Q: Mark Russell Bell
Q: So, it’s been a couple hours since I got off the phone with Marie. (“UH-HUH”) I explained what was unique about her painting. And now I’m transcribing again at my computer. I have an IBM. (“UH-HUH”) ‘Big Blue.’ And I put up my original Kostabi, which is also the cover of this book so I’m looking at it. I really like it. I think it’s ideal for this book. (“YEAH”) Of course, you know who I am in the painting. And you know who Michael is. And you know what the other symbol is. And it’s nice knowing that no matter how many times I fall into that manhole He’s always there to pull me out again. Life is like a movie, (“YEAH”) which is one of the themes of this book. So I interpret the dark blue in the background to be like a bluescreen. Like what they use in making movies (“NO”) before adding the special effects. Making the magic. The miracles. (“UH-HUH”) Of course, I like films best that don’t have any special effects. But I think the bluescreen is another symbol. Hmm. Of course, the money symbol is very important. It’s really hard to determine what evil is. (“NO”) It’s so nice to have a Devil to blame everything on. But the truth is that evil is much more sinister and enigmatic than to be relegated to an individual being. (“YEAH”) It’s a metaphor. Speaking of metaphors, I made the mistake (“YEAH”) on Wednesday, when I had all those errands to do, of stopping by a Wendy’s. It’s the only time I’ve ever been to Wendy’s in my life. (“NO”) And I became physically sick after eating there. (“ISN’T”) And the same thing happens to me whenever I go to McDonald’s. So that was a bad idea but I really started getting pains in my stomach while driving home later. And so I stopped by Thrifty and I saw Sun magazine. (“NO”) It was the December 19th issue and I had to get it because it had the funniest cover. It said “Nostradamus Prophecies.” (“WHO”) Who is somebody I definitely believe in. And it says “Greatest seer reveals what’s ahead for the rest of the century . . .” Well, of course, there are many different interpretations of his predictions, but this cover featured Jesus. It says: “Jesus Christ will make triumphant return in 1996” and “More amazing predictions inside!” Along with their usual inane messages and stories and everything. But I just had to laugh because at least on a metaphoric level wouldn’t it be funny if they really were right this time? There’s also an article inside about “Human Sacrifices Still Go On — Even In The U.S.” And it has a picture of Dr. Horace Boyer. Again, look at my family tree. (“YEAH”) Boyer? And, anyway, there’s a gross picture of a “bloody sacrificial ritual.” It says, ” . . . descendants of the Aztecs still carry on sacrificial butchery at makeshift temples hidden in heavy jungle, some only a stone’s throw from Mexico City.” I hope not. I don’t think — I mean maybe Michael did that for a while because (“UH-HUH”) he was bored. (“UH-HUH”) I mean you know. I don’t know. Maybe He was pissed-off at them. I mean maybe He’s pissed-off at us. I mean all I know is the heart is an amazing metaphor for both good and evil so it’s up to us which symbol we want to appreciate. (“UH-HUH”) About this book’s cover, I can’t quite decide if the symbol coming out of the hat is a loaf of bread or a movie camera. Or both. I’ll have to ask Mark Kostabi that when we go to lunch. Because he wants to go to lunch with me and Jonathan [Handel] when he comes back to L.A. Instead of a Devil or Satan, I think a better word for evil in our time is ambivalence. You know, I’ve never really looked at one of these Sun magazines before. I know the Enquirer usually is pretty legitimate in its articles and stories because of the lawsuits in the past. So I wonder where the Sun gets some of their information in here because there are some interesting articles, surprisingly enough. There’s an article about “Navy Finds UFO Off San Diego,” which is interesting because if they were going to make something up you would think they would do it a little bit differently. It talks about “a vast array of animal parts, most of which came from cattle.” (“AND YOU KNOW”) That sounds pretty convincing. It’s an interesting article. It doesn’t really say where their information came from so I won’t spend too much time on that. (“AND THEN UM”) After turning the page, there’s an article about “Samson & Goliath may have been sons of E.T.s.” (“UM”) A nuclear physicist named Dr. Franklin R. Ruehl—I wonder if he’s any relation to Mercedes—is a columnist (“Mysteries & Enigmas”) and in this one he asks:
WAS SAMSON, the celebrated muscleman of the Scriptures, part alien? And how about Goliath, the tallest being to ever walk the face of the earth?
The case for the involvement of ancient astronauts in the creation of Samson appears to be quite persuasive.
Indeed, there are six factors that argue for his non human nature, as delineated in the Book of Judges (13-16). Let’s list them.
First, his mother, the wife of Manoah, a Danite, was approached by an angel. Countless ufologists have speculated that angels depicted in the Bible are really extra-terrestrials.
Second, Samson’s mother had been infertile, yet the angel assured her that she would bear a son. It’s possible that an alien in-vitro fertilization technique was performed upon her, very much like the type routinely being carried out on barren women today.
Third, the angel warned Samson’s mother not to consume wine or any other alcoholic beverage. This admonition is definitely suggestive of the type of warning being issued today to pregnant women for the protection of their fetuses, indicating an advanced state of medical knowledge uncommon in the Biblical era — except possibly for advanced aliens.
Fourth, when the angel bade farewell to Manoah and his wife, he rose in a flame toward heaven. This description of his departure sounds remarkably like a modern spacecraft ascending into the atmosphere, such as a shuttle craft.
Fifth, Samson was possessed of superhuman, non-terrestrial strength not found in other earthlings. This certainly supports the theory that he had alien genetic features — and that he was indeed half-human-half extra-terrestrial, a product of sophisticated alien biomedicine.
Sixth, Samson’s renowned might derived not from his muscles, as in ordinary mortals, but from his hair. This characteristic alone persuasively argues for the hypothesis that he was indeed a hybrid being.
The case for Goliath is not as persuasive because the details on his background are rather sketchy.
But we do now that he literally stood head and shoulders above his mortal comrades, with a height of six cubits and a span.
A span is generally accepted to have measured nine inches, while a cubit ranged anywhere from 18 to 22 inches. So, Goliath was a minimum of nine feet nine inches tall and a maximum of eleven feet nine inches.
Certainly, Goliath could also have been the result of extra-terrestrial hybridization experiments with humans.
Considering that the universe is approximately 20 billion years old, aliens on some other planets could have already developed the technology for both space exploration and invitro fertilization during our Biblical period — with Samson and Goliath being the result!
The case for the involvement of ancient astronauts in the creation of Samson appears to be quite persuasive.
Indeed, there are six factors that argue for his non human nature, as delineated in the Book of Judges (13-16). Let’s list them.
First, his mother, the wife of Manoah, a Danite, was approached by an angel. Countless ufologists have speculated that angels depicted in the Bible are really extra-terrestrials.
Second, Samson’s mother had been infertile, yet the angel assured her that she would bear a son. It’s possible that an alien in-vitro fertilization technique was performed upon her, very much like the type routinely being carried out on barren women today.
Third, the angel warned Samson’s mother not to consume wine or any other alcoholic beverage. This admonition is definitely suggestive of the type of warning being issued today to pregnant women for the protection of their fetuses, indicating an advanced state of medical knowledge uncommon in the Biblical era — except possibly for advanced aliens.
Fourth, when the angel bade farewell to Manoah and his wife, he rose in a flame toward heaven. This description of his departure sounds remarkably like a modern spacecraft ascending into the atmosphere, such as a shuttle craft.
Fifth, Samson was possessed of superhuman, non-terrestrial strength not found in other earthlings. This certainly supports the theory that he had alien genetic features — and that he was indeed half-human-half extra-terrestrial, a product of sophisticated alien biomedicine.
Sixth, Samson’s renowned might derived not from his muscles, as in ordinary mortals, but from his hair. This characteristic alone persuasively argues for the hypothesis that he was indeed a hybrid being.
The case for Goliath is not as persuasive because the details on his background are rather sketchy.
But we do now that he literally stood head and shoulders above his mortal comrades, with a height of six cubits and a span.
A span is generally accepted to have measured nine inches, while a cubit ranged anywhere from 18 to 22 inches. So, Goliath was a minimum of nine feet nine inches tall and a maximum of eleven feet nine inches.
Certainly, Goliath could also have been the result of extra-terrestrial hybridization experiments with humans.
Considering that the universe is approximately 20 billion years old, aliens on some other planets could have already developed the technology for both space exploration and invitro fertilization during our Biblical period — with Samson and Goliath being the result!
Q: Yes, but, speaking from experience, the consensus that a cubit equals 18″ is not correct. Since I have the Ark of the Covenant, I know that a cubit is closer to 14″ and a span being half a cubit is not what is generally believed to be 9″ but 7″. So that would make Goliath (“SSS”) around 7′. And anyone who knows anything about history and evolution knows that over the centuries man has been getting taller. If you’ve ever been to Shakespeare’s birthplace, you know about that. So this article says that Goliath was “a minimum of nine feet nine inches tall and a maximum of eleven feet nine inches.” (“UM” “SO NOW HE”) I think that’s incorrect. I think he was 7′ tall — around there, which is still much larger than all the others back in biblical times. So that’s a very interesting article, I would say. And then there are all kinds of psychic predictions. (“ABOUT”) There’s an article about a lady who spent $5 on a painting at a yard sale and it turned out it was a painting by a famous Spanish artist named Ernesto Garame who died in a car accident. (“UM”) So now they’re valuing it at least $500,000. It makes me wonder how much my paintings (“ARE GO”) here are going to be worth. Not only the cover art for this book but also (“UM”) the Washington piece I have. (“AND NOT”) Not to mention the Declaration of Independence (“OR YOU KNOW”) or the Ark of the Covenant. (“BUT”) I mean you really can get (“YOU KNOW”) good buys sometimes at antique stores and garage sales. (“SO”) And so let’s see. I just turned the page and on page twelve there’s a (“BIG”) article: “Numerology Forecast For 1996” — “Your special numbers can add up to money, love and opportunity!” Oh my goodness, the author happens to be named Pam Bell. Hmmm. Interesting. She’s got all these pictures of celebrities and all these interesting messages — (“AND SHE HAS LIKE”) lucky numbers for celebrities and things like that. Let me turn the page. (“YEAH”) Oh, look there’s some anchor symbols in this puzzle. And hearts. Those have very strong religious meanings. And stars. That’s interesting. Next — “Shocking Secret Of Mummy’s Autopsy.” Ooh, I don’t want to read this. Below that it says,”Key clues are found that will help you live longer.” What is this? (“END IS NEAR” “UM”)
Q: Let’s see. (“YEAH”) I won’t bother telling you all the various articles because — oh, look, there’s “Twins score the highest possible SAT score.”
Aside from being fraternal twins, Courtney and Chris Salthouse have something else in common — they are two of only 25 students across the U.S. to “ace” their Scholastic Assessment Test, or SAT, with a perfect 1,600.
Q: Interesting. They’re twins. Oh, and then there’s the article about Nostradamus. (“THE FIR”) I’ll just read the first two paragraphs:
The start of World War III after a U.N. official is assassinated in Bosnia and the Second Coming of Christ in 1996 are forecast by history’s most famed prophet.
But it is Michel de Nostradamus’ incredible accuracy, not his renown, that has world leaders biting their fingernails.
But it is Michel de Nostradamus’ incredible accuracy, not his renown, that has world leaders biting their fingernails.
Q: Well, I won’t go into the details because these are all subject to interpretation. (“UM”) But it’s interesting. When my ex-physical trainer came back to work at the gym and I told him the new developments about the various CIA people who I’d been seeing at the gym, he became very nervous and said, “Oh, I have to go check this out over here.” (“HE — HE JUST”) He went away. I mean he was shocked and I realized he had to be one of the CIA agents even though I can’t imagine how on Earth he could be because (“I DIDN’T”) I called the gym (“TO” “GET READY” “TO AS”) to ask for a personal trainer. I mean that must have taken amazing intelligence work to have somebody there before I would call. (“IT”) It just blows my mind. I mean they must have massive telephone records of every call I’ve ever made since around the time I called Larry. (“UM”) It’s just amazing. Anyway, he had a tattoo. And he was channeling Michael all the time and didn’t even know it. It was quite funny. He had a tattoo on his arm, in fact, and I thought it said D. A. D. But it turns out (“IT” “HE”) it looks like D. A. D. but he says it was his initials D. A. M. as in dam. (“SO”) It’s funny — I mean in terms of (“ME”) if I wanted to look for various connections between who people might be the reincarnation of — like my friend Marie possibly being close to the energy of the Virgin Mary; well, maybe, (“YEAH”) this individual is the reincarnation or he’s very close to the energy of Nostradamus. (“ISN’T”) Now, God would really have to have a twisted sense of humor to reincarnate Nostradamus as someone who can’t see the future and is at odds (“NO”) in some way with it. Anyway, it’s something to think about. (“UM”) He’s still a very nice man even if he does work for the CIA. And he was very good for me. (“LET’S SEE”) Oh, and then there’s an article by Joe Frick a couple pages later about superstitions. What is this? (“IT’S JUST”) Oh, wait, what’s this? “Other historians believe it dates back to Norse mythology, involving 12 happy gods who were having fun until a 13th interrupted and started a brawl.” The pantheon of twelve is something I also read about in Zecharia Sitchin’s books. (“SO”) According to this article, the number 13 is thought to be (“HANDED AS LUCKY”) handed down as unlucky because there were thirteen apostles at the Last Supper while others believe it dates back to Norse mythology, involving those twelve happy gods. (“NO”) Until the thirteenth. (“NO” “UM”) “When you knock on wood for good fortune, you’re doing what your ancestors did long ago. They believed spirits (“UH-HUH”) lived in trees, so they knocked on them for thanks.” Well, there is a lot of knocking wood on these tapes. And (“YEAH”) there’s an article by Suzanne Styles on the same page about “Puppy Love Brings Boy’s Dead Pet Back To The Living.” There’s always stories about children (“LIKE”) or people who get trapped in icy water or something coming back to life. (“YOU KNOW THAT’S”) I’ve always wondered about that. Oh, look, there’s another article by Joe Frick about “Strange Doesn’t Mean Goofy.” (“UH-HUH”) My mom will have to take a note of that article. It says, “You’re not crazy just because you behave strangely. You simply might be one of those creative, intelligent characters called eccentrics.” Well, I don’t think I’m eccentric either. (“UM”) I hate that word — eccentric. What does that mean? It’s like normal. I mean who do you know who is normal? So (“AND THEN I WON’T EVEN”) I won’t read anymore. (“I THINK THAT”) You get the idea. I mean there are some interesting things in these publications. I’m not going to go out and buy every issue or subscribe or anything. (“BUT”) These are interesting articles. Oh, here. “Cops Confounded By Man’s Death . . . one day after he gets a voodoo doll in the mail” by May Turner. “Police and medical experts are puzzled by a dead man who was found in a locked room with a doll made of wax, rags and sticks squatting on his chest.” There are photos of the victim, Peter Curette, and the detective, Manny Burt. Where do they get these stories and what if they are true? In a box near the article it says, “Saturday was the worst day last year for auto accidents — 18.6% of the total.” (“UH-HUH”) I guess I’m ready to go back to transcribing. (“NO”) I’m looking at the cover one more time and it’s a very pretty picture of Jesus. (“NO” “UM”) The caption at the bottom of the page says, “From the man who accurately predicted the Challenger explosion, Hitler’s rise and fall, the nuclear bomb & astronauts on the moon.” (“WELL” “MAYBE HE”) Maybe he does have a very good track record. (“I MEAN HE DID”) He did keep talking about “the son” — meaning the Son of Man? Which isn’t exactly Jesus Christ. (“SO”) It might be delusional for someone to say that he’s Jesus Christ. I would agree with that. (“BUT”) Is it delusional for someone to say that he’s the “Son of Man”? Because until now there hasn’t been a Son of Man. So I guess this isn’t delusional. (“NO” “BECAUSE I”) I think I am the Son of Man. I mean this book is proof of that. And there hasn’t been another Son of Man. (“NO”) I don’t think this fits the definition of delusional. I also have the December 18th issue of Time which has a very striking picture of Moses with the ten commandments. The headline: “Is The Bible Fact Or Fiction?” A smaller headline says, “Archaeologists in the Holy Land are shedding new light on what did—and didn’t—occur in the greatest stories ever told.” Well, it’s an interesting article. There’s one box on page 68-69 that says “Tales from The Bible That Are in doubt. Was Abraham A Myth? Did The Exodus Happen? Did Joshua Conquer The City Of Jericho? Was There A Moses?” Well, that’s an interesting question. It says, “Charlton Heston notwithstanding, many scholars contend that Moses was a legendary hero created by the Hebrews to instill a feeling of national identity and solidarity. Apart from the Bible, there is no evidence that such a man ever lived.” Well, I have the Ark of the Covenant. I think that is evidence that such a man did exist. And the simple fact that he experienced a burning bush is highly relevant because I experienced two burning bushes. Twin burning bushes. Talk about a good scene in a movie. When I experienced that, I was scared witless. I mean I just — I didn’t know then that I was being called to begin a ministry of some kind. (“NO”) I mean I thought it was just arson. I’ve intellectualized this and I understand this. (“BUT”) From moment to moment, it’s just hard to comprehend that this has all happened. (“THAT”) It’s like I’m caught in a movie. It’s just I never could have devised this scenario on my own. Burning bushes? Confused entities? (“NO”) I mean — (“WHO”) possess everyone around me and having a fear of confrontation; (“AAA”) sexually confused — I mean a sexually repressed Jesus figure? Me? I mean (“IT’SSS”) “Blasphemous Rumours” indeed. (“BUT”) The truth will set you free. You meaning Us/We/He/She/It/Whoever/Whatever. Anyway, (“YEAH”) “If Moses was a man and not a myth, proof will have to come from digs like this excavation of an ancient wall in Jerusalem.” It’s an interesting article but, again, nobody really knows. (“THERE’S A”) On the next page, it says “House of David — an enemy’s victory boast, inscribed in stone, is the first evidence outside the Bible that there was a king named David.” So there is some evidence. The next page: “Sign of Jeremiah — These clay ‘bullae,’ bearing the seals of Jeremiah’s scribe, were made around the gloomy prophet’s lifetime in the 6th Century B.C., confirming that he existed.” There’s also an ad near the end of the magazine that says “Who Will It Be? Find Out This Sunday on CNN. . . . Time’s Man Of The Year.” Who will it be? Who will it be? Well, I will make a prediction. I will be man of the year next year.
( . . . )
Q: It’s 1 a.m. early Saturday. I did a lot of interviewing today and now I’m going to bed. (“AND”) As I do almost every night I read poetry. And tonight I was thinking (“UH-HUH”) of all the phenomena I’ve experienced the most momentous phenomena for me has been going into book stores. (“SO”) Used book stores. And for a few dollars finding (“UH-HUH”) collections of poetry that seem to be meaningful to me and express truths about my relationship with God. Michael. It’s something I and each person must share who believes without seeing. Or with seeing. Only if you’ve found that love can you appreciate it in these poems. Even though the individual writes them, they’re far too intelligent for any person alone. They show a collaboration with the Great Creator. The Spirit. (“THIS IS THE”) The most —
( . . . )
Q: It’s 1 a.m. early Saturday. I did a lot of interviewing today and now I’m going to bed. (“AND”) As I do almost every night I read poetry. And tonight I was thinking (“UH-HUH”) of all the phenomena I’ve experienced the most momentous phenomena for me has been going into book stores. (“SO”) Used book stores. And for a few dollars finding (“UH-HUH”) collections of poetry that seem to be meaningful to me and express truths about my relationship with God. Michael. It’s something I and each person must share who believes without seeing. Or with seeing. Only if you’ve found that love can you appreciate it in these poems. Even though the individual writes them, they’re far too intelligent for any person alone. They show a collaboration with the Great Creator. The Spirit. (“THIS IS THE”) The most —