Q: Mark Russell Bell
K: Mark Kostabi, artist
P: unidentified person in APLA parking lot
R: APLA receptionist
D: Diana Widom, friend
M: unidentified man in restaurant
J: Jennifer Nontkolsiri, waitress
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well, after my therapy session, I decided that my book needed some comic relief so it’s 11:43 p.m. and I’m working late. I stopped by my brother’s house on the way home. He and James were watching the Orson Welles documentary. And on the way home one of my car’s rear tires blew out (“FROM”) just from age. So I took it to Unocal, where I had the other two tires replaced and I ended up paying — let’s see. The tires were $153 and, anyway, the total came to $195 to replace my two rear tires. I guess I needed the more expensive tires. He didn’t really explain it but (“I”) I feel that they treated me fairly. I think my other tires were the same quality and — (“I MEAN”) anyway (“I MEAN I”) I cannot judge. I mean I just depend upon people to give me a fair deal and what I need. And if they cheated me in any way and are damned, that’s not for me to decide. That’s for God to decide. And when I came home, (“THIS”) now I’m coming to the funny part — (“GO”) that was sort of funny to think I would even think that’s possible. Oh I don’t know. (sighs) I’m tired. Anyway, so I came home and I haven’t done the dishes for a few days (I rinsed the food particles away yet hadn’t yet washed them with dishwashing liquid) because I was trying to get my book done — (“I MEAN”) a few important additional tapes out of the way in case I get a call. So I noticed a cockroach in the sink and, (“SO”) of course, I had to do all my dishes right away because the thought of them on my plates is enough to make me just gag. (“SO”) Anyway, I ended up killing two of them and I can’t decide if this means Mighael is mad at me or Mighael is glad at me and is showing His appreciation by allowing me to kill cockroaches, even though we discussed them tonight during the therapy session. So, as I was doing my dishes, some cats started meowing outside — fighting outside and I said “Exactly” to Mighael, which was sort of implying it doesn’t make a difference what animals He has as His next dominant race on Earth. It’s going to be a mess because the problem might be with the leadership. Anyway, I get my own barbs in once in a while. So let’s all just keep our finger crossed and each do the best we can. That’s all we can do and just hope that He really is a God of love. Even if He (“I[S]”) does have an insatiable sexual appetite. I think He was glad at me because after the therapy session I mentioned to David how warm it was in the room. At the end, it became very noticeably warm so I’m happy. I feel like when I go to sleep at night I’m sleeping at peace in His arms. And I think we really all—each of us—go to sleep in God’s arms each night. By the way, at the Unocal 76 station I went to on Hyperion called Rafik Youssef — you figure it out — I noticed that the virgin Mary that was there last time had been replaced by can openers. There’s another metaphor you can figure out. And the bathroom was all flooded out.
K: Hi, Mark . . .
Q: . . . taping as always.
K: Great.
Q: Taping my life. Living a book. Living a movie. And you’re living a painting. Right?
K: That’s correct. I’m painting as we speak.
Q: Yes. (“AND I”) Okay, well thank you — first of all. I’m calling to thank you for the beautiful book Lost and Found (by Mark Kostabi).
K: You’re quite welcome.
Q: And these two postcards you sent fit in with the themes of my book. I love the one with — it looks like — well, my interpretation of — let’s see. This one is called “Breakthrough,” 1995.
K: Uh-huh.
Q: My interpretation is that this is God announcing — revealing Himself to the world. Breaking through the blue screen, which is His movie and (“WHICH IS”) includes all of us.
K: Uh-huh.
Q: With the angel and the chains and the money and the pacifier and the dancing man and the cash register and the telephone. And I guess that figure (“ME”) is me in the upper right. That’s my interpretation.
K: Uh-huh. (“SO”)
Q: Because, of course, I’m writing (“YOU KNOW”) the new Testament for mankind. (“SO” “YOU KNOW”) This ties right in.
K: Great. (“A[ND]”)
Q: Now also by the way I noticed on One Hundred+ you wrote me a beautiful inscription, which is another cryptogram. I have so many cryptograms in my life.
K: (small laugh)
Q: This one said — (“WAIT”) it says:
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Well, after my therapy session, I decided that my book needed some comic relief so it’s 11:43 p.m. and I’m working late. I stopped by my brother’s house on the way home. He and James were watching the Orson Welles documentary. And on the way home one of my car’s rear tires blew out (“FROM”) just from age. So I took it to Unocal, where I had the other two tires replaced and I ended up paying — let’s see. The tires were $153 and, anyway, the total came to $195 to replace my two rear tires. I guess I needed the more expensive tires. He didn’t really explain it but (“I”) I feel that they treated me fairly. I think my other tires were the same quality and — (“I MEAN”) anyway (“I MEAN I”) I cannot judge. I mean I just depend upon people to give me a fair deal and what I need. And if they cheated me in any way and are damned, that’s not for me to decide. That’s for God to decide. And when I came home, (“THIS”) now I’m coming to the funny part — (“GO”) that was sort of funny to think I would even think that’s possible. Oh I don’t know. (sighs) I’m tired. Anyway, so I came home and I haven’t done the dishes for a few days (I rinsed the food particles away yet hadn’t yet washed them with dishwashing liquid) because I was trying to get my book done — (“I MEAN”) a few important additional tapes out of the way in case I get a call. So I noticed a cockroach in the sink and, (“SO”) of course, I had to do all my dishes right away because the thought of them on my plates is enough to make me just gag. (“SO”) Anyway, I ended up killing two of them and I can’t decide if this means Mighael is mad at me or Mighael is glad at me and is showing His appreciation by allowing me to kill cockroaches, even though we discussed them tonight during the therapy session. So, as I was doing my dishes, some cats started meowing outside — fighting outside and I said “Exactly” to Mighael, which was sort of implying it doesn’t make a difference what animals He has as His next dominant race on Earth. It’s going to be a mess because the problem might be with the leadership. Anyway, I get my own barbs in once in a while. So let’s all just keep our finger crossed and each do the best we can. That’s all we can do and just hope that He really is a God of love. Even if He (“I[S]”) does have an insatiable sexual appetite. I think He was glad at me because after the therapy session I mentioned to David how warm it was in the room. At the end, it became very noticeably warm so I’m happy. I feel like when I go to sleep at night I’m sleeping at peace in His arms. And I think we really all—each of us—go to sleep in God’s arms each night. By the way, at the Unocal 76 station I went to on Hyperion called Rafik Youssef — you figure it out — I noticed that the virgin Mary that was there last time had been replaced by can openers. There’s another metaphor you can figure out. And the bathroom was all flooded out.
K: Hi, Mark . . .
Q: . . . taping as always.
K: Great.
Q: Taping my life. Living a book. Living a movie. And you’re living a painting. Right?
K: That’s correct. I’m painting as we speak.
Q: Yes. (“AND I”) Okay, well thank you — first of all. I’m calling to thank you for the beautiful book Lost and Found (by Mark Kostabi).
K: You’re quite welcome.
Q: And these two postcards you sent fit in with the themes of my book. I love the one with — it looks like — well, my interpretation of — let’s see. This one is called “Breakthrough,” 1995.
K: Uh-huh.
Q: My interpretation is that this is God announcing — revealing Himself to the world. Breaking through the blue screen, which is His movie and (“WHICH IS”) includes all of us.
K: Uh-huh.
Q: With the angel and the chains and the money and the pacifier and the dancing man and the cash register and the telephone. And I guess that figure (“ME”) is me in the upper right. That’s my interpretation.
K: Uh-huh. (“SO”)
Q: Because, of course, I’m writing (“YOU KNOW”) the new Testament for mankind. (“SO” “YOU KNOW”) This ties right in.
K: Great. (“A[ND]”)
Q: Now also by the way I noticed on One Hundred+ you wrote me a beautiful inscription, which is another cryptogram. I have so many cryptograms in my life.
K: (small laugh)
Q: This one said — (“WAIT”) it says:
FORMARK RUSSELLI.L.S.W.O.T.F. , N.F.S.A.(signed) Mark Kostabi1996
Q: Are you going to reveal that or do I have to suffer through not knowing what that means?
K: (small laugh) (“IT” “AN”) Is it suffering really?
Q: No. I give up on — (“TRYING TO”)
K: It’s a very mundane statement actually.
Q: Oh really?
K: Sure you want me to reveal it?
Q: Yeah.
K: Okay. What are those letters again?
Q: Okay. They are — let me just open it up again. Ahhh — the pages are sticking together.
K: I have to write them down.
Q: Mighael’s not letting me open the pages up. Mighael, stop it. He always does this. It’s not funny. Maybe I’m looking at the wrong page. No. Oh here it is. Oh actually it wasn’t Mighael (I guess). It was just me.
K: Oh. (“K”)
Q: “I.L.S.W.O.T.F. , N.F.S.A.”
K: “N.F.S.A.?”
Q: Yeah.
K: Okay. (“UHH”) Oh no — this — it’s not what I thought it was.
Q: Oh. Okay.
K: Okay. I thought it was something like ‘Thank You’ — (“FOR”) thanking you for something —
Q: Right.
K: — but it wasn’t. (“IT MEAN[S]”) “I Like Stevie Wonder On The Freeway.” (“OHH”)
Q: (O)kay.
K: And then the second part is either “Nostalgia For Scatter Art” or “Not For Sale Anymore.”
Q: Ohh. I once wrote a play — (and) screenplay called “Nostalgia for Demons.”
K: Yeah?
Q: Yeah. (“I HAVEN’T F(INISHED)” — “I HAVE TO RE”) I’m still working on it. (“NO” “BECA”)
K: “Nostalgia for Demons”?
Q: Right. (“IT WAS A”) It’s about the last formal trial for witchcraft in France. And I think that the subject of it is one of my previous incarnations.
K: Yeah.
Q: So, anyway, I’m sorry I haven’t called you earlier to thank you for that inscription —
K: Oh that’s okay.
Q: — but, basically, I have a lot on my mind because I’m trying to save the souls of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet —
K: Oh that’s really nice of you. Thank you.
Q: — through my book.
K: Yeah. Thank you. (I) appreciate that. (“WELL Y[EAH]”)
Q: Yeah and you’re welcome.
K: So will everyone else. (“I’M SURE”)
Q: I’m sure. I hope. But, anyway, it hasn’t been easy. And, let’s see, what else was I going to ask you? (“NOW”) Okay, in terms of reincarnation, the first name that comes into your mind when I ask you who you’re the reincarnation of, how would you respond?
K: Abraham Lincoln.
Q: Oh that’s right. You told me that already. You told me that at dinner and I forgot.
K: Yeah. (“WELL YEAH”) It came up again.
Q: Well, that was a very interesting dinner we had, I thought.
K: Yeah.
Q: Because Jonathan — I remember he said — (“WELL I”) you know, of course, I think he’s the reincarnation of Handel.
K: Right.
Q: And he said, “Well, yes,”—I don’t know if you were at the table at that time—(“BUT HE”) he might have — (“THAT WAS MI”) been when you went to the restroom. But then he said, “Because in our day and age (“UM”) lawyers are the great composers of our time.” So either Jonathan is very close to the energy of Handel or he is, in fact, the reincarnation of Handel. I’m inclined toward the latter because (of a spirit message resulting following) when I went to see the movie “12 Monkeys” — did you see “12 Monkeys”?
K: Yes, I did.
Q: Well, that’s another — (“IT”) it’s very similar to the story of my life.
K: I thought it was a powerful movie.
Q: Well the Entity Mighael (“WAS”) is metaphorical for the committee of the people (“IN”) with the white suits. That’s a perfect metaphor for Mighael, my Entity. And I’m the Bruce Willis character but I listen to the voices. So, anyway — (“THAT’S A” “SO N[OW]”) what?
K: Wow. It’s interesting.
Q: Yeah. Isn’t it though?
K: Yes.
Q: Have you been to a dentist recently?
K: A dentist?
Q: Yeah.
K: No. Why do you ask?
Q: Because the people that Mighael likes have not been to the dentist and the people that He has concerns over He has sent to the dentist for a cleaning recently. I think it has to do with HIV.
K: Uh-huh. (“MEMBER”)
Q: (Re)member the movie?
K: Who Mighael likes have not been to the dentist?
Q: Right.
K: People who Mighael is concerned about —
Q: Have. “Insurance.”
K: Uh-huh.
Q: Get it? Insurance?
K: Yeah.
Q: Well?
K: Okay. What does that have to do with HIV?
Q: Well, (“IN”) apparently in the cleaning machines — you know those little utensils (“THAT”) they put into your mouth?
K: Yeah.
Q: Some of them (“LIKE”) suck up little particles (“UP”) at the very top part. (“SSS” “BOO-BOO”)
K: Uh-huh.
Q: And apparently they can survive longer there because (“OF THE”) it’s a very good environment for HIV.
K: Yeah.
Q: And so little microscopic bits of it come out again (“WITH”) during each cleaning. They don’t sterilize that portion.
K: Oh so it’s dangerous to go to the dentist now?
Q: It might be. I’m just saying that this is a possibility. Again, it has to do with “insurance.” (“YOU KNOW”)
K: Then —
Q: Depending how — (“MAN”) if mankind cleans up the planet, They won’t have to — I mean there will be a cure, I guess.
K: Uh-huh.
Q: And, if not, (“ALL”) the Nostradamus prophecies will come true.
K: The Nostradamus prophecies.
Q: Right. (“DETAIL” “YEAH”) You know.
K: Yeah.
Q: I don’t know — oh, my machine just made a noise here. (“WHICH IS”) Always a sign of something. I’m not sure what. So, anyway, everything’s going very well — I mean I hope that isn’t the case but the movie was very similar to my life. (“YOU KNOW” “I’M”) I’m sure you noticed the feathers from the pillows in that one scene.
K: No, I didn’t notice that.
Q: Oh. When that actor who played the crazy person, Brad Pitt —
K: Oh.
Q: — went on this rampage and started swinging the pillows all around — feathers everywhere. As in Angel feathers. And, of course, there was the lion symbol.
K: Oh that was fantastic.
Q: Hmm?
K: That was beautiful.
Q: Wasn’t it?
K: Yeah.
Q: And I’m a Leo.
K: Oh really?
Q: Yeah.
K: Wow.
Q: Right. And — I don’t know. Well, anyway, I just called to thank you because I have to go into APLA today to do my share. And, anyway, I’m just very excited about things. I just hope that I find the right agent for my book. Or the right — (“YOU KNOW”) I haven’t given up on Sherry Lansing even though (“SHE HASN’T”) she didn’t read my book and the VP that she gave my book to returned it the same night.
K: Oh.
Q: I guess he felt that 1,300 pages was a little much to be bothered with.
K: Wow.
Q: Either that or what he did read freaked him so badly that he had to get it away the same night.
K: What do you think is the case?
Q: Well, I could tell that it had been opened up. (“I COULD”) You know — I could see that when I opened up the covers (“THAT”) the pages had been turned. So (“I’M”) I’ve a feeling it’s a little bit of each.
K: Oh.
Q: A little bit of both. So (“ANYWAY I’M”) I’m sure when the time is right (“IT”) everything will happen smoothly. (“SO”) I’m not concerned about that. (“AND I HAVE BEEN”) And I have been buying some fabulous antiques (“YOU KNOW”) in the meantime.
K: Yeah.
Q: And people have been coming up and telling me who they’re the reincarnation of. Is there anyone else that you think you’re the reincarnation of other than Abraham Lincoln? (“I”)
K: I’ll think about it. I — nothing comes to mind. (“I”) There’s a call I’ve been expecting from Italy that just came in. Gino Dimaggio. I need that call —
Q: Who’s that? (“HE’S”)
K: He runs an art museum called Foundation (sounds like) Ultima and he also designs oil refineries for the governments in —
Q: Oh.
K: — Iran or Iraq. (“DA[D]”) Anyway —
Q: Okay well thank you.
K: — I have to talk to him but I really look forward to speaking to you again (“YEAH”) sometime in the near future.
Q: Yeah and I have to go into APLA.
K: Okay. Good luck with that. (“I WONDER WHAT HIS”)
Q: I wonder what his name means. You might ask him what his name means.
K: Gino Dimaggio? (“YEAH”) Okay, I’ll ask him. Thank you.
Q: Okay bye.
K: Bye.
Q: I’m listening to Nina Hagen singing about Las Vegas. I’ve been getting a lot of those ‘stay here for free’ offers in the mail and it makes me — I think that God likes Las Vegas. I mean I think He’s had a lot of fun there with all the various games and the shows. I mean it’s a very magical place — sort of like an adult Disneyland. But, of course, you can overdo anything. So, as long as you don’t become too compulsive and gamble all your money away, it’s a fun place to go. (“AN[D]”) I guess Mighael once in a while does reward certain people with big bucks. (“BUT”) Not very many, of course. (“SO”) I think the next time somebody invites me I definitely will consider it because Mighael wants me to have fun. It’s very relaxing to take your mind off of your work and just go for a few days and maybe go on some of the rides, gamble a little bit, go to a show. I would recommend “Starlight Express,” if it’s still playing, and “EFX” and — well, they’re all good — well, what can I say?
Q: I just love it when Nina Hagen sings “Ave Maria” in German. (I pass a car alarm) Another car alarm.
Q: Hi.
P: . . . that shit.
Q: What happened?
P: A cab came and leaked gas all over.
Q: Well, that’s sort of like a flood.
P: Huh?
Q: That’s sort of like a flood. (I enter the building) Hi. Mark for the Hotline.
R: Are you a volunteer?
Q: Yes.
R: Thank you very much, Mark.
Q: By the way, what’s your name?
R: My name is Blanca.
Q: Last name?
R: Corales. I don’t have my —
Q: What does that mean? Corales? Does that have a meaning?
R: No. But Blanca does. It’s white.
Q: Well, that’s the symbol of — what is that? Purity?
R: Purity. (small laugh)
Q: Lucky you.
R: Yeah.
Q: Okay. Thank you.
R: Thank you.
( . . . )
Q: I just feel so — what’s the word? Ridiculous — asking people their names and then going in and working on the hotline and having very difficult calls for two hours. For a half hour I was the only person there and people have very difficult questions about protease inhibitors and how confidential HIV tests are — (“I MEAN”) just every thing you can imagine.
Q: My book is very conversational. (“YOU KNOW”) It ties-in with all — I can’t tell you — I have dozens of these experiences already in it. But — (“I DON’T KNOW” “I JUST THINK”) I just think that (“THAT”) you need a lot of them (“TO PRO”) to prove to people that this is actually happening.
D: Right. Well, Ellen is a fairly feet-on-the-ground person and she was driving up the coast in this open convertible and sitting next to her was Mardi. And she said, “Mardi?” And Mardi’s hair was all blowing back and she was just exulting in the wind passing back. Because if you remember, (“SHE”) through her chemotherapy and radiation, she lost all her hair. (“GUY” “AN”) And so, “Where are you going?” And Mardi said, “Well, I’m going up north.” And Mardi has always said that she wanted to retire in Carmel. Remember, she loved Carmel. She loved that whole stretch of coast there. She said, “I’m going up there.” And Ellen said, “You are?” And Mardi said, “Yes.” And then Ellen took her eyes off her for one minute and when she looked back Mardi was gone. (“BUT”) She is totally convinced it was Mardi.
Q: Oh, I’m sure it was. (“IT WAS A”)
D: It was a spirit on a mission in some flesh.
Q: What I’m surprised about, though, is that she saw her in a car and not on a bicycle. (“WHY A BIC”) Because other people have told me stories about meeting people who were driving bicycles at the time.
D: Oh really?
Q: Yeah. So — but I guess if she was visiting Carmel on Earth it’s okay to drive a car because the pollution is so bad anyway. (“WHAT’S A LITTLE BIT OF POLLUTION”)
D: Well, I’m sure she had ways of getting to Carmel besides having to hitch — thumb a ride, don’t you think? (“RIGHT THAT’S TRUE” “I MEAN”)
Q: You would think that she could just —
D: Just be there.
Q: — appear there. (“YEAH”)
D: But that was the experience of Ellen in the car and she’s totally convinced that Mardi was there and it was Mardi.
Q: Mardi Marans and Ellen Pasternack.
D: Right. (“HMM”)
Q: I wonder what their names mean?
D: I don’t know.
Q: As I was telling my therapist last night, Allison Jackson has the word son in both of her names.
D: So she does. Allison —
Q: Allison (“I”) Jackson.
D: — Jackson. (“[BE]CAUSE”)
Q: There are a lot of people around me who have the word son in their names. And today I just saw — (“WELL”) well, actually I think I’m going to be driving down Robertson Boulevard on the way home because I have to get a smog check. So I’m always seeing (“LIKE”) streets with son in their names. So I’m thinking that maybe it’s like I’m spiritually the son of Mighael or God or Whoever. (“YOU KNOW”) In terms of the symbol. Because everyone called (“LIKE”) the original Jesus the son of God. So I’m sort of close to that symbol for our time.
D: I have to ask you this because I don’t really know the answer. Do you or do you not believe there is a God?
Q: Of course. How could I not? I mean I’ve seen the insects (“I”) and the angels — well, I haven’t seen them — (“BUT I”) seen evidence of them. I mean basically there’ve been times like (“THE PH”) the photocopy machine wouldn’t work one moment and would the next. (“YEAH”) He’s constantly letting me know. Everything He does — (“LIKE”) for example, last night when I was leaving my therapist’s office, the elevator door was wide open and I said, “Oh look the elevator door is waiting for me.” And at that moment it slammed shut. So He was telling me, ‘It’s ready for you as long as I say it’s ready for you.’ But then it opened up again. (“SO”) We have had times when we both — when I could tell He was mad at me. (“I MEAN”) And vice-versa. But right now we’re at a very good point in our relationship. I’m trying not to make too many mistakes and — (“INSECT”)
D: Oh that’s horrible because you don’t know what will turn out to be a mistake.
Q: Exactly. I keep telling Him that. (“THAT’S” “NO” “WHAT — WHAT”) My biggest mistake that I’ve done to date—and I talk at length about this in my book—is that I tried to edit (“WALTER”) one of the tapes (“YEAH ME”) concerning pornography because I thought it would be embarrassing.
D: And then you lost everything that was on the tape?
Q: No, I just (“BACK” “I JUST” “REWOU[ND]”) rewound it and started recording over it. Well, let’s just say not only was that entire tape scratched—I mean it was cut in two—everything I read (“AND” “SAID”) after that around that time was very negative (“HE’LL DIE”) and very angry. So I just had to suffer through that period. And (“WHEN I”) when He emotionally could tell I was very sincere in my ignorance — I thought I was doing what was best for Him — He sort of forgave me. So I haven’t walked into any open manholes or anything.
D: Never do.
Q: Right. Exactly. Now I sometimes wonder too about (“YOU KNOW” “LIKE”) MS because that is sort of like weird fainting spells in some ways because you lose your balance once in a while.
D: I think they usually equate it with, ‘It looks like you’re drunk.’ (“WHY”) So if you’re having trouble walking and you’re dizzy and you’re staggering — rather than (“WANT ME BA[CK]”?) passing out, fainting. You don’t really pass out. (“I DID”)
Q: And who also has MS? I know that — what’s her name?
D: Annette Funicello.
Q: Annette Funicello.
D: Richard Pryor.
Q: Richard Pryor. (“MICHAEL”) My brother Michael worked with Annette Funicello when he was at Disney (“I NEVER APPEAL”) for various events and what-have-you. (“NUH-UH”)
D: Apparently she’s really wonderful. (“UH-HUH”) I liked her very much when I worked with her.
Q: What did you work with her on?
D: A film called “Back to the Beach.” (“WAS A”) Frank Mancuso, Jr. film. (“UH-HUH” “RIGHT”)
Q: Right. I remember that. I worked on that too. (“I LOOK AT — AT”) Oh my goodness. (“SO ANYWAY” “SO I DON’T KNOW”) I mean I do think that, for various reasons, (“HOPE YOU LIE” “THAT”) the Entity needs to draw upon (restaurant television is audible in background beginning here) various people in our (“SYMBOL”) dimension to sustain Himself or to sustain His presence here or channeling or whatever.
D: I don’t think that we’re (“I”) anything. (“ARKANSAS” “WELL I DON’T THINK SO”)
Q: You don’t think so? (“YEAH”)
D: I think it has other power it takes from another source. (“ENERGY FIELD”)
Q: So why do you think (“WHEN I KNOW”) when I was a child I had so many weird fainting spells?
D: Well (“BODIES”) I mean as you know I don’t think it’s somebody was using your body and drawing strength off you. Do you think it was? (“NO I DON’T”)
Q: I don’t know (“EXACTLY” “NO”) but I think that (“IF THEY’LL LET HIM— S”) there’ve been other cases too where people have had weird fainting spells. So something is happening. I don’t know really what. (“BUT”)
D: I never knew that about Allison until you told me that she had sort of like seizures.
Q: Exactly. Grand mal (“SEIZURE”) when she was pregnant — Like in her seventh or eighth month of pregnancy she had one. (“IKEA”)
D: Oh my God.
Q: The baby was not hurt. (“SHE”)
M: Ikea is coordinating . . .
Q: So (“OH” “YEAH” “SO”) I don’t know. (“I DON’T KNOW”) Do you have any questions after hearing some of these fascinating (“STRETCH OUT”) stories?
D: No, I mean the whole thing is fascinating to me and I have (“A BOAT”) a implicit belief in everything, anyway.
Q: Exactly. (“BUT YOU KNOW”) But you can well understand that most people I tell these things think I’m totally nuts. (“FIND . . .”) Like Don Levy I’m sure thinks I’m nuts. I mean I told him a little bit at lunch. (“HE HAD” “EVERYTHING TO” “I MEAN” “YOU KNOW”) I don’t know. (“STILL” “BUT” “I”) I probably would think (“MY MAMA”) someone was nuts if they told me these things but I do have evidence — (“DANCE” “WITH MY” “HRAY HAND”) photos of my antiques. (“CLUES”) And — (“WE CAN HELP YOU AND YOUR BABY”) a simple fact like to meet all my deadlines for those press kits. (“BIG COUNTRY”)
Q: I know. I know. (“IT WAS LIKE”)
D: ‘More. More. Give him more. More.’ (“THEY DIDN’T EVEN PAY HER”)
Q: And I kept telling people, “I think my internal clock is broken.” (“I KE[PT]” “I YOU KNOW”) I kept (“PRAY”) saying that to people because (“DON’T MISS IT”) I could basically get everything done in time. No matter how much work I had I could always get it (“GET TO HOLD”) done in time. (“RELAX”) And like, for example, my first taped interviews in Oklahoma (“READ US”) are like 300 pages of single-spaced (“WHY” “WOW”) interviews
D: Boy, you really got going there.
Q: Well, one of The Entities said (“THAT WE”) that I was having a missing time experience.
D: Miss in time —
D: What does that mean?
Q: It’s usually equated with aliens but in my case it was just a heightened form of existence. The only clue that it was going on at the time was that Twyla, for her baby, changed diapers like four times while we were doing the interview — that we could not feel time passing. I didn’t feel tired or anything. I just kept interviewing. (“GAY”) And none of us were — we were all oblivious to what was going on and how much interviewing I was doing. So you’ll have to read my book. If I ever get it published. (“WILL”) I will. I hope so. (“I” “I STILL”) I’m still looking for just the right agent or just the right person who will really help me because right now I don’t really have — all the agents I’ve ever approached in my life have not worked out for one reason or another. (“SO”) I’ll probably meet either the right agent or the right ‘Sherry Lansing’ or the right whoever.
D: I wonder if you should just sort of — I’m sure you are doing it anyway — putting the thought out there that you are going to meet somebody who’s going to do this.
Q: I’m putting it out there. I’m saying, “Mighael, this is one thing You can do. (“YOU KNOW JUST GIVE IT” “HAVE”) Work in someone’s subconscious mind to get this (“THIS BOOK”) to the printers.” (“WHEN”)
D: Is Michael working now?
Q: I mean Mighael my Entity. (“OH YOUR” “OH YEAH”) Michael has never helped me —
D: Michael — (“WHEN”)
Q: — my screenplays. (“HI”)
D: (to waitress) Do you have any ice cream?
J: Yeah. Just plain vanilla ice cream. (“YES”)
D: I’ll have some and will you have some?
Q: A little bit. Maybe some water too.
J: Water. Yeah.
Q: By the way, I’m doing a book and what’s your name for my book?
J: Jennifer.
Q: And do you know what Jennifer means? No? And what’s your last name?
J: Nontkolsiri.
Q: And what does that mean? Do you know?
J: It’s like ‘prosperous.’ (“NOT”)
Q: Oh okay. (“FINE”) Thank you very much.
J: Okay.
Q: And your maid, Diana — her name was —
D: Gladys (phonetic) Portio. She comes from San Salvador and she’s my angel. She’s so good.
Q: That’s another one of the themes of my book. How people are human angels to other people.
D: She’s one.
Q: Exactly.
D: Actually, she’s rather a religious person in her own right and talks about God and prays a lot and whatever but (“I”) for whatever reasons she’s just so wonderful. I’m so lucky to have her. (“WELL”)
Q: And I’ve always thought that you were one of my angels, (“YOU KNOW”) as you know. (“YOU KNOW” “I MEAN”) You were actually the one I think who was responsible for hiring me at Paramount and bringing me to the mountain, so to speak. (“[I]DEA” “[LE]SSON”)
D: Mohammed cannot go to the mountain — the mountain comes to Mohammed. (“YES”)
Q: Definitely.
D: Mountain came over — yes. What’s that Denzel Washington quote? He’s playing Malcolm X and he says, “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us.” Or something.
Q: Exactly. And, of course, I did the press kit for “Virtuosity” —
D: Oh you did?
Q: — recently. That was one of the press kits I did and — (“SO”) all these celebrities I’ve had some interaction with. Either hearing gossip about them or writing their bios or meeting them. (“LIKE”) O. J. Simpson or (“LE[SLIE]”) Leslie Nielsen. ‘Son’ in Nielsen. Or is that an ‘Sen’? (“NO IT’S S I”)
Q: Son. (“OH”) So all these people with ‘son’ in their name. Maybe I’m God’s ‘son.’
D: Maybe you are. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Maybe we all are.
D: Yes. Maybe we —
Q: But I’m also His soulmate. I don’t know. It’s weird. I can’t get over it. I’m clueless like Alicia Silverstone.