Q: Mark Russell Bell
D: David John Oates, host of “The David Oates Show”
G: Michael Goodspeed, co-host
R: Ross Mitchell, taped introduction for “Coast to Coast AM”
M: Mike Siegel (“Coast to Coast AM” radio broadcast)
L: Robert Mulholland, guest on “Coast to Coast AM”
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So I’m getting ready for my interview tonight at ten p.m. on David Oates’s radio show from Australia and I just went to his website And I’m disgusted to see that they have the wrong name down. It says:
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So I’m getting ready for my interview tonight at ten p.m. on David Oates’s radio show from Australia and I just went to his website And I’m disgusted to see that they have the wrong name down. It says:
Friday 8th December
9-10 David and new reversals and live call ins on the RS website.10-11 – Exnews with Michael Goodspeed – his guest Arthur Bell and EVP11-12 David and Jeff Toth Live in Studio
9-10 David and new reversals and live call ins on the RS website.10-11 – Exnews with Michael Goodspeed – his guest Arthur Bell and EVP11-12 David and Jeff Toth Live in Studio
Q: From ten to eleven “ExNews with Michael Goodspeed.” That means in tandem with David John Oates; “his guest Arthur Bell and EVP” — how could they have made that mistake?
( . . . )
Q: Hello.
D: Hello. Mr. Bell?
Q: Correct.
D: That’s right. Just stand by. I’ll put you through to Michael Goodspeed. Okay?
Q: Thank you.
D: Just hang on a second. (BEEP) Michael, are you there?
Q: Yes, I’m here. Is that Michael?
G: Yes, it is. (small laugh)
Q: Hi.
G: Hi, Mark.
Q: So now is this an Internet show or a radio show?
D: Just hang on one second. I’ll leave you gentlemen to —
Q: Okay.
D: — talk and I’ll be back when we’re back on the air. Okay?
Q: Very good.
D: Okay. Just hang on.
G: Okay. Alright. (small laugh) Yeah, this is basically an Internet show. I told —
Q: Okay.
G: Yeah, I think that David is on one station in Australia. I think it’s on like an alternative rock station there but this is basically an Internet show. It used to be the Saturday night version of Jeff Rense’s “Sightings” show.
Q: Oh.
G: But — what?
Q: Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah, I —
G: Yeah. But (or “BUT”) — for (or “FOR”) — for some — and, by the way, I’m getting this echo of myself. Can you hear that?
Q: No, I can’t hear it.
G: Okay. Sometimes he remedies that when we go on the air.
Q: That’s good.
G: Yeah. (small laugh) (“YEAH”) You like — you’re into EVPs?
Q: Well did you get the book?
G: Yes.
Q: Yeah. Right. It was a process where, basically, when I first did my work in Oklahoma, I found some very blatant cases. And so that once I started really listening I was able to hear not (or “NOT”) — many not so obvious cases.
G: Okay.
Q: And, in fact, I went to old tapes that I had done. And now, of course, I’m convinced that they’re on everything that’s recorded and I can hear them all the time on broadcasts. And so I have examples to play. I got — I chose about six tapes that seemed very clear.
G: Have you ever heard of a Dave and Sharon Oester?
Q: Yes. I’ve heard the names.
G: Yeah, I think there’s a — the International Ghost Hunters Society and they do EVPs as well and — so could you hear spirit voices aside from using the EVPs? Or —
Q: Well there’s a couple cases in my background — well, of course, every — ever since I’ve been doing interviews with people who’ve experienced this phenomena, I’ve heard so many cases where people have heard like, for example, someone calling their name. That seems to be a very general incident that people experience and I had that experience when I was, like, around five years old.
G: Oh wow.
Q: And, of course, my take on reverse speech is that it is a form of spirit message.
G: Oh absolutely.
Q: And —
G: Can I ask you — oh, I’m sorry.
Q: Yeah. I — I mean —
G: I was going to ask how did you find my name or — I — did I get an Email from you like — I think it was like a year ago?
Q: Right.
G: I think it had something to do with the Ken Dashow show or something.
Q: Right. That’s right.
G: Oh okay. I thought your name looked very familiar. (“WELL”)
Q: It was — there was a period when I was getting — people were sending me by accident their Email lists. (“AN”) Since they dealt with the paranormal, I just went ahead and sent things to those — to the lists. I mean there are no real accidents, are there?
G: Right. (“BUT UM”) (small laugh or spirit small laugh)
Q: Yeah so I’ve been able to get — my list is pretty extensive right now. My last one I sent out to like 2,700 people.
G: Oh wow.
Q: Yeah. So —
G: You did the Dashow show, though —
Q: Yeah.
G: — so did that go pretty well or —
Q: Yeah. Oh yeah, that went very well. And I played one — in fact, the one spirit message I played on his show I plan to play tonight because it was just — it really changed my whole perception of EVP
G: Okay.
Q: And I also did a show — I did an hour show in Arizona. (“WITH” “IKE”) “Night Search”?
G: Oh I’ve been on that show.
Q: Yeah.
G: (small laugh)
Q: Yeah, that was fun.
G: Eddie Middleton. Yeah.
Q: Yeah, that was fun. I was on for two whole hours, if you can believe that.
G: Oh wow.
D: . . . weekly reverse speech show live from Adelaide, South Australia. And the show last week was done by Michael Goodspeed who should be on the air with me right now. Now Michael, are you there with me?
G: Well yeah. Can you hear me, David?
D: I hear you just fine. Can you hear me?
G: Yes, I can.
D: Good. Well welcome back to the extraordinary news air segment. It has been a couple weeks I think, has it not?
G: At least a couple of weeks. And I have to tell you right off the bat, I’m getting this really, really pronounced echo.
D: Yes, I’ve got that echo too. And that’s actually the overseas satellite. There’s nothing I can do about that unless you want me to stop the connection and try for a new connection.
G: Well I don’t think that will work. This is the only phone I can do it from so I guess we’ll just have to bear with it. It’s kind of funny, though, we’re getting an echo because we’re going to be talking about EVP. . . .
D: Ahh . . .
G: (small laugh) Yeah, we were going to do that last week but unfortunately we had a hard time hooking up with Brian Jones. But I guess it’s just a synchronicity that we’ll be able to tackle that this week. But my guest is named Mark Russell Bell and he’s been studying EVP for a number of years now. And I received a number of Emails from him actually describing transcripts of conversations he’s had on talkshows. He likes to call in to a number of paranormal talkshows including “Coast to Coast A.M” and I know he’s gotten himself hung up on by at least one of the hosts.
D: Oh really?
G: Yeah. I take my hat off to him for that. But this should be very interesting because I know that he has some clear examples of EVP so —
D: Well he won’t be hung up on by me. . . .
G: Can you say that again?
D: Said he won’t be hung up on by me.
G: Good. Okay. (small laugh) Well Mark, welcome to the show tonight.
Q: Thank you, Michael, and hi, David.
D: Hi, Mark. How are you, mate?
Q: Very good. Of course, I listened to you during my period when I was listening to “Coast to Coast” with Art.
D: Oh right.
Q: I sort of gave up on him and stopped listening so I missed some of the excitement at the end there.
D: Well you didn’t miss anything, believe me.
G: (small laugh)
D: It was nothing worthwhile repeating. There will be no round two on that one.
Q: But I did follow it on the Internet because I did go to your website.
G: Oh right. Okay.
Q: In fact, it did —
G: Well that was quite a tumultuous time, that was.
Q: Yeah, so congratulations to you for getting through it all.
D: Oh well thank you. Well what choice do you have?
Q: Exactly.
G: (small laugh)
D: Life goes on, mate —
G: Well yeah. (Or “WELL YEAH”)
D: You know, when we have change of circumstances. Reverse speech is doing very well in Australia now so who knows? Maybe the whole thing will . . .
Q: That’s right, you have to go with the flow.
D: That’s right.
M: Yeah. Well, you know, there are obviously a lot of parallels between reverse speech and EVPs now. Did you get interested in EVPs before you had ever heard about reverse speech?
Q: Yes. Before I’d ever heard because I was basically working as a film publicist in Hollywood —
D: Really?
Q: — where I did interviews all the time for film press kits. And then — in my spare time I’ve always been interested in the paranormal so I actually had completed a book about talking poltergeists through history. And one thing led to another and I heard of a contemporary family living with one with them so I went to interview the family during a period of three days, not realizing that the tapes would have a huge variety of EVP and unattributed sounds. And so that’s what really was my introduction to this whole world. And after that —
D: And when was this?
Q: This was in 1995 in late — in August. And then I started — after coming back home to L.A. — of course, I’d witnessed some paranormal phenomena down in Oklahoma — and then when I came back, the phenomena was still going on. So I was investigating what was going on and I began hearing the spirit messages. In fact, some of the early ones that I first heard, I’ll play tonight. And —
G: . . . say that you were — you say that you were witnessing some paranormal phenomena. What exactly were you witnessing?
Q: Well I was listening — I mean I was witnessing materialization — coins, other small objects. Twyla—who most people at the time thought was the agent upon whom the poltergeist was centered—took me on (“I[N]”) an excursion in the area and we had materializations inside the car and outside the car. There was spirit laughter in the back seat. There was groaning. We had insect phenomena. I called my twin brother up and while I was speaking to him his bed started shaking. I mean it was just unbelievable — the things that happened. And then when I came back to L.A., I began putting together other strange things that happened in my life so I stopped working, basically. I was working for Paramount Pictures at the time — working on press kits and what-have-you. Of course, Paramount’s that film studio with the familiar mountain logo. And I began transcribing these tapes. And the tapes from Oklahoma were just full of them. So there was one time when I decided to record over a portion of tape because it had involved some sexual issues. And I was shocked to find the tape had been slashed in two by my — well I see live with this constant Angelic presence that’s always interacting with me, leading me to publish my book and to the necessary interviews and what-have-you. So I began to realize the greater implications of what on the surface were a succession of events usually associated with the paranormal but in a sort of horror movie way. I mean what I realized is what I had experienced on the surface was like this very gothic almost cliche experiences of the paranormal but if you began looking at the metaphors and what they signified beneath the surface events, I was making all kinds of discoveries about, for example, the Superconscious mind. And that’s when I began (three beeps are heard) —
D: For EVP?
Q: EVP — yes. I think a lot of EVP that a lot of ghost hunters regard as messages from the departed are, in fact — they can be messages from the Superconscious mind. Of course, you have cases like Edgar Cayce. I don’t think it’s generally known that when he would channel his messages as the sleeping prophet, he didn’t just speak in one voice. It was different voices (line disonnected) — hello?
Q: Hello?
G: Oh hi Mark.
Q: Yeah?
G: David hung up on both of us. He’s — unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to continue with the interview tonight because he says he’s on this phone that he was using on Sydney. It’s his battery-powered phone and he says it just went dead.
Q: Oh okay.
G: Right now but we can do it next week for sure. I don’t know why that happened. This has never happened to me before but I guess this happens sometimes so —
Q: Okay, well that’s fine with me.
G: Okay. I’m sorry again for this inconvenience. This is the second week in a row but I don’t know.
Q: Okay. Well — (“AND YOU”) you know I did check the website and I did see that they had the wrong first name. Not that it —
G: He wrote Art Bell. I think it’s just the name Bell —
Q: “Arthur” yeah.
G: (small laugh) I pointed it out to him but yeah. I don’t know wh(at) —
Q: Yeah. (“WE”) Yeah, I don’t know. You could put my website up. I don’t know if very many people go there or not. Help promote the show or whatever.
G: Yeah, he could put up a link and so — you know, for the next week. People will still be able to link to it.
Q: Yeah.
G: So —
Q: Oh well. Anyway, do you want to hear a sample?
G: Oh sure.
Q: Okay. Let me just play it real quick. What I’ll do is if — like the first one I have selected which is from tape number (“LIKE”) three — like the third tape I was — I did in Oklahoma. (“AN WH”) It’s about a minute and a half.
G: Okay.
Q: So what I could do is play it through once and then I could play it a second time. (“WITH” “IN”) And repeating — rewinding it for each of the spirit messages.
G: Okay.
Q: Okay. And now this will be good practice for me too. The one thing I (“I”) don’t think I can do is when I play these messages, I can’t hear from the receiver because where the tape recorder is so —
G: Oh I see.
Q: You’ll have to wait until the end if you have any questions or something.
G: Sure. Okay.
Q: Okay. So let me go ahead and play it.
M: (tape) . . . out of Frieda’s tire out here?
T: (tape) Mama, I’ve had so much.
M: (tape) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
Q: (tape) Well no, it’s fine because, you know, once we do — once we (“NO”), you know, once I know what’s going on I can sort of zero in — try to figure out what is the main area, if anyone can. I was just telling her some of the other cases —I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) — the anecdotes from some of the other cases throughout history. There are lots of interesting parallels. Especially like with people like her were once accused of being witches because of this. (“NO”)
M: (tape) Did you tell him about that organ that time in there in my room? (“IN BILL’S ROOM”) I was out there pulling weeds out of my flower bed outside of Bill’s window one day and she hollered at me to come in. And my organ was sitting in there (“NICE”) and he had it turned on where the — the loud or the deep part of the organ is. He had a pot of flowers sitting on there and that organ was just going BLUUUOOONNNAAA. And he had a bunch of Teddy Bears laying on the bed. (SPIRIT WHINE) Like it — it scared me to death. I said, “Oh my gosh. That’s just like a funeral.”
Y: (tape) Bye-bye.
Q: Okay. Well — and what I can do is I can play it again and I can rewind at each one of the spirit messages. They’re a bit hard to hear at first since I’m interviewing two different people. Did you hear it? One of them was “SOUNDS GOOD.”
G: Well actually the volume was pretty low because it —
Q: It was?
G: — was hard for me to make out what the people were just saying in the (“OKAY LL”) normal conversation.
Q: Let me go ahead and play it — I was trying to hold it as close to the receiver as I could.
G: Right.
Q: So I’ll do that again, pressing it right against the receiver and then I’ll see if that helps.
G: Okay.
Q: Okay. I’ve got to rewind it first, though. (while rewinding) I have — (“I MEAN”) and this is a little bit different in nature than some of the other ones that I have. Like when I was doing some of the radio shows, which are — one of them is exactly — sounds exactly like my voice. (“WELL”) It was a call — one of my calls to “Coast to Coast.” And what I did is I had my tape recorder right next to the radio headphones because I was on the phone so this was in the background. And you can hear my voice in the background during the call and then, of course — then you hear the phone or, you know, there’s a tape delay. So — anyway, it’s (“YOU”) — anyway, it just proves that I could not have said this word because you would have heard it previously.
G: Oh, you know, someone sent me something just like that on me the other day. It’s from a radio show I did in San Antonio and I supposedly — (“I”) this voice in the background whispers “HE SUCKS” and it sounds just like me but at the time I was kind of thinking that about the host — I wasn’t real impressed with him so — (small laugh)
Q: Right. Yeah, that’s what I find. I find the spirit messages usually do imitate the people speaking. But they’re not exactly — they’re not exactly the same in tone. Anyway, okay let me go ahead and I’ll play it again. And I’ll rewind on the spirit messages.
G: Okay.
Q: At least, some of them because there are other ones too. But the most — the more obvious spirit messages.
M: (tape) Oh did you tell him about Michael letting (“BELL”) the air out of Frieda’s tire out here?
T: (tape) Mama, I’ve had so much.
M: (tape) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
G: Oh.
M: (tape / pause) (“SOUNDS GOOD”) (pause) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”) (pause) know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
Q: (tape) Well no, it’s fine because, you know, once we do — once we (“NO”), you know, once I know what’s going on I can sort of zero in — try to figure out what is the main area, if anyone can. I was just telling her some of the other cases —I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) — (rewind) I was just telling her some of the other cases — I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) the anecdotes from some of the other cases —
Q: That one right there was sort of a “YOU KNOW.” And there are some other (“MORE”) distinct “YOU KNOW”s.
G: Well I heard the “SOUNDS GOOD” very, very clearly. That was very clear.
G: Yeah. (“YEAH”) There was no mistaking that one.
Q: Exactly. That’s right. So I mean — (“SO THIS IS”) a very (“WELL”) — so let me go ahead and I’ll play some more. Okay.
G: Oh well you know who I need to get you in touch with?
Q: Who?
G: Have you heard of Brian — you’ve probably never heard of Brian Jones. He actually — do you know who Peter Weissbach is?
Q: I’ve sent Email to him.
G: Oh really? (“RI”)
Q: In fact, he — I did get a — when he was a host of a show up in — was it San Francisco?
G: I know he’s in Seattle.
Q: Anyway (“YEAH” “WELL”) — before that.
G: Okay.
Q: I think he had a show on — somewhere up North. And I did get some Email from him or his producer asking for a review copy (“AND I”) so I sent it at that time. And that was a long time ago.
G: Okay.
Q: And (“BUM” “YEAH SO”) I know he’s got an Internet show of his own.
G: It’s — actually it’s a national radio show.
Q: Oh it is a radio show?
G: Yeah, it’s called “The Quest.”
Q: Right.
G: And it’s a —
Q: Yeah, I sent him one, in fact — the same Email you got. I sent him a copy of that too.
G: (laughs)
Q: But I didn’t get any response.
G: Well, you know, he was a guest host for “Coast to Coast AM” actually.
Q: Right.
G: And I was just — I just prerecord — he had me on as a guest. He just did on Thursday. Yesterday.
Q: Oh. Okay.
G: And we prerecorded it and it’s going to be on the air Monday. But this fellow Brian Jones. He does EVPs. And he claims that he can hear voices from anything. He — (“HE’LL”) he tries to get voices from a guitar amp. (“NO”) From airplanes. (“JUST” “NO”) From anything and —
Q: The only ones I’m really familiar with in that area are Barbara McBeth and Brendan Cook of the Ghost Investigators Society. I did get some Email from Brendan because actually one of the calls I want to play is with a “Coast” — (“WAS”) I mean was a call to Hilly Rose.
G: Oh wow.
Q: And it was the night they were on but it was before they were on. It was right after he had been interviewing the Warrens. And that was this call that I mentioned to you before where because of the tape delay it seems like proof (“THAT”) this was, in fact (“IT”) was a really strange word. It sounded sort of like “INHOMENA.” Anyway, so that’s one of the ones I wanted to play. It’s very quick. It’s like less than a minute.
G: Have you ever heard of Mark Macy? (“C” or “SEE”)
Q: No, (“I”) no, I — (“I”) see, EVP really isn’t the main thrust — I mean it’s obviously very — as you can tell from the book — they’re all through the book.
G: Sure.
Q: When I published the book, I knew that this was going to be (“A”) — this was making it difficult to sell because people would never believe it. (“BUT”) I really had to be faithful to what was going on.
G: Right.
Q: So I went ahead and published it that way. And I’ve seen people — I can just imagine them at the bookstores seeing that and (“JUST”) putting it back down. (“BUT”) I just (“FF FIL FEEL”) felt — (“SEE WHAT I”) what I really would like to do is have the tapes available on my website as opposed to the transcripts.
G: Yeah, sure.
Q: Because — and that’s something else I could talk about next week.
G: Do you know how to make wave files?
Q: Wave files?
G: It’s where you just record — you use a thing called Goldwave. It’s a free software you can download on the Internet and you basically — if you have a line running out of your computer, you feed the audio into the computer and it records it.
Q: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
G: It records on this little computer file. That’s, you know, if you go by Oates’s website, you click on those —
Q: Right.
G: Download them and listen to the reversals.
Q: Well I know — and I know some of them like even remove like background noise and what-have-you from them. Right now, all of my tapes are just the original tapes. So I haven’t really gone into any of that. (“AND I”) And financially I don’t really have a lot of capital to work with.
G: Right. Same here. Yeah.
Q: So I really have — (“SORT O[F]”) but, again, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms — because I also have like lots of synchronicity and things like that going —
G: Oh sure.
Q: — (“YOU KNOW”) on, obviously. But, anyway, do you want me to play some more of this tape or do you want to wait until next week?
G: We should probably wait until next week —
Q: Okay.
G: — so it’s like more spontaneous —
Q: Okay, fine.
G: — and everything.
Q: That’s fine.
G: But yeah. Oh, you know, after I interview you, I’m going to be interviewing Uri Geller actually. (small laugh)
Q: Oh really? Because I know he’s got his own show too.
G: Oh yeah. I was a guest on his show.
Q: Yeah.
G: (small laugh)
Q: I don’t know. I mean you’re one of the rare ones — I mean most people do not respond to my Emails.
G: Oh . . .
Q: I mean I get — I got some. I mean —
G: Well you should ask them straight out “do you want to have me as a guest on your show?” I mean I — I’ve gotten on basically every paranormal show except for Jeff Rense’s and “Coast to Coast.” And they don’t have me on because of my affiliation with David Oates. But they — you know, you just say I’ve done this and this. You know, I’ve appeared on these shows.
Q: Well I’ve sent — for example, where David Rense is concerned and, of course, there’s all this — you know, you hear all this stuff being a double agent and all those things.
G: About who?
Q: Jeff Rense.
G: Oh Jeff Rense. Well, I wouldn’t think that about Jeff Rense. Maybe Art Bell.
Q: No, I’m just saying you hear these things.
G: Oh sure.
Q: Like at the ufomind website, there was (“THIS”) — there was this — I can’t remember his exact title but he was in the army or something.
G: Really? Rense was?
Q: No. Somebody who said that he was.
G: Oh, okay.
Q: A disinformation agent. So and it was very convincing. He basically said that Jeff Rense. I can’t remember the other one. There was a Michael who published a newsletter. UFO —
G: Michael Lindeman.
Q: Right. Michel Lindeman. That’s one. And then Linda Moulton Howe were all, like, disinformation agents.
G: You know, that wouldn’t — (“PRI”) Linda Moulton Howe especially. I got a reversal on her where she says backwards “Art Bell and I have a scam.” (“HO”) You know?
Q: Yeah. See, that’s — I’m sure that’s why Art threw David off his show.
G: Because it was just too revealing?
Q: Because he — well, there was two reasons. You know, this is what I think after really looking at. But when I heard that he had — this had happened because I was no longer listening to Art because I just couldn’t take it anymore because I’d had numerous interaction with Art. In fact — I don’t know if you read that transcript in my website but they’d called me to actually book me on the show. And, anyway, that was the week after his son was supposedly molested.
G: Oh wow.
Q: You know, they had had my book a while but he must’ve gone wacko at that time.
G: He did.
Q: And probably thought that people were part of a conspiracy because — (“ONE”) you know, the theme — anyway, some of the themes I dealt with. Anyway, it was really, really bizarre. That whole —
G: Yeah, he believes that David was part of a conspiracy because people — someone contacted him and told him that Oates was going after his family. And I don’t know if you remember, Bell want on the air and for like a month —
Q: Well, see, I wasn’t listening to him at that time.
G: Oh yeah. For a month on the show, the theme was revenge. And he was bringing on Wiccans and asking them how he could use voodoo to get back at someone who had supposedly wronged his family.
Q: Yeah.
G: Yeah. But he was told that David was using voodoo to get Ramona, his wife.
Q: But when I checked the website, though, it seemed like the show that really did it was that one with what’s his name?
G: Dames?
Q: Right. Ed Dames.
G: Yeah.
Q: And one of the messages that night was “ANGRY AT YOU.” Because I think that Art looks at EVP the way I do because I’m sure he’s read all my book. And once you’ve read all my book, I think that you sort of do see how some of these messages are the Superconscious mind and that has — (“SO”) I think that’s probably what could’ve upset him. The fact that this was the Superconscious mind giving him a Message. As opposed to Clinton in reverse or something.
G: Well, you know, yeah and Oates said that Bell had something called reversal reaction where (“NO”) — Oates did reversal analysis on Art in private therapy and he found was some references to the fact that Art supposedly ran, like, this brothel back in the ’70s. And I guess this was actually true but he had this one reversal that said, “There were ill maidens of the night.”
Q: Is that true? I mean because I’ve — you hear that there was something that was kept out of the records or something?
G: Right. Well he was arrested for selling pornography under the guise of, like, a dating service but there was a —
Q: Oh really?
G: Yeah, there was supposedly something more serious than that. It supposedly had to do with a brothel but anyway Oates claims that Art heard these reversals on himself and went into what’s known as —
Q: But, see, I heard that was all (“LIKE”) a made-up story. (“RIGHT”)
G: No. There was —
Q: But he had had a video dating service. That’s all it was.
G: There was a made-up aspect to it. Someone claimed that he was — that he went to jail for it. He never went to jail but he was arrested for it. And he actually — he sued, I think, San Diego — the San Diego police for wrongful arrest and he actually won. But he was arrested for it. But anyway —
Q: Yeah. It’s sort of beside the point. Now . . .
G: Yeah, I know.
Q: Yeah, I — but it’s been — because I had a — at one point I even made all my tapes available to Art for his show and (“NO”) it’s hard to really say what’s going on. I did break down and listen to his very last broadcast. And I did really find some of the musical selections very telling.
G: Oh really? You were hearing something in them?
Q: Well no. Just that what he chose.
G: Oh, I see.
Q: Like, for example, he chose (“ONE”) one of the Beatles’ ones — you know: “My Sweet Lord” and (“NO”) — anyway, I think really he just wanted to get out of his contract.
G: Pretty much, I think so.
Q: Yeah. I mean I — that’s — and who — I mean I have no idea in terms of — he’s probably one of the people with the government.
G: Oh I think so.
Q: Because they have the same exact guests on the show now.
G: Oh I know.
Q: And —
G: And they’ve been totally disproven. (“AND”)
Q: I know. (“THEY’RE”) It’s totally — it’s ridiculous. It’s just who would have these people on?
G: Oh I know.
Q: Like last night they had that Pamela.
G: Pamela Stonebrooke?
Q: Yeah.
G: Oh, the reptilian (laughs) — the singer, yeah.
Q: Can you believe it? And —
G: (laughs)
Q: In fact — and she even mentioned — (“LIKE”) she wasn’t quite sure how she got on. She thought maybe — and she name-dropped someone’s name but it sounded really fishy to me.
G: Yeah, you know she was a guest on that Weissbach show too. That’s where I heard her.
Q: See, they have all these people and they never say anything about morality.
G: Oh, I know.
Q: Or anything about doing something to help your fellow man. It’s always just —
G: Doom and gloom.
Q: — ‘Whatever path you’re on right now is the path you should be on.’
G: Oh, I know.
Q: It’s just enough to make you throw up.
G: I know. Yeah. And they talk about all the weather changes but the guys who predict the weather changes — Dames and Scallion — you know, and I’m sure that there are weather changes going on but Scallion and Dames have all been wrong every time.
Q: I know. It’s so obvious and that’s why it’s really fishy that they’re on. And then I was also — I was just thinking that whenever somebody interesting calls — and like this one man called in saying, ‘When I was in the military.’ And he was talking about UFOs. Mike Siegel cut him off. (“I MEAN”)
G: Oh wow.
Q: As soon as — and he was, like, ready to squeal. And that’s — and he hangs up on him? There must be something going on.
G: Oh there is. I have no doubt about it. Oates found reversals to that effect too.
Q: I wonder about Mike Siegel — well he’s got to be. If Art was, well then he — then Mike Siegel definitely is.
G: Well what does he care? He’s getting a seven-figure check now probably.
Q: Yeah, it’s bizarre.
G: Yeah, I know.
Q: But then I have some of those transcripts at my website and I don’t have them all because my webmaster has not been — (“HE’S IN”) it’s been out of touch.
G: (small laugh)
Q: He’s so overworked and —
G: Oh wow.
Q: Since he moved to Canada. But — okay well I really appreciate it and —
G: I’m sorry again for this latest problem but yeah —
Q: And just for my own background, has — on David’s show, has he gone into, like, the history of EVP with the Raudive Voices —
G: No, it’s been just — it’s been very superficial. We just bring the people on, you know, and Oates just like, ‘Okay, play another example.’ You know, so —
Q: I could give — I could tell a little bit about some of the historical people too.
G: Sure. (“OKAY”)
Q: Well just — I’ll leave it to you.
G: Oh yeah. That’s — you know, I always let the guest take the interview wherever they want to go.
Q: Okay. Well what — some of the things I would like to talk about other than playing the EVP I have picked out — and, by the way, one of the ones that I was thinking about playing — and it’s, like, lost. I don’t think the Entity wants me to play it. I, basically — once in a while, I would turn my tape recorder on and say, “Mighael, give me a message now.” And I would let the tape run out. Well at the very end of the tape you hear this “OH WHAT THE FUCK.”
G: Oh wow.
Q: I know. And it’s very, very distinct. (“BUT”) But I don’t think Mighael wants me to play it because I was looking for the tape today and I couldn’t find it. (small laugh) So —
G: Oh, do you mean me, Michael or — (“NO”)
Q: The other Migh(ael) — is name is (“YOU KNOW”) — the Entity’s name is Mighael.
G: Oh I see. Okay.
Q: It’s bizarre because — have you seen those Messages From Michael books?
G: No.
Q: Okay, well you might pick one up. I mean in addition to my book. I mean — what happened with me is you read the book is pretty clear so. But it ties in — anyway, it’s a long story. (“BUT”) I can go into that a little bit next week.
G: Right. Okay.
Q: But, anyway, so you’re up in Washington?
G: I’m in Portland, actually.
Q: Portland, Oregon so that’s right up near there.
G: Right.
Q: Okay, well I — yeah, I — and you have your — and how often are you on David’s show? (“ONE”) Once a month?
G: I used to do it once every week but he didn’t like the long distance bill from Australia to Portland so I just do it every other week now so —
Q: I see. Well, okay. Well I’m looking forward to it if it can happen.
G: Oh, I think it will. It’ll happen eventually.
Q: And if you want to put in a good word for me with anyone else, that’s fine with me.
G: Oh, sure, I could plug you with Weissbach the next time I talk with you so —
Q: Yeah. Actually, I — you know, I sort of would love —
G: Do you have enough — or —
Q: Oh yeah — what? Oh — (“MY”) yeah, well I don’t know. (“HE’S”) I’ve sent him a copy of the book. I don’t know. You know, people —
G: He can be a little aloof sometimes.
Q: Well who knows? I mean it might be just too much for him.
G: Yeah.
Q: Yeah. So who knows?
G: Well, hey, if you’re listening at eight o’clock on Monday, you can listen to me on the show —
Q: And I — plus I once in a while I’ve been having problems — I don’t — I think I’ve gotten over the problems. But with my RealPlayer — my RealAudio?
G: Oh yeah?
Q: I’ve been having problems with that but I think I’ve got it solved now because I — I think I had too much on the computer — too much software. And it’s better at the moment even though I must say (“ON”) for “Coast to Coast,” they have the other —
G: The Windows?
Q: The Windows. And I still — the drop outs I just can’t get — I just can’t correct that. So —
G: Okay, well hey man.
Q: Okay, well thanks. Thanks for everything.
G: Yeah, you bet. I’ll talk to you next week.
Q: Okay. Bye-bye.
G: Alright. Bye-bye.
( . . . )
Q: Hello.
D: Hello. Mr. Bell?
Q: Correct.
D: That’s right. Just stand by. I’ll put you through to Michael Goodspeed. Okay?
Q: Thank you.
D: Just hang on a second. (BEEP) Michael, are you there?
Q: Yes, I’m here. Is that Michael?
G: Yes, it is. (small laugh)
Q: Hi.
G: Hi, Mark.
Q: So now is this an Internet show or a radio show?
D: Just hang on one second. I’ll leave you gentlemen to —
Q: Okay.
D: — talk and I’ll be back when we’re back on the air. Okay?
Q: Very good.
D: Okay. Just hang on.
G: Okay. Alright. (small laugh) Yeah, this is basically an Internet show. I told —
Q: Okay.
G: Yeah, I think that David is on one station in Australia. I think it’s on like an alternative rock station there but this is basically an Internet show. It used to be the Saturday night version of Jeff Rense’s “Sightings” show.
Q: Oh.
G: But — what?
Q: Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah, I —
G: Yeah. But (or “BUT”) — for (or “FOR”) — for some — and, by the way, I’m getting this echo of myself. Can you hear that?
Q: No, I can’t hear it.
G: Okay. Sometimes he remedies that when we go on the air.
Q: That’s good.
G: Yeah. (small laugh) (“YEAH”) You like — you’re into EVPs?
Q: Well did you get the book?
G: Yes.
Q: Yeah. Right. It was a process where, basically, when I first did my work in Oklahoma, I found some very blatant cases. And so that once I started really listening I was able to hear not (or “NOT”) — many not so obvious cases.
G: Okay.
Q: And, in fact, I went to old tapes that I had done. And now, of course, I’m convinced that they’re on everything that’s recorded and I can hear them all the time on broadcasts. And so I have examples to play. I got — I chose about six tapes that seemed very clear.
G: Have you ever heard of a Dave and Sharon Oester?
Q: Yes. I’ve heard the names.
G: Yeah, I think there’s a — the International Ghost Hunters Society and they do EVPs as well and — so could you hear spirit voices aside from using the EVPs? Or —
Q: Well there’s a couple cases in my background — well, of course, every — ever since I’ve been doing interviews with people who’ve experienced this phenomena, I’ve heard so many cases where people have heard like, for example, someone calling their name. That seems to be a very general incident that people experience and I had that experience when I was, like, around five years old.
G: Oh wow.
Q: And, of course, my take on reverse speech is that it is a form of spirit message.
G: Oh absolutely.
Q: And —
G: Can I ask you — oh, I’m sorry.
Q: Yeah. I — I mean —
G: I was going to ask how did you find my name or — I — did I get an Email from you like — I think it was like a year ago?
Q: Right.
G: I think it had something to do with the Ken Dashow show or something.
Q: Right. That’s right.
G: Oh okay. I thought your name looked very familiar. (“WELL”)
Q: It was — there was a period when I was getting — people were sending me by accident their Email lists. (“AN”) Since they dealt with the paranormal, I just went ahead and sent things to those — to the lists. I mean there are no real accidents, are there?
G: Right. (“BUT UM”) (small laugh or spirit small laugh)
Q: Yeah so I’ve been able to get — my list is pretty extensive right now. My last one I sent out to like 2,700 people.
G: Oh wow.
Q: Yeah. So —
G: You did the Dashow show, though —
Q: Yeah.
G: — so did that go pretty well or —
Q: Yeah. Oh yeah, that went very well. And I played one — in fact, the one spirit message I played on his show I plan to play tonight because it was just — it really changed my whole perception of EVP
G: Okay.
Q: And I also did a show — I did an hour show in Arizona. (“WITH” “IKE”) “Night Search”?
G: Oh I’ve been on that show.
Q: Yeah.
G: (small laugh)
Q: Yeah, that was fun.
G: Eddie Middleton. Yeah.
Q: Yeah, that was fun. I was on for two whole hours, if you can believe that.
G: Oh wow.
D: . . . weekly reverse speech show live from Adelaide, South Australia. And the show last week was done by Michael Goodspeed who should be on the air with me right now. Now Michael, are you there with me?
G: Well yeah. Can you hear me, David?
D: I hear you just fine. Can you hear me?
G: Yes, I can.
D: Good. Well welcome back to the extraordinary news air segment. It has been a couple weeks I think, has it not?
G: At least a couple of weeks. And I have to tell you right off the bat, I’m getting this really, really pronounced echo.
D: Yes, I’ve got that echo too. And that’s actually the overseas satellite. There’s nothing I can do about that unless you want me to stop the connection and try for a new connection.
G: Well I don’t think that will work. This is the only phone I can do it from so I guess we’ll just have to bear with it. It’s kind of funny, though, we’re getting an echo because we’re going to be talking about EVP. . . .
D: Ahh . . .
G: (small laugh) Yeah, we were going to do that last week but unfortunately we had a hard time hooking up with Brian Jones. But I guess it’s just a synchronicity that we’ll be able to tackle that this week. But my guest is named Mark Russell Bell and he’s been studying EVP for a number of years now. And I received a number of Emails from him actually describing transcripts of conversations he’s had on talkshows. He likes to call in to a number of paranormal talkshows including “Coast to Coast A.M” and I know he’s gotten himself hung up on by at least one of the hosts.
D: Oh really?
G: Yeah. I take my hat off to him for that. But this should be very interesting because I know that he has some clear examples of EVP so —
D: Well he won’t be hung up on by me. . . .
G: Can you say that again?
D: Said he won’t be hung up on by me.
G: Good. Okay. (small laugh) Well Mark, welcome to the show tonight.
Q: Thank you, Michael, and hi, David.
D: Hi, Mark. How are you, mate?
Q: Very good. Of course, I listened to you during my period when I was listening to “Coast to Coast” with Art.
D: Oh right.
Q: I sort of gave up on him and stopped listening so I missed some of the excitement at the end there.
D: Well you didn’t miss anything, believe me.
G: (small laugh)
D: It was nothing worthwhile repeating. There will be no round two on that one.
Q: But I did follow it on the Internet because I did go to your website.
G: Oh right. Okay.
Q: In fact, it did —
G: Well that was quite a tumultuous time, that was.
Q: Yeah, so congratulations to you for getting through it all.
D: Oh well thank you. Well what choice do you have?
Q: Exactly.
G: (small laugh)
D: Life goes on, mate —
G: Well yeah. (Or “WELL YEAH”)
D: You know, when we have change of circumstances. Reverse speech is doing very well in Australia now so who knows? Maybe the whole thing will . . .
Q: That’s right, you have to go with the flow.
D: That’s right.
M: Yeah. Well, you know, there are obviously a lot of parallels between reverse speech and EVPs now. Did you get interested in EVPs before you had ever heard about reverse speech?
Q: Yes. Before I’d ever heard because I was basically working as a film publicist in Hollywood —
D: Really?
Q: — where I did interviews all the time for film press kits. And then — in my spare time I’ve always been interested in the paranormal so I actually had completed a book about talking poltergeists through history. And one thing led to another and I heard of a contemporary family living with one with them so I went to interview the family during a period of three days, not realizing that the tapes would have a huge variety of EVP and unattributed sounds. And so that’s what really was my introduction to this whole world. And after that —
D: And when was this?
Q: This was in 1995 in late — in August. And then I started — after coming back home to L.A. — of course, I’d witnessed some paranormal phenomena down in Oklahoma — and then when I came back, the phenomena was still going on. So I was investigating what was going on and I began hearing the spirit messages. In fact, some of the early ones that I first heard, I’ll play tonight. And —
G: . . . say that you were — you say that you were witnessing some paranormal phenomena. What exactly were you witnessing?
Q: Well I was listening — I mean I was witnessing materialization — coins, other small objects. Twyla—who most people at the time thought was the agent upon whom the poltergeist was centered—took me on (“I[N]”) an excursion in the area and we had materializations inside the car and outside the car. There was spirit laughter in the back seat. There was groaning. We had insect phenomena. I called my twin brother up and while I was speaking to him his bed started shaking. I mean it was just unbelievable — the things that happened. And then when I came back to L.A., I began putting together other strange things that happened in my life so I stopped working, basically. I was working for Paramount Pictures at the time — working on press kits and what-have-you. Of course, Paramount’s that film studio with the familiar mountain logo. And I began transcribing these tapes. And the tapes from Oklahoma were just full of them. So there was one time when I decided to record over a portion of tape because it had involved some sexual issues. And I was shocked to find the tape had been slashed in two by my — well I see live with this constant Angelic presence that’s always interacting with me, leading me to publish my book and to the necessary interviews and what-have-you. So I began to realize the greater implications of what on the surface were a succession of events usually associated with the paranormal but in a sort of horror movie way. I mean what I realized is what I had experienced on the surface was like this very gothic almost cliche experiences of the paranormal but if you began looking at the metaphors and what they signified beneath the surface events, I was making all kinds of discoveries about, for example, the Superconscious mind. And that’s when I began (three beeps are heard) —
D: For EVP?
Q: EVP — yes. I think a lot of EVP that a lot of ghost hunters regard as messages from the departed are, in fact — they can be messages from the Superconscious mind. Of course, you have cases like Edgar Cayce. I don’t think it’s generally known that when he would channel his messages as the sleeping prophet, he didn’t just speak in one voice. It was different voices (line disonnected) — hello?
Q: Hello?
G: Oh hi Mark.
Q: Yeah?
G: David hung up on both of us. He’s — unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to continue with the interview tonight because he says he’s on this phone that he was using on Sydney. It’s his battery-powered phone and he says it just went dead.
Q: Oh okay.
G: Right now but we can do it next week for sure. I don’t know why that happened. This has never happened to me before but I guess this happens sometimes so —
Q: Okay, well that’s fine with me.
G: Okay. I’m sorry again for this inconvenience. This is the second week in a row but I don’t know.
Q: Okay. Well — (“AND YOU”) you know I did check the website and I did see that they had the wrong first name. Not that it —
G: He wrote Art Bell. I think it’s just the name Bell —
Q: “Arthur” yeah.
G: (small laugh) I pointed it out to him but yeah. I don’t know wh(at) —
Q: Yeah. (“WE”) Yeah, I don’t know. You could put my website up. I don’t know if very many people go there or not. Help promote the show or whatever.
G: Yeah, he could put up a link and so — you know, for the next week. People will still be able to link to it.
Q: Yeah.
G: So —
Q: Oh well. Anyway, do you want to hear a sample?
G: Oh sure.
Q: Okay. Let me just play it real quick. What I’ll do is if — like the first one I have selected which is from tape number (“LIKE”) three — like the third tape I was — I did in Oklahoma. (“AN WH”) It’s about a minute and a half.
G: Okay.
Q: So what I could do is play it through once and then I could play it a second time. (“WITH” “IN”) And repeating — rewinding it for each of the spirit messages.
G: Okay.
Q: Okay. And now this will be good practice for me too. The one thing I (“I”) don’t think I can do is when I play these messages, I can’t hear from the receiver because where the tape recorder is so —
G: Oh I see.
Q: You’ll have to wait until the end if you have any questions or something.
G: Sure. Okay.
Q: Okay. So let me go ahead and play it.
M: (tape) . . . out of Frieda’s tire out here?
T: (tape) Mama, I’ve had so much.
M: (tape) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
Q: (tape) Well no, it’s fine because, you know, once we do — once we (“NO”), you know, once I know what’s going on I can sort of zero in — try to figure out what is the main area, if anyone can. I was just telling her some of the other cases —I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) — the anecdotes from some of the other cases throughout history. There are lots of interesting parallels. Especially like with people like her were once accused of being witches because of this. (“NO”)
M: (tape) Did you tell him about that organ that time in there in my room? (“IN BILL’S ROOM”) I was out there pulling weeds out of my flower bed outside of Bill’s window one day and she hollered at me to come in. And my organ was sitting in there (“NICE”) and he had it turned on where the — the loud or the deep part of the organ is. He had a pot of flowers sitting on there and that organ was just going BLUUUOOONNNAAA. And he had a bunch of Teddy Bears laying on the bed. (SPIRIT WHINE) Like it — it scared me to death. I said, “Oh my gosh. That’s just like a funeral.”
Y: (tape) Bye-bye.
Q: Okay. Well — and what I can do is I can play it again and I can rewind at each one of the spirit messages. They’re a bit hard to hear at first since I’m interviewing two different people. Did you hear it? One of them was “SOUNDS GOOD.”
G: Well actually the volume was pretty low because it —
Q: It was?
G: — was hard for me to make out what the people were just saying in the (“OKAY LL”) normal conversation.
Q: Let me go ahead and play it — I was trying to hold it as close to the receiver as I could.
G: Right.
Q: So I’ll do that again, pressing it right against the receiver and then I’ll see if that helps.
G: Okay.
Q: Okay. I’ve got to rewind it first, though. (while rewinding) I have — (“I MEAN”) and this is a little bit different in nature than some of the other ones that I have. Like when I was doing some of the radio shows, which are — one of them is exactly — sounds exactly like my voice. (“WELL”) It was a call — one of my calls to “Coast to Coast.” And what I did is I had my tape recorder right next to the radio headphones because I was on the phone so this was in the background. And you can hear my voice in the background during the call and then, of course — then you hear the phone or, you know, there’s a tape delay. So — anyway, it’s (“YOU”) — anyway, it just proves that I could not have said this word because you would have heard it previously.
G: Oh, you know, someone sent me something just like that on me the other day. It’s from a radio show I did in San Antonio and I supposedly — (“I”) this voice in the background whispers “HE SUCKS” and it sounds just like me but at the time I was kind of thinking that about the host — I wasn’t real impressed with him so — (small laugh)
Q: Right. Yeah, that’s what I find. I find the spirit messages usually do imitate the people speaking. But they’re not exactly — they’re not exactly the same in tone. Anyway, okay let me go ahead and I’ll play it again. And I’ll rewind on the spirit messages.
G: Okay.
Q: At least, some of them because there are other ones too. But the most — the more obvious spirit messages.
M: (tape) Oh did you tell him about Michael letting (“BELL”) the air out of Frieda’s tire out here?
T: (tape) Mama, I’ve had so much.
M: (tape) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
G: Oh.
M: (tape / pause) (“SOUNDS GOOD”) (pause) I know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”) (pause) know it. There’s (“YEAH”) so much. (“SOUNDS GOOD”)
Q: (tape) Well no, it’s fine because, you know, once we do — once we (“NO”), you know, once I know what’s going on I can sort of zero in — try to figure out what is the main area, if anyone can. I was just telling her some of the other cases —I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) — (rewind) I was just telling her some of the other cases — I was telling a few of the (“YOU KNOW”) the anecdotes from some of the other cases —
Q: That one right there was sort of a “YOU KNOW.” And there are some other (“MORE”) distinct “YOU KNOW”s.
G: Well I heard the “SOUNDS GOOD” very, very clearly. That was very clear.
G: Yeah. (“YEAH”) There was no mistaking that one.
Q: Exactly. That’s right. So I mean — (“SO THIS IS”) a very (“WELL”) — so let me go ahead and I’ll play some more. Okay.
G: Oh well you know who I need to get you in touch with?
Q: Who?
G: Have you heard of Brian — you’ve probably never heard of Brian Jones. He actually — do you know who Peter Weissbach is?
Q: I’ve sent Email to him.
G: Oh really? (“RI”)
Q: In fact, he — I did get a — when he was a host of a show up in — was it San Francisco?
G: I know he’s in Seattle.
Q: Anyway (“YEAH” “WELL”) — before that.
G: Okay.
Q: I think he had a show on — somewhere up North. And I did get some Email from him or his producer asking for a review copy (“AND I”) so I sent it at that time. And that was a long time ago.
G: Okay.
Q: And (“BUM” “YEAH SO”) I know he’s got an Internet show of his own.
G: It’s — actually it’s a national radio show.
Q: Oh it is a radio show?
G: Yeah, it’s called “The Quest.”
Q: Right.
G: And it’s a —
Q: Yeah, I sent him one, in fact — the same Email you got. I sent him a copy of that too.
G: (laughs)
Q: But I didn’t get any response.
G: Well, you know, he was a guest host for “Coast to Coast AM” actually.
Q: Right.
G: And I was just — I just prerecord — he had me on as a guest. He just did on Thursday. Yesterday.
Q: Oh. Okay.
G: And we prerecorded it and it’s going to be on the air Monday. But this fellow Brian Jones. He does EVPs. And he claims that he can hear voices from anything. He — (“HE’LL”) he tries to get voices from a guitar amp. (“NO”) From airplanes. (“JUST” “NO”) From anything and —
Q: The only ones I’m really familiar with in that area are Barbara McBeth and Brendan Cook of the Ghost Investigators Society. I did get some Email from Brendan because actually one of the calls I want to play is with a “Coast” — (“WAS”) I mean was a call to Hilly Rose.
G: Oh wow.
Q: And it was the night they were on but it was before they were on. It was right after he had been interviewing the Warrens. And that was this call that I mentioned to you before where because of the tape delay it seems like proof (“THAT”) this was, in fact (“IT”) was a really strange word. It sounded sort of like “INHOMENA.” Anyway, so that’s one of the ones I wanted to play. It’s very quick. It’s like less than a minute.
G: Have you ever heard of Mark Macy? (“C” or “SEE”)
Q: No, (“I”) no, I — (“I”) see, EVP really isn’t the main thrust — I mean it’s obviously very — as you can tell from the book — they’re all through the book.
G: Sure.
Q: When I published the book, I knew that this was going to be (“A”) — this was making it difficult to sell because people would never believe it. (“BUT”) I really had to be faithful to what was going on.
G: Right.
Q: So I went ahead and published it that way. And I’ve seen people — I can just imagine them at the bookstores seeing that and (“JUST”) putting it back down. (“BUT”) I just (“FF FIL FEEL”) felt — (“SEE WHAT I”) what I really would like to do is have the tapes available on my website as opposed to the transcripts.
G: Yeah, sure.
Q: Because — and that’s something else I could talk about next week.
G: Do you know how to make wave files?
Q: Wave files?
G: It’s where you just record — you use a thing called Goldwave. It’s a free software you can download on the Internet and you basically — if you have a line running out of your computer, you feed the audio into the computer and it records it.
Q: Yeah. (or “YEAH”)
G: It records on this little computer file. That’s, you know, if you go by Oates’s website, you click on those —
Q: Right.
G: Download them and listen to the reversals.
Q: Well I know — and I know some of them like even remove like background noise and what-have-you from them. Right now, all of my tapes are just the original tapes. So I haven’t really gone into any of that. (“AND I”) And financially I don’t really have a lot of capital to work with.
G: Right. Same here. Yeah.
Q: So I really have — (“SORT O[F]”) but, again, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms — because I also have like lots of synchronicity and things like that going —
G: Oh sure.
Q: — (“YOU KNOW”) on, obviously. But, anyway, do you want me to play some more of this tape or do you want to wait until next week?
G: We should probably wait until next week —
Q: Okay.
G: — so it’s like more spontaneous —
Q: Okay, fine.
G: — and everything.
Q: That’s fine.
G: But yeah. Oh, you know, after I interview you, I’m going to be interviewing Uri Geller actually. (small laugh)
Q: Oh really? Because I know he’s got his own show too.
G: Oh yeah. I was a guest on his show.
Q: Yeah.
G: (small laugh)
Q: I don’t know. I mean you’re one of the rare ones — I mean most people do not respond to my Emails.
G: Oh . . .
Q: I mean I get — I got some. I mean —
G: Well you should ask them straight out “do you want to have me as a guest on your show?” I mean I — I’ve gotten on basically every paranormal show except for Jeff Rense’s and “Coast to Coast.” And they don’t have me on because of my affiliation with David Oates. But they — you know, you just say I’ve done this and this. You know, I’ve appeared on these shows.
Q: Well I’ve sent — for example, where David Rense is concerned and, of course, there’s all this — you know, you hear all this stuff being a double agent and all those things.
G: About who?
Q: Jeff Rense.
G: Oh Jeff Rense. Well, I wouldn’t think that about Jeff Rense. Maybe Art Bell.
Q: No, I’m just saying you hear these things.
G: Oh sure.
Q: Like at the ufomind website, there was (“THIS”) — there was this — I can’t remember his exact title but he was in the army or something.
G: Really? Rense was?
Q: No. Somebody who said that he was.
G: Oh, okay.
Q: A disinformation agent. So and it was very convincing. He basically said that Jeff Rense. I can’t remember the other one. There was a Michael who published a newsletter. UFO —
G: Michael Lindeman.
Q: Right. Michel Lindeman. That’s one. And then Linda Moulton Howe were all, like, disinformation agents.
G: You know, that wouldn’t — (“PRI”) Linda Moulton Howe especially. I got a reversal on her where she says backwards “Art Bell and I have a scam.” (“HO”) You know?
Q: Yeah. See, that’s — I’m sure that’s why Art threw David off his show.
G: Because it was just too revealing?
Q: Because he — well, there was two reasons. You know, this is what I think after really looking at. But when I heard that he had — this had happened because I was no longer listening to Art because I just couldn’t take it anymore because I’d had numerous interaction with Art. In fact — I don’t know if you read that transcript in my website but they’d called me to actually book me on the show. And, anyway, that was the week after his son was supposedly molested.
G: Oh wow.
Q: You know, they had had my book a while but he must’ve gone wacko at that time.
G: He did.
Q: And probably thought that people were part of a conspiracy because — (“ONE”) you know, the theme — anyway, some of the themes I dealt with. Anyway, it was really, really bizarre. That whole —
G: Yeah, he believes that David was part of a conspiracy because people — someone contacted him and told him that Oates was going after his family. And I don’t know if you remember, Bell want on the air and for like a month —
Q: Well, see, I wasn’t listening to him at that time.
G: Oh yeah. For a month on the show, the theme was revenge. And he was bringing on Wiccans and asking them how he could use voodoo to get back at someone who had supposedly wronged his family.
Q: Yeah.
G: Yeah. But he was told that David was using voodoo to get Ramona, his wife.
Q: But when I checked the website, though, it seemed like the show that really did it was that one with what’s his name?
G: Dames?
Q: Right. Ed Dames.
G: Yeah.
Q: And one of the messages that night was “ANGRY AT YOU.” Because I think that Art looks at EVP the way I do because I’m sure he’s read all my book. And once you’ve read all my book, I think that you sort of do see how some of these messages are the Superconscious mind and that has — (“SO”) I think that’s probably what could’ve upset him. The fact that this was the Superconscious mind giving him a Message. As opposed to Clinton in reverse or something.
G: Well, you know, yeah and Oates said that Bell had something called reversal reaction where (“NO”) — Oates did reversal analysis on Art in private therapy and he found was some references to the fact that Art supposedly ran, like, this brothel back in the ’70s. And I guess this was actually true but he had this one reversal that said, “There were ill maidens of the night.”
Q: Is that true? I mean because I’ve — you hear that there was something that was kept out of the records or something?
G: Right. Well he was arrested for selling pornography under the guise of, like, a dating service but there was a —
Q: Oh really?
G: Yeah, there was supposedly something more serious than that. It supposedly had to do with a brothel but anyway Oates claims that Art heard these reversals on himself and went into what’s known as —
Q: But, see, I heard that was all (“LIKE”) a made-up story. (“RIGHT”)
G: No. There was —
Q: But he had had a video dating service. That’s all it was.
G: There was a made-up aspect to it. Someone claimed that he was — that he went to jail for it. He never went to jail but he was arrested for it. And he actually — he sued, I think, San Diego — the San Diego police for wrongful arrest and he actually won. But he was arrested for it. But anyway —
Q: Yeah. It’s sort of beside the point. Now . . .
G: Yeah, I know.
Q: Yeah, I — but it’s been — because I had a — at one point I even made all my tapes available to Art for his show and (“NO”) it’s hard to really say what’s going on. I did break down and listen to his very last broadcast. And I did really find some of the musical selections very telling.
G: Oh really? You were hearing something in them?
Q: Well no. Just that what he chose.
G: Oh, I see.
Q: Like, for example, he chose (“ONE”) one of the Beatles’ ones — you know: “My Sweet Lord” and (“NO”) — anyway, I think really he just wanted to get out of his contract.
G: Pretty much, I think so.
Q: Yeah. I mean I — that’s — and who — I mean I have no idea in terms of — he’s probably one of the people with the government.
G: Oh I think so.
Q: Because they have the same exact guests on the show now.
G: Oh I know.
Q: And —
G: And they’ve been totally disproven. (“AND”)
Q: I know. (“THEY’RE”) It’s totally — it’s ridiculous. It’s just who would have these people on?
G: Oh I know.
Q: Like last night they had that Pamela.
G: Pamela Stonebrooke?
Q: Yeah.
G: Oh, the reptilian (laughs) — the singer, yeah.
Q: Can you believe it? And —
G: (laughs)
Q: In fact — and she even mentioned — (“LIKE”) she wasn’t quite sure how she got on. She thought maybe — and she name-dropped someone’s name but it sounded really fishy to me.
G: Yeah, you know she was a guest on that Weissbach show too. That’s where I heard her.
Q: See, they have all these people and they never say anything about morality.
G: Oh, I know.
Q: Or anything about doing something to help your fellow man. It’s always just —
G: Doom and gloom.
Q: — ‘Whatever path you’re on right now is the path you should be on.’
G: Oh, I know.
Q: It’s just enough to make you throw up.
G: I know. Yeah. And they talk about all the weather changes but the guys who predict the weather changes — Dames and Scallion — you know, and I’m sure that there are weather changes going on but Scallion and Dames have all been wrong every time.
Q: I know. It’s so obvious and that’s why it’s really fishy that they’re on. And then I was also — I was just thinking that whenever somebody interesting calls — and like this one man called in saying, ‘When I was in the military.’ And he was talking about UFOs. Mike Siegel cut him off. (“I MEAN”)
G: Oh wow.
Q: As soon as — and he was, like, ready to squeal. And that’s — and he hangs up on him? There must be something going on.
G: Oh there is. I have no doubt about it. Oates found reversals to that effect too.
Q: I wonder about Mike Siegel — well he’s got to be. If Art was, well then he — then Mike Siegel definitely is.
G: Well what does he care? He’s getting a seven-figure check now probably.
Q: Yeah, it’s bizarre.
G: Yeah, I know.
Q: But then I have some of those transcripts at my website and I don’t have them all because my webmaster has not been — (“HE’S IN”) it’s been out of touch.
G: (small laugh)
Q: He’s so overworked and —
G: Oh wow.
Q: Since he moved to Canada. But — okay well I really appreciate it and —
G: I’m sorry again for this latest problem but yeah —
Q: And just for my own background, has — on David’s show, has he gone into, like, the history of EVP with the Raudive Voices —
G: No, it’s been just — it’s been very superficial. We just bring the people on, you know, and Oates just like, ‘Okay, play another example.’ You know, so —
Q: I could give — I could tell a little bit about some of the historical people too.
G: Sure. (“OKAY”)
Q: Well just — I’ll leave it to you.
G: Oh yeah. That’s — you know, I always let the guest take the interview wherever they want to go.
Q: Okay. Well what — some of the things I would like to talk about other than playing the EVP I have picked out — and, by the way, one of the ones that I was thinking about playing — and it’s, like, lost. I don’t think the Entity wants me to play it. I, basically — once in a while, I would turn my tape recorder on and say, “Mighael, give me a message now.” And I would let the tape run out. Well at the very end of the tape you hear this “OH WHAT THE FUCK.”
G: Oh wow.
Q: I know. And it’s very, very distinct. (“BUT”) But I don’t think Mighael wants me to play it because I was looking for the tape today and I couldn’t find it. (small laugh) So —
G: Oh, do you mean me, Michael or — (“NO”)
Q: The other Migh(ael) — is name is (“YOU KNOW”) — the Entity’s name is Mighael.
G: Oh I see. Okay.
Q: It’s bizarre because — have you seen those Messages From Michael books?
G: No.
Q: Okay, well you might pick one up. I mean in addition to my book. I mean — what happened with me is you read the book is pretty clear so. But it ties in — anyway, it’s a long story. (“BUT”) I can go into that a little bit next week.
G: Right. Okay.
Q: But, anyway, so you’re up in Washington?
G: I’m in Portland, actually.
Q: Portland, Oregon so that’s right up near there.
G: Right.
Q: Okay, well I — yeah, I — and you have your — and how often are you on David’s show? (“ONE”) Once a month?
G: I used to do it once every week but he didn’t like the long distance bill from Australia to Portland so I just do it every other week now so —
Q: I see. Well, okay. Well I’m looking forward to it if it can happen.
G: Oh, I think it will. It’ll happen eventually.
Q: And if you want to put in a good word for me with anyone else, that’s fine with me.
G: Oh, sure, I could plug you with Weissbach the next time I talk with you so —
Q: Yeah. Actually, I — you know, I sort of would love —
G: Do you have enough — or —
Q: Oh yeah — what? Oh — (“MY”) yeah, well I don’t know. (“HE’S”) I’ve sent him a copy of the book. I don’t know. You know, people —
G: He can be a little aloof sometimes.
Q: Well who knows? I mean it might be just too much for him.
G: Yeah.
Q: Yeah. So who knows?
G: Well, hey, if you’re listening at eight o’clock on Monday, you can listen to me on the show —
Q: And I — plus I once in a while I’ve been having problems — I don’t — I think I’ve gotten over the problems. But with my RealPlayer — my RealAudio?
G: Oh yeah?
Q: I’ve been having problems with that but I think I’ve got it solved now because I — I think I had too much on the computer — too much software. And it’s better at the moment even though I must say (“ON”) for “Coast to Coast,” they have the other —
G: The Windows?
Q: The Windows. And I still — the drop outs I just can’t get — I just can’t correct that. So —
G: Okay, well hey man.
Q: Okay, well thanks. Thanks for everything.
G: Yeah, you bet. I’ll talk to you next week.
Q: Okay. Bye-bye.
G: Alright. Bye-bye.
Friday 15th December – LAST SHOW FOR THE YEAR9-10 David and new reversals and live call ins on the RS website.10-12 – Special Ex News Guest – Uri Gellar
Friday 15th December – LAST SHOW FOR THE YEAR9-10 David and new reversals and live call ins on the RS website.10-11 – Special Ex News Guest – Uri Gellar11-12 – PLASMAMAN!!
Friday 15th December – LAST SHOW FOR THE YEAR9-10 David and new reversals and live call ins on the RS website.10-11 – Special Ex News Guest – Uri Gellar11-12 – PLASMAMAN!!
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So let’s see what paranormal topic’s on the radio tonight on “Coast to Coast.”
R: . . . 0520 and the wild card line is available at (541) 665-0521. This is “Coast To Coast AM” on the Premiere Radio Networks.
M: . . . I was going to say we are back with you and we’re glad to be back with you. As a matter of fact, in the midst of our country going through some very interesting times. Now if this were all in a movie or in a book or a fictional kind of political novel of intrigue, it would be a lot of fun. I guess if you’re kind of a news junkie or a legal junkie or a constitutional junkie, it is a lot of fun just to go through all of the possible scenarios because we could. By the way, we’ll get to the calls but, Mr. Mulholland, there is one thing that I mentioned earlier that putting partisan views aside for the moment, we could wind up with two sets of electors going from Florida to the vote on the 18th of December in D.C. January 6th I guess Congress certifies the electors. They could have the job of certifying one set or another and if the two houses of Congress do not agree, it goes back to the governor of Florida who then has the responsibility to certify them. This thing is really kind of circuitous.
L: Well everybody will learn about how our process works that we didn’t pay attention to when we were in school. But if we get the recount done and really it’s the counting of the ballots that the machine whatever county up and down the state of Florida could not count — well and if Al Gore has the most votes, I dare the Republicans and I dare Jed Bush and then — and the . . . if Al Gore has won the national vote by over 300,000 votes and if due to Florida state law implemented today by the Florida — Friday by the Florida Supreme Court, if Al Gore has the most votes in a few days, I think the Bush brothers are going to have a very hard time to make the case to the American people: ‘Well the Court was wrong and even though Gore got more votes . . . faulty system and we’re going to have our legislature do it.’ I think that’s a tough sell.
M: I agree but, again, see, if it’s not — I don’t see it as being the Bush brothers doing it. They don’t — really George Bush has no control over this at this point. The courts are independent. They make their own judgements, obviously.
L: No, but the legislature obviously are talking all the time to the Bush brothers.
M: Well look, if Al Gore had a Democratic legislature in Florida, don’t you think he’d be talking —
L: Oh absolutely. Or if Al Gore’s brother was the governor of Florida, absolutely we’d be talking to him.
M: Well same thing.
L: Yeah, absolutely.
M: I’m trying to get past that partisanship and deal with what’s best —
L: So here’s what will happen. Here’s what could happen on January 6th or 5th. The 6th’s a Saturday; maybe Congress will move it to a Friday. You have both the U.S. Senate and the House meet and the U.S. Senate will be fifty Democrats, fifty Republicans and Vice-President Al Gore is the presiding officer.
M: That’s another amazing scenario.
L: You’re right. Nobody could write this book and be accepted in Hollywood. It would be just too much fiction.
M: Yeah, you couldn’t believe it.
L: For the scriptwriter would be, “No no, I think this could happen in America.” And they’d be rejected. But —
M: You know, you could have — this is unbelievable because I haven’t even thought about that one. It would be fifty-fifty. That would mean at that point you wouldn’t have a new Vice-President. Al Gore could cast the deciding vote for himself.
L: Yes. And so he would be casting it for Democratic electors and the U.S. House Republican would be a — think, so then you’re right. It goes back to the governor but I would be, again, hard-pressed to imagine how the — Governor Bush of Texas’s brother to make the case to the American people that, “Hey, I’m doing this in a non-partisan way. It has nothing to do with my family. It’s on the basis that Katherine Harris in early December/late November said my brother has won and I don’t care what the court” — hey, it’s going to be interesting. It’ll be resolved in — (“NO”) December 12th and December 18th are not locked into the Constitution.
M: That’s true.
L: December 18th is a statute by Congress in 1934 — I’m putting together the electoral college in California and — but let me give you an example. It’s set for two o’clock on the afternoon of Monday, December 18th. But if California had a huge earthquake on Monday morning, we couldn’t have it. Well we’d have it a week later whenever we could clear up the rubble and that would be accepted by Congress. Or in 1960 the Hawaiian electors were for Nixon on December 18th — whatever the date was at that particular time in that year. But when they finally finished the count in late December of 1960 Kennedy had won Hawaii and Congress accepted those — that was the final vote. So there is precedent that you don’t have to stick to these dates. For instance, on December 18th, if Florida’s not resolved and I’m — I think it will be but you could have forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have their electoral college and Florida could be a week later.
M: Now that’s true although the one thing I will point out. Section 3 of the United States Code, paragraph 5 does say —
R: . . . 0520 and the wild card line is available at (541) 665-0521. This is “Coast To Coast AM” on the Premiere Radio Networks.
M: . . . I was going to say we are back with you and we’re glad to be back with you. As a matter of fact, in the midst of our country going through some very interesting times. Now if this were all in a movie or in a book or a fictional kind of political novel of intrigue, it would be a lot of fun. I guess if you’re kind of a news junkie or a legal junkie or a constitutional junkie, it is a lot of fun just to go through all of the possible scenarios because we could. By the way, we’ll get to the calls but, Mr. Mulholland, there is one thing that I mentioned earlier that putting partisan views aside for the moment, we could wind up with two sets of electors going from Florida to the vote on the 18th of December in D.C. January 6th I guess Congress certifies the electors. They could have the job of certifying one set or another and if the two houses of Congress do not agree, it goes back to the governor of Florida who then has the responsibility to certify them. This thing is really kind of circuitous.
L: Well everybody will learn about how our process works that we didn’t pay attention to when we were in school. But if we get the recount done and really it’s the counting of the ballots that the machine whatever county up and down the state of Florida could not count — well and if Al Gore has the most votes, I dare the Republicans and I dare Jed Bush and then — and the . . . if Al Gore has won the national vote by over 300,000 votes and if due to Florida state law implemented today by the Florida — Friday by the Florida Supreme Court, if Al Gore has the most votes in a few days, I think the Bush brothers are going to have a very hard time to make the case to the American people: ‘Well the Court was wrong and even though Gore got more votes . . . faulty system and we’re going to have our legislature do it.’ I think that’s a tough sell.
M: I agree but, again, see, if it’s not — I don’t see it as being the Bush brothers doing it. They don’t — really George Bush has no control over this at this point. The courts are independent. They make their own judgements, obviously.
L: No, but the legislature obviously are talking all the time to the Bush brothers.
M: Well look, if Al Gore had a Democratic legislature in Florida, don’t you think he’d be talking —
L: Oh absolutely. Or if Al Gore’s brother was the governor of Florida, absolutely we’d be talking to him.
M: Well same thing.
L: Yeah, absolutely.
M: I’m trying to get past that partisanship and deal with what’s best —
L: So here’s what will happen. Here’s what could happen on January 6th or 5th. The 6th’s a Saturday; maybe Congress will move it to a Friday. You have both the U.S. Senate and the House meet and the U.S. Senate will be fifty Democrats, fifty Republicans and Vice-President Al Gore is the presiding officer.
M: That’s another amazing scenario.
L: You’re right. Nobody could write this book and be accepted in Hollywood. It would be just too much fiction.
M: Yeah, you couldn’t believe it.
L: For the scriptwriter would be, “No no, I think this could happen in America.” And they’d be rejected. But —
M: You know, you could have — this is unbelievable because I haven’t even thought about that one. It would be fifty-fifty. That would mean at that point you wouldn’t have a new Vice-President. Al Gore could cast the deciding vote for himself.
L: Yes. And so he would be casting it for Democratic electors and the U.S. House Republican would be a — think, so then you’re right. It goes back to the governor but I would be, again, hard-pressed to imagine how the — Governor Bush of Texas’s brother to make the case to the American people that, “Hey, I’m doing this in a non-partisan way. It has nothing to do with my family. It’s on the basis that Katherine Harris in early December/late November said my brother has won and I don’t care what the court” — hey, it’s going to be interesting. It’ll be resolved in — (“NO”) December 12th and December 18th are not locked into the Constitution.
M: That’s true.
L: December 18th is a statute by Congress in 1934 — I’m putting together the electoral college in California and — but let me give you an example. It’s set for two o’clock on the afternoon of Monday, December 18th. But if California had a huge earthquake on Monday morning, we couldn’t have it. Well we’d have it a week later whenever we could clear up the rubble and that would be accepted by Congress. Or in 1960 the Hawaiian electors were for Nixon on December 18th — whatever the date was at that particular time in that year. But when they finally finished the count in late December of 1960 Kennedy had won Hawaii and Congress accepted those — that was the final vote. So there is precedent that you don’t have to stick to these dates. For instance, on December 18th, if Florida’s not resolved and I’m — I think it will be but you could have forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have their electoral college and Florida could be a week later.
M: Now that’s true although the one thing I will point out. Section 3 of the United States Code, paragraph 5 does say —
Campbell, Lindemann & Rense: Government Contractors?From: (Glenn Campbell, Las Vegas)Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:44:10 -0800
The following was forwarded to me by a number of people. It apparently originated on the bulletin board of the ACC website. Let us not rush to judgment, though: Jack Shulman is innocent until proven guilty.
How many clues can you find? — Glenn ——- Begin forwarded message ——-
From: (Hal E. Louya)Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 14:53:12 -0500 (CDT)To: dissent@UserHome.comSubject: Air Force ADMITs ‘Government Contractors’
Wonder where Kitty found this?
Air Force ADMITs that ‘Area 51’ Glen Campbell, Mike Linderman and Show Host Jeff Rense are ‘Government Contractors’ Posted by Kitty on Friday, 21 August 1998, at 11:55 p.m. REUTERS NEWS SERVICE (L O N D O N)
8:30 GMT August 21, 1998 In a brief interview with paranormal reporter Pierre Stahl of Germany’s STERN MAGAZINE, Captain Paul Scott Lewis, US Navy, and head of Intelligence Operations for the United States Space Command, head quartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado, admitted that the US Air Force has been ‘deliberately’ misleading the public for some time about the existence and intelligent control of so-called Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
Captain Lewis, among other startling admissions, identified that the Air Force had maintained a ‘Duty Cover’ operation for Nellis Air Force base, where special flying craft of the United States Military were ‘hidden’ behind intelligence operations intended to make these advanced so-called ‘Warfighter Aircraft’ look like Flying Saucers. Among those named in the deception: Glen Campbell, operator of the ‘Area 51 Information Center’, and one Michael Linderman, who writes a popular alternative newsletter about UFOS called ‘CNI News’. Lewis also identified Radio Show Host Jeff Rense, who he indicated was employed by a small National Security group assigned to Peterson Air Force Base, which operates the ‘Orbit 7 Network’, a phony Radio Network which was organized to plant stories into the Civilian Broadcast Channels. When asked why he had decided to publicize these obviously sensitive matters, Captain Lewis cited recent disagreements between himself and General Howell Estes, head of the United States Space Command, over Public Policy Captain Lewis believes these Covert Operations appear to violate, leading to his decision to leave the United States Space Command and return to the United States Navy. Lewis also indicated that the Air Force and the United Space Command were ‘failing to disclose’ the true nature of actual Flying Disk Spacecraft which have visited Earth during the modern era, and while refusing to admit or deny the existence, indicated that President Clinton may not have been telling the whole truth, when he denied that the United States Department of Defense had captured an alien spacecraft. Captain Lewis’s credentials and curriculum vitae are remarkably impressive for so outspoken a critic of the Air Force’s policies.
After a lengthy career at Fleet Intelligence Center in the US Navy ADP Section, From January 1978 until June 1983 CAPT Lewis served two consecutive Norfolk, VA tours: first, at Fleet Intelligence Center Europe and Atlantic where he served as Chief of the ADP section supporting production of the Naval Intelligence Processing System; then at United States Commander in Chief Atlantic where he stood up the mission planning center for the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile.
Next CAPT Lewis served as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence on the Commander Sixth Fleet staff and supported multiple operations in the Mediterranean littoral. In 1985 he attended the Naval Command and Staff College in Newport, RI, where he earned a master of arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies and another MA in International Relations from Salve Regina College also in Newport, RI. He entered defense attache training in June 1986 followed by an assignment as an Assistant Naval Attache from January 1987 until January 1990 at USDAO Rome, Italy.
From January 1990 until March 1992, CAPT Lewis served as Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and as Space and Electronic Warfare Coordinator for the Commander, Carrier Group Six, embarked in USS Forrestal (CV 59). This operational tour was followed by four years of duty at two Washington, DC area commands; the first being with Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command as acting program manager for the Navy Tactical Command System/Afloat; then at Defense Information Systems Agency as Chief, C4I Engineering Management supporting initial deployment of the Global Command and Control System. From there, CAPT Lewis assumed his present duty assignment in August 1997 and currently serves as the Director of Intelligence for NORAD and USSPACECOM.
CAPT Lewis is married to the former Tonya Lanham, from Owensboro, KY, and they have four children.
(c) Copyright 1998 Reuters News Service. All Rights Reserved.
(AP) Played a role in the creation of this news story ——- End forwarded message ——- +———————————————————————————————+
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Art Bell On Gov’t Black Ops Payroll?
From: Ken MacGray <>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 17:19:35 -0800Subject: Art Bell On Gov’t Black Ops Payroll?
From: (AvantPop)Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.area51Subject: Art Bell & the Gov. Disinformation ConspiracyDate: 9 Jul 1997 20:30:15 GMT
Some question has arisen as to whether or not Late NightRadio talk show host Art Bell is on secret government payrollto air his show, which focuses more and more on UFOS, aliens,and whacko conspiracies.
SCENARIO: A number of years ago, a talented talk radio hostwho’d, for much of his career, lived in obscurity (always a localor regional celebrity, but not known world wide) with a medicoreshow with mostly (like other talk shows) a political slant. Thenhe begins a weekend show devoted to the paranormal — inparticular, UFOS and aliens. That show becomes quite popularand said radio talk show host begins to move the topicto his weeknight show, garnering much interest not onlyfrom the public, but certain people within the government.“Let’s not stop him,” it is decided, “let’s make him biggerfor our purposes.”
Said radio talk show host is approached by someone witha large broadcasting company (say, The ChancellorBroadcasting Company, as an example) that is backedby illicit CIA funds. Said radio talk show host is toldthat his show can be syndicated all over the country,rather than stuck in one region, that that “theparanormal stuff” should always be the central focus.Saidradio talk show host sees this as a goldenopportunity.
Keep in mind that disinformation is always a mix ofthe truth and lies, to keep those seeking the truthrunning around in circles and never quite certainwhat is true or not.
Art Bell’s guests range from the quite credibleto the quite lunatic, and Mr. Bell never argues withor agrees with his guests, he lets them talk, he letshis “listeners make their own decisions.” Many of hislisteners, no doubt, believe what they hear.
This format serves “those special” government peoplein other ways — they can keep track of what people(the call in listeners) think, and have experienced.They can keep tabs on controversaial people likeSean Morton and Richard Hoagland.
Why is it that certain guests on Art Bell disappearor come into harm’s way, and Art Bell never does?
CASE: A man named “Rodey” had trapped aghost, and talked at length about it. The nextday, he reports to Art Bell that some “Men in Black”entered his home, beat him and his wife up,and took their “ghost catching” devices. Then,the man disappears, and Art is never able to find him.
CASE: David Oates of Reverse Speech fame gets hishouse burned down, with evidence of intruders,after appearing on Art’s show.
Why doesn’t Art Bell suffer any flap from the “secretgovernment” that wants to suppress certain information?Callers on Art’s show have often asked him: “Aren’tyou afarid they’re going to come to your door?” andArt has replied, “I’m not afraid; if they’re gonna come afterme, they’re gonna come after me — but until then, I’mdoing my show.” Art has also stated that he knows hisphone lines are tapped; he has said on air, “I’m well awarethat certain people in our government servicelisten to this show.”
Of course they do. They want information. What betterway to track down abductees and those who have seenUFOs and other things than a world-wide talk show withover 10 million listeners where the host *invites*people to discuss their experiences? What better forumto infuse disinformation among the masses who areinterested in this subject matter?
This isn’t to say Art Bell is a knowing disinformationspecialist, or is knowingly on government payroll.He could have been duped with the idea of a largetalk show. Or he could be very well be a part of thiswhole program. Two of his frequent guests are LindaMoutan Howe and Whitley Striber, both of whom havebeen known operatives of the CIA on UFO disinformation.
Radio disinformation has been used is wartime againstthe enemy. So has newspaper and TV disinformation,even to this minute. You don’t think the “black ops”government would pass a chance like Art Bell, do you?
There’s a reason why they let Art Bell live and dohis show and, sometimes, release real, sensitiveinformation.
Index: Art Bell
| GLENN CAMPBELL – Ufomind Webmaster || || “World’s Largest and Best Organized UFO Website” || || Area 51 Research Center || Las Vegas Annex |
Mothership -> Ufomind Mailing List -> 1997 -> Jul -> HereOur Design and Original Text Copyrighted © 1994-99 Area 51 Research CenterPO Box 30303, Las Vegas, NV 89173 Glenn Campbell, Webmaster & ModeratorThis site is supported by the Ufomind BookstorePlease visit our business if you appreciate our free web services. New ItemsSend corrections to webmaster@ufomind.comThis page: (2/16/0120:37)We encourage you to link to this page from your own. No permission required.
The following was forwarded to me by a number of people. It apparently originated on the bulletin board of the ACC website. Let us not rush to judgment, though: Jack Shulman is innocent until proven guilty.
How many clues can you find? — Glenn ——- Begin forwarded message ——-
From: (Hal E. Louya)Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 14:53:12 -0500 (CDT)To: dissent@UserHome.comSubject: Air Force ADMITs ‘Government Contractors’
Wonder where Kitty found this?
Air Force ADMITs that ‘Area 51’ Glen Campbell, Mike Linderman and Show Host Jeff Rense are ‘Government Contractors’ Posted by Kitty on Friday, 21 August 1998, at 11:55 p.m. REUTERS NEWS SERVICE (L O N D O N)
8:30 GMT August 21, 1998 In a brief interview with paranormal reporter Pierre Stahl of Germany’s STERN MAGAZINE, Captain Paul Scott Lewis, US Navy, and head of Intelligence Operations for the United States Space Command, head quartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado, admitted that the US Air Force has been ‘deliberately’ misleading the public for some time about the existence and intelligent control of so-called Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
Captain Lewis, among other startling admissions, identified that the Air Force had maintained a ‘Duty Cover’ operation for Nellis Air Force base, where special flying craft of the United States Military were ‘hidden’ behind intelligence operations intended to make these advanced so-called ‘Warfighter Aircraft’ look like Flying Saucers. Among those named in the deception: Glen Campbell, operator of the ‘Area 51 Information Center’, and one Michael Linderman, who writes a popular alternative newsletter about UFOS called ‘CNI News’. Lewis also identified Radio Show Host Jeff Rense, who he indicated was employed by a small National Security group assigned to Peterson Air Force Base, which operates the ‘Orbit 7 Network’, a phony Radio Network which was organized to plant stories into the Civilian Broadcast Channels. When asked why he had decided to publicize these obviously sensitive matters, Captain Lewis cited recent disagreements between himself and General Howell Estes, head of the United States Space Command, over Public Policy Captain Lewis believes these Covert Operations appear to violate, leading to his decision to leave the United States Space Command and return to the United States Navy. Lewis also indicated that the Air Force and the United Space Command were ‘failing to disclose’ the true nature of actual Flying Disk Spacecraft which have visited Earth during the modern era, and while refusing to admit or deny the existence, indicated that President Clinton may not have been telling the whole truth, when he denied that the United States Department of Defense had captured an alien spacecraft. Captain Lewis’s credentials and curriculum vitae are remarkably impressive for so outspoken a critic of the Air Force’s policies.
After a lengthy career at Fleet Intelligence Center in the US Navy ADP Section, From January 1978 until June 1983 CAPT Lewis served two consecutive Norfolk, VA tours: first, at Fleet Intelligence Center Europe and Atlantic where he served as Chief of the ADP section supporting production of the Naval Intelligence Processing System; then at United States Commander in Chief Atlantic where he stood up the mission planning center for the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile.
Next CAPT Lewis served as Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence on the Commander Sixth Fleet staff and supported multiple operations in the Mediterranean littoral. In 1985 he attended the Naval Command and Staff College in Newport, RI, where he earned a master of arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies and another MA in International Relations from Salve Regina College also in Newport, RI. He entered defense attache training in June 1986 followed by an assignment as an Assistant Naval Attache from January 1987 until January 1990 at USDAO Rome, Italy.
From January 1990 until March 1992, CAPT Lewis served as Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and as Space and Electronic Warfare Coordinator for the Commander, Carrier Group Six, embarked in USS Forrestal (CV 59). This operational tour was followed by four years of duty at two Washington, DC area commands; the first being with Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command as acting program manager for the Navy Tactical Command System/Afloat; then at Defense Information Systems Agency as Chief, C4I Engineering Management supporting initial deployment of the Global Command and Control System. From there, CAPT Lewis assumed his present duty assignment in August 1997 and currently serves as the Director of Intelligence for NORAD and USSPACECOM.
CAPT Lewis is married to the former Tonya Lanham, from Owensboro, KY, and they have four children.
(c) Copyright 1998 Reuters News Service. All Rights Reserved.
(AP) Played a role in the creation of this news story ——- End forwarded message ——- +———————————————————————————————+
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RELEVANCE OF THIS MESSAGE: Giggles Index: Jack Shulman (#25)Index: Michael Lindemann (#4)Index: Glenn Campbell (#32)Index: Jeff Rense (#2)
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Our Design and Original Text Copyrighted © 1994-99 Area 51 Research CenterPO Box 81166, Las Vegas, NV 89180 Glenn Campbell, Webmaster & Moderator
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Art Bell On Gov’t Black Ops Payroll?
From: Ken MacGray <>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 17:19:35 -0800Subject: Art Bell On Gov’t Black Ops Payroll?
From: (AvantPop)Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.area51Subject: Art Bell & the Gov. Disinformation ConspiracyDate: 9 Jul 1997 20:30:15 GMT
Some question has arisen as to whether or not Late NightRadio talk show host Art Bell is on secret government payrollto air his show, which focuses more and more on UFOS, aliens,and whacko conspiracies.
SCENARIO: A number of years ago, a talented talk radio hostwho’d, for much of his career, lived in obscurity (always a localor regional celebrity, but not known world wide) with a medicoreshow with mostly (like other talk shows) a political slant. Thenhe begins a weekend show devoted to the paranormal — inparticular, UFOS and aliens. That show becomes quite popularand said radio talk show host begins to move the topicto his weeknight show, garnering much interest not onlyfrom the public, but certain people within the government.“Let’s not stop him,” it is decided, “let’s make him biggerfor our purposes.”
Said radio talk show host is approached by someone witha large broadcasting company (say, The ChancellorBroadcasting Company, as an example) that is backedby illicit CIA funds. Said radio talk show host is toldthat his show can be syndicated all over the country,rather than stuck in one region, that that “theparanormal stuff” should always be the central focus.Saidradio talk show host sees this as a goldenopportunity.
Keep in mind that disinformation is always a mix ofthe truth and lies, to keep those seeking the truthrunning around in circles and never quite certainwhat is true or not.
Art Bell’s guests range from the quite credibleto the quite lunatic, and Mr. Bell never argues withor agrees with his guests, he lets them talk, he letshis “listeners make their own decisions.” Many of hislisteners, no doubt, believe what they hear.
This format serves “those special” government peoplein other ways — they can keep track of what people(the call in listeners) think, and have experienced.They can keep tabs on controversaial people likeSean Morton and Richard Hoagland.
Why is it that certain guests on Art Bell disappearor come into harm’s way, and Art Bell never does?
CASE: A man named “Rodey” had trapped aghost, and talked at length about it. The nextday, he reports to Art Bell that some “Men in Black”entered his home, beat him and his wife up,and took their “ghost catching” devices. Then,the man disappears, and Art is never able to find him.
CASE: David Oates of Reverse Speech fame gets hishouse burned down, with evidence of intruders,after appearing on Art’s show.
Why doesn’t Art Bell suffer any flap from the “secretgovernment” that wants to suppress certain information?Callers on Art’s show have often asked him: “Aren’tyou afarid they’re going to come to your door?” andArt has replied, “I’m not afraid; if they’re gonna come afterme, they’re gonna come after me — but until then, I’mdoing my show.” Art has also stated that he knows hisphone lines are tapped; he has said on air, “I’m well awarethat certain people in our government servicelisten to this show.”
Of course they do. They want information. What betterway to track down abductees and those who have seenUFOs and other things than a world-wide talk show withover 10 million listeners where the host *invites*people to discuss their experiences? What better forumto infuse disinformation among the masses who areinterested in this subject matter?
This isn’t to say Art Bell is a knowing disinformationspecialist, or is knowingly on government payroll.He could have been duped with the idea of a largetalk show. Or he could be very well be a part of thiswhole program. Two of his frequent guests are LindaMoutan Howe and Whitley Striber, both of whom havebeen known operatives of the CIA on UFO disinformation.
Radio disinformation has been used is wartime againstthe enemy. So has newspaper and TV disinformation,even to this minute. You don’t think the “black ops”government would pass a chance like Art Bell, do you?
There’s a reason why they let Art Bell live and dohis show and, sometimes, release real, sensitiveinformation.
Index: Art Bell
| GLENN CAMPBELL – Ufomind Webmaster || || “World’s Largest and Best Organized UFO Website” || || Area 51 Research Center || Las Vegas Annex |
Mothership -> Ufomind Mailing List -> 1997 -> Jul -> HereOur Design and Original Text Copyrighted © 1994-99 Area 51 Research CenterPO Box 30303, Las Vegas, NV 89173 Glenn Campbell, Webmaster & ModeratorThis site is supported by the Ufomind BookstorePlease visit our business if you appreciate our free web services. New ItemsSend corrections to webmaster@ufomind.comThis page: (2/16/0120:37)We encourage you to link to this page from your own. No permission required.