Q: Mark Russell Bell
A: Art Bell (portion of radio broadcast)
W: Whitley Strieber (portion of radio broadcast)
H: Marla Hendricks (portion of radio broadcast)
J: Jamie Eger (portion of radio broadcast)
R: Dr. Roger Leir (portion of radio broadcast)
A: Whitley, is there anything else we should be asking these young ladies?
W: Well I think they’ve done a very good job of giving us a picture of what was going on there. (“THERE’S”) I don’t believe there’s any — there’s so much more to the Glenrock story. We could go on all night. But I believe that perhaps the place to leave this is with the audio from this video tape (“WHICH WE”) I can play for you. And I could — I’ll play just the first part of it and then pause it and think about it for a moment. And then we’ll go on to the end where Marla feels that it is her mother speaking in these last few moments and I think — Marla, if I’m not correct, do you think that you have an idea of what she may be saying although from what we’re hearing down here on the tape we have on some pretty good equipment, it’s not English. So we just have to wait and find out exactly what it is. You did tell me, Marla, I believe, that you think she’s saying something at that point in English.
H: Right. Just — yeah. Just playing it off from my video tape.
A: Alright. Go right ahead.
W: We’ll let the listeners listen to that and see what they think.
A: Go ahead.
W: Okay.
A: Okay, we’re . . .
W: I’m sorry. We’re just getting it started.
A: Okay. This is a video tape that was taken during a missing time segment that wasn’t even discovered until a month later.
W: Until a month later. Here it goes.
A: Okay.
?: (video tape) Wait ’til it’s ours again. Perfect UFO. I want to see it again.
W: Okay, Art. I’m going to pause it now and —
A: Okay, what I heard — it could’ve been a little louder but I heard whose voice say it was a “Perfect UFO. I want to see it again”?
W: That was Marla.
A: That was you, Marla?
H: That was my voice. Yes.
A: Do you remember saying that, Marla?
H: No, I — we were so excited, you know, to see that shape appear and that’s what — I wish people could see the still. The 35-millimeter photo.
A: Yes.
H: Of it. Because that’s where you can see the shape. The actual shape.
A: Well you get it to me and we’ll — if you can get it to me, Marla, we’ll get it up on the website and people will see it.
H: Okay.
W: Do you have any memory of this conversation at all, either of you?
J: I remember talking about — I remember laughing because I couldn’t believe — I just remember laughing that ‘why did I say that and it did that?’ But I never remember her taking a video camera of it. I don’t ever remember it.
W: No video.
A: No video but — and yet here it is.
H: You would think with four of us, one of us would remember.
A: You bet.
W: Yeah.
J: I didn’t even get out of the car.
H: Oh and the other thing that I can add to that is that I had videotaped the girls’ volleyball game, put it in the van and we had gone to the motel. And four women — we took all of our luggage and coats and paraphernalia and put it all on top and left. (“SO”) Where do you suppose the video camera was?
W: It would’ve been under everything.
H: Under everything because it was used at the gym and then we came to the motel and piled everything on.
W: So you would’ve actually . . .
H: So we weren’t even near the video camera.
W: — unpack the car in order to get the video camera at that point.
H: That’s — I mean because we just racked our brain trying to figure out how we got it on video.
A: Okay. Well one hour, ten minutes of flat missing time. Alright, Whitley, play the very last part of this tape and —
W: Yeah. Everybody (or “YEAH EVERYBODY”) —
A: — boost the volume up.
W: Yeah, I boosted the volume a little bit.
A: Okay, everybody’s going to have to listen very carefully now.
W: Okay, we’ll get it right up to it.
(audio conversation from video is hard to hear, words before end sound to me like “WHA[T]” “IMPORTANT WOR[K]”)
W: That’s it.
A: No, that was not clear. That was not clear for some reason.
W: Okay. I don’t know why it wasn’t because it’s extremely clear here. It’s Bell clear.
A: Were you holding the phone actually to the right place in the speaker?
W: Yes, absolutely.
A: Okay. For some reason, the — I heard it earlier today when you played it just fine. But for some reason it didn’t come out this time. I don’t know why.
W: Let’s try — you want to try it one more time?
A: Yeah, I do as a matter of fact.
W: Let me boost the volume a little bit more. Because I’d really like you to hear this.
A: Alright.
W: And it’ll just be the tail end of it.
A: Alright. Trying this one more time.
(audio conversation from video is hard to hear, words before end sound to me like “WHA[T]” “IMPORTANT WOR[K]”)
A: Alright, I heard a voice that time but it was not decipherable to me. Marla, you’ve heard this and you have the original tape.
H: Right.
A: Any idea what was at the very end of that? It wasn’t very audible obviously here.
H: Right. And to me from the tape that I have it sounds like my mom saying, “There right there. The end of that.”
J: “The far end.”
H: Yeah. “The far end.”
J: “The far end” . . .
H: “The far end.”
J: “The far end.”
A: Okay, what I heard earlier today indeed didn’t sound like English to me.
H: Um-huh.
A: It just simply didn’t sound like any English words that I recognized. Does your mother, Marla, speak any other language?
H: Well no. Not that I — no, not that she ever has before. (small laugh) My family before I was born lived in Peru so, you know, she spoke a little Peruvian with them. And —
A: That mean(s) — so — Whitley, do you recognize that as —
W: Well no we don’t — (“WE’RE”) we’re going to really listen to this carefully. To be quite frank, it’s not coming out as English words right now. It — we’ll have to see. It ends in a burst of static and then as you heard a moment ago there’s a lot of noise from a basketball game that she had filmed later. I’m sure you overheard that when I was turning the system on.
A: Yes.
W: But we will analyze that carefully. What I have to do is pull all of the static out of it without removing any parts of the voice. And I need to do that visually and I have not been able to do that. And we can get it to the point where we have nothing left at all but the sound of the voice and then we’ll know what’s being said.
A: Indeed that can be done. Alright, we’ll look forward to that. I want to thank Marla and I want to thank Jamie. Thank you both for helping us unwind the story of the strange occurrences in Glenrock.
J: Thanks for having us.
H: Sure. We enjoyed being on the air with you.
A: Okay. Good night to you both and, Whitley — you know, I think at this point, Whitley, a lot of people, of course, have never really heard your story and maybe we ought to take this opportunity, if we can —
W: Sure.
A: — to go back to the Communion days, the beginning of all this and just give people some idea of what happened to you and why you are where you are today with all of this.
W: Yes. On the night of December 26/27, 1986, I was awakened in the middle of the night by what appeared to be a nightmare that would not go away. I woke up finding myself in a small, confined space with what appeared to be two different types of being. One were small, short blue, very stocky figures and the other one was a tall, willowy figure with a very long face and big black slanted eyes. And I went through a considerable amount of terror. I mean it was — really remains the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened to me because my impression was that I was having the mother of all nightmares. And then I could not wake up from it. I’d open my eyes and I was sitting up and yet it was still unfolding exactly as if it was happening in real life which was like being — I guess it would be like that to be trapped in a psychosis; only this was even more vividly real. I began screaming and an electronic voice began repeating the phrase in a sort of soothing feminine but quite machine-like tone, “What can we do to help you stop screaming?” I was shown a needle which was inserted into the side of my head and caused a blue flash behind my eye.
A: That wouldn’t help me to stop screaming.
W: No no, it wasn’t helpful in that direction. At some point right after that, I blacked out. Shortly after that, a few other things were done and I blacked out. And the next thing I remember (“I[S]”) waking up in the morning with the feeling (“THAT”) I had been beaten up during the night. And I felt dreadful, absolutely dreadful. I had a thought that there had been owls flying around in the house and then there had been owls at the window — all these ideas about owls. Later in the afternoon, the side of my head and other parts of my body also began to hurt. And my wife could see an injury on the side of my head. And I began to remember first in flashes and then more clearly the story that I’ve just told you. And I went to the doctor because I was — (“HAD BEEN”) a couple of days later — because I was very, very disturbed about this at this point. Because I had these extremely bizarre memories — no idea at all about UFOs. It was not something — and aliens. It was not something that was in my mind. I had been fascinated with them as a child but not in my adult years. I told this story to my doctor and he laughingly said, “Well you’re telling me you were taken aboard a flying saucer by little men.” And I thought, “Oh God, he’s right. I am insane.” And we had neurological tests — a full neurological work-up including an MRI scan. We did a series of tests for a disease called temporal lobe epilepsy that causes vivid hallucinations. I did a full set of psychological tests that revealed me to be under a very high level of stress. Not too surprising.
A: But not schizophrenic.
W: No. No abnormalities were found.
A: Alright.
W: No physical abnormalities. No mental abnormality. And I was finally left in a position of not knowing what had happened. I — at that point had (or “HAD”) began reading a book called Science and the UFOs by Jenny Randles. It had been given to me by my brother by coincidence—apparent coincidence—for Christmas. And I saw a description in it that was rather similar in theme to what happened to me. So I telephone Budd Hopkins who was mentioned in the book and got in touch with him and met him. And he proved to be very supportive and he was kind enough to help me find a forensic hypnotist because I must admit at the time when I sat in Hopkins’s house talking to him and listening to him tell these stories, I thought it was just utter bunk. And — but my concern was that I had actually been physically attacked and raped. And my doctor agreed without consultation with Hopkins that this might be the case. So I ended up with Dr. Donald Kline who was the chief, I believe, of the New York State Department of Psychiatry and a skilled forensic hypnotist who had worked in many criminal cases over his career. And Hopkins expected it was aliens but Kline and I privately expected that we would find that once I was under hypnosis I would be able to see the faces of the people who had done this and that all the alien imagery was something that my mind had thrown up as a kind of a screen to — because I was having trouble facing the humiliation that was involved. Instead, the hypnosis — not only did it — was it incredibly vivid that it was clearly alien contact but I flashed back during the second hypnosis session to the year 1957 when a similar event had taken place. It was just the most shocking couple of weeks—(“WH”) when I did these two — three hypnosis sessions—of my life — changed my life.
A: Of course.
W: And that is why I wrote Communion, having no idea that all of this that I believe is completely contrived denial, was out there. I mean I just thought people would take my story at face value.
A: What specific descriptions —
Q: So there I had to get the second tape that I had recorded (of) the evening’s interviews with (Whitley Strieber).
W: The most vivid one is similar to the cover of Communion. (“IT’S A”) The cover of Communion is a little bit more human looking than what I saw. But it’s close enough. (“IT”) Like for example it has lips on the cover of Communion. I do not recall seeing any lips. And it has a nose and I may have — there may — it was more — I’ll tell you very frankly. What I saw were the two big black eyes and this long narrow thing coming down between them. And if anything there may have been something folded up behind it. I don’t think it was a face, in other words. Not like the face on the cover of the book. It was something much stranger. And it had — the body of this creature had a sense of motion about it that was very liquid and graceful. What was so odd is that during hypnosis I felt really very much like it was someone I knew. Like this was not someone unfamiliar to me. And then there was this flashback to where I’m with my father and my sister and we — I feel no fear. There is a — we’re in a big room — big vaulted chamber and there are cots lying in the chamber. And there are fully-dressed American soldiers lying on the cots motionless. And this creature is moving among them with a willowy sort of movement with a little stick that she’s touching one or another of their foreheads. And I asked her who they are and she says “They’re all soldiers” in a sing-song voice. And then (“MY”) — I say to my father who was very frightened — I say, “It’s okay.” And he says, “No, Whitley, it’s not okay.” And I remember under the hypnosis this appalling fear went through my body like an electric bolt, like a bolt of lightning. And the doctor—(“WHO’S”) really skilled at this kind of thing—know — knew that people who had had like recurring instances of abuse would flash — and a small and repressed memory would flash back between these various instances spontaneously without realizing they were doing it. So he suddenly had detected a change in my voice and he said, “How old are you?” And my little twelve-year-old (“SOUTH”) Texas voice voice pipes up and says, “Twelve.”
A: Wow.
W: An(d) I heard myself say that. (“N”) I was amazed. Well you’re not totally unconscious at all under hypnosis. You’re very well aware of what’s going on. At least I was.
A: Whitley —
W: So that’s part of my story.
A: Okay. At what point did you discover or discern that there had been something planted in your ear?
W: Art, this is a tough one to talk about but I will get into it. This occurred — if the implant is real and I thi(nk) — I frankly believe it probably is from what happened with it. But we don’t have — it’s not a smoking gun-type of implant like Roger Leir will be talking about. Because we don’t have it. But (or “BUT”) if this is real, it came into my ear on the night of May the 24th, 1995 when the following incident occurred.
( . . . )
A: This is “Coast to Coast AM”
Her hair is Harlow gold Her lips sweet surprise Her hands are never cold She’s got Bette Davis eyes
(bumper music is “Bette Davis Eyes” performed by Kim Carnes)
( . . . )
(bumper music is “(I Can’t Help) Falling In Love With You” performed by UB40)
A: My guest is Whitley Strieber. And, boy, have we got a deal for you tonight. Whitley has a tape. He’s got a video tape. The tape is called “Pure Balance.” And I suppose this is something that I would consider a piece of dynamite. This tape teaches the meditation technique that Whitley used to improve or even bring on a close encounter. That’s why I say it’s a piece of dynamite really. He says it can help you get into contact or get out of it. It can make the experiences you have work for you in some rather incredible ways. Whitley, very quickly, wh(at) — this is a kind of a piece of dynamite. I mean in a way. I look at it that way because here’s a tape that actually — if they want it and I think people should be damn careful what they wish for —
W: Right.
A: — could bring on contact.
W: Well it has worked before for that and I — but I must say that it’s really to get in control of it and to explore the situation. (“IT”) I’ve made this tape over a year ago and I did not release it because I wanted to be sure that I spent some time with it. I felt like it was right. And this is as close to what I did when I began to get my experience into focus as anything I can communicate. It also has on it some of the most unusual video that I’ve ever seen to sort of set the scene at the beginning of the tape. Some video from — that’s quite unlike anything else that’s been seen. It’s stuff that I’ve worked on myself that I’ve not yet released and so this would be the first time you would —
A: So this is all unreleased material then?
W: It’s unreleased in the United States and — some of it — and altogether unreleased other parts of it, yes.
A: Alright. How much is this tape?
W: It is 19.95 plus 4.95 for shipping and handling. The total price is 24.90.
A: 24.90 — 90?
W: Two four nine zero.
A: 24.90. Twenty-four dollars and ninety cents.
W: Right. And they accept visa and mastercard.
A: And even better yet I understand now — I want to be careful here. I want to advise you to be careful because we’ve done this before and people get absolutely swamped. You are willing to autograph these tapes?
W: Yes. I am going to autograph the boxes of the tapes that are ordered tonight. I’m not going to get into the position I’ve been in before where I have offered autographs on — not on your show — on other shows and had three or four thousand to do. (“N”) If I get that many to do tonight, I’ll do them all. I promise that every box that is ordered tonight will be personally hand autographed.
A: How long a turnaround time?
W: I wouldn’t think very long. Two or three weeks probably.
A: Two or three weeks at the most.
W: Yeah, I would think so.
A: Alright. Do you have a number they can call? Is it a twenty-four hour number?
W: It’s a twenty-four hour 800 number. It’s — I believe it’s a robot at night but you can leave your information. It’s nice — beautifully set up.
A: Alright.
W: It’s (gives number) (“BY” or “BYE” or “BUY”) And if you are in contact, in a close encounter experience, this is important to have. If you want to get out of it, it will help. If you — the main thing it will help you to get in control of it. If you want to experiment with getting into one, it’s liable to help also.
A: That’s why I said pure dynamite. And actually the name — maybe that’s what you should’ve called it — it’s called “Pure Balance.” That’s the name of the tape and it’s $24.90. Visa, mastercard, whatever. The number is (gives number). If it’s busy — I don’t know — can they take a lot of calls?
W: It should be able to take a lot of calls but if it’s busy —
A: Keep trying.
W: — you can try again.
A: Alright. 1-800 —
W: In a few minutes it’ll be free.
A: Alright. (gives number) First time Whitley has ever done this. So there you are, folks. Now, Whitley, if you would quickly this thing in your ear — tell us.
W: Let me tell you the story. It’s a very simple and strange story. The night of December — I mean of May the 24th, 1995, asleep in a cabin in upstate New York (“ON IN THE”) on the second floor. Under the windows is a gravel driveway. I was awakened by the sound of crunching of gravel. In other words, tires moving in that driveway. And we were behind a locked gate. We were also about five or six miles from the nearest house and so it woke me right up — that sound. Windows were open — (“IT WAS A”) nice night. And I was frightened because there should not have been a vehicle out there. And it couldn’t be anybody up to anything good. I rose up in the bed and as I began moving I distinctly heard a human voice in the backyard say, “Condition red.” Clearly. I then saw standing in the doorway of the bedroom, which was at the foot of the bed, a woman and a man behind her. I could identicate (SIC) these people easily. (“I”) I saw their faces. Clearly. There was a lot of LEDs from the alarm system which was on and armed and not going off. They moved toward me quite quickly up toward the side of the bed. (I) began to come out of the bed. I was aware of something behind them but I don’t know what it was. It was not another human being but there was something in motion behind them as well. The next thing I knew, I’m lying flat on the bed. My eyes are closed but I’m totally conscious. I can hear someone talking to me almost like you would talk to a frightened dog: a female voice saying, “Calm down. Calm down.” And then nothing. Until morning. I woke up, immediately told my wife the whole story, asked her if she remembered anything during the night. She did not. The alarm system was still turned on. I went to check the house out immediately. I went through the house and as soon as I opened the door into the garage, I found that the garage door was wide open despite the fact that the system was not indicating this. I walked out into the garage and my hairs of my body stood on end as if I was in a field of static electricity. I started to get into the car — or in fact I did get in the car and had backed it all the way out when I realized that this static was inside the car as well. I jumped out of the car, went back into the house immediately. My wife came out, observed the condition of the car and we stayed away from it because we did not know what this was. We closed the garage, disarmed the system, called the alarm man — the man who ran the system. He could not — he came over. He could not figure out how this had happened. Everything was in working order. The car gradually became normal again. That afternoon, my left ear began to hurt. I had (“NN”) a lump in the pina which is the outer part of my left ear up toward the back and top. About six weeks — I had — I deliberated getting this taken out right away.
A: Of course.
W: But there was another incident that occurred a few months later. A lady named Betty Dagané had one autopsy after she died and I read that she had been afraid that this would be — that it would kill her to have it removed. So I didn’t do anything about it. I felt very helpless up there anyway. There was nothing but the local doctors. I didn’t know Roger Leir at the time. So I was — (“LOSE”) I didn’t see how I could — what I could do about it.
A: So for years you did nothing.
W: Well the next thing that happened was — we moved down to San Antonio and at this point this thing had turned on a few times. In other words, the ear would get red and hot and there would be a warbling sound or a series of tones in my ear. It was quite remarkable. But what was so extraordinary — I became involved with scientists here were very interested in implants. I found a much more open-minded attitude in San Antonio and they were — by this time I was aware of what Roger was doing and his extraordinary—and by the way he is the pioneer in this field—work. And I was actually talking to one of these scientists about this. About the way the ear worked when it did do this. It turned on, turned bright red before his eyes. And he said, “Let’s not take it out. Let’s try to study this thing if we can get it to turn on again.” We were never able to do that (“REGUR”) on any kind of a regular basis under controlled conditions.
A: It didn’t turn on, on demand?
W: No. But, finally, I got — frankly I just got very creepy about it and I still am. And a few weeks ago I attempted to have the surgery done here in San Antonio and I —
A: You went to a doctor and (“HE E”) —
W: Yes.
A: — he — go ahead and tell them. (“WELL”)
W: He knew who I was and he probably knew — he’s a great doctor, great guy, really, really good guy. He probably knew what he was taking out but we didn’t talk about it directly. It was just a foreign object as far as the diagnosis went. The ear became irritated. When I’d lay on it at night, it woke me up when I was sleeping. He examined this. He X-rayed it. It did not show up on X-ray which is not unusual at all in (or “IN”) this type of thing. (“HE”) But he palpated it and identified its position, indicated — determined it was fixed (“N”) — and — by examination, sat me in the surgical chair and made an incision and began dissecting around the object when the object moved down into another area of my ear. Not far away but far enough away to where it was out from under the incision.
A: This thing moved.
W: It moved, yeah. Absolutely. And it had not been — it had been fixed in position and he managed after some struggle to get what he believed to be a small part of it which (or “WHICH” or “WITCH”) upon examination in the — not in a pathology lab but in the laboratory that was especially working on this and is working implants with me. They observed that the — that it was made of (“WHAT”) appeared to be distressed collagen and it contained a number of crystal — mineral — discreet mineral crystals, probably calcium carbonate or potassium carbonate of some kind. (“IT”) There are two diseases that could create crystals in the skin. One is gout. These are not uric acid crystals. The other is a disease called pseudo-gout which creates a substance called potassium pyro-carbonate. It’s not potassium pyro-carbonate. And also pseudo-gout occurs in joints. It’s not observed in the pina of the ear. So it’s a very mysterious business — this object. We don’t know —
A: And it’s still there?
W: It’s still there. And not only is it there, the doctor just examined it again the other evening and it — he said it’s bigger. It’s back where it was in the first place. It’s just as fixed and it’s somewhat larger.
A: So it moved back and it’s grown. (“RETURNED”) Oh Lord.
W: And you can’t move it around at all. It is fixed there again just as it was before the surgery.
A: Alright so now everybody’s up-to-date on your implant and, alright, in a moment we’re going to bring on Dr. Roger Leir who is probably the pioneer implant surgeon in this country. And we’re going to talk to him about implants. But, again, quite an offer from Whitley. I would say quite an offer. (“O UM”) I call his tape pure dynamite. He calls it “Pure Balance.” It teaches you actually how to get into contact with, if you really want that — and again I warn people be careful what you wish for, these beings or to get out of it. Apparently, to go either way. Twenty-four bucks and ninety cents. That includes shipping and handling. And he’ll autograph it. Whitley Strieber will autograph it for you. You can order it now only through this program and only now at (gives number). (repeats number) Autographed stuff is fun to have.
( . . . )
A: The human body can function without vitamins . . .
( . . . )
A: . . . and Whitley Strieber and here comes Dr. Roger Leir. Dr., are you there?
R: Yes, I am, Art.
W: Well I think they’ve done a very good job of giving us a picture of what was going on there. (“THERE’S”) I don’t believe there’s any — there’s so much more to the Glenrock story. We could go on all night. But I believe that perhaps the place to leave this is with the audio from this video tape (“WHICH WE”) I can play for you. And I could — I’ll play just the first part of it and then pause it and think about it for a moment. And then we’ll go on to the end where Marla feels that it is her mother speaking in these last few moments and I think — Marla, if I’m not correct, do you think that you have an idea of what she may be saying although from what we’re hearing down here on the tape we have on some pretty good equipment, it’s not English. So we just have to wait and find out exactly what it is. You did tell me, Marla, I believe, that you think she’s saying something at that point in English.
H: Right. Just — yeah. Just playing it off from my video tape.
A: Alright. Go right ahead.
W: We’ll let the listeners listen to that and see what they think.
A: Go ahead.
W: Okay.
A: Okay, we’re . . .
W: I’m sorry. We’re just getting it started.
A: Okay. This is a video tape that was taken during a missing time segment that wasn’t even discovered until a month later.
W: Until a month later. Here it goes.
A: Okay.
?: (video tape) Wait ’til it’s ours again. Perfect UFO. I want to see it again.
W: Okay, Art. I’m going to pause it now and —
A: Okay, what I heard — it could’ve been a little louder but I heard whose voice say it was a “Perfect UFO. I want to see it again”?
W: That was Marla.
A: That was you, Marla?
H: That was my voice. Yes.
A: Do you remember saying that, Marla?
H: No, I — we were so excited, you know, to see that shape appear and that’s what — I wish people could see the still. The 35-millimeter photo.
A: Yes.
H: Of it. Because that’s where you can see the shape. The actual shape.
A: Well you get it to me and we’ll — if you can get it to me, Marla, we’ll get it up on the website and people will see it.
H: Okay.
W: Do you have any memory of this conversation at all, either of you?
J: I remember talking about — I remember laughing because I couldn’t believe — I just remember laughing that ‘why did I say that and it did that?’ But I never remember her taking a video camera of it. I don’t ever remember it.
W: No video.
A: No video but — and yet here it is.
H: You would think with four of us, one of us would remember.
A: You bet.
W: Yeah.
J: I didn’t even get out of the car.
H: Oh and the other thing that I can add to that is that I had videotaped the girls’ volleyball game, put it in the van and we had gone to the motel. And four women — we took all of our luggage and coats and paraphernalia and put it all on top and left. (“SO”) Where do you suppose the video camera was?
W: It would’ve been under everything.
H: Under everything because it was used at the gym and then we came to the motel and piled everything on.
W: So you would’ve actually . . .
H: So we weren’t even near the video camera.
W: — unpack the car in order to get the video camera at that point.
H: That’s — I mean because we just racked our brain trying to figure out how we got it on video.
A: Okay. Well one hour, ten minutes of flat missing time. Alright, Whitley, play the very last part of this tape and —
W: Yeah. Everybody (or “YEAH EVERYBODY”) —
A: — boost the volume up.
W: Yeah, I boosted the volume a little bit.
A: Okay, everybody’s going to have to listen very carefully now.
W: Okay, we’ll get it right up to it.
(audio conversation from video is hard to hear, words before end sound to me like “WHA[T]” “IMPORTANT WOR[K]”)
W: That’s it.
A: No, that was not clear. That was not clear for some reason.
W: Okay. I don’t know why it wasn’t because it’s extremely clear here. It’s Bell clear.
A: Were you holding the phone actually to the right place in the speaker?
W: Yes, absolutely.
A: Okay. For some reason, the — I heard it earlier today when you played it just fine. But for some reason it didn’t come out this time. I don’t know why.
W: Let’s try — you want to try it one more time?
A: Yeah, I do as a matter of fact.
W: Let me boost the volume a little bit more. Because I’d really like you to hear this.
A: Alright.
W: And it’ll just be the tail end of it.
A: Alright. Trying this one more time.
(audio conversation from video is hard to hear, words before end sound to me like “WHA[T]” “IMPORTANT WOR[K]”)
A: Alright, I heard a voice that time but it was not decipherable to me. Marla, you’ve heard this and you have the original tape.
H: Right.
A: Any idea what was at the very end of that? It wasn’t very audible obviously here.
H: Right. And to me from the tape that I have it sounds like my mom saying, “There right there. The end of that.”
J: “The far end.”
H: Yeah. “The far end.”
J: “The far end” . . .
H: “The far end.”
J: “The far end.”
A: Okay, what I heard earlier today indeed didn’t sound like English to me.
H: Um-huh.
A: It just simply didn’t sound like any English words that I recognized. Does your mother, Marla, speak any other language?
H: Well no. Not that I — no, not that she ever has before. (small laugh) My family before I was born lived in Peru so, you know, she spoke a little Peruvian with them. And —
A: That mean(s) — so — Whitley, do you recognize that as —
W: Well no we don’t — (“WE’RE”) we’re going to really listen to this carefully. To be quite frank, it’s not coming out as English words right now. It — we’ll have to see. It ends in a burst of static and then as you heard a moment ago there’s a lot of noise from a basketball game that she had filmed later. I’m sure you overheard that when I was turning the system on.
A: Yes.
W: But we will analyze that carefully. What I have to do is pull all of the static out of it without removing any parts of the voice. And I need to do that visually and I have not been able to do that. And we can get it to the point where we have nothing left at all but the sound of the voice and then we’ll know what’s being said.
A: Indeed that can be done. Alright, we’ll look forward to that. I want to thank Marla and I want to thank Jamie. Thank you both for helping us unwind the story of the strange occurrences in Glenrock.
J: Thanks for having us.
H: Sure. We enjoyed being on the air with you.
A: Okay. Good night to you both and, Whitley — you know, I think at this point, Whitley, a lot of people, of course, have never really heard your story and maybe we ought to take this opportunity, if we can —
W: Sure.
A: — to go back to the Communion days, the beginning of all this and just give people some idea of what happened to you and why you are where you are today with all of this.
W: Yes. On the night of December 26/27, 1986, I was awakened in the middle of the night by what appeared to be a nightmare that would not go away. I woke up finding myself in a small, confined space with what appeared to be two different types of being. One were small, short blue, very stocky figures and the other one was a tall, willowy figure with a very long face and big black slanted eyes. And I went through a considerable amount of terror. I mean it was — really remains the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened to me because my impression was that I was having the mother of all nightmares. And then I could not wake up from it. I’d open my eyes and I was sitting up and yet it was still unfolding exactly as if it was happening in real life which was like being — I guess it would be like that to be trapped in a psychosis; only this was even more vividly real. I began screaming and an electronic voice began repeating the phrase in a sort of soothing feminine but quite machine-like tone, “What can we do to help you stop screaming?” I was shown a needle which was inserted into the side of my head and caused a blue flash behind my eye.
A: That wouldn’t help me to stop screaming.
W: No no, it wasn’t helpful in that direction. At some point right after that, I blacked out. Shortly after that, a few other things were done and I blacked out. And the next thing I remember (“I[S]”) waking up in the morning with the feeling (“THAT”) I had been beaten up during the night. And I felt dreadful, absolutely dreadful. I had a thought that there had been owls flying around in the house and then there had been owls at the window — all these ideas about owls. Later in the afternoon, the side of my head and other parts of my body also began to hurt. And my wife could see an injury on the side of my head. And I began to remember first in flashes and then more clearly the story that I’ve just told you. And I went to the doctor because I was — (“HAD BEEN”) a couple of days later — because I was very, very disturbed about this at this point. Because I had these extremely bizarre memories — no idea at all about UFOs. It was not something — and aliens. It was not something that was in my mind. I had been fascinated with them as a child but not in my adult years. I told this story to my doctor and he laughingly said, “Well you’re telling me you were taken aboard a flying saucer by little men.” And I thought, “Oh God, he’s right. I am insane.” And we had neurological tests — a full neurological work-up including an MRI scan. We did a series of tests for a disease called temporal lobe epilepsy that causes vivid hallucinations. I did a full set of psychological tests that revealed me to be under a very high level of stress. Not too surprising.
A: But not schizophrenic.
W: No. No abnormalities were found.
A: Alright.
W: No physical abnormalities. No mental abnormality. And I was finally left in a position of not knowing what had happened. I — at that point had (or “HAD”) began reading a book called Science and the UFOs by Jenny Randles. It had been given to me by my brother by coincidence—apparent coincidence—for Christmas. And I saw a description in it that was rather similar in theme to what happened to me. So I telephone Budd Hopkins who was mentioned in the book and got in touch with him and met him. And he proved to be very supportive and he was kind enough to help me find a forensic hypnotist because I must admit at the time when I sat in Hopkins’s house talking to him and listening to him tell these stories, I thought it was just utter bunk. And — but my concern was that I had actually been physically attacked and raped. And my doctor agreed without consultation with Hopkins that this might be the case. So I ended up with Dr. Donald Kline who was the chief, I believe, of the New York State Department of Psychiatry and a skilled forensic hypnotist who had worked in many criminal cases over his career. And Hopkins expected it was aliens but Kline and I privately expected that we would find that once I was under hypnosis I would be able to see the faces of the people who had done this and that all the alien imagery was something that my mind had thrown up as a kind of a screen to — because I was having trouble facing the humiliation that was involved. Instead, the hypnosis — not only did it — was it incredibly vivid that it was clearly alien contact but I flashed back during the second hypnosis session to the year 1957 when a similar event had taken place. It was just the most shocking couple of weeks—(“WH”) when I did these two — three hypnosis sessions—of my life — changed my life.
A: Of course.
W: And that is why I wrote Communion, having no idea that all of this that I believe is completely contrived denial, was out there. I mean I just thought people would take my story at face value.
A: What specific descriptions —
Q: So there I had to get the second tape that I had recorded (of) the evening’s interviews with (Whitley Strieber).
W: The most vivid one is similar to the cover of Communion. (“IT’S A”) The cover of Communion is a little bit more human looking than what I saw. But it’s close enough. (“IT”) Like for example it has lips on the cover of Communion. I do not recall seeing any lips. And it has a nose and I may have — there may — it was more — I’ll tell you very frankly. What I saw were the two big black eyes and this long narrow thing coming down between them. And if anything there may have been something folded up behind it. I don’t think it was a face, in other words. Not like the face on the cover of the book. It was something much stranger. And it had — the body of this creature had a sense of motion about it that was very liquid and graceful. What was so odd is that during hypnosis I felt really very much like it was someone I knew. Like this was not someone unfamiliar to me. And then there was this flashback to where I’m with my father and my sister and we — I feel no fear. There is a — we’re in a big room — big vaulted chamber and there are cots lying in the chamber. And there are fully-dressed American soldiers lying on the cots motionless. And this creature is moving among them with a willowy sort of movement with a little stick that she’s touching one or another of their foreheads. And I asked her who they are and she says “They’re all soldiers” in a sing-song voice. And then (“MY”) — I say to my father who was very frightened — I say, “It’s okay.” And he says, “No, Whitley, it’s not okay.” And I remember under the hypnosis this appalling fear went through my body like an electric bolt, like a bolt of lightning. And the doctor—(“WHO’S”) really skilled at this kind of thing—know — knew that people who had had like recurring instances of abuse would flash — and a small and repressed memory would flash back between these various instances spontaneously without realizing they were doing it. So he suddenly had detected a change in my voice and he said, “How old are you?” And my little twelve-year-old (“SOUTH”) Texas voice voice pipes up and says, “Twelve.”
A: Wow.
W: An(d) I heard myself say that. (“N”) I was amazed. Well you’re not totally unconscious at all under hypnosis. You’re very well aware of what’s going on. At least I was.
A: Whitley —
W: So that’s part of my story.
A: Okay. At what point did you discover or discern that there had been something planted in your ear?
W: Art, this is a tough one to talk about but I will get into it. This occurred — if the implant is real and I thi(nk) — I frankly believe it probably is from what happened with it. But we don’t have — it’s not a smoking gun-type of implant like Roger Leir will be talking about. Because we don’t have it. But (or “BUT”) if this is real, it came into my ear on the night of May the 24th, 1995 when the following incident occurred.
( . . . )
A: This is “Coast to Coast AM”
Her hair is Harlow gold Her lips sweet surprise Her hands are never cold She’s got Bette Davis eyes
(bumper music is “Bette Davis Eyes” performed by Kim Carnes)
( . . . )
(bumper music is “(I Can’t Help) Falling In Love With You” performed by UB40)
A: My guest is Whitley Strieber. And, boy, have we got a deal for you tonight. Whitley has a tape. He’s got a video tape. The tape is called “Pure Balance.” And I suppose this is something that I would consider a piece of dynamite. This tape teaches the meditation technique that Whitley used to improve or even bring on a close encounter. That’s why I say it’s a piece of dynamite really. He says it can help you get into contact or get out of it. It can make the experiences you have work for you in some rather incredible ways. Whitley, very quickly, wh(at) — this is a kind of a piece of dynamite. I mean in a way. I look at it that way because here’s a tape that actually — if they want it and I think people should be damn careful what they wish for —
W: Right.
A: — could bring on contact.
W: Well it has worked before for that and I — but I must say that it’s really to get in control of it and to explore the situation. (“IT”) I’ve made this tape over a year ago and I did not release it because I wanted to be sure that I spent some time with it. I felt like it was right. And this is as close to what I did when I began to get my experience into focus as anything I can communicate. It also has on it some of the most unusual video that I’ve ever seen to sort of set the scene at the beginning of the tape. Some video from — that’s quite unlike anything else that’s been seen. It’s stuff that I’ve worked on myself that I’ve not yet released and so this would be the first time you would —
A: So this is all unreleased material then?
W: It’s unreleased in the United States and — some of it — and altogether unreleased other parts of it, yes.
A: Alright. How much is this tape?
W: It is 19.95 plus 4.95 for shipping and handling. The total price is 24.90.
A: 24.90 — 90?
W: Two four nine zero.
A: 24.90. Twenty-four dollars and ninety cents.
W: Right. And they accept visa and mastercard.
A: And even better yet I understand now — I want to be careful here. I want to advise you to be careful because we’ve done this before and people get absolutely swamped. You are willing to autograph these tapes?
W: Yes. I am going to autograph the boxes of the tapes that are ordered tonight. I’m not going to get into the position I’ve been in before where I have offered autographs on — not on your show — on other shows and had three or four thousand to do. (“N”) If I get that many to do tonight, I’ll do them all. I promise that every box that is ordered tonight will be personally hand autographed.
A: How long a turnaround time?
W: I wouldn’t think very long. Two or three weeks probably.
A: Two or three weeks at the most.
W: Yeah, I would think so.
A: Alright. Do you have a number they can call? Is it a twenty-four hour number?
W: It’s a twenty-four hour 800 number. It’s — I believe it’s a robot at night but you can leave your information. It’s nice — beautifully set up.
A: Alright.
W: It’s (gives number) (“BY” or “BYE” or “BUY”) And if you are in contact, in a close encounter experience, this is important to have. If you want to get out of it, it will help. If you — the main thing it will help you to get in control of it. If you want to experiment with getting into one, it’s liable to help also.
A: That’s why I said pure dynamite. And actually the name — maybe that’s what you should’ve called it — it’s called “Pure Balance.” That’s the name of the tape and it’s $24.90. Visa, mastercard, whatever. The number is (gives number). If it’s busy — I don’t know — can they take a lot of calls?
W: It should be able to take a lot of calls but if it’s busy —
A: Keep trying.
W: — you can try again.
A: Alright. 1-800 —
W: In a few minutes it’ll be free.
A: Alright. (gives number) First time Whitley has ever done this. So there you are, folks. Now, Whitley, if you would quickly this thing in your ear — tell us.
W: Let me tell you the story. It’s a very simple and strange story. The night of December — I mean of May the 24th, 1995, asleep in a cabin in upstate New York (“ON IN THE”) on the second floor. Under the windows is a gravel driveway. I was awakened by the sound of crunching of gravel. In other words, tires moving in that driveway. And we were behind a locked gate. We were also about five or six miles from the nearest house and so it woke me right up — that sound. Windows were open — (“IT WAS A”) nice night. And I was frightened because there should not have been a vehicle out there. And it couldn’t be anybody up to anything good. I rose up in the bed and as I began moving I distinctly heard a human voice in the backyard say, “Condition red.” Clearly. I then saw standing in the doorway of the bedroom, which was at the foot of the bed, a woman and a man behind her. I could identicate (SIC) these people easily. (“I”) I saw their faces. Clearly. There was a lot of LEDs from the alarm system which was on and armed and not going off. They moved toward me quite quickly up toward the side of the bed. (I) began to come out of the bed. I was aware of something behind them but I don’t know what it was. It was not another human being but there was something in motion behind them as well. The next thing I knew, I’m lying flat on the bed. My eyes are closed but I’m totally conscious. I can hear someone talking to me almost like you would talk to a frightened dog: a female voice saying, “Calm down. Calm down.” And then nothing. Until morning. I woke up, immediately told my wife the whole story, asked her if she remembered anything during the night. She did not. The alarm system was still turned on. I went to check the house out immediately. I went through the house and as soon as I opened the door into the garage, I found that the garage door was wide open despite the fact that the system was not indicating this. I walked out into the garage and my hairs of my body stood on end as if I was in a field of static electricity. I started to get into the car — or in fact I did get in the car and had backed it all the way out when I realized that this static was inside the car as well. I jumped out of the car, went back into the house immediately. My wife came out, observed the condition of the car and we stayed away from it because we did not know what this was. We closed the garage, disarmed the system, called the alarm man — the man who ran the system. He could not — he came over. He could not figure out how this had happened. Everything was in working order. The car gradually became normal again. That afternoon, my left ear began to hurt. I had (“NN”) a lump in the pina which is the outer part of my left ear up toward the back and top. About six weeks — I had — I deliberated getting this taken out right away.
A: Of course.
W: But there was another incident that occurred a few months later. A lady named Betty Dagané had one autopsy after she died and I read that she had been afraid that this would be — that it would kill her to have it removed. So I didn’t do anything about it. I felt very helpless up there anyway. There was nothing but the local doctors. I didn’t know Roger Leir at the time. So I was — (“LOSE”) I didn’t see how I could — what I could do about it.
A: So for years you did nothing.
W: Well the next thing that happened was — we moved down to San Antonio and at this point this thing had turned on a few times. In other words, the ear would get red and hot and there would be a warbling sound or a series of tones in my ear. It was quite remarkable. But what was so extraordinary — I became involved with scientists here were very interested in implants. I found a much more open-minded attitude in San Antonio and they were — by this time I was aware of what Roger was doing and his extraordinary—and by the way he is the pioneer in this field—work. And I was actually talking to one of these scientists about this. About the way the ear worked when it did do this. It turned on, turned bright red before his eyes. And he said, “Let’s not take it out. Let’s try to study this thing if we can get it to turn on again.” We were never able to do that (“REGUR”) on any kind of a regular basis under controlled conditions.
A: It didn’t turn on, on demand?
W: No. But, finally, I got — frankly I just got very creepy about it and I still am. And a few weeks ago I attempted to have the surgery done here in San Antonio and I —
A: You went to a doctor and (“HE E”) —
W: Yes.
A: — he — go ahead and tell them. (“WELL”)
W: He knew who I was and he probably knew — he’s a great doctor, great guy, really, really good guy. He probably knew what he was taking out but we didn’t talk about it directly. It was just a foreign object as far as the diagnosis went. The ear became irritated. When I’d lay on it at night, it woke me up when I was sleeping. He examined this. He X-rayed it. It did not show up on X-ray which is not unusual at all in (or “IN”) this type of thing. (“HE”) But he palpated it and identified its position, indicated — determined it was fixed (“N”) — and — by examination, sat me in the surgical chair and made an incision and began dissecting around the object when the object moved down into another area of my ear. Not far away but far enough away to where it was out from under the incision.
A: This thing moved.
W: It moved, yeah. Absolutely. And it had not been — it had been fixed in position and he managed after some struggle to get what he believed to be a small part of it which (or “WHICH” or “WITCH”) upon examination in the — not in a pathology lab but in the laboratory that was especially working on this and is working implants with me. They observed that the — that it was made of (“WHAT”) appeared to be distressed collagen and it contained a number of crystal — mineral — discreet mineral crystals, probably calcium carbonate or potassium carbonate of some kind. (“IT”) There are two diseases that could create crystals in the skin. One is gout. These are not uric acid crystals. The other is a disease called pseudo-gout which creates a substance called potassium pyro-carbonate. It’s not potassium pyro-carbonate. And also pseudo-gout occurs in joints. It’s not observed in the pina of the ear. So it’s a very mysterious business — this object. We don’t know —
A: And it’s still there?
W: It’s still there. And not only is it there, the doctor just examined it again the other evening and it — he said it’s bigger. It’s back where it was in the first place. It’s just as fixed and it’s somewhat larger.
A: So it moved back and it’s grown. (“RETURNED”) Oh Lord.
W: And you can’t move it around at all. It is fixed there again just as it was before the surgery.
A: Alright so now everybody’s up-to-date on your implant and, alright, in a moment we’re going to bring on Dr. Roger Leir who is probably the pioneer implant surgeon in this country. And we’re going to talk to him about implants. But, again, quite an offer from Whitley. I would say quite an offer. (“O UM”) I call his tape pure dynamite. He calls it “Pure Balance.” It teaches you actually how to get into contact with, if you really want that — and again I warn people be careful what you wish for, these beings or to get out of it. Apparently, to go either way. Twenty-four bucks and ninety cents. That includes shipping and handling. And he’ll autograph it. Whitley Strieber will autograph it for you. You can order it now only through this program and only now at (gives number). (repeats number) Autographed stuff is fun to have.
( . . . )
A: The human body can function without vitamins . . .
( . . . )
A: . . . and Whitley Strieber and here comes Dr. Roger Leir. Dr., are you there?
R: Yes, I am, Art.