Q: Mark Russell Bell
Y: Lynn
L: Ellen Russell
2021 Update: On March 29, 2020 I published the article "When I Became a Metaphysical Author" at the Metaphysical Articles blog. The article follows this paragraph and includes encapsulation commentary and excerpts from tapes #170 through #172. Following this, I've added encapsulation commentary about Tape #173. I've decided to utilize this format for new transcripts added to New Testament in 2020 and beyond as the most expedient way to present some selected data from all that is documented throughout the enormous collection of microcassette recordings constituting my 'audio journal.' Apparent EVP/Spirit Messages continue to be capitalized and appear in quotation marks. I've never heard my guide speak in any psychic way (telepathically) except for the occasion of the "FATHER I HAVE WAITED SO LONG" message prior to the Oklahoma trip. Now that 'Michael' in recent years has been and is signaling 'yes' or 'no' so frequently with taps on my leg, etc., I feel it is acceptable to omit portions of these transcripts that are inconsequential or repetitious, such of my uncertain pontificating about hypothetical metaphysical aspects of life or in merely speculative ways about 'Michael' and 'God'; however, I will include any comments that I think could be meaningful to readers. The 'yes' and 'no' taps occur when the guide desires and is specifying something without any heeding from myself.
As with everyone, my knowledge has expanded over the years throughout new experiences and research, especially considering information that may be differentiated (by someone knowledgeable about many extensively chronicled cases) as authentic data of transcendental communication cases. Concerning the challenges of my predicament as author of Testament, it must be admitted there were times when I became irate at my guide/Angel to release my frustration as I realized that the publicity opportunities and sales success enjoyed by fortunate 'mainstream' authors wasn't to be part of my path. Some 'New Age' books promise that whatever you give of your material resources to the world will be rewarded. I'd hoped this included monetary income upon publication of the book and found that this simply wasn't the case. After an incident of releasing my frustration, minutes later I would apologize to 'Michael'/'Boo.'
At one point I expressed a challenging aspect of my predicament was attempting to differentiate between when people were expressing to me their longstanding orientations to life from the moments when 'Michael' seemed to be either the thought Source or inspiring/'overshadowing' them to pass along certain thoughts or 'messages' of a timely nature for me.
After becoming cognizant of the apparent actuality of other people being not interested in accepting my testimonials as spontaneous and unredacted reporting commentary, it became noticeable that my emotions and responses as a human being interacting with other people in the world were affected by this aspect of 'reality.' I found myself taking a few seconds extra to express my thoughts and used different strategies based upon what results were desired at that particular moment. I'm perhaps reminded of the demeanor of personality characteristics of such fictional characters as Shakepeare's fools while at other times would second guess my self-expression and behavior choices as mentioned in a blog article — In some ways, I felt like an indecisive 'Hamlet' (Shakespearean character) attempting to deduce the meaning of my predicament while [from moment to moment] defining the boundaries of my 'Mark Russell Bell' pen name/persona.
While transferring and proofreading old files of transcripts to the new Internet domain, I also discovered that many microcassettes were misnumbered from the busy period following the publication of the book. The numbers for three previously published transcripts have changed and a group of tapes are now relabeled 'misnumbered group' 1 through 8.
* This week I remembered how my life changed in January 1997 when the nonfiction case study book of my 'paranormal initiation' Testament was first published. Also that year, the free Internet edition became available. At the time the book was printed, I was living in Santa Monica and maintaining my 'audio journal' on microcassette tapes. Comprised of interview and personal journal transcripts along with photos, the book documents what happened during my unique spiritual odyssey. Here is a basic summation of the events chronicled in the current series of autobiographical articles —
Although I didn’t know it then, working as a publicity writer at Paramount Pictures while in my spare time researching and writing about the paranormal provided me with a unique perspective upon finding myself experiencing a bizarre sequence of events beyond anything I’d seen at the movies or had read about in case study books documenting unexplained phenomena. I was then living in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The articles in this series of autobiographical remembrances provide a way for readers to learn about some of my specific steps to expanded consciousness and make possible that some of my initial steps to expanded consciousness can also be yours. The mysterious events in my life culminated after a research expedition to investigate a 'talking poltergeist' in Oklahoma only to discover that upon returning home to Los Angeles the 'haunting presence' was continuing to interact with me. Considering the diverse paranormal occurrences I'd witnessed, I realized my personal lifelong 'guide' or 'guardian angel' was manifesting in ways beyond the earthly limitations of space and time as an aspect of an unseen Intelligence/guide/angelic Force. I used the name 'Michael' for my personal interacting entity — the name familiar to me as that of the most prominent manifesting entity in Oklahoma (and sometimes I also used the more lighthearted nickname of 'Boo').
This past week I listened to audio cassettes from the time the book was first published in early January 1997. An advertisement in Daily Variety stating "JUST PUBLISHED!" revealed to entertainment trade readers the book cover of Testament and some other intriguing details. The official publication date was January 9 while Tuesday, January 7 was the date selected for my ad to appear. Reliving that period this week filled me with the same tremendous emotions as I felt many years earlier. On Sundays in 1997 I would attend the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) lecture. On Sunday (January 5) after the lecture and having lunch, I drove to Arcadia to do the grocery shopping for my mother who suffered from gout and other ailments. During the visit I tape recorded my spoken notes about the day's lecture while she listened to provide her with some respite from her daily routine of continuously watching television. Tape 170 excerpts recorded on Sun., Jan. 5 and Mon., Jan. 6
When I showed the ad facsimile to PRS President Obadiah Harris, he mentioned how he defined the word testament — "It means covenant." Recapping the PRS lecture to my mother, the speaker that day had been 'astrologer and metaphysician' Karma Welch who talked about "Trends for 1997." When Obadiah introduced her, he said 1997 would be the year of humanity growing up. The following is some of my commentary heard on the recording as I looked at my notes.
Karma said as we usher in this New Age moving beyond Homo sapiens and moving into the fourth dimension—as known by all the prophets, the Hopis, the Aztecs—something is going on between now and the turn of the century and all these great mystics throughout history have all said this was going to happen. She talked about how the last year of the Egyptian calendar is the year 2001 . . . January 9th is apparently an important day because that's when Neptune and Jupiter come together. So whenever you have these two energies that are coming together, expanding — she compared it to 'spiritual get rich quick' schemes . . . higher energies, man's consciousness raising . . . So she quoted this author named Harmon who said that the only thing we can do right now is let the economy crash all across the world and we all have to start over . . . Anyway we have to go through some of the same things that happened way back when with the original Declaration of Independence — as we all have to do on the world scene all over again . . . In each of us there's always a struggle between our higher natures and our lower natures . . . and the Earth is a little speck in the cosmic universe. God knows we better love one another because if you're just a little speck you mean nothing at all in the overall scheme of things . . . She also said that God is within each of us but with some people He's not quite hiding as much as He is with other people . . . She also quoted this 'Corinne Heline' who talked about 'the magic kingdom' . . . If our hearts will open more — if we can put behind us our prehuman past and embrace our superhuman future the veil will be removed. We will all be less petty. And this is what Christ started to do she said . . . She said out of the ashes comes the phoenix you might say and, of course, that's the little symbol of my publishing company. Then 2000 years of corporation and peace will happen . . . she did say how apparently the Earth will be passing through some kind of photon belt . . . this Corinne Helene also was talking about how the angel Michael was leading all of this . . . so she also talked about the angelic kingdom . . . she said we too shall be like angels eventually . . . She said that there will be no racism and no discrimination of any kind once this great awakening takes place throughout mankind.
Among my usual banter about having an exceptional experience of life and the God Force each day, my mother brought up the subject of my and my twin brother Michael's names so I asked Ellen what was the reason she chose to name the firstborn Mark and the secondborn Michael. She said, "For no reason at all . . . I thought they were beautiful, lovely names." I made a comment about the influence of her subconscious mind. During the ensuing conversation I was surprised that my mother was aware of herself having a guardian angel, whom she referred to as 'Maria Elena.' This was something I found surprising as she usually disparaged my spiritual and metaphysical interest.
Driving home I recorded some more events of the day:
Q: Oh my goodness, the license plate [frame] in front of me has Betty Boop on it — 3NYTo63 Escort LX . . . So I showed a few other of my acquaintances at the PRS my book ad and I showed Karma the book ad too . . . she'd been talking about all the things that my book just made a forgone conclusion, so to speak. I just wonder what she must be thinking . . . one of the songs played on the radio on the way home was "Suspicious Minds" (the Elvis Presley Pop song) . . . I think all the speeches I hear at the PRS are part of my book, if you know what I mean . . .
On Monday an impromptu interview with a woman named Lynn was conducted when I picked up a rubber stamp I'd ordered to be made for me at a shop nearby my beachfront apartment. She'd mentioned having experienced an angelic incident of some kind when I'd talked to her during my previous visit. The following is a question and answer transcript of the anecdote. Other people can be heard talking in the background so I'm not including instances of EVP (or potential instances) in this transcript.
Q: So it has always been nice to meet the people who've had angel experiences.
Y: Yes.
Q: So I'm not the only one.
Y: No. There are lots and lots of people.
Q: . . . Did you know you were having one at the time you were having it?
Y: I felt that there was somebody watching out for me . . . I was driving on the freeway and I had a flat tire in the fast lane. And it was right at the part of the freeway that's like a turnaround place so you don't get — the truck drivers don't drive quite that far and everything else. So I stood there for over an hour. Nobody helped. It was on St. Patrick's Day. And finally I thought about my angels. And I just kind of looked up to heaven and said, "Okay, I can use the help. Now would be fine. Any time." And I no sooner turned around then a young fellow in a pick-up truck pulled over. And he came up to me and said, "I don't know what made me stop. I never stop for people." And so he came back and he changed my tire for me. And while he was changing my tire his radiator hose gave out. And I never carry water in my car but I had water in my car. I had a bottle of drinking water — a large bottle. So I gave that to him then followed him off the road.
Q: So you were each other's angels.
Y: Yeah.
Tape 171 excerpts recorded on Tues., Jan. 7 and Wed., Jan. 8
Q: I'm just so pleased. My ad placement turned out to be divinely guided. It's right next to the report card article for Paramount for the year and it's in the 54th Annual Golden Globes Awards issue." The ad appeared in a 90-page special edition issue. Later on the tape during one of my impromptu interviews, a man named Jim told me about celebrating a mass for the family of a boy named Mickey who had committed suicide. He described witnessing the anomalous movements of candles during the mass.
Tape 172 excerpts recorded on Thurs., Jan. 9 and Fri., Jan. 12
On Thursday I began receiving boxes of books from the printing company. Upon talking to my representative Maureen, I realized that additional storage space was needed.
On Friday I found a larger space for book storage yet there still wasn't enough room for my entire 'Mysterious Collection' of antiques. While relocating some of them to my apartment, a woman named Alma became interested in them and mentioned that she'd never traveled anywhere throughout her life. A U-Haul truck parked next to my car had "Belzoni, Mississippi" painted on it. At my high-rise apartment building, one man in an elevator full of people noticed a copy of my book and said: "What's the title of your book?" I told him and he laughed and said, "Did you hear what the title of his book is!"
As with everyone, my knowledge has expanded over the years throughout new experiences and research, especially considering information that may be differentiated (by someone knowledgeable about many extensively chronicled cases) as authentic data of transcendental communication cases. Concerning the challenges of my predicament as author of Testament, it must be admitted there were times when I became irate at my guide/Angel to release my frustration as I realized that the publicity opportunities and sales success enjoyed by fortunate 'mainstream' authors wasn't to be part of my path. Some 'New Age' books promise that whatever you give of your material resources to the world will be rewarded. I'd hoped this included monetary income upon publication of the book and found that this simply wasn't the case. After an incident of releasing my frustration, minutes later I would apologize to 'Michael'/'Boo.'
At one point I expressed a challenging aspect of my predicament was attempting to differentiate between when people were expressing to me their longstanding orientations to life from the moments when 'Michael' seemed to be either the thought Source or inspiring/'overshadowing' them to pass along certain thoughts or 'messages' of a timely nature for me.
After becoming cognizant of the apparent actuality of other people being not interested in accepting my testimonials as spontaneous and unredacted reporting commentary, it became noticeable that my emotions and responses as a human being interacting with other people in the world were affected by this aspect of 'reality.' I found myself taking a few seconds extra to express my thoughts and used different strategies based upon what results were desired at that particular moment. I'm perhaps reminded of the demeanor of personality characteristics of such fictional characters as Shakepeare's fools while at other times would second guess my self-expression and behavior choices as mentioned in a blog article — In some ways, I felt like an indecisive 'Hamlet' (Shakespearean character) attempting to deduce the meaning of my predicament while [from moment to moment] defining the boundaries of my 'Mark Russell Bell' pen name/persona.
While transferring and proofreading old files of transcripts to the new Internet domain, I also discovered that many microcassettes were misnumbered from the busy period following the publication of the book. The numbers for three previously published transcripts have changed and a group of tapes are now relabeled 'misnumbered group' 1 through 8.
* This week I remembered how my life changed in January 1997 when the nonfiction case study book of my 'paranormal initiation' Testament was first published. Also that year, the free Internet edition became available. At the time the book was printed, I was living in Santa Monica and maintaining my 'audio journal' on microcassette tapes. Comprised of interview and personal journal transcripts along with photos, the book documents what happened during my unique spiritual odyssey. Here is a basic summation of the events chronicled in the current series of autobiographical articles —
Although I didn’t know it then, working as a publicity writer at Paramount Pictures while in my spare time researching and writing about the paranormal provided me with a unique perspective upon finding myself experiencing a bizarre sequence of events beyond anything I’d seen at the movies or had read about in case study books documenting unexplained phenomena. I was then living in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The articles in this series of autobiographical remembrances provide a way for readers to learn about some of my specific steps to expanded consciousness and make possible that some of my initial steps to expanded consciousness can also be yours. The mysterious events in my life culminated after a research expedition to investigate a 'talking poltergeist' in Oklahoma only to discover that upon returning home to Los Angeles the 'haunting presence' was continuing to interact with me. Considering the diverse paranormal occurrences I'd witnessed, I realized my personal lifelong 'guide' or 'guardian angel' was manifesting in ways beyond the earthly limitations of space and time as an aspect of an unseen Intelligence/guide/angelic Force. I used the name 'Michael' for my personal interacting entity — the name familiar to me as that of the most prominent manifesting entity in Oklahoma (and sometimes I also used the more lighthearted nickname of 'Boo').
This past week I listened to audio cassettes from the time the book was first published in early January 1997. An advertisement in Daily Variety stating "JUST PUBLISHED!" revealed to entertainment trade readers the book cover of Testament and some other intriguing details. The official publication date was January 9 while Tuesday, January 7 was the date selected for my ad to appear. Reliving that period this week filled me with the same tremendous emotions as I felt many years earlier. On Sundays in 1997 I would attend the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) lecture. On Sunday (January 5) after the lecture and having lunch, I drove to Arcadia to do the grocery shopping for my mother who suffered from gout and other ailments. During the visit I tape recorded my spoken notes about the day's lecture while she listened to provide her with some respite from her daily routine of continuously watching television. Tape 170 excerpts recorded on Sun., Jan. 5 and Mon., Jan. 6
When I showed the ad facsimile to PRS President Obadiah Harris, he mentioned how he defined the word testament — "It means covenant." Recapping the PRS lecture to my mother, the speaker that day had been 'astrologer and metaphysician' Karma Welch who talked about "Trends for 1997." When Obadiah introduced her, he said 1997 would be the year of humanity growing up. The following is some of my commentary heard on the recording as I looked at my notes.
Karma said as we usher in this New Age moving beyond Homo sapiens and moving into the fourth dimension—as known by all the prophets, the Hopis, the Aztecs—something is going on between now and the turn of the century and all these great mystics throughout history have all said this was going to happen. She talked about how the last year of the Egyptian calendar is the year 2001 . . . January 9th is apparently an important day because that's when Neptune and Jupiter come together. So whenever you have these two energies that are coming together, expanding — she compared it to 'spiritual get rich quick' schemes . . . higher energies, man's consciousness raising . . . So she quoted this author named Harmon who said that the only thing we can do right now is let the economy crash all across the world and we all have to start over . . . Anyway we have to go through some of the same things that happened way back when with the original Declaration of Independence — as we all have to do on the world scene all over again . . . In each of us there's always a struggle between our higher natures and our lower natures . . . and the Earth is a little speck in the cosmic universe. God knows we better love one another because if you're just a little speck you mean nothing at all in the overall scheme of things . . . She also said that God is within each of us but with some people He's not quite hiding as much as He is with other people . . . She also quoted this 'Corinne Heline' who talked about 'the magic kingdom' . . . If our hearts will open more — if we can put behind us our prehuman past and embrace our superhuman future the veil will be removed. We will all be less petty. And this is what Christ started to do she said . . . She said out of the ashes comes the phoenix you might say and, of course, that's the little symbol of my publishing company. Then 2000 years of corporation and peace will happen . . . she did say how apparently the Earth will be passing through some kind of photon belt . . . this Corinne Helene also was talking about how the angel Michael was leading all of this . . . so she also talked about the angelic kingdom . . . she said we too shall be like angels eventually . . . She said that there will be no racism and no discrimination of any kind once this great awakening takes place throughout mankind.
Among my usual banter about having an exceptional experience of life and the God Force each day, my mother brought up the subject of my and my twin brother Michael's names so I asked Ellen what was the reason she chose to name the firstborn Mark and the secondborn Michael. She said, "For no reason at all . . . I thought they were beautiful, lovely names." I made a comment about the influence of her subconscious mind. During the ensuing conversation I was surprised that my mother was aware of herself having a guardian angel, whom she referred to as 'Maria Elena.' This was something I found surprising as she usually disparaged my spiritual and metaphysical interest.
Driving home I recorded some more events of the day:
Q: Oh my goodness, the license plate [frame] in front of me has Betty Boop on it — 3NYTo63 Escort LX . . . So I showed a few other of my acquaintances at the PRS my book ad and I showed Karma the book ad too . . . she'd been talking about all the things that my book just made a forgone conclusion, so to speak. I just wonder what she must be thinking . . . one of the songs played on the radio on the way home was "Suspicious Minds" (the Elvis Presley Pop song) . . . I think all the speeches I hear at the PRS are part of my book, if you know what I mean . . .
On Monday an impromptu interview with a woman named Lynn was conducted when I picked up a rubber stamp I'd ordered to be made for me at a shop nearby my beachfront apartment. She'd mentioned having experienced an angelic incident of some kind when I'd talked to her during my previous visit. The following is a question and answer transcript of the anecdote. Other people can be heard talking in the background so I'm not including instances of EVP (or potential instances) in this transcript.
Q: So it has always been nice to meet the people who've had angel experiences.
Y: Yes.
Q: So I'm not the only one.
Y: No. There are lots and lots of people.
Q: . . . Did you know you were having one at the time you were having it?
Y: I felt that there was somebody watching out for me . . . I was driving on the freeway and I had a flat tire in the fast lane. And it was right at the part of the freeway that's like a turnaround place so you don't get — the truck drivers don't drive quite that far and everything else. So I stood there for over an hour. Nobody helped. It was on St. Patrick's Day. And finally I thought about my angels. And I just kind of looked up to heaven and said, "Okay, I can use the help. Now would be fine. Any time." And I no sooner turned around then a young fellow in a pick-up truck pulled over. And he came up to me and said, "I don't know what made me stop. I never stop for people." And so he came back and he changed my tire for me. And while he was changing my tire his radiator hose gave out. And I never carry water in my car but I had water in my car. I had a bottle of drinking water — a large bottle. So I gave that to him then followed him off the road.
Q: So you were each other's angels.
Y: Yeah.
Tape 171 excerpts recorded on Tues., Jan. 7 and Wed., Jan. 8
Q: I'm just so pleased. My ad placement turned out to be divinely guided. It's right next to the report card article for Paramount for the year and it's in the 54th Annual Golden Globes Awards issue." The ad appeared in a 90-page special edition issue. Later on the tape during one of my impromptu interviews, a man named Jim told me about celebrating a mass for the family of a boy named Mickey who had committed suicide. He described witnessing the anomalous movements of candles during the mass.
Tape 172 excerpts recorded on Thurs., Jan. 9 and Fri., Jan. 12
On Thursday I began receiving boxes of books from the printing company. Upon talking to my representative Maureen, I realized that additional storage space was needed.
On Friday I found a larger space for book storage yet there still wasn't enough room for my entire 'Mysterious Collection' of antiques. While relocating some of them to my apartment, a woman named Alma became interested in them and mentioned that she'd never traveled anywhere throughout her life. A U-Haul truck parked next to my car had "Belzoni, Mississippi" painted on it. At my high-rise apartment building, one man in an elevator full of people noticed a copy of my book and said: "What's the title of your book?" I told him and he laughed and said, "Did you hear what the title of his book is!"
Tape 173
My first audio journal entry was recorded beginning at around 3 a.m. on Monday, January 15, 1997. I had stayed up late working on my 'postcard project'— preparing postcards about Testament for being mailed to acquaintances from the Philosophical Research Society, the Whole Life Expo; antique store owners, managers of restaurants where I held my interviews, etc. I was letting each person know that they were mentioned in the book with the exact page number given. I also sent postcards to places such as the Coalgate Library.
Q: So it's Monday around 1 (p.m.) and I'm sending out 227 postcards. I'm late for lunch and the gym.
(. . . )
Q: So when I got home from the gym I spoke to Alex Ben Block (editor) at The Hollywood Reporter and tantalized him about his copy. I said — well he said that, ("WE'LL") "Maybe we'll do a review of it." And I said, "Well have you read You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again? I think you'll want to do more than just a review in this case." He said "send it on" to him. So he'll be getting a copy. Of course, James will be the first person at The Hollywood Reporter to get his copy if all goes according to plan because he does deserve to have the inside track. So basically distribution — I am going to be careful to try to get the major people their copies before the secondary people but, of course, the press is important to any publishing enterprise. Today I didn't get a copy of my L.A. Times so I went to the newsstand and I got all the local papers in the area. So I'll probably also send postcards to them. I'm not just sending them book copies blind(ly) because I don't think that would do any good. I want them to at least have to request their complimentary copy so on the postcards I'm saying "To reserve your complimentary copy" or "For a complimentary copy call . . ."
( . . . )
Q: Monday January 13th. I'm just filled with wondering about things. My story is a metaphor story. ("SO") Tonight I'm think about what does 'Michael' think about me. Is my God different from other people's God? . . . today I was listening to Mr. KABC while having a late dinner. And he had the new theme songs being played with the pest control man who does his theme songs as his guest. And one of the lyrics was that he is their "pseudo deity" — I guess since he's a disembodied voice coming over the airwaves.
( . . . )
Q: Another one of the theme songs has the word "omnisciently" in it. . . .
I had accidentally marked two different microcassettes as No. 173 and this has happened more than a few times during these weeks in my life when so much was happening each day. There are two tapes marked 173, two tapes marked 174, two tapes marked 175, three tapes marked 176, and two tapes marked 177. On the first microcassette #173, the topics of my audio journal included the Los Angeles weekly newspaper New Times astrology column by Rob Brezsny mentioning "exploring more of the pleasures of being useful to others." I clipped the article and added it to my selection of clippings. Other topics include the Sunday PRS lecture by Jeffrey Mishlove about "Who are the Aliens" as 'an overview of Alien contact cases reported in both ancient and modern literature' that included commentary about Zecharia Sitchin's work.
Q: Today at the gym I overheard at the gym some man talking about a teacher who for a class in science said, "If there's anyone here who doesn't believe in Darwinian evolution — if there are any so-called Christians you might as well leave right now." That's what I overheard today.
Q: Jeffrey also quoted Richard Thompson about the discovery of man anomalies prior to Darwin's theories. Artifacts were reported that wouldn't be reported today because they would contradict Darwinian theory, such as skeletons of modern humans with very old implements being found in coal mines in the 19th Century.
(2021 Update: Books on this topic include The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America (2014) by Richard J. Dewhurst and Giants On Record (2015) by Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman.)
Q: one rather grotesque speculation was that people who are abused by (other) humans seem to be vulnerable to be abused by astral entities, which is a very cruel interpretation.
Q: He (Jeffrey) does seem very open-minded. He said that maybe we need another view to start from. Maybe we need a fresh hypothesis. Maybe we can develop a fresh hypothesis. He quoted from Jacques Vallee's book Messengers of Deception, which is probably one of the few ones of his that I haven't read [at that time in 1997] and apparently this raised the thought that 'the aliens' are influencing us on a subconscious level. And this would be an ideal way for 'God' or 'Gods' ("SSS") to reach us, which is also one of the major themes of my book.
The PRS flyer for the lecture described the two hour workshop hosted by Jeffrey that afternoon about Ted Owens, the subject of a book he would later publish: "Ambassador to Earth. You will learn the result of a ten year research study by Dr. Mishlove with a man who claimed to be half human and half alien."
Q: At one point Jeffrey said that God plays hide and seek.
Q: The last 'son of man' reference was when Jeffrey discussed the Robertson Panel. There were the usual questions raised about Jesus and Elijah and Ezekial.
Q: Tonight I had a long conversation with Maxine. I'm kind of a wimp. So by telling her my problem—and being honest—with 'Michael' and my dilemma in not being able to change the transcript. I think she got the message. But what a 'wussy' way of doing it. But it's the only way I know how. . . .
Testament divulged some terribly abusive things suffered by Maxine. Some journal commentary was recorded when I went to Arcadia and did the grocery shopping for my ailing mother.
Q: It always 'gets me' that I have to take time away from saving humanity by looking for the nondairy creamer. But people are very nice. All the clerks were very helpful. I got to taste different types of potato salad — low-fat potato salad before making my choice. One of the checkstand people came and brought me over to a free cashier so there was no waiting. Now I'm going to a fast food restaurant for my mom and then I'm going to try to get her 'Meals on Wheels.'
( . . . )
Q: (to cashier at fast food restaurant drive-through window) I'm shopping for my poor invalid mother. I wish she wouldn't eat this stuff but it's better than nothing so — thank you.
Her name turned out to be 'Maria' although her name tag had another name. I said, "How divine" and she said "Thank you." I asked her where her ancestry was from and she said Spain. I told her, "It's interesting. In L.A. I like to ask because everyone's from somewhere else. I'm from L.A. Can you believe it?" When my mother said, "Your beard's awful grizzled," I told her, "I like myself grizzled. It's good to instill people the fear of the lord." I entertained Ellen by reading to her from personals columns from a weekly GLBT magazine. The french fries I'd ordered weren't found in the bag and realized I should have checked what had been given to me at the window.
Q: I just wanted to read to you one of these to show you — okay, listen to this. ("PICK") "Husband material. Very good-looking white male, 51, looks 40s, 5'10", 180 lbs., muscular, tan, in shape, HIV negative, mostly top, oral, relationship-oriented Christian. You be 35 to 40, good-looking white male, good-looking M —what does that mean — oh. ("NO" "JU[ST] WW") Says GWM/GLM, MD, weight in proportion to height. Edge mail call no. 2234." Anyway, so this what society is these days. I myself think that sex is sacred and that you should only — to enjoy it more you should wait til that one special person . . .
L: The only thing that was given to you — that's your own —that you get ("YOU" "O") is yourself. And a wonderful gift. ("DIE" "A") And to just throw it around. I mean what meaning does it have?
Q: What a wonderful gift to give someone on your wedding day.
L: Exactly. I was a virgin when I got married. ("RIGH[T]" or "WRI[TE] "WELL WH") . . .
We talked some more and she told me about society during her youth. Her high school graduation was in 1950. She mentioned that adoptions seemed rare back then. When I made the Meals on Wheels phone call, I told them that my mother was 64 years old, ill and housebound. I asked if there was paperwork to fill out for the program and was told to "call back tomorrow." At my mother's suggestion, I left her telephone number for someone to return the call. Ellen began talking about her political view of society. Then we discussed her having avoided doctors and the dentist when younger. She mentioned that she should have taken better care of herself. She said the reason she avoided going to the dentist was because she was embarrassed so I said, "But see — but there — there's no reason. (some words may be EVP) They see this every day . . . and then can have other adverse effects on your health. When one little thing — when you let one little thing go. . . Isn't that a good message for other people in general. ("IS THAT") To take care of the little problems before they become big problems."
Q: I can just see you now in the tabloids. ("I ME[AN]") Like what if my book comes out and I'm the center of scrutiny — public scrutiny. The tabloids will have a field day that my poor mother is living in bad health in slumlike conditions." (This was an exaggeration as she lived in a nice Arcadia apartment.) "They'll find out. Well I mean you can't get around — you can't ("NO") get around to wash the carpets. ("AND Y[OU K]NOW") I mean they'll — they'll make me — ("THEY'LL MAKE [HI]M") laughing stock out of me. Even worse than I already am. And I'll just blame 'Michael.' That's what I always do."
L: You won't blame anybody. It's just life.
Q: Well 'you got to blame someone.' ("WE BLAME")
(I left with her a copy of Daily Variety with the ad for my book. She thanked me and I told her, "Well you're welcome. And my book is — I probably will get my book tomorrow or delivered sometime this week." ("NO") I'll be able to give you ("MIKE") my book next time I come.)
L: I just wish somebody else would pay for it. ("WELL") Do you know how —
Q: Would anyone else have wanted to publish it unedited?
On the drive home I began recording the radio show broadcast featuring someone speaking about human sexual relationships advice on Star 98.7. There was evidently a commercial video being hyped. The radio show host mentioned the guest's name was "Dr. Bob."
Q: My guide (guidebook) — ultimate guide to making our relationship work is to think of the other person and not just yourself. I don't need a video for that.
My first audio journal entry was recorded beginning at around 3 a.m. on Monday, January 15, 1997. I had stayed up late working on my 'postcard project'— preparing postcards about Testament for being mailed to acquaintances from the Philosophical Research Society, the Whole Life Expo; antique store owners, managers of restaurants where I held my interviews, etc. I was letting each person know that they were mentioned in the book with the exact page number given. I also sent postcards to places such as the Coalgate Library.
Q: So it's Monday around 1 (p.m.) and I'm sending out 227 postcards. I'm late for lunch and the gym.
(. . . )
Q: So when I got home from the gym I spoke to Alex Ben Block (editor) at The Hollywood Reporter and tantalized him about his copy. I said — well he said that, ("WE'LL") "Maybe we'll do a review of it." And I said, "Well have you read You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again? I think you'll want to do more than just a review in this case." He said "send it on" to him. So he'll be getting a copy. Of course, James will be the first person at The Hollywood Reporter to get his copy if all goes according to plan because he does deserve to have the inside track. So basically distribution — I am going to be careful to try to get the major people their copies before the secondary people but, of course, the press is important to any publishing enterprise. Today I didn't get a copy of my L.A. Times so I went to the newsstand and I got all the local papers in the area. So I'll probably also send postcards to them. I'm not just sending them book copies blind(ly) because I don't think that would do any good. I want them to at least have to request their complimentary copy so on the postcards I'm saying "To reserve your complimentary copy" or "For a complimentary copy call . . ."
( . . . )
Q: Monday January 13th. I'm just filled with wondering about things. My story is a metaphor story. ("SO") Tonight I'm think about what does 'Michael' think about me. Is my God different from other people's God? . . . today I was listening to Mr. KABC while having a late dinner. And he had the new theme songs being played with the pest control man who does his theme songs as his guest. And one of the lyrics was that he is their "pseudo deity" — I guess since he's a disembodied voice coming over the airwaves.
( . . . )
Q: Another one of the theme songs has the word "omnisciently" in it. . . .
I had accidentally marked two different microcassettes as No. 173 and this has happened more than a few times during these weeks in my life when so much was happening each day. There are two tapes marked 173, two tapes marked 174, two tapes marked 175, three tapes marked 176, and two tapes marked 177. On the first microcassette #173, the topics of my audio journal included the Los Angeles weekly newspaper New Times astrology column by Rob Brezsny mentioning "exploring more of the pleasures of being useful to others." I clipped the article and added it to my selection of clippings. Other topics include the Sunday PRS lecture by Jeffrey Mishlove about "Who are the Aliens" as 'an overview of Alien contact cases reported in both ancient and modern literature' that included commentary about Zecharia Sitchin's work.
Q: Today at the gym I overheard at the gym some man talking about a teacher who for a class in science said, "If there's anyone here who doesn't believe in Darwinian evolution — if there are any so-called Christians you might as well leave right now." That's what I overheard today.
Q: Jeffrey also quoted Richard Thompson about the discovery of man anomalies prior to Darwin's theories. Artifacts were reported that wouldn't be reported today because they would contradict Darwinian theory, such as skeletons of modern humans with very old implements being found in coal mines in the 19th Century.
(2021 Update: Books on this topic include The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America (2014) by Richard J. Dewhurst and Giants On Record (2015) by Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman.)
Q: one rather grotesque speculation was that people who are abused by (other) humans seem to be vulnerable to be abused by astral entities, which is a very cruel interpretation.
Q: He (Jeffrey) does seem very open-minded. He said that maybe we need another view to start from. Maybe we need a fresh hypothesis. Maybe we can develop a fresh hypothesis. He quoted from Jacques Vallee's book Messengers of Deception, which is probably one of the few ones of his that I haven't read [at that time in 1997] and apparently this raised the thought that 'the aliens' are influencing us on a subconscious level. And this would be an ideal way for 'God' or 'Gods' ("SSS") to reach us, which is also one of the major themes of my book.
The PRS flyer for the lecture described the two hour workshop hosted by Jeffrey that afternoon about Ted Owens, the subject of a book he would later publish: "Ambassador to Earth. You will learn the result of a ten year research study by Dr. Mishlove with a man who claimed to be half human and half alien."
Q: At one point Jeffrey said that God plays hide and seek.
Q: The last 'son of man' reference was when Jeffrey discussed the Robertson Panel. There were the usual questions raised about Jesus and Elijah and Ezekial.
Q: Tonight I had a long conversation with Maxine. I'm kind of a wimp. So by telling her my problem—and being honest—with 'Michael' and my dilemma in not being able to change the transcript. I think she got the message. But what a 'wussy' way of doing it. But it's the only way I know how. . . .
Testament divulged some terribly abusive things suffered by Maxine. Some journal commentary was recorded when I went to Arcadia and did the grocery shopping for my ailing mother.
Q: It always 'gets me' that I have to take time away from saving humanity by looking for the nondairy creamer. But people are very nice. All the clerks were very helpful. I got to taste different types of potato salad — low-fat potato salad before making my choice. One of the checkstand people came and brought me over to a free cashier so there was no waiting. Now I'm going to a fast food restaurant for my mom and then I'm going to try to get her 'Meals on Wheels.'
( . . . )
Q: (to cashier at fast food restaurant drive-through window) I'm shopping for my poor invalid mother. I wish she wouldn't eat this stuff but it's better than nothing so — thank you.
Her name turned out to be 'Maria' although her name tag had another name. I said, "How divine" and she said "Thank you." I asked her where her ancestry was from and she said Spain. I told her, "It's interesting. In L.A. I like to ask because everyone's from somewhere else. I'm from L.A. Can you believe it?" When my mother said, "Your beard's awful grizzled," I told her, "I like myself grizzled. It's good to instill people the fear of the lord." I entertained Ellen by reading to her from personals columns from a weekly GLBT magazine. The french fries I'd ordered weren't found in the bag and realized I should have checked what had been given to me at the window.
Q: I just wanted to read to you one of these to show you — okay, listen to this. ("PICK") "Husband material. Very good-looking white male, 51, looks 40s, 5'10", 180 lbs., muscular, tan, in shape, HIV negative, mostly top, oral, relationship-oriented Christian. You be 35 to 40, good-looking white male, good-looking M —what does that mean — oh. ("NO" "JU[ST] WW") Says GWM/GLM, MD, weight in proportion to height. Edge mail call no. 2234." Anyway, so this what society is these days. I myself think that sex is sacred and that you should only — to enjoy it more you should wait til that one special person . . .
L: The only thing that was given to you — that's your own —that you get ("YOU" "O") is yourself. And a wonderful gift. ("DIE" "A") And to just throw it around. I mean what meaning does it have?
Q: What a wonderful gift to give someone on your wedding day.
L: Exactly. I was a virgin when I got married. ("RIGH[T]" or "WRI[TE] "WELL WH") . . .
We talked some more and she told me about society during her youth. Her high school graduation was in 1950. She mentioned that adoptions seemed rare back then. When I made the Meals on Wheels phone call, I told them that my mother was 64 years old, ill and housebound. I asked if there was paperwork to fill out for the program and was told to "call back tomorrow." At my mother's suggestion, I left her telephone number for someone to return the call. Ellen began talking about her political view of society. Then we discussed her having avoided doctors and the dentist when younger. She mentioned that she should have taken better care of herself. She said the reason she avoided going to the dentist was because she was embarrassed so I said, "But see — but there — there's no reason. (some words may be EVP) They see this every day . . . and then can have other adverse effects on your health. When one little thing — when you let one little thing go. . . Isn't that a good message for other people in general. ("IS THAT") To take care of the little problems before they become big problems."
Q: I can just see you now in the tabloids. ("I ME[AN]") Like what if my book comes out and I'm the center of scrutiny — public scrutiny. The tabloids will have a field day that my poor mother is living in bad health in slumlike conditions." (This was an exaggeration as she lived in a nice Arcadia apartment.) "They'll find out. Well I mean you can't get around — you can't ("NO") get around to wash the carpets. ("AND Y[OU K]NOW") I mean they'll — they'll make me — ("THEY'LL MAKE [HI]M") laughing stock out of me. Even worse than I already am. And I'll just blame 'Michael.' That's what I always do."
L: You won't blame anybody. It's just life.
Q: Well 'you got to blame someone.' ("WE BLAME")
(I left with her a copy of Daily Variety with the ad for my book. She thanked me and I told her, "Well you're welcome. And my book is — I probably will get my book tomorrow or delivered sometime this week." ("NO") I'll be able to give you ("MIKE") my book next time I come.)
L: I just wish somebody else would pay for it. ("WELL") Do you know how —
Q: Would anyone else have wanted to publish it unedited?
On the drive home I began recording the radio show broadcast featuring someone speaking about human sexual relationships advice on Star 98.7. There was evidently a commercial video being hyped. The radio show host mentioned the guest's name was "Dr. Bob."
Q: My guide (guidebook) — ultimate guide to making our relationship work is to think of the other person and not just yourself. I don't need a video for that.