Q: Mark Russell Bell
P: Pacific Bell Message Center Voice Mail
D: Dave Riger of Radio Station WPON in Detroit
Q: Mark Russell Bell
K: Kelly Egan of radio station KBPI in Denver
S: Stoney Richards, host of a morning radio show in Pittsburgh
V: voice heard on radio station answering machine message
B: Ben Maxwell, producer of “The Barsky Show” on Y100 in Philadelphia
J: John Keane, producer of WRXK Radio in Fort Myers, Florida
A: Steve Abromowitz, producer of KBGG Radio in San Francisco
Tape #180 begins on early Friday, January 31, 1997 at 1 a.m. I reflect about my reaction to my first radio interview (with David Moye of Wireless Flash). My first thought as stated was: "It's like I had no choice in my interview. Of course I did. Of course I would do it differently now . . . (etc.)" I mentioned having heard the spirit message/EVP "GOD IS GAY" (Tape #31 Side #1). My father had mailed me a letter with a $50 traveler's check and he mentioned he'd been watching "Jeopardy" and there had been an answer/question concerning an Edgar Allen Poe poem about bells. ("The Bells" 1849) so he was starting to notice 'Bell' synchronicity. My prounouncements for the audio journal include:
Q: I love my new "LIFE" bag. (It was a red bag with the magazine title logo in large white letters, as seen in some of the New Testament photos.) It's such a wonderful metaphor for carrying my books around.
( . . . )
Q: Then, of course, I went to pick up my right hand side (car) mirror (as the previous one had been damaged) and there was — someone came in and wanted a piece. ("AN[D]") He exploded when they didn't have the piece. It was like he was sure they'd have the piece. So he started screaming and yelling . . . and look at the level they (people) go down to. It's not pretty and people — it's threatening to people because if this guy's acting psychotic over something ("IT'S") not in people's — not in anyone's control. (etc.)
Note: This was the first time I'd been to this dealership and a few days later noticed that while my car was being serviced a rear window had been boken and a replacement atrociously glued as a replacement, leaving it impossible to lower the window. This explained the reason it had taken so long to accomplish what should have been a quick installation. I decided not to confront the service manager as you know what the response would have been and didn't want to take any time with my book promotion work. I would never go there again. My part-time job at Rogers & Cowan had resulted with my witnessing some unpleasant staff interaction. I recorded a conversation about the potential short sale of my Echo Park condo. I was also trying to open a bank account: "I had to call the bank because I haven't received the forms they said they'd sent out expediently. I don't want to lose my buyer because of them." Later: (after two weeks) I was told 'Mr. Russell, they had further questions so they were not able to process your account. I don't know why somebody didn't call you. They should have called you.' I had decided to take money out of my retirement account to make ends meet. There was a Testament book order from Chris, a coworker at Paramount and I noticed that the name on her check was "Christine." I was intermittently transcribing microcassettes and was at Tape #58.
Q: It's like no one — even — even after having my book — it's just 'people are afraid,' 'it's beyond comprehension,' 'they don't want to deal with it.' I haven't — it's funny. I mean I've given my book to so many people and, of course, what are they going to say? (concerning the film industry) The rumors have been going around for so long.
Q: And plus I think of all the rejection I've been getting. It doesn't really — I'm not really upset about me being rejected. It's just that they're also rejecting God.
Q: So it's Saturday and I just called my mother to make sure she was alright and had enough groceries. And she said she did but maybe Wednesday she would need some more.
Q: She talked a little bit about her photo (in Testament) of her and Paul when they were young. She said that she had made both the curtains and the dress herself (as seen) in the photo. And it was taken on their way to the Palladium for a Christmas party the year that we were born in 1956. So that was our first Christmas. She said Millie took it. Her 'adopted' mother who was visiting. And she had made the dress from her wedding dress. The white portion was her wedding dress.
Q: How exciting. Another book sold. I have an order from the center — the Coalgate public library. I really think that the family needs to get used to the idea of this so I think this will help —("LET") letting them know that this is a reality and this is happening.
Q: So I just went out in the middle of the night to get rubber bands because for my project I realized I needed them — my big mail-out scheduled for Monday, my 'media blanketing.' The people I'm sending well-thought-out letters to with copies of the press release and the ad and the postcard include — well — are . . .
Note: Here's my "1997 Media List" that included what was mailed on Monday, February 3:
Mike Dash, Fortean Times (mailed 1/21)Andrew Hindes, Daily Variety (delivered 1/22)Alex Ben Block, The Hollywood Reporter (delivered 1/22)4 Front Magazine (delivered 1/22; review appeared in March 19th-April 1st issue)Los Angeles Times Book Review (delivered 1/22)Helen Langdon, Coalgate Record-Register (mailed 1/23)James Ulmer, The Hollywood Reporter (delivered 1/23)Hank Hanegraff, "The Bible Answer Man" (radio) (delivered 1/28)David Moye, Wireless Flash (delivered 1/20; article transmitted to media outlets nationwide 2/4)Cumulative Book Index (mailed 1/31)United Press International (mailed 1/31)Choice (mailed 1/31)Bonnie Smothers, Booklist (mailed 2/3)Erich Eichman, The Wall Street Journal (mailed 2/3)Robert L. Bartley, The Wall Street Journal (mailed 2/3)David Cook, The Christian Science Monitor (mailed 2/3)Jim Bencivenga, The Christian Science Monitor (mailed 2/3)Rusty King, The New York Times (mailed 2/3)Sara Lessley, Los Angeles Times (mailed 2/3)Rob Lowman, Daily News (mailed 2/3)Robert W. Lund, Daily News (mailed 2/3)Deirdre Donahue, USA Today (mailed 2/3)David Mazzarella, USA Today (mailed 2/3)Nina King, The Washington Post (mailed 2/3)Milton Coleman, The Washington Post (mailed 2/3)Malcolm Jones Jr., Newsweek (mailed 2/3)James Kelly, Time (mailed 2/3)Terri Stewart, CBS Television Network (mailed 2/3)Karolyn Lord, NBC Television Network (mailed 2/3)Michael Rosen, ABC Television Network (mailed 2/3)Rebecca Sinkler, New York Times Book Review (mailed 2/3)Ted Koppel, "Nightline" (mailed 2/3)Dave Rieger, WPON (radio) (mailed 2/4)John Keane, WRXK (radio) (mailed 2/4)Barsky, "The Barsky Show" (radio) (mailed 2/7)Art Bell, "Coast to Coast" (radio) (mailed 2/16)Steve Abramowitz, KBGG (radio) (mailed 2/19)Herbert Kupferberg, Parade Publications (mailed 3/18)Steven Goldman, misc. international publications (mailed 3/18)Sylvia Norris, BBC Publications (mailed 3/18)Mike Kerrigan, London Sunday Mirror (mailed 3/18)Joan Goodman, misc. U.K. publications (mailed 3/18)Alan Silverman, "Voice of America" (mailed 3/18)Andrea Orr, Reuters (print USA) (mailed 3/18)Jeff Shore, ":60 Second Preview" (mailed 3/18)Linda Moulton Howe, "Dreamland" (radio) (mailed 3/24)Betsy Streisand, U.S. News & World Report (mailed 3/26)Mark Chorvinsky, Strange Magazine (mailed 3/31)Ron Williams, KYIS (radio) (mailed 4/3)Sherri Bell, CNN (mailed 4/3)Michele DuBach, NPR (radio) (mailed 4/3)Bill Thompson, AP Broadcast News (radio) (mailed 4/3)Dr. Eugene Chaffin, Christian Research Society (newsletter) (mailed 4/3)Gary Dell'Abate, "The Howard Stern Show" (radio) (mailed 4/3)Ken Champion, "The John and Ken Show" (radio) (delivered 4/14)Patrick Huyghe, Omni (mailed 4/15)Chuck Missler, Personal Update (newsletter) (delivered 4/17)Nancy Missler, Personal Update (newsletter) (delivered 4/17)Luiz Ramirez, KFWB (radio) (delivered 4/19)In These Times (delivered 4/19)L.A. Youth (delivered 4/19)WRXK (Mike) (radio) (mailed 4/22)Harry Knowles (www.aint-it-cool-news.com) (mailed 4/30)The Nation (mailed 4/21)Michael Silverblatt, KCRW (mailed 4/21)Ken Kalb (mailed 4/28)Nicole Shoong, California Sun (mailed 5/22)
Q: And I have a feeling 'they ain't gonna do much,' if you know what I mean. Their credibility in their little media world is too important for them to risk it on telling the truth . . .
Note: I arrived late to the PRS on Sunday, February 3, 1997 due to freeway closures and traffic because of the annual Los Angeles Marathon.
Q: I'm in the bookstore (at the PRS) and it's interesting to note that The Theosophical Publishing House in London was located at 68 Great Russell Street in London. There's a book entitled The Occult World by A. P. Sinnett.
Q: I reminded Laura to recommend my book to people for good karma. She said that she had it at home on her coffee table.
Q: So when I came in, Obadiah (Harris, PRS President) was talking about how even a smile was recorded in the eternal history of your spiritual quest. (I am reading aloud my notes.) Now that's the soul of karma. Every kind act is preserved in eternal history of your spiritual life. He talked a little bit about the difference of karma and fate. Or kismet. The Greeks believed ("THAT") fate has no moral or spiritual consideration due to an awesome external power in the universe — doesn't consider moral values in our lives as meaningless. ("BUT") Karma says all spiritual values are eternal and do have an effect on the outcome regardless of how it may seem. So Obadiah said his essence is forever. His higher truth self is reincarnated. He said that all the religions have bought into the immortality of the human spirit — kismet or some external power in control of destiny of the human race has to do with divine God Almighty.
Obadiah spoke about various theories regarding karma and reincarnation yet my perspective in 2020 when I am transcribing this tape as an encapsulation is that channeled perspectives representing the ascended realm are given in transcendental communication transcripts and recordings.
Q: So he (Obadiah) talked about how obviously people are at different 'levels' [of consciousness] here [on Earth] and they go on to different 'levels' there on the 'Bardo plane.' ("SSS" [planes]) I got a kick out of Obadiah saying the front-ranked mystics believe in reincarnation but he treats this as an open question. I guess he hasn't taken a close look at my medallion in the book.
Listening to my commentary about a group meditation involving for each of us our 'spirit guide,' from my vantage point in 2020 I can conclude that my personal 'guide'/'guardian angel' is not my 'spouse.' Obadiah had directed us to ask our guide a question and I said 'Michael, my question is are you my spouse? And I want you to answer me on the tapes. When I transcribe the tapes I want to hear your answer.' (There was no EVP message on this portion of the tape.) My 'spouse' is actually 'Christ Force' or 'Son of God'/'Holy Ghost.' While this perhaps is symbolized with the 'Archangel Michael,' there evidently is a personal 'guide' in Oneness who is accompanying me throughout my life and on one occasion an EVP message instructed: “DON’T MISSPELL ME” “LIKE IN NIGHT” (Tape #37, Side #2).
P: Sent today at 8:14 a.m.
D: Yes, my name is Dave Rieger. I'm calling from radio station WPON in Detroit on behalf of the Tony Trupiano nationally syndicated talkshow. We'd like a copy of the book Testament the 'New Consciousness Bible' to look over for a possible interview. If you could please call me at (gives number twice). Again, my name is Dave Riger and I help produce the nationally syndicated talkshow "Tony Trupiano Show." Eight states. And we'd like a copy of the book Testament to look over for a possible interview. Thanks.
I hadn't planned on personally giving interviews at the time of this audio journal recording. My perspective was that the book "speaks for itself." The circumstances documented with this tape included having an unplanned lunch with my twin brother Mike. I'd dropped by his office at the right time. Mike mentioned two coworkers (friends to me) who'd read their interview transcript portions in Testament. I learned that Mike's new friend Steve was going to have a book publication party for me so I said: "Well I want to invite Fiona and Marie because they've both been so supportive."
Tape #181 begins with me wondering aloud if people who are interview subjects in the book could be offered for media interviews. "To share my truth there's a great deal that must be said. Better expressed in a book than in a sound bite or interview — ("THAT") may or may not be the case with others." On this tape I shared an abstruse 'psalm' to show a different approach to expressing my predicament of being 'Mark Russell Bell.' An encounter with a homeless man is recounted that had seemed surreal. This large man walking in long strides came over to me and asked for several dollars so he could buy a sandwich. After I gave him the $3 he turned and walked away with the same long strides. I telephoned Dave Riger in Michigan to get his address to send him a copy of Testament as he'd requested. It seems laughable to me now in 2020 how at the time I told him, "When you read it, you can see that maybe there's someone in the book that you would want to interview so we'll be glad — be glad to discuss that further."
( . . . )
Q: Okay so David Moye put out Wireless Flash today about me (February 4, 1997) and I'm so embarrassed. Our long interview became just a few small paragraphs that make me sound like a complete nut. The headline is "L.A. PUBLICIST SINGLED OUT BY NOSTRADAMUS" . . .
My reaction was: "Oh my God. And the contact is myself . . . it's got my [old] home phone number — I mean my work phone number [now] where I just have my Pacific Bell Message Center.
Another voicemail message received at 7:01 a.m. is a few seconds of someone whistling (?!). Other messages were left at 7:33 a.m. and 8:37 a.m.
K: Hi, this is Kelly Egan. I'm calling about a Wireless Flash on Mark Russell being singled out by Nostradamus. And we're very interested here at KBPI in Denver. It's an alternative rock station. Our morning people Larry Fisher and Rick Hearns would love to interview you and talk to you a little bit more, you know, of being an ancient Egyptian deity. You know. The different topics that are in there. ("UM") So please give me a call back. This is Kelly Egan. (gives number twice) And we are in Denver. Thanks.
S: Hey Mark, this is Stoney Richards in Pittsburgh at The Point. We do the morning show here and I saw the story about you and Nostradamus — love to talk to you in the morning. On Wednesday morning. If you can give me a — if it's okay give me a call and tell me a number that I can call you tomorrow. I'd like to call your our time which is 8:40 here, which would be 5:40, 20 to 6 in the morning your time. If that's okay I'd love to have you on the program in just a few minutes. We want to talk about the Nostradamus thing and how things are going and your book Testament. So give me a call. And I do the morning show so I'll be gone probably by the time you return this call but if you leave it on the machine here — ("MM") my voicemail, then I can just — I'll be set up to call you. Here's the number. It's (gives number). Just give me a yay or a nay and the number I can reach you tomorrow morning, Wednesday morning at 5:40 your time. I realize it's a weird hour but if you can do it I'd greatly appreciate it. So give me a call back. If not, we'll hook up some other time but I'd really like to get it on tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Mark. Bye bye.
( . . . )
Q: Can you believe this? They expect me to grant them an interview before they even read my book? Well I guess they do have a morning show to do and need to fill it somehow. But not at my expense. Goddamned vultures. Anyway, I'm going to call them back and say they have to read the book first. And they have to buy a copy of the book too I think. ("I'M NN" I") I'm not in the business of giving books away to local radio stations who have very little credibility anyway. So that's the tact I'm going to take.
V: Hi, you've reach the BPI "Morning Sickness." Rock Fish, Rick Hearns or the producer Nick K aren't available to answer the phone right now. If you'd leave us a message and your phone number we'll get back to you. Thanks so much.
Q: Hi, Kelly. This is (pause) 'Mabus.' Of course, before I would even discuss an interview you'd have to have Rick read the book because you just can't talk about something somebody hasn't read. And I probably won't be giving interviews but there's plenty of other people who are interviewed in the book because it's all interviews with people who have experienced unexplained events. And there are photos of spirits and bigfoot. And 'aliens.' So, anyway — ("SEN") have Rick or someone send $21.95 check or money order to Oracle Press (gives address). And the book will go out to you. It's a special offer. We pay postage and handling. And you'll get the book. And then that will answer a lot of the questions. And thank you. Bye.
S: Hi, it's Stoney Richards from The Point 100 point seven. Thanks for calling. I'll call you back first chance I get. Thank you.
Q: Oh hi Stoney. This is 'Mabus' returning your call. Of course, before I do any interviews somebody would have to read my book and my book is interviews with other people so it's not just me who's an interview — potential interview guest. In fact, I don't think I am going to be giving any interviews right away. Anyway um if you'd like to order the book which, of course, is the first thing that must be done I'll let you have the special offer that I'm making to others where Oracle Press pays postage and handling. ("AN" "HA[VE]") So send $21.95 in a check or money order to Oracle Press (gives address) and the book will be sent to you. And that will answer most of your questions. And you'll probably have a few others. And then we can discuss ("INTERVIEW") potential interviews at that time. So thank you.
My audio journal continues with the notation of a license plate with the number sequence 666 sighted in traffic followed by a telephone call to the bank handling my condo mortgage account. Then there were new voicemail messages left 10:22 a.m., 2:18 p.m. and 3:20 p.m.
B: Hi, I'm looking for Mark Russell Bell. Mark, this is Ben Maxwell from Y100 in Philadelphia calling about the book and I want to schedule an interview with you on "The Barsky Show" here in Philly. (gives number) Thanks a lot, man. Bye bye.
J: Hey Mr. Bell, this is John Keane with WRXK Radio here in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm calling to see if we can get a copy of your book and also see if we can schedule an interview. If you would like to send us a book our address is (gives address). That is WRXK. My phone number is (gives number). I'd like to see if we can set up an interview sometime next week. Thanks very much, sir. Have a good afternoon and a good weekend — good weekend, jeez am I tired. Bye bye.
A: Hi. I'm calling for Mark Russell Bell. This is Steve Abromowitz calling from 'KBIG' radio. KBGG Radio in San Francisco. I produce the morning show with Darian O'Toole and Sean Kelly. And we try to find interesting topics and things that are out there in the news in Hollywood to pursue. And you certainly cross those — both — those paths. Sorry, it's late in the day for me. Anyway, we would love to —I'd love to talk to you further and see if we could schedule a time. Maybe even as soon as tomorrow or Thursday morning to help promote your — your new book Testament and find out how you came up with the ideas that you've written about. Anyway umm — and find out about your past history I guess as Bel-Marduk. I hope I'm saying that right. Anyway, if you could give me a call back at your soonest convenience. The number is (gives number) and have me paged. But if I'm not around my voicemail extension is 244 and I will get back to you. Thanks so much and I will look forward to speaking with you. Have a — have a great afternoon. Bye bye.
I was unimpressed with doing morning shows yet realized that so far I hadn't sold any copies of the book. I thought that perhaps I would "just do a quick interview so I can sell some copies of my book instead of waiting a long time for them to read the book." At this moment in time I noted: ". . . all these helicopters have been flying around overhead for hours. 'O.J. this O.J. that. O.J, O. J., O. J.' I just can't believe it. I live four large blocks away from the courthouse. I just can't believe it. All this O.J. hysteria . . ."
Q: I love my new "LIFE" bag. (It was a red bag with the magazine title logo in large white letters, as seen in some of the New Testament photos.) It's such a wonderful metaphor for carrying my books around.
( . . . )
Q: Then, of course, I went to pick up my right hand side (car) mirror (as the previous one had been damaged) and there was — someone came in and wanted a piece. ("AN[D]") He exploded when they didn't have the piece. It was like he was sure they'd have the piece. So he started screaming and yelling . . . and look at the level they (people) go down to. It's not pretty and people — it's threatening to people because if this guy's acting psychotic over something ("IT'S") not in people's — not in anyone's control. (etc.)
Note: This was the first time I'd been to this dealership and a few days later noticed that while my car was being serviced a rear window had been boken and a replacement atrociously glued as a replacement, leaving it impossible to lower the window. This explained the reason it had taken so long to accomplish what should have been a quick installation. I decided not to confront the service manager as you know what the response would have been and didn't want to take any time with my book promotion work. I would never go there again. My part-time job at Rogers & Cowan had resulted with my witnessing some unpleasant staff interaction. I recorded a conversation about the potential short sale of my Echo Park condo. I was also trying to open a bank account: "I had to call the bank because I haven't received the forms they said they'd sent out expediently. I don't want to lose my buyer because of them." Later: (after two weeks) I was told 'Mr. Russell, they had further questions so they were not able to process your account. I don't know why somebody didn't call you. They should have called you.' I had decided to take money out of my retirement account to make ends meet. There was a Testament book order from Chris, a coworker at Paramount and I noticed that the name on her check was "Christine." I was intermittently transcribing microcassettes and was at Tape #58.
Q: It's like no one — even — even after having my book — it's just 'people are afraid,' 'it's beyond comprehension,' 'they don't want to deal with it.' I haven't — it's funny. I mean I've given my book to so many people and, of course, what are they going to say? (concerning the film industry) The rumors have been going around for so long.
Q: And plus I think of all the rejection I've been getting. It doesn't really — I'm not really upset about me being rejected. It's just that they're also rejecting God.
Q: So it's Saturday and I just called my mother to make sure she was alright and had enough groceries. And she said she did but maybe Wednesday she would need some more.
Q: She talked a little bit about her photo (in Testament) of her and Paul when they were young. She said that she had made both the curtains and the dress herself (as seen) in the photo. And it was taken on their way to the Palladium for a Christmas party the year that we were born in 1956. So that was our first Christmas. She said Millie took it. Her 'adopted' mother who was visiting. And she had made the dress from her wedding dress. The white portion was her wedding dress.
Q: How exciting. Another book sold. I have an order from the center — the Coalgate public library. I really think that the family needs to get used to the idea of this so I think this will help —("LET") letting them know that this is a reality and this is happening.
Q: So I just went out in the middle of the night to get rubber bands because for my project I realized I needed them — my big mail-out scheduled for Monday, my 'media blanketing.' The people I'm sending well-thought-out letters to with copies of the press release and the ad and the postcard include — well — are . . .
Note: Here's my "1997 Media List" that included what was mailed on Monday, February 3:
Mike Dash, Fortean Times (mailed 1/21)Andrew Hindes, Daily Variety (delivered 1/22)Alex Ben Block, The Hollywood Reporter (delivered 1/22)4 Front Magazine (delivered 1/22; review appeared in March 19th-April 1st issue)Los Angeles Times Book Review (delivered 1/22)Helen Langdon, Coalgate Record-Register (mailed 1/23)James Ulmer, The Hollywood Reporter (delivered 1/23)Hank Hanegraff, "The Bible Answer Man" (radio) (delivered 1/28)David Moye, Wireless Flash (delivered 1/20; article transmitted to media outlets nationwide 2/4)Cumulative Book Index (mailed 1/31)United Press International (mailed 1/31)Choice (mailed 1/31)Bonnie Smothers, Booklist (mailed 2/3)Erich Eichman, The Wall Street Journal (mailed 2/3)Robert L. Bartley, The Wall Street Journal (mailed 2/3)David Cook, The Christian Science Monitor (mailed 2/3)Jim Bencivenga, The Christian Science Monitor (mailed 2/3)Rusty King, The New York Times (mailed 2/3)Sara Lessley, Los Angeles Times (mailed 2/3)Rob Lowman, Daily News (mailed 2/3)Robert W. Lund, Daily News (mailed 2/3)Deirdre Donahue, USA Today (mailed 2/3)David Mazzarella, USA Today (mailed 2/3)Nina King, The Washington Post (mailed 2/3)Milton Coleman, The Washington Post (mailed 2/3)Malcolm Jones Jr., Newsweek (mailed 2/3)James Kelly, Time (mailed 2/3)Terri Stewart, CBS Television Network (mailed 2/3)Karolyn Lord, NBC Television Network (mailed 2/3)Michael Rosen, ABC Television Network (mailed 2/3)Rebecca Sinkler, New York Times Book Review (mailed 2/3)Ted Koppel, "Nightline" (mailed 2/3)Dave Rieger, WPON (radio) (mailed 2/4)John Keane, WRXK (radio) (mailed 2/4)Barsky, "The Barsky Show" (radio) (mailed 2/7)Art Bell, "Coast to Coast" (radio) (mailed 2/16)Steve Abramowitz, KBGG (radio) (mailed 2/19)Herbert Kupferberg, Parade Publications (mailed 3/18)Steven Goldman, misc. international publications (mailed 3/18)Sylvia Norris, BBC Publications (mailed 3/18)Mike Kerrigan, London Sunday Mirror (mailed 3/18)Joan Goodman, misc. U.K. publications (mailed 3/18)Alan Silverman, "Voice of America" (mailed 3/18)Andrea Orr, Reuters (print USA) (mailed 3/18)Jeff Shore, ":60 Second Preview" (mailed 3/18)Linda Moulton Howe, "Dreamland" (radio) (mailed 3/24)Betsy Streisand, U.S. News & World Report (mailed 3/26)Mark Chorvinsky, Strange Magazine (mailed 3/31)Ron Williams, KYIS (radio) (mailed 4/3)Sherri Bell, CNN (mailed 4/3)Michele DuBach, NPR (radio) (mailed 4/3)Bill Thompson, AP Broadcast News (radio) (mailed 4/3)Dr. Eugene Chaffin, Christian Research Society (newsletter) (mailed 4/3)Gary Dell'Abate, "The Howard Stern Show" (radio) (mailed 4/3)Ken Champion, "The John and Ken Show" (radio) (delivered 4/14)Patrick Huyghe, Omni (mailed 4/15)Chuck Missler, Personal Update (newsletter) (delivered 4/17)Nancy Missler, Personal Update (newsletter) (delivered 4/17)Luiz Ramirez, KFWB (radio) (delivered 4/19)In These Times (delivered 4/19)L.A. Youth (delivered 4/19)WRXK (Mike) (radio) (mailed 4/22)Harry Knowles (www.aint-it-cool-news.com) (mailed 4/30)The Nation (mailed 4/21)Michael Silverblatt, KCRW (mailed 4/21)Ken Kalb (mailed 4/28)Nicole Shoong, California Sun (mailed 5/22)
Q: And I have a feeling 'they ain't gonna do much,' if you know what I mean. Their credibility in their little media world is too important for them to risk it on telling the truth . . .
Note: I arrived late to the PRS on Sunday, February 3, 1997 due to freeway closures and traffic because of the annual Los Angeles Marathon.
Q: I'm in the bookstore (at the PRS) and it's interesting to note that The Theosophical Publishing House in London was located at 68 Great Russell Street in London. There's a book entitled The Occult World by A. P. Sinnett.
Q: I reminded Laura to recommend my book to people for good karma. She said that she had it at home on her coffee table.
Q: So when I came in, Obadiah (Harris, PRS President) was talking about how even a smile was recorded in the eternal history of your spiritual quest. (I am reading aloud my notes.) Now that's the soul of karma. Every kind act is preserved in eternal history of your spiritual life. He talked a little bit about the difference of karma and fate. Or kismet. The Greeks believed ("THAT") fate has no moral or spiritual consideration due to an awesome external power in the universe — doesn't consider moral values in our lives as meaningless. ("BUT") Karma says all spiritual values are eternal and do have an effect on the outcome regardless of how it may seem. So Obadiah said his essence is forever. His higher truth self is reincarnated. He said that all the religions have bought into the immortality of the human spirit — kismet or some external power in control of destiny of the human race has to do with divine God Almighty.
Obadiah spoke about various theories regarding karma and reincarnation yet my perspective in 2020 when I am transcribing this tape as an encapsulation is that channeled perspectives representing the ascended realm are given in transcendental communication transcripts and recordings.
Q: So he (Obadiah) talked about how obviously people are at different 'levels' [of consciousness] here [on Earth] and they go on to different 'levels' there on the 'Bardo plane.' ("SSS" [planes]) I got a kick out of Obadiah saying the front-ranked mystics believe in reincarnation but he treats this as an open question. I guess he hasn't taken a close look at my medallion in the book.
Listening to my commentary about a group meditation involving for each of us our 'spirit guide,' from my vantage point in 2020 I can conclude that my personal 'guide'/'guardian angel' is not my 'spouse.' Obadiah had directed us to ask our guide a question and I said 'Michael, my question is are you my spouse? And I want you to answer me on the tapes. When I transcribe the tapes I want to hear your answer.' (There was no EVP message on this portion of the tape.) My 'spouse' is actually 'Christ Force' or 'Son of God'/'Holy Ghost.' While this perhaps is symbolized with the 'Archangel Michael,' there evidently is a personal 'guide' in Oneness who is accompanying me throughout my life and on one occasion an EVP message instructed: “DON’T MISSPELL ME” “LIKE IN NIGHT” (Tape #37, Side #2).
P: Sent today at 8:14 a.m.
D: Yes, my name is Dave Rieger. I'm calling from radio station WPON in Detroit on behalf of the Tony Trupiano nationally syndicated talkshow. We'd like a copy of the book Testament the 'New Consciousness Bible' to look over for a possible interview. If you could please call me at (gives number twice). Again, my name is Dave Riger and I help produce the nationally syndicated talkshow "Tony Trupiano Show." Eight states. And we'd like a copy of the book Testament to look over for a possible interview. Thanks.
I hadn't planned on personally giving interviews at the time of this audio journal recording. My perspective was that the book "speaks for itself." The circumstances documented with this tape included having an unplanned lunch with my twin brother Mike. I'd dropped by his office at the right time. Mike mentioned two coworkers (friends to me) who'd read their interview transcript portions in Testament. I learned that Mike's new friend Steve was going to have a book publication party for me so I said: "Well I want to invite Fiona and Marie because they've both been so supportive."
Tape #181 begins with me wondering aloud if people who are interview subjects in the book could be offered for media interviews. "To share my truth there's a great deal that must be said. Better expressed in a book than in a sound bite or interview — ("THAT") may or may not be the case with others." On this tape I shared an abstruse 'psalm' to show a different approach to expressing my predicament of being 'Mark Russell Bell.' An encounter with a homeless man is recounted that had seemed surreal. This large man walking in long strides came over to me and asked for several dollars so he could buy a sandwich. After I gave him the $3 he turned and walked away with the same long strides. I telephoned Dave Riger in Michigan to get his address to send him a copy of Testament as he'd requested. It seems laughable to me now in 2020 how at the time I told him, "When you read it, you can see that maybe there's someone in the book that you would want to interview so we'll be glad — be glad to discuss that further."
( . . . )
Q: Okay so David Moye put out Wireless Flash today about me (February 4, 1997) and I'm so embarrassed. Our long interview became just a few small paragraphs that make me sound like a complete nut. The headline is "L.A. PUBLICIST SINGLED OUT BY NOSTRADAMUS" . . .
My reaction was: "Oh my God. And the contact is myself . . . it's got my [old] home phone number — I mean my work phone number [now] where I just have my Pacific Bell Message Center.
Another voicemail message received at 7:01 a.m. is a few seconds of someone whistling (?!). Other messages were left at 7:33 a.m. and 8:37 a.m.
K: Hi, this is Kelly Egan. I'm calling about a Wireless Flash on Mark Russell being singled out by Nostradamus. And we're very interested here at KBPI in Denver. It's an alternative rock station. Our morning people Larry Fisher and Rick Hearns would love to interview you and talk to you a little bit more, you know, of being an ancient Egyptian deity. You know. The different topics that are in there. ("UM") So please give me a call back. This is Kelly Egan. (gives number twice) And we are in Denver. Thanks.
S: Hey Mark, this is Stoney Richards in Pittsburgh at The Point. We do the morning show here and I saw the story about you and Nostradamus — love to talk to you in the morning. On Wednesday morning. If you can give me a — if it's okay give me a call and tell me a number that I can call you tomorrow. I'd like to call your our time which is 8:40 here, which would be 5:40, 20 to 6 in the morning your time. If that's okay I'd love to have you on the program in just a few minutes. We want to talk about the Nostradamus thing and how things are going and your book Testament. So give me a call. And I do the morning show so I'll be gone probably by the time you return this call but if you leave it on the machine here — ("MM") my voicemail, then I can just — I'll be set up to call you. Here's the number. It's (gives number). Just give me a yay or a nay and the number I can reach you tomorrow morning, Wednesday morning at 5:40 your time. I realize it's a weird hour but if you can do it I'd greatly appreciate it. So give me a call back. If not, we'll hook up some other time but I'd really like to get it on tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Mark. Bye bye.
( . . . )
Q: Can you believe this? They expect me to grant them an interview before they even read my book? Well I guess they do have a morning show to do and need to fill it somehow. But not at my expense. Goddamned vultures. Anyway, I'm going to call them back and say they have to read the book first. And they have to buy a copy of the book too I think. ("I'M NN" I") I'm not in the business of giving books away to local radio stations who have very little credibility anyway. So that's the tact I'm going to take.
V: Hi, you've reach the BPI "Morning Sickness." Rock Fish, Rick Hearns or the producer Nick K aren't available to answer the phone right now. If you'd leave us a message and your phone number we'll get back to you. Thanks so much.
Q: Hi, Kelly. This is (pause) 'Mabus.' Of course, before I would even discuss an interview you'd have to have Rick read the book because you just can't talk about something somebody hasn't read. And I probably won't be giving interviews but there's plenty of other people who are interviewed in the book because it's all interviews with people who have experienced unexplained events. And there are photos of spirits and bigfoot. And 'aliens.' So, anyway — ("SEN") have Rick or someone send $21.95 check or money order to Oracle Press (gives address). And the book will go out to you. It's a special offer. We pay postage and handling. And you'll get the book. And then that will answer a lot of the questions. And thank you. Bye.
S: Hi, it's Stoney Richards from The Point 100 point seven. Thanks for calling. I'll call you back first chance I get. Thank you.
Q: Oh hi Stoney. This is 'Mabus' returning your call. Of course, before I do any interviews somebody would have to read my book and my book is interviews with other people so it's not just me who's an interview — potential interview guest. In fact, I don't think I am going to be giving any interviews right away. Anyway um if you'd like to order the book which, of course, is the first thing that must be done I'll let you have the special offer that I'm making to others where Oracle Press pays postage and handling. ("AN" "HA[VE]") So send $21.95 in a check or money order to Oracle Press (gives address) and the book will be sent to you. And that will answer most of your questions. And you'll probably have a few others. And then we can discuss ("INTERVIEW") potential interviews at that time. So thank you.
My audio journal continues with the notation of a license plate with the number sequence 666 sighted in traffic followed by a telephone call to the bank handling my condo mortgage account. Then there were new voicemail messages left 10:22 a.m., 2:18 p.m. and 3:20 p.m.
B: Hi, I'm looking for Mark Russell Bell. Mark, this is Ben Maxwell from Y100 in Philadelphia calling about the book and I want to schedule an interview with you on "The Barsky Show" here in Philly. (gives number) Thanks a lot, man. Bye bye.
J: Hey Mr. Bell, this is John Keane with WRXK Radio here in Fort Myers, Florida. I'm calling to see if we can get a copy of your book and also see if we can schedule an interview. If you would like to send us a book our address is (gives address). That is WRXK. My phone number is (gives number). I'd like to see if we can set up an interview sometime next week. Thanks very much, sir. Have a good afternoon and a good weekend — good weekend, jeez am I tired. Bye bye.
A: Hi. I'm calling for Mark Russell Bell. This is Steve Abromowitz calling from 'KBIG' radio. KBGG Radio in San Francisco. I produce the morning show with Darian O'Toole and Sean Kelly. And we try to find interesting topics and things that are out there in the news in Hollywood to pursue. And you certainly cross those — both — those paths. Sorry, it's late in the day for me. Anyway, we would love to —I'd love to talk to you further and see if we could schedule a time. Maybe even as soon as tomorrow or Thursday morning to help promote your — your new book Testament and find out how you came up with the ideas that you've written about. Anyway umm — and find out about your past history I guess as Bel-Marduk. I hope I'm saying that right. Anyway, if you could give me a call back at your soonest convenience. The number is (gives number) and have me paged. But if I'm not around my voicemail extension is 244 and I will get back to you. Thanks so much and I will look forward to speaking with you. Have a — have a great afternoon. Bye bye.
I was unimpressed with doing morning shows yet realized that so far I hadn't sold any copies of the book. I thought that perhaps I would "just do a quick interview so I can sell some copies of my book instead of waiting a long time for them to read the book." At this moment in time I noted: ". . . all these helicopters have been flying around overhead for hours. 'O.J. this O.J. that. O.J, O. J., O. J.' I just can't believe it. I live four large blocks away from the courthouse. I just can't believe it. All this O.J. hysteria . . ."