Q: Mark Russell Bell
V: David Botsford
Q: But one of the things I’m noticing in my interviews — the various people that the synchronicity brings me in touch with — it’s like I keep meeting people from different countries. It’s like people find themselves — I mean who (“KN”) knows why people live in a certain country and move somewhere else? Why did you move to Los Angeles, for example?
V: Because I was looking for the place where I could redevelop (“A NN”) therapies and really achieve a high degree of excellence.
Q: Especially as a hypnotherapist.
V: Yes. And in L.A. people are very open to the concept of hypnotherapy.
Q: And there’s a lot of money here. Let’s be honest.
V: That’s true.
Q: A lot of people have a lot of money.
V: Absolutely.
Q: All the stars. You know? Like Tina Turner thinks she’s the reincarnation of the only woman pharaoh.
V: Yes.
Q: So (“I MEAN”) anyway. (“HE”) I’m sure she is after hearing the story that (“WHAT”) Carol Ann said — spoke at (“NO”) over the weekend. So — oh (“NO”) for example, today in the business section of the L.A. Times — I always think that people in Hollywood are hopeless because the films are so awful and shitty. I mean they’re awful. (“IT”) You think that they’re morons. You think these people only care about screwing Heidi’s girls and sniffing — snorting coke. (“I ME”) Look at the movies. I mean any idiot could do better than that, you would think, you know? But I guess — (small laugh) I mean who knows? You just wonder sometimes. But maybe they’re not as bad as I think they are because this sounds very perceptive to me. In footnotes today by James Bates is a small section called “Star Gazer” and it says:
Since being forced out as chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment in late 1994, movie producer Peter Guber has taken a relatively low profile.
Now Guber will address next month’s American Film Market in Santa Monica in a speech titled “Hollywood Graffiti . . . A View From the Hubble Space Telescope of the Entertainment Business.”
Asked to elaborate, Guber faxed The Times an explanation that read: “The title suggests that all of the seemingly connected seminal events in the entertainment business these last few years are in some macro way connected. It is only with the distance of space, time and with major tools, we might find their seminal meaning. In short, is there some Rosetta Stone that puts all such events in some context?”
V: Mmm.
Q: Well that fits right in with my book, doesn’t it? There’s also something here — something about — they just quote Michael D. Eisner in the next (“BB”) business (“Footnotes”) but it’s (“SAID”) so boring and redundant I won’t even — oh it just mentions his own emergency quadruple bypass surgery. (small laugh) Yikes. (“I MEAN”) If they think (“THAT”) — he knows that’s a wake-up call for him to get the really important things in his life together. He’s got enough money. He’s made enough movies and what does he — (“YES”) what does he want? He’s not going to live forever. Why not enjoy the time he has left with his loved ones and by seeing nature? And by doing the things he has always wanted to do? (“ME”) Do we really need “Toy Story 2”?
V: (small laugh)
Q: I mean I didn’t see “Toy Story” 1. A lot of people think it’s like the best movie of the year but as far as I’m concerned it’s a fucking commercial for toys.
V: Yeah. (“I”)
Q: Well you say yeah (“LIKE”) but it’s winning, like, awards for, like, (“FROM”) you know, like groups. (“NO”) Excellence in media groups are giving this commercial awards. You have to wonder. (“I MEAN”) If people are so sick and so out of their minds that they need me to tell them how bad things are — and God won’t let me go see any movies. So that tells you how bad things are.
V: (laughs) (“I ME” “DID YOU GG”)
Q: You didn’t see “Seven” by any chance?
V: No.
Q: I sure the hell wouldn’t want to be one of the people that God brought to see (spirit laughter) “Seven.”
V: (small laugh)
Q: Even though (“I”) — no, I shouldn’t say that because my friend Marie who’s very close to the energy of the Virgin Mary went to see “Seven” but she likes to see movies. (“AND”) Even one of the spirit voices when I was transcribing that part almost went “HUH?!” — gasped as a joke when Marie said that she had gone to see “Seven.” (“BUT”) Even she doesn’t believe me really. When push comes to shove, she doesn’t believe me. So the Son of Man has no place — (“WHAT WAS”) what did you say? ‘No place to lay his head, rest his head’?
V: Yes.
Q: Exactly. And poor Jesus doesn’t either. That poor homeless man out there.
V: Mmm.
Q: He’ll probably get picked up tonight and give a blow-job for $50.
V: (laughs)
Q: (small laugh) I mean it’s sad. It’s terrible. (“I MEAN”) Can you imagine Jesus being (“YOU KNOW”) here in L.A. in 1996? It’s a fate worse than death. It is. It’s terrible. My God. So, anyway, I’m doing this book on Hollywood. I’ve done some very good interviews. (“SO”) Maybe you can just tell me a few of your (“ALLEN”) anecdotes about life in Hollywood. You don’t — please, you know I would never ask you to name names.
V: Sure.
Q: Since you're not really that well — you’re not famous yet. Soon to be. You can just say actor or producer or would-be writer or whatever. Waiter. Most of them begin as waiters. So that’s fine. And I’ll put this close to you just to make sure I’m picking it up.
V: Thank you.
Q: (sighs) Ohhh.
V: One of my clients works in the movie industry. He’s involved with movie finance and apparently he’s quite well-known (“YOU KNOW AMONG” “B”) by the industry. And he comes across as being a very stern, very focused individual, a man who’s rather formidable to deal with. And he wanted me primarily to help him to become more relaxed about dealing with people. A little more approachable. Because he felt himself to be rather too intimidating.
Q: I’m impressed. That’s good. That’s really great. Holistic therapies are the best. I mean people should be open-minded about holistic therapies.
V: Oh yes. Definitely. And he has this tension not only in the mind but also in the body. And he has a massive, severe muscular tension near the bladder, you know, which doctors say has got to be relaxed or else they’re going to have to operate —
Q: Wow.
V: — in order to, you know, prevent a major illness.
Q: That’s major tension.
V: Very major tension. So I taught him —
Q: Only about 99% of the people in Hollywood have the same thing.
V: Oh yes. (laughs)
Q: (laughs)
V: So I basically taught him how to become very relaxed through various self-hypnosis methods. And I also brought him to an altered state of awareness, communicated the unconscious, drew on the resources that he had about being relaxed, about being spontaneous with people; encouraged this aspect of his personality to grow and to develop. And —
Q: How many times did you see him to do this?
V: Oh (“WAS”) I saw him quite a long time. It must’ve been about ten/fifteen sessions. And he said he felt happier, healthier, more able to deal with people. I also discussed how in business to communicate with people effectively so that they feel or see or they hear that he’s on the same level as them — that (“HE”) he’s communicating in the same way; and how to tailor his communication with people. So, in order to do that —
Q: Does he work long hours?
V: Yes. (“OFFER”) Yes.
Q: Is he cutting it down now?
V: I think so. Yes. And he likes boating. You know, he has a boat, which he takes out. And I was able to draw on this resource.
Q: Great. (“UH-HUH”)
V: You know, in order to bring some of those qualities of boating into play in his career, in his relationship, you know, with his girlfriend and his daughter. So that was one of them. I dealt with another lady who’s actually a singer, quite well-known; not a top seller by any standards. And she was saying about how she felt this lack of confidence; how she wasn’t giving all when she performed; about how she was holding back; and how she was having to deal with jealousy and people trying to knock her down in various underhand ways. And so that was a question of, again, drawing on these early experiences in the early state of her career when she was developing, becoming more successful, becoming more popular and using that resource; asking the unconscious mind to go back to those earlier times in her life and draw on those resources to give her now the quality she needs in order to achieve continuous improvement of her state as continuous growth; and to accept herself, accept the right that she has to succeed.
Q: And how do you do that?
V: It’s a question of understanding how the unconscious mind understands reality. And that’s different with every person. So it was a question of drawing on what’s important to her. For her, clothing was important. She was talking about things she was wearing. And so I was able to use this interest in clothing, in fashion and — to get her to create in her own mind what her life was going to be like in the future; what she’ll be wearing when she was achieving something. And through (“NO”) dealing with a person’s own conception of the universe, it’s possible to help that person to —
Q: And you’re very well versed in all the various — the historical and metaphysical aspects so you can sort of tune in to their interests.
V: That’s right.
Q: But (“NO”) what about — have you in terms of like the past life regressions — for example, Carol Ann Dreyer tries to bring people in touch with their previous lives so they won’t make the same mistakes in this one.
V: Yes.
Q: Have you done that yet?
V: Oh yes. Yes, I’ve had a lot of past life regression. And I brought one lady back to a time when she was, you know, in the early years of the American colony when she was somebody — she believed herself to be somebody who had been coming over to America, building a new life and so on, and dealing with various new things, aspects of the wilderness and that sort of thing. And it was a very similar situation to what she was facing in this life as she got married and moved to L.A. She had a number of health problems, which she’d been doing her best to deal with — you know, problems of the immune system. And so by going back to these past lives, it’s possible to draw on this, as it were, heroic aspect of this woman building something new in the wilderness and creating things. And by doing that it was possible to build a new life. And I also dealt with her husband who’s actually an Italian. And he had a number of problems, including a problem — (“YOU KNOW”) physical problem in his stomach, you know, and there were various — he had lack of confidence in his career and so on. And so, again, I took him back and he was a pirate in the Renaissance.
Q: (small laugh) (“UH-HUH”)
V: And what I did was —
Q: Now when you take people back — because, for example, Carol Ann Dreyer (“IS”) practically sometimes able to tell people who they’re the reincarnation of. It’s a little different with you. You sort of rely upon their own intuition (“TO LET THEM KN”) to let you know who they are.
V: Yes.
Q: But do you find that sometimes synchronicity gives people — (“LIKE”) for you, for example, coming in touch with Richard III. It’s like if people really are aware of synchronicity, they themselves can figure out who they’re the reincarnation of just by the objects that they’re brought in touch with. For example, my medallion of Bel-Marduk.
V: Mmm.
Q: I mean if you just follow (“THE”) your own synchronicity, you can put two and two together. There is one thing I have — (“BUT”) do you ever have a sense (“LIKE”) who somebody was before they tell you?
V: You can sometimes get an idea. Yes.
Q: Exactly. Yeah.
V: Nevertheless, I allow the person to go back in their own way, their own unique way, using their own unique route to get back. And then I get them to tell me what they’re experiencing.
Q: Exactly. Well see —
V: What can they hear and see?
Q: The questions you asked me, for example, led me to believe I was the reincarnation of the two people in my screenplays. And, you know, I talked a little bit about that with Carol Ann Dreyer at the workshop. And the one she was — (“SHE”) most picked up on was the Catherine Cadiere energy. So we talked a little bit about that in passing. (“BUT”) On one of — on the tape — the pages — the new pages I’m giving you tonight, one of the spirits voices says I look just like King Arthur. (“ILEE”) It’s like I already have three people. Could I also be the reincarnation of King Arthur? I mean I have the Holy Grail.
V: Mm-hh.
Q: I mean is that something? Could I be? Do you get that energy? (“DO YOU FEEL THAT”) Like I have a King Arthur energy? Plus my mother’s maiden name was King?
V: It’s a possibility.
Q: It’s possible. Everything’s a possibility. But — I don’t know. (“THEY WOULD”) The spirit voice said — (“KING AR”) mentioned King Arthur in terms of who I look like. And, (“CAUSE”) again, it’s like I think people look like the people they were in previous lives.
V: Yes.
Q: Like I look like Bel-Marduk and you look like Richard III. So that’s interesting to me. (“I WW”) I would not want to be (“ANY”) — I would not want to be any of these people, you know? If it was (up to) me, I’d rather be the reincarnation of William Shakespeare.
V: (small laugh)
Q: I mean if I could choose.
V: Yes, of course.
Q: I mean you know? Who else would I want to be? I don’t know. I sure the hell wouldn’t want to be Jesus.
V: (small laugh) (“AND I”)
Q: You read that section in my book where I’m calling my mom and saying I’m the reincarnation of Christ. You know?
V: Yes. (“BUT”)
Q: There were — the synchronicity had (“MM”) led me to that conclusion. So I can see how there are paranoid people out there — schizophrenic people can come to these conclusions.
V: Yes.
Q: . . . about my little book, my little desk encyclopedia over there, it says that Jesus (could have) started his ministry at the age of 39.
V: Oh.
Q: So there were reasons why I came to the conclusion that I did. Plus the two burning bushes. (“I ME”) What if you had had the same experience as me? God revealed Himself to you in all these different ways: (“AND”) aliens, insects, ghosts, you-name-it. You had burning bushes. And you just read that Jesus began his ministry at the age of 39 and you just had your birthday recently. What would you think?
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t you think that?
V: Yes, I would consider it very significant.
Q: Exactly. Plus I could feel psychic energy pouring out of my body. So, of course, I immediately tried to do a healing and it didn’t work so I was — that was (“LIKE”) the best news of all. But, anyway, I’ve already covered that in my book. (“O K”) Of all your clients in L.A., who has treated you the shittiest? I mean you don’t have to name names or anything but just like what kind of person was it? Or if any? Maybe you haven’t had any shitty clients.
V: Oh I had one guy who came to stop smoking. And he — they said he — well, I mean, ripped me off. You know, he — I mean he knew I charge $150 and they cover three sessions for smoking. We had a special deal then. And he came to one session and he paid $50 and he said I’ll pay you (for) the others next time. Because I cured him of smoking in the first session so he never turned up again.
Q: Oh. And what did he — what did he do for a living?
V: He’s a record producer in the music industry.
Q: Well, see, that’s definitely in ‘The (“THIEF”) Industry.’ (“YEAH”) It’s like in these industries where people make a lot of money —
V: Yeah.
Q: — (“IT’S LIKE”) the more money they make, the more they think that they can’t give — I mean I was cheated out of money by Bob Rehme.
V: Really?
Q: In a way. It wasn’t really — he didn’t cheat me out of it. It’s just that — okay, he called up Blaise Noto and said, ‘Do you know — have someone who can write a speech for me?’ And, of course, my name came up. (“SO UH UH”) But Blaise said, ‘Whatever you do, be sure and discuss it with him because we can’t bill this to any of the films.’ So I go in there, he tells me what he wants, then he has to go into a meeting so it’s like, ‘Go and do it and then (“YES”) we’ll talk later.’ So I turn it in. It’s exactly what he wants: ‘Okay, I’ll fax it to you and we’ll discuss it more.’ He didn’t give me a chance to tell — to talk about how much money I was going to charge. But he definitely — you know, he — so I (“BUT I” “YOU KNOW WHAT”) — but it was fine because I didn’t even (“WW”) — I wasn’t going to even charge him any money. But I could tell (“WHAT”) exactly what was going on even though they get a fortune for development deals. And I might be misinterpreting this but I don’t think so. (“RIGHT”)
V: (small laugh)
Q: I used to know his assistant. (“I KN”) I used to know his assistant who worked for him way back when and, if I was writing a tell-all book, (“SHE’S”) one of the people I would call. If I was writing a naughty tell-all book but I’m writing a nice tell-all book so I’m just leaving it up to people’s own interpretation. (“SO”) Needless to say, he never called me back. I never got a fax. But I said (or “BUT I SAID”) ‘Well that’s fine. I did him a favor and (“NOW”) maybe he’ll read one of my scripts as a courtesy that’s often done in Hollywood. So I wrote him a letter: ‘I’d like to send you a script that’s perfect for you. Science fiction. There’s a Harrison Ford-type role.’ Blah blah blah. Of course, I don’t know if he even saw the letter. I got a letter back from his assistant, (“WHO WAS LIKE”) another one of my least favorite people. She just has a very blunt manner about her. She thinks, “Oh I’m this big shot producer’s secretary.” (“WHEN SH”) If she only knew that the other secretaries who worked for him (“HH”) have left Hollywood in tears. I mean it’s like — and I didn’t even — since she’s a hateful bitch, I wasn’t about to tell her that she’s wasting her time, that’s she never going anywhere in that job. Fuck her. This the treatment I get.
V: Yes.
Q: You know? (“SO ANY”) I mean I (“DEFI”) — people don’t — in Hollywood don’t understand that people know exactly what you’re doing and what games you’re playing.
V: Yes.
Q: All the time. You know? So when you cheat someone out of something, you’re losing. Because my screenplay’s better than anything he’s done in a long, long time.
V: Oh yes.
Q: You know, it’s better than — you know. What can I say? There. The synchronicity led me to be gypped by him in a long line of people that I’ve been gypped by.
V: Yes.
Q: What can I say? Christ consciousness. Christ karma. Not Jesus but New Age.
V: Yes.
Q: So I don’t know I mean. But, anyway, so I’m doing this tell-all book about Hollywood. Some people name names. Why not? (“MEAN” “CAUSE”) Because God wants people to be totally honest. Because if we can face our failures as well as our successes, we can all realize that we all share the same common problems. You know? (“I MEAN”) As I told you when I — I stole that comic book. I mean I admit that.
V: Yes.
Q: I mean we all do things. (“LIKE”) Have you had people who have like bad habits and things?
V: Oh yes.
Q: You know — who cut themselves and things like that?
V: That kind of thing. There’s all sorts of bad habits, you know.
Q: Self-abuse?
V: Yeah. Various things.
Q: And what is the basis for this?
V: It’s a symbolic way the unconscious mind has taken on the idea that part of is bad. Some impulse is harmful or bad. And there’s a way of punishing themselves. Once a person has taken on a certain belief that they should be punished, that they’ve been bad. Their — the unconscious finds way to attack that person . . .
Q: The unconscious mind?
V: Yes. Whether it —
Q: Is this the same as the ego?
V: Well that’s a good question. I mean when we use the word “unconscious mind,” we’re talking about all a person’s —
Q: Well there’s the ego, (“THE”) the super-ego and the id.
V: Yes, within the Freudian terminology, there’s what they call the ego, the id and the super-ego. Within what we call Ericksonian hypnotherapy, there’s the conscious mind which is aware of between five and nine (“I”) items information. And then we have the vastness of the unconscious, which is contained of several different impulses and complexes.
Q: And includes the subconscious. The unconscious and the subconscious.
V: Yeah, they’re pretty much synonymous.
Q: But also God works through the subconscious.
V: Oh very much so. (“BUT”)
Q: So there’s another part of the subconscious (“THAT”) He doesn’t work through. What is that?
V: You — well we call them ‘parts’ because you can find that two parts of a person’s unconscious can be both helping the person — both doing their best to help the person but driving in contradictory directions. And this leads to problems in the person because if they’re in a situation they’re going to have one lot of responses which is going to go one way and another is going to drive in an opposite way so they’ll be the evidence of conflict, unhappiness within that person’s own situation.
Q: Yeah, because I know that the whole rea(son)— (“THE THE”) everyone’s problems begin when they don’t listen to the little voice inside their head that tells them when they’re doing something right. Like today, I heard a car alarm go off. (“SO I”) I knew immediately I should go home. But I said, “Well I’ll just (“TAKE IT”) — I’ll just spend five minutes just to double check and make sure. So I didn’t listen to my little voice. Of course, I did in a way because I only gave myself five minutes. I didn’t stay there. (“BUT” “NO” or “KNOW”) But I should know by now. I should know by now. Well I do know by now. (“BUT”) It’s just very, very difficult. (“IT’S”) There are a lot of problems. They need to be overcome. (“BUT”) That’s my biggest question is obviously God works through our subconscious mind and through the subconscious minds of others to lead us into various professions and things. Like people will say something which will lead someone to some idea that they think is their idea.
V: Yes. (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: Like there’s a section in my book about (“WHERE”) — you know, where I talk about Sherri Spillane. (“YES”) And somebody said — you know, after she was talking about some of these people that she handles who are very infamous, (“YES”) someone said, ‘Well why don’t you handle so-and-so?’ (“SO” “THE”) She (“THIS”) brought her the idea of going into business and handling infamous people.
V: Mmm. (“I MEAN”)
Q: As an agent (“U”) representing them. So she thinks this is her idea but actually it was God channeling through the subconscious minds of others to lead her into this profession.
V: Yes.
Q: And then when I came to her as a possible client — (“YOU KNOW”) somebody (“I’VE”) who I’ve always been nice to and supported, it was the same — I got the same response from her as I’ve gotten from everyone. The same thing from Lois Benson too. And even Ruth who loves me didn’t call me back after hearing about this, thinking that I’m a nutcase or something. And who needs it? So it’s like people don’t listen — I don’t think they listen to the little voice in their heads because she knows me enough to know — at least I would hope she knows me enough. I mean I wasn’t scared of her after she tried to commit suicide. She was in a psychotic state and I wasn’t scared for a moment of her. Should I have been? No. Well I think since she’s obviously afraid of me, that would explain why she wouldn’t even look at my book.
V: Yes.
Q: So people don’t listen to their subconscious minds all the time. Sometimes they do and that’s why she’s in the — see, I don’t know if God likes her or if He dislikes her because she has had a very hard life. You know, she’s ha(d) — (“SHE”) you know, has had problems. I don’t know. It’s a mystery. (“IT’S LIKE”) I do firmly believe, however, that the people who struggle in life, have to earn every little bit of success that they get, (“THEY”) that they’re much more — they’re better people and they’re much more grateful for what they have so they live better lives.
V: Yes.
Q: Than when it’s too easy for them.
V: Um-huh. (“SO IT’S A”)
Q: But it’s also people make their own heaven and their own hell because I can be sitting (“THE” “AT” “LIKE”) — you know, the computer one moment radiantly happy to be doing what I’m doing. And the next moment I can be crying and having a fit because this is so goddamn boring.
V: Yes. (“NO”)
Q: It’s like I can’t control my emotions no matter how hard I try. So it’s just — (“INTERE”) I mean I just — (“HO”) people — (“ONE”) another message in my book is (“TO”) listen to what their heart is (saying) and not what their ego is saying — which ego means ‘self-important ego.’
V: Yes.
Q: ‘I’m more important than anyone else’ ego. I deserve my $800,000,000 in the bank that I’m saving for a rainy day.’
V: (small laugh)
Q: You know? I mean it’s just crazy. (“THE P”) There really — there does need a lot to be done. We are approaching the year 2000 when a lot of people have predicted the end of the world so — and maybe that would be a good thing. (“IT’S LIKE”) I was reading recently — (“O”) oh I was reading (“MA[MIE]”) Mamie Van Doren’s book. I’m almost finished with it. And she had a fateful encounter with — oh what is her name? Jayne Mansfield. There’s the name ‘man’ again.
V: Yes.
Q: Right before she died, she said Marilyn was the lucky one. Because they were the three sex goddesses. (“AN”) Of course, that was right before Jayne Mansfield herself was decapitated. (“IN”) What’s wrong?
V: No, nothing — is this still —
Q: Oh, is it still going?
V: I was seeing if it stopped.
Q: No, it’s going.
V: . . . run, okay . . .
Q: It makes warning signs before it’s — (“OFF”)
V: . . . Fine, okay.
Q: Unless the battery’s dead. You never know with me when the battery — I put in fresh batteries tonight.
V: Oh good.
Q: These should be fine. But — in fact, there are a lot of people in Mamie Van Doren’s life — like there was a baseball player who had ‘bel’ in his name: B — E — L. Anyway, (“GO”) I’m going to do an interview with her too. (“SO”) I don’t know what to ask her really. I just love her honesty. (“SHE TALKS ABOUT”) She talks about her abortion. And if more people were that honest about their careers — she basically said that people who have an abortion, every day they wake up from then on will be a little dimmer. Now if I — how — have you heard that message in very many star biographies?
V: No.
Q: Exactly. I think if people had read these — more of these — this honesty, they would think twice before having sex without a condom, you know? Because you’ve killed your child. (“NO”) That’s very — I mean that’s a major, major event in anyone’s life. To murder your own child.
V: Yes.
Q: But yet I still think that’s preferable to bringing someone into this world and not taking care of them. Or raising them like wolves to kill other people.
V: Yes.
Q: So these are all very difficult issues. (“BUT”) As long as we look at them in a rational way and in touch with our (“INNERS” “BB”) inner voice that tells us what’s right and what’s wrong, I think we’ll be better off. So (“WH”) you don’t have to say names again — especially in your profession. Naming names is the last thing. That’s why, you know, I wonder when — once I become — my book comes out, it’s like I just wonder. (“NO”) I mean I know you — well you can actually talk about me. I don’t even care. (“MM”) My message is total honesty.
V: Good.
Q: So (“MY”) so can my other shrink too.
V: Um-huh.
Q: I don’t care. Fine. Fine with me. But what was I going to ask you? Oh — (“SO BUT”) in terms of — so have you — who was like the biggest person that you — who has come to you? You don’t have to say their name but have you had (“LIKE”) — the most famous person? What business were they in or —
V: Well the most famous person I had is — he is an actor —
Q: Okay.
V: — who’s pretty well-known. He’s not one of the biggest names in Hollywood but he’s an actor’s actor. And he came to see me. He’s well-known to people here in Hollywood and, you know, most people have probably seen him in some of his movies or a T.V. show.
Q: Was it a past-life regression or?
V: Yeah, it did involve past-life regression. Yes.
Q: And what was he in a former life?
V: Well he was basically — well we went into several past lives. And in one of them he was a dealer. A Wall Street dealer, you know, during the Great Depression, (“YEAH”) you know, who (small laugh) basically lost everything and, you know, (“ME”) it was a life of desti(tution) — well I don’t know if you can say — he lived — you know, he was living literally homeless, you know. (“YEAH”) Just wandering from one place to another. And in another earlier life, going back to, you know, the Renaissance period, he was basically a — some sort of a villain. You know, sort of an assassin-cum-thief, you know, who would — (laughs)
Q: Now that’s a very important . . .
V: — do various nefarious deeds. (“YEAH” “RIGHT”)
Q: That’s another important message for my book is that even the people who have committed murder—like Mamie Van Doren killing her child—(“AN”) God can forgive anyone of any crime as long as He thinks they’re being sincere in terms of how they respon(d) — they treat him. So everyone has their own relationship with God.
V: Mmm.
Q: Like, for example, the time I had my biggest problem with Him was because I edited a portion of one of the tapes. And that was something He didn’t want to forgive me for until I made it up to Him by going out of my way to make it up to Him. And I was very sincere. I’d even told him I was going to do this. I said, ‘You know, if someone brings this up, I’m going to edit it.’ So (“BUT”) — so He can choose who He forgives and who He doesn’t forgive. So I’m just saying (“BUT”) once people understand the truth of my book, hopefully they will make amends —
V: Yes.
Q: — and be sincere and not do the things — I mean if they put aside — because they did these other crimes without knowing that there was a God and that there was eternal life, so now that they know this to be true, now for them to do something bad, then it really would be the end. (“SAM”)
V: Yes.
Q: They would be weeded. But if each person, you know, is true to their own heart and to God once they sincerely understand my book, (“THAT’S”) that’s (“YOU KNOW”) — that’s the whole big question. To understand.
V: Yes.
Q: So I don’t know. What do you think about me writing about Hollywood?
V: A very good idea. A lot of people want to know what’s going on with these people.
Q: Right.
V: And you have the potential to become a real bestseller.
Q: Shhh. Oh my God. Yeah. It’ll be very interesting to see the response. (“I”) I don’t know. I just — I don’t know. I don’t know what to say anymore. It’s like I don’t have anything left to say. What else can I say? What else — oh. We were talking about before about people who hurt themselves.
V: Yes.
Q: In my case, it’s a little bit different. And I don’t know what this typically means in terms of these kinds of cases but I’ve always had really bad skin. So — and I’ve had to, like, lance myself, which is like so blood meets the air.
V: Because I was looking for the place where I could redevelop (“A NN”) therapies and really achieve a high degree of excellence.
Q: Especially as a hypnotherapist.
V: Yes. And in L.A. people are very open to the concept of hypnotherapy.
Q: And there’s a lot of money here. Let’s be honest.
V: That’s true.
Q: A lot of people have a lot of money.
V: Absolutely.
Q: All the stars. You know? Like Tina Turner thinks she’s the reincarnation of the only woman pharaoh.
V: Yes.
Q: So (“I MEAN”) anyway. (“HE”) I’m sure she is after hearing the story that (“WHAT”) Carol Ann said — spoke at (“NO”) over the weekend. So — oh (“NO”) for example, today in the business section of the L.A. Times — I always think that people in Hollywood are hopeless because the films are so awful and shitty. I mean they’re awful. (“IT”) You think that they’re morons. You think these people only care about screwing Heidi’s girls and sniffing — snorting coke. (“I ME”) Look at the movies. I mean any idiot could do better than that, you would think, you know? But I guess — (small laugh) I mean who knows? You just wonder sometimes. But maybe they’re not as bad as I think they are because this sounds very perceptive to me. In footnotes today by James Bates is a small section called “Star Gazer” and it says:
Since being forced out as chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment in late 1994, movie producer Peter Guber has taken a relatively low profile.
Now Guber will address next month’s American Film Market in Santa Monica in a speech titled “Hollywood Graffiti . . . A View From the Hubble Space Telescope of the Entertainment Business.”
Asked to elaborate, Guber faxed The Times an explanation that read: “The title suggests that all of the seemingly connected seminal events in the entertainment business these last few years are in some macro way connected. It is only with the distance of space, time and with major tools, we might find their seminal meaning. In short, is there some Rosetta Stone that puts all such events in some context?”
V: Mmm.
Q: Well that fits right in with my book, doesn’t it? There’s also something here — something about — they just quote Michael D. Eisner in the next (“BB”) business (“Footnotes”) but it’s (“SAID”) so boring and redundant I won’t even — oh it just mentions his own emergency quadruple bypass surgery. (small laugh) Yikes. (“I MEAN”) If they think (“THAT”) — he knows that’s a wake-up call for him to get the really important things in his life together. He’s got enough money. He’s made enough movies and what does he — (“YES”) what does he want? He’s not going to live forever. Why not enjoy the time he has left with his loved ones and by seeing nature? And by doing the things he has always wanted to do? (“ME”) Do we really need “Toy Story 2”?
V: (small laugh)
Q: I mean I didn’t see “Toy Story” 1. A lot of people think it’s like the best movie of the year but as far as I’m concerned it’s a fucking commercial for toys.
V: Yeah. (“I”)
Q: Well you say yeah (“LIKE”) but it’s winning, like, awards for, like, (“FROM”) you know, like groups. (“NO”) Excellence in media groups are giving this commercial awards. You have to wonder. (“I MEAN”) If people are so sick and so out of their minds that they need me to tell them how bad things are — and God won’t let me go see any movies. So that tells you how bad things are.
V: (laughs) (“I ME” “DID YOU GG”)
Q: You didn’t see “Seven” by any chance?
V: No.
Q: I sure the hell wouldn’t want to be one of the people that God brought to see (spirit laughter) “Seven.”
V: (small laugh)
Q: Even though (“I”) — no, I shouldn’t say that because my friend Marie who’s very close to the energy of the Virgin Mary went to see “Seven” but she likes to see movies. (“AND”) Even one of the spirit voices when I was transcribing that part almost went “HUH?!” — gasped as a joke when Marie said that she had gone to see “Seven.” (“BUT”) Even she doesn’t believe me really. When push comes to shove, she doesn’t believe me. So the Son of Man has no place — (“WHAT WAS”) what did you say? ‘No place to lay his head, rest his head’?
V: Yes.
Q: Exactly. And poor Jesus doesn’t either. That poor homeless man out there.
V: Mmm.
Q: He’ll probably get picked up tonight and give a blow-job for $50.
V: (laughs)
Q: (small laugh) I mean it’s sad. It’s terrible. (“I MEAN”) Can you imagine Jesus being (“YOU KNOW”) here in L.A. in 1996? It’s a fate worse than death. It is. It’s terrible. My God. So, anyway, I’m doing this book on Hollywood. I’ve done some very good interviews. (“SO”) Maybe you can just tell me a few of your (“ALLEN”) anecdotes about life in Hollywood. You don’t — please, you know I would never ask you to name names.
V: Sure.
Q: Since you're not really that well — you’re not famous yet. Soon to be. You can just say actor or producer or would-be writer or whatever. Waiter. Most of them begin as waiters. So that’s fine. And I’ll put this close to you just to make sure I’m picking it up.
V: Thank you.
Q: (sighs) Ohhh.
V: One of my clients works in the movie industry. He’s involved with movie finance and apparently he’s quite well-known (“YOU KNOW AMONG” “B”) by the industry. And he comes across as being a very stern, very focused individual, a man who’s rather formidable to deal with. And he wanted me primarily to help him to become more relaxed about dealing with people. A little more approachable. Because he felt himself to be rather too intimidating.
Q: I’m impressed. That’s good. That’s really great. Holistic therapies are the best. I mean people should be open-minded about holistic therapies.
V: Oh yes. Definitely. And he has this tension not only in the mind but also in the body. And he has a massive, severe muscular tension near the bladder, you know, which doctors say has got to be relaxed or else they’re going to have to operate —
Q: Wow.
V: — in order to, you know, prevent a major illness.
Q: That’s major tension.
V: Very major tension. So I taught him —
Q: Only about 99% of the people in Hollywood have the same thing.
V: Oh yes. (laughs)
Q: (laughs)
V: So I basically taught him how to become very relaxed through various self-hypnosis methods. And I also brought him to an altered state of awareness, communicated the unconscious, drew on the resources that he had about being relaxed, about being spontaneous with people; encouraged this aspect of his personality to grow and to develop. And —
Q: How many times did you see him to do this?
V: Oh (“WAS”) I saw him quite a long time. It must’ve been about ten/fifteen sessions. And he said he felt happier, healthier, more able to deal with people. I also discussed how in business to communicate with people effectively so that they feel or see or they hear that he’s on the same level as them — that (“HE”) he’s communicating in the same way; and how to tailor his communication with people. So, in order to do that —
Q: Does he work long hours?
V: Yes. (“OFFER”) Yes.
Q: Is he cutting it down now?
V: I think so. Yes. And he likes boating. You know, he has a boat, which he takes out. And I was able to draw on this resource.
Q: Great. (“UH-HUH”)
V: You know, in order to bring some of those qualities of boating into play in his career, in his relationship, you know, with his girlfriend and his daughter. So that was one of them. I dealt with another lady who’s actually a singer, quite well-known; not a top seller by any standards. And she was saying about how she felt this lack of confidence; how she wasn’t giving all when she performed; about how she was holding back; and how she was having to deal with jealousy and people trying to knock her down in various underhand ways. And so that was a question of, again, drawing on these early experiences in the early state of her career when she was developing, becoming more successful, becoming more popular and using that resource; asking the unconscious mind to go back to those earlier times in her life and draw on those resources to give her now the quality she needs in order to achieve continuous improvement of her state as continuous growth; and to accept herself, accept the right that she has to succeed.
Q: And how do you do that?
V: It’s a question of understanding how the unconscious mind understands reality. And that’s different with every person. So it was a question of drawing on what’s important to her. For her, clothing was important. She was talking about things she was wearing. And so I was able to use this interest in clothing, in fashion and — to get her to create in her own mind what her life was going to be like in the future; what she’ll be wearing when she was achieving something. And through (“NO”) dealing with a person’s own conception of the universe, it’s possible to help that person to —
Q: And you’re very well versed in all the various — the historical and metaphysical aspects so you can sort of tune in to their interests.
V: That’s right.
Q: But (“NO”) what about — have you in terms of like the past life regressions — for example, Carol Ann Dreyer tries to bring people in touch with their previous lives so they won’t make the same mistakes in this one.
V: Yes.
Q: Have you done that yet?
V: Oh yes. Yes, I’ve had a lot of past life regression. And I brought one lady back to a time when she was, you know, in the early years of the American colony when she was somebody — she believed herself to be somebody who had been coming over to America, building a new life and so on, and dealing with various new things, aspects of the wilderness and that sort of thing. And it was a very similar situation to what she was facing in this life as she got married and moved to L.A. She had a number of health problems, which she’d been doing her best to deal with — you know, problems of the immune system. And so by going back to these past lives, it’s possible to draw on this, as it were, heroic aspect of this woman building something new in the wilderness and creating things. And by doing that it was possible to build a new life. And I also dealt with her husband who’s actually an Italian. And he had a number of problems, including a problem — (“YOU KNOW”) physical problem in his stomach, you know, and there were various — he had lack of confidence in his career and so on. And so, again, I took him back and he was a pirate in the Renaissance.
Q: (small laugh) (“UH-HUH”)
V: And what I did was —
Q: Now when you take people back — because, for example, Carol Ann Dreyer (“IS”) practically sometimes able to tell people who they’re the reincarnation of. It’s a little different with you. You sort of rely upon their own intuition (“TO LET THEM KN”) to let you know who they are.
V: Yes.
Q: But do you find that sometimes synchronicity gives people — (“LIKE”) for you, for example, coming in touch with Richard III. It’s like if people really are aware of synchronicity, they themselves can figure out who they’re the reincarnation of just by the objects that they’re brought in touch with. For example, my medallion of Bel-Marduk.
V: Mmm.
Q: I mean if you just follow (“THE”) your own synchronicity, you can put two and two together. There is one thing I have — (“BUT”) do you ever have a sense (“LIKE”) who somebody was before they tell you?
V: You can sometimes get an idea. Yes.
Q: Exactly. Yeah.
V: Nevertheless, I allow the person to go back in their own way, their own unique way, using their own unique route to get back. And then I get them to tell me what they’re experiencing.
Q: Exactly. Well see —
V: What can they hear and see?
Q: The questions you asked me, for example, led me to believe I was the reincarnation of the two people in my screenplays. And, you know, I talked a little bit about that with Carol Ann Dreyer at the workshop. And the one she was — (“SHE”) most picked up on was the Catherine Cadiere energy. So we talked a little bit about that in passing. (“BUT”) On one of — on the tape — the pages — the new pages I’m giving you tonight, one of the spirits voices says I look just like King Arthur. (“ILEE”) It’s like I already have three people. Could I also be the reincarnation of King Arthur? I mean I have the Holy Grail.
V: Mm-hh.
Q: I mean is that something? Could I be? Do you get that energy? (“DO YOU FEEL THAT”) Like I have a King Arthur energy? Plus my mother’s maiden name was King?
V: It’s a possibility.
Q: It’s possible. Everything’s a possibility. But — I don’t know. (“THEY WOULD”) The spirit voice said — (“KING AR”) mentioned King Arthur in terms of who I look like. And, (“CAUSE”) again, it’s like I think people look like the people they were in previous lives.
V: Yes.
Q: Like I look like Bel-Marduk and you look like Richard III. So that’s interesting to me. (“I WW”) I would not want to be (“ANY”) — I would not want to be any of these people, you know? If it was (up to) me, I’d rather be the reincarnation of William Shakespeare.
V: (small laugh)
Q: I mean if I could choose.
V: Yes, of course.
Q: I mean you know? Who else would I want to be? I don’t know. I sure the hell wouldn’t want to be Jesus.
V: (small laugh) (“AND I”)
Q: You read that section in my book where I’m calling my mom and saying I’m the reincarnation of Christ. You know?
V: Yes. (“BUT”)
Q: There were — the synchronicity had (“MM”) led me to that conclusion. So I can see how there are paranoid people out there — schizophrenic people can come to these conclusions.
V: Yes.
Q: . . . about my little book, my little desk encyclopedia over there, it says that Jesus (could have) started his ministry at the age of 39.
V: Oh.
Q: So there were reasons why I came to the conclusion that I did. Plus the two burning bushes. (“I ME”) What if you had had the same experience as me? God revealed Himself to you in all these different ways: (“AND”) aliens, insects, ghosts, you-name-it. You had burning bushes. And you just read that Jesus began his ministry at the age of 39 and you just had your birthday recently. What would you think?
V: (small laugh)
Q: Wouldn’t you think that?
V: Yes, I would consider it very significant.
Q: Exactly. Plus I could feel psychic energy pouring out of my body. So, of course, I immediately tried to do a healing and it didn’t work so I was — that was (“LIKE”) the best news of all. But, anyway, I’ve already covered that in my book. (“O K”) Of all your clients in L.A., who has treated you the shittiest? I mean you don’t have to name names or anything but just like what kind of person was it? Or if any? Maybe you haven’t had any shitty clients.
V: Oh I had one guy who came to stop smoking. And he — they said he — well, I mean, ripped me off. You know, he — I mean he knew I charge $150 and they cover three sessions for smoking. We had a special deal then. And he came to one session and he paid $50 and he said I’ll pay you (for) the others next time. Because I cured him of smoking in the first session so he never turned up again.
Q: Oh. And what did he — what did he do for a living?
V: He’s a record producer in the music industry.
Q: Well, see, that’s definitely in ‘The (“THIEF”) Industry.’ (“YEAH”) It’s like in these industries where people make a lot of money —
V: Yeah.
Q: — (“IT’S LIKE”) the more money they make, the more they think that they can’t give — I mean I was cheated out of money by Bob Rehme.
V: Really?
Q: In a way. It wasn’t really — he didn’t cheat me out of it. It’s just that — okay, he called up Blaise Noto and said, ‘Do you know — have someone who can write a speech for me?’ And, of course, my name came up. (“SO UH UH”) But Blaise said, ‘Whatever you do, be sure and discuss it with him because we can’t bill this to any of the films.’ So I go in there, he tells me what he wants, then he has to go into a meeting so it’s like, ‘Go and do it and then (“YES”) we’ll talk later.’ So I turn it in. It’s exactly what he wants: ‘Okay, I’ll fax it to you and we’ll discuss it more.’ He didn’t give me a chance to tell — to talk about how much money I was going to charge. But he definitely — you know, he — so I (“BUT I” “YOU KNOW WHAT”) — but it was fine because I didn’t even (“WW”) — I wasn’t going to even charge him any money. But I could tell (“WHAT”) exactly what was going on even though they get a fortune for development deals. And I might be misinterpreting this but I don’t think so. (“RIGHT”)
V: (small laugh)
Q: I used to know his assistant. (“I KN”) I used to know his assistant who worked for him way back when and, if I was writing a tell-all book, (“SHE’S”) one of the people I would call. If I was writing a naughty tell-all book but I’m writing a nice tell-all book so I’m just leaving it up to people’s own interpretation. (“SO”) Needless to say, he never called me back. I never got a fax. But I said (or “BUT I SAID”) ‘Well that’s fine. I did him a favor and (“NOW”) maybe he’ll read one of my scripts as a courtesy that’s often done in Hollywood. So I wrote him a letter: ‘I’d like to send you a script that’s perfect for you. Science fiction. There’s a Harrison Ford-type role.’ Blah blah blah. Of course, I don’t know if he even saw the letter. I got a letter back from his assistant, (“WHO WAS LIKE”) another one of my least favorite people. She just has a very blunt manner about her. She thinks, “Oh I’m this big shot producer’s secretary.” (“WHEN SH”) If she only knew that the other secretaries who worked for him (“HH”) have left Hollywood in tears. I mean it’s like — and I didn’t even — since she’s a hateful bitch, I wasn’t about to tell her that she’s wasting her time, that’s she never going anywhere in that job. Fuck her. This the treatment I get.
V: Yes.
Q: You know? (“SO ANY”) I mean I (“DEFI”) — people don’t — in Hollywood don’t understand that people know exactly what you’re doing and what games you’re playing.
V: Yes.
Q: All the time. You know? So when you cheat someone out of something, you’re losing. Because my screenplay’s better than anything he’s done in a long, long time.
V: Oh yes.
Q: You know, it’s better than — you know. What can I say? There. The synchronicity led me to be gypped by him in a long line of people that I’ve been gypped by.
V: Yes.
Q: What can I say? Christ consciousness. Christ karma. Not Jesus but New Age.
V: Yes.
Q: So I don’t know I mean. But, anyway, so I’m doing this tell-all book about Hollywood. Some people name names. Why not? (“MEAN” “CAUSE”) Because God wants people to be totally honest. Because if we can face our failures as well as our successes, we can all realize that we all share the same common problems. You know? (“I MEAN”) As I told you when I — I stole that comic book. I mean I admit that.
V: Yes.
Q: I mean we all do things. (“LIKE”) Have you had people who have like bad habits and things?
V: Oh yes.
Q: You know — who cut themselves and things like that?
V: That kind of thing. There’s all sorts of bad habits, you know.
Q: Self-abuse?
V: Yeah. Various things.
Q: And what is the basis for this?
V: It’s a symbolic way the unconscious mind has taken on the idea that part of is bad. Some impulse is harmful or bad. And there’s a way of punishing themselves. Once a person has taken on a certain belief that they should be punished, that they’ve been bad. Their — the unconscious finds way to attack that person . . .
Q: The unconscious mind?
V: Yes. Whether it —
Q: Is this the same as the ego?
V: Well that’s a good question. I mean when we use the word “unconscious mind,” we’re talking about all a person’s —
Q: Well there’s the ego, (“THE”) the super-ego and the id.
V: Yes, within the Freudian terminology, there’s what they call the ego, the id and the super-ego. Within what we call Ericksonian hypnotherapy, there’s the conscious mind which is aware of between five and nine (“I”) items information. And then we have the vastness of the unconscious, which is contained of several different impulses and complexes.
Q: And includes the subconscious. The unconscious and the subconscious.
V: Yeah, they’re pretty much synonymous.
Q: But also God works through the subconscious.
V: Oh very much so. (“BUT”)
Q: So there’s another part of the subconscious (“THAT”) He doesn’t work through. What is that?
V: You — well we call them ‘parts’ because you can find that two parts of a person’s unconscious can be both helping the person — both doing their best to help the person but driving in contradictory directions. And this leads to problems in the person because if they’re in a situation they’re going to have one lot of responses which is going to go one way and another is going to drive in an opposite way so they’ll be the evidence of conflict, unhappiness within that person’s own situation.
Q: Yeah, because I know that the whole rea(son)— (“THE THE”) everyone’s problems begin when they don’t listen to the little voice inside their head that tells them when they’re doing something right. Like today, I heard a car alarm go off. (“SO I”) I knew immediately I should go home. But I said, “Well I’ll just (“TAKE IT”) — I’ll just spend five minutes just to double check and make sure. So I didn’t listen to my little voice. Of course, I did in a way because I only gave myself five minutes. I didn’t stay there. (“BUT” “NO” or “KNOW”) But I should know by now. I should know by now. Well I do know by now. (“BUT”) It’s just very, very difficult. (“IT’S”) There are a lot of problems. They need to be overcome. (“BUT”) That’s my biggest question is obviously God works through our subconscious mind and through the subconscious minds of others to lead us into various professions and things. Like people will say something which will lead someone to some idea that they think is their idea.
V: Yes. (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: Like there’s a section in my book about (“WHERE”) — you know, where I talk about Sherri Spillane. (“YES”) And somebody said — you know, after she was talking about some of these people that she handles who are very infamous, (“YES”) someone said, ‘Well why don’t you handle so-and-so?’ (“SO” “THE”) She (“THIS”) brought her the idea of going into business and handling infamous people.
V: Mmm. (“I MEAN”)
Q: As an agent (“U”) representing them. So she thinks this is her idea but actually it was God channeling through the subconscious minds of others to lead her into this profession.
V: Yes.
Q: And then when I came to her as a possible client — (“YOU KNOW”) somebody (“I’VE”) who I’ve always been nice to and supported, it was the same — I got the same response from her as I’ve gotten from everyone. The same thing from Lois Benson too. And even Ruth who loves me didn’t call me back after hearing about this, thinking that I’m a nutcase or something. And who needs it? So it’s like people don’t listen — I don’t think they listen to the little voice in their heads because she knows me enough to know — at least I would hope she knows me enough. I mean I wasn’t scared of her after she tried to commit suicide. She was in a psychotic state and I wasn’t scared for a moment of her. Should I have been? No. Well I think since she’s obviously afraid of me, that would explain why she wouldn’t even look at my book.
V: Yes.
Q: So people don’t listen to their subconscious minds all the time. Sometimes they do and that’s why she’s in the — see, I don’t know if God likes her or if He dislikes her because she has had a very hard life. You know, she’s ha(d) — (“SHE”) you know, has had problems. I don’t know. It’s a mystery. (“IT’S LIKE”) I do firmly believe, however, that the people who struggle in life, have to earn every little bit of success that they get, (“THEY”) that they’re much more — they’re better people and they’re much more grateful for what they have so they live better lives.
V: Yes.
Q: Than when it’s too easy for them.
V: Um-huh. (“SO IT’S A”)
Q: But it’s also people make their own heaven and their own hell because I can be sitting (“THE” “AT” “LIKE”) — you know, the computer one moment radiantly happy to be doing what I’m doing. And the next moment I can be crying and having a fit because this is so goddamn boring.
V: Yes. (“NO”)
Q: It’s like I can’t control my emotions no matter how hard I try. So it’s just — (“INTERE”) I mean I just — (“HO”) people — (“ONE”) another message in my book is (“TO”) listen to what their heart is (saying) and not what their ego is saying — which ego means ‘self-important ego.’
V: Yes.
Q: ‘I’m more important than anyone else’ ego. I deserve my $800,000,000 in the bank that I’m saving for a rainy day.’
V: (small laugh)
Q: You know? I mean it’s just crazy. (“THE P”) There really — there does need a lot to be done. We are approaching the year 2000 when a lot of people have predicted the end of the world so — and maybe that would be a good thing. (“IT’S LIKE”) I was reading recently — (“O”) oh I was reading (“MA[MIE]”) Mamie Van Doren’s book. I’m almost finished with it. And she had a fateful encounter with — oh what is her name? Jayne Mansfield. There’s the name ‘man’ again.
V: Yes.
Q: Right before she died, she said Marilyn was the lucky one. Because they were the three sex goddesses. (“AN”) Of course, that was right before Jayne Mansfield herself was decapitated. (“IN”) What’s wrong?
V: No, nothing — is this still —
Q: Oh, is it still going?
V: I was seeing if it stopped.
Q: No, it’s going.
V: . . . run, okay . . .
Q: It makes warning signs before it’s — (“OFF”)
V: . . . Fine, okay.
Q: Unless the battery’s dead. You never know with me when the battery — I put in fresh batteries tonight.
V: Oh good.
Q: These should be fine. But — in fact, there are a lot of people in Mamie Van Doren’s life — like there was a baseball player who had ‘bel’ in his name: B — E — L. Anyway, (“GO”) I’m going to do an interview with her too. (“SO”) I don’t know what to ask her really. I just love her honesty. (“SHE TALKS ABOUT”) She talks about her abortion. And if more people were that honest about their careers — she basically said that people who have an abortion, every day they wake up from then on will be a little dimmer. Now if I — how — have you heard that message in very many star biographies?
V: No.
Q: Exactly. I think if people had read these — more of these — this honesty, they would think twice before having sex without a condom, you know? Because you’ve killed your child. (“NO”) That’s very — I mean that’s a major, major event in anyone’s life. To murder your own child.
V: Yes.
Q: But yet I still think that’s preferable to bringing someone into this world and not taking care of them. Or raising them like wolves to kill other people.
V: Yes.
Q: So these are all very difficult issues. (“BUT”) As long as we look at them in a rational way and in touch with our (“INNERS” “BB”) inner voice that tells us what’s right and what’s wrong, I think we’ll be better off. So (“WH”) you don’t have to say names again — especially in your profession. Naming names is the last thing. That’s why, you know, I wonder when — once I become — my book comes out, it’s like I just wonder. (“NO”) I mean I know you — well you can actually talk about me. I don’t even care. (“MM”) My message is total honesty.
V: Good.
Q: So (“MY”) so can my other shrink too.
V: Um-huh.
Q: I don’t care. Fine. Fine with me. But what was I going to ask you? Oh — (“SO BUT”) in terms of — so have you — who was like the biggest person that you — who has come to you? You don’t have to say their name but have you had (“LIKE”) — the most famous person? What business were they in or —
V: Well the most famous person I had is — he is an actor —
Q: Okay.
V: — who’s pretty well-known. He’s not one of the biggest names in Hollywood but he’s an actor’s actor. And he came to see me. He’s well-known to people here in Hollywood and, you know, most people have probably seen him in some of his movies or a T.V. show.
Q: Was it a past-life regression or?
V: Yeah, it did involve past-life regression. Yes.
Q: And what was he in a former life?
V: Well he was basically — well we went into several past lives. And in one of them he was a dealer. A Wall Street dealer, you know, during the Great Depression, (“YEAH”) you know, who (small laugh) basically lost everything and, you know, (“ME”) it was a life of desti(tution) — well I don’t know if you can say — he lived — you know, he was living literally homeless, you know. (“YEAH”) Just wandering from one place to another. And in another earlier life, going back to, you know, the Renaissance period, he was basically a — some sort of a villain. You know, sort of an assassin-cum-thief, you know, who would — (laughs)
Q: Now that’s a very important . . .
V: — do various nefarious deeds. (“YEAH” “RIGHT”)
Q: That’s another important message for my book is that even the people who have committed murder—like Mamie Van Doren killing her child—(“AN”) God can forgive anyone of any crime as long as He thinks they’re being sincere in terms of how they respon(d) — they treat him. So everyone has their own relationship with God.
V: Mmm.
Q: Like, for example, the time I had my biggest problem with Him was because I edited a portion of one of the tapes. And that was something He didn’t want to forgive me for until I made it up to Him by going out of my way to make it up to Him. And I was very sincere. I’d even told him I was going to do this. I said, ‘You know, if someone brings this up, I’m going to edit it.’ So (“BUT”) — so He can choose who He forgives and who He doesn’t forgive. So I’m just saying (“BUT”) once people understand the truth of my book, hopefully they will make amends —
V: Yes.
Q: — and be sincere and not do the things — I mean if they put aside — because they did these other crimes without knowing that there was a God and that there was eternal life, so now that they know this to be true, now for them to do something bad, then it really would be the end. (“SAM”)
V: Yes.
Q: They would be weeded. But if each person, you know, is true to their own heart and to God once they sincerely understand my book, (“THAT’S”) that’s (“YOU KNOW”) — that’s the whole big question. To understand.
V: Yes.
Q: So I don’t know. What do you think about me writing about Hollywood?
V: A very good idea. A lot of people want to know what’s going on with these people.
Q: Right.
V: And you have the potential to become a real bestseller.
Q: Shhh. Oh my God. Yeah. It’ll be very interesting to see the response. (“I”) I don’t know. I just — I don’t know. I don’t know what to say anymore. It’s like I don’t have anything left to say. What else can I say? What else — oh. We were talking about before about people who hurt themselves.
V: Yes.
Q: In my case, it’s a little bit different. And I don’t know what this typically means in terms of these kinds of cases but I’ve always had really bad skin. So — and I’ve had to, like, lance myself, which is like so blood meets the air.