Q: Mark Russell Bell
G: George Noory, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
S: “Coast to Coast AM” screener
M: Michael Sokoloff, caller
R: Gary, caller from Rapid City
U: unidentified caller
J: Jeff, caller
E: Joe, caller from Placentia
S: Steve, caller from Orvada
I: Mitch, caller from Las Vegas
T: Tom, caller from Las Vegas
C: unidentified caller
N: unidentified caller
G: From the city of angels off the Pacific Ocean, good morning, good evening wherever you may be across the nation, around the world. I’m George Noory. This is “Coast to Coast AM.” Lots to talk about tonight and we’ve got to slow down a hurricane. Even though it’s slowly been slowing down, it’s still too big, as far as I’m concerned. Going to try unscreened open line calls this hour. Wish me luck. Next hour, ancient Sumerian artifacts. That subject with researcher Jason Martell. That’ll be at the top of the hour next hour, of course. So a lot of “Coast to Coast” Streamlink members and Fantastic Forum members have been suggesting: “George, why don’t you try some unscreened calls? Go with it.” So that’s what we will do. They will be answered but they will be unscreened. So that’s what we’ll give it a try. Let’s go into some of the news of the day very quickly, if we can. Hurricane Isabel is expected to begin lashing the coasts of North Carolina and Virginia with tropical storm-force winds by midnight Wednesday their time, which is probably right about now so be careful. Forecasters say hurricane-force winds will be felt by the coast by daybreak Thursday, hours ahead of Isabel’s expected midday landfall near Cape Lookout on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Forecasters say inland cities like Richmond, Virginia and Washington could experience hurricane-strength winds as Isabel moves ashore. Now it started off a few days ago as a category 5. This was a big one. It is now down to a category 2 but a category 2 hurricane can still bring lots of damage and lots of deaths so let’s try it again. We’ve been doing it for a couple days and just use whatever power you have in your mind, collectively, to push this thing away from the coasts of the United States. Just push it away and think about it. Think about it. (“NO”) Anything else right about now. And let’s just see what happens by morning, okay? There was a picture that the NASA had sent out (“A — A — AA”) — unbelievable picture of the eye of this hurricane. And to some it looked like a pentagram. And as a matter of fact it does look like five stars point right there, just by looking at it. It’s weird. But some believe that that means that Isabel is a satanic storm, quite frankly, because they claim that this has to do with — with Satan: a pentagram. So I did a little checking on what a pentagram means and let me read this to you. It says: “The pentagram was considered by the ancient Greeks and medieval astrologers to have supernatural properties and to be a protective symbol. Often in the past, people would mark their doors with pentagrams to ward off evil witchcraft and spirits.” So I don’t know how this got turned around where now a pentagram is part of the Devil but that’s what some people believe. Well today was the deadline where a major earthquake was supposed to hit in Tokyo according to a Japanese researcher. He had all these things figured out and he said this is going to be a category Richter 7, a big one. People in Japan were all upset. It has not happened. However (small laugh) — however, in Japan, a small radioactive leak occurred at a nuclear power plant in central Japan. Company officials say, “No danger to humans or the environment. Everything is okay.” The leak from a funnel in the reactor’s waste processing system was discovered during regular inspections when warning alarms alerted workers there. Hmm. President Bush, by the way, says there’s no evidence, none that Saddam Hussein was involved in the terrorist attacks of 9-11. Disputing an impression—we all had that impression—that critics say the administration tried to foster — to justify the war against Iraq. Part of that, of course. The other and — and the predominant reason was that there were weapons of mass destruction out there. Now former U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Hanz Blix believes that Iraq destroyed most of its weapons of mass destruction ten years ago but apparently kept up the appearance that it had them to deter a military attack. In an interview with an Australian radio station, Blix says it was unlikely that the U.S. and British teams now searching for the weapons in Iraq will find more than anything other than documents of interest. “I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, as they maintained, destroyed all almost of what they had in the summer of 1991.” Last night we had a story about a UPS plane that was headed from Los Angeles to Louisville, Kentucky. It made a stop at the Phoenix Airport. They thought there was a bomb aboard. Well apparently that turned out to be a hoax, a prank caller. Nothing in there except bottled water, fabric softener and cabbage. Not a very funny joke. A drunk driver claimed spiritual immunity when he was pulled over in Holland. He pretended to be the Pope. I kid you not. The motorist told police he was Pope John Paul II. He refused to get out of his car. He turned his music up when they stopped him on the road. The officer said that they could tell immediately he was not the pontiff as this man —
S: “Coast.” Hold on.
G: — was inebriated. He was in his 50s and although the 83-year-old Pope speaks Dutch, he is known to do so with a very strong Polish accent. The motorist’s son, who was in the passenger seat, managed to diffuse the entire situation and persuaded the bogus pontiff to get out of the car and face his earthly justice. Police confiscated the man’s license after he failed a blo(od) — a breath test. Jeffrey Lee Parson, 18 years old, a teenager suspected of creating a variant of the destructive Blaster worm appeared in a Seattle court to face one count of causing damage to a computer. The senior from Hopkins, Minnesota pleaded not guilty — not guilty to the charge of intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to a computer. He faces ten years in prison, a quarter of a million dollar fine if convicted. Blaster and its variants are self-replicating Internet worms that bore through the Windows security hole, harnessing computers to launch concerted data attacks via the Internet. Some of us probably got blasted by that. Parson, flanked by two public defenders, appeared in a gray T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He has been banned from using the Internet, surfing the Worldwide Web or using messaging services during his trial. Well get ready. Big Brother is about ready to pounce on us because a consortium of retailers and consumer goods companies plan to unveil now the replacement for the bar code next week. It’s here. And we’ve been talking about it for several months. They’re here. The upgrade will use a controversial radio technology that critics say will significantly expand the powers of retailers to track the whereabouts of their goods and the people who buy them. In addition, the group will demonstrate radio frequency identification tags that can be embedded in product labels. Protestors from consumer groups and privacy advocates plan demonstrations where they will be meeting and unveiling this replacement for the barcode. They are talking about ways how they can protect consumers but nothing definitive has been drawn up on that yet. After eight years orbiting Jupiter, NASA’s Galileo space probe will end its long mission—this will be on Sunday now—by plunging through the Jovian cloud tops, smashing into the giant planet, collecting data as it goes. Low propellent. Six years past its original end date, Galileo has set a collision course with Jupiter to eliminate any unwanted crash into the Jovian moon Europa. The small robotic craft was supposed to be launched in 1986 on a space shuttle following the January flight of shuttle Challenger but when Challenger exploded seconds after liftoff, Galileo’s trip was postponed until 1989. The spacecraft will reach the outermost layers of Jupiter’s atmosphere, which of course is very dense. There’ll be a lot of friction. It will begin to burn, crush and disintegrate and then it will simply vaporize and become part of Jupiter. On my website, what a story. A giant star caught swallowing three planets. We’ve got this on pictures. Take a look at this thing. I mean it’s almost as if this giant star is alive because it opens up. You can see a mouth open up in the star as it gobbles up these planets. Incredible. Absolutely incredible pictures. NASA, by the way, may replace its troubled fleet of space shuttles with a new generation of Apollo-type space capsules. That’s right. They’re thinking of going back to the old days, where they get them up there in space and then they come down and splash in the ocean, just like the old days. And the United States plans to push a U.N. resolution expected to call for a ban on all forms of cloning, a stance likely to be opposed by nations favoring a more limited restrictions. That battle will go on for years. Scientists have created blobs of electricity-charged gas now that behave as if they are alive. Listen to this story. The plasma cells grow, replicate and communicate, fulfilling most of the biological requirements for life. Without inherited materials such as DNA, they cannot be described as truly alive but the gas spheres they say challenge previous notions about how life began on Earth. Most experts think that living cells arose out of a very complex and lengthy evolution of chemicals that took millions of years. But now researchers in Romania investigating these gas blobs produced as cells say that it could have been only microseconds. Now that’s incredible, isn’t it? In Spain, scientists are trying to find out what caused two enormous squids, one of them 40 feet, to wash up dead on Spain’s northern coast. They say it is not a natural death though we have no idea what is wrong. Also on my website, a little bit later on down under hot stories, take a look at the picture — just a still picture of the lost footage of John Lennon and Mick Jagger together. If you’re into old history and old music, take a look at this. Uncovered by documentary makers showing him clowning around with Mick Jagger, the film was discovered in the archives of an Austrian broadcasting corporation by a team of documentary makers. The footage clips, which are to be screened by a BBC program, show Lennon just laughing and playing around. But we’ve got a still there of Lennon and Mick Jagger. It’s kind of neat to look at. And lastly four businessmen — four businessmen fled their car, leaving it blocking a busy road during the height of morning rush hour after a snake suddenly poked its head out of the ventilation shaft. This all happened in Europe. They’d been driving a car in the middle of town when all this happened. “I was chatting to my colleagues about a meeting we were planning when suddenly I saw this viper looking at me from the ventilation shaft. I was so scared I let go of the steering wheel. I was lucky I didn’t crash. Slammed on the breaks. We all ran out. Police showed up. Once they found out what was wrong, they didn’t want to get near the car. The tow truck showed up. It refused to get near the car. In the end, fire department showed up. They burned some of the carpet in the car. The snake slithered out and then they got it.” And that was the end of the snake. Okay, open lines. West of the Rockies, here’s the phone number for you, unscreened tonight, (gives number); east of the Rockies (gives number); first time caller (gives number); wild card line is (gives number). This hour open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” (commercials and public service announcement) Welcome back to “Coast to Coast.” We’ll go to open line calls in a second. Let me read you this Email. “When I was 18 years old, George, working at a pizza parlor in Wisconsin, the crew all had stories and they called this place the haunted pizza parlor. I never paid any real attention to their stories. Well one night I was washing dishes. An assistant manager, this girl — this guy, by the way, writes as a guy — wanted to pick on me that night. She started calling me names like ‘Hey stupid’ among other things. As I remember, I was doing my job and trying to ignore her. Well her voice carried on and on and the crew couldn’t believe why she was verbally attacking me when I did nothing wrong. I still tried not to pay any attention to her and continued washing dishes. And then she kept on and on and on. And above me on the third shelf out of the reach — several metal kettles up there. One started to shake, vibrate by itself. All three employees noticed the noise of the shaking kettle and they looked directly at it, as I did. The assistant manager was walking away. She didn’t notice the kettle was shaking over her yelling. And as we watched the kettle, it flew off the shelf, hit the ground by my feet, bounced sideways 15 feet, smacked the assistant manager in the back of her legs and really hard as though someone threw it at her. She turned and said to me, ‘You’re fired.’ Every employee said, ‘Hey wait a minute. We saw it shake and fly off the shelf. It hit the ground, flew off 15 feet sideways and then it hit you.’ They said, ‘Scott’ — that’s his name — ‘did not touch it at all.’ (It) would have been wet from the dishwater had I tossed it at her and, besides, it was out of my reach. I think the ghost was upset she was picking on me. I was not fired as the other employees stuck to their stories.” How about that? It’s a neat story. Well if you want to Email me, it’s or if you’re already on the website just pop over to “Contact,” which is on the left hand side of the screen. Okay, unscreened calls. Let’s pick it up and go to our first wild card line. Welcome to “Coast to Coast.” Hi, there.
M: Hi. This is Michael Sokoloff. I’m calling in response to what you mentioned of the pentagram being satanic. Well I happen to have a girlfriend who is Wiccan and who told me that I — she explained to me the meaning of why the pentagram is sometimes associated incorrectly with Satanism. Basically, it’s quite simple. The Satanic pentagram is the one that’s upside down. That’s all there is to it.
G: Ahhh. So the — the normal pentagram, the one that they say is tied into — into goodness is — is the other way.
M: Yes. Exactly. So —
G: Okay.
M: — so the pentagram of goodness has the vortex pointing up and the satanic one has it pointing down.
G: Great. Well that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for that call. First time caller line, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi, there.
R: Yeah so, Mr. Noory, I got on the wrong line but I’ve been listening to Art and you for — and Barbara for quite some time now.
G: Well thanks.
R: I’m Gary from Rapid City, South Dakota and the station is newstalk KOTA 1380 in Rapid City, South Dakota.
G: Well welcome. How long you lived out that way?
R: Oh for quite some time and I’m a state legislative candidate and I did some phone calling pertaining to the Yellowstone — well the . . .
G: The possibility of some volcano action there, huh?
R: Yeah, of the — of that activity going on. And I talked with South Dakota emergency management people in Pierce, South Dakota and they were unaware of the situation.
G: They were unaware of what was happening there?
R: Yeah — or in Yellowstone.
G: That’s scary.
R: Yes and they — but they — but some of them said they would volun — they would volunteer and monitor the — (“IT”) through the — online anyhow.
G: Well I — I tell you what, if you keep pushing that, you just might get elected down there. Because I’m telling you this is a major story in that area. And, of course, you heard my guest last night, Dr. Bruce Cornet, who has backed up what Larry Park had said a few weeks ago. Yellowstone is heating up. It’s cooking in some areas 200 degrees. A lot of the area is cordoned off. You can’t get to it. No matter what they might tell you, try taking your family through there. You can’t get to some areas there anymore. And, as he said, if he had a family, he’d start making a very friendly evacuation plan just to be on the safe side. East of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
U: How are you doing, George?
G: Doing fine, thanks.
U: Okay. Something happened to me about two years ago and I want to, you know, talk about it. It’s been bothering me.
G: Well what happened?
U: Okay, I was in the army. And I was at Fort Bragg. North Carolina. And I ha(d) — and my wife — I had just married, you know, and we were pregnant. And she lived in Memphis, Tennessee. So I drove from Fort Bragg to Memphis, Tennessee but I had to — I was trying to get to Memphis Tennessee but as I was going through the mountains my windshield got foggy. And I went off the road. I went down about 500 feet into a ravine.
G: Five hundred feet?
U: That’s right. About 500 feet in a ravine. And I couldn’t get out the door and I passed out. And then —
G: Now what was the — I’ve got to ask you this — what was the slope of this ravine? I mean did your car like kind of roll down it or were you tumbling all over the place?
U: I was just tumbling all over the place.
G: Man, you’re lucky that car didn’t blow up.
U: Yeah, you’re right. You know, I’m — I’m very lucky. But this is what happened. I couldn’t get my door open and then all of a sudden I passed out. The next thing I know, the door had been pulled open and I was on the back — something grabbed me and it was about seven-foot-tall. It put me on its shoulder and carried me. Now I have to say that thing stinked so bad that I didn’t know what to do but it carried me all the way up the ravine to the highway and set me on the highway. And I looked at it.
G: What did it look like?
U: He was hairy. Small ears. Medium-sized eyes. A nose.
G: Did he look like a —
U: You know, he was hairy all over. And they were saying sounds like ‘Eeeeeaa’ — you know, things like that.
G: Did he look more human or more apelike?
U: It looked more human.
G: And — and what did it do? It just left you there?
U: It left me there.
G: I think you might have seen Bigfoot. Really. A good one — a nice one. I’m George Noory. “Open Lines” continue. And then at the top of the hour next hour Jason Martell, my guest. We’re going to talk about Sumerian text. He’s a believer in Planet X. We’ll find out if he was a believer in the old Planet X or the one that still might be out there. Don’t go away. (bumper music is “Bur Said” performed by Cusco followed by news and commercials)
Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain And ironing out the rough spots Is the hardest part when memories remain And it’s times like these when we all need to hear the radio ‘Cause from the lips of some old singer People share the troubles we already know Turn ’em on . . .
(“Sad Songs” performed by Elton John)
R: To talk with George Noory, call the wild card line at area code (gives number), the first-time caller line is area code (gives number). To talk with George Noory toll-free from east of the Rockies, call (gives number); west of the Rockies, toll-free (gives number). International callers may reach George Noory by calling the AT&T international operator and dialing toll-free (gives number). From coast to coast and worldwide on the Internet, this is “Coast to Coast AM” with George Noory.
G: Top of the hour, my guest will be Jason Martell. He’s preparing to conduct several groundbreaking international research expeditions. His main goal is to gain firsthand access to ancient Sumerian artifacts and other archaeological relics not currently accessible to the public. He has been doing a lot of work on this. I mean a lot. If you have an opportunity to check his website link-up on, do it. It is a fantastic website. After Dark Newsletter October issue will be sent out to subscribers very shortly. Take advantage of it. They’ll start working on November very shortly and the big story there will be a lengthy article that Lex has conducted with David Icke, who will be my guest also sometime in November. How would you like 14 issues for the price of 12? You can do that. Call this number. (gives number) That’s (gives number) or go online at
G: . . . Gold. I’ll tell you what. (“I[T]”) It’s a place to go for gold. I mailed a dear friend of mine—my buddy in St. Louis. His name’s Ron. He trains police departments—a little gift today. It was a — a silver dollar and it was worth five bucks, something like that. But it’s wrapped up and it’s never been touched by a human hand before. So I sent it to him as a gift. He Emails me today. He got it today and he Emails me and says, “I prefer gold, George.” Now how about that? It’s a gift and he says, “I prefer gold.” So I guess more people prefer gold too, right? Gold to protect and grow savings and retirement accounts. Lear Financial manages gold investments and they told me that experts are predicting gold to go to $450, $550 an ounce. Maybe even $850 an ounce. So find out why more people continue to turn to gold to protect those savings and retirement accounts. Lear Financial would like you to take advantage of a free gold investors kit. It’s worth $29. It’s an audio tape seminar. It’s a brochure. Great reading material and listening material about gold investing. And then if you decide to take the plunge, do it with Lear Financial and you’ll never regret it. Here’s the phone number to get the free kit: (gives number). That’s (gives number). I should have sent my friend the free kit instead of the silver coin, to tell you the truth. (gives number) Now I want all of you to continue to concentrate, by the way, on Hurricane Isabel. Use that God-given Force that you have and do what you can. It’s a category 2. It started off days ago as a category 5. Had it hit as a category 5, I can’t e(ven) — I — I — I can’t even think of the damage it would have created but a 2 is still a pretty powerful hurricane, okay? Because in 1999 Hurricane Floyd did the same thing at a category 2 and it caused $46 billion in damage. And more importantly a number of deaths: 56 deaths, if I recall. So try to concentrate on this hurricane. Try to think of pushing it away. Pushing it away. And as you push it away, slow it down in your mind. And maybe we’ll see what happens. You know, when — when we wake up in the morning, maybe it’ll hit the coast as a 1. Maybe it’ll hit the coast as a tropical storm. Maybe it’ll be pushed so far away, it won’t hit at all. But I tell you what, nothing else is working so you might as well try that. Let’s go the phones. Wild card line, you are on “Coast to Coast.” It is your turn. Hi there.
J: Hey, George. It’s Jeff.
G: Hey, Jeff, how are you?
J: How’s it going?
G: Good.
J: First off, did you have this — this Art Bell return planned all along?
G: Did I have this planned all along?
J: Or did you guys have it planned all —
G: No. No. No. Let me — let me tell you. Art — Art misses “Coast to Coast.” When he retired in January, Jeff, his back was so sore there were days — there were days that he couldn’t stand. There were days he couldn’t lay down. He couldn’t do anything. And I got to tell you, standing and sitting for four or five hours at a shot pays its price on you after a while.
J: Yeah.
G: I mean sometimes even I can feel it. So what had happened is, is because — Art was done. He did make a promise to me that he’d fill in for me whenever I took a few days off and he did that. But, you know, he has — he has been doing a lot of exercising. He’s feeling good and — and most if not all of the back pain that he experienced when he was doing a full time “Coast to Coast” program went away. And because of that there was one thing missing in Art’s life. And that was he still wanted to have fun with “Coast to Coast.” And so things worked out to the point where he said, “You know what? I’d love to give this a chance and — and — and I want to do this.” And, you know, we welcomed this with open arms. And, like I said last night, it’s like having Babe Ruth come back to your team. It’s the — it’s — it is —
J: I also have a Ouija Board story.
G: About Art?
J: No.
G: Okay.
J: Oh no.
G: But it’s a great story. So — so no, it was not planned. He wanted to come back. You — and — and he’s back and he starts this Saturday.
J: Alright. Well here’s my Ouija Board story.
G: Okay.
J: It was last Halloween. Me and a few friends got together for — for fun, seeing if we can try to contact Osama bin Laden.
G: Why would you want to contact him?
J: It’ll get — it’ll get — get clearer as the time — as I . . .
G: Thinking maybe he was dead?
J: Yeah.
G: Alright.
J: We wanted to find out if he was dead.
G: Okay.
J: And a spirit allegedly claiming to be him contacted us through the Ouija Board.
G: Uh-huh?
J: So we asked him the obvious question: was he responsible for 9-11? Yes and no. He was — they were the foot soldiers that carried it out.
G: Huh?
J: And we asked who was behind — the brains? The — the words that came up was M — A — B — U — S.
G: Mabus.
J: Yeah.
G: Well how did you interpret that? Turn that around — was that ‘Sadum.’
J: No. We — we don’t know how to do that.
G: It’s like Nostradamus all over again.
J: Yeah. Well it was a . . .
G: I — I’ve got to tell you though, Jeff. You’ve got to be careful playing around with that Ouija Board. You really do. Got to run. I’ll take another call. Let’s go to west of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
E: Good evening, George. Good to talk to you again.
G: Thanks.
E: This is Joe in Placentia, California.
G: Hi there.
E: I’ve got two questions from your show last night. One — about Yellowstone; how about Northern California? Is that caldera up there any way related? It — do you know anything . . .
G: I don’t think it’s related but they really don’t know because I — I don’ t know if, you know with — with magma and the way it flows underground —
E: Right.
G: — if we’ve got like tributaries like a river does. Where it kind of spreads out all over the place. I don’t know if they’re all connected or not.
E: Yeah, I was kind of wondering.
G: If — you know, because if they are, you know this could be a — a major league disaster if anything happens. Now my guest last night though did tell us he didn’t think a big one would occur. (“THE”) He thought if anything it would be more like a Mt. St Helens-type blast. I hope he’s right because the other guest that I had a few weeks ago thought that if it did happen it could be just a horrible catastrophe.
E: Yeah, that wouldn’t be good at all.
G: Yeah.
E: And another thing: what station can I listen to Art Bell on? On the weekends, of course. I’m here in the L.A. area and I know KFI doesn’t carry . . .
G: Well they very well may pick up Art. As — as a matter of fact, I would — I would bet my paycheck —
E: Ohhh.
G: — that — of course, I won’t lose too much — but I would. I’d bet my paycheck that they’ll be picking him up. Probably even this weekend.
E: Thank you very much. Have a good night.
G: Okay. You’re welcome. I haven’t heard that definitively but I’m pretty sure that’s going to happen. First time caller, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi there.
S: Good evening, George.
G: Yes sir. Where are you calling from?
S: I’m Steve in Orvada, Colorado.
G: Uh-huh.
S: And I was just on 630 AM in Denver.
G: You sure are.
S: Yeah. And it’s a nice station.
S: Glad to hear you. Yeah, KHOW. Yeah, I had a — I had a — a sighting back in July. I’ve been trying to call you and tell you a little bit about it . . .
G: Since July. Now it’s gone away. Darn it. I wish you would have gotten through. What did it look like?
S: (small laugh) Every night that you had the special guests on talking about these subjects and stuff. And, you know — and they were going deeper into it. I kept trying to call on those nights so I could tell the story.
G: You know, we’ve even added more lines and still they all get jammed up.
S: Well I — I do(n’t) — I’m not surprised . . . (small laugh)
G: I hate to see the phone bill here. But, anyways, tell me about it.
S: But I — I just want to tell you part of it. (“NO”) And I’ll tell you why —
G: Alright. Give it — why don’t you give us the highlights.
S: Yeah. Well basically I — I was at work and I work at the Coors Brewery. And I was on break on the north side of the building. And I was just — it was about ten minutes to nine. And I was looking northwest from — from where I was sitting. And there were just three lights up — up in the sky. And they were just so distinct it was almost like looking at a holographic light.
G: How close were they to each other?
S: Ba(sically) — they were — I don’t know exactly how close they were because they were a long way off actually from where I was . . .
G: I mean did it look like they were close to each other or really far?
S: Oh they were close together. They were in the form of a triangle.
G: Okay, so it might have been one craft maybe. If that’s what it was.
S: It — it’s possible. It’s possible but from the distance, if it — those were the same craft it would have been one big baby.
G: I’m yelling you. I’m getting reports from all over the country that there’s a huge one out there. And — and maybe more.
S: Yeah. (Or “YEAH”) Well you know the — the thing is I was just sitting there and I watched that for about two minutes and it just absolutely disappeared — didn’t move or anything. It just — it just turned off. It just winked out. And — but it was — what happened after that though is the most interesting of all, George.
G: What was that?
S: Well that — that’s wha(t) — what I’d like to do is make an appeal to the Colorado listeners. Because if anybody saw — I made a — I made a report for the MUFON people.
G: Okay.
S: And if anybody saw anything northwest of Golden on July 11th just before nine o’clock.
G: Alright. Also, have you called the National UFO Reporting Center?
S: No, I didn’t.
G: Okay, you’ve got to do that. As a matter of fact, Friday night Peter Davenport will be my guest for a couple hours. Make sure you’re listening to the first couple hours. Peter will be giving out his Web address. He’ll be giving out a phone number for you to call in case you want to report some information on UFOs. And you might be able to find out because we’ll try to take some calls for Peter as well — you might be able to find out if other people have reported this or at least find out what the process is, to see if anybody else sees things. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast To Coast.” Hello.
I: Hey, Mr. Noory, how . . .
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
I: This is Mitch in Las Vegas cruising down the strip in a limousine . . .
G: (laughs) Must be nice.
I: But I just want want to let you know I was a bartender at a club on the Vegas strip and that nightclub in supremely haunted.
G: Is it really?
I: It really is. It’s haunted so bad that we had a psychic come in to do a reading and I’ve got about an hour and a half of her on video just finding several different . . .
G: You’re kidding. Why would a nightclub be haunted? What happened there?
I: Well evidently there was a motel that was there before the nightclub was built on that spot.
G: Ah. Okay.
I: And there was a showgirl from back in the ’40s who evidently OD’d in a bathtub. And she liked the nightclub. She actually possessed girls’ bodies while they were on the dance floor to dance in their bodies I guess. From what the psychic said.
G: Unbelievable. Well okay, so you got her on video tape?
I: I’ve got the whole reading on video tape, yeah.
G: I don’t know.
I: I mean there’s some really crazy things that happened while we were in there.
G: I tell you what. When you get an opportunity, send us — send us a copy of this or a transcript or something like that. I’ve been to Vegas a couple times since I’ve been here in Los Angeles and I’ve not been to a place like that that’s been haunted. West of the Rockies, your turn. You’re on “Coast to Coast.” Thanks for that call, by the way, Mitch. Hi.
T: Hi. This is Thomas.
G: Hi Thomas. Where are you?
T: In Vegas, the wasteland of the lost wages.
G: Another one. Look out your window —
T: (small laugh)
G: — and see if you see the guy in the limo who just called.
T: No, I’m up on the north end.
G: Alright. (small laugh)
T: I understand Art’s coming back full time?
G: No no. Art’s coming back part-time. He’s going to pick up Saturday and Sunday nights.
T: Oh great because I actually warmed up to you. You’re doing a great job and I(‘d) hate to see you just disappear again.
G: Oh no. I signed a long-term and with him here it’s a — it’s a great team. And Barbara Simpson will still float in and out here to back us up. And it’s just — I’m excited about it.
T: Yeah. Well there’s — gosh, so many things to — to say but —
G: And so little time.
T: Yeah, did you hear about Joe Travis from Little A’Le’Inn? He passed away.
G: I didn’t know that.
T: He was on the news tonight and I’d like to just say a tribute and I knew him well.
G: How old was he?
T: Oh he’s in his ’60s, ’70s.
G: Ah, that’s sad.
T: Captain Joe. I — I — I know him personally and I — my big hugs to him and my condolences. And he’ll be missed.
G: What is it about all these stars that just keep dying away?
T: Yeah. He’s on Little A’Le’Inn, Area 51.
G: Yeah.
T: And he ran the Little A’Le’Inn and, you know, it was — it was nice. It was — it was — he’ll be missed.
G: He was — you know what? I — I get — yeah (or “YEAH”), I mean he’s got like his own little fan club.
T: Right.
G: An(d) that’s — that’s something. Oh well, another one.
T: Yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to give a tribute to him.
G: Okay.
T: Also, on — the way Art did the mind control or the mass conscious thought —
G: Art didn’t like doing that.
T: I know but he always thought he was a God. He’s not a God. He’s just a facilitator. He was just a guy. You could take somebody off the street and stand him on a podium and do the same thing. But when you do it, you should do it prior to every commercial in a brief sentence like “Concentrate on — ”
G: Um-huh.
T: ” — eliminating the tornado.” Or for Yellowstone: “Eliminate or have the magma cool off and shrink.”
G: Let me ask you something. Do you think you can do two of those at one time or do you have to concentrate on just one?
T: The power of the mind is unlimited.
G: Huh. That might be worth it — might be worth it. G(ive) — try to give Art a call this weekend. You know, maybe when he takes his —
T: Yeah.
G: — open line calls, (“SAY”) get his thoughts on that. I — because, you know, he and I differ on that one. And, you know, he — he doesn’t do it. I do. And I know I — I learned my lesson the hard way on one of them that I first did when we pleaded for rain and I got floods. And then I got blamed for it. First time caller line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
C: Hi, George.
G: Hey.
C: Southern California, KFI.
G: Yeah?
C: About a year ago you or Art had a fellow from, I believe, it was Washington who was going to shoot himself 60 miles straight up in the air?
G: I think that might have been one of Art’s interviews.
C: Do you have . . .
G: The rocket — was he ‘The Rocketman’?
C: The Rocketman, yeah.
G: I don’t know what happened to The Rocketman.
C: That’s what I was wondering.
G: Well —
C: Okay.
G: — we’ll check — we’ll check it out. We’ll find it. Lex, you check out The Rocketman and put it on the website, if you can. Or check with Art and find out what happened to The Rocketman because he was supposed to have done this and I don’t think he did because we would’ve heard about that one way or another if you get my drift. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
Q: Good evening, George.
G: Good evening.
Q: Hi, this is Mark in Canoga Park.
G: Hi there.
Q: And I was reading (“THE”) Charles Fort — kind of disturbing book “Lo!” with an exclamation mark and it reminded me to call you.
G: Okay. Why?
Q: Well (or “WELL”) his conclusion was about, of course, an “underlying oneness,” which is something you seem to have insight on.
G: I’ve got — I’ve got too many ones in my life.
Q: Right. Well the Underlying Oneness I think brings us the ones who teach us the right lessons, so to speak.
G: That is true. That is absolutely true.
Q: And I was wondering did you ever have a chance to go to the testament dot org website?
G: No.
Q: Because when (or “WHEN”) somebody like me who has these experiences — we were talking before about the objects manifesting around me. It’s really hard to communicate so — and, of course, I — it’s not a commercial website. It’s — it’s just journals and interviews —
G: Okay. Well I’ll tell you what. I promise you I will do that tomorrow. I won’t forget it. And I’ve written it down here and I’ll take a peek at it for you. Alright? I’ll do that. Let’s go to our east of the Rockies line. Welcome to “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
N: Hello?
G: Yes sir.
N: First of all, I got a little chuckle here when — just thinking about you being scared of the Ouija Board. I can’t help it. It just kind of chuckles me. I’m not afraid of the Ouija Board. I — I think it’s all, you know, whatever you want to make out of it.
G: By the way, you’re not a sir. You — you’ve just got a deep voice, right?
N: Right. But anyhow I want to tell you something that happened to me about a month ago.
G: Okay. And I’ve got about a minute and a half so go for it.
N: Okay, I’ll go fast.
G: Yeah.
N: It regards time travel. I was traveling. I left town. I had been visiting relatives and I left town right at about eight o’clock. And I wasn’t paying any attention. I had to go through three stop signs out — I took the back roads. I went through three stop signs in a little bitty town. I had to slow down to go through it. Then I got to the interstate and when I got to the interstate, then I set my cruise on 70-mile an hour. And by the time I — I looked down, it was right at about eight o’clock. Well it takes — it’s 65 miles is what it is. And when I got in to the town that I was coming to, I looked down at the clock in the car and it said 20 after. And I thought that can’t be right. So I looked at my watch and my watch said 20 after. I could not possibly at 70-mile an hour have traveled 60/65 miles in 20 minutes.
G: No. There is no way. Unless you got picked up by something and it plopped you down there. Or if you’re missing time somehow.
N: But when I think about it, I don’t remember anything.
G: Did you remember — you don’t even remember maybe seeing something approaching you maybe?
N: No.
G: Nothing.
N: I don’t remember anything. I don’t remember traveling. I don’t remember the road or anything. I just remember looking down when I came into town.
G: Was there anything between you and the town? Did you come across any other cars? Anything like that?
N: I don’t remember.
G: You’ve lost time.
N: I just don’t remember. I’ve not told anyone this because they probably think I’ve lost my mind.
G: Well no, you know what? A lot of people lose time when they drive but not that much. I have no idea what happened to you. No idea at all. Well that was our unscreened phone call experiment. Not bad. Maybe we’ll try that again during open line periods of the show. How about that? When we come right back, let’s check into some Sumerian texts and find out what all that means with ancient artifacts. I’m George Noory and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . Ohhoooo I’m going to make it right Tonight tonight tonight Ohhoooooooo . . .
(“Tonight, Tonight, Tonight” performed by Genesis)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So I finished transcribing this on October the 6th. I can tell that mentioning the website on “Coast to Coast AM” has resulted in hundreds if not a thousand or more listeners visiting the website. Of course, the show is available on the archive edition for those who pay a fee each month to hear them. I can remember a time when they were free. Anyway, the website is averaging over 200 visits a day. In the last 12 months, the average per month has been between 5,500 and 6,000 visits — most of them repeat visits. From all around the world, usually over 50 countries are represented each month on the . . . [defunct] stats/page. I haven’t been recording many thoughts during this time.
G: From the city of angels off the Pacific Ocean, good morning, good evening wherever you may be across the nation, around the world. I’m George Noory. This is “Coast to Coast AM.” Lots to talk about tonight and we’ve got to slow down a hurricane. Even though it’s slowly been slowing down, it’s still too big, as far as I’m concerned. Going to try unscreened open line calls this hour. Wish me luck. Next hour, ancient Sumerian artifacts. That subject with researcher Jason Martell. That’ll be at the top of the hour next hour, of course. So a lot of “Coast to Coast” Streamlink members and Fantastic Forum members have been suggesting: “George, why don’t you try some unscreened calls? Go with it.” So that’s what we will do. They will be answered but they will be unscreened. So that’s what we’ll give it a try. Let’s go into some of the news of the day very quickly, if we can. Hurricane Isabel is expected to begin lashing the coasts of North Carolina and Virginia with tropical storm-force winds by midnight Wednesday their time, which is probably right about now so be careful. Forecasters say hurricane-force winds will be felt by the coast by daybreak Thursday, hours ahead of Isabel’s expected midday landfall near Cape Lookout on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Forecasters say inland cities like Richmond, Virginia and Washington could experience hurricane-strength winds as Isabel moves ashore. Now it started off a few days ago as a category 5. This was a big one. It is now down to a category 2 but a category 2 hurricane can still bring lots of damage and lots of deaths so let’s try it again. We’ve been doing it for a couple days and just use whatever power you have in your mind, collectively, to push this thing away from the coasts of the United States. Just push it away and think about it. Think about it. (“NO”) Anything else right about now. And let’s just see what happens by morning, okay? There was a picture that the NASA had sent out (“A — A — AA”) — unbelievable picture of the eye of this hurricane. And to some it looked like a pentagram. And as a matter of fact it does look like five stars point right there, just by looking at it. It’s weird. But some believe that that means that Isabel is a satanic storm, quite frankly, because they claim that this has to do with — with Satan: a pentagram. So I did a little checking on what a pentagram means and let me read this to you. It says: “The pentagram was considered by the ancient Greeks and medieval astrologers to have supernatural properties and to be a protective symbol. Often in the past, people would mark their doors with pentagrams to ward off evil witchcraft and spirits.” So I don’t know how this got turned around where now a pentagram is part of the Devil but that’s what some people believe. Well today was the deadline where a major earthquake was supposed to hit in Tokyo according to a Japanese researcher. He had all these things figured out and he said this is going to be a category Richter 7, a big one. People in Japan were all upset. It has not happened. However (small laugh) — however, in Japan, a small radioactive leak occurred at a nuclear power plant in central Japan. Company officials say, “No danger to humans or the environment. Everything is okay.” The leak from a funnel in the reactor’s waste processing system was discovered during regular inspections when warning alarms alerted workers there. Hmm. President Bush, by the way, says there’s no evidence, none that Saddam Hussein was involved in the terrorist attacks of 9-11. Disputing an impression—we all had that impression—that critics say the administration tried to foster — to justify the war against Iraq. Part of that, of course. The other and — and the predominant reason was that there were weapons of mass destruction out there. Now former U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Hanz Blix believes that Iraq destroyed most of its weapons of mass destruction ten years ago but apparently kept up the appearance that it had them to deter a military attack. In an interview with an Australian radio station, Blix says it was unlikely that the U.S. and British teams now searching for the weapons in Iraq will find more than anything other than documents of interest. “I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, as they maintained, destroyed all almost of what they had in the summer of 1991.” Last night we had a story about a UPS plane that was headed from Los Angeles to Louisville, Kentucky. It made a stop at the Phoenix Airport. They thought there was a bomb aboard. Well apparently that turned out to be a hoax, a prank caller. Nothing in there except bottled water, fabric softener and cabbage. Not a very funny joke. A drunk driver claimed spiritual immunity when he was pulled over in Holland. He pretended to be the Pope. I kid you not. The motorist told police he was Pope John Paul II. He refused to get out of his car. He turned his music up when they stopped him on the road. The officer said that they could tell immediately he was not the pontiff as this man —
S: “Coast.” Hold on.
G: — was inebriated. He was in his 50s and although the 83-year-old Pope speaks Dutch, he is known to do so with a very strong Polish accent. The motorist’s son, who was in the passenger seat, managed to diffuse the entire situation and persuaded the bogus pontiff to get out of the car and face his earthly justice. Police confiscated the man’s license after he failed a blo(od) — a breath test. Jeffrey Lee Parson, 18 years old, a teenager suspected of creating a variant of the destructive Blaster worm appeared in a Seattle court to face one count of causing damage to a computer. The senior from Hopkins, Minnesota pleaded not guilty — not guilty to the charge of intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to a computer. He faces ten years in prison, a quarter of a million dollar fine if convicted. Blaster and its variants are self-replicating Internet worms that bore through the Windows security hole, harnessing computers to launch concerted data attacks via the Internet. Some of us probably got blasted by that. Parson, flanked by two public defenders, appeared in a gray T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. He has been banned from using the Internet, surfing the Worldwide Web or using messaging services during his trial. Well get ready. Big Brother is about ready to pounce on us because a consortium of retailers and consumer goods companies plan to unveil now the replacement for the bar code next week. It’s here. And we’ve been talking about it for several months. They’re here. The upgrade will use a controversial radio technology that critics say will significantly expand the powers of retailers to track the whereabouts of their goods and the people who buy them. In addition, the group will demonstrate radio frequency identification tags that can be embedded in product labels. Protestors from consumer groups and privacy advocates plan demonstrations where they will be meeting and unveiling this replacement for the barcode. They are talking about ways how they can protect consumers but nothing definitive has been drawn up on that yet. After eight years orbiting Jupiter, NASA’s Galileo space probe will end its long mission—this will be on Sunday now—by plunging through the Jovian cloud tops, smashing into the giant planet, collecting data as it goes. Low propellent. Six years past its original end date, Galileo has set a collision course with Jupiter to eliminate any unwanted crash into the Jovian moon Europa. The small robotic craft was supposed to be launched in 1986 on a space shuttle following the January flight of shuttle Challenger but when Challenger exploded seconds after liftoff, Galileo’s trip was postponed until 1989. The spacecraft will reach the outermost layers of Jupiter’s atmosphere, which of course is very dense. There’ll be a lot of friction. It will begin to burn, crush and disintegrate and then it will simply vaporize and become part of Jupiter. On my website, what a story. A giant star caught swallowing three planets. We’ve got this on pictures. Take a look at this thing. I mean it’s almost as if this giant star is alive because it opens up. You can see a mouth open up in the star as it gobbles up these planets. Incredible. Absolutely incredible pictures. NASA, by the way, may replace its troubled fleet of space shuttles with a new generation of Apollo-type space capsules. That’s right. They’re thinking of going back to the old days, where they get them up there in space and then they come down and splash in the ocean, just like the old days. And the United States plans to push a U.N. resolution expected to call for a ban on all forms of cloning, a stance likely to be opposed by nations favoring a more limited restrictions. That battle will go on for years. Scientists have created blobs of electricity-charged gas now that behave as if they are alive. Listen to this story. The plasma cells grow, replicate and communicate, fulfilling most of the biological requirements for life. Without inherited materials such as DNA, they cannot be described as truly alive but the gas spheres they say challenge previous notions about how life began on Earth. Most experts think that living cells arose out of a very complex and lengthy evolution of chemicals that took millions of years. But now researchers in Romania investigating these gas blobs produced as cells say that it could have been only microseconds. Now that’s incredible, isn’t it? In Spain, scientists are trying to find out what caused two enormous squids, one of them 40 feet, to wash up dead on Spain’s northern coast. They say it is not a natural death though we have no idea what is wrong. Also on my website, a little bit later on down under hot stories, take a look at the picture — just a still picture of the lost footage of John Lennon and Mick Jagger together. If you’re into old history and old music, take a look at this. Uncovered by documentary makers showing him clowning around with Mick Jagger, the film was discovered in the archives of an Austrian broadcasting corporation by a team of documentary makers. The footage clips, which are to be screened by a BBC program, show Lennon just laughing and playing around. But we’ve got a still there of Lennon and Mick Jagger. It’s kind of neat to look at. And lastly four businessmen — four businessmen fled their car, leaving it blocking a busy road during the height of morning rush hour after a snake suddenly poked its head out of the ventilation shaft. This all happened in Europe. They’d been driving a car in the middle of town when all this happened. “I was chatting to my colleagues about a meeting we were planning when suddenly I saw this viper looking at me from the ventilation shaft. I was so scared I let go of the steering wheel. I was lucky I didn’t crash. Slammed on the breaks. We all ran out. Police showed up. Once they found out what was wrong, they didn’t want to get near the car. The tow truck showed up. It refused to get near the car. In the end, fire department showed up. They burned some of the carpet in the car. The snake slithered out and then they got it.” And that was the end of the snake. Okay, open lines. West of the Rockies, here’s the phone number for you, unscreened tonight, (gives number); east of the Rockies (gives number); first time caller (gives number); wild card line is (gives number). This hour open lines on “Coast to Coast AM.” (commercials and public service announcement) Welcome back to “Coast to Coast.” We’ll go to open line calls in a second. Let me read you this Email. “When I was 18 years old, George, working at a pizza parlor in Wisconsin, the crew all had stories and they called this place the haunted pizza parlor. I never paid any real attention to their stories. Well one night I was washing dishes. An assistant manager, this girl — this guy, by the way, writes as a guy — wanted to pick on me that night. She started calling me names like ‘Hey stupid’ among other things. As I remember, I was doing my job and trying to ignore her. Well her voice carried on and on and the crew couldn’t believe why she was verbally attacking me when I did nothing wrong. I still tried not to pay any attention to her and continued washing dishes. And then she kept on and on and on. And above me on the third shelf out of the reach — several metal kettles up there. One started to shake, vibrate by itself. All three employees noticed the noise of the shaking kettle and they looked directly at it, as I did. The assistant manager was walking away. She didn’t notice the kettle was shaking over her yelling. And as we watched the kettle, it flew off the shelf, hit the ground by my feet, bounced sideways 15 feet, smacked the assistant manager in the back of her legs and really hard as though someone threw it at her. She turned and said to me, ‘You’re fired.’ Every employee said, ‘Hey wait a minute. We saw it shake and fly off the shelf. It hit the ground, flew off 15 feet sideways and then it hit you.’ They said, ‘Scott’ — that’s his name — ‘did not touch it at all.’ (It) would have been wet from the dishwater had I tossed it at her and, besides, it was out of my reach. I think the ghost was upset she was picking on me. I was not fired as the other employees stuck to their stories.” How about that? It’s a neat story. Well if you want to Email me, it’s or if you’re already on the website just pop over to “Contact,” which is on the left hand side of the screen. Okay, unscreened calls. Let’s pick it up and go to our first wild card line. Welcome to “Coast to Coast.” Hi, there.
M: Hi. This is Michael Sokoloff. I’m calling in response to what you mentioned of the pentagram being satanic. Well I happen to have a girlfriend who is Wiccan and who told me that I — she explained to me the meaning of why the pentagram is sometimes associated incorrectly with Satanism. Basically, it’s quite simple. The Satanic pentagram is the one that’s upside down. That’s all there is to it.
G: Ahhh. So the — the normal pentagram, the one that they say is tied into — into goodness is — is the other way.
M: Yes. Exactly. So —
G: Okay.
M: — so the pentagram of goodness has the vortex pointing up and the satanic one has it pointing down.
G: Great. Well that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for that call. First time caller line, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi, there.
R: Yeah so, Mr. Noory, I got on the wrong line but I’ve been listening to Art and you for — and Barbara for quite some time now.
G: Well thanks.
R: I’m Gary from Rapid City, South Dakota and the station is newstalk KOTA 1380 in Rapid City, South Dakota.
G: Well welcome. How long you lived out that way?
R: Oh for quite some time and I’m a state legislative candidate and I did some phone calling pertaining to the Yellowstone — well the . . .
G: The possibility of some volcano action there, huh?
R: Yeah, of the — of that activity going on. And I talked with South Dakota emergency management people in Pierce, South Dakota and they were unaware of the situation.
G: They were unaware of what was happening there?
R: Yeah — or in Yellowstone.
G: That’s scary.
R: Yes and they — but they — but some of them said they would volun — they would volunteer and monitor the — (“IT”) through the — online anyhow.
G: Well I — I tell you what, if you keep pushing that, you just might get elected down there. Because I’m telling you this is a major story in that area. And, of course, you heard my guest last night, Dr. Bruce Cornet, who has backed up what Larry Park had said a few weeks ago. Yellowstone is heating up. It’s cooking in some areas 200 degrees. A lot of the area is cordoned off. You can’t get to it. No matter what they might tell you, try taking your family through there. You can’t get to some areas there anymore. And, as he said, if he had a family, he’d start making a very friendly evacuation plan just to be on the safe side. East of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
U: How are you doing, George?
G: Doing fine, thanks.
U: Okay. Something happened to me about two years ago and I want to, you know, talk about it. It’s been bothering me.
G: Well what happened?
U: Okay, I was in the army. And I was at Fort Bragg. North Carolina. And I ha(d) — and my wife — I had just married, you know, and we were pregnant. And she lived in Memphis, Tennessee. So I drove from Fort Bragg to Memphis, Tennessee but I had to — I was trying to get to Memphis Tennessee but as I was going through the mountains my windshield got foggy. And I went off the road. I went down about 500 feet into a ravine.
G: Five hundred feet?
U: That’s right. About 500 feet in a ravine. And I couldn’t get out the door and I passed out. And then —
G: Now what was the — I’ve got to ask you this — what was the slope of this ravine? I mean did your car like kind of roll down it or were you tumbling all over the place?
U: I was just tumbling all over the place.
G: Man, you’re lucky that car didn’t blow up.
U: Yeah, you’re right. You know, I’m — I’m very lucky. But this is what happened. I couldn’t get my door open and then all of a sudden I passed out. The next thing I know, the door had been pulled open and I was on the back — something grabbed me and it was about seven-foot-tall. It put me on its shoulder and carried me. Now I have to say that thing stinked so bad that I didn’t know what to do but it carried me all the way up the ravine to the highway and set me on the highway. And I looked at it.
G: What did it look like?
U: He was hairy. Small ears. Medium-sized eyes. A nose.
G: Did he look like a —
U: You know, he was hairy all over. And they were saying sounds like ‘Eeeeeaa’ — you know, things like that.
G: Did he look more human or more apelike?
U: It looked more human.
G: And — and what did it do? It just left you there?
U: It left me there.
G: I think you might have seen Bigfoot. Really. A good one — a nice one. I’m George Noory. “Open Lines” continue. And then at the top of the hour next hour Jason Martell, my guest. We’re going to talk about Sumerian text. He’s a believer in Planet X. We’ll find out if he was a believer in the old Planet X or the one that still might be out there. Don’t go away. (bumper music is “Bur Said” performed by Cusco followed by news and commercials)
Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain And ironing out the rough spots Is the hardest part when memories remain And it’s times like these when we all need to hear the radio ‘Cause from the lips of some old singer People share the troubles we already know Turn ’em on . . .
(“Sad Songs” performed by Elton John)
R: To talk with George Noory, call the wild card line at area code (gives number), the first-time caller line is area code (gives number). To talk with George Noory toll-free from east of the Rockies, call (gives number); west of the Rockies, toll-free (gives number). International callers may reach George Noory by calling the AT&T international operator and dialing toll-free (gives number). From coast to coast and worldwide on the Internet, this is “Coast to Coast AM” with George Noory.
G: Top of the hour, my guest will be Jason Martell. He’s preparing to conduct several groundbreaking international research expeditions. His main goal is to gain firsthand access to ancient Sumerian artifacts and other archaeological relics not currently accessible to the public. He has been doing a lot of work on this. I mean a lot. If you have an opportunity to check his website link-up on, do it. It is a fantastic website. After Dark Newsletter October issue will be sent out to subscribers very shortly. Take advantage of it. They’ll start working on November very shortly and the big story there will be a lengthy article that Lex has conducted with David Icke, who will be my guest also sometime in November. How would you like 14 issues for the price of 12? You can do that. Call this number. (gives number) That’s (gives number) or go online at
G: . . . Gold. I’ll tell you what. (“I[T]”) It’s a place to go for gold. I mailed a dear friend of mine—my buddy in St. Louis. His name’s Ron. He trains police departments—a little gift today. It was a — a silver dollar and it was worth five bucks, something like that. But it’s wrapped up and it’s never been touched by a human hand before. So I sent it to him as a gift. He Emails me today. He got it today and he Emails me and says, “I prefer gold, George.” Now how about that? It’s a gift and he says, “I prefer gold.” So I guess more people prefer gold too, right? Gold to protect and grow savings and retirement accounts. Lear Financial manages gold investments and they told me that experts are predicting gold to go to $450, $550 an ounce. Maybe even $850 an ounce. So find out why more people continue to turn to gold to protect those savings and retirement accounts. Lear Financial would like you to take advantage of a free gold investors kit. It’s worth $29. It’s an audio tape seminar. It’s a brochure. Great reading material and listening material about gold investing. And then if you decide to take the plunge, do it with Lear Financial and you’ll never regret it. Here’s the phone number to get the free kit: (gives number). That’s (gives number). I should have sent my friend the free kit instead of the silver coin, to tell you the truth. (gives number) Now I want all of you to continue to concentrate, by the way, on Hurricane Isabel. Use that God-given Force that you have and do what you can. It’s a category 2. It started off days ago as a category 5. Had it hit as a category 5, I can’t e(ven) — I — I — I can’t even think of the damage it would have created but a 2 is still a pretty powerful hurricane, okay? Because in 1999 Hurricane Floyd did the same thing at a category 2 and it caused $46 billion in damage. And more importantly a number of deaths: 56 deaths, if I recall. So try to concentrate on this hurricane. Try to think of pushing it away. Pushing it away. And as you push it away, slow it down in your mind. And maybe we’ll see what happens. You know, when — when we wake up in the morning, maybe it’ll hit the coast as a 1. Maybe it’ll hit the coast as a tropical storm. Maybe it’ll be pushed so far away, it won’t hit at all. But I tell you what, nothing else is working so you might as well try that. Let’s go the phones. Wild card line, you are on “Coast to Coast.” It is your turn. Hi there.
J: Hey, George. It’s Jeff.
G: Hey, Jeff, how are you?
J: How’s it going?
G: Good.
J: First off, did you have this — this Art Bell return planned all along?
G: Did I have this planned all along?
J: Or did you guys have it planned all —
G: No. No. No. Let me — let me tell you. Art — Art misses “Coast to Coast.” When he retired in January, Jeff, his back was so sore there were days — there were days that he couldn’t stand. There were days he couldn’t lay down. He couldn’t do anything. And I got to tell you, standing and sitting for four or five hours at a shot pays its price on you after a while.
J: Yeah.
G: I mean sometimes even I can feel it. So what had happened is, is because — Art was done. He did make a promise to me that he’d fill in for me whenever I took a few days off and he did that. But, you know, he has — he has been doing a lot of exercising. He’s feeling good and — and most if not all of the back pain that he experienced when he was doing a full time “Coast to Coast” program went away. And because of that there was one thing missing in Art’s life. And that was he still wanted to have fun with “Coast to Coast.” And so things worked out to the point where he said, “You know what? I’d love to give this a chance and — and — and I want to do this.” And, you know, we welcomed this with open arms. And, like I said last night, it’s like having Babe Ruth come back to your team. It’s the — it’s — it is —
J: I also have a Ouija Board story.
G: About Art?
J: No.
G: Okay.
J: Oh no.
G: But it’s a great story. So — so no, it was not planned. He wanted to come back. You — and — and he’s back and he starts this Saturday.
J: Alright. Well here’s my Ouija Board story.
G: Okay.
J: It was last Halloween. Me and a few friends got together for — for fun, seeing if we can try to contact Osama bin Laden.
G: Why would you want to contact him?
J: It’ll get — it’ll get — get clearer as the time — as I . . .
G: Thinking maybe he was dead?
J: Yeah.
G: Alright.
J: We wanted to find out if he was dead.
G: Okay.
J: And a spirit allegedly claiming to be him contacted us through the Ouija Board.
G: Uh-huh?
J: So we asked him the obvious question: was he responsible for 9-11? Yes and no. He was — they were the foot soldiers that carried it out.
G: Huh?
J: And we asked who was behind — the brains? The — the words that came up was M — A — B — U — S.
G: Mabus.
J: Yeah.
G: Well how did you interpret that? Turn that around — was that ‘Sadum.’
J: No. We — we don’t know how to do that.
G: It’s like Nostradamus all over again.
J: Yeah. Well it was a . . .
G: I — I’ve got to tell you though, Jeff. You’ve got to be careful playing around with that Ouija Board. You really do. Got to run. I’ll take another call. Let’s go to west of the Rockies, you are on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
E: Good evening, George. Good to talk to you again.
G: Thanks.
E: This is Joe in Placentia, California.
G: Hi there.
E: I’ve got two questions from your show last night. One — about Yellowstone; how about Northern California? Is that caldera up there any way related? It — do you know anything . . .
G: I don’t think it’s related but they really don’t know because I — I don’ t know if, you know with — with magma and the way it flows underground —
E: Right.
G: — if we’ve got like tributaries like a river does. Where it kind of spreads out all over the place. I don’t know if they’re all connected or not.
E: Yeah, I was kind of wondering.
G: If — you know, because if they are, you know this could be a — a major league disaster if anything happens. Now my guest last night though did tell us he didn’t think a big one would occur. (“THE”) He thought if anything it would be more like a Mt. St Helens-type blast. I hope he’s right because the other guest that I had a few weeks ago thought that if it did happen it could be just a horrible catastrophe.
E: Yeah, that wouldn’t be good at all.
G: Yeah.
E: And another thing: what station can I listen to Art Bell on? On the weekends, of course. I’m here in the L.A. area and I know KFI doesn’t carry . . .
G: Well they very well may pick up Art. As — as a matter of fact, I would — I would bet my paycheck —
E: Ohhh.
G: — that — of course, I won’t lose too much — but I would. I’d bet my paycheck that they’ll be picking him up. Probably even this weekend.
E: Thank you very much. Have a good night.
G: Okay. You’re welcome. I haven’t heard that definitively but I’m pretty sure that’s going to happen. First time caller, welcome to “Coast to Coast.” You are on the air. Hi there.
S: Good evening, George.
G: Yes sir. Where are you calling from?
S: I’m Steve in Orvada, Colorado.
G: Uh-huh.
S: And I was just on 630 AM in Denver.
G: You sure are.
S: Yeah. And it’s a nice station.
S: Glad to hear you. Yeah, KHOW. Yeah, I had a — I had a — a sighting back in July. I’ve been trying to call you and tell you a little bit about it . . .
G: Since July. Now it’s gone away. Darn it. I wish you would have gotten through. What did it look like?
S: (small laugh) Every night that you had the special guests on talking about these subjects and stuff. And, you know — and they were going deeper into it. I kept trying to call on those nights so I could tell the story.
G: You know, we’ve even added more lines and still they all get jammed up.
S: Well I — I do(n’t) — I’m not surprised . . . (small laugh)
G: I hate to see the phone bill here. But, anyways, tell me about it.
S: But I — I just want to tell you part of it. (“NO”) And I’ll tell you why —
G: Alright. Give it — why don’t you give us the highlights.
S: Yeah. Well basically I — I was at work and I work at the Coors Brewery. And I was on break on the north side of the building. And I was just — it was about ten minutes to nine. And I was looking northwest from — from where I was sitting. And there were just three lights up — up in the sky. And they were just so distinct it was almost like looking at a holographic light.
G: How close were they to each other?
S: Ba(sically) — they were — I don’t know exactly how close they were because they were a long way off actually from where I was . . .
G: I mean did it look like they were close to each other or really far?
S: Oh they were close together. They were in the form of a triangle.
G: Okay, so it might have been one craft maybe. If that’s what it was.
S: It — it’s possible. It’s possible but from the distance, if it — those were the same craft it would have been one big baby.
G: I’m yelling you. I’m getting reports from all over the country that there’s a huge one out there. And — and maybe more.
S: Yeah. (Or “YEAH”) Well you know the — the thing is I was just sitting there and I watched that for about two minutes and it just absolutely disappeared — didn’t move or anything. It just — it just turned off. It just winked out. And — but it was — what happened after that though is the most interesting of all, George.
G: What was that?
S: Well that — that’s wha(t) — what I’d like to do is make an appeal to the Colorado listeners. Because if anybody saw — I made a — I made a report for the MUFON people.
G: Okay.
S: And if anybody saw anything northwest of Golden on July 11th just before nine o’clock.
G: Alright. Also, have you called the National UFO Reporting Center?
S: No, I didn’t.
G: Okay, you’ve got to do that. As a matter of fact, Friday night Peter Davenport will be my guest for a couple hours. Make sure you’re listening to the first couple hours. Peter will be giving out his Web address. He’ll be giving out a phone number for you to call in case you want to report some information on UFOs. And you might be able to find out because we’ll try to take some calls for Peter as well — you might be able to find out if other people have reported this or at least find out what the process is, to see if anybody else sees things. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast To Coast.” Hello.
I: Hey, Mr. Noory, how . . .
G: I’m doing well. Thanks.
I: This is Mitch in Las Vegas cruising down the strip in a limousine . . .
G: (laughs) Must be nice.
I: But I just want want to let you know I was a bartender at a club on the Vegas strip and that nightclub in supremely haunted.
G: Is it really?
I: It really is. It’s haunted so bad that we had a psychic come in to do a reading and I’ve got about an hour and a half of her on video just finding several different . . .
G: You’re kidding. Why would a nightclub be haunted? What happened there?
I: Well evidently there was a motel that was there before the nightclub was built on that spot.
G: Ah. Okay.
I: And there was a showgirl from back in the ’40s who evidently OD’d in a bathtub. And she liked the nightclub. She actually possessed girls’ bodies while they were on the dance floor to dance in their bodies I guess. From what the psychic said.
G: Unbelievable. Well okay, so you got her on video tape?
I: I’ve got the whole reading on video tape, yeah.
G: I don’t know.
I: I mean there’s some really crazy things that happened while we were in there.
G: I tell you what. When you get an opportunity, send us — send us a copy of this or a transcript or something like that. I’ve been to Vegas a couple times since I’ve been here in Los Angeles and I’ve not been to a place like that that’s been haunted. West of the Rockies, your turn. You’re on “Coast to Coast.” Thanks for that call, by the way, Mitch. Hi.
T: Hi. This is Thomas.
G: Hi Thomas. Where are you?
T: In Vegas, the wasteland of the lost wages.
G: Another one. Look out your window —
T: (small laugh)
G: — and see if you see the guy in the limo who just called.
T: No, I’m up on the north end.
G: Alright. (small laugh)
T: I understand Art’s coming back full time?
G: No no. Art’s coming back part-time. He’s going to pick up Saturday and Sunday nights.
T: Oh great because I actually warmed up to you. You’re doing a great job and I(‘d) hate to see you just disappear again.
G: Oh no. I signed a long-term and with him here it’s a — it’s a great team. And Barbara Simpson will still float in and out here to back us up. And it’s just — I’m excited about it.
T: Yeah. Well there’s — gosh, so many things to — to say but —
G: And so little time.
T: Yeah, did you hear about Joe Travis from Little A’Le’Inn? He passed away.
G: I didn’t know that.
T: He was on the news tonight and I’d like to just say a tribute and I knew him well.
G: How old was he?
T: Oh he’s in his ’60s, ’70s.
G: Ah, that’s sad.
T: Captain Joe. I — I — I know him personally and I — my big hugs to him and my condolences. And he’ll be missed.
G: What is it about all these stars that just keep dying away?
T: Yeah. He’s on Little A’Le’Inn, Area 51.
G: Yeah.
T: And he ran the Little A’Le’Inn and, you know, it was — it was nice. It was — it was — he’ll be missed.
G: He was — you know what? I — I get — yeah (or “YEAH”), I mean he’s got like his own little fan club.
T: Right.
G: An(d) that’s — that’s something. Oh well, another one.
T: Yeah. Anyway, I just wanted to give a tribute to him.
G: Okay.
T: Also, on — the way Art did the mind control or the mass conscious thought —
G: Art didn’t like doing that.
T: I know but he always thought he was a God. He’s not a God. He’s just a facilitator. He was just a guy. You could take somebody off the street and stand him on a podium and do the same thing. But when you do it, you should do it prior to every commercial in a brief sentence like “Concentrate on — ”
G: Um-huh.
T: ” — eliminating the tornado.” Or for Yellowstone: “Eliminate or have the magma cool off and shrink.”
G: Let me ask you something. Do you think you can do two of those at one time or do you have to concentrate on just one?
T: The power of the mind is unlimited.
G: Huh. That might be worth it — might be worth it. G(ive) — try to give Art a call this weekend. You know, maybe when he takes his —
T: Yeah.
G: — open line calls, (“SAY”) get his thoughts on that. I — because, you know, he and I differ on that one. And, you know, he — he doesn’t do it. I do. And I know I — I learned my lesson the hard way on one of them that I first did when we pleaded for rain and I got floods. And then I got blamed for it. First time caller line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
C: Hi, George.
G: Hey.
C: Southern California, KFI.
G: Yeah?
C: About a year ago you or Art had a fellow from, I believe, it was Washington who was going to shoot himself 60 miles straight up in the air?
G: I think that might have been one of Art’s interviews.
C: Do you have . . .
G: The rocket — was he ‘The Rocketman’?
C: The Rocketman, yeah.
G: I don’t know what happened to The Rocketman.
C: That’s what I was wondering.
G: Well —
C: Okay.
G: — we’ll check — we’ll check it out. We’ll find it. Lex, you check out The Rocketman and put it on the website, if you can. Or check with Art and find out what happened to The Rocketman because he was supposed to have done this and I don’t think he did because we would’ve heard about that one way or another if you get my drift. Wild card line, you’re on “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
Q: Good evening, George.
G: Good evening.
Q: Hi, this is Mark in Canoga Park.
G: Hi there.
Q: And I was reading (“THE”) Charles Fort — kind of disturbing book “Lo!” with an exclamation mark and it reminded me to call you.
G: Okay. Why?
Q: Well (or “WELL”) his conclusion was about, of course, an “underlying oneness,” which is something you seem to have insight on.
G: I’ve got — I’ve got too many ones in my life.
Q: Right. Well the Underlying Oneness I think brings us the ones who teach us the right lessons, so to speak.
G: That is true. That is absolutely true.
Q: And I was wondering did you ever have a chance to go to the testament dot org website?
G: No.
Q: Because when (or “WHEN”) somebody like me who has these experiences — we were talking before about the objects manifesting around me. It’s really hard to communicate so — and, of course, I — it’s not a commercial website. It’s — it’s just journals and interviews —
G: Okay. Well I’ll tell you what. I promise you I will do that tomorrow. I won’t forget it. And I’ve written it down here and I’ll take a peek at it for you. Alright? I’ll do that. Let’s go to our east of the Rockies line. Welcome to “Coast to Coast.” Hi there.
N: Hello?
G: Yes sir.
N: First of all, I got a little chuckle here when — just thinking about you being scared of the Ouija Board. I can’t help it. It just kind of chuckles me. I’m not afraid of the Ouija Board. I — I think it’s all, you know, whatever you want to make out of it.
G: By the way, you’re not a sir. You — you’ve just got a deep voice, right?
N: Right. But anyhow I want to tell you something that happened to me about a month ago.
G: Okay. And I’ve got about a minute and a half so go for it.
N: Okay, I’ll go fast.
G: Yeah.
N: It regards time travel. I was traveling. I left town. I had been visiting relatives and I left town right at about eight o’clock. And I wasn’t paying any attention. I had to go through three stop signs out — I took the back roads. I went through three stop signs in a little bitty town. I had to slow down to go through it. Then I got to the interstate and when I got to the interstate, then I set my cruise on 70-mile an hour. And by the time I — I looked down, it was right at about eight o’clock. Well it takes — it’s 65 miles is what it is. And when I got in to the town that I was coming to, I looked down at the clock in the car and it said 20 after. And I thought that can’t be right. So I looked at my watch and my watch said 20 after. I could not possibly at 70-mile an hour have traveled 60/65 miles in 20 minutes.
G: No. There is no way. Unless you got picked up by something and it plopped you down there. Or if you’re missing time somehow.
N: But when I think about it, I don’t remember anything.
G: Did you remember — you don’t even remember maybe seeing something approaching you maybe?
N: No.
G: Nothing.
N: I don’t remember anything. I don’t remember traveling. I don’t remember the road or anything. I just remember looking down when I came into town.
G: Was there anything between you and the town? Did you come across any other cars? Anything like that?
N: I don’t remember.
G: You’ve lost time.
N: I just don’t remember. I’ve not told anyone this because they probably think I’ve lost my mind.
G: Well no, you know what? A lot of people lose time when they drive but not that much. I have no idea what happened to you. No idea at all. Well that was our unscreened phone call experiment. Not bad. Maybe we’ll try that again during open line periods of the show. How about that? When we come right back, let’s check into some Sumerian texts and find out what all that means with ancient artifacts. I’m George Noory and this is “Coast to Coast AM.”
. . . Ohhoooo I’m going to make it right Tonight tonight tonight Ohhoooooooo . . .
(“Tonight, Tonight, Tonight” performed by Genesis)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So I finished transcribing this on October the 6th. I can tell that mentioning the website on “Coast to Coast AM” has resulted in hundreds if not a thousand or more listeners visiting the website. Of course, the show is available on the archive edition for those who pay a fee each month to hear them. I can remember a time when they were free. Anyway, the website is averaging over 200 visits a day. In the last 12 months, the average per month has been between 5,500 and 6,000 visits — most of them repeat visits. From all around the world, usually over 50 countries are represented each month on the . . . [defunct] stats/page. I haven’t been recording many thoughts during this time.