Q: Mark Russell Bell
M: Mike Siegel, host of “Coast to Coast AM” (radio broadcast)
J: Joyce Riley, guest on “Coast to Coast AM” (radio broadcast)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So it’s Thursday, August 24th in the afternoon and I’ve reached a very familiar predicament in a temp job. What began with good intentions and something that I felt I could help people (in doing) has turned out to be another cover-up experience. Yes, my job at TeleTech has come to an end for the client of United States Postal Service. The day started well. When I was driving to work — I picked up Maxine and before picking her up — I was listening to “Morning Edition” and the author of a book called Looking For Mary was on. And she played an EVP spirit message. I mean I heard it. It was “THE BIRDS ARE UP.” And it sounded just like EVP. She thought it was somebody talking into a walkie-talkie but some of them sound like that. Anyway, so that was encouraging. She also had some other experiences about miracles. Of course, these Virgin Mary metaphor experiences really are a means for God to communicate to us in a symbolic spiritual source that is well-understood by individuals. But, anyway, my supervisor Leyder was monitoring me for the ninth through the eleventh calls this week—and it’s only Thursday—and it was a rates call and I asked the caller if — I think it was a she. (“I”) I can’t even remember but I asked her, “Do you want me to transfer you to someone to see if what you’re sending is eligible for the Special Standard rate?” She had asked what the least expensive rate would be to return something to a publisher — “pamphlets” she said. And I did remember that in the book it did say if you have any questions (about eligibility) to transfer them. Well, anyway, after the call, Leyder was very impolite and was very disturbed. (“AND”) He said I’d be penalized for that because you’re only supposed to give a Special Standard Mail rate only if the caller mentions Special Standard Mail. Of course, in the past, we have been told conflicting things. For example, we’ve been told to read just what it says on the computer screen in the domestic rates calculator. It says, “Does your package qualify for reduced rates?” And it explains what qualifies for Standard Mail right there. But on the other hand, they did tell us what Leyder had said. However, when people say “What’s the cheapest rate for books?” — I interpreted that as meaning ‘What is the special standard rate?’ I didn’t realize that it meant that only if they said “Special Standard Mail.” So this whole thing is a cover-up because the USPS or people working for them are trying to make extra money crookedly — dishonestly. Of course, they all work for the USPS but there’s no such thing as the USPS. It’s just individuals being caught up in evil principalities. And it just became too much today. So I’m going to call my temp agency and explain. And I hope it doesn’t prevent them from finding me any other jobs. I’m well aware that this was the only assignment that they’ve ever offered me in a long time. And It was because I think I said I was desperate. So another cover-up. There were some other Nazi-esque/Satan-esque incidents that happened today. For example, at one point one of the supervisors asked us to push our chairs to the back of the huge customer service center. It turned out to be for watching a video on ergonomics in terms of how to sit in your chair and adjust your chair height — I mean all the things that I already know how to do. I mean I’ve been there for about 13 weeks now and, of course, it took them this long (“JUST”) to tell people the basics. Luckily, I already know them. I guess they’re worried about lawsuits because there was a lot of footage about how to avoid tripping on things that are spilled and, of course, working in this environment one can easily understand the motivation for people to accidentally on purpose hurt themselves and go on disability. So here I am again. Now I thought all those pest control trucks that I’ve been seeing was just a coincidence because I did feel I was walking with Spirit in terms of this was where I was meant to be at the time. I mean certain horoscopes and — I just felt that I had to make money. And I did in a way because I had to pay my basic bills but, anyway, it’s just become much too much. I think it was a good way of making money because I’ve always been honest and helpful to people when they call in terms of giving them the zip codes and rates but now I don’t feel I can do that anymore. I must say that there are lots of confirmations for warnings within names. You do have ‘Satan’ in United States Postal Service and, anyway, it has been a very disturbing experience. One of the things I didn’t even mention today (“AM”) amidst all the chaos because every call I was getting was just ridiculous. I think God was just trying to tell me that He wasn’t going to stand for it any longer. I saw a car bumper on the way on and there was a sticker that said “Mean and Cruel.” So I guess I was being mean and cruel by staying in the job. What else is new? But, afterwards, I said, “Well, Mighael, if you forgive me, let me see a heart decal.” And I did see a heart decal. So I guess it’s alright. I do feel terrible. I would like to find a job that I can feel good about. Anyway, what else should I say about this disaster? Okay, what does that say about this — I’m very proficient at giving people their zip code +4s. I usually tell people if they can’t read the writing of the city or street, just to tell me the letters that they can read and then I can guess or they can guess and usually come up with the right spelling. The system will only correct it if it’s just one letter or two off. So I’ve been very successful with the zip codes and I’ve always tried my best with the rates information for domestic and international; however, I must say that they really do not give you enough training. I mean they give you two days for zip codes and domestic; and one day for international. I’m still not even clear, for example, on the difference between the return receipt for merchandise and return receipts in general. And the system doesn’t really make that clear either — the computer system in terms of when each is used. So, again, it’s just a ridiculous predicament for people to be in and I can well understand why no one lasts very long. I’m one of the few people who has been there so long and now I’m going to be not there as of tomorrow. I guess I don’t really feel the need to record myself speaking — okay well I might as well. I’ll go ahead and record my call to the temp agency and then we’ll see if I get another job. I do have other temp agencies to go to so I don’t have all my chips in one basket.
( . . . )
Q: I should say too, as I was telling Maxine, what really (“SH”) surprised me was the tone of my supervisor’s voice because he’s been so nice up until now and I mean what do they do to these supervisors to make them act that way? I mean it’s demeaning enough with the handing out of candies and the getting bonuses of movie tickets even though they haven’t been doing that in a long time. I must say I did tell Leyder that I’ve had perfect attendance, no tardys—unless there’s some kind of computer malfunction or something (“WHERE”) there was a mistake. And when they were handing out the ratings — Maxine got one and I think someone else got their — I think Jonathan got his and I didn’t get one. And I think it’s because they don’t want me to know that they haven’t given me the bonuses that I’ve earned. So, anyway, I did raise that little question today. That was before I realized I was actually going to quit over this. I didn’t really realize that until I was leaving. But — and in fact as I was leaving Ronald was in the parking lot. And if I had been thinking clearly, I would’ve given him a postcard with the website address because boy could he use it. I guess he was fired or he might’ve resigned — I don’t know for sure — due to a sexual harassment allegation. And, in my case, when the person in the next booth today started masturbating a little bit — well jerking off — I didn’t really know what to do because it had just been momentarily. He wasn’t — he didn’t take it out and do it. He just started — did it with his clothing on. And you could see the motion and someone else said something to him (or made a face at him) — one of his friends. I was in a state of shock. I mean I was just horrified. And I was thinking, “Well really should I talk to Bill about this in terms of what should I do?” I mean this is dangerous. This could — (“THIS IS”) sexual harassment. This really is sexual harassment because all day long then I was sort of watching him out of the corner of my eye, thinking well is he going to start doing it again? And maybe that’s why he did it in the first place. Maybe he thought — oh well, anyway, so that was sort of an evil predicament there. There are all kinds of people that just become drawn up in a system. That’s what happens when you don’t formally hire and select people and train people. You leave it to the temp agencies and we all know what they’re like — at least, I do. Okay, let me go ahead and make the call. And, by the way, I’m not making that up. I don’t need any more justification to leave my job. (“IT”) That was the kind of day it was. I mean every caller was totally ridiculous. There were the rude callers, the angry callers. I guess I should say that even if you have a terrible problem and you’re angry and upset, you can’t take it out on the individuals you come in contact with because they’re not the ones who are responsible. Just think a moment. And I can tell you this because I’ve made that mistake in the past, myself. But just think it through: A, B, C and D. And by screaming and yelling and embarrassing and humiliating and making fun of the person trying to help you, you’re sabotaging your own chances to be helped. There are a lot of slow callers too who don’t mean to be rude but just — anyway, every caller I had today seemed to be terribly difficult but maybe it was just because of the circumstances. I mean it’s very hard to do a good job when you feel — (“TH”) well, plus, with all the QA (Quality Assurance) and all that. I always tried to handle each call (“AS”) if I, myself, were the one being helped. Anyway, too much is too much.
( . . . )
Q: So, of course, another license plate on the way home said something to the effect of ‘rise again’ with a few letters missing, which is another metaphor but I’m tired of these metaphors. I’m tired of cover-ups and being humiliated and thinking that I’m doing something positive and then it becomes something unbelievably negative. Another disaster. I want to work as an interviewer for a homeless persons shelter or something. I want to find a good job. Anyway, I better call.
( . . . )
Q: Oh. This is Dominique? Well, basically, I had a — I talked with my supervisor today at TeleTech and (“IT”) the situation really has become just too much because he basically told me that I’m not able to — usually when callers call, they want like Special Standard Mail rates, the least expensive book rate and what-have you — and he was saying — and it says right in the script in the computer “Does your package qualify for reduced rates?”/what is in the package? And it lists exactly — well he said you can only give a Special Standard Mail rate to people when they use the terminology Special Standard Mail. I mean you know how regimented it (“NO”) is over there. But I mean this was just like too much — too much because I mean I’ve always felt like I’ve been helpful in (“NO”) giving people the correct information but if you can’t even give correct information to callers — I mean it just doesn’t make any sense at all. I mean this was — (“HE”) I mean he’d been monitoring my calls this week which was sort of unusual. (“HE”) I think this was the ninth, the tenth and eleventh calls. And it was just one of those things where (“THIS”) a caller happened to ask this particular question when he was there (listening in). Because in terms of QA, I’m so good at the zip code calls that I mean even if I — they count you off a little bit for these things, it’s not going to make a difference to my scores. I mean I have top scores. It’s just, you know, they have a terrible management problem there. And well you know how it’s like. I mean basically, you know, they lose so many people percentage-wise (“THAT”) it’s just a constant zoo. (“SO”) I don’t really — you know, I just don’t feel comfortable staying there any more. I mean I lasted this long, which is quite an achievement. (“BUT”) I mean if I can’t even give (correct) rates, which is what we’ve been trained to do — I mean there’s just no reason to stay. (pause) Yeah. I do want — you know, I just — and I can — (pause) yeah. I mean because of the — this exact reason. I mean I’ll be glad to discuss it with them or — (“OR”) you know, whatever. (pause) (“DEE”) Oh good. Okay, (“HAV”) will you have her call me maybe? (pause) Okay. (pause) Well I really appreciate it because I know how har(d) — (“NO”) I — you know, I hope this doesn’t reflect on me as being a — okay. Okay. (pause) Okay, well I really appreciate your understanding. (pause) (“I’VE”) I’ve been there a long time so I’ve done a lot of good work for them. (pause) Okay. (pause) Okay, thank you. Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: Well I went to the www.npr.org website and I found the “Morning Edition With Bob Edwards” section for today and here is that article I heard on the radio today. It says “Looking For Mary — Host Renee Montagne talks to writer Beverly Donofrio about her search for faith in her new book Looking For Mary. (5:30) Beverly Donofrio’s new book is titled Looking For Mary is published by Viking Press. ISPN0670884596.”
( . . . )
Q: Well I wasn’t able to get my RealAudio working to tape that Beverly Donofrio interview but I did write a letter to morning@npr.org regarding the brief report. This is what I wrote.
( . . . )
Q: I should say too, as I was telling Maxine, what really (“SH”) surprised me was the tone of my supervisor’s voice because he’s been so nice up until now and I mean what do they do to these supervisors to make them act that way? I mean it’s demeaning enough with the handing out of candies and the getting bonuses of movie tickets even though they haven’t been doing that in a long time. I must say I did tell Leyder that I’ve had perfect attendance, no tardys—unless there’s some kind of computer malfunction or something (“WHERE”) there was a mistake. And when they were handing out the ratings — Maxine got one and I think someone else got their — I think Jonathan got his and I didn’t get one. And I think it’s because they don’t want me to know that they haven’t given me the bonuses that I’ve earned. So, anyway, I did raise that little question today. That was before I realized I was actually going to quit over this. I didn’t really realize that until I was leaving. But — and in fact as I was leaving Ronald was in the parking lot. And if I had been thinking clearly, I would’ve given him a postcard with the website address because boy could he use it. I guess he was fired or he might’ve resigned — I don’t know for sure — due to a sexual harassment allegation. And, in my case, when the person in the next booth today started masturbating a little bit — well jerking off — I didn’t really know what to do because it had just been momentarily. He wasn’t — he didn’t take it out and do it. He just started — did it with his clothing on. And you could see the motion and someone else said something to him (or made a face at him) — one of his friends. I was in a state of shock. I mean I was just horrified. And I was thinking, “Well really should I talk to Bill about this in terms of what should I do?” I mean this is dangerous. This could — (“THIS IS”) sexual harassment. This really is sexual harassment because all day long then I was sort of watching him out of the corner of my eye, thinking well is he going to start doing it again? And maybe that’s why he did it in the first place. Maybe he thought — oh well, anyway, so that was sort of an evil predicament there. There are all kinds of people that just become drawn up in a system. That’s what happens when you don’t formally hire and select people and train people. You leave it to the temp agencies and we all know what they’re like — at least, I do. Okay, let me go ahead and make the call. And, by the way, I’m not making that up. I don’t need any more justification to leave my job. (“IT”) That was the kind of day it was. I mean every caller was totally ridiculous. There were the rude callers, the angry callers. I guess I should say that even if you have a terrible problem and you’re angry and upset, you can’t take it out on the individuals you come in contact with because they’re not the ones who are responsible. Just think a moment. And I can tell you this because I’ve made that mistake in the past, myself. But just think it through: A, B, C and D. And by screaming and yelling and embarrassing and humiliating and making fun of the person trying to help you, you’re sabotaging your own chances to be helped. There are a lot of slow callers too who don’t mean to be rude but just — anyway, every caller I had today seemed to be terribly difficult but maybe it was just because of the circumstances. I mean it’s very hard to do a good job when you feel — (“TH”) well, plus, with all the QA (Quality Assurance) and all that. I always tried to handle each call (“AS”) if I, myself, were the one being helped. Anyway, too much is too much.
( . . . )
Q: So, of course, another license plate on the way home said something to the effect of ‘rise again’ with a few letters missing, which is another metaphor but I’m tired of these metaphors. I’m tired of cover-ups and being humiliated and thinking that I’m doing something positive and then it becomes something unbelievably negative. Another disaster. I want to work as an interviewer for a homeless persons shelter or something. I want to find a good job. Anyway, I better call.
( . . . )
Q: Oh. This is Dominique? Well, basically, I had a — I talked with my supervisor today at TeleTech and (“IT”) the situation really has become just too much because he basically told me that I’m not able to — usually when callers call, they want like Special Standard Mail rates, the least expensive book rate and what-have you — and he was saying — and it says right in the script in the computer “Does your package qualify for reduced rates?”/what is in the package? And it lists exactly — well he said you can only give a Special Standard Mail rate to people when they use the terminology Special Standard Mail. I mean you know how regimented it (“NO”) is over there. But I mean this was just like too much — too much because I mean I’ve always felt like I’ve been helpful in (“NO”) giving people the correct information but if you can’t even give correct information to callers — I mean it just doesn’t make any sense at all. I mean this was — (“HE”) I mean he’d been monitoring my calls this week which was sort of unusual. (“HE”) I think this was the ninth, the tenth and eleventh calls. And it was just one of those things where (“THIS”) a caller happened to ask this particular question when he was there (listening in). Because in terms of QA, I’m so good at the zip code calls that I mean even if I — they count you off a little bit for these things, it’s not going to make a difference to my scores. I mean I have top scores. It’s just, you know, they have a terrible management problem there. And well you know how it’s like. I mean basically, you know, they lose so many people percentage-wise (“THAT”) it’s just a constant zoo. (“SO”) I don’t really — you know, I just don’t feel comfortable staying there any more. I mean I lasted this long, which is quite an achievement. (“BUT”) I mean if I can’t even give (correct) rates, which is what we’ve been trained to do — I mean there’s just no reason to stay. (pause) Yeah. I do want — you know, I just — and I can — (pause) yeah. I mean because of the — this exact reason. I mean I’ll be glad to discuss it with them or — (“OR”) you know, whatever. (pause) (“DEE”) Oh good. Okay, (“HAV”) will you have her call me maybe? (pause) Okay. (pause) Well I really appreciate it because I know how har(d) — (“NO”) I — you know, I hope this doesn’t reflect on me as being a — okay. Okay. (pause) Okay, well I really appreciate your understanding. (pause) (“I’VE”) I’ve been there a long time so I’ve done a lot of good work for them. (pause) Okay. (pause) Okay, thank you. Okay, bye.
( . . . )
Q: Well I went to the www.npr.org website and I found the “Morning Edition With Bob Edwards” section for today and here is that article I heard on the radio today. It says “Looking For Mary — Host Renee Montagne talks to writer Beverly Donofrio about her search for faith in her new book Looking For Mary. (5:30) Beverly Donofrio’s new book is titled Looking For Mary is published by Viking Press. ISPN0670884596.”
( . . . )
Q: Well I wasn’t able to get my RealAudio working to tape that Beverly Donofrio interview but I did write a letter to morning@npr.org regarding the brief report. This is what I wrote.
How certain can Beverly Donofrio be that the message she heard on her tape (“THE BIRDS ARE UP”) could be attributed to a walkie-talkie? As one with experience listening to Electronic Voice Phenomena/spirit messages, that is what the phrase sounded like to me when I heard the excerpt during her interview this morning. The Virgin Mary appearance metaphors are a rather simple way for God to communicate with us in our primitive stage of evolution so it is disheartening that such a direct sign as doves can be hastily surmised to be part of some kind of calculated maneuver. It seems dubious that hoaxers would dedicate their efforts to something as mundane yet difficult to manage as birds. I hope you will let Beverly Donofrio know about the website https://testament.org so she can learn more about EVP spirit messages and other Angelic communication.
Q: So it’s Friday and I’ve been thinking about things a little bit more. I’m especially remembering that video they showed us on my last day at TeleTech. The one on ergonomics. The most memorable part of the video was seeing the senior vice president of operations, Sean Erickson, forcing a smile at the watchers of the video. Knowing something about corporate executives and public relations, it’s really demented what society has done to people. I mean you would think if someone wants other people to respect and to like them, they would be honorable in their treatment of others. They would be socialistic in their political outlook. They would not embrace the corruption of the corporate world where a few rich, greedy millionaires benefit at the expense of everyone else. Anyway, I wanted to make that observation. And I just went to the Internet. Just checking the usual places. And I do see that there’s an interesting couple of guests on the Sunday show which I’ve never listened to—”Coast to Coast AM”—because it starts late on Sundays (out of San Diego) and they don’t even carry it, I don’t think, here in L.A. Anyway, authors Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy are going to be on — the authors of something called The Jesus Mysteries about the source of Jesus being — well I don’t remember what it said — (“BUT”) an older (pagan) god. Anyway, should I call in? I don’t know. What would be effective? I don’t know. And I just went to the rowland.net bulletin boards and I went to check to see if anyone else had added sentiments to my angels section. And I was surprised to find that it’s no longer there. It’s been taken off as part of the cover-up. I must say, after sending my Email, I made myself quite clear about it and I was rather happy that it did stay on after sending that Email. But since now it’s gone, I’m going to go ahead and add the Email correspondence to my website.
( . . . )
Q: So tonight one of the guests who was often on “Coast To Coast AM” when Art Bell was host is going to be on with Mike Siegel. I guess I’ll finish this tape with his introduction and the beginning of that interview just to show the results. Hopefully, he’ll say what progress the guest has achieved in her work. I mean the guests come on and they take this stand against corruption but how much progress are they able to achieve? What are the results?
M: . . . gentlemen, we’re going to wrap up the week on a high note. We’ve got a couple of important segments here, interesting and compelling and entertaining radio. Number one: we’re going to hear from Whitley Strieber, host of “Dreamland” on Sundays, and, of course, Whitley had great experience in the field of UFOlogy and crop circles. And he is going to be giving us updates periodically about those issues. So he’s going to join us right at the top of the program and then Joyce Riley will be here. A very popular guest who has been here on a number of occasions previously and once since I started hosting the program Joyce was here and she got tremendous response from the audience so that’s going to be very interesting. And it’ll be fun but it’ll also be very compelling about what’s going on in terms of the way our military personnel get treated and the denials coming out of the defense department and the denials that really leave our military personnel at risk regarding possible harm that they have suffered while in the service of this country. So all of that will be taking place and we’re going to be absolutely interested in hearing what Joyce has to say. But when we come back we’re going to be joined by Whitley Strieber, who will give us an update on — there was a sighting in Phoenix. We’ll get an update on that. Some new crop circle sightings as well. We’ll get some updates on that too. And much more to come with it so with that at “Coast to Coast AM.” my name is Mike Siegel. Stay with us.
( . . . )
M: . . . Ross, I jumped on you there. I was just going to say we have Vanna meowing back there for some reason. She had her show — you had your show last night. Where are you going? She just walked out into the entertainment room. I guess she wants to be entertained. Okay, we’re back with you, folks, and Joyce Riley is going to be back and — tonight as a matter of fact — and, as you know, she’s been here in the past on any number of occasions and, for a little background for the new listeners — people may not know about Joyce — she has had a wonderful nursing career. She’s held clinical positions of staff nurse, patient care systems analysis, utilization review. She was a nursing instructor. She was a director of nursing at an acute care hospital, at a long term care facility and then a home care agency. And she was a captain in the United States Air Force. She flew on C-130 missions in support of Operation Desert Storm. She now serves as spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association and their purpose is to provide education and information for the Gulf War Veterans and their families; and to seek treatment for illnesses that thousands of Gulf War Veterans now suffer. And it is a tragedy that, in fact, this situation has been allowed to occur. And every time Joyce brings something up about these matters, here comes the Defense Department with more denials even though the proof is clearly there. So we’re going to get more background — I know that she wants to talk on this program about some concerns regarding the mistreatment or lack of concern for veterans with respect to their military service and any medical problems they had as a result of Desert Storm; and also the issue of sarin gas being used. We’ll talk all about that and — rather amazing as always — and, you know, Joyce Riley is always compelling. And this is going to be a very stimulating conversation. We’ll talk for a while but, of course, we’re going to get to your calls fairly quickly so stay right there because I know you want to talk to Joyce about a variety of these matters. My name is Mike Siegel at “Coast to Coast AM.” We’re back with Joyce Riley right after this.
( . . . )
M: Alright, folks, we’re right back at it. Let’s go back to it and we are joined by Captain Joyce Riley. Captain, how are you?
J: Well thank you so much. It’s my pleasure.
M: Good to have you with us. I know there are several things you want to update us about, one of which has to do with the treatment or mistreatment of military personnel with regard to their medical care. You want to talk about that?
J: Well there’s an awful lot going on right now and, unfortunately, Mike, I confronted the Department of Defense over this, this week. We had a long conversation over the fact that about 75% of all of the medical records of Gulf War veterans are now missing. Here we are ten years after a war. They cannot figure out what is wrong with them, they say, and now we find that 75% of their medical records (“ARE”) are just history.
M: Now an interesting question here. That means that 75% of the records are missing from those veterans who were involved in Desert Storm and might have illnesses from that?
J: That’s correct.
M: Huh. (or “HUH”)
J: If there’s anything compelling as far as etiology or causation of the disease, it is missing from the record. The records have been sanitized. In fact, I did receive one memo from an MSC officer—a Medical Service Corps officer—that stated that they were to basically sanitize and remove any record that had anything to do with the Gulf War. Now anybody who knows anything about the military knows that your medical records are the only thing that you have to prove an injury or to prove compensation, to obtain compensation. And now that they have destroyed — and I don’t even say allegedly. I say destroyed these medical records, they cannot get compensation. So what we have now are a whole lot of military people and I believe the figure is probably way over 200,000 now that served in the Persian Gulf out of the 700,000 so we’re talking roughly anywhere from a third to a half of the people now I believe are ill with the Gulf War illness. In fact, eight of ten that I talk with now report they are sick. I rarely ever talk with anyone that is not sick. However, they’re not being compensated because their medical records are missing. And when I confronted the Department of Defense, I said this is a very nice way for you to be able to keep from having to be responsible and just simply have the records missing. And they really don’t respond to that and it is so sad because these guys are destitute and they have been left to flap in the breeze for themselves.
M: Well I will tell you this if one were to file any kind of medical malpractice suit or a suit against a company that had a toxic environment within which the workers worked and there was a causal link between that environment and their subsequent illness, that if that company tried to destroy the records of that toxicity, that would be considered obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence and would be a criminal act and the heads of those companies would go to jail. What you’re telling me is the federal government, if what you said is accurate in the way that you said it, has committed criminal activity on those records and will not suffer any consequence and, in fact, will benefit because they will not have to be accountable to those military personnel who were harmed by Desert Storm.
J: You’re exactly right. If a private corporation would do that, (“L”) they would face all kinds of grievance and — I mean they would have all kinds of problems as a result of that. But the Department of Defense has successfully been able to “lose” or find and destroy the Gulf War log from the Gulf War. There were three sets of the log — the nuclear, biological and chemical logs that were kept by General Schwarzkopf at Central Command and all of those now have conveniently been found to be missing. In fact, General Schwarzkopf said at one of the —