TAPE #532, SIDE #1
Q: Mark Russell Bell
R: retirement home receptionist (day)
A: “Coast to Coast AM” taped message announcer
H: Hilly Rose (portion of “Dreamland” broadcast)
N: “Dateline NBC” announcer
S: Stone Phillips (portion of “Dateline NBC” telecast)
L: Ellen Russell
J: Joe Firmage (portion of “Dateline NBC” telecast)
K: Keith Morrison (portion of “Dateline NBC” telecast)
T: Toby Corey (portion of “Dateline NBC” telecast)
D: Frank Drake (portion of “Dateline NBC” telecast)
C: commercial announcers
V: Star 98.7 announcer/montage voices
R: Meadows of La Habra
Q: Yes, I’d like to leave a message for Paul ‘Roy’ Russell.
R: Paul Roy Russell okay.
Q: This is Mark, his son, and just tell him that he should make other arrangements for Tuesday.
R: Okay . . . Tuesday. Why — he has an appointment with you or something?
Q: Yeah, I had spoken to him last night. I guess you weren’t the one who I —
R: Yeah.
Q: Oh you were. Yeah, (“NO”) we had a long talk. (“N” “HE”) I guess he didn’t listen to me and, anyway, it’s just a bad situation.
R Oh really? (“HE’LL”)
Q: He’ll have to make other arrangements.
R: Okay so for Tuesday you want him to make other arrangements. (“YEAH” “HE CAN”)
Q: He can take — can’t he take a van or something to his doctor appointment?
R: Yeah, uh-huh. We have a van.
Q: Exactly. (“I MEAN SO”) You know — I mean (“JUST”) if he wants to call me, I’ll be glad to talk it over with him but it’s just — (“NO”) there’s no point to it.
R: Mmm. I see. He wants you to take him somewhere?
Q: Well he wants me to help him with his — (“PA”) you know about his paperwork and all that? And — (“I” “YOU KNOW IT”) I’ve been helping him but I just don’t feel it’s productive.
R: Oh I see.
Q: And I explained it to him last night. Anyway.
R: Okay. I’m going to give him the note.
Q: Yeah.
R: Alright. (“DO THEY HAVE ANY”)
Q: Do they have any therapy available —
R: Therapy?
Q: — people there? (“LIKE”) To talk about emotional problems? Because he spends so much time with that financial trivia.
R: Really?
Q: Well you know — I mean his paperwork that he does. (“I MEAN”) I’m sure at night he does that downstairs. (“ALL HE”) That’s all he — he’s so obsessed with his V.A. (“YOU KNOW”) records. I don’t know if you’re aware of it or not. (“BUT”) It’s just not healthy.
R: I see.
Q: You know, it’s just he’s obsessed with (“HIS”) his — how much money he gets. (“YOU KNOW” “I MEAN”) So what he doesn’t make $50 more a month?
R: Oh I see.
Q: You know? (“I ME”) He’d have a life I mean. (“NO”) I just can’t be a part of it anymore. It’s just too pathetic.
R: I see.
Q: I’m sorry to lay this on you.
R: Alright, Mark, I’m going to leave him this note.
Q: Okay.
R: Okay? And take care.
Q: Okay, thank you.
R: Okay, bye bye.
R: Okay, bye.
Journal (June 26, 1999)
I’m glad I recorded the conversation with my father because it proves how he doesn’t listen to a word I say and doesn’t respect me. Respect and honesty go together. This situation makes me consider the meaning behind the commandment “Honor they father and thy mother.” You don’t honor someone by enabling them to do anything they think they want. Another truth that seems like common sense is that you don’t honor your children by letting them have whatever they want. It is my opinion that one can take the commandments too literally. My interpretation of “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” is that every day is sacred and an opportunity to give and receive joy as one receives joy by giving joy to others.
I realized that one of the many ridiculous things I’ve done recently is wanting and allowing myself those frozen rice desserts. They were an illusory substitute. I guess I don’t need to explain it further except to say that this was worse than it sounds as they’re fattening and bad for the teeth.
Last night Mike Murphy was the guest host of the “Coast to Coast AM” show for a second time and I listened to the first hour, faxing in the Time magazine article about animals and the “Nessie” AP article. Murphy once broadcast his show from Loch Ness. I doubt he knows anything about Testament. I did Email a press release to his station’s program director, Bill White, so maybe he’ll share it.
Today I went to the gym as usual and after my workout, I discovered that my locker had been broken into and my clothing, wallet and keys stolen, leaving only my jacket. I filled out a report with a manager who told me that the same thing had happened to someone else during a time when the attendant wasn’t there. I didn’t think this was likely to happen because of all the people, etc. The auto club wouldn’t send a locksmith because they won’t accept credit card information over the phone. I took a Bell Cab home and Ellen paid. The cost was $45 from Santa Monica including a small tip that the driver appreciated. His name was Vladimer and he’s been driving a taxi for sixteen years. He’s from the Ukraine. He talked about seeing traffic conditions in L.A. deteriorate, especially obvious where the San Diego freeway connects with the Ventura freeway. He cut into the line at the last moment possible. Michael was home from vacation and he was nice enough to drive all the way out here to take me to my car. Luckily I found a duplicate key yet it doesn’t work on the trunk. I canceled numerous credit cards, phone cards, library card, etc. When I finally came back home, Ellen said that Joe at the gym had called and my wallet had been turned in so tomorrow I’ll pick it up and see if everything’s there—especially my driver’s license and social security card. Apparently someone did this for the $10 inside the wallet without having any idea of the difficulties this has caused. Luckily, I hadn’t parked in the lot. If I had the car might’ve been stolen. If the keys aren’t found, I will stop going to that gym on Saturdays when I pick up mail. I took this incident in stride and had decided such a thing was a distinct possibility. Unfortunately, I made one uncalled-for comment to my brother on the way to my car and then there was a license plate in front of us that had BOB beside the numbers. Of course, the policeman I filed the theft report was named Robert Jaramill. There was also a penny on the floor in the Bally office.
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So it’s Sunday, June 27 and it’s almost six o’clock. I finished transcribing the 1999 fourth tape, the first side, so soon — maybe after the next tape side or maybe after the next tape side of the next tape, I’ll go ahead and add it to the website. I didn’t hear back from Paul. I did call the police station back to see if I needed to tell them that my wallet had been returned. I was told (“THAT”) detectives would be calling me after getting the report and to tell them. (They never did call me.) Oh I forgot — I haven’t recorded my observations on the theft of my gym bag yesterday with my wallet and everything so maybe I’ll have to include my journal. It’s very confusing when you’re doing tape side recording as well as keeping a journal. It’s very confusing and I’m not really sure how I’ll handle it. Depending on what happens, I guess.
( . . . )
Q: Today I was still feeling sort of uncertain in how I must stand right now in my relationship with Mighael and God. So I went to my trusty Tarot deck, shuffled it a little bit and cut it six times and the message was “GAMBLER.” I received the “GAMBLER” card again and, as far as I can tell, I’m not gambling. I’m just doing all or what’s the most apparent thing that I can do in working with Spirit. I mean I don’t think I’m gambling. Is this gambling? If I’m gambling, that implies that I trust that the people who read these transcripts — (“OF”) the new 1999 tape sides will understand the message to the extent that they will not pretend not to understand the message. But if they understand the message, they’ll understand what’s really important. As I keep saying, it doesn’t make a difference what other people think. The only thing that matters is what God thinks and your relationship with God. I mean obviously. I mean that was the one thing I did change in terms of the Cayce channelings in my introduction. In my caption on the first page of both Testament and New Testament tape sides — I mean I changed it from the Oneness of All Power (Force) to the Oneness of All Spirit. I thought it was a more gentle approach. And a more loving one. And a less scary one. Because it’s really not all about power. It’s about love. But everyone in our day and age is into power so, of course, their God is a God of Power.
( . . . )
Q: If I can, I’m going to tape Hilly’s opening statements on “Coast to Coast.” I find it very odd that Mike Murphy was on, on Friday and not Hilly.
( . . . )
(“Dreamland” theme music)
A: You’re listening to “Dreamland.” Now, filling in for Art Bell, here’s Hilly Rose.
H: And a very, very good evening to you. I wish you a kind and gentle night. And we have a couple of very exciting subjects —
A: The lines are now open.
H: No, the lines are not open. (small laugh) And won’t be for quite a while. But some guys are just very eager to get on the air, I guess. I don’t know. We are going to — Linda Moulton Howe is going to be talking in just a moment about — well she’s going to take (you) two miles down into the ground in South Africa where they’re finding strange things with tremendous implications as to the possibility of life on Mars and other planets. And then for the balance of the program we’re going to take you underwater off the shores of Yonaguni, Japan, where they are finding archaeological mysteries — one of the least explored areas of the world and few people in the West have seen these strange things. We’re going to talk also about some of the other parts of the world and the movement that has come across not the Bering Straits. That’s not where our ancestors came from, according to my guest. No, they came from the South Pacific. Oooh, that’ll rewrite history, won’t it? Well we’ll do all that and rewrite history right after these exciting messages.
( . . . )
Q: So he’s interviewing one Michael (Arbuthnot) and one Robert (Schoch) tonight. His information was wrong, though, and he first said that they were both named Robert. And Michael said that his father was named Robert.
( . . . )
Q: It was too dull to listen to so I turned it off.
( . . . )
Q: So Ellen what do you want me to see . . . what show is this?
L: (no response upon seeing tape recorder)
Q: . . . Ellen, I can(‘t) — just say it. “Dateline NBC.”
N: “Dateline NBC,” winner of the National Press Club Award for excellence in environmental reporting. . .
( . . . )
N: From our studios in New York, here is Stone Phillips.
S: Do you believe in UFOs?
L: No.
S: You hear a lot of stories about them: sightings, close encounters, even alien abductions. Are you skeptical? Well the man you are about to meet not only believes the stories could be true, he has spent millions of his own dollars on an extra-terrestrial crusade to convince the rest of us that we are not alone. Here’s Keith Morrison.
Q: I wonder why they’re letting him on the show?
J: How are we doing today?
L: Well they’re desperate.
J: Ready to get started?
Q: (reading from screen) Bob Calo — the producer.
J: The guys and the ladies have done a phenomenal job.
K: Here in the Silicon Valley. Joe Firmage is who they all want to be.
J: What’s the target . . .
K: In a land of overachievers, Joe’s success is legendary.
J: Perfect.
K: The story of a computer whiz-kid who sold his first company at nineteen and then worked to build the Internet company of his dream. This dream: USWeb.
J: We wanted to build the world’s largest Internet consulting company.
K: And he did. USWeb provides Internet services for Apple Computer, Levi Strauss, Harley Davidson, NBC.
Q: Oh what a wicked web we weave.
K: These are blue ribbon companies.
J: Absolutely. Best — the best companies in the world. We’ve served them well.
K: And when you left the company, what was USWeb worth?
J: (The) company was worth approaching $3 billion.
K: You done okay, kid.
J: A wild ride.
K: You’re how old?
J: Twenty-eight.
K: And then Joe Firmage walked away from 2,000 devoted employees and the billion dollar business he had created.
K: Why would you in the process of making tens of millions of dollars personally, leading a company worth $3 billion — why do you chuck it?
Q: (reading from screen) Keith Morrison.
J: Wall Street doesn’t feel comfortable with extracurricular activities of the nature that I have been pursuing.
L: He used to be an anchor out here.
K: And why is that? Joe Firmage revealed something he knew no self-respecting corporation could live with. Not just revealed it but preached it around the world. What belief is so taboo? What behavior so damaging to a company? Joe Firmage believes in aliens. Visitors. UFOs. Not just that they exist. That they’re here. They walk among us.
J: Science is saying this type of phenomenon is possible. Millions of people are saying it’s happening. We’ve tracked them on our radar. I’ve talked to generals. I mean come on.
K: That created a problem for the Internet executive. There was gossip. There were rumors.
T: I admire his courage. I admire his passion.
K: Joe’s business partner Toby Corey watched Joe reluctantly come to a decision.
T: I think he did the right thing for the business and said, “You know what? I think it’s best for me right now.” The timing was right. He stepped out.
K: Joe resigned just as USWeb was completing a high-profile merger with another Internet company. Then he spent millions to publish an online book called The Word is Truth. It’s a passionate—and long—into modern physics, religion and human history. All leading to the Firmage doctrine that aliens are present among us.
J: All things are energy events. All things.
K: Firmage points to new theories in modern physics that hint at forces in nature we are just beginning to understand.
J: Information traveling faster than the speed of light. Particles and waves — the same time at the same place. Very unusual things the physicists themselves call spooky.
K: Could these galactic mysteries be the source of power for interstellar visitors? (“NO”) Joe Firmage thinks so.
J: There are new types of engineering that will allow us to bend space time — to ‘warp’ it, if you will.
K: And if we can do that, what can we do then?
J: You could go to Alpha Centauri and come back for dinner, okay? A hundred percent of the bias against extra-terrestrial travel is based on the idea that we cannot engineer gravity and never will. I believe that that scientific bias is false. And if so, please tell me a reason why the UFO phenomenon is so crazy.
K: You left a job that was making millions of dollars —
J: Lucky — (or “LUCKY”)
K: — and said I’m going to be kind of an idiot in front of my friends and present to the world a thesis that people are going to laugh at.
Q: This is why I’m not going to do TV.
K: Now —
J: I understand.
K: Come on. (or “COME ON” or ?) Something made you do that and you haven’t told me what it is yet.
Q: He looks like a cretin himself.
J: Let me tell you. Earth is being visited by extra-terrestrial beings and probably has been for millennia.
Q: That hair.
L: (hard to hear)
Q: What? Why do people always try to look young? . . .
J: The evidence for the UFO phenomenon is overwhelming and people who (or “WHO”) — who reject it out of fear —
Q: No, Ellen. (her comments hard to hear)
J: — have not done their homework.
Q: He’s searching.
K: Of course, some who have rejected the UFO stories have done lots of homework.
D: Grand claims require grand evidence and contact with another civilization in space is a grand claim.
K: Frank Drake has devoted his life to finding that evidence. A professor of astronomy, he’s the founder of the SETI Institute as in Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. It’s funded by public and private money $8 million a year.
Q: Of course, there are lots of ‘Black Ops’ operations too.
D: There’s something to be found out there in the great cosmic haystack but it’s going to take a lot of searching.
K: SETI uses giant radio-telescopes to conduct that search, listening for signals from just one of the 10,000 civilizations Drake estimates are out there. So far nothing.
Q: Ha! Nothing they haven’t covered up.
D: Not a single fact has been provided to us that might have come from an extraterrestrial context. We don’t think it’s happened.
K: Isn’t it possible this is true?
D: You cannot rule it out but the case is not proven. The evidence is not there and my personal opinion is we’re seeing some of the wondrous things the human mind can do.
K: Which brings us to the extra twist in Joe Firmage’s story. It happened while Firmage was half asleep while his company was involved in some stressful negotiations about its upcoming merger.
J: An image of a being appeared above my bed and we proceeded to have a very unusual conversation. He looked annoyed and bothered and said, “Why have you disturbed me?” And I said, “Because I want to travel in space.” And he chuckled and said, “Why should you have that opportunity? Why should you deserve that?” And I said without really even thinking, “Because I’m willing to die for it.” And with those words he seemed to turn very sober. And out of him came this blue glowing ball of energy and left him and came into me.
K: Joe says he spoke to this angelic man. And then the beam of energy came right down into his chest.
D: He’s not the first one. The ones you hear about are ones where there were no witnesses present.
K: A centerpiece of Firmage’s crusade is his belief that aliens or visitors as he calls them played an essential role in our religious history. Those miraculous Bible stories, angels, appearances — could those have been visitors?
J: Please. Tell me what scientific discipline one comes to a belief in God through? Now do we put people on TV and criticize their beliefs in God for having a lack of evidence for? What I’m presenting to you here is a scientific explanation for an angel. Why? Why when we believe in God as a nation is that taboo?
D: Why do people want to believe in it? There are various reasons. For some, it’s simply a great adventure. And then there are others who see the extra-terrestrials as the source of solutions to all our terrestrial problems.
K: Drake, who’s raising funds for bigger and better telescopes to listen to the stars, admits he’s weary of the claims about abduction and of the alien crash at an airforce base in Roswell, New Mexico.
D: One finds that there are no unsolved mysteries about Roswell. There are no missing bodies. We know what crashed was the pieces of a classified research balloon.
Q: Nobody believes that.
K: That’s the official story, doctor, but maybe you’re either part of the official cover-up or naive.
D: Oh I might always be part of the cover-up. It’s something that can never be dismissed.
Q: Well at least he’s being honest now.
K: Frank Drake knows he is very unlikely to make contact with aliens during his lifetime but he believes someone will sometime.
D: I know it’s in our capability to find that life but I have not seen it yet and therefore I do not believe yet.
Q: Not until they pay him.
K: What prevents you from taking that step? Because you do want to believe I know.
D: I want to believe. I’d be the happiest guy in the world if they came and landed in my backyard tonight — save us a lot of time and effort, fulfill my greatest dream.
Q: If an alien kicked him in the ass, he still wouldn’t believe in aliens. He’d say it was a hoax.
K: And Firmage? For his part he is not waiting. Recently he put an ad in USA Today claiming that aliens have been in our backyard for a long time.
Q: He could afford lots of ads. I could only afford one.
K: People are saying you’re a little bit messianic about this. Do you think you are?
J: Define messianic, okay? I’m publishing a book and I’m speaking . . .
K: You want to change the whole world.
J: I want to help change the world. I do want to help change the world.
S: By the way, despite his passionate interest in visitors from outer space —
Q: Who’s that? Stone Phillips.
S: — Joe Firmage isn’t giving up on cyberspace or earthly success. He’s just launched a new business in the not-so-alien world of the Internet.
N: Coming up —
Q: Well that was ridiculous.
N: Just call her hollering Holly.
Q: That was a simplistic treatment supposed to be about Joe Firmage and it ended up being about that other character who looked like Mr. Wilson.
N: A surprising new method of child raising that helped Holly’s mom.
Q: I mean come on. People don’t believe in God. (“DON’T YOU”) I mean all you have to do is look at the complexity of the human body, right? Isn’t that enough to believe in God? I mean it’s ridiculous. It’s absurd.
L: What you call God I call the Great Spirit/Creator.
Q: It doesn’t matter what you call it.
L: I know. You don’t have to tell me, dear.
Q: What is it with these ‘scientists.’ Why are they — I guess they really want to do whatever they want. (“NO”)
L: Honey, we’re not — I’m not disclaiming God but I am disclaiming — I don’t think that there are aliens among us from Mars or Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto.
Q: Well that isn’t part of your own life experience.
L: Right. You’ve got to show me. Now I can see my own body so therefore I know that there is a Creator. But I don’t see any aliens. So there.
Q: Have you ever had a dream of aliens?
L: Nope.
Q: But you had a dream with a Frankenstein once.
L: Yes, that scared me . . .
Q: Spirit communicates —
L: Mark, please.
Q: — in the way that we will understand. For Joe Firmage, an alien was the right emissary. (“K”) For you, it was Frankenstein.
L: Please. It was a dream.
C: Monster dot com. There’s a better job out there.
L: I saw him coming down. He looked at me. I said, “Oh my God. He’s going to get me. Ahh.”
Q: For some people —
L: Don’t scream.
Q: I’m not screaming. I can’t believe this Cap’n Crunch commercial.
L: Well don’t look at it . . .
Q: It’s something alien to me.
L: Mark, they have twenty-five-year-olds — when they get past thirty-two, the writers in Hollywood, they say they don’t want them any more. They don’t want any writers that are old.
Q: Well of course not. They might write something stimulating or something of interest to anyone.
L: I know it. That’s exactly right. And the people that are buying the stuff are all young people too so they don’t — but, boy, once you — and if you hit, boy — you know, that’s what he said — you know, the Writers Guild —
Q: Who said?
L: This writer who used to write on “MASH.” He said he doesn’t put that — he’s declared bankruptcy.
Q: Larry Gelbart?
L: I don’t know what his name was. But anyway he said you know like the Writers Guild of America now, you know what, they made the retirement age now up to fifty-five because there are so many writers who can’t get any work. (“NO”)
Q: I’ve always wondered why they call people who write for TV writers because anyone who’s ever written a sitcom knows how easy it is to throw one of those things together. And they usually have so many of them giving lines and it’s just sexual innuendo —
L: He wrote — no but he — this guy wrote for “MASH” and he said he doesn’t put that on his resume.
Q: They don’t make shows like that anymore.
L: He said he doesn’t put it on his resume because —
Q: Why would they want to hire somebody who wrote about something with a plot? Now it’s just —
L: That’s what he’s saying.
Q: — stupidity.
L: It’s for kids. Kids are hiring kids.
Q: That’s because they have no — they’ve been weaned on computer games and pinball machines.
L: And so then when — I forgot who interviewed him said, “Well why — like Pepsi-Cola is one of them — why does Pepsi (“NO”) give all this money? And they said because Pepsi-Cola does not want the people over thirty because they know the people over thirty have a brain. So all they care — they give all the money to young, you know, people because it’s the young people they want to get that don’t have any brain. They haven’t developed. Like they want to sell Pepsi-Cola to fifteen, sixteen-year-olds up to twenty-five or twenty-eight. And after that (“YOU KNOW”) advertising doesn’t affect people. So it’s that age group that gets affected by commercials.
Q: But no one ever tries to do anything about these things.
L: Of course not.
Q: I mean everyone knows these things.
L: I know.
Q: But do they try to do anything about it? As long as they have enough money in their pocket, they don’t give a shit.
L: I guess so.
( . . . )
Q: But the one thing I will say after seeing that — I mean I wasn’t going to go on — do TV before. Now I’m even more — well I couldn’t be more deadset against —
L: Well thank God.
Q: What?
L: Nothing. (regarding current commercial) Oh please. I don’t want to hear about . . . pee-pee up.
Q: What’s this commercial? Bob Dole?
L: Well no, it’s for cancer. It’s not a commercial really.
Q: Doesn’t he have enough money?
L: I don’t know if he . . .
Q: (reading) Erectile dysfunction? (“NO”)
L: He’s not getting paid for this, supposedly. He had cancer of the prostate. But the thing is I don’t care about his penis and I’m sure his wife doesn’t care any more either. He should—he’s in his seventies—give the poor little thing a rest.
Q: I mean you know what? I think this is why God gives us these opportunities. To see if we’ll be stupid enough to take them. I mean who ever would’ve thought Bob Dole would go on TV talking about penile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction?
L: But I used to have — I know. I used to have admiration for him but I don’t after hearing this. I don’t want to hear about his penis not coming up.
Q: (small laugh)
L: I don’t really care, Bob.
Q: You know, I’ve sort’ve changed my attitude toward Bobs. Now I consider Bobs to be a very wider phenomena than I first thought. At first I thought they were evil but now I think they’re just a sign of something unfortunate.
L: Mark, you’re nuts. Go in the bedroom.
Q: Ellen, people always think people with special insight are nuts.
L: Yes, I know. Go in your — piddle on your computer. It’s piddle time.
( . . . )
. . . It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life (“Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” Green Day excerpt)
V: Star 98.7.
V: K.
V: S.
V: FM.
V: Los Angeles.
V: Summer lovin’ had me a blast.
V: It’s summer.
V: The good ol’ summertime is a time of fun.
V: Frolic.
V: Fun.
V: Fun.
V: Fun.
V: California.
V: We’re going to the beach house.
V: Listen all summer long for your chance to hang at Star 98.7’s private beach house in Malibu —
V: Malibu.
V: — beaches, bands and barbecues.
V: Have some fun.
V: All summer.
V: Star 98.7.
V: Today’s best music.
It goes a little something like like like this (“Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)” Citizen King excerpt)
Q: So, of course, God speaks to many, many people through ‘Pop’ular music.
If I’m smart than I’ll run away But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay Haven’t you heard (“Beautiful Stranger” Madonna excerpt)
( . . . )
So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn There’s vultures and thieves at your back (“Angel” Sarah McLachlan excerpt)
( . . . )
Some day when my life has passed me by I’ll lay around and wonder why you were always there for me (“Someday” Sugar Ray excerpt)
( . . . )
C: Just tell guys that when it comes to wedding bands, Robbins Brothers makes life easy because we have the biggest selection of men’s wedding bands in the world.
C: Skip, guys are all headbangers at heart.
C: Headbangers?
C: Tell them the greatest metal bands are at Robbins Brothers and they’ll be there.
( . . . )
Well you got your reasons And you got your lies And you got your manipulations They cut me down to size (“If You Could Only See” Tonic excerpt)
( . . . )
We’ve come a long, long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you baby I have to praise you like I should (“Praise You” Fatboy Slim excerpt)
( . . . )
So I guess the fortune teller’s right I should have seen just what was there and not some holy light But now you crawled beneath my veins and now I don’t care I have no luck I don’t miss it all that much There’s just so many things That I can’t touch I’m torn I’m all out of faith (“Torn” Natalie Imbruglia excerpt)
( . . . )
I wish that I could fly Into the sky So very high Just like a dragonfly I’d fly above the trees Over the seas In all degrees To anywhere I please (“Fly Away” Lenny Kravitz excerpt)
R: Paul Roy Russell okay.
Q: This is Mark, his son, and just tell him that he should make other arrangements for Tuesday.
R: Okay . . . Tuesday. Why — he has an appointment with you or something?
Q: Yeah, I had spoken to him last night. I guess you weren’t the one who I —
R: Yeah.
Q: Oh you were. Yeah, (“NO”) we had a long talk. (“N” “HE”) I guess he didn’t listen to me and, anyway, it’s just a bad situation.
R Oh really? (“HE’LL”)
Q: He’ll have to make other arrangements.
R: Okay so for Tuesday you want him to make other arrangements. (“YEAH” “HE CAN”)
Q: He can take — can’t he take a van or something to his doctor appointment?
R: Yeah, uh-huh. We have a van.
Q: Exactly. (“I MEAN SO”) You know — I mean (“JUST”) if he wants to call me, I’ll be glad to talk it over with him but it’s just — (“NO”) there’s no point to it.
R: Mmm. I see. He wants you to take him somewhere?
Q: Well he wants me to help him with his — (“PA”) you know about his paperwork and all that? And — (“I” “YOU KNOW IT”) I’ve been helping him but I just don’t feel it’s productive.
R: Oh I see.
Q: And I explained it to him last night. Anyway.
R: Okay. I’m going to give him the note.
Q: Yeah.
R: Alright. (“DO THEY HAVE ANY”)
Q: Do they have any therapy available —
R: Therapy?
Q: — people there? (“LIKE”) To talk about emotional problems? Because he spends so much time with that financial trivia.
R: Really?
Q: Well you know — I mean his paperwork that he does. (“I MEAN”) I’m sure at night he does that downstairs. (“ALL HE”) That’s all he — he’s so obsessed with his V.A. (“YOU KNOW”) records. I don’t know if you’re aware of it or not. (“BUT”) It’s just not healthy.
R: I see.
Q: You know, it’s just he’s obsessed with (“HIS”) his — how much money he gets. (“YOU KNOW” “I MEAN”) So what he doesn’t make $50 more a month?
R: Oh I see.
Q: You know? (“I ME”) He’d have a life I mean. (“NO”) I just can’t be a part of it anymore. It’s just too pathetic.
R: I see.
Q: I’m sorry to lay this on you.
R: Alright, Mark, I’m going to leave him this note.
Q: Okay.
R: Okay? And take care.
Q: Okay, thank you.
R: Okay, bye bye.
R: Okay, bye.
Journal (June 26, 1999)
I’m glad I recorded the conversation with my father because it proves how he doesn’t listen to a word I say and doesn’t respect me. Respect and honesty go together. This situation makes me consider the meaning behind the commandment “Honor they father and thy mother.” You don’t honor someone by enabling them to do anything they think they want. Another truth that seems like common sense is that you don’t honor your children by letting them have whatever they want. It is my opinion that one can take the commandments too literally. My interpretation of “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” is that every day is sacred and an opportunity to give and receive joy as one receives joy by giving joy to others.
I realized that one of the many ridiculous things I’ve done recently is wanting and allowing myself those frozen rice desserts. They were an illusory substitute. I guess I don’t need to explain it further except to say that this was worse than it sounds as they’re fattening and bad for the teeth.
Last night Mike Murphy was the guest host of the “Coast to Coast AM” show for a second time and I listened to the first hour, faxing in the Time magazine article about animals and the “Nessie” AP article. Murphy once broadcast his show from Loch Ness. I doubt he knows anything about Testament. I did Email a press release to his station’s program director, Bill White, so maybe he’ll share it.
Today I went to the gym as usual and after my workout, I discovered that my locker had been broken into and my clothing, wallet and keys stolen, leaving only my jacket. I filled out a report with a manager who told me that the same thing had happened to someone else during a time when the attendant wasn’t there. I didn’t think this was likely to happen because of all the people, etc. The auto club wouldn’t send a locksmith because they won’t accept credit card information over the phone. I took a Bell Cab home and Ellen paid. The cost was $45 from Santa Monica including a small tip that the driver appreciated. His name was Vladimer and he’s been driving a taxi for sixteen years. He’s from the Ukraine. He talked about seeing traffic conditions in L.A. deteriorate, especially obvious where the San Diego freeway connects with the Ventura freeway. He cut into the line at the last moment possible. Michael was home from vacation and he was nice enough to drive all the way out here to take me to my car. Luckily I found a duplicate key yet it doesn’t work on the trunk. I canceled numerous credit cards, phone cards, library card, etc. When I finally came back home, Ellen said that Joe at the gym had called and my wallet had been turned in so tomorrow I’ll pick it up and see if everything’s there—especially my driver’s license and social security card. Apparently someone did this for the $10 inside the wallet without having any idea of the difficulties this has caused. Luckily, I hadn’t parked in the lot. If I had the car might’ve been stolen. If the keys aren’t found, I will stop going to that gym on Saturdays when I pick up mail. I took this incident in stride and had decided such a thing was a distinct possibility. Unfortunately, I made one uncalled-for comment to my brother on the way to my car and then there was a license plate in front of us that had BOB beside the numbers. Of course, the policeman I filed the theft report was named Robert Jaramill. There was also a penny on the floor in the Bally office.
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) So it’s Sunday, June 27 and it’s almost six o’clock. I finished transcribing the 1999 fourth tape, the first side, so soon — maybe after the next tape side or maybe after the next tape side of the next tape, I’ll go ahead and add it to the website. I didn’t hear back from Paul. I did call the police station back to see if I needed to tell them that my wallet had been returned. I was told (“THAT”) detectives would be calling me after getting the report and to tell them. (They never did call me.) Oh I forgot — I haven’t recorded my observations on the theft of my gym bag yesterday with my wallet and everything so maybe I’ll have to include my journal. It’s very confusing when you’re doing tape side recording as well as keeping a journal. It’s very confusing and I’m not really sure how I’ll handle it. Depending on what happens, I guess.
( . . . )
Q: Today I was still feeling sort of uncertain in how I must stand right now in my relationship with Mighael and God. So I went to my trusty Tarot deck, shuffled it a little bit and cut it six times and the message was “GAMBLER.” I received the “GAMBLER” card again and, as far as I can tell, I’m not gambling. I’m just doing all or what’s the most apparent thing that I can do in working with Spirit. I mean I don’t think I’m gambling. Is this gambling? If I’m gambling, that implies that I trust that the people who read these transcripts — (“OF”) the new 1999 tape sides will understand the message to the extent that they will not pretend not to understand the message. But if they understand the message, they’ll understand what’s really important. As I keep saying, it doesn’t make a difference what other people think. The only thing that matters is what God thinks and your relationship with God. I mean obviously. I mean that was the one thing I did change in terms of the Cayce channelings in my introduction. In my caption on the first page of both Testament and New Testament tape sides — I mean I changed it from the Oneness of All Power (Force) to the Oneness of All Spirit. I thought it was a more gentle approach. And a more loving one. And a less scary one. Because it’s really not all about power. It’s about love. But everyone in our day and age is into power so, of course, their God is a God of Power.
( . . . )
Q: If I can, I’m going to tape Hilly’s opening statements on “Coast to Coast.” I find it very odd that Mike Murphy was on, on Friday and not Hilly.
( . . . )
(“Dreamland” theme music)
A: You’re listening to “Dreamland.” Now, filling in for Art Bell, here’s Hilly Rose.
H: And a very, very good evening to you. I wish you a kind and gentle night. And we have a couple of very exciting subjects —
A: The lines are now open.
H: No, the lines are not open. (small laugh) And won’t be for quite a while. But some guys are just very eager to get on the air, I guess. I don’t know. We are going to — Linda Moulton Howe is going to be talking in just a moment about — well she’s going to take (you) two miles down into the ground in South Africa where they’re finding strange things with tremendous implications as to the possibility of life on Mars and other planets. And then for the balance of the program we’re going to take you underwater off the shores of Yonaguni, Japan, where they are finding archaeological mysteries — one of the least explored areas of the world and few people in the West have seen these strange things. We’re going to talk also about some of the other parts of the world and the movement that has come across not the Bering Straits. That’s not where our ancestors came from, according to my guest. No, they came from the South Pacific. Oooh, that’ll rewrite history, won’t it? Well we’ll do all that and rewrite history right after these exciting messages.
( . . . )
Q: So he’s interviewing one Michael (Arbuthnot) and one Robert (Schoch) tonight. His information was wrong, though, and he first said that they were both named Robert. And Michael said that his father was named Robert.
( . . . )
Q: It was too dull to listen to so I turned it off.
( . . . )
Q: So Ellen what do you want me to see . . . what show is this?
L: (no response upon seeing tape recorder)
Q: . . . Ellen, I can(‘t) — just say it. “Dateline NBC.”
N: “Dateline NBC,” winner of the National Press Club Award for excellence in environmental reporting. . .
( . . . )
N: From our studios in New York, here is Stone Phillips.
S: Do you believe in UFOs?
L: No.
S: You hear a lot of stories about them: sightings, close encounters, even alien abductions. Are you skeptical? Well the man you are about to meet not only believes the stories could be true, he has spent millions of his own dollars on an extra-terrestrial crusade to convince the rest of us that we are not alone. Here’s Keith Morrison.
Q: I wonder why they’re letting him on the show?
J: How are we doing today?
L: Well they’re desperate.
J: Ready to get started?
Q: (reading from screen) Bob Calo — the producer.
J: The guys and the ladies have done a phenomenal job.
K: Here in the Silicon Valley. Joe Firmage is who they all want to be.
J: What’s the target . . .
K: In a land of overachievers, Joe’s success is legendary.
J: Perfect.
K: The story of a computer whiz-kid who sold his first company at nineteen and then worked to build the Internet company of his dream. This dream: USWeb.
J: We wanted to build the world’s largest Internet consulting company.
K: And he did. USWeb provides Internet services for Apple Computer, Levi Strauss, Harley Davidson, NBC.
Q: Oh what a wicked web we weave.
K: These are blue ribbon companies.
J: Absolutely. Best — the best companies in the world. We’ve served them well.
K: And when you left the company, what was USWeb worth?
J: (The) company was worth approaching $3 billion.
K: You done okay, kid.
J: A wild ride.
K: You’re how old?
J: Twenty-eight.
K: And then Joe Firmage walked away from 2,000 devoted employees and the billion dollar business he had created.
K: Why would you in the process of making tens of millions of dollars personally, leading a company worth $3 billion — why do you chuck it?
Q: (reading from screen) Keith Morrison.
J: Wall Street doesn’t feel comfortable with extracurricular activities of the nature that I have been pursuing.
L: He used to be an anchor out here.
K: And why is that? Joe Firmage revealed something he knew no self-respecting corporation could live with. Not just revealed it but preached it around the world. What belief is so taboo? What behavior so damaging to a company? Joe Firmage believes in aliens. Visitors. UFOs. Not just that they exist. That they’re here. They walk among us.
J: Science is saying this type of phenomenon is possible. Millions of people are saying it’s happening. We’ve tracked them on our radar. I’ve talked to generals. I mean come on.
K: That created a problem for the Internet executive. There was gossip. There were rumors.
T: I admire his courage. I admire his passion.
K: Joe’s business partner Toby Corey watched Joe reluctantly come to a decision.
T: I think he did the right thing for the business and said, “You know what? I think it’s best for me right now.” The timing was right. He stepped out.
K: Joe resigned just as USWeb was completing a high-profile merger with another Internet company. Then he spent millions to publish an online book called The Word is Truth. It’s a passionate—and long—into modern physics, religion and human history. All leading to the Firmage doctrine that aliens are present among us.
J: All things are energy events. All things.
K: Firmage points to new theories in modern physics that hint at forces in nature we are just beginning to understand.
J: Information traveling faster than the speed of light. Particles and waves — the same time at the same place. Very unusual things the physicists themselves call spooky.
K: Could these galactic mysteries be the source of power for interstellar visitors? (“NO”) Joe Firmage thinks so.
J: There are new types of engineering that will allow us to bend space time — to ‘warp’ it, if you will.
K: And if we can do that, what can we do then?
J: You could go to Alpha Centauri and come back for dinner, okay? A hundred percent of the bias against extra-terrestrial travel is based on the idea that we cannot engineer gravity and never will. I believe that that scientific bias is false. And if so, please tell me a reason why the UFO phenomenon is so crazy.
K: You left a job that was making millions of dollars —
J: Lucky — (or “LUCKY”)
K: — and said I’m going to be kind of an idiot in front of my friends and present to the world a thesis that people are going to laugh at.
Q: This is why I’m not going to do TV.
K: Now —
J: I understand.
K: Come on. (or “COME ON” or ?) Something made you do that and you haven’t told me what it is yet.
Q: He looks like a cretin himself.
J: Let me tell you. Earth is being visited by extra-terrestrial beings and probably has been for millennia.
Q: That hair.
L: (hard to hear)
Q: What? Why do people always try to look young? . . .
J: The evidence for the UFO phenomenon is overwhelming and people who (or “WHO”) — who reject it out of fear —
Q: No, Ellen. (her comments hard to hear)
J: — have not done their homework.
Q: He’s searching.
K: Of course, some who have rejected the UFO stories have done lots of homework.
D: Grand claims require grand evidence and contact with another civilization in space is a grand claim.
K: Frank Drake has devoted his life to finding that evidence. A professor of astronomy, he’s the founder of the SETI Institute as in Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. It’s funded by public and private money $8 million a year.
Q: Of course, there are lots of ‘Black Ops’ operations too.
D: There’s something to be found out there in the great cosmic haystack but it’s going to take a lot of searching.
K: SETI uses giant radio-telescopes to conduct that search, listening for signals from just one of the 10,000 civilizations Drake estimates are out there. So far nothing.
Q: Ha! Nothing they haven’t covered up.
D: Not a single fact has been provided to us that might have come from an extraterrestrial context. We don’t think it’s happened.
K: Isn’t it possible this is true?
D: You cannot rule it out but the case is not proven. The evidence is not there and my personal opinion is we’re seeing some of the wondrous things the human mind can do.
K: Which brings us to the extra twist in Joe Firmage’s story. It happened while Firmage was half asleep while his company was involved in some stressful negotiations about its upcoming merger.
J: An image of a being appeared above my bed and we proceeded to have a very unusual conversation. He looked annoyed and bothered and said, “Why have you disturbed me?” And I said, “Because I want to travel in space.” And he chuckled and said, “Why should you have that opportunity? Why should you deserve that?” And I said without really even thinking, “Because I’m willing to die for it.” And with those words he seemed to turn very sober. And out of him came this blue glowing ball of energy and left him and came into me.
K: Joe says he spoke to this angelic man. And then the beam of energy came right down into his chest.
D: He’s not the first one. The ones you hear about are ones where there were no witnesses present.
K: A centerpiece of Firmage’s crusade is his belief that aliens or visitors as he calls them played an essential role in our religious history. Those miraculous Bible stories, angels, appearances — could those have been visitors?
J: Please. Tell me what scientific discipline one comes to a belief in God through? Now do we put people on TV and criticize their beliefs in God for having a lack of evidence for? What I’m presenting to you here is a scientific explanation for an angel. Why? Why when we believe in God as a nation is that taboo?
D: Why do people want to believe in it? There are various reasons. For some, it’s simply a great adventure. And then there are others who see the extra-terrestrials as the source of solutions to all our terrestrial problems.
K: Drake, who’s raising funds for bigger and better telescopes to listen to the stars, admits he’s weary of the claims about abduction and of the alien crash at an airforce base in Roswell, New Mexico.
D: One finds that there are no unsolved mysteries about Roswell. There are no missing bodies. We know what crashed was the pieces of a classified research balloon.
Q: Nobody believes that.
K: That’s the official story, doctor, but maybe you’re either part of the official cover-up or naive.
D: Oh I might always be part of the cover-up. It’s something that can never be dismissed.
Q: Well at least he’s being honest now.
K: Frank Drake knows he is very unlikely to make contact with aliens during his lifetime but he believes someone will sometime.
D: I know it’s in our capability to find that life but I have not seen it yet and therefore I do not believe yet.
Q: Not until they pay him.
K: What prevents you from taking that step? Because you do want to believe I know.
D: I want to believe. I’d be the happiest guy in the world if they came and landed in my backyard tonight — save us a lot of time and effort, fulfill my greatest dream.
Q: If an alien kicked him in the ass, he still wouldn’t believe in aliens. He’d say it was a hoax.
K: And Firmage? For his part he is not waiting. Recently he put an ad in USA Today claiming that aliens have been in our backyard for a long time.
Q: He could afford lots of ads. I could only afford one.
K: People are saying you’re a little bit messianic about this. Do you think you are?
J: Define messianic, okay? I’m publishing a book and I’m speaking . . .
K: You want to change the whole world.
J: I want to help change the world. I do want to help change the world.
S: By the way, despite his passionate interest in visitors from outer space —
Q: Who’s that? Stone Phillips.
S: — Joe Firmage isn’t giving up on cyberspace or earthly success. He’s just launched a new business in the not-so-alien world of the Internet.
N: Coming up —
Q: Well that was ridiculous.
N: Just call her hollering Holly.
Q: That was a simplistic treatment supposed to be about Joe Firmage and it ended up being about that other character who looked like Mr. Wilson.
N: A surprising new method of child raising that helped Holly’s mom.
Q: I mean come on. People don’t believe in God. (“DON’T YOU”) I mean all you have to do is look at the complexity of the human body, right? Isn’t that enough to believe in God? I mean it’s ridiculous. It’s absurd.
L: What you call God I call the Great Spirit/Creator.
Q: It doesn’t matter what you call it.
L: I know. You don’t have to tell me, dear.
Q: What is it with these ‘scientists.’ Why are they — I guess they really want to do whatever they want. (“NO”)
L: Honey, we’re not — I’m not disclaiming God but I am disclaiming — I don’t think that there are aliens among us from Mars or Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto.
Q: Well that isn’t part of your own life experience.
L: Right. You’ve got to show me. Now I can see my own body so therefore I know that there is a Creator. But I don’t see any aliens. So there.
Q: Have you ever had a dream of aliens?
L: Nope.
Q: But you had a dream with a Frankenstein once.
L: Yes, that scared me . . .
Q: Spirit communicates —
L: Mark, please.
Q: — in the way that we will understand. For Joe Firmage, an alien was the right emissary. (“K”) For you, it was Frankenstein.
L: Please. It was a dream.
C: Monster dot com. There’s a better job out there.
L: I saw him coming down. He looked at me. I said, “Oh my God. He’s going to get me. Ahh.”
Q: For some people —
L: Don’t scream.
Q: I’m not screaming. I can’t believe this Cap’n Crunch commercial.
L: Well don’t look at it . . .
Q: It’s something alien to me.
L: Mark, they have twenty-five-year-olds — when they get past thirty-two, the writers in Hollywood, they say they don’t want them any more. They don’t want any writers that are old.
Q: Well of course not. They might write something stimulating or something of interest to anyone.
L: I know it. That’s exactly right. And the people that are buying the stuff are all young people too so they don’t — but, boy, once you — and if you hit, boy — you know, that’s what he said — you know, the Writers Guild —
Q: Who said?
L: This writer who used to write on “MASH.” He said he doesn’t put that — he’s declared bankruptcy.
Q: Larry Gelbart?
L: I don’t know what his name was. But anyway he said you know like the Writers Guild of America now, you know what, they made the retirement age now up to fifty-five because there are so many writers who can’t get any work. (“NO”)
Q: I’ve always wondered why they call people who write for TV writers because anyone who’s ever written a sitcom knows how easy it is to throw one of those things together. And they usually have so many of them giving lines and it’s just sexual innuendo —
L: He wrote — no but he — this guy wrote for “MASH” and he said he doesn’t put that on his resume.
Q: They don’t make shows like that anymore.
L: He said he doesn’t put it on his resume because —
Q: Why would they want to hire somebody who wrote about something with a plot? Now it’s just —
L: That’s what he’s saying.
Q: — stupidity.
L: It’s for kids. Kids are hiring kids.
Q: That’s because they have no — they’ve been weaned on computer games and pinball machines.
L: And so then when — I forgot who interviewed him said, “Well why — like Pepsi-Cola is one of them — why does Pepsi (“NO”) give all this money? And they said because Pepsi-Cola does not want the people over thirty because they know the people over thirty have a brain. So all they care — they give all the money to young, you know, people because it’s the young people they want to get that don’t have any brain. They haven’t developed. Like they want to sell Pepsi-Cola to fifteen, sixteen-year-olds up to twenty-five or twenty-eight. And after that (“YOU KNOW”) advertising doesn’t affect people. So it’s that age group that gets affected by commercials.
Q: But no one ever tries to do anything about these things.
L: Of course not.
Q: I mean everyone knows these things.
L: I know.
Q: But do they try to do anything about it? As long as they have enough money in their pocket, they don’t give a shit.
L: I guess so.
( . . . )
Q: But the one thing I will say after seeing that — I mean I wasn’t going to go on — do TV before. Now I’m even more — well I couldn’t be more deadset against —
L: Well thank God.
Q: What?
L: Nothing. (regarding current commercial) Oh please. I don’t want to hear about . . . pee-pee up.
Q: What’s this commercial? Bob Dole?
L: Well no, it’s for cancer. It’s not a commercial really.
Q: Doesn’t he have enough money?
L: I don’t know if he . . .
Q: (reading) Erectile dysfunction? (“NO”)
L: He’s not getting paid for this, supposedly. He had cancer of the prostate. But the thing is I don’t care about his penis and I’m sure his wife doesn’t care any more either. He should—he’s in his seventies—give the poor little thing a rest.
Q: I mean you know what? I think this is why God gives us these opportunities. To see if we’ll be stupid enough to take them. I mean who ever would’ve thought Bob Dole would go on TV talking about penile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction?
L: But I used to have — I know. I used to have admiration for him but I don’t after hearing this. I don’t want to hear about his penis not coming up.
Q: (small laugh)
L: I don’t really care, Bob.
Q: You know, I’ve sort’ve changed my attitude toward Bobs. Now I consider Bobs to be a very wider phenomena than I first thought. At first I thought they were evil but now I think they’re just a sign of something unfortunate.
L: Mark, you’re nuts. Go in the bedroom.
Q: Ellen, people always think people with special insight are nuts.
L: Yes, I know. Go in your — piddle on your computer. It’s piddle time.
( . . . )
. . . It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life (“Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” Green Day excerpt)
V: Star 98.7.
V: K.
V: S.
V: FM.
V: Los Angeles.
V: Summer lovin’ had me a blast.
V: It’s summer.
V: The good ol’ summertime is a time of fun.
V: Frolic.
V: Fun.
V: Fun.
V: Fun.
V: California.
V: We’re going to the beach house.
V: Listen all summer long for your chance to hang at Star 98.7’s private beach house in Malibu —
V: Malibu.
V: — beaches, bands and barbecues.
V: Have some fun.
V: All summer.
V: Star 98.7.
V: Today’s best music.
It goes a little something like like like this (“Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)” Citizen King excerpt)
Q: So, of course, God speaks to many, many people through ‘Pop’ular music.
If I’m smart than I’ll run away But I’m not so I guess I’ll stay Haven’t you heard (“Beautiful Stranger” Madonna excerpt)
( . . . )
So tired of the straight line, and everywhere you turn There’s vultures and thieves at your back (“Angel” Sarah McLachlan excerpt)
( . . . )
Some day when my life has passed me by I’ll lay around and wonder why you were always there for me (“Someday” Sugar Ray excerpt)
( . . . )
C: Just tell guys that when it comes to wedding bands, Robbins Brothers makes life easy because we have the biggest selection of men’s wedding bands in the world.
C: Skip, guys are all headbangers at heart.
C: Headbangers?
C: Tell them the greatest metal bands are at Robbins Brothers and they’ll be there.
( . . . )
Well you got your reasons And you got your lies And you got your manipulations They cut me down to size (“If You Could Only See” Tonic excerpt)
( . . . )
We’ve come a long, long way together Through the hard times and the good I have to celebrate you baby I have to praise you like I should (“Praise You” Fatboy Slim excerpt)
( . . . )
So I guess the fortune teller’s right I should have seen just what was there and not some holy light But now you crawled beneath my veins and now I don’t care I have no luck I don’t miss it all that much There’s just so many things That I can’t touch I’m torn I’m all out of faith (“Torn” Natalie Imbruglia excerpt)
( . . . )
I wish that I could fly Into the sky So very high Just like a dragonfly I’d fly above the trees Over the seas In all degrees To anywhere I please (“Fly Away” Lenny Kravitz excerpt)