Oh —
M: This is just my little Easter bonnet. I’m getting ready for Mardi Gras.
Q: Really?
M: Mmmm. (“YES”) Mardi Gras’s happening next week. I’m going to a ‘Love That Hat’ party right now. See you at church.
Q: So what is your message to the world?
M: My message to the world is let’s just get along and let’s stop pointing fingers — hello, sweetheart — get a personality.
Q: Didn’t somebody else say let’s just — why can’t we all get along?
M: Oh yes but that guy was a dick. And you can quote me on that. (small laugh)
Q: Okay. I will in my second book.
M: (interacts occasionally with others passing by on foot or in car, laughing at this time) Fantastic.
Q: No, I — because Im about forty cassettes behind in my transcribing.
M: Well —
Q: I know.
M: — you’re — (“WE’RE”) we’re going for a triple.
Q: So — so, no, I’m — no, I’m serious when I ask you about reincarnation. What is the first name that pops into your mind of anyone in history? (“WHO”) Who would you be the reincarnation of? I mean who in terms of —
M: Mae West. (“NO”)
Q: What year did she die?
M: Oh well that’s true. She’s — I’m not the — (“YOU COULD BE”)
Q: You could be part of the same splinter.
M: Well she — exactly. I could’ve channeled her into me, maybe.
Q: Definitely.
M: You know? I could be —
Q: Well some people think she was a man.
M: Well yes.
Q: But I don’t think so. (“I DON’T”)
M: No no no, she was too wonderful — she could’ve been a —
P: Oh my. Oh my.
M: Don’t point fingers, sweethearts. So —
Q: Okay. Well it was very nice meeting you.
M: Well — and, darling, what’s your name?
Q: My name is Mark Russell Bell.
M: Mark Russell — Mark Russell Bell.
Q: Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it?
M: You can ring my bell any time you want . . .
Q: Exactly. There are so many wonderful songs with “Bell” in it. Aren’t there?
M: There probably are. I haven’t —
Q: And many singers with the name Bell. (“NO”)
M: Patti LaBelle.
Q: Exactly.
M: And who else? Give me another Bell.
Q: Another Bell? Why can’t I think — (“WW”) it’s all so — well in terms of synchronicity, we’re also talking “Michael” because I channel an Angel named Mighael so I bet you know someone named Michael in your life.
M: I know many Michaels.
Q: Exactly.
M: And most of them are all wonderful people too.
Q: Isn’t that the truth?
M: Yeah.
Q: And then I know a lot of people with (“NN NU”) the name “son” in it. Do you know a lot of people with the name son?
M: Son? Not a lot unless the Korean.
Q: Right. Or Michael Jackson.
M: Well Michael Jackson. I know two people by that name.
Q: Or Donald — (“OR”) or O. J. Simpson.
M: Oh Simpson.
Q: When you start thinking about it —
M: Like Jason.
Q: — you start getting a lot more. See? (“RIGHT”)
M: Of the sons. Right. Johnson. (“RIGHT”)
Q: There are a lot more than — (“WHEAT”) than you think.
M: Right . . .
Q: So you’ll have to see where my book is going to figure this all out. But Mae West — may I be so rude as to ask your age?
M: I’m only thirty-five years old.
Q: So I think she was still alive when you were born.
M: She was very much alive when I was.
Q: But if you’ve read the Michael books, you could be a splinter of the same Entity that she is.
M: Amazing. (“LIKE”)
Q: Because they say that it’s possible for a thousand different people to be in part of the same Entity. So maybe you and Mae West are from the same Entity. Who’s that?
M: I have no idea. But they were staring.
Q: One of your many admirers.
M: Yes. Yes.
Q: So now when can we see you? What are you doing now?
M: Right now? Where am I going?
Q: Where are you appearing?
M: I’m appearing all over the place. I have a title this year of being Miss Temple and so I represent Temple, Pump and Utopia. They’re danceclubs. And I’m also going to be working at Axis in a couple of months doing some shows there and being in them. She smiles. Sweatheart, smile. Thank you.
Q: You know, I was once the talent agent for Jim Bailey.
M: Jim Bailey. (“YEAH”) I love him.
Q: Yeah.
M: You were a talent — his talent agent?
Q: Yeah. I booked him in “Nite Club Confidential” and “Night Court.” Lots of things with the word “night” in them, yeah. Have you been in anything with the word “night” in it?
M: No but maybe if you book me into something I would get something with the word “night” in it.
Q: Probably. I’m not a talent agent anymore, unfortunately.
M: You’re an author.
Q: Exactly.
M: That’s where you’re — that’s where you are. I’m being interviewed for a fantastic book.
Q: Is this someone you know?
M: This is my friend Richard and my friend Christian.
Q: Christian, oh my goodness.
C: Dick and Lamb of God.
Q: Exactly.
C: Thank you.
Q: Aren’t we all?
C: Finally. Somebody who understands me.
Q: Exactly. Exactly. So what did you say your name was again? Christian?
C: Christian.
Q: What’s your last name? If I may be so bold.
C: Oh Lamb of God will suffice.
Q: Okay. Why isn’t anybody “out” in L.A.?
C: Well I’m the son of a senator.
Q: You are?
C: Yeah. So I can’t —
R: Shhh.
Q: Well yes but —
M: That’s enough.
Q: We’re all a son of God. (“PER”) And He wants us to be —
C: Yeah, well God doesn’t have to be reelected every six years. (small laugh)
Q: You mean you’re serious?
C: Yes.
Q: Only in L.A. could this happen.
C: Well — it happens all over the place.
Q: I’m writing a tell-all book about Hollywood. Not Washington. You’re luck — isn’t that just your luck? (laughs) So who are you the son of?
R: My name is Richard Dotson.
Q: What?
R: Dotson.
M: Dotson. See? Son?
Q: See? Am I kidding you not?
C: No no no no —
Q: So your last name is D — A — T —
R: D — O — T — S — O — N.
M: Wow. (“GOL MINE”)
Q: Do you know anyone (“WHO WOR[KS]”) — other than him, do you know anyone with the name “Son” in it?
C: No.
Q: Okay.
U: Is that hat party?
Q: Uh-oh, you look very guilty.
U: I think we know who the senator is.
C: No, don’t write that down . . .
Q: Uh-oh, you’re in big trouble. This is going to be published. (“LOOK” or “BOOK” RIGHT”)
C: Well, you know, it’s not coming from my lips so —
Q: Oh my God. This is going to be major.
C: Infer what you will. (“MITEE” “MY TEMPER”)
Q: Okay. Nice meeting you. (“OF THE” “COR”)
C: We have a full office full of people who will deny anything I say.
Q: Well don’t worry. This won’t be coming out for another year.
C: Oh thank God.
Q: So he’ll be reelected. (laughs) If it comes out at all.
C: Exactly.
Q: Because one of my claims is that I’m Son of Man so that’s why (“I’M MEETING” “YEAH” “SO”) — so that’s why I’m meeting all these people named Son. Sort of like (“YOU KNOW”) synchronicity.
M: Alright alright.
Q: Something to think about. (“JOKING”) Right?
U: Hello.
M: ‘Solutely.
Q: But I love your T-shirt. It says “Pride.”
C: Yeah.
Q: Quite a —
R: Color. The colors are like all —
C: Well — unless he’s standing on his head.
Q: By the way, there’s a great — there’s a great artist inside. You’ve got to buy his book. (I show them the cover) Need I say more? . . . (section hard to hear) . . .
C: No no no. Not me . . . I can’t have anything like that found on my person.
Q: Right. One more question. (“YY[OU]”)