Q: Mark Russell Bell
F: Timothy Fielding, photographer
H: Heidi Fielding
Q: So I’m with Timothy Fielding at his studio and it was a frantic morning because I had to load the Ark of the Covenant into the trunk along with all the other things I’m having Timothy photograph. And I realized I was very low on gas. It was down to the lowest bar on my gas tank. Has that ever happened to you?
F: Oh, many a time. (“BUT ANYWAY”)
Q: But sometimes it jumps back up to the second or third bar.
F: Oh yeah. Yeah. (“WELL”)
Q: So it did that to me. (“BUT”) I think that’s God proving His existence (“BY”) by having gas come into our tanks. But He’s not revealing this until people read about it in my book. (“DELPHI BOOKS” “BUT”) I think He (“MY”) does this to prove His existence. So when people read it in my book, they’ll say, “Oh, that’s happened to me. God has done that to me.” (“SO” “WHERE IT”)
F: The needle just flips back up to (“RIGHT”) maybe a half even. (“HA[VE]”)
Q: Right. Have you always wondered why it does that?
F: Yes, it seems strange that the car does that.
Q: Well, now you know. So, anyway, what’s new in your life, Timothy? Later on I’ll ask you to go over that other wall. (“LIKE WE DID”) We did one wall during the last interview.
F: That’s right. (“SO” “UH-UH”)
Q: I’ll let you explain how you work your magic on (“THE”) the various people on the other wall.
F: Well, most of the time when I’m photographing people, you have to bring their personality out. It’s the key to the photograph. First, I set the light to set the mood and then from there I have to work on the internal side of them to bring out their personalities. It’s the whole entire photograph. (FROM THEN ON”)
Q: Interesting. Well, last time of course we did some impromptu photos of me. Today, actually I did have a shower so at least I don’t have to wear a cap. Maybe we’ll do a quick one of me.
F: We’ll definitely do one of you today. (“CAUSE I HAVE”) You look terrific today, (“RIGHT”) by the way.
Q: Because this (“BOO”) shirt I wore on purpose because it mysteriously appeared with my things when I was in a retreat in Alhambra. And notice the very interesting FriTO LaY —
F: Oh yeah. (“IT LOOKS LIKE”)
Q: — like, there’s a little pyramid under the r. And there’s a G (“IN”) inside the O. (“SO” “VERY NEAT” “ZELIG”) It’s a very interesting design.
F: Very neat design.
Q: Shall we go inside?
F: Sure. Yeah. Let’s go inside.
Q: Is the cat done?
F: Yeah, she’s done. Come on, Pip. (“WHO” “YEAH” “COME ON PIPPER” “YEAH”)
Q: Do you walk her every day like this?
F: Every morning she gets a walk. (“BUT SHE DOESN’T”)
Q: She doesn’t urinate or defecate?
F: No no no no no. (“SHE JUST COMES OUTSIDE” “THAT’S”)
Q: A dog does that.
F: Yeah. (“OKAY”) She just likes to come outside and see all the neighbors.
Q: Okay. Isn’t that nice? She’s in one of my photos too that you took last time.
( . . . )
Q: So I’m here with Timothy and his cat, Pip, which is also the name of (“THE CHAR”) a character in Great Expectations. (“AND UM”) The last time we spoke over the phone, I mentioned that I just got off the phone with my mom and he, apparently, has a relationship with his mom that his similar to the one that I do with mine. What was her maiden name?
F: Her maiden name was Warsdell.
Q: Not ‘War is hell’ or ‘War bell.’
F: Warsdell. (“UH-HUH” “WHAT”)
Q: Is that a significant name in any way? (“WE DON’T KNOW”)
F: I don’t know. I haven’t really looked into it yet. (“OKAY”) At all. (“WELL”)
Q: I think everyone should look into their family tree. It’s so interesting (“MY”) to see how your name links up with everyone else’s name.
F: That’s true. I haven’t had a chance to do that yet. (“OKAY”) Because my grandmother passed away. That’s a problem. (“WHY”)
Q: Why was it a problem?
F: Because she would have the answers to a lot of it I’m sure. (“DO YOU THINK — BUT — NOT A”)
Q: Well, actually, the Mormon Church has a history center in L.A. and in many other cities. You can always go and check.
F: That’s true. I think I’ll do that. (“BRENDA”)
( . . . )
Q: Timothy, what movies have you seen recently?
F: Well, I saw “Sudden Death.” And it was just a wonderful comedy. I mean it was amazing how everything seemed so robotic. The entire movie. From the front to the back of the movie everybody walked in a robotic way, they talked in a robotic way. (“I’D JUST SEEN”) The Stepford wives were not “The Stepford Wives” anymore. It was now “Sudden Death.” It was amazing. Every actor just was so robotic as they acted through this thing. It was edited that way. The editor must have been robotic. Everything was robotic about it. Absolutely everything. (“THERE WAS”) It was very interesting. I thought it was one of the best comedies I’ve seen in a long time and I know they were trying to get some comedy spots in there. And they achieved it all the way through the movie to me. Because I sat and reviewed it maybe differently than other people who were sitting there watching it. I really thought it was a comedy.
Q: Well, as I said before, there’s no accounting for taste. And that applies to stars of the movies, the screenplays for the movies, as well as I guess every aspect of the movies.
F: Of course. If one robotic is there, of course he’s hiring another robotic person. (“AND UM”)
Q: So what do you think all these multi-millionaire stars do with their hard-earned money? Do you think they give it to the poor?
F: Of course not. (small laugh)
( . . . )
F: This friend of mine who’s really into — there’s a friend of mine who is really into astrology and started trying to do a reading about me and then found out that I actually was nothing — isn’t it nice to be nothing?
(small laugh)
Q: Eventually.
F: Eventually. Right. My birthday’s on January 28th but the time I was born and everything puts me on the cusp of everything so I’m sort of like on the edge of different things that — (“BACK”)
Q: Well, see, if you are close to the energy of Merlin for our time, that’s something (“THAT”) Merlin would be. Isn’t that true?
F: That’s very true.
Q: And you have a black cat. (“EHH”)
F: That came to me, by the way. (“YEAH” “SUNDAY NIGHT” “ANDY”)
Q: We talked about that in the last interview. So we know.
F: It was sitting, staring at us.
( . . . )
H: (coughs)
Q: I’m with Heidi, Timothy’s lovely, brilliantly talented singer wife. (“AND UM”) And she’s admiring my beautiful museum pieces. Unfortunately, she has a bit of —
H: Bronchitis.
Q: And when did this start up?
H: Oh, I had swollen glands for three weeks prior to getting it. I got it somewhere on the trip back to Illinois. (“IS THIS VERY”)
Q: And this, for a singer, (“LIKE”) is a major —
H: It’s not any fun. (“OH YEAH”)
Q: Have you had this before?
H: Not for years. (“AHHHHHH”) I’ve had bronchitis before. (“SO THAT”) But it’s been a long time. (“YOU JUST ACT LIKE”)
Q: When I saw you before you didn’t have it so it was after that.
H: I got it sometime over the new year holiday. (“OKAY”)
Q: And I see you’re wearing a beautiful “Congo” T-shirt.
H: (coughs) Yes, I am.
Q: Well, that’s very appropriate because of the piece you see in front of you. Would you describe it for my readers?
H: Yeah, it’s a camelback chest, beautifully painted with — it’s almost a Pennsylvania Dutch motif. (“DRAWN ON IT”)
Q: You said “camelback”?
H: It’s camelback.
Q: What’s that?
H: That’s the style of the chest. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Camelback. Interesting. I haven’t used that word before. But it’s not wood, you’ll notice. It’s a gold metal alloy.
H: It’s wood with a — yeah, it’s — I don’t know what it is. That sort of metal is over it. It’s very lovely. (“WELL”)
Q: This fits the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy Bible.
H: That’s very interesting.
Q: Does it look like it could be?
H: The Ark of the Covenant?
Q: Yes.
H: Well, I tend to doubt that it’s the Ark of the Covenant. It looks a little newer than that. (“BUT”) It’s a beautiful chest.
Q: You never know, do you though?
H: You never know what you’ve got.
Q: Right.
H: This is true. (“IT’S A”) It’s lovely, though. Where did you find it?
Q: I found it at a little store called Antique Way four or five years ago to keep my press kits in, including the production information for the (“RE”) re-release of “The Ten Commandments,” “Ghost,” “Indiana Jones and the (“TTT”) Last Crusade.” Anyway, I have some other wonderful pieces you’ll want to see later.
H: Good. (“THAT’S ENOUGH”)
( . . . )
F: I’m having at least (“A”) a stop and a half to two stops difference in the light. And I don’t know why so I’m going to have to look at it again right now. Just as I was taking The Last Supper. So I’m going to check it again and see if that will help.
Q: And why is he telling this to Heidi?
H: I don’t know.
F: Oh, because I may have you take this meter in to have it checked.
H: Okay.
( . . . )
Q: So what happened now?
F: Now the light meter reading is F8 on this meter. (“EIGHT”)
Q: That’s the Luna-Flash.
F: Right. And on the other one here. On the Minolta it’s 11. So there’s a stop and a half difference here.
H: I wouldn’t be surprised based on your contact sheets lately.
F: It’s (“GOD”) off a stop and a half.
H: Which one have you been using outside?
( . . . )
Q: So (“MY”) Heidi is looking at the second piece I am photographing today.
H: It’s gorgeous.
Q: It’s silver.
H: Can I go over and touch it?
Q: Of course.
H: This is beautiful. Another good find.
Q: Right. Guess what it is.
H: I — (“I”) it’s a chalice (“WELL”) of some sort.
Q: Well, if I have the Ark of the Covenant, what are the odds that I also have the Holy Grail?
H: (laughs) (“OH”) Well, the odds are phenomenal. (“HEH”)
Q: More or against? (“SCHWING”)
H: Against.
Q: But if one of them turns out to be the real thing, doesn’t that make the odds go up that the other one is also the real thing?
H: No, I don’t think so. I think your odds are still phenomenal.
Q: Okay. (“PENNIES”) That’s an honest response.
H: This is really beautiful.
Q: It is. And no one really knows (“WHAT”) — I mean there’s so many different uses for the Holy Grail. (“I MEAN”) It dates back to —
H: (coughs)
Q: — so many different people — like the knights as well as the original Christ story so no one really knows (“THY”) what it was used for if it is the Holy Grail.
H: This is true. It’s beautiful, Mark.
F: Isn’t it gorgeous?
H: This is a beautiful piece. (“I THINK”)
Q: So the museum came to you today.
H: Oh, well I like that. I like museums.
Q: Yes. (“NO” “HATE” “MUSEUM” “PEN”)
( . . . )
Q: Heidi, this basically is an inner temple door from India. It’s described on a piece of tape that I took off it as “a very old door from a temple in India. Approximate age 900 years.” Do you know anything about Eastern religions? What could this be? What is the most famous relic (“EH EH”) in the Eastern religions?
H: I don’t know.
Q: Whatever it is, this is probably it.
H: (laughs) (coughs) It’s beautiful. The carving is lovely.
Q: Isn’t it, though?
H: Yeah. Very pretty.
Q: And the cat enjoyed investigating it.
H: And the cat loved it. Yes. It’s very pretty. (“I WILL”)
F: Heidi, do me a favor?
Q: It’s nice to see a married couple that works so closely (“UHH”) together and actually likes one another.
H: Indeed we do.
Q: And he encourages your singing career.
H: Yes, he does.
Q: So it’s quite a good marriage.
H: I would say so.
Q: Would you consider him to be your soulmate?
H: Twin sparks of the same soul. Yes.
Q: Interesting. So you found one another.
H: Yes, we did.
Q: How did you meet? (“UHH”)
H: Uh, a friend introduced us.
Q: And what was the friend’s name?
H: Jerry Tullos. He’s now passed away. Yesterday would have been his birthday. (“AND” “WAS IT”)
Q: Was it like love at first sight or —
H: Well, I told somebody the next day if he didn’t call me I was going to call him and that was pretty forward for me so, yeah, I would say so. That’s the way I felt. I don’t know about him.
Q: Okay. Interesting.
H: Yeah. He’s pretty cute. (“FA FEF X”)
( . . . )
Q: So, Heidi, what do you think of this piece?
H: This is beautiful. What is it?
Q: Well, it’s obviously an Egyptian piece. I believe it’s the god (Amun-)Ra also known as Bel-Marduk. (“AND”) Notice it looks a little bit like me. Does it look like me a little bit?
H: A little bit.
Q: In fact, if you want to take a picture of me interviewing Heidi, I don’t have any interview photos.
H: No no no. (laughs) Especially not when I’m looking sick. (coughs)
Q: Okay.
Q: Well, I was just organizing my files after the photo session. (“DADDY”) Even though Carol is going to be late so I didn’t really need to rush back. (“BUT IT”) It’s no big deal. I just looked out the window and noticed another big truck parked on my block. And I don’t mean the drug dealers that live across the street. It’s another large truck. I don’t know who owns it. (“UHH” “BUT UM”) I guess the worst case scenario would be that it’s some kind of CIA vehicle. Anyway, I finally had the chance to look at the Kostabi One Hundred+ book that I picked up (“PPP”) at the gallery last Wednesday. And I was (“JUST”) going through it and I just chanced upon one of his paintings on page 20 entitled “Guernica Souvenir.” And immediately the face there reminded me of one of the objects that had been photographed this morning. (“GGG”) It was the one Twyla had done representing the picture Mighael had drawn of Himself. And I remembered it when I saw this Kostabi piece entitled “Guernica Souvenir” incorporating one of the faces. (“SSS”) It looks similar — not exactly. (“BUT”) Close in terms of the basic style. And I’ll have to show it to Twyla some time (“WHEN SHE’S”) and let her see if it’s comparable or not. I think it’s very comparable. (“UM”) I also looked up the painting in one of my art books and there’s even wispy hair on it as well. So it’s close. It’s not exact but close enough. Especially when you consider my concept of Mighael being God with the alter ego of Mighael the angel and all the other angels for that matter. And aliens. And poltergeists. And spirits. Whatever. I mean even if there are separate beings that are these entities, since they have a subconscious mind and Mighael works through people’s subconscious mind He’s them as well. (“HE’S”) He’s in every one of us. (“SO UM”) If He were to draw a picture of Himself as a face from “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso, that would be a valid expression of how Mighael looks. And it was funny because when I was having dinner with Jonathan and Mark Kostabi, (“YEAH” “YOU KNOW”) Jonathan did say some out-of-character things. One of them was when Mark was talking about one of the spirit messages where apparently He was calling me some kind of monster. And all of a sudden Jonathan said, “Well, you don’t really think that He thinks you’re a monster, do you?” Jonathan was sort of smiling and I said, “Of course I don’t.” (“BUT”) People (“OOVAY”) like to call each other names as tokens of affection. And in a way I am His monster if you remember I’m his mannequin — (“HIS”) Frankenstein monster — or mankind is too — (“AND I’M”) symbolic of that. Basically He created us so He would have someone to love. (“VVV”) And someone, hopefully, to love Him back. (“SO”) It’s interesting. When people say these out-of-character things, as you can see through my interviews such as some of the things Larry said — some of the very complex religious things people say when they’re speaking to me that they don’t quite know where the idea came from — I guess it’s when the Entity speaks to me through people’s subconscious minds and becomes part of their history, their memory. They don’t know where the idea came from. As far as they know, it was theirs alone. (“SO”) And I’ve done the same thing. It’s like when I have an idea from my intuition or subconscious like when I came back from Oklahoma and was feeling almost overwhelmed and was saying all those outrageous things, everything I said I thought was coming from me even though even if I believed those things I wouldn’t have said them. (“SO”) It was definite channeling, possession, whatever you want to call it. (“AND UM”) I was saying things that once I said them I thought I was saying it. (“BUT”) Now, in retrospect, I wouldn’t have said those things I don’t think if it were just up to me alone. (“SO”) It’s interesting how that works. (“I DON'[T]” “YOU” “I DON’T KNOW IF HE’S” “NOT”) Everything can’t be from Him. I don’t think so anyway. (“I” “BECAUSE”) No, I think it’s just occasional statements and sentences because the world wouldn’t be such a mess if everything was an aspect of Him (“MMM”) or being channeled through Him. It’s something I can’t even ponder because, again, I only have my point of view and my experience to draw from. And it’s hard to know if other people’s sensation of living is like mine. (“AND UM”) I remember hearing Dr. David Viscott say on the radio once that different people have different quantities of life in them. (“MMM”) And so I don’t know how this compares with me. (“BUT”) These are all interesting thoughts that are very hard to articulate. When I saw this painting by Mark Kostabi, it reminded me of Picasso’s “Guernica” (“AAA”) and also the drawing Twyla made from memory that she said Mighael had drawn of Himself.
( . . . )
Q: I guess now is as good a time as ever to record my two raptures. (“MY IM”) Impressions from computer files.
Q: I also recorded my impressions of the second rapture. (“HELLO”) As soon as I awoke, I ran down to my computer and recorded my impressions on each of these occasions. The second rapture is strangely dated because the computer file is dated 03-26-93 and yet I remember mentioning the actual date which was in October. (“SO THERE’S A”) Somehow my computer (“I HAD”) recorded my rapture seven months before it occurred. Well, you know what they say — with God all things are possible.
Q: So I’m with Timothy Fielding at his studio and it was a frantic morning because I had to load the Ark of the Covenant into the trunk along with all the other things I’m having Timothy photograph. And I realized I was very low on gas. It was down to the lowest bar on my gas tank. Has that ever happened to you?
F: Oh, many a time. (“BUT ANYWAY”)
Q: But sometimes it jumps back up to the second or third bar.
F: Oh yeah. Yeah. (“WELL”)
Q: So it did that to me. (“BUT”) I think that’s God proving His existence (“BY”) by having gas come into our tanks. But He’s not revealing this until people read about it in my book. (“DELPHI BOOKS” “BUT”) I think He (“MY”) does this to prove His existence. So when people read it in my book, they’ll say, “Oh, that’s happened to me. God has done that to me.” (“SO” “WHERE IT”)
F: The needle just flips back up to (“RIGHT”) maybe a half even. (“HA[VE]”)
Q: Right. Have you always wondered why it does that?
F: Yes, it seems strange that the car does that.
Q: Well, now you know. So, anyway, what’s new in your life, Timothy? Later on I’ll ask you to go over that other wall. (“LIKE WE DID”) We did one wall during the last interview.
F: That’s right. (“SO” “UH-UH”)
Q: I’ll let you explain how you work your magic on (“THE”) the various people on the other wall.
F: Well, most of the time when I’m photographing people, you have to bring their personality out. It’s the key to the photograph. First, I set the light to set the mood and then from there I have to work on the internal side of them to bring out their personalities. It’s the whole entire photograph. (FROM THEN ON”)
Q: Interesting. Well, last time of course we did some impromptu photos of me. Today, actually I did have a shower so at least I don’t have to wear a cap. Maybe we’ll do a quick one of me.
F: We’ll definitely do one of you today. (“CAUSE I HAVE”) You look terrific today, (“RIGHT”) by the way.
Q: Because this (“BOO”) shirt I wore on purpose because it mysteriously appeared with my things when I was in a retreat in Alhambra. And notice the very interesting FriTO LaY —
F: Oh yeah. (“IT LOOKS LIKE”)
Q: — like, there’s a little pyramid under the r. And there’s a G (“IN”) inside the O. (“SO” “VERY NEAT” “ZELIG”) It’s a very interesting design.
F: Very neat design.
Q: Shall we go inside?
F: Sure. Yeah. Let’s go inside.
Q: Is the cat done?
F: Yeah, she’s done. Come on, Pip. (“WHO” “YEAH” “COME ON PIPPER” “YEAH”)
Q: Do you walk her every day like this?
F: Every morning she gets a walk. (“BUT SHE DOESN’T”)
Q: She doesn’t urinate or defecate?
F: No no no no no. (“SHE JUST COMES OUTSIDE” “THAT’S”)
Q: A dog does that.
F: Yeah. (“OKAY”) She just likes to come outside and see all the neighbors.
Q: Okay. Isn’t that nice? She’s in one of my photos too that you took last time.
( . . . )
Q: So I’m here with Timothy and his cat, Pip, which is also the name of (“THE CHAR”) a character in Great Expectations. (“AND UM”) The last time we spoke over the phone, I mentioned that I just got off the phone with my mom and he, apparently, has a relationship with his mom that his similar to the one that I do with mine. What was her maiden name?
F: Her maiden name was Warsdell.
Q: Not ‘War is hell’ or ‘War bell.’
F: Warsdell. (“UH-HUH” “WHAT”)
Q: Is that a significant name in any way? (“WE DON’T KNOW”)
F: I don’t know. I haven’t really looked into it yet. (“OKAY”) At all. (“WELL”)
Q: I think everyone should look into their family tree. It’s so interesting (“MY”) to see how your name links up with everyone else’s name.
F: That’s true. I haven’t had a chance to do that yet. (“OKAY”) Because my grandmother passed away. That’s a problem. (“WHY”)
Q: Why was it a problem?
F: Because she would have the answers to a lot of it I’m sure. (“DO YOU THINK — BUT — NOT A”)
Q: Well, actually, the Mormon Church has a history center in L.A. and in many other cities. You can always go and check.
F: That’s true. I think I’ll do that. (“BRENDA”)
( . . . )
Q: Timothy, what movies have you seen recently?
F: Well, I saw “Sudden Death.” And it was just a wonderful comedy. I mean it was amazing how everything seemed so robotic. The entire movie. From the front to the back of the movie everybody walked in a robotic way, they talked in a robotic way. (“I’D JUST SEEN”) The Stepford wives were not “The Stepford Wives” anymore. It was now “Sudden Death.” It was amazing. Every actor just was so robotic as they acted through this thing. It was edited that way. The editor must have been robotic. Everything was robotic about it. Absolutely everything. (“THERE WAS”) It was very interesting. I thought it was one of the best comedies I’ve seen in a long time and I know they were trying to get some comedy spots in there. And they achieved it all the way through the movie to me. Because I sat and reviewed it maybe differently than other people who were sitting there watching it. I really thought it was a comedy.
Q: Well, as I said before, there’s no accounting for taste. And that applies to stars of the movies, the screenplays for the movies, as well as I guess every aspect of the movies.
F: Of course. If one robotic is there, of course he’s hiring another robotic person. (“AND UM”)
Q: So what do you think all these multi-millionaire stars do with their hard-earned money? Do you think they give it to the poor?
F: Of course not. (small laugh)
( . . . )
F: This friend of mine who’s really into — there’s a friend of mine who is really into astrology and started trying to do a reading about me and then found out that I actually was nothing — isn’t it nice to be nothing?
(small laugh)
Q: Eventually.
F: Eventually. Right. My birthday’s on January 28th but the time I was born and everything puts me on the cusp of everything so I’m sort of like on the edge of different things that — (“BACK”)
Q: Well, see, if you are close to the energy of Merlin for our time, that’s something (“THAT”) Merlin would be. Isn’t that true?
F: That’s very true.
Q: And you have a black cat. (“EHH”)
F: That came to me, by the way. (“YEAH” “SUNDAY NIGHT” “ANDY”)
Q: We talked about that in the last interview. So we know.
F: It was sitting, staring at us.
( . . . )
H: (coughs)
Q: I’m with Heidi, Timothy’s lovely, brilliantly talented singer wife. (“AND UM”) And she’s admiring my beautiful museum pieces. Unfortunately, she has a bit of —
H: Bronchitis.
Q: And when did this start up?
H: Oh, I had swollen glands for three weeks prior to getting it. I got it somewhere on the trip back to Illinois. (“IS THIS VERY”)
Q: And this, for a singer, (“LIKE”) is a major —
H: It’s not any fun. (“OH YEAH”)
Q: Have you had this before?
H: Not for years. (“AHHHHHH”) I’ve had bronchitis before. (“SO THAT”) But it’s been a long time. (“YOU JUST ACT LIKE”)
Q: When I saw you before you didn’t have it so it was after that.
H: I got it sometime over the new year holiday. (“OKAY”)
Q: And I see you’re wearing a beautiful “Congo” T-shirt.
H: (coughs) Yes, I am.
Q: Well, that’s very appropriate because of the piece you see in front of you. Would you describe it for my readers?
H: Yeah, it’s a camelback chest, beautifully painted with — it’s almost a Pennsylvania Dutch motif. (“DRAWN ON IT”)
Q: You said “camelback”?
H: It’s camelback.
Q: What’s that?
H: That’s the style of the chest. (“RIGHT”)
Q: Camelback. Interesting. I haven’t used that word before. But it’s not wood, you’ll notice. It’s a gold metal alloy.
H: It’s wood with a — yeah, it’s — I don’t know what it is. That sort of metal is over it. It’s very lovely. (“WELL”)
Q: This fits the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy Bible.
H: That’s very interesting.
Q: Does it look like it could be?
H: The Ark of the Covenant?
Q: Yes.
H: Well, I tend to doubt that it’s the Ark of the Covenant. It looks a little newer than that. (“BUT”) It’s a beautiful chest.
Q: You never know, do you though?
H: You never know what you’ve got.
Q: Right.
H: This is true. (“IT’S A”) It’s lovely, though. Where did you find it?
Q: I found it at a little store called Antique Way four or five years ago to keep my press kits in, including the production information for the (“RE”) re-release of “The Ten Commandments,” “Ghost,” “Indiana Jones and the (“TTT”) Last Crusade.” Anyway, I have some other wonderful pieces you’ll want to see later.
H: Good. (“THAT’S ENOUGH”)
( . . . )
F: I’m having at least (“A”) a stop and a half to two stops difference in the light. And I don’t know why so I’m going to have to look at it again right now. Just as I was taking The Last Supper. So I’m going to check it again and see if that will help.
Q: And why is he telling this to Heidi?
H: I don’t know.
F: Oh, because I may have you take this meter in to have it checked.
H: Okay.
( . . . )
Q: So what happened now?
F: Now the light meter reading is F8 on this meter. (“EIGHT”)
Q: That’s the Luna-Flash.
F: Right. And on the other one here. On the Minolta it’s 11. So there’s a stop and a half difference here.
H: I wouldn’t be surprised based on your contact sheets lately.
F: It’s (“GOD”) off a stop and a half.
H: Which one have you been using outside?
( . . . )
Q: So (“MY”) Heidi is looking at the second piece I am photographing today.
H: It’s gorgeous.
Q: It’s silver.
H: Can I go over and touch it?
Q: Of course.
H: This is beautiful. Another good find.
Q: Right. Guess what it is.
H: I — (“I”) it’s a chalice (“WELL”) of some sort.
Q: Well, if I have the Ark of the Covenant, what are the odds that I also have the Holy Grail?
H: (laughs) (“OH”) Well, the odds are phenomenal. (“HEH”)
Q: More or against? (“SCHWING”)
H: Against.
Q: But if one of them turns out to be the real thing, doesn’t that make the odds go up that the other one is also the real thing?
H: No, I don’t think so. I think your odds are still phenomenal.
Q: Okay. (“PENNIES”) That’s an honest response.
H: This is really beautiful.
Q: It is. And no one really knows (“WHAT”) — I mean there’s so many different uses for the Holy Grail. (“I MEAN”) It dates back to —
H: (coughs)
Q: — so many different people — like the knights as well as the original Christ story so no one really knows (“THY”) what it was used for if it is the Holy Grail.
H: This is true. It’s beautiful, Mark.
F: Isn’t it gorgeous?
H: This is a beautiful piece. (“I THINK”)
Q: So the museum came to you today.
H: Oh, well I like that. I like museums.
Q: Yes. (“NO” “HATE” “MUSEUM” “PEN”)
( . . . )
Q: Heidi, this basically is an inner temple door from India. It’s described on a piece of tape that I took off it as “a very old door from a temple in India. Approximate age 900 years.” Do you know anything about Eastern religions? What could this be? What is the most famous relic (“EH EH”) in the Eastern religions?
H: I don’t know.
Q: Whatever it is, this is probably it.
H: (laughs) (coughs) It’s beautiful. The carving is lovely.
Q: Isn’t it, though?
H: Yeah. Very pretty.
Q: And the cat enjoyed investigating it.
H: And the cat loved it. Yes. It’s very pretty. (“I WILL”)
F: Heidi, do me a favor?
Q: It’s nice to see a married couple that works so closely (“UHH”) together and actually likes one another.
H: Indeed we do.
Q: And he encourages your singing career.
H: Yes, he does.
Q: So it’s quite a good marriage.
H: I would say so.
Q: Would you consider him to be your soulmate?
H: Twin sparks of the same soul. Yes.
Q: Interesting. So you found one another.
H: Yes, we did.
Q: How did you meet? (“UHH”)
H: Uh, a friend introduced us.
Q: And what was the friend’s name?
H: Jerry Tullos. He’s now passed away. Yesterday would have been his birthday. (“AND” “WAS IT”)
Q: Was it like love at first sight or —
H: Well, I told somebody the next day if he didn’t call me I was going to call him and that was pretty forward for me so, yeah, I would say so. That’s the way I felt. I don’t know about him.
Q: Okay. Interesting.
H: Yeah. He’s pretty cute. (“FA FEF X”)
( . . . )
Q: So, Heidi, what do you think of this piece?
H: This is beautiful. What is it?
Q: Well, it’s obviously an Egyptian piece. I believe it’s the god (Amun-)Ra also known as Bel-Marduk. (“AND”) Notice it looks a little bit like me. Does it look like me a little bit?
H: A little bit.
Q: In fact, if you want to take a picture of me interviewing Heidi, I don’t have any interview photos.
H: No no no. (laughs) Especially not when I’m looking sick. (coughs)
Q: Okay.
Q: Well, I was just organizing my files after the photo session. (“DADDY”) Even though Carol is going to be late so I didn’t really need to rush back. (“BUT IT”) It’s no big deal. I just looked out the window and noticed another big truck parked on my block. And I don’t mean the drug dealers that live across the street. It’s another large truck. I don’t know who owns it. (“UHH” “BUT UM”) I guess the worst case scenario would be that it’s some kind of CIA vehicle. Anyway, I finally had the chance to look at the Kostabi One Hundred+ book that I picked up (“PPP”) at the gallery last Wednesday. And I was (“JUST”) going through it and I just chanced upon one of his paintings on page 20 entitled “Guernica Souvenir.” And immediately the face there reminded me of one of the objects that had been photographed this morning. (“GGG”) It was the one Twyla had done representing the picture Mighael had drawn of Himself. And I remembered it when I saw this Kostabi piece entitled “Guernica Souvenir” incorporating one of the faces. (“SSS”) It looks similar — not exactly. (“BUT”) Close in terms of the basic style. And I’ll have to show it to Twyla some time (“WHEN SHE’S”) and let her see if it’s comparable or not. I think it’s very comparable. (“UM”) I also looked up the painting in one of my art books and there’s even wispy hair on it as well. So it’s close. It’s not exact but close enough. Especially when you consider my concept of Mighael being God with the alter ego of Mighael the angel and all the other angels for that matter. And aliens. And poltergeists. And spirits. Whatever. I mean even if there are separate beings that are these entities, since they have a subconscious mind and Mighael works through people’s subconscious mind He’s them as well. (“HE’S”) He’s in every one of us. (“SO UM”) If He were to draw a picture of Himself as a face from “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso, that would be a valid expression of how Mighael looks. And it was funny because when I was having dinner with Jonathan and Mark Kostabi, (“YEAH” “YOU KNOW”) Jonathan did say some out-of-character things. One of them was when Mark was talking about one of the spirit messages where apparently He was calling me some kind of monster. And all of a sudden Jonathan said, “Well, you don’t really think that He thinks you’re a monster, do you?” Jonathan was sort of smiling and I said, “Of course I don’t.” (“BUT”) People (“OOVAY”) like to call each other names as tokens of affection. And in a way I am His monster if you remember I’m his mannequin — (“HIS”) Frankenstein monster — or mankind is too — (“AND I’M”) symbolic of that. Basically He created us so He would have someone to love. (“VVV”) And someone, hopefully, to love Him back. (“SO”) It’s interesting. When people say these out-of-character things, as you can see through my interviews such as some of the things Larry said — some of the very complex religious things people say when they’re speaking to me that they don’t quite know where the idea came from — I guess it’s when the Entity speaks to me through people’s subconscious minds and becomes part of their history, their memory. They don’t know where the idea came from. As far as they know, it was theirs alone. (“SO”) And I’ve done the same thing. It’s like when I have an idea from my intuition or subconscious like when I came back from Oklahoma and was feeling almost overwhelmed and was saying all those outrageous things, everything I said I thought was coming from me even though even if I believed those things I wouldn’t have said them. (“SO”) It was definite channeling, possession, whatever you want to call it. (“AND UM”) I was saying things that once I said them I thought I was saying it. (“BUT”) Now, in retrospect, I wouldn’t have said those things I don’t think if it were just up to me alone. (“SO”) It’s interesting how that works. (“I DON'[T]” “YOU” “I DON’T KNOW IF HE’S” “NOT”) Everything can’t be from Him. I don’t think so anyway. (“I” “BECAUSE”) No, I think it’s just occasional statements and sentences because the world wouldn’t be such a mess if everything was an aspect of Him (“MMM”) or being channeled through Him. It’s something I can’t even ponder because, again, I only have my point of view and my experience to draw from. And it’s hard to know if other people’s sensation of living is like mine. (“AND UM”) I remember hearing Dr. David Viscott say on the radio once that different people have different quantities of life in them. (“MMM”) And so I don’t know how this compares with me. (“BUT”) These are all interesting thoughts that are very hard to articulate. When I saw this painting by Mark Kostabi, it reminded me of Picasso’s “Guernica” (“AAA”) and also the drawing Twyla made from memory that she said Mighael had drawn of Himself.
( . . . )
Q: I guess now is as good a time as ever to record my two raptures. (“MY IM”) Impressions from computer files.
Q: I also recorded my impressions of the second rapture. (“HELLO”) As soon as I awoke, I ran down to my computer and recorded my impressions on each of these occasions. The second rapture is strangely dated because the computer file is dated 03-26-93 and yet I remember mentioning the actual date which was in October. (“SO THERE’S A”) Somehow my computer (“I HAD”) recorded my rapture seven months before it occurred. Well, you know what they say — with God all things are possible.