Q: Mark Russell Bell
P: Peggy Watts (a cousin of Maxine)
B: Michael Paul Russell (my twin brother in California)
Q: Okay, now repeat that again. Who was this?
P: Okay, this was — her name was Lyde. (“JOHNNY”) Anyway, she wrote this letter that says Record of the Descendants of Alexander Thomas Bell. She tells who was what. When. That she could remember seeing. That’s the only family history we have that I’m aware of.
Q: But you said that there was something mysterious about it or — (“NO”)
P: Well, it doesn’t tell about divorces or anything like that and I know there was one. My grandfather was. (“NO ONE CAN TELL”)
Q: Right. (“NO”)
P: But it doesn’t tell about that. (“I’VE WON”) And there was some story of some baby dying and that’s not in here either. (“TALK A LOT”)
Q: I see.
P: But (“EXPLAIN”) my dad’s family basically refused to talk about their family.
Q: And why do you think that is?
P: I have no earthly idea.
Q: I do.
P: Do you?
Q: Well I think it might have something to do with The Bell Witch. (“I MEAN”) It’s a very scary thing to have an all-knowing, invisible Entity living with you in a house that kills (“LIKE”) the head of the family. (“WELL DONE”) I mean that would make descendants very uneasy about talking about (“UH-HUH” “MONEY”) their ancestors — (“HE’S”)
P: Uh-huh.
Q: — thinking that maybe it will come back. (“THAT WAS FUNNY” “BYE-BYE” “WELL”) He isn’t all that (“BA[D]”) — the Entity is (“MI—”) very loving (“—CHAEL”) and very nice. It’s just that people (“EVEN”) back then were projecting evil into the Entity.
P: Uh-huh. (“NOBODY” “MA[XINE]”) And Maxine and her family (“ARE YOU”) are not doing that. (“AND”)
P: She tells me she sees kids running around from time to time, too. (“MAGIC”)
Q: Right. Well, no, it’s — (“IT’S — IT’S”) it’s a collection of different entities. (“IT’S NOT JUST”) It’s hard to explain. (“THAT’S WHAT MY”)
P: Uh-huh.
Q: That’s why you’ll have to read my book. (“BUT UM” “CHECK THE OTHER”) Again — (“IT”)
P: And what if your book’s different than her story to me?
Q: No, it’s all interviews with her. (“SO” “Y[OU]”) You know, you can make up your own mind because everyone — (“IT’S — IT’S JUST” “MAYA” “THE I[NTERVIEWS]”) it’s like interview transcripts. (“VERBA[TIM]”)
P: I mean I haven’t talked to her since 1987, I guess.
Q: Oh, really?
P: Or at my aunt’s grave site.
Q: Oh my goodness. (“NO”)
P: And (“YOU GOT PIERCED” “PONCHO”) that was the first time I had seen her in I don’t know how many years. (“HE’S REAL NICE” “JOHNNY . . .”) And that’s the last time I heard from her until she called me with this. (“SO”) And she didn’t really go into much detail about the entity. (“STOLE . . .”) Well, yeah, she did. (“WE”)
Q: She did, okay.
P: She told me about it. (“A”)
Q: What did she say basically about Him? (“TO GO UP” “SHE”)
P: She talked about one (“SHE SAID SHE WAS SEEING” “BLONDE HAIR”) and I do believe (“OF THE”) she called him Michael. (“NO” “ON THE PICTURE”) She said that (“COMES HERE OFTEN”) she had to take her granddaughter home one time (“LOVE YOU”) because he was pulling her hair and (“WAS WARNING”) other things. (“OKAY”)
Q: Um-huh. (“GEE WHIZ”)
P: You know? (“HONEY”)
Q: And that’s what The Bell Witch would always do (“MAN’S DESIRE” “TO THE”) to that Bell family. (“TALKING BY TELEPHONE” “YEAH” “SOME”)
P: She said something about (“AHHHHHH” “SON” “FLOWER”) a preacher came out to the house to (“ONLY ONE”) see for himself and sat out in the field with binoculars (“AND SHE”) and watched as the kids sat on the fence and (“PEANUTS”) rocks pelted it. (“OKAY”)
Q: Right. Well, there’s a lot more phenomena than that. I mean that’s (“PLAY”) nothing in comparison to some of the things that happened. (“NO” “BUT UM”)
P: We didn’t really go into that and it’s not that I don’t believe. It’s just not that big of deal.
Q: Yeah but you have to remember one little thing.
P: What?
Q: You’re forgetting one little thing. (“SAY”) There’s an angel by the name of Michael in the Bible. (“DON’T MISSPELL ME” “LIKE IN NIGHT”)
Q: Right? (“SONNY” “HEAD” “D J”) And we are getting —
P: Does that mean there’s an (“JUST MY”) angel in every Michael? (“THEDA”)
Q: What do you mean? Every person named Michael? (“SUICIDE”)
Q: There probably is (“BUDDY”) but we’re talking — (“EVERYBODY” “SHE KILLED ME”)
P: See, you’re going off the deep end with me here.
Q: No, I’m telling you.
P: As far as I’m concerned. (“ZIP CODE”)
Q: We’re talking archangel here.
P: Um-huh. (“THE PATIENT”)
Q: As in, you know, Ark of the Covenant. (“TTT” “CUBIT” “UM”) It doesn’t really make a difference that it’s spelled A — R — K. (“BUT ANYWAY” “GUN”) I’m just saying that (“YOU WILL BE IN PLAYBOY“) it’s something that we have to be — I just want to be — (“UH-HUH”) very clear on everything. And I want to find out how the Bell family fits into all this. I mean I’ve had burning bushes.
P: Well, don’t you think that if it was the Bell Witch that it would haunt a real Bell and not an in-law?
Q: Well, in my transcripts, the Entity has said — because He doesn’t talk to me — (“HELLO”) but I can hear Him on the tapes. He says that (“YOU DON’T WRITE IT FOR”) it doesn’t really matter (“NO”) if they’re ancestors or not. But it’s the name Bell that is what’s important.
P: I didn’t (“B”) think Maxine’s last name was Bell when she moved in there.
Q: Well, no, but she previously was a Bell and her daughters are named Bell.
P: Uh-huh. (“GOMEZ”)
Q: Like Brenda I(s) (“[I]S”) — her name is Brenda Bell. And, anyway, there are Bells. (“I MEAN”)
P: I think there are certain entities inside certain houses until certain things are settled and then that (“W[ELL]”) is over and it goes somewhere else.
Q: Well, yes, (“BUT”) you have to remember we’re talking, (“YOU KNOW G[OD]”) you know, God. I mean we’re all a manifestation of God.
P: Oh, I know that. (“SO”)
Q: So we’re all linked to God.
P: I could tell you stories that’d raise your hair of what God’s done for me.
Q: Really? Well, you’ve told me about the illnesses and what have you.
P: Yeah. (“I MEAN”)
Q: Yeah, it’s —
P: Well, not — all I’m saying what God’s done for me.
Q: What has He done good for you?
P: He healed me — my knees when I was twenty-six, twenty-seven. (“THAT’S RIGHT”) By the time I was twenty-six until I was thirty (“SEVEN”) — thirty-one, (“I LOVE YOU” “SEVEN” “MOSQUITO”) I was limited to level ground only. Because both knees were wearing out.
Q: Did you ever hear Him speak to you?
P: I hear God speak to me in various ways.
Q: But you don’t hear His actual voice?
P: There are times. (“WELL”)
Q: You know, the angel Mighael? If you look at (“YOU KNOW”) any book of angels, His name basically means He is (“SUCH”) of such high rank that his name signifies “who is as God.” (“SO”) It might be God’s alter-ego. It’s something to think about. That’s why I asked you — I said, “Have you had —” (“ANY”)
P: Why do you have to dissect everything?
Q: Because that’s my job. (“NO” “I MEAN”) You know, that’s my assignment that He gave me. (“I HAD”) He gave me burning bushes and said, ‘Here, I want you to write this book.’
P: Why? (“IT’S”) Now did you hear Him physically speak to you, then?
Q: No. He said it — (“HE”) no, He did it by burning bushes outside my condo, by having insects do weird things around me, He threw a nail and it bounced off my head — it didn’t hurt. It’s hard to (“E[XPLAIN]”) — I mean every time I go into a store or something — something weird happens. (“SSS”) He’s always with me.
P: Uh-huh. (“LIKE”) Do you think that He creates bad things?
Q: No, I think He creates good things. I mean that’s what my book is about. My book is telling mankind to wake up because there is a God. You know? I mean somebody has to do it.
P: Well, we all should, shouldn’t we?
Q: Exactly. And I’m the lucky one because my ancestry — symbolically I have the King family and the house of Russell is (“THIS” “YOU KNOW”) evolved from all these Scottish kings. (“SWITZERLAND” “YOU NUT”)
P: What about the name McDermott?
Q: What about it? Well, Mc is a Scottish name. (“MME”)
P: That’s my family name too.
Q: Are you any relation to Dylan McDermott?
P: I have no earthly idea.
Q: Do you know who he is?
P: No.
Q: Well he’s (“HOMER”) an actor who’s been in (“SOME OF THE”) — at least one Paramount film that I did the press kit for. (“YEAH”)
P: Yeah.
Q: So I bet if you looked at all the actors in all the press kits that I’ve done, probably everyone —
P: You see, I figure most of the actors aren’t using their real names to begin with.
Q: Exactly. But some of them do. (“BUT”) I mean I’m just saying that if you knew the real names (“THERE’S”) — they’re — everyone in Hollywood — probably everyone living is related to at least one of them.
P: Um-huh. (“I MEAN IT’S” “THAT”)
Q: That’s why I’m going into all this genealogy and ancestry because it’s amazing what I’ve been able to find in my own family tree. (“WITHOUT WITH”) And I’m going to get more information this weekend. Hopefully. Unless my genealogist is too freaked to come by. (“NO”)
P: (small laugh)
Q: (small laugh) Because — anyway, that’s another story. (“BUT”) No — really the Entity is a wonderfully loving Entity. (“YEAH”) Wonderfully loving. It’s just that we’re getting close to the new millennium and all these prophecies are supposed to take place. And somebody has to make them happen. So I guess —
P: Well, you don’t have to make them happen if they’re going to happen.
Q: Exactly — no, you don’t. You don’t. (“BUT” “THERE ARE DIFFERENT”)
P: You either go with it or against it, right?
Q: Well, no, but the thing is (“I SEE”) I think there are many different possibilities. (“SSS” “BECAUSE”) So, again, it’s just trying to put the most positive foot forward. (“UM-HUH”) I’m trying to, basically, write a book that proves the existence of Mighael also known as God and try to wake up the world to all the major problems: war, (“UH-HUH”) the rain forest being depleted, the ozone layer evaporating — (“UH-HUH”) I mean pick your poison. (“UH-HUH” “I MEAN”) We might have ‘Water World’ if things keep on going this way.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: So my book is very all-(“ENCO”)encompassing. Are you familiar with Nostradamus? (“SSS” “UM-HUH”)
P: Basically, yeah.
Q: Well, it’s just weird because I mean every (“DADA”) different book I’ve read on Nostradamus has a different interpretation of what is going on there.
P: Um-huh.
Q: You know, for example. (“BUT”) There was this one name that he mentioned — and some people said this was the Antichrist but other books say (“TEN”) that, no, there was no one Antichrist. People have got it very, very wrong. He’s just an individual who comes along near the end of the millennium. (“A-HMMP”) Well, it turns out my pseudonym, Mark Russell Bell, has an anagram in that name, (“MMM”) which is Mabus. (“CALL”) So it’s like, “Help — I’m Mabus.” (“SSS”)
P: (small laugh) (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: And it says an identical twin will be discovered living across from a monastery which I do. I live across from the Angelus Temple here in Los Angeles. (“SON”) And (“AUGUSTINO” “LET’S SEE”) what does it say. It says (“ANYWAY”) — I can’t remember exactly what it says but it’s like I’m the Son of Man. (“I MEAN” “YOU KNOW”) People have got that all wrong in terms of Jesus being the Son of Man. (“IT’S N[OT]”) He’s not.
P: He’s son of God.
Q: Exactly. (“SO”) But, anyway, I — well I’m like this — Nostradamus (“LIKE”) said that I’m this character (“WHO’S WRITING” “YOU KNOW”) — basically, he’s the author of a book that proves God exists to mankind.
P: Um-huh.
Q: Only I know this. No one else knows this yet. (“MY BOOK HASN’T BEEN”) You know, I haven’t finished my book; much less published it. (“BUT”) The Bell family is involved because this poltergeist is really Mighael. (“YOU KNOW” “WHO IS”) The angel Mighael in the book of Revelation (“NO”) or “who is as God” Mighael.
P: Well now then, is it Michael who pulls the hair and stuff?
Q: I think it’s one of the different spirits. (“HE’S AN A”)
P: Because if He’s as God He wouldn’t be doing that. (“NO BUT HE’S AN A”)
Q: But you have to understand that God is an amassing of spirits. Every single person who’s now alive, every spirit of the dead and every angel all are (“PA”) parts of God. Do you understand?
P: That’s a different theory. (“WELL IT — IT’S”)
Q: Let’s just say it’s one that I’ve been shown. (“NO”)
P: Um-huh. (“SO”)
Q: That’s one of the things that I’m writing about in my book. Put it simply: God is the biggest multiple personality of all time. (“YOU KNOW”) I mean if you can imagine many different dimensions and many different universes — anyway, He’s having lots of fun. (“E[VERY]”) Every movie ever made is like a miracle. I mean photography — I mean every time you operate a photocopier machine, ignite the engine on your car, God is directly involved in the process. (“SSS”) And He has shown this to me I can’t tell you how many times.
P: There are some things that He is not.
Q: Like what?
P: Like a beer tab. (“BBB” “WELL BUT — WELL HE”)
Q: No, but —
P: Or a liquor store.
Q: — well, I guess He is, though, because we’re all inside of Him. (“MMM” “I MEAN HE’S”) Like the whole galaxy is — I mean we’re all inside of Him.
P: If we were we wouldn’t be doing any evil at all.
Q: Well, you don’t understand, though. (“HHH”)
P: You’re right I don’t.
Q: It’s not — (“IT’S”) God is not all goodness and light. (“TTT”)
P: Oh, yes He is.
Q: No, part isn’t.
P: Then what is Satan? (“FAKE”) Who is Satan? (“SAY HERE”) If God is all these things — evil and He’s —
Q: Right. Let me explain. Okay.
P: — good too? Why do we have Satan?
Q: Satan is a metaphor for what is negative in each one of us. (“SSS”)
P: Go back to your Bible.
Q: Which one? The one I’m writing or the old one?
P: Oh, you’re not writing the Bible.
Q: No, but I’m just saying —
P: Okay?
Q: No. It’s a bible — a New Age bible.
P: Well, now, you’re not writing the Bible.
Q: What am I (“WRI”) writing?
P: (deep breath) Because if you’re writing the Bible you wouldn’t be contacting me wanting my family history.
Q: Want to bet?
P: No. What kind of a bible is this? There is one Bible. In my opinion.
Q: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
P: And no matter what you do, you can’t change that.
Q: Well, of course not. I would never want to change that. I mean that’s the most beautiful book ever written. I’m just writing a New Age sequel.
P: Well, see, now you’re getting down to tell me the truth about what you’re doing. (“WE[LL]”)
Q: Well, why not? You’re a Christian. I’m a Christian.
P: You didn’t tell me that to begin with.
Q: Well, I did but — I mean in my own way I did.
P: No, you didn’t.
Q: What did I say?
P: You just told me you’re writing a book.
Q: Well, “the book.”
P: (small laugh)
Q: “The good book.”
P: There’s already one called The Book.
Q: Yeah, but we need another one.
P: (laughs)
Q: We do.
P: And you wonder why I’m skeptical?
Q: Well, of course, you’re skeptical. I’d be skeptical too.
P: And now I can see you’re telling me different things.
Q: I’m not telling you different things. There’s just so much to tell you it might sound that way. I mean how did I ever contradict myself?
P: Well you called it “just a book” and just now you called it “the Bible.”
Q: Well, it’s a bible. (“I MEAN”) I think that — (“THERE’S A”) do you think there’s a lot of fiction in the Holy Bible?
P: I don’t.
Q: You don’t think there’s any fiction in the Holy Bible?
P: No, I don’t. (“I THINK”)
Q: I think a lot of it is proverbs and metaphors.
P: Are you just choosing and picking what you want out of the Bible?
Q: Of course not. No, I’m just saying though —
P: Because picking and choosing what you want to believe that God said —
Q: Oh no I’m not — I don’t care about the old bible. (“I MEAN IT’S”) It’s old and it’s —
P: No, I said what God said.
Q: My book — (“NO I’M JUST TELLING”)
P: I proved it. (“OH”)
Q: God talks to me all the time on the tapes. I mean it’s interesting but it’s more important what each of us — the whole point of my book is to stop people glorifying Jesus and worry more about their fellow man and the homeless problems and the problems of today. People spend all their — (“TI[ME]”)
P: Don’t you think that if we glorified God more that we would be blessed more and there would be less of that?
Q: Yes, but the only way you can glorify God —
P: You just contradicted yourself.
Q: — no, I did not. No, you’re just missing the point. The point is that the only way we can glorify God is by ennobling each aspect of Him, which is each living human being on earth. That’s the only way we can glorify God because God is in each one of us.
P: God is in each one of us if we accept Him.
Q: No, He is in each one of us period. That’s why (“CHICKADEE”) it’s so confusing.
P: We’re made in His image. Okay?
Q: Yes.
P: But — just like I don’t force my children to believe the way that I believe, okay?
Q: That’s okay. (“THEY”)
P: They have their choice.
Q: That’s right.
P: That’s the same choice God gave us and if He was in each one of us we wouldn’t have a choice. We would go His way. (“BUT WHAT IF” “FAI[TH]”)
Q: Yeah, it’s very complicated. I mean I don’t have all the answers.
P: Why not? (“I JUST HAVE”)
Q: I just have witnessed certain phenomena which is helping me to try to articulate (“POINSETTIA” “UH”) — like the tip of the iceberg.
P: And I’m not trying to argue (“YEAH”) with you.
Q: No, I know. (“HIS . . .”)
P: I’m just not real sure I want to be a party to what you’re doing.
Q: Well, I don’t blame you. I’m just saying — that’s fine. I’m just saying I would appreciate any help you can give me —
P: See.
Q: — because it’s a big puzzle and I’m trying to put together the puzzle.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: And I’m a very nice person.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: I do lots of — (“SOME”)
P: Oh, I have no doubt about that.
Q: And, you know, sure, I probably am making — (“OH I”) I made a lot of mistakes in terms of trying to find connections and what-have-you. (“BUT”) I want to communicate to the world (“THAT”) that God is a very loving Entity.
P: Well, I don’t want to be a party —
Q: No, of course not. You won’t be a party. (“YOU’RE SELFISH”)
P: — to that.
Q: I’m just saying (“YOU KNOW”) that I’m working on this book with Maxine —
P: Why?
Q: What? You know, the Bell (“YOU KNOW”) family tree.
P: But basically she’s in it for the money.
Q: Well, I’m not.
P: You know.
Q: I’m not getting any cut of it.
P: I understand that.
Q: But somebody has to get the money from the book.
P: I understand that.
Q: Okay.
P: Okay?
Q: Somebody has to get the money from the book. Why not her family?
P: But what you’re not understanding (“WHAT MARK”) is you’re asking me to participate in something I don’t believe in.
Q: No, I’m not asking you to participate. (“I” — “I MEAN”) I just was asking you to share some information about the family tree. I mean that’s just information that’s on the record. (“NO IT ISN’T”)
P: Did you read what she had?
Q: No. (“UM-UH”) She was waiting to send it to me after obtaining the missing page.
P: I’m not sure what I’ll do. (“WELL”) I’ll have to put this one to prayer.
Q: Well, you know what?
P: No.
Q: God bless you for that because I really need all the help I can get.
P: Um-huh. Because if you’re doing what I have gathered that you’re doing —
Q: What am I doing? No, I’m just saying good things —
P: If you’re presenting God as a loving entity and not a god.
Q: A loving — (“NO”) when I say Entity it’s the same thing as Deity. I’m just trying —
P: No, it’s not.
Q: Angel — it’s all the same thing.
P: Let’s see, I looked the words up in a dictionary and they’re not synonymous.
Q: They are now. (“WWW”)
P: No, it’s just because you said so.
Q: That’s because that’s what I’ve been shown.
P: By whom?
Q: Mighael.
P: Now you’re getting way far-fetched again. (“WELL”) You said He didn’t talk to you.
Q: No, He doesn’t.
P: That you didn’t hear Him — (“NO”)
Q: No, He doesn’t but what He does is, though — like for example once I was talking to my mom on the phone. I said, “Mighael, show me you’re here.” And a wasp flew at her. (“I MEAN”) When I was at the hotel —
P: I say that’s not Godlike.
Q: No, but He’s into everyone’s subconscious minds.
P: (small laugh) No no no no no —
Q: Yes yes yes yes —
P: (small laugh) — no no no no —
Q: — yes, He’s in your subconscious mind right now.
P: No, I accepted Christ as my savior a long time ago and that’s why He’s there. It’s not subconscious with me.
Q: Okay, well, (“I”) people are going to have a difficult time with my book if they’re not open-minded. (“UH-HUH”)
P: Why — don’t you know? — that’s the problem that most —
Q: I’m just saying — (“YEAH”)
P: — Satanistic people have.
Q: I’m just saying there’s nothing that contradicts the Bible by saying that God is in everyone’s subconscious mind. There’s nothing in that to contradict anything in the Bible. The Bible is a beautiful, beautiful book. (“I MEAN”)
P: Well, to me it’s much more than a beautiful, beautiful book.
Q: Well, of course it is. It’s your religion.
P: No, the Bible’s not a religion.
Q: Well, whatever. I’m just trying to say, “Help!” All I need is some family information for my book. (“KKK”)
P: Well, I understand your dilemma but I can’t go along with it. (“WELL WHO DOES THAT” “SO” “YOU KNOW” “BUT”)
Q: Why not? I mean I don’t understand. (“WHAT THE”) What are you worried about?
P: I’m not worried about anything but you’re asking me to support something I don’t believe in. (“DO YOU WANT PEACE”)
Q: I’m not asking — I’m just asking you to —
P: Yeah, you are.
Q: — share some information. (“I AM OKAY”)
P: If I send you that information, I am supporting you.
Q: Well, guess what? (“OKAY”)
P: Right?
Q: Okay. Just let me tell you one thing. Before you make up your mind, I just have one thing to ask you to do. Okay?
P: Uh-huh.
Q: Is that fair?
P: You can ask all you want.
Q: Read the book Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor and guess what — and guess who you are in it. (“TTT” “NO” “E”)
P: What character am I in that?
Q: If you don’t send me the — (“IT”) this family tree — or send it to Maxine, you are the character with the last name of Watts (“SSS”) who is in this book Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor.
P: And what kind of character is that?
Q: You’ll have to read the book to find out.
P: Oh, get thee behind me, Satan. (laughs)
Q: Right.
P: I tell you what — I just felt a threat for me, you know? (small laugh)
Q: I’m not threatening anybody, honey.
P: But, you know, I got over believing in everything I read a long time ago.
Q: Listen, I’m the one who’s got the angel Mighael living with me so I’ve already been saved. It’s everybody else on this stinking planet —
P: Did you get saved by Michael?
Q: Yes.
P: No.
Q: Yes, He did.
P: You aren’t saved.
Q: Yes — (“UH”) yes.
P: (small laugh)
Q: I went to hell and back.
P: We all feel like that.
Q: I had to face every sin I’ve ever committed in life head on. And it wasn’t —
P: We do that when we die.
Q: Well it happened to me while I was alive. And let me tell you it isn’t fun. (“THAT WAS”) That was one of the things that I had to experience before writing my book. (“KKK”)
P: Well, I’ll tell you what — right now at this point in time I don’t trust you. (“WELL”)
Q: I’m just — well what can I say that will make you trust me?
P: And I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.
Q: All I’m asking you to do is do what you had said you would do with Maxine and just send her the information. You know, the other page or whatever. (“AND THAT’S NOT”) And then she’ll send it to me.
P: We’ll see.
Q: Okay. I love you, anyway. (“NO”)
P: Oh, well — (“BUT”) God bless you too.
Q: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: Muchly. (“BYE”) Bye-bye.
B: Hello?
Q: Oh, hi. (“HI” “UHUHH”) Where did you go tonight?
B: I worked late. As always.
Q: Oh, Michael, you can’t.
B: Well, I know.
Q: There’s more to life than that.
B: Tell me but, you know, I’ve got three movies at Sundance.
Q: Michael, don’t be ridiculous. (“GOLDEN GLOBE” “SSS”)
B: You don’t know — I mean no. (“IT’S”) We’re hiring Larry full-time.
Q: Well, (“JUNG”) yes, but you have a life to live.
B: I know. I know. Tell me.
Q: What is wrong? What’s your problem?
B: I have twenty-five clients. I’ve got to get them a job.
Q: You don’t have to do anything. (“YEAH”)
B: Yes, I do.
Q: Instead of (“CRR”) trying to grab column (“COIN”) items, if you just do one big thing for them a year —
B: Mark, everything I do — I mean I don’t try to place column items.
Q: Well, I’m just saying (“YOUR”) you can’t discount your own life —
B: I know. (“JUST TO”)
Q: — just to help them.
B: I know. Exactly.
Q: Well, do it.
B: I know.
Q: Empower yourself.
B: I’m trying.
Q: Your days are numbered. (“I MEAN”) Don’t be ridiculous. (“ANYWAY I’M”) Just calling real quick. (“I — I THOUGHT I”) I thought I asked you to call me back when you had a chance? You didn’t. Usually (“SOMETI”) you call me from your car sometimes.
B: Well, I was going to call you when I got home but — I just got home a little bit ago.
Q: You know, I can see why people get paranoid.
B: Why?
Q: Because no one ever returns my calls; like, my family history consultant didn’t call me back for two weeks. She didn’t show up. (“WE[LL]” “SHE”)
B: Well, did she call you today?
Q: No, she called me when I’m not home and left a message saying that maybe she can make it on Saturday. So I called her back and left a (“MESSAGE”) message saying that was fine and she still hasn’t called me back. (“I MEAN” “MMM”) What did she find out about my family that (“FRIGHTEN”) freaks her? (“IT” “NO” “YOU KNOW SHE HA”)
Q: And it’s true for everyone. It’s true for everyone I know.
B: Really?
Q: Really. Like today I called up (“UM” “UM”) — oh, what’s her name? God, I’m so tired. (“FROM — FROM THIS” “THAT IT JUST”) Inna. I called up Inna just to ask her a quick question for transcribing. I wanted to find out something very insignificant. There’s some Russian spirit voices on the tapes. I was going to see if she could help the translation and I called her office — (“LIKE”) the number you gave me and she was obviously there (“TIME”) but she didn’t come to the phone.
B: How do you know? (“BECAUSE THE” “YEAH”)
Q: Because the operator. (“YOU KNOW SAID”) “Who’s calling? I’ll check and see if she’s in.” You know — the usual. (“BUT”) This is everyone I know. I mean I can see why people become paranoid and think the CIA is having secret meetings with everyone. (“WELL AFTER YOU SEE” “IT NEV” “BUT” “KNOW IT ALL”)
B: People are probably in when you call (“NO”) and I don’t think it’s any —
Q: No, but it’s everybody. It’s everybody. Trust me.
B: No.
Q: What do you mean? No? Okay, James. I called James and I mentioned to him I had his painting ready for him.
B: Right. (“TO” “LED”)
Q: Let me know — maybe call me later — maybe he could stop by blah blah blah blah blah. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Right. (“YOU KNOW” “UH UM” “HE DOESN’T”)
B: Well, he met a girl after work.
Q: What? (“ONE OF HIS”)
B: He met somebody after work or something. (“I DON’T KNOW”)
Q: Well, anyway, the only thing is — okay, I called up Andy to thank him for giving me that book. (“UM” “YOU KNOW”) Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Is it any good?
Q: It’s too good. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Is it?
Q: It’s too malignantly good. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Really?
Q: Well, it just — (“EHH” “A LOT IT”) it has a lot of truth in it even if Satan did write the letters. (“IT DOES”) It does seem like a very familiar God to me — a God that would create flies to torment mankind and illnesses and — (“YOU KNOW”) a very malevolent God (“WHO”) is angry at mankind because of something that Adam and Eve did a very long time ago and He still hasn’t forgiven any single one of us because of it. So what I’m doing and what you might as well do too when you go to bed at night after you say “I surrender my life and will to God,” say something about Adam (“UH-HUH”) and Eve. And just say, like, “Well, I know they did something very bad but (“TTT”) — and I probably would have done the same thing if I was in their predicament. (“CAUSE”) That’s just the way we are.” Try to say as little as you can because it’s a very touchy issue with Him. So I would just say something like, “They suck.”
B: (small laugh) (“YOU KNOW AND THE”)
Q: Because you don’t want to get yourself into trouble. You don’t want to say something that might make Him think (“YOU KNOW THAT — THAT”) that you somehow absolve yourself of their crimes. (“SSS” “THAT’S RIGHT” “SO”) Anyway, I’m trying this and I’m hoping that He’ll make it easier for me. (“TO TRANSCRIBE THESE”)
B: Just say, “I can’t change what they did. I can only say that I will not do what they did.”
Q: No, I think that — (“IS”) dangerous waters even. I would just say, “I probably would do what they did but I wouldn’t mind being naked as much.” (“HHH”) Or what? (“NO”)
B: That’s funny.
Q: Or (“I WOULD”) I would eat a bite. (“FROM”) I would want to learn everything. All the secrets (“IN THAT” “YOU KNOW THE”) from the apple (“AND LE”) — you know, learn everything. (“BUT”) I would make a joke out of it. Or I don’t know what I would do. “I’m sorry.” Because I’m hoping if I do this He’ll make it easier for me to transcribe these fucking tapes. (“SSS”)
B: (small laugh)
Q: Because they’re so fucking hard. (“I KNOW”) It’s like even if I am His son or whatever — (“IT’S LIKE”) you know, He still — since I am human He still won’t let me off the hook for what Adam did. (“UH-HUH”) So (“IT’S”) it’s still miserable. (“I MEAN STILL”) Still, most of my life is miserable.
B: Why?
Q: Even if I am New Age Jesus, (“WHICH I’M”) which I’m 99.99% sure that I am. Not that I want to be. Today I called this woman — (“WHO HAS THE BELL” “LEARN TODAY” “THAT MEAN”)
B: If you’re New Age Jesus that means everyone will want to crucify you.
Q: I know. (“KILL”) And, plus, (“THIS IS SOMETHING I’M” “WELL I”) I’m going to this new hypnotherapist and I’m going to deal with these issues with him. Because — (“HE ISN’T”)
B: The shrink said it wouldn’t be good for you to see him mentally if he was not experienced.
Q: He’s very experienced. Oh wait. (“WHAT DID SHE”)
B: Or legitimate.
Q: Okay, tell me what she said just basically in a nutshell.
B: She just said — (“WHO”) doesn’t she tell you what she thinks?
Q: Not really.
B: She never told you that? Well, then I don’t think I —
Q: No.
B: — should I tell you what she said?
Q: Yes, of course. I’m not seeing her anymore. (“WHA[T] — WHAT — WHAT HAR[M]”) What harm? (“COULD IT DO”)
B: She thinks (“THAT SINCE IT — THAT”) since you can’t cope with intimacy with humans you invented a fantasy character named Michael.
Q: But I showed her the magazine. She saw the special. They were calling Him Michael before I ever got there. (“THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE”)
B: Yeah, I know, but she thinks that your subconscious made it real because you can’t deal with (“WWW”) humans. (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: I can deal with humans just fine. (“YEAH BUT YOU KNOW” “BUT SHE SAID”)
B: Like your mother is single and lives by herself. (“AND MARK” “LIVE”)
Q: What do you think of that?
B: Well, I know and — (“IT IT IT”) it makes you wonder. (“I MEAN YOU KNOW”)
Q: About what? (“TTT” “WELL”) I can deal with people. I go to the supermarket.
B: Well, what if your subconscious (“I GO”) can’t deal with it and made you think there was a Michael?
Q: I can’t deal with Mighael.
B: What?
Q: I mean He doesn’t talk to me. I mean I don’t have any dealings with Him. (“I KNOW”) Once in a while He’ll throw my phone down. (“OR HE’LL”) He’ll eat a fig newton or He’ll open (“THE GIR” “THE”) the gate for me. (“BUT” “YOU KNOW HE” “I” “HE’S” “SOMEONE TELL”)
B: I know.
Q: He’s very shy. I don’t know what the word is. He’s got a sick sense of humor. Like I do. (“HE” “I THINK HE IS”) I think Mark Twain was right. I think He really is a very jealous God. And I’m very jealous and petty too. I want to keep Him all for myself and I know that’s ridiculous because He is everyone.
B: Right. (“AND”)
Q: So it’s just (“THE WHOLE THI”) I have no idea. I can’t explain it. I can’t explain it. I can just sort of (“TALK ABOU[T]”) talk about it. Talk around it and hope that something makes sense because none of it makes any sense to me. (“HHHAAAH”) God. What do you think about things? ([REVERBERATION] “I HAVE NO”)
B: I — (“OR MEET”) either they’re — (“ANU” “I MEAN”)
Q: Look at —
B: Well, all I can say is that (“IT’S”) when you hear about this Michael creature it’s so completely beyond that —
Q: Well, you know I think He’s God, right? (“WHAT — WHAT”)
B: I know but what the shrink said makes much more sense. (“OF” “BUT” “BUT YOU’VE”) It’s much more understandable. (“WELL SHIT”)
Q: But you’ve experienced the phenomena.
B: No, I haven’t. Not —
Q: Yes, you have.
B: — with any (“REAL PER”) — I mean nothing that could be —
Q: Yes, you have.
B: — explained away as something else.
Q: You have. (“WELL I WAIT”) The bed shook. (“WE”)
B: But who would — (“SHAKE” “YOU HEARD THE”)
Q: You heard (“THE RATTLE”) the rattling of the plates (“IN THE”) in the cupboard. (“MAY-HA” “WELL THAT’S”) You found pennies.
B: Well, you can call that phenomena but —
Q: Well, that’s what I’m saying. (“YOU KNOW”) If that doesn’t do it then you didn’t believe in it to begin with.
B: Right. I know. (yawns)
Q: So what do you think is going to happen?
B: About what?
Q: Well, if you don’t believe in Mighael and He’s weeding out the human race, don’t you get afraid that He might weed you out?
B: Well, everybody’s going to be weeded out eventually.
Q: No, a few will (“BE”) be left. (“NO THEY WON’T”)
B: Everybody’s going to die eventually.
Q: No, but I’m talking about life after death. (“WELL IF”)
B: I don’t understand. (“WHY WOULD YOU”) He’s going to weed out people who don’t believe in Him? (“YOU HAVE”)
Q: Right. (“WELL”)
B: If He’s that petty then who cares?
Q: Well? (“I MEAN IF HE’S”)
B: If He’s going to be that petty? Make a snap judgement. (“THEN”) I don’t want to be around, anyway. (“SEE THAT’S — THAT’S THE WHOLE THING”)
Q: He wants to be loved for Himself and if you won’t love Him.
B: If He’s going to kill people who’s going to love Him?
Q: You have to love — I love Him. (“I” “EDIT”)
B: Even with His pettiness? (“YO”)
Q: Well, we’re all petty.
B: No, we’re not. (“YOU”)
Q: It’s called unconditional love. (“SAY I WANT TO GO” “SECOND” “I KNOW BUT” “YOU HA[VE] — AND”) God created us, so therefore we — everything we have we owe to Him. (“SOMETHING PETTY” “SO”) We have (“MM”) challenges too. But we have to appreciate Him. He doesn’t want to be around someone who doesn’t appreciate Him. Would you? It’s like a bad marriage.
B: Right.
Q: I mean — (“UHHHHHH”) you know, I’m (“I’M JUST TRYING TO”) — you’ll have to read that book by Mark Twain. You’ll have to read Love’s Awakening. You’ll have to read my book and hopefully it will sink in before you die in a plane crash on the way to some film festival or something. (“YOU KNOW” “RIGHT” “AND — AND” “WHERE WE”) And when you die you’ll think, (“YEAH”) “I spent all my life in that fucking office when I could have been out in nature. I could have been out in museums. I could have been reading books. (“I MEAN”) I could have been going to sex orgies.” (“I MEAN”) He likes sex orgies, by the way. (“I MEAN YOU KNOW”) Who doesn’t? They just pretend not to. That’s what heaven’s really all about is sex orgies. Right?
B: I hope.
Q: Well, you’re not going if you don’t forgive Him. (“AND”) Love Him. (“AND” “YOU”) You know — (“I MEAN”) read that book, Letters From the Earth. (“BUILT ON” “PLUTO” “I”) Okay? (“GET” “YOU KNOW” “YOU”) I’ll lend you mine after I finish reading it. (“AND UM”) Andy loves it too. So I don’t know. I called this woman tonight and she was the worst nightmare of a Christian redneck I’ve ever spoken to in my life. (“WHEN I”) I just was telling her basically what the truth was about my book and everything. She even called me Satan. I swear to God she did. She said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
B: Really?
Q: And I’m just telling her (“THE — THE”) the Holy Bible is (“YOU KNOW”) lots of pretty parables and metaphors. It’s not — (“WELL”) she should read this Mark Twain book too because in it he says it’s all a joke and a lie. (“ON” “AND — AND”) Jesus was (“LIKE”) the worst person who has ever lived because he invented hell and — (“ANYWAY THIS WHOLE”) this whole thing — the whole Jesus ministry was a perverse joke on mankind. (“UHHHHHH”) And my little book is going to set everything right — at least, righter.
Q: Okay, now repeat that again. Who was this?
P: Okay, this was — her name was Lyde. (“JOHNNY”) Anyway, she wrote this letter that says Record of the Descendants of Alexander Thomas Bell. She tells who was what. When. That she could remember seeing. That’s the only family history we have that I’m aware of.
Q: But you said that there was something mysterious about it or — (“NO”)
P: Well, it doesn’t tell about divorces or anything like that and I know there was one. My grandfather was. (“NO ONE CAN TELL”)
Q: Right. (“NO”)
P: But it doesn’t tell about that. (“I’VE WON”) And there was some story of some baby dying and that’s not in here either. (“TALK A LOT”)
Q: I see.
P: But (“EXPLAIN”) my dad’s family basically refused to talk about their family.
Q: And why do you think that is?
P: I have no earthly idea.
Q: I do.
P: Do you?
Q: Well I think it might have something to do with The Bell Witch. (“I MEAN”) It’s a very scary thing to have an all-knowing, invisible Entity living with you in a house that kills (“LIKE”) the head of the family. (“WELL DONE”) I mean that would make descendants very uneasy about talking about (“UH-HUH” “MONEY”) their ancestors — (“HE’S”)
P: Uh-huh.
Q: — thinking that maybe it will come back. (“THAT WAS FUNNY” “BYE-BYE” “WELL”) He isn’t all that (“BA[D]”) — the Entity is (“MI—”) very loving (“—CHAEL”) and very nice. It’s just that people (“EVEN”) back then were projecting evil into the Entity.
P: Uh-huh. (“NOBODY” “MA[XINE]”) And Maxine and her family (“ARE YOU”) are not doing that. (“AND”)
P: She tells me she sees kids running around from time to time, too. (“MAGIC”)
Q: Right. Well, no, it’s — (“IT’S — IT’S”) it’s a collection of different entities. (“IT’S NOT JUST”) It’s hard to explain. (“THAT’S WHAT MY”)
P: Uh-huh.
Q: That’s why you’ll have to read my book. (“BUT UM” “CHECK THE OTHER”) Again — (“IT”)
P: And what if your book’s different than her story to me?
Q: No, it’s all interviews with her. (“SO” “Y[OU]”) You know, you can make up your own mind because everyone — (“IT’S — IT’S JUST” “MAYA” “THE I[NTERVIEWS]”) it’s like interview transcripts. (“VERBA[TIM]”)
P: I mean I haven’t talked to her since 1987, I guess.
Q: Oh, really?
P: Or at my aunt’s grave site.
Q: Oh my goodness. (“NO”)
P: And (“YOU GOT PIERCED” “PONCHO”) that was the first time I had seen her in I don’t know how many years. (“HE’S REAL NICE” “JOHNNY . . .”) And that’s the last time I heard from her until she called me with this. (“SO”) And she didn’t really go into much detail about the entity. (“STOLE . . .”) Well, yeah, she did. (“WE”)
Q: She did, okay.
P: She told me about it. (“A”)
Q: What did she say basically about Him? (“TO GO UP” “SHE”)
P: She talked about one (“SHE SAID SHE WAS SEEING” “BLONDE HAIR”) and I do believe (“OF THE”) she called him Michael. (“NO” “ON THE PICTURE”) She said that (“COMES HERE OFTEN”) she had to take her granddaughter home one time (“LOVE YOU”) because he was pulling her hair and (“WAS WARNING”) other things. (“OKAY”)
Q: Um-huh. (“GEE WHIZ”)
P: You know? (“HONEY”)
Q: And that’s what The Bell Witch would always do (“MAN’S DESIRE” “TO THE”) to that Bell family. (“TALKING BY TELEPHONE” “YEAH” “SOME”)
P: She said something about (“AHHHHHH” “SON” “FLOWER”) a preacher came out to the house to (“ONLY ONE”) see for himself and sat out in the field with binoculars (“AND SHE”) and watched as the kids sat on the fence and (“PEANUTS”) rocks pelted it. (“OKAY”)
Q: Right. Well, there’s a lot more phenomena than that. I mean that’s (“PLAY”) nothing in comparison to some of the things that happened. (“NO” “BUT UM”)
P: We didn’t really go into that and it’s not that I don’t believe. It’s just not that big of deal.
Q: Yeah but you have to remember one little thing.
P: What?
Q: You’re forgetting one little thing. (“SAY”) There’s an angel by the name of Michael in the Bible. (“DON’T MISSPELL ME” “LIKE IN NIGHT”)
Q: Right? (“SONNY” “HEAD” “D J”) And we are getting —
P: Does that mean there’s an (“JUST MY”) angel in every Michael? (“THEDA”)
Q: What do you mean? Every person named Michael? (“SUICIDE”)
Q: There probably is (“BUDDY”) but we’re talking — (“EVERYBODY” “SHE KILLED ME”)
P: See, you’re going off the deep end with me here.
Q: No, I’m telling you.
P: As far as I’m concerned. (“ZIP CODE”)
Q: We’re talking archangel here.
P: Um-huh. (“THE PATIENT”)
Q: As in, you know, Ark of the Covenant. (“TTT” “CUBIT” “UM”) It doesn’t really make a difference that it’s spelled A — R — K. (“BUT ANYWAY” “GUN”) I’m just saying that (“YOU WILL BE IN PLAYBOY“) it’s something that we have to be — I just want to be — (“UH-HUH”) very clear on everything. And I want to find out how the Bell family fits into all this. I mean I’ve had burning bushes.
P: Well, don’t you think that if it was the Bell Witch that it would haunt a real Bell and not an in-law?
Q: Well, in my transcripts, the Entity has said — because He doesn’t talk to me — (“HELLO”) but I can hear Him on the tapes. He says that (“YOU DON’T WRITE IT FOR”) it doesn’t really matter (“NO”) if they’re ancestors or not. But it’s the name Bell that is what’s important.
P: I didn’t (“B”) think Maxine’s last name was Bell when she moved in there.
Q: Well, no, but she previously was a Bell and her daughters are named Bell.
P: Uh-huh. (“GOMEZ”)
Q: Like Brenda I(s) (“[I]S”) — her name is Brenda Bell. And, anyway, there are Bells. (“I MEAN”)
P: I think there are certain entities inside certain houses until certain things are settled and then that (“W[ELL]”) is over and it goes somewhere else.
Q: Well, yes, (“BUT”) you have to remember we’re talking, (“YOU KNOW G[OD]”) you know, God. I mean we’re all a manifestation of God.
P: Oh, I know that. (“SO”)
Q: So we’re all linked to God.
P: I could tell you stories that’d raise your hair of what God’s done for me.
Q: Really? Well, you’ve told me about the illnesses and what have you.
P: Yeah. (“I MEAN”)
Q: Yeah, it’s —
P: Well, not — all I’m saying what God’s done for me.
Q: What has He done good for you?
P: He healed me — my knees when I was twenty-six, twenty-seven. (“THAT’S RIGHT”) By the time I was twenty-six until I was thirty (“SEVEN”) — thirty-one, (“I LOVE YOU” “SEVEN” “MOSQUITO”) I was limited to level ground only. Because both knees were wearing out.
Q: Did you ever hear Him speak to you?
P: I hear God speak to me in various ways.
Q: But you don’t hear His actual voice?
P: There are times. (“WELL”)
Q: You know, the angel Mighael? If you look at (“YOU KNOW”) any book of angels, His name basically means He is (“SUCH”) of such high rank that his name signifies “who is as God.” (“SO”) It might be God’s alter-ego. It’s something to think about. That’s why I asked you — I said, “Have you had —” (“ANY”)
P: Why do you have to dissect everything?
Q: Because that’s my job. (“NO” “I MEAN”) You know, that’s my assignment that He gave me. (“I HAD”) He gave me burning bushes and said, ‘Here, I want you to write this book.’
P: Why? (“IT’S”) Now did you hear Him physically speak to you, then?
Q: No. He said it — (“HE”) no, He did it by burning bushes outside my condo, by having insects do weird things around me, He threw a nail and it bounced off my head — it didn’t hurt. It’s hard to (“E[XPLAIN]”) — I mean every time I go into a store or something — something weird happens. (“SSS”) He’s always with me.
P: Uh-huh. (“LIKE”) Do you think that He creates bad things?
Q: No, I think He creates good things. I mean that’s what my book is about. My book is telling mankind to wake up because there is a God. You know? I mean somebody has to do it.
P: Well, we all should, shouldn’t we?
Q: Exactly. And I’m the lucky one because my ancestry — symbolically I have the King family and the house of Russell is (“THIS” “YOU KNOW”) evolved from all these Scottish kings. (“SWITZERLAND” “YOU NUT”)
P: What about the name McDermott?
Q: What about it? Well, Mc is a Scottish name. (“MME”)
P: That’s my family name too.
Q: Are you any relation to Dylan McDermott?
P: I have no earthly idea.
Q: Do you know who he is?
P: No.
Q: Well he’s (“HOMER”) an actor who’s been in (“SOME OF THE”) — at least one Paramount film that I did the press kit for. (“YEAH”)
P: Yeah.
Q: So I bet if you looked at all the actors in all the press kits that I’ve done, probably everyone —
P: You see, I figure most of the actors aren’t using their real names to begin with.
Q: Exactly. But some of them do. (“BUT”) I mean I’m just saying that if you knew the real names (“THERE’S”) — they’re — everyone in Hollywood — probably everyone living is related to at least one of them.
P: Um-huh. (“I MEAN IT’S” “THAT”)
Q: That’s why I’m going into all this genealogy and ancestry because it’s amazing what I’ve been able to find in my own family tree. (“WITHOUT WITH”) And I’m going to get more information this weekend. Hopefully. Unless my genealogist is too freaked to come by. (“NO”)
P: (small laugh)
Q: (small laugh) Because — anyway, that’s another story. (“BUT”) No — really the Entity is a wonderfully loving Entity. (“YEAH”) Wonderfully loving. It’s just that we’re getting close to the new millennium and all these prophecies are supposed to take place. And somebody has to make them happen. So I guess —
P: Well, you don’t have to make them happen if they’re going to happen.
Q: Exactly — no, you don’t. You don’t. (“BUT” “THERE ARE DIFFERENT”)
P: You either go with it or against it, right?
Q: Well, no, but the thing is (“I SEE”) I think there are many different possibilities. (“SSS” “BECAUSE”) So, again, it’s just trying to put the most positive foot forward. (“UM-HUH”) I’m trying to, basically, write a book that proves the existence of Mighael also known as God and try to wake up the world to all the major problems: war, (“UH-HUH”) the rain forest being depleted, the ozone layer evaporating — (“UH-HUH”) I mean pick your poison. (“UH-HUH” “I MEAN”) We might have ‘Water World’ if things keep on going this way.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: So my book is very all-(“ENCO”)encompassing. Are you familiar with Nostradamus? (“SSS” “UM-HUH”)
P: Basically, yeah.
Q: Well, it’s just weird because I mean every (“DADA”) different book I’ve read on Nostradamus has a different interpretation of what is going on there.
P: Um-huh.
Q: You know, for example. (“BUT”) There was this one name that he mentioned — and some people said this was the Antichrist but other books say (“TEN”) that, no, there was no one Antichrist. People have got it very, very wrong. He’s just an individual who comes along near the end of the millennium. (“A-HMMP”) Well, it turns out my pseudonym, Mark Russell Bell, has an anagram in that name, (“MMM”) which is Mabus. (“CALL”) So it’s like, “Help — I’m Mabus.” (“SSS”)
P: (small laugh) (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: And it says an identical twin will be discovered living across from a monastery which I do. I live across from the Angelus Temple here in Los Angeles. (“SON”) And (“AUGUSTINO” “LET’S SEE”) what does it say. It says (“ANYWAY”) — I can’t remember exactly what it says but it’s like I’m the Son of Man. (“I MEAN” “YOU KNOW”) People have got that all wrong in terms of Jesus being the Son of Man. (“IT’S N[OT]”) He’s not.
P: He’s son of God.
Q: Exactly. (“SO”) But, anyway, I — well I’m like this — Nostradamus (“LIKE”) said that I’m this character (“WHO’S WRITING” “YOU KNOW”) — basically, he’s the author of a book that proves God exists to mankind.
P: Um-huh.
Q: Only I know this. No one else knows this yet. (“MY BOOK HASN’T BEEN”) You know, I haven’t finished my book; much less published it. (“BUT”) The Bell family is involved because this poltergeist is really Mighael. (“YOU KNOW” “WHO IS”) The angel Mighael in the book of Revelation (“NO”) or “who is as God” Mighael.
P: Well now then, is it Michael who pulls the hair and stuff?
Q: I think it’s one of the different spirits. (“HE’S AN A”)
P: Because if He’s as God He wouldn’t be doing that. (“NO BUT HE’S AN A”)
Q: But you have to understand that God is an amassing of spirits. Every single person who’s now alive, every spirit of the dead and every angel all are (“PA”) parts of God. Do you understand?
P: That’s a different theory. (“WELL IT — IT’S”)
Q: Let’s just say it’s one that I’ve been shown. (“NO”)
P: Um-huh. (“SO”)
Q: That’s one of the things that I’m writing about in my book. Put it simply: God is the biggest multiple personality of all time. (“YOU KNOW”) I mean if you can imagine many different dimensions and many different universes — anyway, He’s having lots of fun. (“E[VERY]”) Every movie ever made is like a miracle. I mean photography — I mean every time you operate a photocopier machine, ignite the engine on your car, God is directly involved in the process. (“SSS”) And He has shown this to me I can’t tell you how many times.
P: There are some things that He is not.
Q: Like what?
P: Like a beer tab. (“BBB” “WELL BUT — WELL HE”)
Q: No, but —
P: Or a liquor store.
Q: — well, I guess He is, though, because we’re all inside of Him. (“MMM” “I MEAN HE’S”) Like the whole galaxy is — I mean we’re all inside of Him.
P: If we were we wouldn’t be doing any evil at all.
Q: Well, you don’t understand, though. (“HHH”)
P: You’re right I don’t.
Q: It’s not — (“IT’S”) God is not all goodness and light. (“TTT”)
P: Oh, yes He is.
Q: No, part isn’t.
P: Then what is Satan? (“FAKE”) Who is Satan? (“SAY HERE”) If God is all these things — evil and He’s —
Q: Right. Let me explain. Okay.
P: — good too? Why do we have Satan?
Q: Satan is a metaphor for what is negative in each one of us. (“SSS”)
P: Go back to your Bible.
Q: Which one? The one I’m writing or the old one?
P: Oh, you’re not writing the Bible.
Q: No, but I’m just saying —
P: Okay?
Q: No. It’s a bible — a New Age bible.
P: Well, now, you’re not writing the Bible.
Q: What am I (“WRI”) writing?
P: (deep breath) Because if you’re writing the Bible you wouldn’t be contacting me wanting my family history.
Q: Want to bet?
P: No. What kind of a bible is this? There is one Bible. In my opinion.
Q: The Old Testament and The New Testament.
P: And no matter what you do, you can’t change that.
Q: Well, of course not. I would never want to change that. I mean that’s the most beautiful book ever written. I’m just writing a New Age sequel.
P: Well, see, now you’re getting down to tell me the truth about what you’re doing. (“WE[LL]”)
Q: Well, why not? You’re a Christian. I’m a Christian.
P: You didn’t tell me that to begin with.
Q: Well, I did but — I mean in my own way I did.
P: No, you didn’t.
Q: What did I say?
P: You just told me you’re writing a book.
Q: Well, “the book.”
P: (small laugh)
Q: “The good book.”
P: There’s already one called The Book.
Q: Yeah, but we need another one.
P: (laughs)
Q: We do.
P: And you wonder why I’m skeptical?
Q: Well, of course, you’re skeptical. I’d be skeptical too.
P: And now I can see you’re telling me different things.
Q: I’m not telling you different things. There’s just so much to tell you it might sound that way. I mean how did I ever contradict myself?
P: Well you called it “just a book” and just now you called it “the Bible.”
Q: Well, it’s a bible. (“I MEAN”) I think that — (“THERE’S A”) do you think there’s a lot of fiction in the Holy Bible?
P: I don’t.
Q: You don’t think there’s any fiction in the Holy Bible?
P: No, I don’t. (“I THINK”)
Q: I think a lot of it is proverbs and metaphors.
P: Are you just choosing and picking what you want out of the Bible?
Q: Of course not. No, I’m just saying though —
P: Because picking and choosing what you want to believe that God said —
Q: Oh no I’m not — I don’t care about the old bible. (“I MEAN IT’S”) It’s old and it’s —
P: No, I said what God said.
Q: My book — (“NO I’M JUST TELLING”)
P: I proved it. (“OH”)
Q: God talks to me all the time on the tapes. I mean it’s interesting but it’s more important what each of us — the whole point of my book is to stop people glorifying Jesus and worry more about their fellow man and the homeless problems and the problems of today. People spend all their — (“TI[ME]”)
P: Don’t you think that if we glorified God more that we would be blessed more and there would be less of that?
Q: Yes, but the only way you can glorify God —
P: You just contradicted yourself.
Q: — no, I did not. No, you’re just missing the point. The point is that the only way we can glorify God is by ennobling each aspect of Him, which is each living human being on earth. That’s the only way we can glorify God because God is in each one of us.
P: God is in each one of us if we accept Him.
Q: No, He is in each one of us period. That’s why (“CHICKADEE”) it’s so confusing.
P: We’re made in His image. Okay?
Q: Yes.
P: But — just like I don’t force my children to believe the way that I believe, okay?
Q: That’s okay. (“THEY”)
P: They have their choice.
Q: That’s right.
P: That’s the same choice God gave us and if He was in each one of us we wouldn’t have a choice. We would go His way. (“BUT WHAT IF” “FAI[TH]”)
Q: Yeah, it’s very complicated. I mean I don’t have all the answers.
P: Why not? (“I JUST HAVE”)
Q: I just have witnessed certain phenomena which is helping me to try to articulate (“POINSETTIA” “UH”) — like the tip of the iceberg.
P: And I’m not trying to argue (“YEAH”) with you.
Q: No, I know. (“HIS . . .”)
P: I’m just not real sure I want to be a party to what you’re doing.
Q: Well, I don’t blame you. I’m just saying — that’s fine. I’m just saying I would appreciate any help you can give me —
P: See.
Q: — because it’s a big puzzle and I’m trying to put together the puzzle.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: And I’m a very nice person.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: I do lots of — (“SOME”)
P: Oh, I have no doubt about that.
Q: And, you know, sure, I probably am making — (“OH I”) I made a lot of mistakes in terms of trying to find connections and what-have-you. (“BUT”) I want to communicate to the world (“THAT”) that God is a very loving Entity.
P: Well, I don’t want to be a party —
Q: No, of course not. You won’t be a party. (“YOU’RE SELFISH”)
P: — to that.
Q: I’m just saying (“YOU KNOW”) that I’m working on this book with Maxine —
P: Why?
Q: What? You know, the Bell (“YOU KNOW”) family tree.
P: But basically she’s in it for the money.
Q: Well, I’m not.
P: You know.
Q: I’m not getting any cut of it.
P: I understand that.
Q: But somebody has to get the money from the book.
P: I understand that.
Q: Okay.
P: Okay?
Q: Somebody has to get the money from the book. Why not her family?
P: But what you’re not understanding (“WHAT MARK”) is you’re asking me to participate in something I don’t believe in.
Q: No, I’m not asking you to participate. (“I” — “I MEAN”) I just was asking you to share some information about the family tree. I mean that’s just information that’s on the record. (“NO IT ISN’T”)
P: Did you read what she had?
Q: No. (“UM-UH”) She was waiting to send it to me after obtaining the missing page.
P: I’m not sure what I’ll do. (“WELL”) I’ll have to put this one to prayer.
Q: Well, you know what?
P: No.
Q: God bless you for that because I really need all the help I can get.
P: Um-huh. Because if you’re doing what I have gathered that you’re doing —
Q: What am I doing? No, I’m just saying good things —
P: If you’re presenting God as a loving entity and not a god.
Q: A loving — (“NO”) when I say Entity it’s the same thing as Deity. I’m just trying —
P: No, it’s not.
Q: Angel — it’s all the same thing.
P: Let’s see, I looked the words up in a dictionary and they’re not synonymous.
Q: They are now. (“WWW”)
P: No, it’s just because you said so.
Q: That’s because that’s what I’ve been shown.
P: By whom?
Q: Mighael.
P: Now you’re getting way far-fetched again. (“WELL”) You said He didn’t talk to you.
Q: No, He doesn’t.
P: That you didn’t hear Him — (“NO”)
Q: No, He doesn’t but what He does is, though — like for example once I was talking to my mom on the phone. I said, “Mighael, show me you’re here.” And a wasp flew at her. (“I MEAN”) When I was at the hotel —
P: I say that’s not Godlike.
Q: No, but He’s into everyone’s subconscious minds.
P: (small laugh) No no no no no —
Q: Yes yes yes yes —
P: (small laugh) — no no no no —
Q: — yes, He’s in your subconscious mind right now.
P: No, I accepted Christ as my savior a long time ago and that’s why He’s there. It’s not subconscious with me.
Q: Okay, well, (“I”) people are going to have a difficult time with my book if they’re not open-minded. (“UH-HUH”)
P: Why — don’t you know? — that’s the problem that most —
Q: I’m just saying — (“YEAH”)
P: — Satanistic people have.
Q: I’m just saying there’s nothing that contradicts the Bible by saying that God is in everyone’s subconscious mind. There’s nothing in that to contradict anything in the Bible. The Bible is a beautiful, beautiful book. (“I MEAN”)
P: Well, to me it’s much more than a beautiful, beautiful book.
Q: Well, of course it is. It’s your religion.
P: No, the Bible’s not a religion.
Q: Well, whatever. I’m just trying to say, “Help!” All I need is some family information for my book. (“KKK”)
P: Well, I understand your dilemma but I can’t go along with it. (“WELL WHO DOES THAT” “SO” “YOU KNOW” “BUT”)
Q: Why not? I mean I don’t understand. (“WHAT THE”) What are you worried about?
P: I’m not worried about anything but you’re asking me to support something I don’t believe in. (“DO YOU WANT PEACE”)
Q: I’m not asking — I’m just asking you to —
P: Yeah, you are.
Q: — share some information. (“I AM OKAY”)
P: If I send you that information, I am supporting you.
Q: Well, guess what? (“OKAY”)
P: Right?
Q: Okay. Just let me tell you one thing. Before you make up your mind, I just have one thing to ask you to do. Okay?
P: Uh-huh.
Q: Is that fair?
P: You can ask all you want.
Q: Read the book Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor and guess what — and guess who you are in it. (“TTT” “NO” “E”)
P: What character am I in that?
Q: If you don’t send me the — (“IT”) this family tree — or send it to Maxine, you are the character with the last name of Watts (“SSS”) who is in this book Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor.
P: And what kind of character is that?
Q: You’ll have to read the book to find out.
P: Oh, get thee behind me, Satan. (laughs)
Q: Right.
P: I tell you what — I just felt a threat for me, you know? (small laugh)
Q: I’m not threatening anybody, honey.
P: But, you know, I got over believing in everything I read a long time ago.
Q: Listen, I’m the one who’s got the angel Mighael living with me so I’ve already been saved. It’s everybody else on this stinking planet —
P: Did you get saved by Michael?
Q: Yes.
P: No.
Q: Yes, He did.
P: You aren’t saved.
Q: Yes — (“UH”) yes.
P: (small laugh)
Q: I went to hell and back.
P: We all feel like that.
Q: I had to face every sin I’ve ever committed in life head on. And it wasn’t —
P: We do that when we die.
Q: Well it happened to me while I was alive. And let me tell you it isn’t fun. (“THAT WAS”) That was one of the things that I had to experience before writing my book. (“KKK”)
P: Well, I’ll tell you what — right now at this point in time I don’t trust you. (“WELL”)
Q: I’m just — well what can I say that will make you trust me?
P: And I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.
Q: All I’m asking you to do is do what you had said you would do with Maxine and just send her the information. You know, the other page or whatever. (“AND THAT’S NOT”) And then she’ll send it to me.
P: We’ll see.
Q: Okay. I love you, anyway. (“NO”)
P: Oh, well — (“BUT”) God bless you too.
Q: Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it.
P: Uh-huh.
Q: Muchly. (“BYE”) Bye-bye.
B: Hello?
Q: Oh, hi. (“HI” “UHUHH”) Where did you go tonight?
B: I worked late. As always.
Q: Oh, Michael, you can’t.
B: Well, I know.
Q: There’s more to life than that.
B: Tell me but, you know, I’ve got three movies at Sundance.
Q: Michael, don’t be ridiculous. (“GOLDEN GLOBE” “SSS”)
B: You don’t know — I mean no. (“IT’S”) We’re hiring Larry full-time.
Q: Well, (“JUNG”) yes, but you have a life to live.
B: I know. I know. Tell me.
Q: What is wrong? What’s your problem?
B: I have twenty-five clients. I’ve got to get them a job.
Q: You don’t have to do anything. (“YEAH”)
B: Yes, I do.
Q: Instead of (“CRR”) trying to grab column (“COIN”) items, if you just do one big thing for them a year —
B: Mark, everything I do — I mean I don’t try to place column items.
Q: Well, I’m just saying (“YOUR”) you can’t discount your own life —
B: I know. (“JUST TO”)
Q: — just to help them.
B: I know. Exactly.
Q: Well, do it.
B: I know.
Q: Empower yourself.
B: I’m trying.
Q: Your days are numbered. (“I MEAN”) Don’t be ridiculous. (“ANYWAY I’M”) Just calling real quick. (“I — I THOUGHT I”) I thought I asked you to call me back when you had a chance? You didn’t. Usually (“SOMETI”) you call me from your car sometimes.
B: Well, I was going to call you when I got home but — I just got home a little bit ago.
Q: You know, I can see why people get paranoid.
B: Why?
Q: Because no one ever returns my calls; like, my family history consultant didn’t call me back for two weeks. She didn’t show up. (“WE[LL]” “SHE”)
B: Well, did she call you today?
Q: No, she called me when I’m not home and left a message saying that maybe she can make it on Saturday. So I called her back and left a (“MESSAGE”) message saying that was fine and she still hasn’t called me back. (“I MEAN” “MMM”) What did she find out about my family that (“FRIGHTEN”) freaks her? (“IT” “NO” “YOU KNOW SHE HA”)
Q: And it’s true for everyone. It’s true for everyone I know.
B: Really?
Q: Really. Like today I called up (“UM” “UM”) — oh, what’s her name? God, I’m so tired. (“FROM — FROM THIS” “THAT IT JUST”) Inna. I called up Inna just to ask her a quick question for transcribing. I wanted to find out something very insignificant. There’s some Russian spirit voices on the tapes. I was going to see if she could help the translation and I called her office — (“LIKE”) the number you gave me and she was obviously there (“TIME”) but she didn’t come to the phone.
B: How do you know? (“BECAUSE THE” “YEAH”)
Q: Because the operator. (“YOU KNOW SAID”) “Who’s calling? I’ll check and see if she’s in.” You know — the usual. (“BUT”) This is everyone I know. I mean I can see why people become paranoid and think the CIA is having secret meetings with everyone. (“WELL AFTER YOU SEE” “IT NEV” “BUT” “KNOW IT ALL”)
B: People are probably in when you call (“NO”) and I don’t think it’s any —
Q: No, but it’s everybody. It’s everybody. Trust me.
B: No.
Q: What do you mean? No? Okay, James. I called James and I mentioned to him I had his painting ready for him.
B: Right. (“TO” “LED”)
Q: Let me know — maybe call me later — maybe he could stop by blah blah blah blah blah. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Right. (“YOU KNOW” “UH UM” “HE DOESN’T”)
B: Well, he met a girl after work.
Q: What? (“ONE OF HIS”)
B: He met somebody after work or something. (“I DON’T KNOW”)
Q: Well, anyway, the only thing is — okay, I called up Andy to thank him for giving me that book. (“UM” “YOU KNOW”) Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Is it any good?
Q: It’s too good. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Is it?
Q: It’s too malignantly good. (“UH-HUH”)
B: Really?
Q: Well, it just — (“EHH” “A LOT IT”) it has a lot of truth in it even if Satan did write the letters. (“IT DOES”) It does seem like a very familiar God to me — a God that would create flies to torment mankind and illnesses and — (“YOU KNOW”) a very malevolent God (“WHO”) is angry at mankind because of something that Adam and Eve did a very long time ago and He still hasn’t forgiven any single one of us because of it. So what I’m doing and what you might as well do too when you go to bed at night after you say “I surrender my life and will to God,” say something about Adam (“UH-HUH”) and Eve. And just say, like, “Well, I know they did something very bad but (“TTT”) — and I probably would have done the same thing if I was in their predicament. (“CAUSE”) That’s just the way we are.” Try to say as little as you can because it’s a very touchy issue with Him. So I would just say something like, “They suck.”
B: (small laugh) (“YOU KNOW AND THE”)
Q: Because you don’t want to get yourself into trouble. You don’t want to say something that might make Him think (“YOU KNOW THAT — THAT”) that you somehow absolve yourself of their crimes. (“SSS” “THAT’S RIGHT” “SO”) Anyway, I’m trying this and I’m hoping that He’ll make it easier for me. (“TO TRANSCRIBE THESE”)
B: Just say, “I can’t change what they did. I can only say that I will not do what they did.”
Q: No, I think that — (“IS”) dangerous waters even. I would just say, “I probably would do what they did but I wouldn’t mind being naked as much.” (“HHH”) Or what? (“NO”)
B: That’s funny.
Q: Or (“I WOULD”) I would eat a bite. (“FROM”) I would want to learn everything. All the secrets (“IN THAT” “YOU KNOW THE”) from the apple (“AND LE”) — you know, learn everything. (“BUT”) I would make a joke out of it. Or I don’t know what I would do. “I’m sorry.” Because I’m hoping if I do this He’ll make it easier for me to transcribe these fucking tapes. (“SSS”)
B: (small laugh)
Q: Because they’re so fucking hard. (“I KNOW”) It’s like even if I am His son or whatever — (“IT’S LIKE”) you know, He still — since I am human He still won’t let me off the hook for what Adam did. (“UH-HUH”) So (“IT’S”) it’s still miserable. (“I MEAN STILL”) Still, most of my life is miserable.
B: Why?
Q: Even if I am New Age Jesus, (“WHICH I’M”) which I’m 99.99% sure that I am. Not that I want to be. Today I called this woman — (“WHO HAS THE BELL” “LEARN TODAY” “THAT MEAN”)
B: If you’re New Age Jesus that means everyone will want to crucify you.
Q: I know. (“KILL”) And, plus, (“THIS IS SOMETHING I’M” “WELL I”) I’m going to this new hypnotherapist and I’m going to deal with these issues with him. Because — (“HE ISN’T”)
B: The shrink said it wouldn’t be good for you to see him mentally if he was not experienced.
Q: He’s very experienced. Oh wait. (“WHAT DID SHE”)
B: Or legitimate.
Q: Okay, tell me what she said just basically in a nutshell.
B: She just said — (“WHO”) doesn’t she tell you what she thinks?
Q: Not really.
B: She never told you that? Well, then I don’t think I —
Q: No.
B: — should I tell you what she said?
Q: Yes, of course. I’m not seeing her anymore. (“WHA[T] — WHAT — WHAT HAR[M]”) What harm? (“COULD IT DO”)
B: She thinks (“THAT SINCE IT — THAT”) since you can’t cope with intimacy with humans you invented a fantasy character named Michael.
Q: But I showed her the magazine. She saw the special. They were calling Him Michael before I ever got there. (“THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE”)
B: Yeah, I know, but she thinks that your subconscious made it real because you can’t deal with (“WWW”) humans. (“YOU KNOW”)
Q: I can deal with humans just fine. (“YEAH BUT YOU KNOW” “BUT SHE SAID”)
B: Like your mother is single and lives by herself. (“AND MARK” “LIVE”)
Q: What do you think of that?
B: Well, I know and — (“IT IT IT”) it makes you wonder. (“I MEAN YOU KNOW”)
Q: About what? (“TTT” “WELL”) I can deal with people. I go to the supermarket.
B: Well, what if your subconscious (“I GO”) can’t deal with it and made you think there was a Michael?
Q: I can’t deal with Mighael.
B: What?
Q: I mean He doesn’t talk to me. I mean I don’t have any dealings with Him. (“I KNOW”) Once in a while He’ll throw my phone down. (“OR HE’LL”) He’ll eat a fig newton or He’ll open (“THE GIR” “THE”) the gate for me. (“BUT” “YOU KNOW HE” “I” “HE’S” “SOMEONE TELL”)
B: I know.
Q: He’s very shy. I don’t know what the word is. He’s got a sick sense of humor. Like I do. (“HE” “I THINK HE IS”) I think Mark Twain was right. I think He really is a very jealous God. And I’m very jealous and petty too. I want to keep Him all for myself and I know that’s ridiculous because He is everyone.
B: Right. (“AND”)
Q: So it’s just (“THE WHOLE THI”) I have no idea. I can’t explain it. I can’t explain it. I can just sort of (“TALK ABOU[T]”) talk about it. Talk around it and hope that something makes sense because none of it makes any sense to me. (“HHHAAAH”) God. What do you think about things? ([REVERBERATION] “I HAVE NO”)
B: I — (“OR MEET”) either they’re — (“ANU” “I MEAN”)
Q: Look at —
B: Well, all I can say is that (“IT’S”) when you hear about this Michael creature it’s so completely beyond that —
Q: Well, you know I think He’s God, right? (“WHAT — WHAT”)
B: I know but what the shrink said makes much more sense. (“OF” “BUT” “BUT YOU’VE”) It’s much more understandable. (“WELL SHIT”)
Q: But you’ve experienced the phenomena.
B: No, I haven’t. Not —
Q: Yes, you have.
B: — with any (“REAL PER”) — I mean nothing that could be —
Q: Yes, you have.
B: — explained away as something else.
Q: You have. (“WELL I WAIT”) The bed shook. (“WE”)
B: But who would — (“SHAKE” “YOU HEARD THE”)
Q: You heard (“THE RATTLE”) the rattling of the plates (“IN THE”) in the cupboard. (“MAY-HA” “WELL THAT’S”) You found pennies.
B: Well, you can call that phenomena but —
Q: Well, that’s what I’m saying. (“YOU KNOW”) If that doesn’t do it then you didn’t believe in it to begin with.
B: Right. I know. (yawns)
Q: So what do you think is going to happen?
B: About what?
Q: Well, if you don’t believe in Mighael and He’s weeding out the human race, don’t you get afraid that He might weed you out?
B: Well, everybody’s going to be weeded out eventually.
Q: No, a few will (“BE”) be left. (“NO THEY WON’T”)
B: Everybody’s going to die eventually.
Q: No, but I’m talking about life after death. (“WELL IF”)
B: I don’t understand. (“WHY WOULD YOU”) He’s going to weed out people who don’t believe in Him? (“YOU HAVE”)
Q: Right. (“WELL”)
B: If He’s that petty then who cares?
Q: Well? (“I MEAN IF HE’S”)
B: If He’s going to be that petty? Make a snap judgement. (“THEN”) I don’t want to be around, anyway. (“SEE THAT’S — THAT’S THE WHOLE THING”)
Q: He wants to be loved for Himself and if you won’t love Him.
B: If He’s going to kill people who’s going to love Him?
Q: You have to love — I love Him. (“I” “EDIT”)
B: Even with His pettiness? (“YO”)
Q: Well, we’re all petty.
B: No, we’re not. (“YOU”)
Q: It’s called unconditional love. (“SAY I WANT TO GO” “SECOND” “I KNOW BUT” “YOU HA[VE] — AND”) God created us, so therefore we — everything we have we owe to Him. (“SOMETHING PETTY” “SO”) We have (“MM”) challenges too. But we have to appreciate Him. He doesn’t want to be around someone who doesn’t appreciate Him. Would you? It’s like a bad marriage.
B: Right.
Q: I mean — (“UHHHHHH”) you know, I’m (“I’M JUST TRYING TO”) — you’ll have to read that book by Mark Twain. You’ll have to read Love’s Awakening. You’ll have to read my book and hopefully it will sink in before you die in a plane crash on the way to some film festival or something. (“YOU KNOW” “RIGHT” “AND — AND” “WHERE WE”) And when you die you’ll think, (“YEAH”) “I spent all my life in that fucking office when I could have been out in nature. I could have been out in museums. I could have been reading books. (“I MEAN”) I could have been going to sex orgies.” (“I MEAN”) He likes sex orgies, by the way. (“I MEAN YOU KNOW”) Who doesn’t? They just pretend not to. That’s what heaven’s really all about is sex orgies. Right?
B: I hope.
Q: Well, you’re not going if you don’t forgive Him. (“AND”) Love Him. (“AND” “YOU”) You know — (“I MEAN”) read that book, Letters From the Earth. (“BUILT ON” “PLUTO” “I”) Okay? (“GET” “YOU KNOW” “YOU”) I’ll lend you mine after I finish reading it. (“AND UM”) Andy loves it too. So I don’t know. I called this woman tonight and she was the worst nightmare of a Christian redneck I’ve ever spoken to in my life. (“WHEN I”) I just was telling her basically what the truth was about my book and everything. She even called me Satan. I swear to God she did. She said, “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
B: Really?
Q: And I’m just telling her (“THE — THE”) the Holy Bible is (“YOU KNOW”) lots of pretty parables and metaphors. It’s not — (“WELL”) she should read this Mark Twain book too because in it he says it’s all a joke and a lie. (“ON” “AND — AND”) Jesus was (“LIKE”) the worst person who has ever lived because he invented hell and — (“ANYWAY THIS WHOLE”) this whole thing — the whole Jesus ministry was a perverse joke on mankind. (“UHHHHHH”) And my little book is going to set everything right — at least, righter.