Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: Sue Levy (friend in California)
Q: So I’m talking to Don Levy’s wife, Sue, who I haven’t seen or ran into in a while. And we have something in common — loved ones who work too much (“IN HO”) in the Hollywood star system or movie system.
S: They mean well, I think. I don’t want to say anything negative about it but, boy, I think it sucks you in and you can’t stop if you’re a perfectionist.
Q: Exactly. It’s a sickness like any other sickness. Like alcoholism, (“YOU KNOW”) sex-aholics — whatever.
S: Whatever.
Q: Drug abusers.
S: Uh-oh.
Q: It’s a different kind of sickness.
S: There goes my son. I’ve got to get him. Mark, he’s in — (small laugh) (“AA”) This is my life.
Q: I’ll hold.
S: Hang on. (“OKAY”)
( . . . )
S: . . . back. (“UH-HUH”) Are you there?
Q: Yeah. What happened with your son?
S: Brian was in the bathroom. He needed some help and the baby is crawling around here.
Q: Oh my goodness. You have your “WO”) work cut out for you.
S: I do. (“VV” “THEY JUST”) You know — they need you. So (“WE HAVE”) you just have to go — oh, honey, look out for him. (“OOPS”) The nine-month-old is crawling around.
Q: People don’t understand how difficult it is raising children.
S: It’s a lot of work, Mark. It’s the most wonderful work you’ll ever do but it’s really intense and two is very different than one.
Q: Exactly.
S: With one you can take a break. (“YOU KNOW IF”) If the baby goes to sleep, you can have a little break but when you have two it’s non-stop because they just need you. They’re at ages where they just need their parents. (“THAT’S ONE OF”)
Q: That’s one of — something I found myself saying in one of my interviews is that it’s almost like a punishment by God, raising small children (“WELL”) because it’s so difficult.
S: It’s very hard but you know something? If you do the work now I am a firm believer —
Q: Yes.
S: He’s heading to the cat litter. Don’t you — (“HEY YOU LIKE THAT”) you think that’s an interesting-looking thing, don’t you? (“BOO BOO”) He’s going over to the toilet — very, very interesting.
Q: Yeah — do your work now and you avoid it later on.
S: Do your work now and you’re consistent and you’re there. You will be paid back (“MILLION”) a million times over.
Q: I agree. (“AND I”) You have to be there. (“YES YOU DO”) There are parents who work and give their kids over to childcare centers. Can you imagine?
S: I feel for them. Some people should work I think. (“YOU KNOW”) I don’t think some people can handle it.
Q: You know what? Then, they should put their kids up for adoption. (“I KNOW”) There’s nothing wrong with that.
S: I don’t know. It’s finding a balance. Some people shouldn’t even have kids. I wish it wasn’t so easy to get pregnant.
Q: Well, I know you had a career. (“WHAT”) So you just put your career on hold?
S: I hated what I was doing so it didn’t really matter. Thank God, Don made enough (“WOR”) money. (“BUT TH”) These are the most valuable years that you can (“EXACTLY”) invest in your kids. I couldn’t give my kids away to somebody. I couldn’t do it. (“RIGHT” “NOT MY” “COULDN’T”) I mean some people have different situations. (“YOU KNOW”) I think —(“YOU HAVE TO LOOK”) every situation. But don’t do the work now — (“YOU’RE GONNA”) paying for it the rest of your life.
Q: Exactly. (“GUILT”) I agree.
S: I don’t know.
Q: No one really knows anything. (“I KNOW” “BUT WE JUST”) But we know in our gut.
S: We speak from our experience and sometimes you just try things. (SEE IF” “WORK”) (small laugh) But I love these guys.
Q: I’ll let you get back to the kids but you might have Don call me. I haven’t spoken to him in ages. I wanted to find out if anything ever happened with the ‘Chucky’ project because I know he spoke to Sherry Lansing about it way back when. I also wanted to tell him about my new project. Let’s just say I’ve had major supernatural phenomena in my life.
S: (gasps) Really?
Q: Yeah. So my book is about Hollywood and about supernatural phenomena. (“COOL”) And how the two go hand in hand. Every movie that was ever made is a miracle, it turns out.
S: My God.
Q: Right.
S: What happened? Do you want to talk about it?
Q: Well, see, Don knows because I gave him my script about The Bell Witch to read. A poltergeist. Did he ever mention that to you?
S: No.
Q: Well, (“YOU KNOW WHEN”) he was reading scripts at the time so I gave him a few of mine to read. I gave him “Wild Woman” about the female dwarf bigfoot. And another one of them was about The Bell Witch. Well, it turns out that there was this family in Oklahoma that had a talking poltergeist similar to The Bell Witch living with them so I went to interview them. I ended up getting the rights to telling their life story. It turns out (“THAT”) their family was named Bell too.
S: Wow.
Q: And, (“IT”) basically, the Entity’s name was ‘Michael’ as in archangel Michael —
S: (gasps)
Q: — and He was in my life all this time and I didn’t realize it.
S: My God.
Q: And, apparently, I’m a Bel too. I mean He basically revealed all the secrets of life to me.
S: Oh my — (laughs)
Q: Can you believe it?
S: (gasps) Oh boy.
Q: So it turns out I’m not a member of the Bell family, which is what I thought at first. I’m the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk, an Egyptian.
S: My God.
Q: Can you believe this? (“THIS WITCH”) It’s more way out than any science fiction or horror film ever made.
S: Oh, I can believe in it. I believe in all that stuff. I think it’s just there. If you are in touch (“UH-HUH”) with yourself and everything else, it will appear to you. When you’re ready to get it. (“WELL”)
Q: It’s done everything except appear to me. I have never seen the Entity. He does talk in my interview tapes. When I listen to them later on He’ll make brief statements. Like one of the things He said was —
S: You hear his voice? (“I”)
Q: Different voices. It’s like the Messages From Michael books. There’s different voices. (“OH MY” “RIGHT”) He’s an amassing of spirits.
S: Oh my God.
Q: Right.
S: Wow.
Q: So the last — (“THE MES”) the reason why I’m calling is because the last message I heard was “CALL SHERRY, DON AND BARRY.”
S: Oh my gosh.
Q: So I’ve already written to Sherry Lansing. (“I HAD”) I didn’t think of calling Barry London but I guess I will. And Don.
S: Wow. Or Barry Diller.
Q: Oh really?
S: I don’t know. I don’t know. He’s a Barry.
Q: Where did that thought come from?
S: I don’t know. Just a Barry? I don’t know. I just think of Barry Diller. I don’t know why.
Q: Isn’t that funny?
S: I don’t know.
Q: That’s a perfect example of the Entity channeling through — what you just did.
S: I just — my mind goes a hundred miles an hour.
Q: Exactly. You were channeling Mighael.
S: Bing bing bing bang. (“SO IT’S NOT”) Comes right through.
Q: You just revealed to me that I’m not supposed to call Barry London. I’m supposed to call Barry Diller about my project.
S: It was just an idea. I don’t know. It came off the top of my head. I don’t know. (“WELL”)
Q: This is what my book is about. My Entity speaks to me through the subconscious minds of others.
S: (small scream — laughs)
Q: Can you believe it? I know. It’s wild.
S: I love it.
Q: I know it. Anyway, you can tell I have a quite interesting story to tell.
S: Oh, I can imagine.
Q: And, plus, my pseudonym is Mark Russell Bell. It turns out that’s Mabus, an anagram that Nostradamus wrote about.
S: Oh God.
Q: Can you believe this?
S: Oooohhh boy.
Q: Yeah. (“SO ANYWAY” “BB-BUB”)
S: Bb—bub’s climbing in the —
Q: Okay. Okay.
S: — you were climbing in the fireplace.
Q: Yeah, have Don call me.
S: Grab him. (“HAVE CALL”)
Q: Have Don call me. By the way, what Paramount film is he working on? Or which one did he work on last?
S: I don’t even remember.
Q: Wasn’t it “The Saint”?
S: No.
Q: No. That was filmed in Russia.
S: “The Trigger Effect.” No, wait a second. “The Trigger Effect”? The one he just worked on?
Q: Maybe that wasn’t Paramount. Okay.
S: Oh, Paramount you said. I’m sorry. (“GENER”) It wasn’t “. . . Generations”? (“YEAH IT WAS”)
Q: But that might — oh, that was the last Paramount film he worked on — “Star Trek Generations”?
S: The last Paramount one he did.
Q: Oh, okay . . . thank you.
S: Thanks for checking in. I’ll have him give you a buzz.
Q: Okay.
S: I don’t know when he’s going to come in. He said he was trying to get a flight out tonight.
Q: Oh good. I hope he does. (“HE DOES TOO”)
S: Alrighty. Thanks. Bye.
Q: Okay. Thank-you. (“GOOD-BYE”)
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I just got off the phone with David Botsford, my hypnotherapist. I brought him up to date and confirmed our appointment for Monday, (“YEAH”) which is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. (“YEAH”) I had told him I wanted to come in every other week but for some reason I was scheduled to come in the following week so I told him it was probably the Entity channeling through them to give me a quicker appointment for His reasons. (“SSS”) I guess He wants to make sure I’m able to articulate things and it’s good to release tension because so much is going on. I mean if I give myself too much time to think about these things I just begin questioning and wondering what it all means and what is God’s plan ultimately for me? Is it something nice or is it something bad because, being a symbol, it’s very hard — oh, it’s just so weird. I keep reminding myself that God is love but I guess no matter how many times I say that, I myself can’t forgive (“YOU KNOW”) some of the things I see in people generally. (“SO”) It’s very hard (“TO CON”) to consider an Entity that truly will forgive every one for their sins because in our human consciousness we just don’t see that as a possibility (“BECAUSE WE JUST”) from what we’ve experienced here on Earth, our little hell. So one of the things I told him too was in follow-up to what I told him about “the three become one,” which was one of the famous prophecies of Nostradamus — I said, “Well, it also has a second meaning in terms of the Holy Trinity. God as the Holy Ghost channels through the Son.” So there are many different interpretations of “The three become one.” And I manifest all of them, I guess. So I see I’m coming to the end of a tape side. Just (“TTT”) while letting the side run out, it makes me uncomfortable how much transcribing I have to do. I mean it’s like every day I have another tape. I can’t possibly transcribe them in pace with recording them. So, eventually, I’m going to have to turn them over to someone to work on. I don’t mean to pass the buck. I don’t even know if anyone can work on them. But I guess after my book comes out that’s something that I’m going to have to pay attention to because it’s like I can’t even hear for certain most of the time. Sometimes, it takes me two or three playbacks before I have any inkling. Sometimes, they might even be wrong so it’s very uncomfortable being in this position. Once in a while, very important truths come out. And I don’t even know if they’re right but I just try to go with my gut instinct such as when one of the voices sounded like it was saying I was supposed to call Sherry, Don and Barry. So that’s what I’m going to do. Of course, if a message were to say, ‘Assassinate the President’ or something, I wouldn’t do it. I mean you always have to go with your instincts on this. So I would never go against any of God’s commandments. (“SSS” “YOU KNOW”) In my heart I could just not do that. So it’s very interesting. I don’t really know what else to say at this point except really what I should do right now is go out and buy another poetry book. That’s what really gives me some release (“SSS”) — being able to release my feelings through beautiful expressions of love. And so I think maybe I’ll find an excuse to do that. Because I think that’s really important right now. I wish Mighael would say something here. (“OH WHAT THE FUCK”)
Q: So I’m talking to Don Levy’s wife, Sue, who I haven’t seen or ran into in a while. And we have something in common — loved ones who work too much (“IN HO”) in the Hollywood star system or movie system.
S: They mean well, I think. I don’t want to say anything negative about it but, boy, I think it sucks you in and you can’t stop if you’re a perfectionist.
Q: Exactly. It’s a sickness like any other sickness. Like alcoholism, (“YOU KNOW”) sex-aholics — whatever.
S: Whatever.
Q: Drug abusers.
S: Uh-oh.
Q: It’s a different kind of sickness.
S: There goes my son. I’ve got to get him. Mark, he’s in — (small laugh) (“AA”) This is my life.
Q: I’ll hold.
S: Hang on. (“OKAY”)
( . . . )
S: . . . back. (“UH-HUH”) Are you there?
Q: Yeah. What happened with your son?
S: Brian was in the bathroom. He needed some help and the baby is crawling around here.
Q: Oh my goodness. You have your “WO”) work cut out for you.
S: I do. (“VV” “THEY JUST”) You know — they need you. So (“WE HAVE”) you just have to go — oh, honey, look out for him. (“OOPS”) The nine-month-old is crawling around.
Q: People don’t understand how difficult it is raising children.
S: It’s a lot of work, Mark. It’s the most wonderful work you’ll ever do but it’s really intense and two is very different than one.
Q: Exactly.
S: With one you can take a break. (“YOU KNOW IF”) If the baby goes to sleep, you can have a little break but when you have two it’s non-stop because they just need you. They’re at ages where they just need their parents. (“THAT’S ONE OF”)
Q: That’s one of — something I found myself saying in one of my interviews is that it’s almost like a punishment by God, raising small children (“WELL”) because it’s so difficult.
S: It’s very hard but you know something? If you do the work now I am a firm believer —
Q: Yes.
S: He’s heading to the cat litter. Don’t you — (“HEY YOU LIKE THAT”) you think that’s an interesting-looking thing, don’t you? (“BOO BOO”) He’s going over to the toilet — very, very interesting.
Q: Yeah — do your work now and you avoid it later on.
S: Do your work now and you’re consistent and you’re there. You will be paid back (“MILLION”) a million times over.
Q: I agree. (“AND I”) You have to be there. (“YES YOU DO”) There are parents who work and give their kids over to childcare centers. Can you imagine?
S: I feel for them. Some people should work I think. (“YOU KNOW”) I don’t think some people can handle it.
Q: You know what? Then, they should put their kids up for adoption. (“I KNOW”) There’s nothing wrong with that.
S: I don’t know. It’s finding a balance. Some people shouldn’t even have kids. I wish it wasn’t so easy to get pregnant.
Q: Well, I know you had a career. (“WHAT”) So you just put your career on hold?
S: I hated what I was doing so it didn’t really matter. Thank God, Don made enough (“WOR”) money. (“BUT TH”) These are the most valuable years that you can (“EXACTLY”) invest in your kids. I couldn’t give my kids away to somebody. I couldn’t do it. (“RIGHT” “NOT MY” “COULDN’T”) I mean some people have different situations. (“YOU KNOW”) I think —(“YOU HAVE TO LOOK”) every situation. But don’t do the work now — (“YOU’RE GONNA”) paying for it the rest of your life.
Q: Exactly. (“GUILT”) I agree.
S: I don’t know.
Q: No one really knows anything. (“I KNOW” “BUT WE JUST”) But we know in our gut.
S: We speak from our experience and sometimes you just try things. (SEE IF” “WORK”) (small laugh) But I love these guys.
Q: I’ll let you get back to the kids but you might have Don call me. I haven’t spoken to him in ages. I wanted to find out if anything ever happened with the ‘Chucky’ project because I know he spoke to Sherry Lansing about it way back when. I also wanted to tell him about my new project. Let’s just say I’ve had major supernatural phenomena in my life.
S: (gasps) Really?
Q: Yeah. So my book is about Hollywood and about supernatural phenomena. (“COOL”) And how the two go hand in hand. Every movie that was ever made is a miracle, it turns out.
S: My God.
Q: Right.
S: What happened? Do you want to talk about it?
Q: Well, see, Don knows because I gave him my script about The Bell Witch to read. A poltergeist. Did he ever mention that to you?
S: No.
Q: Well, (“YOU KNOW WHEN”) he was reading scripts at the time so I gave him a few of mine to read. I gave him “Wild Woman” about the female dwarf bigfoot. And another one of them was about The Bell Witch. Well, it turns out that there was this family in Oklahoma that had a talking poltergeist similar to The Bell Witch living with them so I went to interview them. I ended up getting the rights to telling their life story. It turns out (“THAT”) their family was named Bell too.
S: Wow.
Q: And, (“IT”) basically, the Entity’s name was ‘Michael’ as in archangel Michael —
S: (gasps)
Q: — and He was in my life all this time and I didn’t realize it.
S: My God.
Q: And, apparently, I’m a Bel too. I mean He basically revealed all the secrets of life to me.
S: Oh my — (laughs)
Q: Can you believe it?
S: (gasps) Oh boy.
Q: So it turns out I’m not a member of the Bell family, which is what I thought at first. I’m the reincarnation of Bel-Marduk, an Egyptian.
S: My God.
Q: Can you believe this? (“THIS WITCH”) It’s more way out than any science fiction or horror film ever made.
S: Oh, I can believe in it. I believe in all that stuff. I think it’s just there. If you are in touch (“UH-HUH”) with yourself and everything else, it will appear to you. When you’re ready to get it. (“WELL”)
Q: It’s done everything except appear to me. I have never seen the Entity. He does talk in my interview tapes. When I listen to them later on He’ll make brief statements. Like one of the things He said was —
S: You hear his voice? (“I”)
Q: Different voices. It’s like the Messages From Michael books. There’s different voices. (“OH MY” “RIGHT”) He’s an amassing of spirits.
S: Oh my God.
Q: Right.
S: Wow.
Q: So the last — (“THE MES”) the reason why I’m calling is because the last message I heard was “CALL SHERRY, DON AND BARRY.”
S: Oh my gosh.
Q: So I’ve already written to Sherry Lansing. (“I HAD”) I didn’t think of calling Barry London but I guess I will. And Don.
S: Wow. Or Barry Diller.
Q: Oh really?
S: I don’t know. I don’t know. He’s a Barry.
Q: Where did that thought come from?
S: I don’t know. Just a Barry? I don’t know. I just think of Barry Diller. I don’t know why.
Q: Isn’t that funny?
S: I don’t know.
Q: That’s a perfect example of the Entity channeling through — what you just did.
S: I just — my mind goes a hundred miles an hour.
Q: Exactly. You were channeling Mighael.
S: Bing bing bing bang. (“SO IT’S NOT”) Comes right through.
Q: You just revealed to me that I’m not supposed to call Barry London. I’m supposed to call Barry Diller about my project.
S: It was just an idea. I don’t know. It came off the top of my head. I don’t know. (“WELL”)
Q: This is what my book is about. My Entity speaks to me through the subconscious minds of others.
S: (small scream — laughs)
Q: Can you believe it? I know. It’s wild.
S: I love it.
Q: I know it. Anyway, you can tell I have a quite interesting story to tell.
S: Oh, I can imagine.
Q: And, plus, my pseudonym is Mark Russell Bell. It turns out that’s Mabus, an anagram that Nostradamus wrote about.
S: Oh God.
Q: Can you believe this?
S: Oooohhh boy.
Q: Yeah. (“SO ANYWAY” “BB-BUB”)
S: Bb—bub’s climbing in the —
Q: Okay. Okay.
S: — you were climbing in the fireplace.
Q: Yeah, have Don call me.
S: Grab him. (“HAVE CALL”)
Q: Have Don call me. By the way, what Paramount film is he working on? Or which one did he work on last?
S: I don’t even remember.
Q: Wasn’t it “The Saint”?
S: No.
Q: No. That was filmed in Russia.
S: “The Trigger Effect.” No, wait a second. “The Trigger Effect”? The one he just worked on?
Q: Maybe that wasn’t Paramount. Okay.
S: Oh, Paramount you said. I’m sorry. (“GENER”) It wasn’t “. . . Generations”? (“YEAH IT WAS”)
Q: But that might — oh, that was the last Paramount film he worked on — “Star Trek Generations”?
S: The last Paramount one he did.
Q: Oh, okay . . . thank you.
S: Thanks for checking in. I’ll have him give you a buzz.
Q: Okay.
S: I don’t know when he’s going to come in. He said he was trying to get a flight out tonight.
Q: Oh good. I hope he does. (“HE DOES TOO”)
S: Alrighty. Thanks. Bye.
Q: Okay. Thank-you. (“GOOD-BYE”)
( . . . )
Q: (speaking into tape recorder) I just got off the phone with David Botsford, my hypnotherapist. I brought him up to date and confirmed our appointment for Monday, (“YEAH”) which is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. (“YEAH”) I had told him I wanted to come in every other week but for some reason I was scheduled to come in the following week so I told him it was probably the Entity channeling through them to give me a quicker appointment for His reasons. (“SSS”) I guess He wants to make sure I’m able to articulate things and it’s good to release tension because so much is going on. I mean if I give myself too much time to think about these things I just begin questioning and wondering what it all means and what is God’s plan ultimately for me? Is it something nice or is it something bad because, being a symbol, it’s very hard — oh, it’s just so weird. I keep reminding myself that God is love but I guess no matter how many times I say that, I myself can’t forgive (“YOU KNOW”) some of the things I see in people generally. (“SO”) It’s very hard (“TO CON”) to consider an Entity that truly will forgive every one for their sins because in our human consciousness we just don’t see that as a possibility (“BECAUSE WE JUST”) from what we’ve experienced here on Earth, our little hell. So one of the things I told him too was in follow-up to what I told him about “the three become one,” which was one of the famous prophecies of Nostradamus — I said, “Well, it also has a second meaning in terms of the Holy Trinity. God as the Holy Ghost channels through the Son.” So there are many different interpretations of “The three become one.” And I manifest all of them, I guess. So I see I’m coming to the end of a tape side. Just (“TTT”) while letting the side run out, it makes me uncomfortable how much transcribing I have to do. I mean it’s like every day I have another tape. I can’t possibly transcribe them in pace with recording them. So, eventually, I’m going to have to turn them over to someone to work on. I don’t mean to pass the buck. I don’t even know if anyone can work on them. But I guess after my book comes out that’s something that I’m going to have to pay attention to because it’s like I can’t even hear for certain most of the time. Sometimes, it takes me two or three playbacks before I have any inkling. Sometimes, they might even be wrong so it’s very uncomfortable being in this position. Once in a while, very important truths come out. And I don’t even know if they’re right but I just try to go with my gut instinct such as when one of the voices sounded like it was saying I was supposed to call Sherry, Don and Barry. So that’s what I’m going to do. Of course, if a message were to say, ‘Assassinate the President’ or something, I wouldn’t do it. I mean you always have to go with your instincts on this. So I would never go against any of God’s commandments. (“SSS” “YOU KNOW”) In my heart I could just not do that. So it’s very interesting. I don’t really know what else to say at this point except really what I should do right now is go out and buy another poetry book. That’s what really gives me some release (“SSS”) — being able to release my feelings through beautiful expressions of love. And so I think maybe I’ll find an excuse to do that. Because I think that’s really important right now. I wish Mighael would say something here. (“OH WHAT THE FUCK”)