Q: Mark Russell Bell
M: Michael, computer technician
Q: Did you know what he meant when he said this is like a special version of Windows or whatever?
M: I never heard of that before but —
Q: . . . (hard to distinguish/make sense of this portion beyond a prominent expletive)
M: In other words, it’s probably Windows 95 and I had the drivers you need for the special (“YOU KNOW THE”) modem/sound card-thing so I don’t see why you can’t just download . . .
Q: I don’t think they ever gave me those Windows disks. Even though it makes sense that I would have it but I can’t imagine where I would have put it.
( . . . )
Q: The only thing that gets me past this kind of bullshit is that I just take everything as a joke. That’s the only way to take it. As a sick joke.
( . . . )
Q: Well everything they do can try controlling (unlawful use)—in terms of the drivers—but people who know how to get their rules get around the rules so it’s the people like me who get screwed.
M: Well there should have been drivers for that . . .
( . . . )
Q: So Michael and I are having lunch after the devastating techno-horror day. He said this was the worst problem he’s ever seen. We did find what looks to be my Windows diskette — is that what it’s called? It looks like a compact disk so that’s why I didn’t realize I had it. Can you — will you be able to put it in today or —
M: Hope so.
Q: Okay, good. Okay, Michael’s being very encouraging.
( . . . )
Q: And, by the way, he saw a nickel. We were walking down the hall with my neighbor and a nickel fell down so she thought she had dropped it but Michael and I know otherwise, don’t we Michael?
M: I suppose. Yeah.
Q: I suppose. Unless I threw it there. People always —
( . . . )
Q: I had another thought while I was taking out the trash — what did the Spirits want edited from my manuscript? That would explain the unusual circumstances. I’m just glad I do have access to most of the typing because that — I would not have been a happy person redoing — typing all that.
( . . . )
Q: Oh no. Maybe it isn’t right, then? Well that’s the only one I — I mean I looked through everything.
( . . . )
Q: So Michael just left. He was very nice and helpful but we don’t have the installation disk and I’m usually very careful with installation disks so I don’t know why, of all the things I couldn’t find, I couldn’t find that. But, of course, with all the chaos in my life over the last year and a half, I’d not be surprised if I couldn’t find anything. And having moved in that time. It’s possible that I did get the installation disks with it but I don’t remember — can’t imagine where I would’ve put them if not with the other installation disks and things — not really disks but the disks they give you. (“UH-HUH”) Anyway, I just feel totally exhausted and upset. I won’t have a computer for a week at least and then I’ve got to do all the installation programs by calling IBM, etc., GTE again, WordPerfect again. It’s just an absolute nightmare.
( . . . )
Q: So Gavin Murphy was also very nice from IBM. I didn’t call him back. He’d given me a special number to call back should we have found the installation Windows disks.
( . . . )
Q: So after the initial disappointment wears off in terms of solving my computer problems, I know that what happened was supposed to happen as part of inevitabilities. At least, seeming inevitabilities. And yet I still can’t not feel anything about it.
( . . . )
Q: I always question the reasons behind what happens beyond it being incomprehensible.
( . . . )
Q: I know that the circumstances of my own life are beyond anything that I, myself, could affect so I shouldn’t be so caught up in it yet it’s hard not to be. It’s hard not to have feelings.
( . . . )
Q: And to wonder about the significance behind things.
M: I never heard of that before but —
Q: . . . (hard to distinguish/make sense of this portion beyond a prominent expletive)
M: In other words, it’s probably Windows 95 and I had the drivers you need for the special (“YOU KNOW THE”) modem/sound card-thing so I don’t see why you can’t just download . . .
Q: I don’t think they ever gave me those Windows disks. Even though it makes sense that I would have it but I can’t imagine where I would have put it.
( . . . )
Q: The only thing that gets me past this kind of bullshit is that I just take everything as a joke. That’s the only way to take it. As a sick joke.
( . . . )
Q: Well everything they do can try controlling (unlawful use)—in terms of the drivers—but people who know how to get their rules get around the rules so it’s the people like me who get screwed.
M: Well there should have been drivers for that . . .
( . . . )
Q: So Michael and I are having lunch after the devastating techno-horror day. He said this was the worst problem he’s ever seen. We did find what looks to be my Windows diskette — is that what it’s called? It looks like a compact disk so that’s why I didn’t realize I had it. Can you — will you be able to put it in today or —
M: Hope so.
Q: Okay, good. Okay, Michael’s being very encouraging.
( . . . )
Q: And, by the way, he saw a nickel. We were walking down the hall with my neighbor and a nickel fell down so she thought she had dropped it but Michael and I know otherwise, don’t we Michael?
M: I suppose. Yeah.
Q: I suppose. Unless I threw it there. People always —
( . . . )
Q: I had another thought while I was taking out the trash — what did the Spirits want edited from my manuscript? That would explain the unusual circumstances. I’m just glad I do have access to most of the typing because that — I would not have been a happy person redoing — typing all that.
( . . . )
Q: Oh no. Maybe it isn’t right, then? Well that’s the only one I — I mean I looked through everything.
( . . . )
Q: So Michael just left. He was very nice and helpful but we don’t have the installation disk and I’m usually very careful with installation disks so I don’t know why, of all the things I couldn’t find, I couldn’t find that. But, of course, with all the chaos in my life over the last year and a half, I’d not be surprised if I couldn’t find anything. And having moved in that time. It’s possible that I did get the installation disks with it but I don’t remember — can’t imagine where I would’ve put them if not with the other installation disks and things — not really disks but the disks they give you. (“UH-HUH”) Anyway, I just feel totally exhausted and upset. I won’t have a computer for a week at least and then I’ve got to do all the installation programs by calling IBM, etc., GTE again, WordPerfect again. It’s just an absolute nightmare.
( . . . )
Q: So Gavin Murphy was also very nice from IBM. I didn’t call him back. He’d given me a special number to call back should we have found the installation Windows disks.
( . . . )
Q: So after the initial disappointment wears off in terms of solving my computer problems, I know that what happened was supposed to happen as part of inevitabilities. At least, seeming inevitabilities. And yet I still can’t not feel anything about it.
( . . . )
Q: I always question the reasons behind what happens beyond it being incomprehensible.
( . . . )
Q: I know that the circumstances of my own life are beyond anything that I, myself, could affect so I shouldn’t be so caught up in it yet it’s hard not to be. It’s hard not to have feelings.
( . . . )
Q: And to wonder about the significance behind things.