Q: Mark Russell Bell (interviewer in Los Angeles)
H: Bill Schmeling ‘The Hun’ (artist)
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So notice how for different parts of the world, different ministers are presented who speak languages that people understand in ways they can relate to. (“UH-HUH”) As far as I’m concerned (“UH-HUH”) Sai Baba (“UH-HUH”) is Sai Baba just like we are who we each are and it’s all a question of interpretation. So I almost didn’t go to this week’s lecture. (“UH-HUH”) Oh my God, Michael’s playing with my hair again. Sweetie. But (“YOU KNOW BECAUSE”) communion is usually associated with Catholicism but, as you would know if you obtain a PRS audio cassette of the lecture, that’s not at all what Gay Luce was speaking about. (“UH-HUH” “UMM”) Basically, she was talking about looking at yourself as a temple of the divine; (“UH-HUH” “ABOUT”) being always (“UH-HUH”) awake and aware — never being disturbed by things transient and identifying yourself with divine reality. (“UM”) Obadiah began with an affirmation:
God is light and love, joy and peace, freedom and immortality. I am an essence one with the divine.
Q: I like that much better than the chant from a few weeks back. So (“UH-HUH”) I was a little upset at first because Dr. Luce was talking about Sai Baba (“UH-HUH”) in the ‘he’ tense: “He does miracles.” (“UH-HUH”) And what people don’t understand — (“WHAT”) even she understands and what Sai Baba would be the first to admit and what I understand is that it is no individual who does the miracles. It is God who does the miracles. People don’t understand that when someone says “he does this” — (“IT”) they mean ‘He’ — capital H. Working through whoever, (“UH-HUH”) He’s showing us. (“UH-HUH”) Not Sai Baba. (“HE”) God’s showing us. So Sai Baba was able to build a hospital from conception in eight months. And Obadiah joked (“IT”) it would take that long just to get the permits in the United States. (“UH-HUH”) Well, that’s nonsense. (“NO” “WHEN YOU THINK”) “In communion with one another, life on Earth will be different” — that was the message of Gay’s lecture. She said she witnessed miracles. Well, we all witness miracles every day. Even the fact that he catalyzes energy of people who were there — I know from my own experience that isn’t even true. (“IT’S JUST THAT”) God creates certain symbols that people can understand. And then they make the mistake of deifying the symbol. I mean how many people would come and live in sheds just so they could talk to me? Sai Baba catalyzes the energy? I don’t think so. No. He doesn’t even do that. (“UMM”) She talked about eleven years ago, how she was in a car accident where to avoid an oncoming car she drove into a tree. (“UH-HUH”) And then she realized that love was the most important thing in the universe. She was “filled with light and love.” Everything was pouring light and love. Every cell, subatomic particles — a “power so enormous” that “when we go into communion with one another we are capable of transforming the world and ourselves.” She talked about how we “live at different vibrational levels.” And that we’re “made of love.” Well, that’s something I don’t even understand. I mean “vibrational levels”? It’s much easier to say something like the love you give or the love you make is equal to the love you take. (“YEAH”) Her most interesting question for me was “Do we have to like what we love?” I would think so. But love is unconditional. So that’s a very good question. Do we like what we love? Does God like what He loves? I hope so. (“WO”) I mean that would just be more nice (“SSS”) to think of it in that way. So she stayed for five days in Bali when she was stressed and she found a place where there was “not much ego” and “flour offerings in shrines. How can we be at home?,” she asked. "To enter the mystery of communion? Preserving this love with our friends and family? (“HOW CAN WE LIVE”) How can we be in communion with all beings?” (“UMM”) The people of Bali, she said, had an “earthy sexuality” and a deeply spiritual society. She talked about how we should shift our fields or feelings from the solar plexus to our heart and make that a habit so that we can be in high communion with all creation. She talked about eight-and-a-half hertz — (“SO”) meaning vibrations per second coming from the Earth. (“NO”) And how there are chakras in the feet. (“SO” “PUT”) But this is all New Age gobbledygook to most people. (“UH-HUH”) She said the solar plexus is the home of the ego. (“HUH” “UMM”) She basically said that we should deal more with matters of the heart than dealing with our solar plexus (“WHICH”) is really more of a place where we build up our defense mechanisms. Then we did an exercise which I taped part of near the end (“WHEN”) when I spoke up. (“UMM”) I really did feel (“SURE”) strands of my hair moving but I feel that all the time. It’s very reassuring to know that Michael still loves me even when I question my worthiness. (“UH-HUH”) My glasses kept steaming up. So if you’ve read my book by now you know that whenever Michael loves me or He’s especially loving toward me it gets warmer around me (“UH-HUH”) so my glasses were steaming up. And it was funny (“UH-HUH”) when I said, (“ABOUT HOW”) “It didn’t vanish from me.” (“UMM”) I really believe what she said about how in the first steps toward communion we become vulnerable. (“AND”) You “can’t have communion with a lot of shields around.” (“SO”) Both Gay and me — (“IN THAT”) my own life experienced things that prevent us from having shields. So we both are very aware of the fact that God is love. (“UH-HUH” “AND” “UH-HUH”) You should maybe just get her whole lecture to listen to. (“I”) I do this every week. Every week I end up recommending the lecture except last week I guess. (“BUT UM”) “Love spans us — spans all vibrations.” At the end she was saying how — (“WE SHOULD”) seek unconditional love (“UH-HUH”) right here at the heart . . . crossroads . . . cross. ‘When you radiate love, (“NO”) you must be alert to what’s around you.’ By the way, DeVona said that she could see my halo or aura after the (“YEAH”) experience. (“NO”) I do think that love has a power to change the people around those who project it. So that’s what I’m going to try to do whenever I’m among people. (“YES”) So (“UH-HUH”) we basically have to get in touch with the God within each of us. And, as she explained so well, (“UH-HUH”) we can’t do that if we don’t love ourselves. So we have to recreate ourselves into someone that we can love. (“UH-HUH”) She said that (“NO”) “the day of harmony is coming soon. Why don’t we do it without bringing about disaster? . . . communion in every human interaction” is the key. “And if this is our action the world will change.” (“NO”) And then (“THE CON”) the concluding thought was — I think Obadiah made it — he was paraphrasing Jesus: (“YEAH”) “How can you say that you love God when you don’t love one another?” I’m very worried about Christian fundamentalists.
( . . . )
Q: I’ve decided that the last tape I recorded and that, for some reason, was spliced into two I am going to throw away. I can’t really remember all that I recorded on it. I think I spoke to Lois Benson on it and she said that she thought she was a young soul. A psychic once told her this was her first incarnation and Lois told me she thought this to be correct. And I think I talked again with Sherri. Oh God. (“UH-HUH” “THERE WERE OTHER FI[VE]”) I know there were other interesting things on it too. Oh well. (“UH-HUH”) Bye, tape (“UH-HUH”) #51. I guess this tape that I’m now recording is the new tape #51. (“UH-HUH” “TAPE”) So I’m sure I was talking a lot about (“NO”) the experience (“UH-HUH”) at Paramount (“NO”) when — (“UH-HUH”) oh, well.
( . . . )
H: Hello. You have reached (gives number). I’m sorry we can’t come to the phone right now but if you’ll leave your name and number and a brief message I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you. Please wait for the beep.
Q: Hello. This is M. Russell . . . (I leave my number) I received some pages — (“SO” “A PIECE OF”) — pamphlet. I want to speak to you before I place my order. (“UM”) I myself have worked in the porno magazine industry for Academy Press (“UM” “PSSST”) a long time ago actually. About fifteen years ago. And since then I’ve been working for Paramount. And now, anyway, I’m doing a book that’s trying to open up Middle America to sexual freedom and not this denial junk about projecting evil into sexual fantasy. (“SO UH”) Please call me because I would like to maybe give you some free publicity in my book and maybe even do a quick interview. Call me . . . Thank you. (“IF”) If I’m not home when you call, tell me when I can best call you. (“UM”) Thank you. Bye.
( . . . )
Q: There’s an article in the Los Angeles Times today, January 21st entitled “Science Is Hot on Heels of Bigfoot (“LUCK”) Legend” by Kim Murphy, Times staff writer. From Walla Walla, Washington. And what’s so interesting about this story located amongst the usual articles about Palestine and NASA; “The Human Face of Peace in the Balkans”; (“UH-HUH”) “Dole Taking a Bus Ride With MTV.” I wonder how many millionaires appear on MTV? (“YEAH”) Let’s see. (“THE”) Article is continued on page A14 so I’m turning to page A14. Bosnia: “NATO Ready To Monitor Grave Sites.” (“UH-HUH”) “Resident Of German Hostel Arrested After Fatal Fire.” “Food (“RICE”) Prices in Iraq Plunge After Decision on Oil Sales.” Well, that’s good news. (“UMM” “HUH”) “Burundi Army Kills 20 Hutus.” “North Korea to Halt Excavation of U.S. War Dead.” So on page A14 there is a picture of a bigfoot courtesy of Bigfoot Central, Bothell, Washington. The caption reads: “Many Bigfoot students scoff at this photo purportedly showing their quarry in the Snoqualmie National Forest near Ashford, Washington in 1995.” It’s so funny. He looks a little bit like the characters in those porno comics Michael wants me to buy. And the character that the ‘bigfoots’ are having sex with looked just like me. (“YEAH”) No, Michael — (“UH-HUH”) no! (“BUT”) I think that the way to (“UH-HUH”) capture a bigfoot is to project love. Remember, God is helping bigfoot elude man through the subconscious mind. (“UH-HUH”) Doot doot doot doot — oh, I love this Cyndi Lauper CD that I’m listening to. I’m just in a very good mood since somebody actually saw a halo around my head. I feel much less doubtful about myself. Okay — (“YEAH”) I don’t know. I’m getting ready to go to the library to see if I can find any good books about Son of Man or poetry books. You never know what might catch my eye. Maybe a book about stalkers and serial killers. I’m just kidding, Sherry. So I’m going to try to watch the Golden Globes tonight — I know Michael’s not going to let me. But I figure if I can just see the stage with the 666 design I’ll be happy. So the secret of my success is sincere, unconditional love for my sweetie.
Q: Well, okay, I only got a few pages that you mailed to me.
H: Right.
Q: And I was trying to figure out which one would be the best one for me to order. (“UMM” “CAUSE”) I mean do you have other publications or are (“THESE”) these just the ones you’re selling at the moment?
H: Well, they’re the ones I’m selling at the moment.
Q: Okay, fine. Well, I just wondered.
H: But, sure, there are more.
Q: Some of them are very intriguing. Like there was one about, I think, Greek gods are having sex and things like that.
H: Okay.
Q: Which one was that? That was one of the portfolios.
H: Well, it may be that one —
Q: But I’m more into the comic books. Let me just look real quick at them. I have them right in front of me. (“GOGOL”) By the way, it’s funny. I sort of look like (“THE”) the character. (“UH-HUH”) One of the characters — the one — (“WHO”) the passive one. (“UH-HUH”) The one everyone’s always raping.
H: You mean, Big Sig?
Q: Is that what his name is? He’s little, though. He’s the little one.
H: Could be Sig or Bobby. It depends on the —
Q: Oh, I see.
H: — which comic.
Q: I’m looking at Hun Comix number five.
H: Five. Okay, that’s Sig. Yeah.
Q: Okay, right. (“GET THEM ALL”)
H: Yeah.
Q: I look a little bit like that. (“UHH”)
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So I was just joking today.
H: Well, that’s a good way to look. (“YEAH” “EXCEPT I HAVE”)
Q: Except I have a beard.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: But, anyway, so, let’s see, I’m looking through these. (“UH-HUH”)
H: All the comics are very popular sellers. I’m trying to think of the one with the mythology. That’s probably the “U” set.
Q: Right.
H: They’re all so good.
Q: But I mean I’m interested in mythology but I do like the comic book setting more than just pictures. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So, (“WUH UH UH”) keeping that in mind, which one do you think would be right for me?
H: Well — (“ALL”)
Q: I especially would be interested in angels having sex. That would be very interesting for me.
H: Okay, I don’t have any with angels.
Q: Isn’t that a good idea, though, (“GOOD IDEA”) for a future issue? (“DEPENDS WHAT THEY ARE” “GREAT”)
H: (small laugh) (“BUY ALL”)
Q: Okay. (“UMMM”) I’m trying to think. So which one would be (“YEAH”) the best? (“SO”)
H: I know you can’t go wrong with any of the comics — is a good place to start.
Q: Okay, fine. (“THEM ALL”) Well, then, maybe I’ll go ahead and get that one that I just mentioned.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: I guess it was number seven. Wait. Yeah, HUN (“BUY THE HUN”) COMIX number seven.
H: Now seven is good. (“NO”)
Q: Can I go ahead and give it — (“GIVE YOU THE INFOR”) Well, first let me ask you a few quick questions real quick for my book —
H: Alright.
Q: — that I’m doing. I’m basically saying (“THAT”) God channels all artistic efforts like movies, books, poems, (“UM”) comic books. Everything basically is channeled by God. (“SO”) And He’s very upset with mankind for being sooo — what’s the word? Hypocritical?
H: Alright. (“ABOUT”)
Q: Secretly having very sexual thoughts. (“AND THEY’RE”) Pretending that they don’t. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Okay.
Q: Now, I myself am very repressed (“I”) for various reasons.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So my main sexual life is sort of equated with fantasy. I mean I know that a lot of people would look at these things and go, “Yikes!”
Q: Interracial aspects (“AND”) and (“SOME OF THE”) some of the SM stuff. (“BUT”) I think secretly people sort of fantasize about those things. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Okay.
Q: But do you think (“PEOP”) there are people who actually do these things? They’re probably the happiest people.
H: I don’t even know that. (“WO”) I had a — oh, I guess you’d call him a very famous person in SM or leather circles tell me “the thing that you artists do is provide us with that kind of visual fulfillment of fantasies that we simply cannot do for obvious health reasons, legal reasons or whatever. You take things (“WO IN”) in drawings (“UHHH”) or certain authors take it in writing, depicting beyond what is legally possible for living people to do.” (“WITH EACH OTHER”)
Q: Correct. (“THEY’RE ALL GAY”) But what about in heaven? Maybe this happens in heaven? (“NUT”)
H: I have no idea. I never thought of SM in heaven. (laughs)
Q: I was reading this book recently. (“ABOUT”) Mark Twain’s uncensored writings, where he sort of talks about the creation of the earth and the universe.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: And he says that angels can have sex with each other or spirits or whatever (“RIGHT” “FOR ALL”) for a century at a time. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Huh. (“WELL”)
Q: It’s an interesting thought.
H: I should say. It certainly beats ten minutes all to heck.
Q: Right. (“SO QUICK”) So — (“THIS IS”) yeah. (“SO”) Do you ever feel like you’re channeling? Or where do you get your inspiration from?
H: It just comes out of my devious mind, Mark. (“MAY”) Maybe you would say, “Well, that is inspiration.” I’m sure you’d find people who’d say, “Oh, no, that comes straight from the Devil.” And you’re saying, “No no no, this kind of creativity is always (“THE”) directly or indirectly from God.”
Q: Exactly.
H: So I would not choose to pontificate on the — (“THE FORCE”) you know, of —
Q: Exactly.
H: — my vivid inspiration.
Q: Exactly. And it’s like (“NO”) there’s a big difference between people fantasizing about something and then going out and raping someone.
H: Right. Right.
Q: They always try to say that gay people are more apt — (“TO” “YOU KNOW”) abuse children, which is definitely not true.
H: Actually, years ago when Denmark decriminalized pornography of all kinds, (“IT”) it turned out on all levels to be (“A”) a better thing for society than to criminalize it.
Q: Right.
H: And when these findings were submitted to Nixon and to other Presidents along the way by the pornography panel — the expert committee, they were always rejected because they just didn’t agree with the preconceived notion that pornography was a bad thing. (“SO”)
Q: Um-huh.
H: The Danish experience is fantasy materials fulfill a very important niche in people’s lives and minds.
Q: Well, when I was working in the porno industry, the people I worked with were the most normal, well-adjusted ones I’ve ever worked with. They went home at six o’clock. Like the film industry is totally opposite. People work forever. And basically it’s all just to avoid facing death. People (“EAT”) find various ways to deny death. They either work too hard or they smoke or they drink or they — (“YOU KNOW”) and they find any means of escape that they can. (“RIGHT”) Because there are some people so preoccupied with that. So I don’t know. (“I’M JUST”) I’m very — are you religious too?
H: Okay, I’ll — I’ll say I’m spiritual. I don’t know if I’m that religious in a practicing sense like —
Q: Exactly. Maybe agnostic?
H: Well, I wouldn’t even say I’m agnostic.
Q: Non-denominational Christian?
H: Alright. That would work. Yeah.
Q: Okay, great. Well, so am I but I’m (“MMM”) sort of basic, non-denominational, as I always like to say. Well, then, (“LE”) I guess I’ll get — well, actually the one I saw the ad for was number five. So I guess I’ll get that. (“TOO”)
H: Five is good. (“YEAH”)
Q: Yeah. Again, I don’t know which one will turn me on the most or which one — (“I’VE GOT TO” “IT JUST WAS A”) you know, these days I very rarely buy porn. (“NOW”) Because with my book I’m trying to be very politically correct.
H: Well, my comics, alas, are not particularly politically correct.
Q: No, well, yeah but, see, well, for my book, basically.
H: Yeah, right. (“UM IT”)
Q: No, that’s why it’s a breath of fresh air — in fact, it was funny. Anyway, a long, long story. (“YEAH”) The supernatural and all that.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: My book also encompasses the supernatural. (“RIGHT” “SOOT” “BECAUSE I’LL”) I can confide in you because you may or may not believe me but I do have (“AN A”) a gay angel living with me.
H: Ahhh.
Q: And I have proof of it. (“TA”)
H: Really? Far out.
Q: Right. And He really likes your work.
H: Huh. Well. (“SO”)
Q: Can you believe it?
H: I hope he approves of Hun Comix number five, then, if that’s the one that you order.
Q: Okay. Yeah. (“AND YOU”) If you have any other advertisements, you might send some of those along too. I’d love to see them. (“YEAH IT’S NOT”)
H: Order all brochures.
Q: Should I do that?
H: Yeah. That would give you a much broader aspect because when people send an S.A.S.E. I send them a couple of —
Q: Okay, I’ll mail you a check.
H: Yeah, that would work better.
Q: And, by the way, do you send them UPS? I’m just worried about them being (“THROUGH”) delivered to the wrong condo here.
H: If you specify UPS, (“YEAH”) I can indeed.
Q: And how much should I add? For that?
H: Let’s see. I’m trying to think what the basic — if you want it second day air. I don’t know if that’s important to you in Los Angeles.
Q: Okay, yeah, I’ll do that.
H: Yeah, I think the basic second day air package — I could be wrong but I think the last time I send something second day air, just a basic one pound package was $5.50.
Q: Okay, fine. I’ll add that to it. And, meanwhile, so thank you for channeling God for the masses.
H: Well, thank you for calling. I appreciate your input and wish you — well, under the circumstances, all blessings on your manuscript there. (“YOU’RE GONNA”)
Q: What a nice person you are. I can just tell from talking to you.
H: Well, thank you.
Q: Okay, thank you.
God is light and love, joy and peace, freedom and immortality. I am an essence one with the divine.
Q: I like that much better than the chant from a few weeks back. So (“UH-HUH”) I was a little upset at first because Dr. Luce was talking about Sai Baba (“UH-HUH”) in the ‘he’ tense: “He does miracles.” (“UH-HUH”) And what people don’t understand — (“WHAT”) even she understands and what Sai Baba would be the first to admit and what I understand is that it is no individual who does the miracles. It is God who does the miracles. People don’t understand that when someone says “he does this” — (“IT”) they mean ‘He’ — capital H. Working through whoever, (“UH-HUH”) He’s showing us. (“UH-HUH”) Not Sai Baba. (“HE”) God’s showing us. So Sai Baba was able to build a hospital from conception in eight months. And Obadiah joked (“IT”) it would take that long just to get the permits in the United States. (“UH-HUH”) Well, that’s nonsense. (“NO” “WHEN YOU THINK”) “In communion with one another, life on Earth will be different” — that was the message of Gay’s lecture. She said she witnessed miracles. Well, we all witness miracles every day. Even the fact that he catalyzes energy of people who were there — I know from my own experience that isn’t even true. (“IT’S JUST THAT”) God creates certain symbols that people can understand. And then they make the mistake of deifying the symbol. I mean how many people would come and live in sheds just so they could talk to me? Sai Baba catalyzes the energy? I don’t think so. No. He doesn’t even do that. (“UMM”) She talked about eleven years ago, how she was in a car accident where to avoid an oncoming car she drove into a tree. (“UH-HUH”) And then she realized that love was the most important thing in the universe. She was “filled with light and love.” Everything was pouring light and love. Every cell, subatomic particles — a “power so enormous” that “when we go into communion with one another we are capable of transforming the world and ourselves.” She talked about how we “live at different vibrational levels.” And that we’re “made of love.” Well, that’s something I don’t even understand. I mean “vibrational levels”? It’s much easier to say something like the love you give or the love you make is equal to the love you take. (“YEAH”) Her most interesting question for me was “Do we have to like what we love?” I would think so. But love is unconditional. So that’s a very good question. Do we like what we love? Does God like what He loves? I hope so. (“WO”) I mean that would just be more nice (“SSS”) to think of it in that way. So she stayed for five days in Bali when she was stressed and she found a place where there was “not much ego” and “flour offerings in shrines. How can we be at home?,” she asked. "To enter the mystery of communion? Preserving this love with our friends and family? (“HOW CAN WE LIVE”) How can we be in communion with all beings?” (“UMM”) The people of Bali, she said, had an “earthy sexuality” and a deeply spiritual society. She talked about how we should shift our fields or feelings from the solar plexus to our heart and make that a habit so that we can be in high communion with all creation. She talked about eight-and-a-half hertz — (“SO”) meaning vibrations per second coming from the Earth. (“NO”) And how there are chakras in the feet. (“SO” “PUT”) But this is all New Age gobbledygook to most people. (“UH-HUH”) She said the solar plexus is the home of the ego. (“HUH” “UMM”) She basically said that we should deal more with matters of the heart than dealing with our solar plexus (“WHICH”) is really more of a place where we build up our defense mechanisms. Then we did an exercise which I taped part of near the end (“WHEN”) when I spoke up. (“UMM”) I really did feel (“SURE”) strands of my hair moving but I feel that all the time. It’s very reassuring to know that Michael still loves me even when I question my worthiness. (“UH-HUH”) My glasses kept steaming up. So if you’ve read my book by now you know that whenever Michael loves me or He’s especially loving toward me it gets warmer around me (“UH-HUH”) so my glasses were steaming up. And it was funny (“UH-HUH”) when I said, (“ABOUT HOW”) “It didn’t vanish from me.” (“UMM”) I really believe what she said about how in the first steps toward communion we become vulnerable. (“AND”) You “can’t have communion with a lot of shields around.” (“SO”) Both Gay and me — (“IN THAT”) my own life experienced things that prevent us from having shields. So we both are very aware of the fact that God is love. (“UH-HUH” “AND” “UH-HUH”) You should maybe just get her whole lecture to listen to. (“I”) I do this every week. Every week I end up recommending the lecture except last week I guess. (“BUT UM”) “Love spans us — spans all vibrations.” At the end she was saying how — (“WE SHOULD”) seek unconditional love (“UH-HUH”) right here at the heart . . . crossroads . . . cross. ‘When you radiate love, (“NO”) you must be alert to what’s around you.’ By the way, DeVona said that she could see my halo or aura after the (“YEAH”) experience. (“NO”) I do think that love has a power to change the people around those who project it. So that’s what I’m going to try to do whenever I’m among people. (“YES”) So (“UH-HUH”) we basically have to get in touch with the God within each of us. And, as she explained so well, (“UH-HUH”) we can’t do that if we don’t love ourselves. So we have to recreate ourselves into someone that we can love. (“UH-HUH”) She said that (“NO”) “the day of harmony is coming soon. Why don’t we do it without bringing about disaster? . . . communion in every human interaction” is the key. “And if this is our action the world will change.” (“NO”) And then (“THE CON”) the concluding thought was — I think Obadiah made it — he was paraphrasing Jesus: (“YEAH”) “How can you say that you love God when you don’t love one another?” I’m very worried about Christian fundamentalists.
( . . . )
Q: I’ve decided that the last tape I recorded and that, for some reason, was spliced into two I am going to throw away. I can’t really remember all that I recorded on it. I think I spoke to Lois Benson on it and she said that she thought she was a young soul. A psychic once told her this was her first incarnation and Lois told me she thought this to be correct. And I think I talked again with Sherri. Oh God. (“UH-HUH” “THERE WERE OTHER FI[VE]”) I know there were other interesting things on it too. Oh well. (“UH-HUH”) Bye, tape (“UH-HUH”) #51. I guess this tape that I’m now recording is the new tape #51. (“UH-HUH” “TAPE”) So I’m sure I was talking a lot about (“NO”) the experience (“UH-HUH”) at Paramount (“NO”) when — (“UH-HUH”) oh, well.
( . . . )
H: Hello. You have reached (gives number). I’m sorry we can’t come to the phone right now but if you’ll leave your name and number and a brief message I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you. Please wait for the beep.
Q: Hello. This is M. Russell . . . (I leave my number) I received some pages — (“SO” “A PIECE OF”) — pamphlet. I want to speak to you before I place my order. (“UM”) I myself have worked in the porno magazine industry for Academy Press (“UM” “PSSST”) a long time ago actually. About fifteen years ago. And since then I’ve been working for Paramount. And now, anyway, I’m doing a book that’s trying to open up Middle America to sexual freedom and not this denial junk about projecting evil into sexual fantasy. (“SO UH”) Please call me because I would like to maybe give you some free publicity in my book and maybe even do a quick interview. Call me . . . Thank you. (“IF”) If I’m not home when you call, tell me when I can best call you. (“UM”) Thank you. Bye.
( . . . )
Q: There’s an article in the Los Angeles Times today, January 21st entitled “Science Is Hot on Heels of Bigfoot (“LUCK”) Legend” by Kim Murphy, Times staff writer. From Walla Walla, Washington. And what’s so interesting about this story located amongst the usual articles about Palestine and NASA; “The Human Face of Peace in the Balkans”; (“UH-HUH”) “Dole Taking a Bus Ride With MTV.” I wonder how many millionaires appear on MTV? (“YEAH”) Let’s see. (“THE”) Article is continued on page A14 so I’m turning to page A14. Bosnia: “NATO Ready To Monitor Grave Sites.” (“UH-HUH”) “Resident Of German Hostel Arrested After Fatal Fire.” “Food (“RICE”) Prices in Iraq Plunge After Decision on Oil Sales.” Well, that’s good news. (“UMM” “HUH”) “Burundi Army Kills 20 Hutus.” “North Korea to Halt Excavation of U.S. War Dead.” So on page A14 there is a picture of a bigfoot courtesy of Bigfoot Central, Bothell, Washington. The caption reads: “Many Bigfoot students scoff at this photo purportedly showing their quarry in the Snoqualmie National Forest near Ashford, Washington in 1995.” It’s so funny. He looks a little bit like the characters in those porno comics Michael wants me to buy. And the character that the ‘bigfoots’ are having sex with looked just like me. (“YEAH”) No, Michael — (“UH-HUH”) no! (“BUT”) I think that the way to (“UH-HUH”) capture a bigfoot is to project love. Remember, God is helping bigfoot elude man through the subconscious mind. (“UH-HUH”) Doot doot doot doot — oh, I love this Cyndi Lauper CD that I’m listening to. I’m just in a very good mood since somebody actually saw a halo around my head. I feel much less doubtful about myself. Okay — (“YEAH”) I don’t know. I’m getting ready to go to the library to see if I can find any good books about Son of Man or poetry books. You never know what might catch my eye. Maybe a book about stalkers and serial killers. I’m just kidding, Sherry. So I’m going to try to watch the Golden Globes tonight — I know Michael’s not going to let me. But I figure if I can just see the stage with the 666 design I’ll be happy. So the secret of my success is sincere, unconditional love for my sweetie.
Q: Well, okay, I only got a few pages that you mailed to me.
H: Right.
Q: And I was trying to figure out which one would be the best one for me to order. (“UMM” “CAUSE”) I mean do you have other publications or are (“THESE”) these just the ones you’re selling at the moment?
H: Well, they’re the ones I’m selling at the moment.
Q: Okay, fine. Well, I just wondered.
H: But, sure, there are more.
Q: Some of them are very intriguing. Like there was one about, I think, Greek gods are having sex and things like that.
H: Okay.
Q: Which one was that? That was one of the portfolios.
H: Well, it may be that one —
Q: But I’m more into the comic books. Let me just look real quick at them. I have them right in front of me. (“GOGOL”) By the way, it’s funny. I sort of look like (“THE”) the character. (“UH-HUH”) One of the characters — the one — (“WHO”) the passive one. (“UH-HUH”) The one everyone’s always raping.
H: You mean, Big Sig?
Q: Is that what his name is? He’s little, though. He’s the little one.
H: Could be Sig or Bobby. It depends on the —
Q: Oh, I see.
H: — which comic.
Q: I’m looking at Hun Comix number five.
H: Five. Okay, that’s Sig. Yeah.
Q: Okay, right. (“GET THEM ALL”)
H: Yeah.
Q: I look a little bit like that. (“UHH”)
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So I was just joking today.
H: Well, that’s a good way to look. (“YEAH” “EXCEPT I HAVE”)
Q: Except I have a beard.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: But, anyway, so, let’s see, I’m looking through these. (“UH-HUH”)
H: All the comics are very popular sellers. I’m trying to think of the one with the mythology. That’s probably the “U” set.
Q: Right.
H: They’re all so good.
Q: But I mean I’m interested in mythology but I do like the comic book setting more than just pictures. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So, (“WUH UH UH”) keeping that in mind, which one do you think would be right for me?
H: Well — (“ALL”)
Q: I especially would be interested in angels having sex. That would be very interesting for me.
H: Okay, I don’t have any with angels.
Q: Isn’t that a good idea, though, (“GOOD IDEA”) for a future issue? (“DEPENDS WHAT THEY ARE” “GREAT”)
H: (small laugh) (“BUY ALL”)
Q: Okay. (“UMMM”) I’m trying to think. So which one would be (“YEAH”) the best? (“SO”)
H: I know you can’t go wrong with any of the comics — is a good place to start.
Q: Okay, fine. (“THEM ALL”) Well, then, maybe I’ll go ahead and get that one that I just mentioned.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: I guess it was number seven. Wait. Yeah, HUN (“BUY THE HUN”) COMIX number seven.
H: Now seven is good. (“NO”)
Q: Can I go ahead and give it — (“GIVE YOU THE INFOR”) Well, first let me ask you a few quick questions real quick for my book —
H: Alright.
Q: — that I’m doing. I’m basically saying (“THAT”) God channels all artistic efforts like movies, books, poems, (“UM”) comic books. Everything basically is channeled by God. (“SO”) And He’s very upset with mankind for being sooo — what’s the word? Hypocritical?
H: Alright. (“ABOUT”)
Q: Secretly having very sexual thoughts. (“AND THEY’RE”) Pretending that they don’t. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Okay.
Q: Now, I myself am very repressed (“I”) for various reasons.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: So my main sexual life is sort of equated with fantasy. I mean I know that a lot of people would look at these things and go, “Yikes!”
Q: Interracial aspects (“AND”) and (“SOME OF THE”) some of the SM stuff. (“BUT”) I think secretly people sort of fantasize about those things. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Okay.
Q: But do you think (“PEOP”) there are people who actually do these things? They’re probably the happiest people.
H: I don’t even know that. (“WO”) I had a — oh, I guess you’d call him a very famous person in SM or leather circles tell me “the thing that you artists do is provide us with that kind of visual fulfillment of fantasies that we simply cannot do for obvious health reasons, legal reasons or whatever. You take things (“WO IN”) in drawings (“UHHH”) or certain authors take it in writing, depicting beyond what is legally possible for living people to do.” (“WITH EACH OTHER”)
Q: Correct. (“THEY’RE ALL GAY”) But what about in heaven? Maybe this happens in heaven? (“NUT”)
H: I have no idea. I never thought of SM in heaven. (laughs)
Q: I was reading this book recently. (“ABOUT”) Mark Twain’s uncensored writings, where he sort of talks about the creation of the earth and the universe.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: And he says that angels can have sex with each other or spirits or whatever (“RIGHT” “FOR ALL”) for a century at a time. (“UH-HUH”)
H: Huh. (“WELL”)
Q: It’s an interesting thought.
H: I should say. It certainly beats ten minutes all to heck.
Q: Right. (“SO QUICK”) So — (“THIS IS”) yeah. (“SO”) Do you ever feel like you’re channeling? Or where do you get your inspiration from?
H: It just comes out of my devious mind, Mark. (“MAY”) Maybe you would say, “Well, that is inspiration.” I’m sure you’d find people who’d say, “Oh, no, that comes straight from the Devil.” And you’re saying, “No no no, this kind of creativity is always (“THE”) directly or indirectly from God.”
Q: Exactly.
H: So I would not choose to pontificate on the — (“THE FORCE”) you know, of —
Q: Exactly.
H: — my vivid inspiration.
Q: Exactly. And it’s like (“NO”) there’s a big difference between people fantasizing about something and then going out and raping someone.
H: Right. Right.
Q: They always try to say that gay people are more apt — (“TO” “YOU KNOW”) abuse children, which is definitely not true.
H: Actually, years ago when Denmark decriminalized pornography of all kinds, (“IT”) it turned out on all levels to be (“A”) a better thing for society than to criminalize it.
Q: Right.
H: And when these findings were submitted to Nixon and to other Presidents along the way by the pornography panel — the expert committee, they were always rejected because they just didn’t agree with the preconceived notion that pornography was a bad thing. (“SO”)
Q: Um-huh.
H: The Danish experience is fantasy materials fulfill a very important niche in people’s lives and minds.
Q: Well, when I was working in the porno industry, the people I worked with were the most normal, well-adjusted ones I’ve ever worked with. They went home at six o’clock. Like the film industry is totally opposite. People work forever. And basically it’s all just to avoid facing death. People (“EAT”) find various ways to deny death. They either work too hard or they smoke or they drink or they — (“YOU KNOW”) and they find any means of escape that they can. (“RIGHT”) Because there are some people so preoccupied with that. So I don’t know. (“I’M JUST”) I’m very — are you religious too?
H: Okay, I’ll — I’ll say I’m spiritual. I don’t know if I’m that religious in a practicing sense like —
Q: Exactly. Maybe agnostic?
H: Well, I wouldn’t even say I’m agnostic.
Q: Non-denominational Christian?
H: Alright. That would work. Yeah.
Q: Okay, great. Well, so am I but I’m (“MMM”) sort of basic, non-denominational, as I always like to say. Well, then, (“LE”) I guess I’ll get — well, actually the one I saw the ad for was number five. So I guess I’ll get that. (“TOO”)
H: Five is good. (“YEAH”)
Q: Yeah. Again, I don’t know which one will turn me on the most or which one — (“I’VE GOT TO” “IT JUST WAS A”) you know, these days I very rarely buy porn. (“NOW”) Because with my book I’m trying to be very politically correct.
H: Well, my comics, alas, are not particularly politically correct.
Q: No, well, yeah but, see, well, for my book, basically.
H: Yeah, right. (“UM IT”)
Q: No, that’s why it’s a breath of fresh air — in fact, it was funny. Anyway, a long, long story. (“YEAH”) The supernatural and all that.
H: Uh-huh.
Q: My book also encompasses the supernatural. (“RIGHT” “SOOT” “BECAUSE I’LL”) I can confide in you because you may or may not believe me but I do have (“AN A”) a gay angel living with me.
H: Ahhh.
Q: And I have proof of it. (“TA”)
H: Really? Far out.
Q: Right. And He really likes your work.
H: Huh. Well. (“SO”)
Q: Can you believe it?
H: I hope he approves of Hun Comix number five, then, if that’s the one that you order.
Q: Okay. Yeah. (“AND YOU”) If you have any other advertisements, you might send some of those along too. I’d love to see them. (“YEAH IT’S NOT”)
H: Order all brochures.
Q: Should I do that?
H: Yeah. That would give you a much broader aspect because when people send an S.A.S.E. I send them a couple of —
Q: Okay, I’ll mail you a check.
H: Yeah, that would work better.
Q: And, by the way, do you send them UPS? I’m just worried about them being (“THROUGH”) delivered to the wrong condo here.
H: If you specify UPS, (“YEAH”) I can indeed.
Q: And how much should I add? For that?
H: Let’s see. I’m trying to think what the basic — if you want it second day air. I don’t know if that’s important to you in Los Angeles.
Q: Okay, yeah, I’ll do that.
H: Yeah, I think the basic second day air package — I could be wrong but I think the last time I send something second day air, just a basic one pound package was $5.50.
Q: Okay, fine. I’ll add that to it. And, meanwhile, so thank you for channeling God for the masses.
H: Well, thank you for calling. I appreciate your input and wish you — well, under the circumstances, all blessings on your manuscript there. (“YOU’RE GONNA”)
Q: What a nice person you are. I can just tell from talking to you.
H: Well, thank you.
Q: Okay, thank you.
Ivan T. Sanderson wrote in Abominable
Snowmen: Legend Come To Life (1961) about
people living in the vicinity of Gautemala's
Baja Verapaz, around the town of Cubulco:
"There live in the mountain forests very big,
wild men, completely clothed in short, thick,
brown, hairy fur, with no necks, small eyes,
long arms and huge hands. They leave
footprints twice the length of a man's."
Meeting for report interview, recorded and received July 15, 19951 p.m. Bigfoot Central.Investigator: Cliff Crook.Encounter Report Witness: (Name of witness withheld by request of witness.)Occupation: Forest Patrol Officer.Date/Time of Encounter/Incident: Tuesday, July 11, 1995 (2 p.m.).Elevation: 2,500′.Weather: 75 cloudy/sunshine.Nature of Business on encounter: Off-trail trek.Report Claim Incident: heard loud splashing noises to far left while hiking off-trail in Snoqualamie National Forest near Wild Creek — upon investigating sounds, looked down, saw and photographed a Sasquatch.Report Scene Location: Wild Creek Area — Mt. Rainier Foothills, north of Ashford, Wa. — Snoqualamie National Forest, Western WashingtonNumber of photos taken: 14 (6 in focus; 8 shaded)Camera: 35mm Minolta (50mm lens) no sun reflector.Film: Fuji Color 35mmDistance: 25-30 yds. (estimated) from high bank above lagoon/Sasquatch.Developer: Tacoma, Wa. (undisclosed)Photo purchase: 7 photos purchased w/negatives on Oct. 8, 1995 By C. Crook. (3 in focus; 4 shaded)
Meeting for report interview, recorded and received July 15, 19951 p.m. Bigfoot Central.Investigator: Cliff Crook.Encounter Report Witness: (Name of witness withheld by request of witness.)Occupation: Forest Patrol Officer.Date/Time of Encounter/Incident: Tuesday, July 11, 1995 (2 p.m.).Elevation: 2,500′.Weather: 75 cloudy/sunshine.Nature of Business on encounter: Off-trail trek.Report Claim Incident: heard loud splashing noises to far left while hiking off-trail in Snoqualamie National Forest near Wild Creek — upon investigating sounds, looked down, saw and photographed a Sasquatch.Report Scene Location: Wild Creek Area — Mt. Rainier Foothills, north of Ashford, Wa. — Snoqualamie National Forest, Western WashingtonNumber of photos taken: 14 (6 in focus; 8 shaded)Camera: 35mm Minolta (50mm lens) no sun reflector.Film: Fuji Color 35mmDistance: 25-30 yds. (estimated) from high bank above lagoon/Sasquatch.Developer: Tacoma, Wa. (undisclosed)Photo purchase: 7 photos purchased w/negatives on Oct. 8, 1995 By C. Crook. (3 in focus; 4 shaded)