Q: Mark Russell Bell
A: Art Bell, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
R: Ross Mitchell, “Coast to Coast AM” taped annpouncement
T: Theresa, caller from Hamilton, Ontario
U: unidentified caller
C: unidentified caller
W: Walter, caller from Mount Rainier
N: unidentified caller
K: Ky Michaelson, guest on “Coast to Coast AM”
H: Chris, caller
E: Ellen Russell
G: George Noory, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
I: unidentified caller
B: Barbara Simpson, host of “Coast to Coast AM”
J: Joshua Warren, guest on “Coast to Coast AM”
D: Adam, caller from Joplin
(X): unattributed sounds
A: (cont’d from previous tape side) vacations for civil defense employees until further notice. Newspaper said the move is part of a heightened (X) preparation for an Iraqi attack. (X) The Kuwaiti (X) Cabinet was (X) presented with what was des(X)cribed (X) as an emergency plan (X) to counter an Iraqi military strike (X) on the sheikdom (X) over the next year. Kuwaiti officials (X) said the plan warns the sheikdom can expect (X) to be the first (X) target (X) of an Iraqi attack either (X) prior to or (X) during any U.S. mili(X)tary campaign to topple the regime (X) of President Saddam Hussein. (X) The Kuwaiti plan (X) called the Iraqi military buildup near the Kuwaiti border (X) a plan discussed on Sunday by the Cabinet is meant to (X) respond to both (X) internal and external threats from the Saddam regime. (X) So we’ve rattled (X) our swords and now they’re saying, “Well let’s (X) come (X) and have the (X) chief arms ins(X)pector come back and talk (X) about (X) having all of his troops come back and ins(X)pect our stuff.” (X) Fat chance. (small laugh or X X X) (X) More in a (X) mo(ment) — and there is so much more. (commercials) There was an occurrence while I was away that not enough attention was paid to and (X) it happened (X) in the skies over our capital in Washington — (X) Maryland. (X) What was that bright light (X) in Maryland — in Maryland sky? The Air National Guard (X) in the story confirms the 113th Squadron scrambled (X) over Maryland. (X X X) WTOP—that’s Washing(X)ton—has learned (X) that residents near Andrews Air Force Base were shaken from their beds early Friday morning by some very strange activity in the air. That would be a week ago, right? “Incredible. Absolutely incredible,” said Renny Rogers of Waldorf. Just before two in the morning, (X) Rogers said he saw a huge blue ball of light streaking across the sky. (X) But it was military jets that really (X) startled him. In other words, a (X) pair of (X) F-16s got on its (X) tail, right behind it. And he’s not the only one who saw it. Several (X) people called W(X)TOP radio re(X)porting seeing a bright (X) blue or orange ball moving very fast, being chased (X) by jets. (X) By the way, Rogers said there was no smoke (X) coming from the object. (X) No flashing (X) lights. (He) said that it was smooth and eerily silent. (X) And the Air National Guard confirms they scrambled the 113th Squadron. (X) They’re investigating and they’re in contact with NORAD. (X) And it was said that this object (X) left (X) the F-16s (X) in the dust. (X) And, again, they do have — military officials (X) do acknowledge (X) that the F-16s (X) went after quote “A track (X) of interest” (X) end(X)quote plotted on radar. But they said everything was fine and they went home. (small laugh) (X X) Everything — (X) everythimg was fine and they went home. And that’s the end (X) of this story as far as they’re con(X)cerned. Everything was fine and they went (X) home. (small laugh) (X) Now let me get this (X) straight. (X) In this post-9/11 era, (X) when we’re watching (X) every inch (X) of our skies, (X) an object (X) that can make F-15s — (X) excuse me, F-16s look like (X) ants crawling across a piece of paper (X) takes off, is plotted on radar, and at the end of the whole thing they say, “Well but everything was fine and they went home,” (X) referring to the F-16s. Um-huh, (X) righto. So I thought more attention ought to be called to that incident — pretty significant incident in ufology I would certainly say. The following is from Jane’s — you know, Jane’s Defense Weekly. I wonder if anybody out there (X) caught this one. Anti-gravity propulsion (X) comes quote (X) “out of the closet” end quote. Say what? Anti-gravity propulsion (X) comes out of (X) the closet. Boeing, (X) the world’s largest (X) aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on ex(X)perimental anti-(X)gravity (X) projects that could (X) overturn a century of conventional (X) aerospace propulsion technology if the science (X) underpinning them can be engineered into hardware. (X) As part of the effort, which is being run out of Boeing’s (X) Phantom (X) Works (X) Advanced (X) Research and Development facility in Seattle, the company is trying to solicit the services of a Russian scientist who claims that he’s developed anti-gravity devices in Russia and Finland. (X) The approach, however, has been (X) thwarted by Russian (X) officialdom. The Boeing (X) drive to develop a collaborative relationship (X) with the scientist in (X) question (X) has its own internal project (X) name. It’s called GRASP. (X) G — R — A — S — P: (X) Gravity Research (X) for Advanced (X) Space Propulsion. And that’s from the in(X)credibly (X) reliable Jane’s. (X) So there you have it, folks. (X X X) They’re working on anti-gravity. (X) Well what a sur(X)prise. And Boeing’s (X) working on anti-gravity. Oh my my my my my. (X) Goodness. Really weird story (X) that caught my attention en(X)titled “Army Wives (X) Killed At U.S. Base.” You know about that one, (X) right? The U.S. (X) orders investigating a disturbing (X) series of murders (X) ap(X)parently involving U.S. Special Forces soldiers (X) who recently served in Afghanistan. (X) Four soldiers (X) all based (X) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina are accused of killing their wives. Now the mili(X)tary insofar as — and, boy, by the way, this came from the BBC, of course. Where else? (X) Domestic source? Ha! Yeah, some domestic sources had it but this comes from the BBC. These soldiers just coming from Afghanistan — (X) four of them at one place (X) killed their wives. Now, of course, they’re going to say (X) coincidence but that’s a pretty big coincidence (X) I would say. Wouldn’t (X) you? So I’m wondering — hardly (X) wondering about this (X) story. I’m really wondering (X) about this (X) story. What could have happened (X) in Afghanistan? (X) Would the U.S. government have (X) done anything (X) or could they have — hhhh, you know, (X) could it have been some sort of something they (X) picked up over there? Something they had in (X) common in Afghanistan (X) that would’ve (X) caused this incredible thing to occur? I mean this is just — you talk about the world (X) of coincid(X)ences — four of them (X) coming back (X X) and then doing this. Oh that smacks of the ’60s, doesn’t it? (X) I’m not saying that any sort of experimental anything went on but it once going on in this country, didn’t it? (X) Where they gave (X) civilians (X) and military per(X)sonnel (X) hits of acid, (X) LSD, (X) mind control experiments in America; so is this that? I’m not saying so but one has to wonder (X) a little bit, doesn’t one? (X) Big Brother — here (X) comes Big Brother (X) coming to L.A. (X) Cameras (X) to help (X) keep South Las Angeles alleys clean. (X) This is something just (X) hit the (X) press tonight. (X) Police fed up with trash-filled (X) alleys (X) have unveiled the first (X) of 11 special motion sensor cameras (X) that they hope will detour illegal dumping (X) and as well graffiti in Los Angeles. A (X) powerful mounted (X) camera in Watts is designed to snap a picture of an — and then (X) audibly warn — get this — (X) anyone spotted loitering in a junk-filled (X) alley, said police on Wednesday. The steel-encased camera designed to withstand a bullet — (small laugh) good (X) thing — (X) plays a recorded warning that (X) police hope will (X) act as a deterrent. Here’s the way it’ll go: (X) “Stop. This is the LAPD,” the recording says. “We have just taken your photograph. We will use that photograph to prosecute you. Leave now.” Similar cameras (X) are planned for use in South Los Angeles locations, some mounted near abandoned buildings to discourage squatters. So what do you think folks? Hhhh. “Stop. We have your picture. We’ll use it to prosecute you. We are the (X) police. We have you on (X) tape. You’re dead meat.” We’ll be right back.
Doing all right A little jiving on a Saturday night And come what may Gonna dance the (X) day away . . .
(“Driver’s Seat” performed by Sniff ‘N The Tears”)
( . . . )
I don’t want your lonely mansion With a tear in every room All I want’s the love you promised (X) Beneath the haloed moon (X) But you (X) think (X) I should be happy With your money and your name And hide myself in sorrow While you play your (X) cheatin’ game Silver threads (X) and golden needles Cannot mend this heart of mine And I dare not drown my sorrow In the warm glow of your wine But you think I (X) should be happy With your money and your name And hide myself in sorrow While you play your cheatin’ game . . .
(“Silver Thread and Golden Needles” performed by The Springfields)
R: To reach Art Bell (X) in the kingdom of Nye from west of the Rockies dial (gives number), east (X) of the Rockies (gives number), (X) first time callers may reach (X) Art at (gives number), (X) or use the wild card line at (gives number). To reach (X) Art on the toll-free international line, call your AT&T operator and have them dial (gives number). This is (X) “Coast to Coast AM” with Art Bell on the (X) Premiere Radio Networks. (X)
A: Boy, it feels good to be back, I’ll tell you. By the way, one more medical (X) addendum. And my doctor doubled my dose of (X)anti-(X)inflammatories. I take a very, very strong anti-inflammatory and now I’m taking (X) twice as much. Coming up at the top of the hour is (X) Ky Michaelson. (X) He’s the guy who built all the (X) rockets for the movie “October Sky.” Remember that? Awesome movie. Ky Michaelson top of the hour tonight. (commercials) By the way, I have one more medical addendum for all of us. Not just me. West Nile Virus (X) is sickening people far (X) earlier this summer than usual, (X) spreading so quickly. It’s hit 33 states I mean. You remember when it was just in New York? (X X) And now it’s hit 33 states as far west as South Da(X)kota. (X) And they say it’s going to reach (X) California this year or next. Nobody knows (X) how bad the (X) mosquito-borne illness might (X) get although (X) a rapidly growing outbreak among 32 people in Louisiana (X) began a month earlier than West Nile has (X) ever (X) struck (X) in the USA. (X) A big worry indeed but it’s (X) clear the virus (X) first detected in (X) New York City a mere three years ago has become (X) a permanent summertime (X) threat (X) in most states. So (X) apparently in the next (X) year or two it will be (X) everywhere, (X) including where you are. First-time (X) caller line, you’re on the air. Good morning. (X)
T: Art? (X)
A: Yes.
T: Hello, Art. (X) How are you doing?
A: (small laugh) Well if you’ve been listening —
T: Wonderful. This is (X) Theresa from Hamilton, On(X)tario, Canada.
A: Yes. Yes, Theresa.
T: Hi. Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m (X) talking to you. I’m so happy. I’ve been (X) trying to get through to you for eight months.
A: Well here you are.
T: I just started listening (X) to you the last eight months. I’ll make this as quick and as fast as I can because I know how fast things are and so forth. (X) A customer came in — I work strictly nights at a gas (X) station. And you get me through my night (X) shifts. I thank God for you. Thank you for your station. And I was mentioning to (X) him about an episode I had here in the station. (X) He said to me, (X) “Call Art Bell.” I said — to be honest with you, I said, “Who the hell is Art Bell?” And he says, “An awesome (X) guy on the radio. You’ve got to hear him. (X) I turned you on once and I’ve been addicted ever since.
A: Alright, let’s hear the episode that —
T: Okay. What happened to me was a fellow came into the gas station. (X) He couldn’t (X) pump his gas. I had to instruct him — make a long story short, go out and show him how to do it.
A: You had to show him how to pump gas?
T: He came into the gas station — (X) pardon me? (X)
A: How old was this somebody?
T: This (X) gentleman was about — for what he looked like, he was about (X) forty years of age.
A: Forty years of age? And you had to go show him how to pump gas?
T: I had to show him (X) how to do it.
A: Obviously he’s —
T: He didn’t — I — first I went on the inter(X)com —
A: — not from —
T: — (X) told him how to do it: “Lift the red lever, push the button” blah blah blah. He did not know how to do it. I had to go out . . .
A: (laughs)
T: . . . like “Haven’t you ever (X) pumped gas before?” He said, “No.” (X) No big deal. (“SO”) He pumped his gas, (X) came into the gas station. (X) He (X) took out — and you’ve got to understand something here. I’ve got this all on (X) tape, (X) okay?
A: Okay, proceed. (X)
T: Pardon me?
A: Proceed. He took out what?
T: Okay, he (X) took out (X) his wallet, (X) alright? — to pay for his gas. In his wallet was a whole bunch of old (X) 18(X)57 money: bills, (X) coins — Canadian old 1857 money.
A: (laughs)
T: And I said to him, “Where did you get all this money?” And he says, “I earn it. This is what I — I earn my money.” And I say to him, (X) “Okay, well it’s not this time and date.” I say, “But you have to (X) pay me (X) $20 in your gas up to date.” So he did that. No big deal. He gave me a $20 bill, paid for his gas.
A: How was he dressed? (X)
T: He was dressed — (X)
A: Was it contemporary?
T: Yeah, just very — kind of scruffy, to be honest with you. (X) And (X) I was really fascinated with this money. He had a whole bunch of it. He had it in his pockets, in his back, and I even said to him, “You should be having this in a bank safe. You shouldn’t be carrying this around.” (X) And (“AA”)— and when I saw him — (X) saw the money, I thought to myself you know like this is (X) weird of (X) course and I (X) said, “Where are you from?” He says, “Well you know” — he says, (X) “I want to (X) show you something.” (X) So I (X) stood back (X) because he was starting to freak me out at this time. This was like at (X) a quarter after 12 at night —
A: The essence —
T: — so I’m here by myself.
A: Yes?
T: And (X) he stood there and he (X) put two pens — he said, “Do you have two (X) pens?” I said, “Yeah, I do. Right (X) here.” “Put them on the counter.” And he says, “This might shock you a little bit (X) but my nose might start to bleed.” And at this point I’m thinking, “My God, I’ve got a (X) psycho (X) here.” I stood back from the (X) counter and — I’m not kidding. I’ve got this on (X) tape. All of a sudden the pens started rising up off the counter. He went into this trance. And all of a sudden these pens went up off the counter and started spinning and dropped. (X) Okay, this freaked me out.
A: Whoa. (X) Now you have all of this on . . .
T: I have this on (X) tape, Art Bell. I have this on tape.
A: Alright. Well now listen to me —
T: I had my customers wanting to buy the tape.
A: Well stop, I want —
T: My manager want to buy — wanted me to do whatever I want to tape (X) — wanted to use the tape. I said to her —
A: Now wait a minute, isn’t this — hold it. (X) Doesn’t this tape belong to the (X) store?
T: Well yes (X) but I mean like (X) she said to me, “I made a (X) copy of the (X) tape.” I made a (X) copy of the (X) tape. I have a (X) copy of this (X) tape. And then you can see —
A: Can you send — can you send me a copy of the (X) tape?
T: Do you want me to send you a copy of the tape?
A: Absolutely. (X)
T: Okay. This is (X) just not it, (X) okay?
A: But —
T: Then he says to me —
A: But but but — (X) but I — but I need a (X) copy of that tape.
T: Okay.
A: Now —
T: No problem.
A: Hmm. (X) Listen, (X) I want you to send this tape to my network in Oregon.
T: O(X)kay. I’ve got a (X) piece of paper right (X) here. Do you want me to tell you what else he did?
A: I don’t know what their address is.
T: Pardon me? (X)
A: Go ahead. What else did he do?
T: O(X)kay, then he said, “Do you want to see something really freaky?” I said, “Okay.” He says, “I —” and then he — (X) he stepped outside the door. (X) He said, “I can’t be around anything electrical.” And I’m thinking, “My God, I’m dealing with a quack.” And I’m standing here and all of a sudden — I’m not kidding. I — I — (X) seen this on (X) TV where (X) people levi(X)tate (X) themselves —
A: Yes?
T: But I’m not (X) kidding you. This man rose (X) like a foot off the ground. (X) Then he (X) came down. Then — at this (X) point my heart’s beating a thousand miles a minute and I says to him, “Where are you from? (X) Who are you?”
A: And?
T: Because he had this very strong accent. (X) He said to me, “I’m a (X) time (X) traveler.” He said, “Have a good day, (X) Theresa” and walked out the door. And Art, I’m about to cry here, but I swear to God I did not have my name tag on.
A: Oh Theresa.
T: I did not have my name (X) tag on.
A: Theresa — (X) alright, do you have a (X) pencil or a pen?
T: Yeah, right here.
A: Okay. (X) I want you to send this to 540 —
T: Okay.
A: Five four zero East (X) Villas Road. (X) That’s V — I — L — A —S —
T: Z — I — L —
A: No no no, V as in Victor — I — L — A — S Road.
T: A. Toad.
A: Road.
T: Road.
A: Suite C.
T: Suite C.
A: This is a long damn address. PO Box 3130. (X)
T: Box 3130.
A: Central (X) Point, Oregon. (X) Central (X) Point, (X) Oregon.
T: Okay. Oregon for —
A: 9 — 7 — (X) 5 — 0 — 2.
T: 9 — 7 — 5 — 0 — (X) 2.
A: Read it back to me.
T: O(X)kay I’ve got 540 East (X) Vilas Road, (X) Suite (X) C, (X) PO Box 3130, (X) Central Point, Oregon, (X) 9(X)750(X)2.
A: You got it. (X) You got it. (X) Alright, you have encountered a time traveler.
T: Do you think I did?
A: Yeah. I do —
T: Are you serious?
A: Well of cour(se) — hhhh.
T: Like this really freaked me out. I’ve been trying to get to you since —
A: Let’s put it this way. I’m as ser(ious) — (“SHOP IN”) Dear, I’m as serious as you are. If what you tell me is true about the (X) pens —
T: Oh yeah.
A: And you’ve got that.
T: I have got it on tape.
A: And you have that on tape.
T: It’s even got me (“WHA THI”) on the (X) tape with my (X) head over (X) to where he was — the pens almost started to start levi(X)tating (X) and all of a sudden my (X) head went back when I (X) started backing up (X) and you can see the pens floating.
A: Hey. (X) Then if you’re serious, I’m serious. We need (X) very, very much (X) to get this video tape. If you get the video tape to me, I can con(X)vert (X) it to a computer AVI file or something of that order that (X) I can then put up on the Net for everybody to see. Would you give permission for that?
T: O(X)kay (“WOOD” or “WOULD”) — I’m just afraid — no, I, (X) of course I give permission . . .
A: Alright alright alright.
T: You can do whatever you want with it. I have no problem with that.
A: Do you — are you a com(X)puter person? Do you have a computer?
T: My — yes, I do.
A: You do. (X) Are you capable of (X) creating an AVI file?
T: No, I’m not. (X)
A: Okay. Then you get it (X) to me and I will do that. And then (X) include your phone number and I will have you back on the air when I do.
T: Okay.
A: I mean that’s an incredible, incredible story.
T: Really? I didn’t think it was that much. I didn’t — well, of (X) course, I was flipped out and everything and I had my customers — especially Dino his name is. Dino. Just a great guy.
A: Unless you’ve got some sort of Canadian version of David Blaine, believe me, that’s an incredible story. And you encountered a time traveler and that’s one of the most interesting subjects (X) in my life. So I want that (X) tape (X) pronto. Okay?
T: Okay.
A: Alright.
T: I have no problem with that.
A: Alright. Thank you. (X) I’ll look forward to it. You take (X) care. (X) Well there’s a way to begin it, huh? (X) Yikes. (X) That really (X) does sound (X) like a time (X) traveler to me. How about you? Had to be instructed how to use a gas pump. (X) Well I suppose if you came from an age where the only mode of (transport)ation around — to getting around was horses, well then you wouldn’t much (X) know how to use a gas pump. Course, you’ve got to figure the guy drove (X) up in something, (X) right? (X) He knows something about (X) cars. (X) Weird story. (X) Wild card line, you’re on the air. Hello. (X)
U: Hello, Art. (X)
A: Hello, sir.
U: (small laugh) I — that’s really hard to top that one but, you know, stranger things have happened. (X)
A: And they do every day.
U: Yeah. Well if you watch — there was actually an episode on “The Twilight Zone” with that same exact incident where a guy from the Civil War was found in the desert by a (X) driver buying a car. Remember that one?
A: Yes, I do.
U: Yeah. That just rang a (X) bell but —
A: I think all kinds of things (X) open and (X) close. And I do think there are time travelers. And I think we experience them (X) from time to time.
U: That’s true. Yeah. It — it — (X) things pop in and out and it’s nothing we can do about it except (X) just learn from it I guess. But the main reason I called is to say — well first of all, welcome back. Nice to hear your voice again.
A: Thank you. (X)
U: And (X) I was reading — I was with some person who understands Spanish a little better than I — (“I”) — I do.
A: Um-huh?
U: And, (X) as you know, the UFO phenomena is (X) really prevalent in Mexico. (X) And there are a lot of investigators out there doing a lot of (X) research on it. And I came across —
A: I know. They — look, they have (X) collisions with UFOs in Mexico. I mean documented (X) collisions. Planes taking off from Mexico City have (X) collided with UFOs. (X)
U: Yeah, I’ve read that. It’s sort of interesting that they’re scared of us around here because we shoot at ’em with S(X)DI. (laughs)
A: Well we definitely chase them. Witness (X) the story (X) over — over our capital just a (X) week ago, right? F-16s (X) chase a plane.
U: Yeah, right.
A: Or chase a UFO. The UFO (X) takes off. (X) It’s described as (X) having no conventional (X) propulsion (X) system. It’s described as leaving F-16s in the dust. (X) And then we end up by the U.S. Air Force telling us that, (X) you know, everything was okay and so they went home. (small laugh)
U: Yeah, I’m sur(X)prised that they even got that far on the air but — (X) but like (X) I’ve heard that SDI — we do push, we do shoot one across the bow to let them know that they’re not wel(X)come here. (X) But in Mexico a lot of people there are pretty (X) curious and — (X) and the UFOs do hang around there quite often. And (“THEY”) UFO investigations really move forward really uh (X “AA”) to a point in Mex(X)ico where they’re (X) getting a lot of good information. I found ex(X)actly a loca(X)tion, an Area 51 (X) base (X) in the Soviet Union. (“AN”) And there’s an Area 51 in the Soviet Union where they have five downed UFOs that they’ve been reverse-en(X)gin(X)eering. (X) And —
A: Well wouldn’t it be the damnedest thing if because we shoot (X) and chase UFOs — shoot at them — (X) that when contact eventually (X) comes, (X) it comes (X) to some formerly third world (X) nation somewhere that all of a sudden has this (X) technology dropped on them that makes them (X) king of the hill. And it — all because we shot at (X) these things. (X) Like Steven Greer says.
U: That’s ex(X)actly (X) right. And well we’ve — we’re pretty much in — (X) ahead of everybody else in the UFO investigation field. Since World War (X) II, we’ve been documenting what the Foo Fighters and, you know, the — the so-called gremlins (X) that . . .
A: Yeah, I know but you just think about it for a second. Imagine a headline — I don’t know how it would read. (X) “Bangladesh (X) Dictates Terms To World.” (X) (small laugh) It’s going to be something like that. “Bangladesh (X) Takes Over World.” You know — gets, welcomes (X) technology that the U.S. would not allow anywhere near its (X) shores without (X) a threat of (X) terminal bodily harm. (X) And — and so they go to Bangladesh or something. And that’s it for us. East of the Rockies, you’re on the air. Hello.
C: Hello?
A: Yes, hello.
C: Yes. You know, I’m really concerned about this saber rattling about (X) — against Iraq. And I think that (X) people have got to start using their own head because the Democrats (X) and the Re(X)publicans (X) and the corporate media, which interlocks with the mili(X)tary industrial (X) corporations (X) in this (X) country, always bi(X)partisanly (X) support (X) wars; interventions (X) that cause the deaths of millions of (X) people abroad and (X) hundreds and thousands of Americans in Vietnam —
A: Yeah, alright. All — all this said — (X) all this said, sir, (X) the (X) fact of the matter is (X) he is as fast as he can putting together the deadliest germs to try and —
C: Not so. Not so.
A: Well hold on. Yes it is so.
C: You know that Scott Ritter —
A: It absolutely is so, sir.
C: Scott Ritter has said that is nothing but propaganda and he —
A: Oh bull.
C: — was one of the most hostile inspectors . . .
A: Now that’s a — sir, that’s a load. You’re dumping a load on us.
C: You know — (X)
A: Give me a break.
C: That is absolutely . . .
A: No, it isn’t, sir. The U.N. — no no, hold it hold it hold it. The U.N. —
C: Let me speak. (X)
A: Well (X) I’ll let you speak when I want to. The U.N. has confirmed (X) beyond (X) any shadow of a doubt — I mean we have parts and pieces that the U.N. brought back. (“OF”) Nuclear — the beginning . . .
C: Absolutely not. That is absolutely — yes, Scott Ritter —
A: So the U.N — the U.N. is just —
C: Rolf Edgeles has recently said that these (X) claims have been false and these are the most (X) hostile people who seldom get any (X) attention on our media. You — you know . . .
A: Oh I’m sorry. Good-bye. A (X) total load. It’s just not true. There have been a (X) recording of very well documented exam(X)ples of (X) the Iraqi nuclear (X) and biological (X) programs, which were well under(X)way during the last war and have been going ever (X) since (X) full tilt. (X) I might add at the expense (X) of the Iraqi people who have not been eating at times when we’ve (X) allowed them to sell oil. That money has not gone where it was intended. It was going toward (X) the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, which are specifically designed to kill us, (X) Israelis and (X) — and us, as in the U.S. So you’re just flat-out wrong about that. (X) And I understand your bias. You (X) hate all the (X) powers that be, the military industrial complex (X) which we were warned (X) about by Eisenhower and (X X) the power structure in this country and every other country (X) that is attempting to wage a war on terrorism. And I understand (X) exactly where you’re coming from. It’s just a load. (X) That’s all. A total load. West of the Rockies, you’re on the air.
W: Hello, Art.
A: Hello.
W: Yeah, my name’s Walter. I’m from Mount Rainier, Washington.
A: Yes?
W: Yeah, I’d like to ask you about your experiment where you (X) get everybody together and (X) concentrate on one thing. (X) And (X) I’d — I’d like to see if you could have everybody (X) concen(X)trate on (X) asking God to show up. You know, God and the (X) crew: (X) Jesus and Mary.
A: Are you so sure you really want that?
W: Well it’s important —
A: This comes under the category of you better be (X) careful what you ask for because the next time — there are certain (X) prescribed (X) things that are going (X) to occur next time (X) He rolls into town. And (X) so you might — you just might want to be real (X) careful about that.
W: Well if we’re not afraid of him, maybe (X) he’d show up.
A: So in other words (X) to you, you wouldn’t mind hearing the horns blow?
W: Sure.
A: Oh really?
W: We’ve got to meet Him sooner or later, right, if He exists.
A: So it might as well be sooner? In other words, you would have the horns blow? The walls crumble? The world come (X) tumbling down? (X) The return of — (X) of God? (X)
W: He’s coming here to save us, though.
A: The dead beginning to rise? (X) Everybody else — a (X) few people anyway getting sucked up, the rest of us (X) left around here to watch the carnage?
W: He can only do (X) good if He shows up.
A: Well I know but that’s somewhat subjective, (X) you’ve got to admit. I mean why wish that (X) to occur sooner (X) than later? Why not (X) let it be on His timetable?
W: Be(X)cause I don’t want to have to die before I (X) get to meet Him, you understand? If we’re ready —
A: Well I know but (X) after you die time (X) is but a (X) twinkle. (X) I mean — (X)
W: Well we won’t know until He comes here and tell us.
A: You’re not going to be languishing for some great (X) thousands of years of what we call Earth (X) time. (X) After you die, sir, you’re just — it’s going to be flash of a — boom. Like that.
W: Well —
A: You’ll meet your Maker. I mean why rush it? (X)
W: Well be(X)cause we need Him. We’re in (X) sad shape down here. (X)
A: As witness the story from Los Angeles with those cameras, huh?
W: Well yeah. (small laugh) Yeah. (X) To put it mildly.
A: (small laugh)
W: Right.
A: So — (X)
W: I think UFOs would show up all over the (X) place. After all, there was a (X) star that followed the —
A: Well wasn’t there some mention about (X) lots of strange things in the sky prior to that moment when Gabe’s (X) horn lets loose? (X)
W: Well we shouldn’t (X) be afraid of it. I mean (X) we got to — we got to meet It if It exists and — (“I”) there was a star that showed the wise men to Jesus when he was born. That’s docu(X)mented in history so I think UFOs would be everywhere. (X)
A: Well I’m sure they would be (X) but (X) it would be, you know, the horsemen of the apocalypse. It would be the (X) crumbling walls. It would be the end (X) of everything and (X) why wouldn’t you want to just wait a little bit (X) longer (X) for — for all of that (“TT” X) to come down. It’s so drastic.
W: Well (X) you talk to any religious people —
A: I mean if you ask me, a bunch of seals have already been broken. (X) Just look at all the signs around (X) you. They’re everywhere.
W: Well if you — if you get everybody together and ask God to show up, tha(t) — (X) it’s worth a (X) try. And (X) —
A: That would be the last (X) thing I would ever do. As you know, I have ceased (X X) these experiments, (X) anyway. They went too well. If something like that can (X) go too well, these (X) experiments have gone too well. And I have learned (X) that who am I to tamper — (X) who are —
W: We.
A: — we to tamper with the nature (X) of (X) everything? (X) I — in fact, I once played (X) some horns (X) and people would call me and say, “You know what, you’d better not (X) play those horns because you’re liable to get exactly what those horns (X) are calling down. So be careful about the horns, Art.” I’ve tried to be careful ever since. I am Art Bell. This is “Coast to Coast AM.”
Oh oh oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go oh Oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go o Oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go . . .
. . . All the tears I’ve cried oh oh aa I Baby please don’t go Well I’ve read the letters you wrote me . . .
(“D’yer Mak’r” performed by Led Zeppelin)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Did you hear the hum in the background of that last call? Anyway, (X) during the last hour of the show, this is what (X) I heard. So the hum was also heard on this call.
A: . . . West of the Rockies, you’re on the air with (X) Ky Michaelson. Hello?
N: Yeah. Hi, gentlemen.
A: Boy, what am I hearing (X) going in the background there?
N: Is it me? (X)
A: Yeah. It sounds like a (X) big engine running in the background. (X)
N: Oh that’s weird. I hear that (X) too. Son of a gun. I’m on a Sanyo. (X) You know the digital you guys sold that was really good. (X)
A: Uh-huh.
N: Is that better?
A: No.
N: I’m moving.
A: No, it sounds like — anyway, go ahead, sir. (X)
N: Gee whiz, I’m (X) sorry. Yeah, I was (X) wondering if we were going to have a bicentennial visit again (X) over the capital. And I guess it (X) turns out we did (X) because they were just saying that 50 years — (X) you know, it was 50 years ago that we had all those spottings over the (X) capital.
A: Yeah, you’re talking about the recent at(X)tempt at interception by the F-16s. Yes. (X)
N: Absolutely. And I’m a big kid too. I play with all the same (X) toys you guys did when I was a (X) kid and —
K: Fun stuff. (small laugh)
N: Yeah. All that — I mean I (X) can’t believe how similar it is but it’s — (X) I kept all my fingers and (X) toes and went on (X) to be able to do some things. You know, I can’t believe we’ve got a (X) dune buggy up there on the (X) planet moon and we never built a (X) carport and a split level to put that sucker in.
K: (laughs)
N: I wondered what you’re opinion on that was. You know, it seems absurd. It’s a much more (X) better place to have a station. And the other question was with all your experience with jet engines and propulsion systems — this is a little off-kilter (X) — are you familiar with the (X) contrail or chemtrail (X) debate with all this stuff that’s similar?
A: Yeah, that’s pretty far off-kilter. That’s pretty far off-kilter.
N: Yeah, but it does come out the rear of an engine and I wondered if it — you have to fly into it. It is in the (X) sky, you know?
A: Alright. Well to cut it (X) short here, there is this (X) chemtrail controversy and a lot of people feel (X) that there’s an attempt at weather modification (X) under way and that (X) they’re using (X) commercial jets (X) and other jets to lay things (X) in the atmosphere (X) for some reason. Either weather control or perhaps (X) as (X) part of a weapon (X) system or — we (X) have no idea but there’s this big chemtrail controversy. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, have you?
K: I’ve read a little bit about it where a woman wrote into (X) a magazine. (X) I saw a little article on it, yes.
A: Yeah, that’s right. Any thoughts on it? (X)
K: I tell you there’s enough (X) technology out there to basically alter (X) anything. I really (X) believe that. (“NO” X)
A: So —
K: Who knows? (“I”) I — you just don’t know, you know.
A: Yeah. Could be.
K: I mean years ago we used to make (X) rain, you know. I mean yeah. (X)
A: We did. First time . . .
( . . . )
A: . . . first time (X) caller line, you’re on the air with (X) Ky Michaelson. Hello?
H: Hello, Ky. My name is Chris.
K: Hi, Chris.
H: And, by the way, Mr. Bell, thank you so much for the Moody Blues. It brings back a lot of memories of doing observing—stars and that—with Moody Blues in the background. I’m (X) kind of curious, Ky, this one that’s (X) going up now — is this one you hope to keep up for four years? (X)
K: Oh no. No. First up —
H: Well that’s the next one?
K: Yeah, first we want to (X) prove to the government that we built a (X) pro(X)pulsion system and, you know, an air frame —
H: Right.
K: — and all the elec(X)tronics; that we can (X) do this. And, you know, once you do that, that’s a big step but you know we’ve — we’ve launched four other rockets up to this point right now where we’re at. So (X) yeah, we have a — (X) we have a record. We’re not just talkers and we were just out there, (X) you know, like I mentioned be(X)fore, just a (X) few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the sand got the best of us out there.
H: Sure.
K: But we have a — we’re ready to . . . to launch another rocket. We have all the hardware. It’s all together. (X) We’re licensed and we’re going back out again (X) so . . .
H: So do you hope — is it possible to see this when you finally do launch that other one?
K: Yeah, as a matter of (X) fact, Discovery is doing my life (X) story. They’re doing a — and The Learning Channel. They’re (X) doing a one hour show on me —
A: When will that be on? Oh my God. I just lost all of my phone lines. What happened? (X) (gasps) I just lost all of my phone lines. (X) Every single last phone line just died. (X) Man, that (X) is weird. (X) Well, obviously, I’m going to have call Ky back right now. (X X) I’ve never seen that happen before. (dial tone) Let’s see here. Let’s see here. See. Um-huh huh (X) huh. I don’t know if this is going to work. (X) This is really weird. (X) Gee. (X) Weird, (rings) weird stuff.
K: Hello? (X)
A: Ky?
K: Yeah.
A: That was really weird. Every —
K: I don’t know what happened.
A: I was — I had (X) every line lit as we do when we’re on the air. (X) Every line went —
K: Yeah.
A: — dead all at once.
K: Oh wow. Me too — (small laugh)
A: That is —
K: Wonder who did that one?
A: Hold on one sec(ond). Okay, let me lock this in. Okay, (X) you’re locked in. Wow. (X) I wonder what just happened. (X) Strange things. (X) Anyway, we had a (X) caller on at the (X) time and I forget what he was asking you. (X)
K: He was — gee.
A: You forgot it too?
K: My . . . what happened to us? (small laugh)
A: It was a (X) good (X) call too . . .
K: We even lost our thoughts even. (“E[D]”)
A: I mean that just blew everything right out of my mind.
K: What the — (X)
A: Alright, well let’s just con(X)tinue with open lines. I don’t know.
K: What the heck happened there? I forgot what I was thinking here.
A: Believe me, that was weird. First-time caller —
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So after that (X) there was another brief (X) call that had the (X) strange background and it doesn’t really sound very good on these microcassette recordings of my stereo radio cassette recorder tape. But it sounded — I don’t know how to describe it. Like something you’d see, I guess, in a “2001” movie or a biblical movie or something. A strange tone. So there was another (X) caller — I guess this is the third one of the night who had called in but Art heard the tone and he said, (X) “I’m sorry but only one (X) call per night per person.” So I (X) guess he thought that it was the same person calling back but it didn’t sound like it was the same one. I guess Art didn’t notice that background tone the first time which was on that call asking him about God to show up. I thought that was interesting. Now his response where he said “. . . a few people getting sucked up and the rest of us left around here to watch the (X) carnage” was very revealing. (X) For some reason, he — (X) well, (X) it’s obvious why he thinks he’s not one of (X) the ones getting sucked up. Even though that whole thing is just (X) so ridiculous. I mean people have called in and (X) told him it’s not an end of everything; it’s a new beginning. But for some reason he doesn’t want to see it like that. (X) So I must say I did consider calling (X X) tonight. Just (X) to remind Art that (X) God never went anywhere. He’s always been here. But I don’t think that’s really necessary. (X) Not that I know what is necessary at this point.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Saturday morning, August 3rd. I’m on my way to the hospital because this morning all of a sudden my mother began gushing blood again. I haven’t asked her what happened exactly. Maybe it just started. But she was hysterical and she wanted to change her clothes before the ambulance got here, which was not a good idea. (X) So, anyway, a lot more blood splattered everywhere because she (X) didn’t remain (X) calm and wanted to dress herself. (“I”) She started cutting off her nightgown and then she asked me to finish it because the scissors weren’t sharp enough. (X) I had to get some other scissors from the bathroom — oh it was a nightware. Anyway, I’m on my way to the hospital now. She was in a (X) terrible (X) mood (X) yesterday. I think (X) high blood pressure really (X) is dangerous. (X) She was mad at her attendant, Jesse, because she told him that she was (X) bleeding (X) after (X) her session and he ignored her and went to get coffee (X) or water or something. So she asked — she started crying out for (X) help (X) and people just smiled at her — the head nurse and the other attendant there. (X) And later apparently the head nurse apologized to her. I guess she said that Jesse had thought she was kidding. He also told her, (“ELLEN”) “If you don’t like my work, you can ask for someone else to help you.” She told me that there were others there like Cliff who would not let him (X) handle them so she said (X) she wanted to say that, “Well no one else will have you so if I don’t have you then no one else is left.” Anyway, (X) I don’t know what happened. I think she’s had (“LIE”) high blood pressure a lot because she was in a (X) terrible mood all day yesterday. Now this has happened.
Q: So what happened? Did you take off your bandage this morning?
E: Yes.
Q: That’s what — ohhh.
E: That should never have do(ne) — Mark, I (X) took off the other one. It’s not — I told you —
Q: The last time this happened, what did — was there anything similar to this the last time this happened?
E: No. He just — I’m sure that — because when he put the needle in yesterday, it bled. And I — he probably hit something he shouldn’t have.
Q: And did you — (“WW”) did it bleed more afterwards than usual?
E: Well I told you — yes, it bled. And I said, “I’m bleeding.” And he says, “Oh no you’re not” and walked off. And then — (X) well never mind.
Q: Well now you know what to look for the next time. If it bleeds like that, you’ll know —
E: No, I won’t know what (X) to look for next time. What am I going to look for?
Q: Well if it bleeds like that.
E: They said it’s a pin — it’s the size of a pin. That’s how much pressure is being — it’s a pinprick and it squirts —
Q: Well why would it spurt like that?
E: I don’t know. They said it’s better than the whole thing bursting. (X)
Q: You’ve even got blood in your hair.
E: Yes, I can feel it.
Q: All over, you’re splattered with blood.
E: I’m splattered with blood. My feet. (“MARK”) Sorry, honey.
Q: See, next time you (X) shouldn’t let yourself become so hysterical like that.
E: Mark, if you’re hemorrhaging, you can bleed and you can feel it gushing, you would —
Q: That doesn’t help, though. It doesn’t help.
E: Well tell — don’t — please. Get out. I hope you never have to experience anything. (“THE BEL[T]”) They say if it’s near an artery that (X) you (X) could die. That’s why I wanted them to use the siren.
Q: And they stopped at every light?
E: Finally, after the sixth time, I said, “Why are we stopped here?” He says, “Oh (“WE”) well it’s a red light.” And I said, “But I thought you didn’t stop at red lights.” I said —
Q: Did he have the siren on?
E: No. I said, “Why isn’t the siren on?” He said, “Oh we — (“NO”) no, you’re not in cardiac arrest.” Oh please! I said, “Well I know that’s not the criteria.” Because I said, “I’m over at the center and they send in — the people that just have blood pressure — (X) nothing wrong with them hardly.” (X)
Q: And they have amb(ulances) — and they have the siren on?
E: And they have the siren on and then it comes blasting in. They have — and then if they take ’em to the hospital, the siren’s blasting. (“FOR TWO”) For a block to the hospital. (“I KNOW”)
Q: Isn’t that ridiculous?
E: Yes.
Q: But I don’t think — I think you should have stayed on with your housecoat because (“THAT WOULD”) that took a lot of extra —
E: Mark, it was dirty.
Q: You lost a lot of blood changing —
E: I don’t care it was dirty.
Q: Ellen, that’s vanity.
E: Well you’re damn right. And when I — when that goes, everything goes.
Q: It wasn’t — it didn’t look that dirty to me.
E: It was dirty. It had stains on it. All the food stains.
Q: Well then now you know never — to make sure you have something clean every day.
E: No, I’m not going to make sure I have something clean every day, Mark. You can’t live like that.
Q: (groans)
( . . . )
Q: So Ellen said (X) quote that the doctor told her (X) quote “It looks like it happened at the (X) beginning when he put the needle in” end quote (X) pertaining to her last dialysis session. She said that “The doctors usually don’t like to say anything.” But (X) she did say that was his comment. So what we have here is (X) a possible (X) case of (X) cover-up where the attendant was (X) too proud to admit that he made a mistake or was worried about (X) getting into trouble so instead (X) this is what happened.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Monday morning. (X) Ellen’s at her dialysis appointment (X) so we’ll see what the update is on that. (X) This weekend I did listen to some radio programs. Drudge created (X) controversy by having a picture of President Bush’s (X) father, the ex-President, with horrendous sores all over his face. (X) Bloody sores. He said it was the only case or the best case of somebody famous (X) coming forward with such a (X) horrendous (X) problem to help others become aware of Sun damage. (X) So, ironically, (X) the ex-President (X) who made so much money off of (X) the oil industry (X) and with all the damage done to the environment, now is suffering from the consequences of that damage. (X) I also (X) checked a few other shows. (X) It sounded as if Lee Kline — (X) I was half asleep at the time but it sounded like he was taking the side that we should bomb Iraq, which is — I guess I should have listened (X) more carefully but after having — ending each show with that song “The Universal (X) Soldier,” you’d think he’d have a different (X) opinion.
Q: This morning on the (X) drudgereport page, the headline is something about starting to bomb in (X) Iraq. And, of course, last Thursday Art made some comments to that same effect. And you’re always hearing promos on KFI for Handel’s show about bombing the — (X) what does he call them? The “turban-headed rat bastards.” I mean it’s just terrible. (X) All this war mongering. (X) I don’t think just a normal, everyday radio (X) talk show host would be such a war mongerer unless there were certain influences. I’ve also been thinking about the problem with the military sonar disrupting the (X) ecology of the oceans. (X) Isn’t that disgusting? (X) But I do remember something else around the same time as the other problems. My mother was watching it on (X) television. I guess she had called me to look because all these sharks were in the water along with the swimmers. The swimmers were trying to see them. (X) I can’t remember what type of shark they were. They weren’t Whites of course. (X) They weren’t dangerous sharks but they were all over the place where swimmers and bathers were.
Q: And then at there was still another article and the headline there at was “Another Marine Mammal Beaching — More Navy (X) Sonar Deaths?” So I clicked on that (X) and it says “14 (X) Rough-Toothed Dolphins Found (X) Dead on Eastern Shore” by Paul Clancy, The Virginian-Pilot, August 1st, (X) 2002.
Doing all right A little jiving on a Saturday night And come what may Gonna dance the (X) day away . . .
(“Driver’s Seat” performed by Sniff ‘N The Tears”)
( . . . )
I don’t want your lonely mansion With a tear in every room All I want’s the love you promised (X) Beneath the haloed moon (X) But you (X) think (X) I should be happy With your money and your name And hide myself in sorrow While you play your (X) cheatin’ game Silver threads (X) and golden needles Cannot mend this heart of mine And I dare not drown my sorrow In the warm glow of your wine But you think I (X) should be happy With your money and your name And hide myself in sorrow While you play your cheatin’ game . . .
(“Silver Thread and Golden Needles” performed by The Springfields)
R: To reach Art Bell (X) in the kingdom of Nye from west of the Rockies dial (gives number), east (X) of the Rockies (gives number), (X) first time callers may reach (X) Art at (gives number), (X) or use the wild card line at (gives number). To reach (X) Art on the toll-free international line, call your AT&T operator and have them dial (gives number). This is (X) “Coast to Coast AM” with Art Bell on the (X) Premiere Radio Networks. (X)
A: Boy, it feels good to be back, I’ll tell you. By the way, one more medical (X) addendum. And my doctor doubled my dose of (X)anti-(X)inflammatories. I take a very, very strong anti-inflammatory and now I’m taking (X) twice as much. Coming up at the top of the hour is (X) Ky Michaelson. (X) He’s the guy who built all the (X) rockets for the movie “October Sky.” Remember that? Awesome movie. Ky Michaelson top of the hour tonight. (commercials) By the way, I have one more medical addendum for all of us. Not just me. West Nile Virus (X) is sickening people far (X) earlier this summer than usual, (X) spreading so quickly. It’s hit 33 states I mean. You remember when it was just in New York? (X X) And now it’s hit 33 states as far west as South Da(X)kota. (X) And they say it’s going to reach (X) California this year or next. Nobody knows (X) how bad the (X) mosquito-borne illness might (X) get although (X) a rapidly growing outbreak among 32 people in Louisiana (X) began a month earlier than West Nile has (X) ever (X) struck (X) in the USA. (X) A big worry indeed but it’s (X) clear the virus (X) first detected in (X) New York City a mere three years ago has become (X) a permanent summertime (X) threat (X) in most states. So (X) apparently in the next (X) year or two it will be (X) everywhere, (X) including where you are. First-time (X) caller line, you’re on the air. Good morning. (X)
T: Art? (X)
A: Yes.
T: Hello, Art. (X) How are you doing?
A: (small laugh) Well if you’ve been listening —
T: Wonderful. This is (X) Theresa from Hamilton, On(X)tario, Canada.
A: Yes. Yes, Theresa.
T: Hi. Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m (X) talking to you. I’m so happy. I’ve been (X) trying to get through to you for eight months.
A: Well here you are.
T: I just started listening (X) to you the last eight months. I’ll make this as quick and as fast as I can because I know how fast things are and so forth. (X) A customer came in — I work strictly nights at a gas (X) station. And you get me through my night (X) shifts. I thank God for you. Thank you for your station. And I was mentioning to (X) him about an episode I had here in the station. (X) He said to me, (X) “Call Art Bell.” I said — to be honest with you, I said, “Who the hell is Art Bell?” And he says, “An awesome (X) guy on the radio. You’ve got to hear him. (X) I turned you on once and I’ve been addicted ever since.
A: Alright, let’s hear the episode that —
T: Okay. What happened to me was a fellow came into the gas station. (X) He couldn’t (X) pump his gas. I had to instruct him — make a long story short, go out and show him how to do it.
A: You had to show him how to pump gas?
T: He came into the gas station — (X) pardon me? (X)
A: How old was this somebody?
T: This (X) gentleman was about — for what he looked like, he was about (X) forty years of age.
A: Forty years of age? And you had to go show him how to pump gas?
T: I had to show him (X) how to do it.
A: Obviously he’s —
T: He didn’t — I — first I went on the inter(X)com —
A: — not from —
T: — (X) told him how to do it: “Lift the red lever, push the button” blah blah blah. He did not know how to do it. I had to go out . . .
A: (laughs)
T: . . . like “Haven’t you ever (X) pumped gas before?” He said, “No.” (X) No big deal. (“SO”) He pumped his gas, (X) came into the gas station. (X) He (X) took out — and you’ve got to understand something here. I’ve got this all on (X) tape, (X) okay?
A: Okay, proceed. (X)
T: Pardon me?
A: Proceed. He took out what?
T: Okay, he (X) took out (X) his wallet, (X) alright? — to pay for his gas. In his wallet was a whole bunch of old (X) 18(X)57 money: bills, (X) coins — Canadian old 1857 money.
A: (laughs)
T: And I said to him, “Where did you get all this money?” And he says, “I earn it. This is what I — I earn my money.” And I say to him, (X) “Okay, well it’s not this time and date.” I say, “But you have to (X) pay me (X) $20 in your gas up to date.” So he did that. No big deal. He gave me a $20 bill, paid for his gas.
A: How was he dressed? (X)
T: He was dressed — (X)
A: Was it contemporary?
T: Yeah, just very — kind of scruffy, to be honest with you. (X) And (X) I was really fascinated with this money. He had a whole bunch of it. He had it in his pockets, in his back, and I even said to him, “You should be having this in a bank safe. You shouldn’t be carrying this around.” (X) And (“AA”)— and when I saw him — (X) saw the money, I thought to myself you know like this is (X) weird of (X) course and I (X) said, “Where are you from?” He says, “Well you know” — he says, (X) “I want to (X) show you something.” (X) So I (X) stood back (X) because he was starting to freak me out at this time. This was like at (X) a quarter after 12 at night —
A: The essence —
T: — so I’m here by myself.
A: Yes?
T: And (X) he stood there and he (X) put two pens — he said, “Do you have two (X) pens?” I said, “Yeah, I do. Right (X) here.” “Put them on the counter.” And he says, “This might shock you a little bit (X) but my nose might start to bleed.” And at this point I’m thinking, “My God, I’ve got a (X) psycho (X) here.” I stood back from the (X) counter and — I’m not kidding. I’ve got this on (X) tape. All of a sudden the pens started rising up off the counter. He went into this trance. And all of a sudden these pens went up off the counter and started spinning and dropped. (X) Okay, this freaked me out.
A: Whoa. (X) Now you have all of this on . . .
T: I have this on (X) tape, Art Bell. I have this on tape.
A: Alright. Well now listen to me —
T: I had my customers wanting to buy the tape.
A: Well stop, I want —
T: My manager want to buy — wanted me to do whatever I want to tape (X) — wanted to use the tape. I said to her —
A: Now wait a minute, isn’t this — hold it. (X) Doesn’t this tape belong to the (X) store?
T: Well yes (X) but I mean like (X) she said to me, “I made a (X) copy of the (X) tape.” I made a (X) copy of the (X) tape. I have a (X) copy of this (X) tape. And then you can see —
A: Can you send — can you send me a copy of the (X) tape?
T: Do you want me to send you a copy of the tape?
A: Absolutely. (X)
T: Okay. This is (X) just not it, (X) okay?
A: But —
T: Then he says to me —
A: But but but — (X) but I — but I need a (X) copy of that tape.
T: Okay.
A: Now —
T: No problem.
A: Hmm. (X) Listen, (X) I want you to send this tape to my network in Oregon.
T: O(X)kay. I’ve got a (X) piece of paper right (X) here. Do you want me to tell you what else he did?
A: I don’t know what their address is.
T: Pardon me? (X)
A: Go ahead. What else did he do?
T: O(X)kay, then he said, “Do you want to see something really freaky?” I said, “Okay.” He says, “I —” and then he — (X) he stepped outside the door. (X) He said, “I can’t be around anything electrical.” And I’m thinking, “My God, I’m dealing with a quack.” And I’m standing here and all of a sudden — I’m not kidding. I — I — (X) seen this on (X) TV where (X) people levi(X)tate (X) themselves —
A: Yes?
T: But I’m not (X) kidding you. This man rose (X) like a foot off the ground. (X) Then he (X) came down. Then — at this (X) point my heart’s beating a thousand miles a minute and I says to him, “Where are you from? (X) Who are you?”
A: And?
T: Because he had this very strong accent. (X) He said to me, “I’m a (X) time (X) traveler.” He said, “Have a good day, (X) Theresa” and walked out the door. And Art, I’m about to cry here, but I swear to God I did not have my name tag on.
A: Oh Theresa.
T: I did not have my name (X) tag on.
A: Theresa — (X) alright, do you have a (X) pencil or a pen?
T: Yeah, right here.
A: Okay. (X) I want you to send this to 540 —
T: Okay.
A: Five four zero East (X) Villas Road. (X) That’s V — I — L — A —S —
T: Z — I — L —
A: No no no, V as in Victor — I — L — A — S Road.
T: A. Toad.
A: Road.
T: Road.
A: Suite C.
T: Suite C.
A: This is a long damn address. PO Box 3130. (X)
T: Box 3130.
A: Central (X) Point, Oregon. (X) Central (X) Point, (X) Oregon.
T: Okay. Oregon for —
A: 9 — 7 — (X) 5 — 0 — 2.
T: 9 — 7 — 5 — 0 — (X) 2.
A: Read it back to me.
T: O(X)kay I’ve got 540 East (X) Vilas Road, (X) Suite (X) C, (X) PO Box 3130, (X) Central Point, Oregon, (X) 9(X)750(X)2.
A: You got it. (X) You got it. (X) Alright, you have encountered a time traveler.
T: Do you think I did?
A: Yeah. I do —
T: Are you serious?
A: Well of cour(se) — hhhh.
T: Like this really freaked me out. I’ve been trying to get to you since —
A: Let’s put it this way. I’m as ser(ious) — (“SHOP IN”) Dear, I’m as serious as you are. If what you tell me is true about the (X) pens —
T: Oh yeah.
A: And you’ve got that.
T: I have got it on tape.
A: And you have that on tape.
T: It’s even got me (“WHA THI”) on the (X) tape with my (X) head over (X) to where he was — the pens almost started to start levi(X)tating (X) and all of a sudden my (X) head went back when I (X) started backing up (X) and you can see the pens floating.
A: Hey. (X) Then if you’re serious, I’m serious. We need (X) very, very much (X) to get this video tape. If you get the video tape to me, I can con(X)vert (X) it to a computer AVI file or something of that order that (X) I can then put up on the Net for everybody to see. Would you give permission for that?
T: O(X)kay (“WOOD” or “WOULD”) — I’m just afraid — no, I, (X) of course I give permission . . .
A: Alright alright alright.
T: You can do whatever you want with it. I have no problem with that.
A: Do you — are you a com(X)puter person? Do you have a computer?
T: My — yes, I do.
A: You do. (X) Are you capable of (X) creating an AVI file?
T: No, I’m not. (X)
A: Okay. Then you get it (X) to me and I will do that. And then (X) include your phone number and I will have you back on the air when I do.
T: Okay.
A: I mean that’s an incredible, incredible story.
T: Really? I didn’t think it was that much. I didn’t — well, of (X) course, I was flipped out and everything and I had my customers — especially Dino his name is. Dino. Just a great guy.
A: Unless you’ve got some sort of Canadian version of David Blaine, believe me, that’s an incredible story. And you encountered a time traveler and that’s one of the most interesting subjects (X) in my life. So I want that (X) tape (X) pronto. Okay?
T: Okay.
A: Alright.
T: I have no problem with that.
A: Alright. Thank you. (X) I’ll look forward to it. You take (X) care. (X) Well there’s a way to begin it, huh? (X) Yikes. (X) That really (X) does sound (X) like a time (X) traveler to me. How about you? Had to be instructed how to use a gas pump. (X) Well I suppose if you came from an age where the only mode of (transport)ation around — to getting around was horses, well then you wouldn’t much (X) know how to use a gas pump. Course, you’ve got to figure the guy drove (X) up in something, (X) right? (X) He knows something about (X) cars. (X) Weird story. (X) Wild card line, you’re on the air. Hello. (X)
U: Hello, Art. (X)
A: Hello, sir.
U: (small laugh) I — that’s really hard to top that one but, you know, stranger things have happened. (X)
A: And they do every day.
U: Yeah. Well if you watch — there was actually an episode on “The Twilight Zone” with that same exact incident where a guy from the Civil War was found in the desert by a (X) driver buying a car. Remember that one?
A: Yes, I do.
U: Yeah. That just rang a (X) bell but —
A: I think all kinds of things (X) open and (X) close. And I do think there are time travelers. And I think we experience them (X) from time to time.
U: That’s true. Yeah. It — it — (X) things pop in and out and it’s nothing we can do about it except (X) just learn from it I guess. But the main reason I called is to say — well first of all, welcome back. Nice to hear your voice again.
A: Thank you. (X)
U: And (X) I was reading — I was with some person who understands Spanish a little better than I — (“I”) — I do.
A: Um-huh?
U: And, (X) as you know, the UFO phenomena is (X) really prevalent in Mexico. (X) And there are a lot of investigators out there doing a lot of (X) research on it. And I came across —
A: I know. They — look, they have (X) collisions with UFOs in Mexico. I mean documented (X) collisions. Planes taking off from Mexico City have (X) collided with UFOs. (X)
U: Yeah, I’ve read that. It’s sort of interesting that they’re scared of us around here because we shoot at ’em with S(X)DI. (laughs)
A: Well we definitely chase them. Witness (X) the story (X) over — over our capital just a (X) week ago, right? F-16s (X) chase a plane.
U: Yeah, right.
A: Or chase a UFO. The UFO (X) takes off. (X) It’s described as (X) having no conventional (X) propulsion (X) system. It’s described as leaving F-16s in the dust. (X) And then we end up by the U.S. Air Force telling us that, (X) you know, everything was okay and so they went home. (small laugh)
U: Yeah, I’m sur(X)prised that they even got that far on the air but — (X) but like (X) I’ve heard that SDI — we do push, we do shoot one across the bow to let them know that they’re not wel(X)come here. (X) But in Mexico a lot of people there are pretty (X) curious and — (X) and the UFOs do hang around there quite often. And (“THEY”) UFO investigations really move forward really uh (X “AA”) to a point in Mex(X)ico where they’re (X) getting a lot of good information. I found ex(X)actly a loca(X)tion, an Area 51 (X) base (X) in the Soviet Union. (“AN”) And there’s an Area 51 in the Soviet Union where they have five downed UFOs that they’ve been reverse-en(X)gin(X)eering. (X) And —
A: Well wouldn’t it be the damnedest thing if because we shoot (X) and chase UFOs — shoot at them — (X) that when contact eventually (X) comes, (X) it comes (X) to some formerly third world (X) nation somewhere that all of a sudden has this (X) technology dropped on them that makes them (X) king of the hill. And it — all because we shot at (X) these things. (X) Like Steven Greer says.
U: That’s ex(X)actly (X) right. And well we’ve — we’re pretty much in — (X) ahead of everybody else in the UFO investigation field. Since World War (X) II, we’ve been documenting what the Foo Fighters and, you know, the — the so-called gremlins (X) that . . .
A: Yeah, I know but you just think about it for a second. Imagine a headline — I don’t know how it would read. (X) “Bangladesh (X) Dictates Terms To World.” (X) (small laugh) It’s going to be something like that. “Bangladesh (X) Takes Over World.” You know — gets, welcomes (X) technology that the U.S. would not allow anywhere near its (X) shores without (X) a threat of (X) terminal bodily harm. (X) And — and so they go to Bangladesh or something. And that’s it for us. East of the Rockies, you’re on the air. Hello.
C: Hello?
A: Yes, hello.
C: Yes. You know, I’m really concerned about this saber rattling about (X) — against Iraq. And I think that (X) people have got to start using their own head because the Democrats (X) and the Re(X)publicans (X) and the corporate media, which interlocks with the mili(X)tary industrial (X) corporations (X) in this (X) country, always bi(X)partisanly (X) support (X) wars; interventions (X) that cause the deaths of millions of (X) people abroad and (X) hundreds and thousands of Americans in Vietnam —
A: Yeah, alright. All — all this said — (X) all this said, sir, (X) the (X) fact of the matter is (X) he is as fast as he can putting together the deadliest germs to try and —
C: Not so. Not so.
A: Well hold on. Yes it is so.
C: You know that Scott Ritter —
A: It absolutely is so, sir.
C: Scott Ritter has said that is nothing but propaganda and he —
A: Oh bull.
C: — was one of the most hostile inspectors . . .
A: Now that’s a — sir, that’s a load. You’re dumping a load on us.
C: You know — (X)
A: Give me a break.
C: That is absolutely . . .
A: No, it isn’t, sir. The U.N. — no no, hold it hold it hold it. The U.N. —
C: Let me speak. (X)
A: Well (X) I’ll let you speak when I want to. The U.N. has confirmed (X) beyond (X) any shadow of a doubt — I mean we have parts and pieces that the U.N. brought back. (“OF”) Nuclear — the beginning . . .
C: Absolutely not. That is absolutely — yes, Scott Ritter —
A: So the U.N — the U.N. is just —
C: Rolf Edgeles has recently said that these (X) claims have been false and these are the most (X) hostile people who seldom get any (X) attention on our media. You — you know . . .
A: Oh I’m sorry. Good-bye. A (X) total load. It’s just not true. There have been a (X) recording of very well documented exam(X)ples of (X) the Iraqi nuclear (X) and biological (X) programs, which were well under(X)way during the last war and have been going ever (X) since (X) full tilt. (X) I might add at the expense (X) of the Iraqi people who have not been eating at times when we’ve (X) allowed them to sell oil. That money has not gone where it was intended. It was going toward (X) the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction, which are specifically designed to kill us, (X) Israelis and (X) — and us, as in the U.S. So you’re just flat-out wrong about that. (X) And I understand your bias. You (X) hate all the (X) powers that be, the military industrial complex (X) which we were warned (X) about by Eisenhower and (X X) the power structure in this country and every other country (X) that is attempting to wage a war on terrorism. And I understand (X) exactly where you’re coming from. It’s just a load. (X) That’s all. A total load. West of the Rockies, you’re on the air.
W: Hello, Art.
A: Hello.
W: Yeah, my name’s Walter. I’m from Mount Rainier, Washington.
A: Yes?
W: Yeah, I’d like to ask you about your experiment where you (X) get everybody together and (X) concentrate on one thing. (X) And (X) I’d — I’d like to see if you could have everybody (X) concen(X)trate on (X) asking God to show up. You know, God and the (X) crew: (X) Jesus and Mary.
A: Are you so sure you really want that?
W: Well it’s important —
A: This comes under the category of you better be (X) careful what you ask for because the next time — there are certain (X) prescribed (X) things that are going (X) to occur next time (X) He rolls into town. And (X) so you might — you just might want to be real (X) careful about that.
W: Well if we’re not afraid of him, maybe (X) he’d show up.
A: So in other words (X) to you, you wouldn’t mind hearing the horns blow?
W: Sure.
A: Oh really?
W: We’ve got to meet Him sooner or later, right, if He exists.
A: So it might as well be sooner? In other words, you would have the horns blow? The walls crumble? The world come (X) tumbling down? (X) The return of — (X) of God? (X)
W: He’s coming here to save us, though.
A: The dead beginning to rise? (X) Everybody else — a (X) few people anyway getting sucked up, the rest of us (X) left around here to watch the carnage?
W: He can only do (X) good if He shows up.
A: Well I know but that’s somewhat subjective, (X) you’ve got to admit. I mean why wish that (X) to occur sooner (X) than later? Why not (X) let it be on His timetable?
W: Be(X)cause I don’t want to have to die before I (X) get to meet Him, you understand? If we’re ready —
A: Well I know but (X) after you die time (X) is but a (X) twinkle. (X) I mean — (X)
W: Well we won’t know until He comes here and tell us.
A: You’re not going to be languishing for some great (X) thousands of years of what we call Earth (X) time. (X) After you die, sir, you’re just — it’s going to be flash of a — boom. Like that.
W: Well —
A: You’ll meet your Maker. I mean why rush it? (X)
W: Well be(X)cause we need Him. We’re in (X) sad shape down here. (X)
A: As witness the story from Los Angeles with those cameras, huh?
W: Well yeah. (small laugh) Yeah. (X) To put it mildly.
A: (small laugh)
W: Right.
A: So — (X)
W: I think UFOs would show up all over the (X) place. After all, there was a (X) star that followed the —
A: Well wasn’t there some mention about (X) lots of strange things in the sky prior to that moment when Gabe’s (X) horn lets loose? (X)
W: Well we shouldn’t (X) be afraid of it. I mean (X) we got to — we got to meet It if It exists and — (“I”) there was a star that showed the wise men to Jesus when he was born. That’s docu(X)mented in history so I think UFOs would be everywhere. (X)
A: Well I’m sure they would be (X) but (X) it would be, you know, the horsemen of the apocalypse. It would be the (X) crumbling walls. It would be the end (X) of everything and (X) why wouldn’t you want to just wait a little bit (X) longer (X) for — for all of that (“TT” X) to come down. It’s so drastic.
W: Well (X) you talk to any religious people —
A: I mean if you ask me, a bunch of seals have already been broken. (X) Just look at all the signs around (X) you. They’re everywhere.
W: Well if you — if you get everybody together and ask God to show up, tha(t) — (X) it’s worth a (X) try. And (X) —
A: That would be the last (X) thing I would ever do. As you know, I have ceased (X X) these experiments, (X) anyway. They went too well. If something like that can (X) go too well, these (X) experiments have gone too well. And I have learned (X) that who am I to tamper — (X) who are —
W: We.
A: — we to tamper with the nature (X) of (X) everything? (X) I — in fact, I once played (X) some horns (X) and people would call me and say, “You know what, you’d better not (X) play those horns because you’re liable to get exactly what those horns (X) are calling down. So be careful about the horns, Art.” I’ve tried to be careful ever since. I am Art Bell. This is “Coast to Coast AM.”
Oh oh oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go oh Oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go o Oh oh oh oh You don’t have to go . . .
. . . All the tears I’ve cried oh oh aa I Baby please don’t go Well I’ve read the letters you wrote me . . .
(“D’yer Mak’r” performed by Led Zeppelin)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) Did you hear the hum in the background of that last call? Anyway, (X) during the last hour of the show, this is what (X) I heard. So the hum was also heard on this call.
A: . . . West of the Rockies, you’re on the air with (X) Ky Michaelson. Hello?
N: Yeah. Hi, gentlemen.
A: Boy, what am I hearing (X) going in the background there?
N: Is it me? (X)
A: Yeah. It sounds like a (X) big engine running in the background. (X)
N: Oh that’s weird. I hear that (X) too. Son of a gun. I’m on a Sanyo. (X) You know the digital you guys sold that was really good. (X)
A: Uh-huh.
N: Is that better?
A: No.
N: I’m moving.
A: No, it sounds like — anyway, go ahead, sir. (X)
N: Gee whiz, I’m (X) sorry. Yeah, I was (X) wondering if we were going to have a bicentennial visit again (X) over the capital. And I guess it (X) turns out we did (X) because they were just saying that 50 years — (X) you know, it was 50 years ago that we had all those spottings over the (X) capital.
A: Yeah, you’re talking about the recent at(X)tempt at interception by the F-16s. Yes. (X)
N: Absolutely. And I’m a big kid too. I play with all the same (X) toys you guys did when I was a (X) kid and —
K: Fun stuff. (small laugh)
N: Yeah. All that — I mean I (X) can’t believe how similar it is but it’s — (X) I kept all my fingers and (X) toes and went on (X) to be able to do some things. You know, I can’t believe we’ve got a (X) dune buggy up there on the (X) planet moon and we never built a (X) carport and a split level to put that sucker in.
K: (laughs)
N: I wondered what you’re opinion on that was. You know, it seems absurd. It’s a much more (X) better place to have a station. And the other question was with all your experience with jet engines and propulsion systems — this is a little off-kilter (X) — are you familiar with the (X) contrail or chemtrail (X) debate with all this stuff that’s similar?
A: Yeah, that’s pretty far off-kilter. That’s pretty far off-kilter.
N: Yeah, but it does come out the rear of an engine and I wondered if it — you have to fly into it. It is in the (X) sky, you know?
A: Alright. Well to cut it (X) short here, there is this (X) chemtrail controversy and a lot of people feel (X) that there’s an attempt at weather modification (X) under way and that (X) they’re using (X) commercial jets (X) and other jets to lay things (X) in the atmosphere (X) for some reason. Either weather control or perhaps (X) as (X) part of a weapon (X) system or — we (X) have no idea but there’s this big chemtrail controversy. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, have you?
K: I’ve read a little bit about it where a woman wrote into (X) a magazine. (X) I saw a little article on it, yes.
A: Yeah, that’s right. Any thoughts on it? (X)
K: I tell you there’s enough (X) technology out there to basically alter (X) anything. I really (X) believe that. (“NO” X)
A: So —
K: Who knows? (“I”) I — you just don’t know, you know.
A: Yeah. Could be.
K: I mean years ago we used to make (X) rain, you know. I mean yeah. (X)
A: We did. First time . . .
( . . . )
A: . . . first time (X) caller line, you’re on the air with (X) Ky Michaelson. Hello?
H: Hello, Ky. My name is Chris.
K: Hi, Chris.
H: And, by the way, Mr. Bell, thank you so much for the Moody Blues. It brings back a lot of memories of doing observing—stars and that—with Moody Blues in the background. I’m (X) kind of curious, Ky, this one that’s (X) going up now — is this one you hope to keep up for four years? (X)
K: Oh no. No. First up —
H: Well that’s the next one?
K: Yeah, first we want to (X) prove to the government that we built a (X) pro(X)pulsion system and, you know, an air frame —
H: Right.
K: — and all the elec(X)tronics; that we can (X) do this. And, you know, once you do that, that’s a big step but you know we’ve — we’ve launched four other rockets up to this point right now where we’re at. So (X) yeah, we have a — (X) we have a record. We’re not just talkers and we were just out there, (X) you know, like I mentioned be(X)fore, just a (X) few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the sand got the best of us out there.
H: Sure.
K: But we have a — we’re ready to . . . to launch another rocket. We have all the hardware. It’s all together. (X) We’re licensed and we’re going back out again (X) so . . .
H: So do you hope — is it possible to see this when you finally do launch that other one?
K: Yeah, as a matter of (X) fact, Discovery is doing my life (X) story. They’re doing a — and The Learning Channel. They’re (X) doing a one hour show on me —
A: When will that be on? Oh my God. I just lost all of my phone lines. What happened? (X) (gasps) I just lost all of my phone lines. (X) Every single last phone line just died. (X) Man, that (X) is weird. (X) Well, obviously, I’m going to have call Ky back right now. (X X) I’ve never seen that happen before. (dial tone) Let’s see here. Let’s see here. See. Um-huh huh (X) huh. I don’t know if this is going to work. (X) This is really weird. (X) Gee. (X) Weird, (rings) weird stuff.
K: Hello? (X)
A: Ky?
K: Yeah.
A: That was really weird. Every —
K: I don’t know what happened.
A: I was — I had (X) every line lit as we do when we’re on the air. (X) Every line went —
K: Yeah.
A: — dead all at once.
K: Oh wow. Me too — (small laugh)
A: That is —
K: Wonder who did that one?
A: Hold on one sec(ond). Okay, let me lock this in. Okay, (X) you’re locked in. Wow. (X) I wonder what just happened. (X) Strange things. (X) Anyway, we had a (X) caller on at the (X) time and I forget what he was asking you. (X)
K: He was — gee.
A: You forgot it too?
K: My . . . what happened to us? (small laugh)
A: It was a (X) good (X) call too . . .
K: We even lost our thoughts even. (“E[D]”)
A: I mean that just blew everything right out of my mind.
K: What the — (X)
A: Alright, well let’s just con(X)tinue with open lines. I don’t know.
K: What the heck happened there? I forgot what I was thinking here.
A: Believe me, that was weird. First-time caller —
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So after that (X) there was another brief (X) call that had the (X) strange background and it doesn’t really sound very good on these microcassette recordings of my stereo radio cassette recorder tape. But it sounded — I don’t know how to describe it. Like something you’d see, I guess, in a “2001” movie or a biblical movie or something. A strange tone. So there was another (X) caller — I guess this is the third one of the night who had called in but Art heard the tone and he said, (X) “I’m sorry but only one (X) call per night per person.” So I (X) guess he thought that it was the same person calling back but it didn’t sound like it was the same one. I guess Art didn’t notice that background tone the first time which was on that call asking him about God to show up. I thought that was interesting. Now his response where he said “. . . a few people getting sucked up and the rest of us left around here to watch the (X) carnage” was very revealing. (X) For some reason, he — (X) well, (X) it’s obvious why he thinks he’s not one of (X) the ones getting sucked up. Even though that whole thing is just (X) so ridiculous. I mean people have called in and (X) told him it’s not an end of everything; it’s a new beginning. But for some reason he doesn’t want to see it like that. (X) So I must say I did consider calling (X X) tonight. Just (X) to remind Art that (X) God never went anywhere. He’s always been here. But I don’t think that’s really necessary. (X) Not that I know what is necessary at this point.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Saturday morning, August 3rd. I’m on my way to the hospital because this morning all of a sudden my mother began gushing blood again. I haven’t asked her what happened exactly. Maybe it just started. But she was hysterical and she wanted to change her clothes before the ambulance got here, which was not a good idea. (X) So, anyway, a lot more blood splattered everywhere because she (X) didn’t remain (X) calm and wanted to dress herself. (“I”) She started cutting off her nightgown and then she asked me to finish it because the scissors weren’t sharp enough. (X) I had to get some other scissors from the bathroom — oh it was a nightware. Anyway, I’m on my way to the hospital now. She was in a (X) terrible (X) mood (X) yesterday. I think (X) high blood pressure really (X) is dangerous. (X) She was mad at her attendant, Jesse, because she told him that she was (X) bleeding (X) after (X) her session and he ignored her and went to get coffee (X) or water or something. So she asked — she started crying out for (X) help (X) and people just smiled at her — the head nurse and the other attendant there. (X) And later apparently the head nurse apologized to her. I guess she said that Jesse had thought she was kidding. He also told her, (“ELLEN”) “If you don’t like my work, you can ask for someone else to help you.” She told me that there were others there like Cliff who would not let him (X) handle them so she said (X) she wanted to say that, “Well no one else will have you so if I don’t have you then no one else is left.” Anyway, (X) I don’t know what happened. I think she’s had (“LIE”) high blood pressure a lot because she was in a (X) terrible mood all day yesterday. Now this has happened.
Q: So what happened? Did you take off your bandage this morning?
E: Yes.
Q: That’s what — ohhh.
E: That should never have do(ne) — Mark, I (X) took off the other one. It’s not — I told you —
Q: The last time this happened, what did — was there anything similar to this the last time this happened?
E: No. He just — I’m sure that — because when he put the needle in yesterday, it bled. And I — he probably hit something he shouldn’t have.
Q: And did you — (“WW”) did it bleed more afterwards than usual?
E: Well I told you — yes, it bled. And I said, “I’m bleeding.” And he says, “Oh no you’re not” and walked off. And then — (X) well never mind.
Q: Well now you know what to look for the next time. If it bleeds like that, you’ll know —
E: No, I won’t know what (X) to look for next time. What am I going to look for?
Q: Well if it bleeds like that.
E: They said it’s a pin — it’s the size of a pin. That’s how much pressure is being — it’s a pinprick and it squirts —
Q: Well why would it spurt like that?
E: I don’t know. They said it’s better than the whole thing bursting. (X)
Q: You’ve even got blood in your hair.
E: Yes, I can feel it.
Q: All over, you’re splattered with blood.
E: I’m splattered with blood. My feet. (“MARK”) Sorry, honey.
Q: See, next time you (X) shouldn’t let yourself become so hysterical like that.
E: Mark, if you’re hemorrhaging, you can bleed and you can feel it gushing, you would —
Q: That doesn’t help, though. It doesn’t help.
E: Well tell — don’t — please. Get out. I hope you never have to experience anything. (“THE BEL[T]”) They say if it’s near an artery that (X) you (X) could die. That’s why I wanted them to use the siren.
Q: And they stopped at every light?
E: Finally, after the sixth time, I said, “Why are we stopped here?” He says, “Oh (“WE”) well it’s a red light.” And I said, “But I thought you didn’t stop at red lights.” I said —
Q: Did he have the siren on?
E: No. I said, “Why isn’t the siren on?” He said, “Oh we — (“NO”) no, you’re not in cardiac arrest.” Oh please! I said, “Well I know that’s not the criteria.” Because I said, “I’m over at the center and they send in — the people that just have blood pressure — (X) nothing wrong with them hardly.” (X)
Q: And they have amb(ulances) — and they have the siren on?
E: And they have the siren on and then it comes blasting in. They have — and then if they take ’em to the hospital, the siren’s blasting. (“FOR TWO”) For a block to the hospital. (“I KNOW”)
Q: Isn’t that ridiculous?
E: Yes.
Q: But I don’t think — I think you should have stayed on with your housecoat because (“THAT WOULD”) that took a lot of extra —
E: Mark, it was dirty.
Q: You lost a lot of blood changing —
E: I don’t care it was dirty.
Q: Ellen, that’s vanity.
E: Well you’re damn right. And when I — when that goes, everything goes.
Q: It wasn’t — it didn’t look that dirty to me.
E: It was dirty. It had stains on it. All the food stains.
Q: Well then now you know never — to make sure you have something clean every day.
E: No, I’m not going to make sure I have something clean every day, Mark. You can’t live like that.
Q: (groans)
( . . . )
Q: So Ellen said (X) quote that the doctor told her (X) quote “It looks like it happened at the (X) beginning when he put the needle in” end quote (X) pertaining to her last dialysis session. She said that “The doctors usually don’t like to say anything.” But (X) she did say that was his comment. So what we have here is (X) a possible (X) case of (X) cover-up where the attendant was (X) too proud to admit that he made a mistake or was worried about (X) getting into trouble so instead (X) this is what happened.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Monday morning. (X) Ellen’s at her dialysis appointment (X) so we’ll see what the update is on that. (X) This weekend I did listen to some radio programs. Drudge created (X) controversy by having a picture of President Bush’s (X) father, the ex-President, with horrendous sores all over his face. (X) Bloody sores. He said it was the only case or the best case of somebody famous (X) coming forward with such a (X) horrendous (X) problem to help others become aware of Sun damage. (X) So, ironically, (X) the ex-President (X) who made so much money off of (X) the oil industry (X) and with all the damage done to the environment, now is suffering from the consequences of that damage. (X) I also (X) checked a few other shows. (X) It sounded as if Lee Kline — (X) I was half asleep at the time but it sounded like he was taking the side that we should bomb Iraq, which is — I guess I should have listened (X) more carefully but after having — ending each show with that song “The Universal (X) Soldier,” you’d think he’d have a different (X) opinion.
Q: This morning on the (X) drudgereport page, the headline is something about starting to bomb in (X) Iraq. And, of course, last Thursday Art made some comments to that same effect. And you’re always hearing promos on KFI for Handel’s show about bombing the — (X) what does he call them? The “turban-headed rat bastards.” I mean it’s just terrible. (X) All this war mongering. (X) I don’t think just a normal, everyday radio (X) talk show host would be such a war mongerer unless there were certain influences. I’ve also been thinking about the problem with the military sonar disrupting the (X) ecology of the oceans. (X) Isn’t that disgusting? (X) But I do remember something else around the same time as the other problems. My mother was watching it on (X) television. I guess she had called me to look because all these sharks were in the water along with the swimmers. The swimmers were trying to see them. (X) I can’t remember what type of shark they were. They weren’t Whites of course. (X) They weren’t dangerous sharks but they were all over the place where swimmers and bathers were.
Q: And then at there was still another article and the headline there at was “Another Marine Mammal Beaching — More Navy (X) Sonar Deaths?” So I clicked on that (X) and it says “14 (X) Rough-Toothed Dolphins Found (X) Dead on Eastern Shore” by Paul Clancy, The Virginian-Pilot, August 1st, (X) 2002.
While a large group of pilot whales was heading for Cape Cod beaches to die Monday morning, another mass stranding of marine mammals had taken place on a remote island on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
A mass stranding of 14 rough-toothed dolphins, a species rarely seen close to shore, occurred Sunday on the southern end of Wreck Island, an uninhabited nature preserve owned by the state.
The stranding was reported long after the animals had died, officials said. The Stranding Team from the Virginia Marine Science Museum, accompanied by a dolphin expert from the Smithsonian Institution, went to the barrier island opposite Oyster and examined the animals.
Rough-toothed dolphins get their name from ridges on their teeth. They have narrow heads and sloping foreheads, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Charles Potter, a Smithsonian marine mammal specialist, said Tuesday that there was no sign of trauma, such as net marks or boat strikes. Although the animals had not eaten recently, they were not emaciated.
“They might have just become trapped, or if one or two of them was ill, it might have been a follow-the-leader sort of thing to the beach,” Potter said.
They were mostly juveniles, Potter said.
“You get the feeling that if they were older, they might not have ended up like this,” he said.
Mark Swingle, director of the stranding team, said mass strandings are rare in Virginia. Three rough-toothed dolphins came ashore in Sandbridge in the late 1980s, he said.
They are deep-ocean animals, almost never found close to shore.
“Something must have been wrong,” Swingle said.
A mass stranding of 14 rough-toothed dolphins, a species rarely seen close to shore, occurred Sunday on the southern end of Wreck Island, an uninhabited nature preserve owned by the state.
The stranding was reported long after the animals had died, officials said. The Stranding Team from the Virginia Marine Science Museum, accompanied by a dolphin expert from the Smithsonian Institution, went to the barrier island opposite Oyster and examined the animals.
Rough-toothed dolphins get their name from ridges on their teeth. They have narrow heads and sloping foreheads, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Charles Potter, a Smithsonian marine mammal specialist, said Tuesday that there was no sign of trauma, such as net marks or boat strikes. Although the animals had not eaten recently, they were not emaciated.
“They might have just become trapped, or if one or two of them was ill, it might have been a follow-the-leader sort of thing to the beach,” Potter said.
They were mostly juveniles, Potter said.
“You get the feeling that if they were older, they might not have ended up like this,” he said.
Mark Swingle, director of the stranding team, said mass strandings are rare in Virginia. Three rough-toothed dolphins came ashore in Sandbridge in the late 1980s, he said.
They are deep-ocean animals, almost never found close to shore.
“Something must have been wrong,” Swingle said.
Q: At the 99 Cents store this weekend too, I noticed a large display of (X) tuna (X) for sale (two for 99 cents). (X) They didn’t have any mercury warning, however. On Friday, I didn’t get my unemployment check that I usually get every other week when I’m not working. And there was a homeless man outside of the 99 Cent store. When I gave him a dollar, he said that he was having problems this week because he didn’t get his (X) check. I guess it was a welfare check or whatever and so I told him I hadn’t received my check either. And today when I called, (X) you couldn’t even get past the opening menu, which is the worst I’ve ever (X) seen it—I (X) guess a lot of people didn’t get their (X) checks—even though they have an automated system where you can find out the automated way about your (X) checks but today there wasn’t even that. So that’s good and bad news because (X) the good news is that I still might (X) get paid; bad news is that (X) if the mail is lost for whatever reason they can (X) cancel your whole (X) claim. (X) There was also a (X) good link (X) on the (formerly page to a San Francisco (X) story in one of the newspapers there (X) about Bush, our President, channeling Orwell, which is something I’ve (X) thought a lot about. And this article detailed all the parallels: (X) Ministry of (X) Truth — (X) all of that: disinformation, propaganda, (X) an enemy (X) whose identity is ever-(X)changing and very nebulous. (X) Anyway, (X) something has got to give. The world just can’t keep inching its way along the path to disaster — oh, and I should say Art Bell — remember how he was sick for (X) 13 days in a row and then he was on the show on Thursday? Well the following night (X) George was back (X) and obviously the producers had prepared for him a statement to read because it just was ridiculous what he said. He went on and on and on about how Art was the jewel of radio and he learns (X) pointers from Art every night he listens and he learned some (X) pointers the (X) previous night. I mean it was just (X) laughable. So I wonder what’s (X) going to happen this week.
( . . . )
Q: Well on Wednesday night George Noory gave this news (X) information.
G: The navy is being sued to prevent it from deploying a sonar system that environmentalists say could strand or kill marine animals. (X) We talked about this when we were talking about the beached (X) whales in Massachusetts. The National Resources Defense Council is the lead group suing the navy and the National Marine Fishery Service. The navy says the powerful low-frequency sonar systems is needed to identify enemy submarines. Environmentalists say no, the sonar is capable of harming marine mammals (X) and interfering with their own communication systems. The environmentalists (X) point to a mid-frequency sonar used by the navy in March, 2000. Within hours after it was deployed, 16 whales, 2 dolphins beached themselves on islands in the Bahamas. (X) The navy has not commented on this lawsuit.
( . . . )
Q: Well it’s Sunday, August (X) 11. Last (X) night, I lis(X)tened to Barbara Simpson’s show. The reception was alright for a change. (X) I could have listened to Lee Kline who was interviewing Michael Ruppert but it sounded interesting during one of the commer(X)cials. Anyway, Barbara was interviewing Joshua Warren, (X) who I had sent Email regarding EVP on the broadcast (X) (of his previous “Coast to Coast AM” interview), telling him exactly where to listen to, on a recorded tape (X) of his show to hear (X) the EVP. (X) I thought maybe (X) he might mention (X) it but it was not to be and I’ll play for you a clip where he addressed EVP. Pretty much all that I heard discussed was the superstition of the time regarding spooks and (X) creature sightings. (X) I was very disappointed. (X) I don’t know what’s happening. I’ve sent all these different people transcripts telling them (X) exactly where they can hear the EV(X)P. Especially Joshua. (X) And I thought that maybe there was a chance but I guess not. (X) But the most alarming thing that happened last (X) night or maybe it was in the early hours of the morning. (X) Something new happened. I was — (X) I hear, as you know, ticks on the bed from different — from apparently two different Entities, (X) both telepathic. (X) I don’t even know the level of reality. Maybe it’s a lesson. I mean who knows? (X) But there was the sound of a machine whirring coming from my (X) bed (X) somewhere. It sounded like (X) it was in my mattress. Or was it within my head? I don’t (X) even know. So another (X) ‘alien-(X) type phenomena’ grouping and (X) episode. (X) Anyway, there’s just enough tape remaining on this side to (X) play (X) the Joshua Warren EVP comment.
I: . . . she would record dead air or whatever and later on play it back (X) and get answers from beyond or whatever.
B: I heard most of that show.
I: And I was just wondering if he did any of that kind of stuff? (X)
B: Have you got any recordings though, Joshua, (X) from some of these spirits and ghosts that you’ve been (X) hunting?
J: Yes. Yes, indeed we have. (X) We generally refer to that as EV(X)P or elec(X)tronic voice phenomena.
B: Um-huh.
J: And it’s a real phenomenon. (“A”) What’s kind of strange is even though we (X) call it EVP most of the time we don’t actually get voices. You just get other (X) types of odd sounds that you didn’t (X) hear. For example, we were (X) investigating a bed and breakfast a while back and it was — there was one room upstairs that was really active. And in years (X) past, it had light switches that had like the (X) two buttons where you push (X) one for on and the other for off.
B: Oh yeah.
J: And they no longer (X) have those. All they have is a regular switch now. But we set up a re(X)cording in that room and played it back later; and on at least (X) one or two occasions could hear what was distinctly (X) the sound of the old (X) switches being clicked.
B: (small laugh)
J: And we later compared that (X) to the actual sound of the (X) switches being (X) clicked and it was the same (X) thing so it was almost like an imprint from the (X) past. Aside from that, we’ve got foot(X)steps before using that technique (X) and occasionally voices. As a matter of fact, we did an investigation of the oldest house in Asheville not (X) too long ago. It’s called the Smith McDowell House — been around since the 1840s. (X) And at one point Brian Irish, the researcher I mentioned earlier — he’s the vice president of our team — he was downstairs with another researcher and he heard a voice (X) call his name. And he (X) turned around and asked the other researchers if they’d (X) heard it and they didn’t and didn’t know anything about it. Later, upon playing back a video camera which happened to be running at the time you could hear a voice go, “BRIAN.” And he said, “Who called my name?” (X) So the camera detected it but (or “BUT”) nobody else could hear (X) it except for Brian.
B: Wow. Thank you for that question. That’s interesting. Let’s go to the wild (X) card line. Adam from Joplin, Missouri. Adam, good morning.
D: Hello, Barbara.
B: Hi.
D: How are you guys tonight?
B: Pretty good. What’s your question? (X)
D: Hi. (X) I’m the director of a paranormal research group down here in Joplin, Missouri.
B: Um-huh.
D: And my question for Joshua was has he had the opportunity to visit the Joplin spook light? . . . (X)
Q: So that was the type of question that kept coming in. I fell asleep. I did record (X) a couple hours’ worth of the interview. I’ll have to listen to it because I think I missed part of it. But, (X) again, it was (X) all things that go bump in the (X) night (X) and, (X) as far as I know, nary a word was said about spiritual awareness concerning (X) the plight of the environment or one’s fellow man; how we’re politically starving others to death, especially in third world countries. And we do these things as members of groups: “Oh I’m doing it because it’s my assignment as a CIA member.” Or a Homeland Security member. Or a Bush Cabinet member. Or a corporate “CEO for my company” — “This is how I can make profits for my (X) company or for my family. (X) Forget spiritual wisdom. That’s for other people. (X) It’s not my responsibility. (X) I have to do the things I do to put food on the table for my kids. (X) I’m a Republican or a Democrat. (X) Or a Green Party member or a Socialist. We don’t like (X) talking about religion or spirituality on the radio because it hurts ratings or it’s not (X) part of our agenda. We have to cover-up Christ.”
( . . . )
Q: Well on Wednesday night George Noory gave this news (X) information.
G: The navy is being sued to prevent it from deploying a sonar system that environmentalists say could strand or kill marine animals. (X) We talked about this when we were talking about the beached (X) whales in Massachusetts. The National Resources Defense Council is the lead group suing the navy and the National Marine Fishery Service. The navy says the powerful low-frequency sonar systems is needed to identify enemy submarines. Environmentalists say no, the sonar is capable of harming marine mammals (X) and interfering with their own communication systems. The environmentalists (X) point to a mid-frequency sonar used by the navy in March, 2000. Within hours after it was deployed, 16 whales, 2 dolphins beached themselves on islands in the Bahamas. (X) The navy has not commented on this lawsuit.
( . . . )
Q: Well it’s Sunday, August (X) 11. Last (X) night, I lis(X)tened to Barbara Simpson’s show. The reception was alright for a change. (X) I could have listened to Lee Kline who was interviewing Michael Ruppert but it sounded interesting during one of the commer(X)cials. Anyway, Barbara was interviewing Joshua Warren, (X) who I had sent Email regarding EVP on the broadcast (X) (of his previous “Coast to Coast AM” interview), telling him exactly where to listen to, on a recorded tape (X) of his show to hear (X) the EVP. (X) I thought maybe (X) he might mention (X) it but it was not to be and I’ll play for you a clip where he addressed EVP. Pretty much all that I heard discussed was the superstition of the time regarding spooks and (X) creature sightings. (X) I was very disappointed. (X) I don’t know what’s happening. I’ve sent all these different people transcripts telling them (X) exactly where they can hear the EV(X)P. Especially Joshua. (X) And I thought that maybe there was a chance but I guess not. (X) But the most alarming thing that happened last (X) night or maybe it was in the early hours of the morning. (X) Something new happened. I was — (X) I hear, as you know, ticks on the bed from different — from apparently two different Entities, (X) both telepathic. (X) I don’t even know the level of reality. Maybe it’s a lesson. I mean who knows? (X) But there was the sound of a machine whirring coming from my (X) bed (X) somewhere. It sounded like (X) it was in my mattress. Or was it within my head? I don’t (X) even know. So another (X) ‘alien-(X) type phenomena’ grouping and (X) episode. (X) Anyway, there’s just enough tape remaining on this side to (X) play (X) the Joshua Warren EVP comment.
I: . . . she would record dead air or whatever and later on play it back (X) and get answers from beyond or whatever.
B: I heard most of that show.
I: And I was just wondering if he did any of that kind of stuff? (X)
B: Have you got any recordings though, Joshua, (X) from some of these spirits and ghosts that you’ve been (X) hunting?
J: Yes. Yes, indeed we have. (X) We generally refer to that as EV(X)P or elec(X)tronic voice phenomena.
B: Um-huh.
J: And it’s a real phenomenon. (“A”) What’s kind of strange is even though we (X) call it EVP most of the time we don’t actually get voices. You just get other (X) types of odd sounds that you didn’t (X) hear. For example, we were (X) investigating a bed and breakfast a while back and it was — there was one room upstairs that was really active. And in years (X) past, it had light switches that had like the (X) two buttons where you push (X) one for on and the other for off.
B: Oh yeah.
J: And they no longer (X) have those. All they have is a regular switch now. But we set up a re(X)cording in that room and played it back later; and on at least (X) one or two occasions could hear what was distinctly (X) the sound of the old (X) switches being clicked.
B: (small laugh)
J: And we later compared that (X) to the actual sound of the (X) switches being (X) clicked and it was the same (X) thing so it was almost like an imprint from the (X) past. Aside from that, we’ve got foot(X)steps before using that technique (X) and occasionally voices. As a matter of fact, we did an investigation of the oldest house in Asheville not (X) too long ago. It’s called the Smith McDowell House — been around since the 1840s. (X) And at one point Brian Irish, the researcher I mentioned earlier — he’s the vice president of our team — he was downstairs with another researcher and he heard a voice (X) call his name. And he (X) turned around and asked the other researchers if they’d (X) heard it and they didn’t and didn’t know anything about it. Later, upon playing back a video camera which happened to be running at the time you could hear a voice go, “BRIAN.” And he said, “Who called my name?” (X) So the camera detected it but (or “BUT”) nobody else could hear (X) it except for Brian.
B: Wow. Thank you for that question. That’s interesting. Let’s go to the wild (X) card line. Adam from Joplin, Missouri. Adam, good morning.
D: Hello, Barbara.
B: Hi.
D: How are you guys tonight?
B: Pretty good. What’s your question? (X)
D: Hi. (X) I’m the director of a paranormal research group down here in Joplin, Missouri.
B: Um-huh.
D: And my question for Joshua was has he had the opportunity to visit the Joplin spook light? . . . (X)
Q: So that was the type of question that kept coming in. I fell asleep. I did record (X) a couple hours’ worth of the interview. I’ll have to listen to it because I think I missed part of it. But, (X) again, it was (X) all things that go bump in the (X) night (X) and, (X) as far as I know, nary a word was said about spiritual awareness concerning (X) the plight of the environment or one’s fellow man; how we’re politically starving others to death, especially in third world countries. And we do these things as members of groups: “Oh I’m doing it because it’s my assignment as a CIA member.” Or a Homeland Security member. Or a Bush Cabinet member. Or a corporate “CEO for my company” — “This is how I can make profits for my (X) company or for my family. (X) Forget spiritual wisdom. That’s for other people. (X) It’s not my responsibility. (X) I have to do the things I do to put food on the table for my kids. (X) I’m a Republican or a Democrat. (X) Or a Green Party member or a Socialist. We don’t like (X) talking about religion or spirituality on the radio because it hurts ratings or it’s not (X) part of our agenda. We have to cover-up Christ.”
Whale strandings in the Canaries: a statement from WDCS
News is coming in to WDCS of an unusual mass stranding of beaked whales in the Canary Islands that is coincident with military manoeuvres that have been ongoing there.
The details, as far as we know them are that on the 24th of September, at least 12 beaked whales of 3 species (Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris and Mesoplodon europaeus) stranded in the Canary Islands (Spain). At least one in Lanzarote and 11 in Fuerteventura. NATO naval exercises were ongoing near by.
The Environmental Department of the Government of the Canary Islands is coordinating all the efforts to investigate and deal with this mass stranding, while SECAC (Society for the Study of Cetaceans in the Canary Archipielago) is assisting investigations.
At least four animals were alive when they stranded, and were “refloated”. Post mortem investigations are in progress.
The Government of the Canary Islands has asked the NATO to stop all military manoeuvres in the area.
WDCS is very concerned indeed about these strandings and fully supports the call from the authorities in the Canary Islands to halt the military manoeuvres.
We also call for a full and independent investigation to be made into the event.
After the series of similar unusual mass strandings that occurred in the Island in the mid-late 1980s and which coincided with military activities, WDCS had hoped that the appropriate authorities had ceased their activities. However, this latest incident seems to be another in the same series.
Source: Uk Cet Net/Marmam and others
Stranded whales put down by vet
By Miranda Korzy
AN overnight vigil with eight stranded false killer whales on the West Australian south coast has ended in tragedy for the animals with the survivors put down. Local fisherman came across 58 whales stranded at Tooregullup Beach, about 180km east of Albany, late yesterday afternoon, said WA Conservation and Land Management (CALM) department executive director Keiran McNamara.
The fishermen managed to return six of the whales to the water but 44 of the animals had already died, Mr McNamara said.
Rescue attempts had been hampered because of the sighting of a white pointer shark in the area.
The waters off the beach were also a breeding ground for bronze whaler sharks, he said.
Wildlife officers and a vet from Albany tried to stabilise the eight animals remaining on the beach overnight and planned to rescue them in the morning.
However, by first light two further animals had died with the rest extremely weak and distressed.
The most humane action had been to euthanase the whales, Mr McNamara said.
“The decision to call off rescue attempts is not taken lightly,” he said in a statement.
“It is a hard call and is only made after every possible avenue of success has been explored.”
Samples from the animals had been taken for a post mortem.
Very soft sand and a rising tide were preventing a machine coming in to move the 52 whale bodies which were now stuck on the beach, a CALM spokesman said.
However, an air survey of the area about 100km either side of the beach revealed no evidence of further strandings, the spokesman said.
False killer whales are between 4.5 and 5.5 metres long and can weigh around one tonne.
Found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters, they favour deep water but occasionally come close to the beach.
Japanese whaling fleet kills 194 whales in North Pacific, but the hunt may not be over…
Fisheries officials have reported that Japan’s annual three-month Scientific Whaling Programme in the North Pacific has bagged 194 whales from four protected species.
Fisheries Agency official Kiichiro Mitsumori reported that the fleet of six whaling vessels caught 100 minke, 50 Bryde’s, 39 sei and five sperm whales out of a quota of 210 whales. The Programme (called JARPN II) was expected to take an extra 50 minke whales, 11 sei whales and five sperm whales.
The failure to take the sperm whales might be attributed to the fact that this species is so contaminated, the Government of Japan had to ban its sale for human consumption last year.
The 50 extra minke whales – added to the previous year’s quota of 100 – may yet be taken by ships from traditional coastal whaling communities.
The government of Japan appeared to promise these communities a minke whale quota at the May 2002 IWC meeting – when the Commission refused to lift or bend the commercial whaling moratorium for their benefit.
Previous news articles reported that some fresh meat and blubber from the whales caught this summer were offloaded in Japanese ports during crew changes. Although the IWC permits whales caught in scientific research programmes to be processed, the sale of scientific samples before research on them is complete points illustrates the strong commercial motivations for this and Japan’s other ‘Special Permit’ hunt.
After decades of over-exploitation, which reduced some whale populations by over 98%, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) declared a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1982, which came into effect in 1986. A year later, Japan commenced a scientific whaling programme, which is permitted under Article VIII of the IWC’s founding treaty, which states:
1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Convention any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research & the killing, taking, and treating of whales in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be exempt from the operation of this Convention.
2. Any whales taken under these special permits shall so far as practicable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted.
Japan currently operates two ‘special permit’ operations annually; one (JARPA) taking up to 450 minke whales in the Antarctic (despite the IWC’s designation of the southern ocean as a sanctuary in 1994); and one (JARPN II) in the North Pacific.
Until 2000, the Pacific programme took 100 minke whales but this was expanded in 2001 to include ten sperm whales, 50 Bryde’s whales and again in 2002 to include fifty more minkes and 50 sei whales (the second largest species on the planet).
The North Pacific factory fleet left Shimonoseki port shortly after the 54th annual IWC meeting, held in that city in May, closed. The Suisan Keizai Shinbun newspaper reported that raw whale meat was offloaded from one of the fleet’s research vessel when it changed crew. Fresh meat from sei and Bryde’s whales was sold for the first time in years at Tsukiji Market on 7 August.
A cut of raw Bryde’s meat called Onomi was sold Y 8,800 /kg ($73) and sei whale meat fetched up to Y3,500/ kg ($30). The research proposed for the sei and Bryde’s whales comprises (a) feeding ecology and ecosystem studies (basically a study of stomach contents) (b) monitoring environmental pollutants in cetaceans and the marine ecosystem and (c) elucidation of stock structure. It is highly unlikely that the research vessel Nissin Maru has appropriate technical facilities to undertake molecular genetic analysis or contaminant analysis. Accordingly, the samples taken will not be tested until the factory fleet returns to port. Until the research is complete, it is not appropriate for the whales to be processed and sold for food.
Japan’s two ‘scientific whaling programmes’ will provide over 4,000 tonnes of whale meat to its domestic market in 2002/2003. This is in addition to another 4,000 tonnes from up to 20,000 dolphins killed annually in Japanese coastal waters. Plus the products from another 100 minke whales expected to be marketed after a prohibition on killing whales caught in nets was lifted in 2001. Furthermore, Japan proposes to import hundreds of tonnes of minke whale meat from Norway in 2002. However, demand for whale meat is falling dramatically in Japan. In 2001, one third of the whale meat from the North Pacific hunt went unsold unwanted by wholesalers. In 2002, to avoid the same embarrassment, the government cut the wholesale price of the North Pacific whales by 20% and embarked on a massive publicity drive to encourage the public to eat more whale. The campaign includes the distribution of free whale blubber ice-cream, the publication of cookbooks; even a promotional musical.
Increasing public concern about contaminated whale meat is believed by consumer protection groups in Japan to be behind the fall in demand. Working in conjunction with Japanese toxicologists since 1999, their research and publications have shown that a significant proportion of whale meat sold for human consumption in Japan has levels of contaminants (including heavy metals and organic compounds) that exceed advisory levels set for human consumption. Some levels, of mercury in particular, are so high that they could cause acute poisoning.
Sperm whales appear to have particularly high levels of mercury. In fact, all the sperm whales caught in the North Pacific in 2000 were so contaminated with mercury that they could not be sold for human consumption. They contained an average of 1.47ppm of total mercury 3.7 times the maximum of 0.4 ppm set for mercury in Japan.
Source: Associated Press
Whale strandings in the Canaries: a statement from WDCS
News is coming in to WDCS of an unusual mass stranding of beaked whales in the Canary Islands that is coincident with military manoeuvres that have been ongoing there.
The details, as far as we know them are that on the 24th of September, at least 12 beaked whales of 3 species (Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris and Mesoplodon europaeus) stranded in the Canary Islands (Spain). At least one in Lanzarote and 11 in Fuerteventura. NATO naval exercises were ongoing near by.
The Environmental Department of the Government of the Canary Islands is coordinating all the efforts to investigate and deal with this mass stranding, while SECAC (Society for the Study of Cetaceans in the Canary Archipielago) is assisting investigations.
At least four animals were alive when they stranded, and were “refloated”. Post mortem investigations are in progress.
The Government of the Canary Islands has asked the NATO to stop all military manoeuvres in the area.
WDCS is very concerned indeed about these strandings and fully supports the call from the authorities in the Canary Islands to halt the military manoeuvres.
We also call for a full and independent investigation to be made into the event.
After the series of similar unusual mass strandings that occurred in the Island in the mid-late 1980s and which coincided with military activities, WDCS had hoped that the appropriate authorities had ceased their activities. However, this latest incident seems to be another in the same series.
Source: Uk Cet Net/Marmam and others
Stranded whales put down by vet
By Miranda Korzy
AN overnight vigil with eight stranded false killer whales on the West Australian south coast has ended in tragedy for the animals with the survivors put down. Local fisherman came across 58 whales stranded at Tooregullup Beach, about 180km east of Albany, late yesterday afternoon, said WA Conservation and Land Management (CALM) department executive director Keiran McNamara.
The fishermen managed to return six of the whales to the water but 44 of the animals had already died, Mr McNamara said.
Rescue attempts had been hampered because of the sighting of a white pointer shark in the area.
The waters off the beach were also a breeding ground for bronze whaler sharks, he said.
Wildlife officers and a vet from Albany tried to stabilise the eight animals remaining on the beach overnight and planned to rescue them in the morning.
However, by first light two further animals had died with the rest extremely weak and distressed.
The most humane action had been to euthanase the whales, Mr McNamara said.
“The decision to call off rescue attempts is not taken lightly,” he said in a statement.
“It is a hard call and is only made after every possible avenue of success has been explored.”
Samples from the animals had been taken for a post mortem.
Very soft sand and a rising tide were preventing a machine coming in to move the 52 whale bodies which were now stuck on the beach, a CALM spokesman said.
However, an air survey of the area about 100km either side of the beach revealed no evidence of further strandings, the spokesman said.
False killer whales are between 4.5 and 5.5 metres long and can weigh around one tonne.
Found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters, they favour deep water but occasionally come close to the beach.
Japanese whaling fleet kills 194 whales in North Pacific, but the hunt may not be over…
Fisheries officials have reported that Japan’s annual three-month Scientific Whaling Programme in the North Pacific has bagged 194 whales from four protected species.
Fisheries Agency official Kiichiro Mitsumori reported that the fleet of six whaling vessels caught 100 minke, 50 Bryde’s, 39 sei and five sperm whales out of a quota of 210 whales. The Programme (called JARPN II) was expected to take an extra 50 minke whales, 11 sei whales and five sperm whales.
The failure to take the sperm whales might be attributed to the fact that this species is so contaminated, the Government of Japan had to ban its sale for human consumption last year.
The 50 extra minke whales – added to the previous year’s quota of 100 – may yet be taken by ships from traditional coastal whaling communities.
The government of Japan appeared to promise these communities a minke whale quota at the May 2002 IWC meeting – when the Commission refused to lift or bend the commercial whaling moratorium for their benefit.
Previous news articles reported that some fresh meat and blubber from the whales caught this summer were offloaded in Japanese ports during crew changes. Although the IWC permits whales caught in scientific research programmes to be processed, the sale of scientific samples before research on them is complete points illustrates the strong commercial motivations for this and Japan’s other ‘Special Permit’ hunt.
After decades of over-exploitation, which reduced some whale populations by over 98%, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) declared a moratorium on commercial whaling in 1982, which came into effect in 1986. A year later, Japan commenced a scientific whaling programme, which is permitted under Article VIII of the IWC’s founding treaty, which states:
1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Convention any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research & the killing, taking, and treating of whales in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be exempt from the operation of this Convention.
2. Any whales taken under these special permits shall so far as practicable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted.
Japan currently operates two ‘special permit’ operations annually; one (JARPA) taking up to 450 minke whales in the Antarctic (despite the IWC’s designation of the southern ocean as a sanctuary in 1994); and one (JARPN II) in the North Pacific.
Until 2000, the Pacific programme took 100 minke whales but this was expanded in 2001 to include ten sperm whales, 50 Bryde’s whales and again in 2002 to include fifty more minkes and 50 sei whales (the second largest species on the planet).
The North Pacific factory fleet left Shimonoseki port shortly after the 54th annual IWC meeting, held in that city in May, closed. The Suisan Keizai Shinbun newspaper reported that raw whale meat was offloaded from one of the fleet’s research vessel when it changed crew. Fresh meat from sei and Bryde’s whales was sold for the first time in years at Tsukiji Market on 7 August.
A cut of raw Bryde’s meat called Onomi was sold Y 8,800 /kg ($73) and sei whale meat fetched up to Y3,500/ kg ($30). The research proposed for the sei and Bryde’s whales comprises (a) feeding ecology and ecosystem studies (basically a study of stomach contents) (b) monitoring environmental pollutants in cetaceans and the marine ecosystem and (c) elucidation of stock structure. It is highly unlikely that the research vessel Nissin Maru has appropriate technical facilities to undertake molecular genetic analysis or contaminant analysis. Accordingly, the samples taken will not be tested until the factory fleet returns to port. Until the research is complete, it is not appropriate for the whales to be processed and sold for food.
Japan’s two ‘scientific whaling programmes’ will provide over 4,000 tonnes of whale meat to its domestic market in 2002/2003. This is in addition to another 4,000 tonnes from up to 20,000 dolphins killed annually in Japanese coastal waters. Plus the products from another 100 minke whales expected to be marketed after a prohibition on killing whales caught in nets was lifted in 2001. Furthermore, Japan proposes to import hundreds of tonnes of minke whale meat from Norway in 2002. However, demand for whale meat is falling dramatically in Japan. In 2001, one third of the whale meat from the North Pacific hunt went unsold unwanted by wholesalers. In 2002, to avoid the same embarrassment, the government cut the wholesale price of the North Pacific whales by 20% and embarked on a massive publicity drive to encourage the public to eat more whale. The campaign includes the distribution of free whale blubber ice-cream, the publication of cookbooks; even a promotional musical.
Increasing public concern about contaminated whale meat is believed by consumer protection groups in Japan to be behind the fall in demand. Working in conjunction with Japanese toxicologists since 1999, their research and publications have shown that a significant proportion of whale meat sold for human consumption in Japan has levels of contaminants (including heavy metals and organic compounds) that exceed advisory levels set for human consumption. Some levels, of mercury in particular, are so high that they could cause acute poisoning.
Sperm whales appear to have particularly high levels of mercury. In fact, all the sperm whales caught in the North Pacific in 2000 were so contaminated with mercury that they could not be sold for human consumption. They contained an average of 1.47ppm of total mercury 3.7 times the maximum of 0.4 ppm set for mercury in Japan.
Source: Associated Press