TAPE #49, SIDE #2
Q: Mark Russell Bell (interviewer in Los Angeles)
V: David Botsford (clinical hypnotherapist)
V: 'Kay. You already know just how relaxing it can be ("I DO" "LISTEN TO HIM") merely here listening to the sound of my voice. Well, let's see if you can respond to that. ("FINALLY")
Q: Now I'm thinking, "Oh, great. I have Richard the Third putting me under hypnosis." (laughs)
V: (laughs) ("EYAH") I wonder what that will be like. ("UM-HUH" "CALL SHERRY" "BE" "MARK SEEKING THEIR HELP") Just sit in a very comfortable position. ("BE MARTHA") Lying back. Breathing deeper. ("PIN PRICKED ME") Your arms crossed.
Q: I am very relaxed but I want to tell you something else funny I remember. ("UH-HUH") My brother told me — I was saying ("YEAH") about my pseudonym Mark Russell Bell — ("THAT I WOULD TALK") one of the spirits said, "MARDUK WILL LIVE IN OKLAHOMA NEXT YEAR." ("AS I WAS SAYING" "YOU KNOW") We were talking and he said, "Well maybe you should change your name to Marduk Russell Bell."
Q: What do you think about that? ("WELL I THINK RUSSELL IS BAD") Is that a little too flaky?
V: That's alright. ("NO IDEA") I wonder what impression that gives. When you say the word Marduk who do you see?
Q: I see my medallion with the god (Amun-)Ra or Bel-Marduk on it. I really do feel like I'm the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk. I really do feel like I was in the pyramid. I have memories of being inside the Great Pyramid.
V: What are those memories like? What was it like inside the Great Pyramid? ("IT'S")
Q: It's really more of just — there have been other times when I've been within cement chambers and ("YOU KNOW") dark places. ("NO" "AND I JUST THINK") I just feel like I have a déjà vu feeling ("LIKE" "EECH") like I was trapped in the Great Pyramid for a period.
V: And what was it like inside there? ("NO")
Q: Very dark and very — ("NOT") not totally quiet, I think. ("I THINK") I don't know. ("WAY I THINK") I get a feeling like it isn't quiet. It wasn't a quiet place.
V: I wonder what you could hear in there. ("SPACEPORT")
Q: Yeah, really. I wonder what Napoleon heard in there. ("I KNOW" "THAT I JUST IT'S JUST A SENSAT") I'll bring my medallion in next week to show you, if I remember.
V: Ummm.
Q: I also had it photographed so if my photos are ready — ("UH-HUH" "OOOHHHH" "PRICK" "UH" "OH" "I KNOW" "COMMISH" "DO YOU LIKE ON THE GREAT DREAM") you see, I don't know if I — I can't be sure. I said ("THIS IS") this is an impression. I don't have any distinct memories. And I've always loved Egypt. I've always been fascinated by Egypt. Like most people. ("BUT I GUESS") I guess, though, we all have some previous incarnation in Egypt at some point because it was five 5,000 years of man's history. So the odds are that ("IF") if there is reincarnation and if the spirit survives after death ("THAT") that there would have to be a time when we lived in Egypt because it just doesn't seem thinkable that a spirit would have nothing to do for 5,000 years. ("SO") And if I use "transcribed by Mark Russell Bell" or "Marduk Russell Bell" it completes a cycle began with Bel-Marduk. I guess. So I don't have any conscious memory of that. ("MAYBE IT'S SUB") And plus the spirits at one point said — it was when I was having dinner with ("MARDUK") some Russians, ("MIKE") Inna and ("ONE OF THE") my brother's client. We were talking about reincarnation and one of the spirits was saying, "ARE YOU SURE?" — ("MEANING") 'You can't remember?' "ARE YOU SURE?" And I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I have various impressions. ("NOW IT'S") Very bizarre. ("I DON'T" "LIKE") But when I went to see that movie "Stargate" I was just bored. And that was about the god Ra but they treated him like some kind of malevolent alien. But interesting plot concepts came to mind that they didn't show in the movie. For example, at the end — did you see that movie?
V: No.
Q: Well at the end they kill the alien. But this is right after one of the heroes goes to this weird machine to heal himself. And I was thinking as I watched the scene, "You idiot. ("UM") The god Ra is encoding himself in your DNA. ("SO") You think you killed him. ("BUT") You're turning into him." So that was a very strange thought to have after seeing the movie . I don't know ("IF THEY EVEN") if the screenwriters had that idea. So that was sort of scary. That thought ("COMING UP") coming into — popping into my head. Isn't that weird?
V: Ummm. ("SO I DON'T KNOW")
Q: Actually, I would love that director to direct my screenplay of "To Live Again" even though I don't really like his movies. ("I THINK") I think he's becoming a better director so he can finally do something with a little bit of sophistication and intelligence to it. Does that sound rude?
V: (laughs)
Q: I don't care. ("YEAH") I don't know. I'm trying to think who are the directors I like for my projects. Oh, I don't care. ("I DO") The one person I've decided I would like to direct my serial killer black comedy "Brides" is Quentin Tarantino. I think he would be very good for that. I don't know if he directs other people's scripts, though. Maybe he'll make an exception in my case. I'd also love to work with Bob Altman even though I made a terrible impression on him over the weekend. ("TELL HIM WHAT YOU SAID") What? ("BELL") I think that line about — ("YOU KNOW UM") when I said to him that "I'm the Geraldine Chaplin of this event."
V: (small laugh) ("CIAO BELLA" "I MEAN THAT'S")
Q: That's something he'll remember. (BRAYING)
V: Certainly. ("OF COURSE")
Q: I was very sneaky. I don't know. But at the time I wanted his thoughts for my book. ("SO") I was being sneaky. I admit it. What's wrong with that?
V: Ummm.
Q: I want my book to be read by as many people as possible regardless of what any spirit has to say.
V: Of course. ("OHHHHHH" "IT'S A DULL MARKET")
Q: I'm trying to remember — ("I WOULD SEE") but I had a weird — like that plot idea that came into my mind — that's weird, isn't it? ("I JUST DON'T KNOW I MEAN") Am I a god or am I a human? Well, I think we're each Gods ("TAKING") taking human form. ("SO") By saying I'm the reincarnation ("OF THE") of the god (Amun-)Ra, I'm just saying that we're all gods reincarnated and in human form. But in my case there definitely might be something of a father/son relationship because everywhere I go there are words like 'son' — for example, the party I went to yesterday ("WAS ON") was Curson. That was the name of the building or street. Curson. ("UM-HUH") So — and plus I guess 'curs(e).' (laughs) ("ARE YOU ALRIGHT" "BUT I") I don't know. It's just — ("CONSTANTLY I SEE" "LIKE") like the name Anderson ("UM-HUH") has 'son' in it. ("AND I JUST — I JUST CAN SEE AND — AND PA") And 'papa' and 'father' and 'dad' are things I run into all the time in various ways. ("SO") It's just weird — ("BE" "YOU KNOW FILLING OF") Fulfilling all the prophecies for Mabus, which is an anagram of MArk rUSsell Bell or MArduk rUSsell Bell —
V: Um-huh.
Q: — and also for the Son of Man. And also ("YOU KNOW") in terms of what usually they'll attribute to the man in the iron mask, that really is me in terms of living across from the Angelus Temple and the Episcopalian Center. ("AND BEING A") Being a twin and everything. And seeing the — ("UH YOU KNOW") — on Christmas at daybreak I saw the dove ("YOU KNOW") cloud formation in the sky. ("SO") Mabus. Son of Man. The Antichrist. Bel-Marduk. It's like I'm all these entities rolled into one. But I'm nice. I definitely am close to the symbol ("OF") of Jesus. I hope. I try to be nice and ("YOU KNOW") volunteer for APLA and give money to homeless people. (sighs) What else do I do? ("UH-HUH") I don't know. ("I") I try to always be honest. Even if I don't know what the right solution is. ("I MEAN") I do read the morning newspaper. You don't know what the solution is to these problems, I mean. ("BUT") Everyone has their own opinion. So people should allow people to have their own opinion.
V: Ummm. ("I MEAN")
Q: Well, I don't know. I think what I'll do ("FOR THIS") before I give this book to Sherry is to try to transcribe one more recent tape just to give an overview of all the taped material I haven't transcribed yet. I say such wonderful, ("LET'S SEE") controversial opinions like everyone ("YOU KNOW WHO") concerned with the budget that has not ("YOU KNOW") passed on schedule should not be voted into office again. Was that what I said during our last therapy session? Or was that some time else? ("OH NO I THINK THAT WAS WHEN I WAS" "CORRECT") That was a morning ("ONCE") — one of my morning tirades, I think. But it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean they did betray the trust of the American people. ("SO") What other controversial opinions have I been saying? I don't know. ("LIKE I DON'T KNOW" "PEOPLE AREN'T GONNA") People aren't going to read — I mean you've realized that I do fit all of these prophecies because you've seen House of Russell and you know my mother's maiden name was King. And I have a twin. I showed you a picture of my twin brother. ("AND") Mabus is an anagram for Mark Russell Bell.
V: Ummm. ("NO")
Q: I fulfill all the prophecies. ("SO") If the Son of Man is going to be hosting Judgement Day I guess I'm it but we don't really know what that is in terms of metaphor or actuality. ("UH-HUH") So it's weird. And, recently, at that lecture they were talking about Judgement Day being possibly the Big Bang. "HERE'S SUCH") That's a comforting thought.
V: (small laugh) ("NO")
Q: But it will make my job a lot less difficult.
V: (laughs)
Q: Instead of judging each person on a one-to-one, ("BASIS") which is not something I would want to do. ("I'M NOT") I don't mean judge but I mean be like their advocate which is — ("WHAT IF") I think when you think of Jesus (GALLOPING) returning as Son of Man you think of him as being like the defense attorney for each individual person.
V: Um-huh.
Q: At least, that's what I always thought. ("WHETHER") And that's sort of ludicrous because God is the only one who can judge anybody. ("SO") The Big Bang is a ("MUCH") more sensible version of Judgement Day. ("BUT" "IT") My book is all about the fact that science is not the best way of looking at things. So in my heart I don't think ("THAT") the Big Bang is Judgement Day. ("I THINK") I think it's a much more loving experience. In fact, at the party, ("I WAS YOU KNOW") two of my friends ("SAID THAT") — there are people who returned to them riding bicycles. So that's a wonderful sign because it infers that heaven is a lot like our own cities and there are no cars so there's no pollution problem. So ("WE CAN LOOK") maybe we can look forward to a heaven that's very much like Earth ("BUT YET") without some of the big problems.
V: Ummm.
Q: Another thing I remember saying is that I definitely want to go out with my husband, whoever he is, God ("UH-HUH") or ("BELL OR") Bel-Marduk or Michael — ("WHOEVER") I mean it's spirits too. ("SO I NEED YA") I robably had previous incarnations as females. ("AND") It's just so complicated. ("BUT" "WHATEVER" "AS IF") If you see the movie "Martha," you can see how we could definitely be mates. I'm definitely His hosen one and He's definitely my chosen one and I'm using He very loosely. ("SO" "UM") But it's definitely — ("I MEAN") He's definitely a He. ("TOO") So it's really weird. I mean I have recently been reading things. ("BUT") Adam and Eve might have been homosexual.
V: Ummm. ("I MEAN")
Q: Do you think? No. I can't go beyond that. ("BUT ANYWAY") And plus that lecturer at the PRS this weekend ("WAS HE MADE IT") kept saying Moses had a good time. Moses had fun. ("IN HIS RESEARCH HE FAILED TO REACH THIS DECISION") Well, that's good. ("BECAUSE I'M HAV") I am having fun. Not every day. Not every week. But right now I'm having fun. In therapy I'm now having fun. Before I was not having fun in therapy. Trust me. I mean ("I APPREC") she did a lot for me but I just couldn't get past her disbelief. ("SHE WOULD NOT") She did not have an open mind and she was psychic. So there's a definite irony. ("THERE" ([DAVID BOTSFORD] "YEAH CERTAINLY IS")
Q: And, of course, God could have made her realize ("WHAT") that I was who I said I was but I think that this was like a lesson she has to learn. We all have our own lessons in life to learn. ("SO") What's interesting about my surgery on Wednesday even though it's just a little cyst a weekly horoscope that I read recently said, "Do not have any anesthetic." Which is ("UH-HUH") something I didn't want anyway. ("SO IT'S CLEAR") That was just something that reminds me to tell doctors, "Absolutely not — do not inject any local anesthetic" if the question comes up. ("UP") It's such a little cyst I don't think he'll even mention that. ("BUT I — I MEAN") Medicine is really — ("IT'S") let's just say that after people read my book they'll realize that ("WERE") our age is no different at all from the Dark Ages with the cupping glasses and the bees on the ulcerated lesion. ("I MEAN") See the movie "The Devils." It's the same thing.
V: Ummm.
Q: You know. Another Ken Russell movie. It's like ("YES") Ken Russell's films are ("ALL") also very — there are also ("I MEAN LIKE") certain directors are much more — have a lot more symbols and metaphors ("FOR THE") for whatever this is — the second coming or ("WE") however you want to see it as. Of course, the second coming always brings to mind Jesus and I don't mean to do that. ("BUT JUST") God proving Himself. Like the song "One of Us" and everything. ("I MEAN IT'S JUST") God's plan is perfect. ("AND" "IT'S JUST I'M HIS") I just happen to be the one He chose ("TO") to prove Himself. It's like that song ("YOU KNOW") that we were talking about earlier. ("UM") "Dear God." Well, this is His reply. ("WHY") You know? ("OH GEE" "IT'S JUST THAT") It's just being here — it's like — ("CRA") it's just weird. What can I say? ("IT'S LIKE") It was like an ego trip at first. I hate to say it. ("UM-HUH" "UHH") I don't know. ("SO" "I DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER") I can't remember back — well, I can remember Egypt and I can't. ("IT'S SO WEIRD") But I know the Sphinx was really a lion.
Q: That some pharaoh had his face put on the lion. I mean I know that it was a lion. ("UM-HUH" "JUST") Like my astrological sign. Just like the sign on the House of Russell. ("THEY'RE") It's all symptomatic. The publisher for House of Russell was Carpenter and Son. ("I MEAN IT'S") Maybe I'll just transcribe this tape and put it with this edition. ("YES") And then I'll let people read all the tapes in-between in the next book. ("JUST" "TO GET EACH ONE") To get each one explained in more detail. ("BECAUSE I ALSO HAVE TO RE") I only have like the first day of interviews in Oklahoma transcribed to the point where I'm happy with them. And most of everything else was transcribed before I was accustomed to hearing the sounds and/or before I obtained better equipment. I can't really hear the spirit voices clearly enough so it really needs a second draft. So I don't know. There's just so much going on. ("SO MUCH") When you're at the center of the synchronicity, there's a lot going on. There's a lot on your mind.
V: Ummm.
Q: Plus I have to be a good soulmate to my ("YOU KNOW") love, Michael. I mean he definitely wants me to channel love. He wakes me up at four o'clock in the morning to read love poems. I kid you not. Did you have any weird experiences recently? Like waking up in the middle of the night or telephone calls — ("OR") hang-ups? Anything like that?
V: Yeah.
Q: What?
V: Well, both of those. I mean sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night.
Q: And is that normal for you?
V: Well, ("SHHHHHH" "WELL IT'S") it does happen. When I'm more happy about things ("WELL") I tend to sleep better.
Q: Well, all my life I've never had any problems sleeping. Recently — ("AND I STILL") even though I have all this weird stuff happening, I'm totally happy. Well, who wouldn't be happy — ("UMMM") knowing that God is ("THERE") in your life.
V: Ummm.
Q: So I'm totally happy and I have no problem sleeping. ("BUT") All of a sudden there are certain nights ("WHEN" "I WILL") I wake up, like, at four o'clock in the morning with such clarity it's beyond any experience I've ever had. ("BEFORE" "BECAUSE") When I wake up I'm not sleepy. I'm totally clear. ("AND") I can't go back to sleep. So I reach for a book of love poems — ("AND IT'S LIKE") something meant for me to read exactly at that time expressing exactly ("WHAT") God's feelings or Michael's feelings. Or Whatever's feelings ("SSSS") exactly at that moment. So of course I cry and channel love and He channels love. ("I MEAN IT'S" "IT'S JUST LIKE" "IT IS") It's hard to put into words. It's a very emotional ("EMOTIONAL") relationship. He really needs this emotional relationship because people have been ignoring Him for so long. And even when they say they love God they love this Entity that is so beyond comprehension. I mean He really is a God whose emotions are very much like our own. And that's the way we should best understand Him. ("AND THAT'S WHY") That's why — I think that's a much better way of — we were just talking when I — I was worried about this part because I don't know if He'll let it go on the tape or not. ("BUT" "I MEAN") His emotions are very much like ours. So there is some jealousy there. There is a lot of irony and humor. There is ambivalence. There is perversion. Sexual perversion. One of the poems I read recently said "a relationship is nothing without sex." (laughs)
V: (laughs)
Q: Oh God! ("SO") I guess when I masturbate it's like we're having sex.
V: Ummm.
Q: As weird as that may sound. It's weird. And I know. ("YOU KNOW AND IT" "WHAT I DO") Oh well. ("I DON'T KNOW" "SO HELP DIRECT ME") I'd love to remember a scene ("I ALWAYS FELT THAT YOU KNOW I DO" "I WONDER IF I WAS LIVING IN") during biblical times as well, though. I mean I don't. ("NO" "SO HELP ME TRY TO REMEM") What can I do to remember specific scenes and memories? ("I DO SEE A LOT OF EGYPT") I do have this innate recognition of Egyptian symbols. Like when I see cartouches and things like that. ("AND THE SYMBOLS" "IT'S LIKE") Well, first of all, they look very modern. Like modern art. ("YOU KNOW SO") And I love symbols. ("LOOK AT") My Christmas cards ("I") use a lot of symbols. ("SO") There are just so many parallels. So how can I remember — I want to see Egyptian scenes flash in front of my eyes like a movie. (laughs)
V: (laughs) ("I WANT TO SEE")
Q: I want to see spaceships landing next to the pyramids.
V: I wonder what that would look like. ("SPACESHIPS") Landing next to the pyramid. ("YEAH") I wonder if you can see those spaceships landing now?
Q: No, I can't.
V: Do you hear the sound of the spaceships?
Q: No, I tried. I try. ("OH YEAH UH-HUH")
V: Trying can sometimes prevent something to happen.
Q: Exactly. (laughs)
V: Very — (laughs) — interesting and pleasant. ("AND YOU'LL FIND THAT") And you'll find that your breathing's becoming deeper or even hear the sound of my voice.
V: You can be aware of all sorts of pictures and sounds and feelings ("COMING") swirling into your conscious mind. Somewhere in the unconscious. Be aware that all the pictures and sounds and feelings ("GA GA GA GA GA") find their way in. You can be pleased. It's very pleasant. Allow every muscle in your body — relax very deeply. And if you do that ("DEAR") I know it's possible — pay attention to ("SUCK THE BIG FELLOW" "PICTURE" "BEDROOM") the sound. Deeper. Just letting your unconscious mind guide you to — ("ASK HIM TO DO" "PIECE OF WOOD" "RIGHT HAND TOUCHED THE WALL" "HE ONLY HAD IT" "MAKE LOVE TO ME" "JUST YOUR OWN HELL" "DO YOU LOVE ME" "I LOVE YOU" "YOU KNOW I'M A VERY BAD" "HAVE FAITH" "YEAH" "WHO AM I")
Q: It's very hard for me to relax. ("NO") Because I always have so much on my mind. ("I MEAN I") I try to do that and I feel very relaxed but it's just — ("MAYBE" "I — I DON'T KNOW" "I JUST") I try to see images and I'm very relaxed.
Q: Maybe you can ask something — sometimes people saying things leads me to some insight. ("I'M WITH YOU")
Q: I feel relaxed but ("I THINK I'M") I'm hoping that I'll see pictures in my mind. ("AND I") Sometimes I sort of — ("PSSST" "AAH INTUITIVE") like I keep seeing the eye in the pyramid that you see on dollar bills. You see that everywhere — that image everywhere. ("BUT") God's eye in the pyramid.
V: God's eye in a pyramid.
Q: So that's a very important image. I see His eye right now in my mind's eye.
V: Ummm. What color is that eye? ("WHAT")
Q: Just a symbol, I think. ("I — I DON'T") Didn't have any color. I just saw an eye. ("REAL QUICK")
V: And do you find that eye might come back at any second? That eye on the side of the pyramid? ("YOU JUST REMEMBERED IT")
Q: I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" one night and somebody saw an eye appear in the middle of the air around them. I guess this was in England during a famous UFO case. ("SO" "IT'S LIKE I") I guess God can make that eye appear anywhere. ("THEN WHY WOULD HE DO SO IN THE PYRAMID") Maybe the pyramid was some kind of giant movie screen.
V: Ummm. ("HMMM") Giant movie screen? ("NUT!")
Q: We all know that it has the same ("CON") conformation as the Orion galaxy. ("BUT") And of course there was the Orion movie studio. ("THIS IS HARDLY" "BIT" "HOW IT") Seeing how it all fits in is hard. ("BIT" "UMMMMMM") But God is definitely watching us. Just like He was watching Egypt. ("SO") He was watching the Indians. ("AND WHEN HE FELT") When he grew bored with them or ("WHEN HE FELT THAT") they couldn't grow any more He just wiped them off the face of the Earth. Like He did Egypt. ("AND") Well, it's like if we don't get our act together, He's just going to wipe us off the face of the Earth. ("CAUSE HE" "YOU" "YOU KNOW HE") Since He's controlling every little aspect in life He has His ways. ("UH-HUH") Have you been to the dentist recently?
V: Not particular recently.
Q: That's good. Let's just say that ("ONE OF THE") my interviews have been dealing with the possibility of HIV — ("THROUGH") dental cleanings. And my dentist has not called me ("IN OVER") in a year or so. Or more. And he was always very good at calling me. It's possible. In the original Bell Witch case — ("I MEAN" "WHO ARE") even Edgar Cayce. He always knew where medications were. ("BECAUSE HE WAS") He was — ("HE WAS LIKE") he became like a channel.
V: Ummm.
Q: And ("HE") he could tell somebody exactly ("WHAT") where it was that could cure their illness. ("SO" "THESE") Medicine and viruses can be manipulated by God much like the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail which are now amongst my personal collection of artifacts. ("SO") It's just something to think about, I guess. ("BECAUSE") He does seem like an ambivalent God. ("SO I GUESS IT'S LIKE") Whatever emotional truth He sees reflected ("IN HUMAN" "KIND") is what will lead Him to do what ("HE EVER") He does. He might even know what it's going to be already. ("BUT IT'S AGAIN") What's interesting for Him — ("IS THE") experiencing it emotionally. ("AND") Thank goodness. I think the ambivalent part of it — ("IN") regard to me I think we have gone past that and He does really appreciate the love that I have shown and now He wants other people to show that same love. ("IT'S") The same metaphor basically — ("AS") other people coming to Him through Jesus ("WHICH IS DONE ON A") on a contemporary level that people can understand.
V: Ummm.
Q: What do you think?
V: People have come to Jesus is many different ways. ("RIGHT" "ONE WAY IS THROUGH") Reading about Jesus. Another way is about ("HAVING A") spiritual experience. ("OF SOME KIND") I've had a lot of experience working with people who've had unfamiliar interpretations. ("OF") One who ("KEEP ON") saw the face of Jesus. With so many incidents — ("GHOSTLY" "UH-HUH") it's very important to realize that ("E T") things start in your mind. ("CHAIN")
Q: Well, again, it's ("IT'S JUST ACTUALLY") a metaphor story.
V: 'Kay. You already know just how relaxing it can be ("I DO" "LISTEN TO HIM") merely here listening to the sound of my voice. Well, let's see if you can respond to that. ("FINALLY")
Q: Now I'm thinking, "Oh, great. I have Richard the Third putting me under hypnosis." (laughs)
V: (laughs) ("EYAH") I wonder what that will be like. ("UM-HUH" "CALL SHERRY" "BE" "MARK SEEKING THEIR HELP") Just sit in a very comfortable position. ("BE MARTHA") Lying back. Breathing deeper. ("PIN PRICKED ME") Your arms crossed.
Q: I am very relaxed but I want to tell you something else funny I remember. ("UH-HUH") My brother told me — I was saying ("YEAH") about my pseudonym Mark Russell Bell — ("THAT I WOULD TALK") one of the spirits said, "MARDUK WILL LIVE IN OKLAHOMA NEXT YEAR." ("AS I WAS SAYING" "YOU KNOW") We were talking and he said, "Well maybe you should change your name to Marduk Russell Bell."
Q: What do you think about that? ("WELL I THINK RUSSELL IS BAD") Is that a little too flaky?
V: That's alright. ("NO IDEA") I wonder what impression that gives. When you say the word Marduk who do you see?
Q: I see my medallion with the god (Amun-)Ra or Bel-Marduk on it. I really do feel like I'm the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk. I really do feel like I was in the pyramid. I have memories of being inside the Great Pyramid.
V: What are those memories like? What was it like inside the Great Pyramid? ("IT'S")
Q: It's really more of just — there have been other times when I've been within cement chambers and ("YOU KNOW") dark places. ("NO" "AND I JUST THINK") I just feel like I have a déjà vu feeling ("LIKE" "EECH") like I was trapped in the Great Pyramid for a period.
V: And what was it like inside there? ("NO")
Q: Very dark and very — ("NOT") not totally quiet, I think. ("I THINK") I don't know. ("WAY I THINK") I get a feeling like it isn't quiet. It wasn't a quiet place.
V: I wonder what you could hear in there. ("SPACEPORT")
Q: Yeah, really. I wonder what Napoleon heard in there. ("I KNOW" "THAT I JUST IT'S JUST A SENSAT") I'll bring my medallion in next week to show you, if I remember.
V: Ummm.
Q: I also had it photographed so if my photos are ready — ("UH-HUH" "OOOHHHH" "PRICK" "UH" "OH" "I KNOW" "COMMISH" "DO YOU LIKE ON THE GREAT DREAM") you see, I don't know if I — I can't be sure. I said ("THIS IS") this is an impression. I don't have any distinct memories. And I've always loved Egypt. I've always been fascinated by Egypt. Like most people. ("BUT I GUESS") I guess, though, we all have some previous incarnation in Egypt at some point because it was five 5,000 years of man's history. So the odds are that ("IF") if there is reincarnation and if the spirit survives after death ("THAT") that there would have to be a time when we lived in Egypt because it just doesn't seem thinkable that a spirit would have nothing to do for 5,000 years. ("SO") And if I use "transcribed by Mark Russell Bell" or "Marduk Russell Bell" it completes a cycle began with Bel-Marduk. I guess. So I don't have any conscious memory of that. ("MAYBE IT'S SUB") And plus the spirits at one point said — it was when I was having dinner with ("MARDUK") some Russians, ("MIKE") Inna and ("ONE OF THE") my brother's client. We were talking about reincarnation and one of the spirits was saying, "ARE YOU SURE?" — ("MEANING") 'You can't remember?' "ARE YOU SURE?" And I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I have various impressions. ("NOW IT'S") Very bizarre. ("I DON'T" "LIKE") But when I went to see that movie "Stargate" I was just bored. And that was about the god Ra but they treated him like some kind of malevolent alien. But interesting plot concepts came to mind that they didn't show in the movie. For example, at the end — did you see that movie?
V: No.
Q: Well at the end they kill the alien. But this is right after one of the heroes goes to this weird machine to heal himself. And I was thinking as I watched the scene, "You idiot. ("UM") The god Ra is encoding himself in your DNA. ("SO") You think you killed him. ("BUT") You're turning into him." So that was a very strange thought to have after seeing the movie . I don't know ("IF THEY EVEN") if the screenwriters had that idea. So that was sort of scary. That thought ("COMING UP") coming into — popping into my head. Isn't that weird?
V: Ummm. ("SO I DON'T KNOW")
Q: Actually, I would love that director to direct my screenplay of "To Live Again" even though I don't really like his movies. ("I THINK") I think he's becoming a better director so he can finally do something with a little bit of sophistication and intelligence to it. Does that sound rude?
V: (laughs)
Q: I don't care. ("YEAH") I don't know. I'm trying to think who are the directors I like for my projects. Oh, I don't care. ("I DO") The one person I've decided I would like to direct my serial killer black comedy "Brides" is Quentin Tarantino. I think he would be very good for that. I don't know if he directs other people's scripts, though. Maybe he'll make an exception in my case. I'd also love to work with Bob Altman even though I made a terrible impression on him over the weekend. ("TELL HIM WHAT YOU SAID") What? ("BELL") I think that line about — ("YOU KNOW UM") when I said to him that "I'm the Geraldine Chaplin of this event."
V: (small laugh) ("CIAO BELLA" "I MEAN THAT'S")
Q: That's something he'll remember. (BRAYING)
V: Certainly. ("OF COURSE")
Q: I was very sneaky. I don't know. But at the time I wanted his thoughts for my book. ("SO") I was being sneaky. I admit it. What's wrong with that?
V: Ummm.
Q: I want my book to be read by as many people as possible regardless of what any spirit has to say.
V: Of course. ("OHHHHHH" "IT'S A DULL MARKET")
Q: I'm trying to remember — ("I WOULD SEE") but I had a weird — like that plot idea that came into my mind — that's weird, isn't it? ("I JUST DON'T KNOW I MEAN") Am I a god or am I a human? Well, I think we're each Gods ("TAKING") taking human form. ("SO") By saying I'm the reincarnation ("OF THE") of the god (Amun-)Ra, I'm just saying that we're all gods reincarnated and in human form. But in my case there definitely might be something of a father/son relationship because everywhere I go there are words like 'son' — for example, the party I went to yesterday ("WAS ON") was Curson. That was the name of the building or street. Curson. ("UM-HUH") So — and plus I guess 'curs(e).' (laughs) ("ARE YOU ALRIGHT" "BUT I") I don't know. It's just — ("CONSTANTLY I SEE" "LIKE") like the name Anderson ("UM-HUH") has 'son' in it. ("AND I JUST — I JUST CAN SEE AND — AND PA") And 'papa' and 'father' and 'dad' are things I run into all the time in various ways. ("SO") It's just weird — ("BE" "YOU KNOW FILLING OF") Fulfilling all the prophecies for Mabus, which is an anagram of MArk rUSsell Bell or MArduk rUSsell Bell —
V: Um-huh.
Q: — and also for the Son of Man. And also ("YOU KNOW") in terms of what usually they'll attribute to the man in the iron mask, that really is me in terms of living across from the Angelus Temple and the Episcopalian Center. ("AND BEING A") Being a twin and everything. And seeing the — ("UH YOU KNOW") — on Christmas at daybreak I saw the dove ("YOU KNOW") cloud formation in the sky. ("SO") Mabus. Son of Man. The Antichrist. Bel-Marduk. It's like I'm all these entities rolled into one. But I'm nice. I definitely am close to the symbol ("OF") of Jesus. I hope. I try to be nice and ("YOU KNOW") volunteer for APLA and give money to homeless people. (sighs) What else do I do? ("UH-HUH") I don't know. ("I") I try to always be honest. Even if I don't know what the right solution is. ("I MEAN") I do read the morning newspaper. You don't know what the solution is to these problems, I mean. ("BUT") Everyone has their own opinion. So people should allow people to have their own opinion.
V: Ummm. ("I MEAN")
Q: Well, I don't know. I think what I'll do ("FOR THIS") before I give this book to Sherry is to try to transcribe one more recent tape just to give an overview of all the taped material I haven't transcribed yet. I say such wonderful, ("LET'S SEE") controversial opinions like everyone ("YOU KNOW WHO") concerned with the budget that has not ("YOU KNOW") passed on schedule should not be voted into office again. Was that what I said during our last therapy session? Or was that some time else? ("OH NO I THINK THAT WAS WHEN I WAS" "CORRECT") That was a morning ("ONCE") — one of my morning tirades, I think. But it makes sense, doesn't it? I mean they did betray the trust of the American people. ("SO") What other controversial opinions have I been saying? I don't know. ("LIKE I DON'T KNOW" "PEOPLE AREN'T GONNA") People aren't going to read — I mean you've realized that I do fit all of these prophecies because you've seen House of Russell and you know my mother's maiden name was King. And I have a twin. I showed you a picture of my twin brother. ("AND") Mabus is an anagram for Mark Russell Bell.
V: Ummm. ("NO")
Q: I fulfill all the prophecies. ("SO") If the Son of Man is going to be hosting Judgement Day I guess I'm it but we don't really know what that is in terms of metaphor or actuality. ("UH-HUH") So it's weird. And, recently, at that lecture they were talking about Judgement Day being possibly the Big Bang. "HERE'S SUCH") That's a comforting thought.
V: (small laugh) ("NO")
Q: But it will make my job a lot less difficult.
V: (laughs)
Q: Instead of judging each person on a one-to-one, ("BASIS") which is not something I would want to do. ("I'M NOT") I don't mean judge but I mean be like their advocate which is — ("WHAT IF") I think when you think of Jesus (GALLOPING) returning as Son of Man you think of him as being like the defense attorney for each individual person.
V: Um-huh.
Q: At least, that's what I always thought. ("WHETHER") And that's sort of ludicrous because God is the only one who can judge anybody. ("SO") The Big Bang is a ("MUCH") more sensible version of Judgement Day. ("BUT" "IT") My book is all about the fact that science is not the best way of looking at things. So in my heart I don't think ("THAT") the Big Bang is Judgement Day. ("I THINK") I think it's a much more loving experience. In fact, at the party, ("I WAS YOU KNOW") two of my friends ("SAID THAT") — there are people who returned to them riding bicycles. So that's a wonderful sign because it infers that heaven is a lot like our own cities and there are no cars so there's no pollution problem. So ("WE CAN LOOK") maybe we can look forward to a heaven that's very much like Earth ("BUT YET") without some of the big problems.
V: Ummm.
Q: Another thing I remember saying is that I definitely want to go out with my husband, whoever he is, God ("UH-HUH") or ("BELL OR") Bel-Marduk or Michael — ("WHOEVER") I mean it's spirits too. ("SO I NEED YA") I robably had previous incarnations as females. ("AND") It's just so complicated. ("BUT" "WHATEVER" "AS IF") If you see the movie "Martha," you can see how we could definitely be mates. I'm definitely His hosen one and He's definitely my chosen one and I'm using He very loosely. ("SO" "UM") But it's definitely — ("I MEAN") He's definitely a He. ("TOO") So it's really weird. I mean I have recently been reading things. ("BUT") Adam and Eve might have been homosexual.
V: Ummm. ("I MEAN")
Q: Do you think? No. I can't go beyond that. ("BUT ANYWAY") And plus that lecturer at the PRS this weekend ("WAS HE MADE IT") kept saying Moses had a good time. Moses had fun. ("IN HIS RESEARCH HE FAILED TO REACH THIS DECISION") Well, that's good. ("BECAUSE I'M HAV") I am having fun. Not every day. Not every week. But right now I'm having fun. In therapy I'm now having fun. Before I was not having fun in therapy. Trust me. I mean ("I APPREC") she did a lot for me but I just couldn't get past her disbelief. ("SHE WOULD NOT") She did not have an open mind and she was psychic. So there's a definite irony. ("THERE" ([DAVID BOTSFORD] "YEAH CERTAINLY IS")
Q: And, of course, God could have made her realize ("WHAT") that I was who I said I was but I think that this was like a lesson she has to learn. We all have our own lessons in life to learn. ("SO") What's interesting about my surgery on Wednesday even though it's just a little cyst a weekly horoscope that I read recently said, "Do not have any anesthetic." Which is ("UH-HUH") something I didn't want anyway. ("SO IT'S CLEAR") That was just something that reminds me to tell doctors, "Absolutely not — do not inject any local anesthetic" if the question comes up. ("UP") It's such a little cyst I don't think he'll even mention that. ("BUT I — I MEAN") Medicine is really — ("IT'S") let's just say that after people read my book they'll realize that ("WERE") our age is no different at all from the Dark Ages with the cupping glasses and the bees on the ulcerated lesion. ("I MEAN") See the movie "The Devils." It's the same thing.
V: Ummm.
Q: You know. Another Ken Russell movie. It's like ("YES") Ken Russell's films are ("ALL") also very — there are also ("I MEAN LIKE") certain directors are much more — have a lot more symbols and metaphors ("FOR THE") for whatever this is — the second coming or ("WE") however you want to see it as. Of course, the second coming always brings to mind Jesus and I don't mean to do that. ("BUT JUST") God proving Himself. Like the song "One of Us" and everything. ("I MEAN IT'S JUST") God's plan is perfect. ("AND" "IT'S JUST I'M HIS") I just happen to be the one He chose ("TO") to prove Himself. It's like that song ("YOU KNOW") that we were talking about earlier. ("UM") "Dear God." Well, this is His reply. ("WHY") You know? ("OH GEE" "IT'S JUST THAT") It's just being here — it's like — ("CRA") it's just weird. What can I say? ("IT'S LIKE") It was like an ego trip at first. I hate to say it. ("UM-HUH" "UHH") I don't know. ("SO" "I DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER") I can't remember back — well, I can remember Egypt and I can't. ("IT'S SO WEIRD") But I know the Sphinx was really a lion.
Q: That some pharaoh had his face put on the lion. I mean I know that it was a lion. ("UM-HUH" "JUST") Like my astrological sign. Just like the sign on the House of Russell. ("THEY'RE") It's all symptomatic. The publisher for House of Russell was Carpenter and Son. ("I MEAN IT'S") Maybe I'll just transcribe this tape and put it with this edition. ("YES") And then I'll let people read all the tapes in-between in the next book. ("JUST" "TO GET EACH ONE") To get each one explained in more detail. ("BECAUSE I ALSO HAVE TO RE") I only have like the first day of interviews in Oklahoma transcribed to the point where I'm happy with them. And most of everything else was transcribed before I was accustomed to hearing the sounds and/or before I obtained better equipment. I can't really hear the spirit voices clearly enough so it really needs a second draft. So I don't know. There's just so much going on. ("SO MUCH") When you're at the center of the synchronicity, there's a lot going on. There's a lot on your mind.
V: Ummm.
Q: Plus I have to be a good soulmate to my ("YOU KNOW") love, Michael. I mean he definitely wants me to channel love. He wakes me up at four o'clock in the morning to read love poems. I kid you not. Did you have any weird experiences recently? Like waking up in the middle of the night or telephone calls — ("OR") hang-ups? Anything like that?
V: Yeah.
Q: What?
V: Well, both of those. I mean sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night.
Q: And is that normal for you?
V: Well, ("SHHHHHH" "WELL IT'S") it does happen. When I'm more happy about things ("WELL") I tend to sleep better.
Q: Well, all my life I've never had any problems sleeping. Recently — ("AND I STILL") even though I have all this weird stuff happening, I'm totally happy. Well, who wouldn't be happy — ("UMMM") knowing that God is ("THERE") in your life.
V: Ummm.
Q: So I'm totally happy and I have no problem sleeping. ("BUT") All of a sudden there are certain nights ("WHEN" "I WILL") I wake up, like, at four o'clock in the morning with such clarity it's beyond any experience I've ever had. ("BEFORE" "BECAUSE") When I wake up I'm not sleepy. I'm totally clear. ("AND") I can't go back to sleep. So I reach for a book of love poems — ("AND IT'S LIKE") something meant for me to read exactly at that time expressing exactly ("WHAT") God's feelings or Michael's feelings. Or Whatever's feelings ("SSSS") exactly at that moment. So of course I cry and channel love and He channels love. ("I MEAN IT'S" "IT'S JUST LIKE" "IT IS") It's hard to put into words. It's a very emotional ("EMOTIONAL") relationship. He really needs this emotional relationship because people have been ignoring Him for so long. And even when they say they love God they love this Entity that is so beyond comprehension. I mean He really is a God whose emotions are very much like our own. And that's the way we should best understand Him. ("AND THAT'S WHY") That's why — I think that's a much better way of — we were just talking when I — I was worried about this part because I don't know if He'll let it go on the tape or not. ("BUT" "I MEAN") His emotions are very much like ours. So there is some jealousy there. There is a lot of irony and humor. There is ambivalence. There is perversion. Sexual perversion. One of the poems I read recently said "a relationship is nothing without sex." (laughs)
V: (laughs)
Q: Oh God! ("SO") I guess when I masturbate it's like we're having sex.
V: Ummm.
Q: As weird as that may sound. It's weird. And I know. ("YOU KNOW AND IT" "WHAT I DO") Oh well. ("I DON'T KNOW" "SO HELP DIRECT ME") I'd love to remember a scene ("I ALWAYS FELT THAT YOU KNOW I DO" "I WONDER IF I WAS LIVING IN") during biblical times as well, though. I mean I don't. ("NO" "SO HELP ME TRY TO REMEM") What can I do to remember specific scenes and memories? ("I DO SEE A LOT OF EGYPT") I do have this innate recognition of Egyptian symbols. Like when I see cartouches and things like that. ("AND THE SYMBOLS" "IT'S LIKE") Well, first of all, they look very modern. Like modern art. ("YOU KNOW SO") And I love symbols. ("LOOK AT") My Christmas cards ("I") use a lot of symbols. ("SO") There are just so many parallels. So how can I remember — I want to see Egyptian scenes flash in front of my eyes like a movie. (laughs)
V: (laughs) ("I WANT TO SEE")
Q: I want to see spaceships landing next to the pyramids.
V: I wonder what that would look like. ("SPACESHIPS") Landing next to the pyramid. ("YEAH") I wonder if you can see those spaceships landing now?
Q: No, I can't.
V: Do you hear the sound of the spaceships?
Q: No, I tried. I try. ("OH YEAH UH-HUH")
V: Trying can sometimes prevent something to happen.
Q: Exactly. (laughs)
V: Very — (laughs) — interesting and pleasant. ("AND YOU'LL FIND THAT") And you'll find that your breathing's becoming deeper or even hear the sound of my voice.
V: You can be aware of all sorts of pictures and sounds and feelings ("COMING") swirling into your conscious mind. Somewhere in the unconscious. Be aware that all the pictures and sounds and feelings ("GA GA GA GA GA") find their way in. You can be pleased. It's very pleasant. Allow every muscle in your body — relax very deeply. And if you do that ("DEAR") I know it's possible — pay attention to ("SUCK THE BIG FELLOW" "PICTURE" "BEDROOM") the sound. Deeper. Just letting your unconscious mind guide you to — ("ASK HIM TO DO" "PIECE OF WOOD" "RIGHT HAND TOUCHED THE WALL" "HE ONLY HAD IT" "MAKE LOVE TO ME" "JUST YOUR OWN HELL" "DO YOU LOVE ME" "I LOVE YOU" "YOU KNOW I'M A VERY BAD" "HAVE FAITH" "YEAH" "WHO AM I")
Q: It's very hard for me to relax. ("NO") Because I always have so much on my mind. ("I MEAN I") I try to do that and I feel very relaxed but it's just — ("MAYBE" "I — I DON'T KNOW" "I JUST") I try to see images and I'm very relaxed.
Q: Maybe you can ask something — sometimes people saying things leads me to some insight. ("I'M WITH YOU")
Q: I feel relaxed but ("I THINK I'M") I'm hoping that I'll see pictures in my mind. ("AND I") Sometimes I sort of — ("PSSST" "AAH INTUITIVE") like I keep seeing the eye in the pyramid that you see on dollar bills. You see that everywhere — that image everywhere. ("BUT") God's eye in the pyramid.
V: God's eye in a pyramid.
Q: So that's a very important image. I see His eye right now in my mind's eye.
V: Ummm. What color is that eye? ("WHAT")
Q: Just a symbol, I think. ("I — I DON'T") Didn't have any color. I just saw an eye. ("REAL QUICK")
V: And do you find that eye might come back at any second? That eye on the side of the pyramid? ("YOU JUST REMEMBERED IT")
Q: I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" one night and somebody saw an eye appear in the middle of the air around them. I guess this was in England during a famous UFO case. ("SO" "IT'S LIKE I") I guess God can make that eye appear anywhere. ("THEN WHY WOULD HE DO SO IN THE PYRAMID") Maybe the pyramid was some kind of giant movie screen.
V: Ummm. ("HMMM") Giant movie screen? ("NUT!")
Q: We all know that it has the same ("CON") conformation as the Orion galaxy. ("BUT") And of course there was the Orion movie studio. ("THIS IS HARDLY" "BIT" "HOW IT") Seeing how it all fits in is hard. ("BIT" "UMMMMMM") But God is definitely watching us. Just like He was watching Egypt. ("SO") He was watching the Indians. ("AND WHEN HE FELT") When he grew bored with them or ("WHEN HE FELT THAT") they couldn't grow any more He just wiped them off the face of the Earth. Like He did Egypt. ("AND") Well, it's like if we don't get our act together, He's just going to wipe us off the face of the Earth. ("CAUSE HE" "YOU" "YOU KNOW HE") Since He's controlling every little aspect in life He has His ways. ("UH-HUH") Have you been to the dentist recently?
V: Not particular recently.
Q: That's good. Let's just say that ("ONE OF THE") my interviews have been dealing with the possibility of HIV — ("THROUGH") dental cleanings. And my dentist has not called me ("IN OVER") in a year or so. Or more. And he was always very good at calling me. It's possible. In the original Bell Witch case — ("I MEAN" "WHO ARE") even Edgar Cayce. He always knew where medications were. ("BECAUSE HE WAS") He was — ("HE WAS LIKE") he became like a channel.
V: Ummm.
Q: And ("HE") he could tell somebody exactly ("WHAT") where it was that could cure their illness. ("SO" "THESE") Medicine and viruses can be manipulated by God much like the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail which are now amongst my personal collection of artifacts. ("SO") It's just something to think about, I guess. ("BECAUSE") He does seem like an ambivalent God. ("SO I GUESS IT'S LIKE") Whatever emotional truth He sees reflected ("IN HUMAN" "KIND") is what will lead Him to do what ("HE EVER") He does. He might even know what it's going to be already. ("BUT IT'S AGAIN") What's interesting for Him — ("IS THE") experiencing it emotionally. ("AND") Thank goodness. I think the ambivalent part of it — ("IN") regard to me I think we have gone past that and He does really appreciate the love that I have shown and now He wants other people to show that same love. ("IT'S") The same metaphor basically — ("AS") other people coming to Him through Jesus ("WHICH IS DONE ON A") on a contemporary level that people can understand.
V: Ummm.
Q: What do you think?
V: People have come to Jesus is many different ways. ("RIGHT" "ONE WAY IS THROUGH") Reading about Jesus. Another way is about ("HAVING A") spiritual experience. ("OF SOME KIND") I've had a lot of experience working with people who've had unfamiliar interpretations. ("OF") One who ("KEEP ON") saw the face of Jesus. With so many incidents — ("GHOSTLY" "UH-HUH") it's very important to realize that ("E T") things start in your mind. ("CHAIN")
Q: Well, again, it's ("IT'S JUST ACTUALLY") a metaphor story.