Q: Mark Russell Bell
B: Michael Russell, brother
S: Susan Austin, Bank of America assistant vice president
Q: Thursday, April 24th.
S: Yes, this message is for Mr. Russell. This is Susan Austin with Bank of America just calling to let you know I did get your message and I did get your authorization to speak with John Barclift; however, he has never contacted me back and I don’t have an offer or anything from him. And, also, I don’t have a phone number of any other information to reach him so just calling to let you know that I — no, I have not heard from your realtor, John Barclift, and we are going to go ahead and refer the loan over to, you know, the foreclosure process so if you have any questions give me a call back at (gives number). Thank you.
( . . . )
Q: So I was sick today. It’s about 5:30 now. So again I slept (in the afternoon). I read some poems, including “The Knowing” by Sharon Olds (from Passionate Hearts compiled and edited by Wendy Maltz). I remember talking to Mighael. I said, “Why do you poison me with love? And why do I love you with poison?” Anyway, I’m getting up now. I plan to do some housework and then some transcribing.
( . . . )
Q: So I just had a call. I spoke to one of Art Bell’s competitors in Denver and we talked about doing an interview in May — the last Thursday in May. But it scares me how I can go from love to hate. I told him I had some really embarrassing information on Art for my next book. I wonder what that made him think. (“I MEAN WOULDN’T”) Wouldn’t you be wary about interviewing somebody who said something like that to you? I just don’t know what I’m going to say before I say it. He wanted to interview me tonight but I called too late. It was from the Wireless Flash. They’re still calling. I haven’t spoken to this gentleman before so people apparently keep that release and refer to it a while later. He lives on Harrison Street. I was a little dismayed when he said that he wanted to interview me next month so I said, “Is it sweeps?”
( . . . )
Q: So I received in the mail a nasty letter from the City of Los Angeles and, of course, I had sent a letter in January about my change of address and the misunderstanding.
Last fall, I contacted the office of the city clerk to tell them I was moving to Santa Monica. I am no longer doing business in Los Angeles so please adjust your records accordingly. Therefore, no tax is due as per the 1997 renewal form I recently received. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Q: So here’s this letter from City Clerk J. Michael Carey on City of Los Angeles stationery with Mayor Richard J. Riordan’s name on it. It says basically, “If you fail to appear, or if you fail to remove the cause for the hearing on or before the date of the hearing, the certificate(s) will be suspended or revoked effective 12:01 a.m. the next day.” Well, it’s fine with me. I’ve already told them it didn’t apply. So, of course, if they find that I am engaged in business after the certificate issued has been suspended or revoked, I would be “guilty of a misdemeanor.” God, they’ll do anything for their penny ante money. They’ll be inept. They’ll mindlessly go after the last little penny that they possibly can. God, they’re inept. I sent the letter. How could those stupid people have re-elected Richard Riordan?
( . . . )
Q: So, anyway, while making coffee I was thinking of a new script idea to pitch once my name is ‘hot’ in Hollywood. Of course, you know they don’t like intellectual subjects but they’ll be interested in exploiting my newfound celebrity in wild and amazing ways. So how about:
A contemporary retelling of “Gaslight” and “Les Misérables.” In “Boolight,” Boo is cast in the role of Inspector Boovert who hounds surreptitiously His new wife (Mark Russell Bell) to insanity and death, not necessarily in that order. A 1-man cast.
Q: Interested parties should send their inquiries to the author’s representative, Mr. Jonathan Handel, as in — oh never mind.
( . . . )
Q: So I just have Rick’s package and book all made up. And I was thinking of the sequel to “Boolight” because, obviously, it’ll be such a huge hit that it will inspire a sequel entitled:
In this sequel —
Q: Oh no, not sequel. Continuation.
In this continuation of the original — in a case of mistaken identity, it is revealed that Margo’s twin sister was the actual one who died in a chain of events that throws into question what is reality and what is the dreamstate. The production designer will be asked to only use color schemes that have been seen in the works of Salvador Dali. The filmmakers very much want the film never to be described as anything other than ‘a postmodern romantic thriller.’ Nothing else will simply do.
Q: So it’s almost midnight, Thursday, and to follow up my previous journal entry, make that:
Q: I forgot to mention I met a new listener at the Hotline named Lloyd Benjamin Martinez and I did my little psychic interview and he gave me the name Magellan. And, of course — Ma in Martinez, the ‘gg’ sound in Benjamin, the ll in Lloyd, and the en in Benjamin (in sound). So I talked with him a little bit about this and he just sort of looked incredulous like it had the ring of truth to it but it was just beyond his comprehension. I said, “Have you ever thought about where names come from? Why people choose certain names comes from their subconscious.” But he didn’t admit to it at first. I said, “Are there any people in history that you were intrigued by?” And he didn’t really say anyone. Then, later on, he said, “Well, actually there was one. There was Magellen. I always wondered what could have happened if he could have continued his search.” And so, of course, the apparent answer is he is continuing his search. But not for material riches but for inward ones.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s still a little bit past midnight and I’m just meditating over my experience of the day. And I don’t know if Mighael wants me to share all of the intimate details of our relationship but maybe I will. Because I must say that sometimes I can psychically feel His feelings. Today I think I could feel His elation. I could feel Him ‘cum,’ you might say. And just thinking about it makes me feel very joyous. It was after I read the poem. And I had just felt ill — fatigued, aware of my imperfection and His perfection. And I just felt this psychic joy — a heat enveloping me with a tangy, sweet quality to it. It’s amazing how I can feel such a thing and, even as I hear cars pass on the highways outside, how can I just be aware of this experience and no other?
( . . . )
Q: Well, I came upon Robert Bauval’s website and he wrote the bestselling The Orion Mystery. So I think I’ll be nice and share with him my finding of Marduk in the Orion nebula since he obviously will enjoy this information. I’ll read from this website. It says:
Q: Thursday, April 24th.
S: Yes, this message is for Mr. Russell. This is Susan Austin with Bank of America just calling to let you know I did get your message and I did get your authorization to speak with John Barclift; however, he has never contacted me back and I don’t have an offer or anything from him. And, also, I don’t have a phone number of any other information to reach him so just calling to let you know that I — no, I have not heard from your realtor, John Barclift, and we are going to go ahead and refer the loan over to, you know, the foreclosure process so if you have any questions give me a call back at (gives number). Thank you.
( . . . )
Q: So I was sick today. It’s about 5:30 now. So again I slept (in the afternoon). I read some poems, including “The Knowing” by Sharon Olds (from Passionate Hearts compiled and edited by Wendy Maltz). I remember talking to Mighael. I said, “Why do you poison me with love? And why do I love you with poison?” Anyway, I’m getting up now. I plan to do some housework and then some transcribing.
( . . . )
Q: So I just had a call. I spoke to one of Art Bell’s competitors in Denver and we talked about doing an interview in May — the last Thursday in May. But it scares me how I can go from love to hate. I told him I had some really embarrassing information on Art for my next book. I wonder what that made him think. (“I MEAN WOULDN’T”) Wouldn’t you be wary about interviewing somebody who said something like that to you? I just don’t know what I’m going to say before I say it. He wanted to interview me tonight but I called too late. It was from the Wireless Flash. They’re still calling. I haven’t spoken to this gentleman before so people apparently keep that release and refer to it a while later. He lives on Harrison Street. I was a little dismayed when he said that he wanted to interview me next month so I said, “Is it sweeps?”
( . . . )
Q: So I received in the mail a nasty letter from the City of Los Angeles and, of course, I had sent a letter in January about my change of address and the misunderstanding.
Last fall, I contacted the office of the city clerk to tell them I was moving to Santa Monica. I am no longer doing business in Los Angeles so please adjust your records accordingly. Therefore, no tax is due as per the 1997 renewal form I recently received. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Q: So here’s this letter from City Clerk J. Michael Carey on City of Los Angeles stationery with Mayor Richard J. Riordan’s name on it. It says basically, “If you fail to appear, or if you fail to remove the cause for the hearing on or before the date of the hearing, the certificate(s) will be suspended or revoked effective 12:01 a.m. the next day.” Well, it’s fine with me. I’ve already told them it didn’t apply. So, of course, if they find that I am engaged in business after the certificate issued has been suspended or revoked, I would be “guilty of a misdemeanor.” God, they’ll do anything for their penny ante money. They’ll be inept. They’ll mindlessly go after the last little penny that they possibly can. God, they’re inept. I sent the letter. How could those stupid people have re-elected Richard Riordan?
( . . . )
Q: So, anyway, while making coffee I was thinking of a new script idea to pitch once my name is ‘hot’ in Hollywood. Of course, you know they don’t like intellectual subjects but they’ll be interested in exploiting my newfound celebrity in wild and amazing ways. So how about:
A contemporary retelling of “Gaslight” and “Les Misérables.” In “Boolight,” Boo is cast in the role of Inspector Boovert who hounds surreptitiously His new wife (Mark Russell Bell) to insanity and death, not necessarily in that order. A 1-man cast.
Q: Interested parties should send their inquiries to the author’s representative, Mr. Jonathan Handel, as in — oh never mind.
( . . . )
Q: So I just have Rick’s package and book all made up. And I was thinking of the sequel to “Boolight” because, obviously, it’ll be such a huge hit that it will inspire a sequel entitled:
In this sequel —
Q: Oh no, not sequel. Continuation.
In this continuation of the original — in a case of mistaken identity, it is revealed that Margo’s twin sister was the actual one who died in a chain of events that throws into question what is reality and what is the dreamstate. The production designer will be asked to only use color schemes that have been seen in the works of Salvador Dali. The filmmakers very much want the film never to be described as anything other than ‘a postmodern romantic thriller.’ Nothing else will simply do.
Q: So it’s almost midnight, Thursday, and to follow up my previous journal entry, make that:
Q: I forgot to mention I met a new listener at the Hotline named Lloyd Benjamin Martinez and I did my little psychic interview and he gave me the name Magellan. And, of course — Ma in Martinez, the ‘gg’ sound in Benjamin, the ll in Lloyd, and the en in Benjamin (in sound). So I talked with him a little bit about this and he just sort of looked incredulous like it had the ring of truth to it but it was just beyond his comprehension. I said, “Have you ever thought about where names come from? Why people choose certain names comes from their subconscious.” But he didn’t admit to it at first. I said, “Are there any people in history that you were intrigued by?” And he didn’t really say anyone. Then, later on, he said, “Well, actually there was one. There was Magellen. I always wondered what could have happened if he could have continued his search.” And so, of course, the apparent answer is he is continuing his search. But not for material riches but for inward ones.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s still a little bit past midnight and I’m just meditating over my experience of the day. And I don’t know if Mighael wants me to share all of the intimate details of our relationship but maybe I will. Because I must say that sometimes I can psychically feel His feelings. Today I think I could feel His elation. I could feel Him ‘cum,’ you might say. And just thinking about it makes me feel very joyous. It was after I read the poem. And I had just felt ill — fatigued, aware of my imperfection and His perfection. And I just felt this psychic joy — a heat enveloping me with a tangy, sweet quality to it. It’s amazing how I can feel such a thing and, even as I hear cars pass on the highways outside, how can I just be aware of this experience and no other?
( . . . )
Q: Well, I came upon Robert Bauval’s website and he wrote the bestselling The Orion Mystery. So I think I’ll be nice and share with him my finding of Marduk in the Orion nebula since he obviously will enjoy this information. I’ll read from this website. It says:
Over the past 200 years great advances have been made in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture. From knowing virtually nothing, we have now reached a stage where we are able to translate directly from hieroglyphs. But many mysteries remain largely unsolved: Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids? How did they achieve such amazing feats of architecture and engineering? When exactly were they built?
For many years, classical Egyptologists maintained that the pyramids were merely grandiose tombs to commemorate dead Pharaohs, built by slave labor and laid out in a relatively unstructured manner. However, recent work by Robert Bauval has shed an intriguing new light on the issue.
He realized that the relative sizes, and detailed positioning of, the Giza pyramids were a faithful mimicry of the stars forming the ‘belt’ in the constellation of Orion. In addition, it transpired that the supposed air shafts in the pyramids actually pointed directly towards Orion, apparently with the aim of projecting the soul of the deceased king out towards the constellation.
These discoveries alone re-wrote our understanding of the motivations for building the pyramids and the state of technological advance of the ancient culture. But the plot continues to thicken with a robotic camera sent into the shafts recently enabling the discovery of a door to a previously unknown secret chamber deep within the structure. Rumors abound that imminent discoveries may even more radically change our perception of ancient civilization . . . (“TO FIN[D]”)
To find out more, why not click on each of the following links? The correlation between the Giza Pyramids and Orion’s belt Egyptology and Egyptologists The Importance of Astronomy Ancient Egyptian Religion Ancient Egyptian Culture About Robert Bauval
Over the past 200 years great advances have been made in our understanding of ancient Egyptian culture. From knowing virtually nothing, we have now reached a stage where we are able to translate directly from hieroglyphs. But many mysteries remain largely unsolved: Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids? How did they achieve such amazing feats of architecture and engineering? When exactly were they built?
For many years, classical Egyptologists maintained that the pyramids were merely grandiose tombs to commemorate dead Pharaohs, built by slave labor and laid out in a relatively unstructured manner. However, recent work by Robert Bauval has shed an intriguing new light on the issue.
He realized that the relative sizes, and detailed positioning of, the Giza pyramids were a faithful mimicry of the stars forming the ‘belt’ in the constellation of Orion. In addition, it transpired that the supposed air shafts in the pyramids actually pointed directly towards Orion, apparently with the aim of projecting the soul of the deceased king out towards the constellation.
These discoveries alone re-wrote our understanding of the motivations for building the pyramids and the state of technological advance of the ancient culture. But the plot continues to thicken with a robotic camera sent into the shafts recently enabling the discovery of a door to a previously unknown secret chamber deep within the structure. Rumors abound that imminent discoveries may even more radically change our perception of ancient civilization . . . (“TO FIN[D]”)
To find out more, why not click on each of the following links? The correlation between the Giza Pyramids and Orion’s belt Egyptology and Egyptologists The Importance of Astronomy Ancient Egyptian Religion Ancient Egyptian Culture About Robert Bauval
So it says: “Please feel free to join our discussion by e-mail. Leave your comments and questions here and Robert will endeavor to answer as many as he can.” The publisher, it says here, of The Orion Mystery is Heinemann. It says the “Textual copyright on link pages owned by Dave Goode & Henry Ritson. Graphic copyright owned by Robert G. Bauval.”
( . . .)
Q: So I’m just sending a simple note:
Subject: Orion Mystery Solved
I would like to notify Robert Bauval the object located in the Orion nebula that is evidently the basis for the Egyptian pyramid alignment has been photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. To appreciate this photo, one must see an original on display and not the Internet version, yet this is at . . .
I would like to notify Robert Bauval the object located in the Orion nebula that is evidently the basis for the Egyptian pyramid alignment has been photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. To appreciate this photo, one must see an original on display and not the Internet version, yet this is at . . .
Q: I give my usual information and just signed my name “Sincerely.” I hope it can be of use. Maybe they’ll give me a reply back.
( . . . )
Q: Something else that really made me laugh. I visited Paramount Studio Group’s website and it says:
Paramount Studio Group operates under the five PRINCIPLES OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.
1. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
2. Personalized service is everyone’s right and responsibility.
3. Go out of your way to ask, listen, establish needs and deliver more.
4. We recognize and celebrate success (including failed attempts and heroic acts).
5. Let it show that you are Paramount’s greatest asset.
1. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
2. Personalized service is everyone’s right and responsibility.
3. Go out of your way to ask, listen, establish needs and deliver more.
4. We recognize and celebrate success (including failed attempts and heroic acts).
5. Let it show that you are Paramount’s greatest asset.
Q: I think that they have two letters too many on that last word — if you believe these.
( . . . )
Q: I also went to the General Messages bulletin board to see if anyone had commented on my “PROOF GOD EXITS! (DOES ANYONE CARE?)” and I guess no one does care because some of the other messages did have rebuttals and comments but mine didn’t. For example, “Easy Money$$$$ – Don’t Read This 4/20/97” had three different comments.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Friday and I’m leaving the Hotline. We talked some more about the “cover-up” and, apparently, the reason why they’re not doing a news release or what-have-you is because they’re worried about people giving less money donations. I still think it’s something that needs to be addressed and could be done so effectively in press releases. But the people in charge are the ones who should know best so it’s not something I would take upon myself to do anything about — unlike the Cassini mission. Who is to say? It might be true that people will not contribute as much money because of this and, therefore, it might make sense to prolong it as much as possible.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s very hot today. I woke at dawn, thinking strange thoughts and I had a strange dream all centering on who is the angel Mighael’s current incarnation. Yes, isn’t that a thought. I saw a bumper sticker today that said, “Don’t Die Wondering” or something to that effect. I’ve very perturbed at the thought.
( . . . )
Q: By the way, there are media representatives on the Hotline volunteer staff and listeners do know other media reporters so if something doesn’t happen it won’t be just because of me.
( . . . )
Q: So I visited the U2 “Popmart” tour “Pop” webcast and I was disappointed that there’s no Email to send to the band. So I’m sending some Email to Gerry Ryan who seems to be a friend of theirs. My message is:
( . . . )
Q: I also went to the General Messages bulletin board to see if anyone had commented on my “PROOF GOD EXITS! (DOES ANYONE CARE?)” and I guess no one does care because some of the other messages did have rebuttals and comments but mine didn’t. For example, “Easy Money$$$$ – Don’t Read This 4/20/97” had three different comments.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s Friday and I’m leaving the Hotline. We talked some more about the “cover-up” and, apparently, the reason why they’re not doing a news release or what-have-you is because they’re worried about people giving less money donations. I still think it’s something that needs to be addressed and could be done so effectively in press releases. But the people in charge are the ones who should know best so it’s not something I would take upon myself to do anything about — unlike the Cassini mission. Who is to say? It might be true that people will not contribute as much money because of this and, therefore, it might make sense to prolong it as much as possible.
( . . . )
Q: So it’s very hot today. I woke at dawn, thinking strange thoughts and I had a strange dream all centering on who is the angel Mighael’s current incarnation. Yes, isn’t that a thought. I saw a bumper sticker today that said, “Don’t Die Wondering” or something to that effect. I’ve very perturbed at the thought.
( . . . )
Q: By the way, there are media representatives on the Hotline volunteer staff and listeners do know other media reporters so if something doesn’t happen it won’t be just because of me.
( . . . )
Q: So I visited the U2 “Popmart” tour “Pop” webcast and I was disappointed that there’s no Email to send to the band. So I’m sending some Email to Gerry Ryan who seems to be a friend of theirs. My message is:
I was disappointed with the webcast in that friends of U2 couldn’t send Email directly to them. I edited the press kit production information for “U2 Rattle and Hum” at the Paramount dream factory and wanted to tell Bono how impressed I was by the band’s new channeling of Pop. Judging by Bono’s comments in the Los ANGELes Times, he doesn’t seem to yet be aware that Pop exists and is looking forward to spending all eternity with him. The “dumb bells” lyric in the album was an ironic touch.
Q: Oh, I’m going to send it. I don’t think it’s going to get me into trouble. I was doing my slips of paper thing and it just wasn’t conclusive at all. I guess He doesn’t want to take away anyone’s freedom of choice.
B: Mark asked, “Will I get in trouble for the Email message I sent today?” I said, “And the card is The Hanged Man. ‘One who has found equilibrium through his own concept of reality, spirituality, tuition, intuition and self-sacrifice are implied.'”
Q: So that means I won’t get in trouble.
( . . . )
Q: So I came home from Andy’s birthday party and I checked my Email to print out a copy of the letter I sent and there wasn’t one there. I thought it automatically would be saved so maybe they won’t know my own Email address, unfortunately, so they won’t be able to send me something back. Anyway, I thought I would go back to this U2 “Popmart” to see if there’s any other interesting information and, of course, on this website,, there’s a picture of a very modern looking TV, almost like a satellite, with a giant eye in it. What does that remind you of? I’m going to click on the U2 “Popmart” sign and go direct to “live netcast.” So this takes you to “live netcasts” and it shows sort of an aperture like an eye with a rock musician in it. It says “RTE’s coverage of U2 RTE online goes to Las Vegas” — make that “RTE online” I’ll click on. “You now are being transported to If you don’t move click here.” Well, mine’s moving and I am now at — well first it says, “Gerry Ryan Goes Pop Direct From Las Vegas.” The selections are: “Tour Diary” — “Follow the trip day by day.” Ho-hum. No thank you. “Biographies” — (“SSS”) “U2 Biography” — “Even if you know all about the note pinned to the school notice board back in ’76, you can find out a lot about U2 by clicking here.” I’ll skip “audio/video” — “Pop visions”; “Hello from heaven” — “Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry invite us into their elegant new home”; “Witnesses” — “All we could see were lights flashing in the sky . . . and a tremendous whirring noise like a waterfall.” I’ll click there. So I’m looking under “Audio/video” — “Seeing things, hearing things that aren’t really there.” I’m clicking on “The A/V Mojo wire is live from Vegas NOW.” I’m just not finding many interesting things. It’s not a very well-planned website. I tried going into articles entitled “The second coming,” “On the road again” and “Talk about pop music” and I just can’t get in. I won’t even try “The inside story” or “Viva Las Vegas.” I guess I don’t have some connector that I need for the audio excerpts. (“SSS”) I hope my Email went through. So to conclude this very frustrating analytical journalism failure, I’ll read their idea of an intriguing biography for U2. It says “Gerry Ryan Goes Pop” at the top. Maybe that means he wrote it?
B: Mark asked, “Will I get in trouble for the Email message I sent today?” I said, “And the card is The Hanged Man. ‘One who has found equilibrium through his own concept of reality, spirituality, tuition, intuition and self-sacrifice are implied.'”
Q: So that means I won’t get in trouble.
( . . . )
Q: So I came home from Andy’s birthday party and I checked my Email to print out a copy of the letter I sent and there wasn’t one there. I thought it automatically would be saved so maybe they won’t know my own Email address, unfortunately, so they won’t be able to send me something back. Anyway, I thought I would go back to this U2 “Popmart” to see if there’s any other interesting information and, of course, on this website,, there’s a picture of a very modern looking TV, almost like a satellite, with a giant eye in it. What does that remind you of? I’m going to click on the U2 “Popmart” sign and go direct to “live netcast.” So this takes you to “live netcasts” and it shows sort of an aperture like an eye with a rock musician in it. It says “RTE’s coverage of U2 RTE online goes to Las Vegas” — make that “RTE online” I’ll click on. “You now are being transported to If you don’t move click here.” Well, mine’s moving and I am now at — well first it says, “Gerry Ryan Goes Pop Direct From Las Vegas.” The selections are: “Tour Diary” — “Follow the trip day by day.” Ho-hum. No thank you. “Biographies” — (“SSS”) “U2 Biography” — “Even if you know all about the note pinned to the school notice board back in ’76, you can find out a lot about U2 by clicking here.” I’ll skip “audio/video” — “Pop visions”; “Hello from heaven” — “Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry invite us into their elegant new home”; “Witnesses” — “All we could see were lights flashing in the sky . . . and a tremendous whirring noise like a waterfall.” I’ll click there. So I’m looking under “Audio/video” — “Seeing things, hearing things that aren’t really there.” I’m clicking on “The A/V Mojo wire is live from Vegas NOW.” I’m just not finding many interesting things. It’s not a very well-planned website. I tried going into articles entitled “The second coming,” “On the road again” and “Talk about pop music” and I just can’t get in. I won’t even try “The inside story” or “Viva Las Vegas.” I guess I don’t have some connector that I need for the audio excerpts. (“SSS”) I hope my Email went through. So to conclude this very frustrating analytical journalism failure, I’ll read their idea of an intriguing biography for U2. It says “Gerry Ryan Goes Pop” at the top. Maybe that means he wrote it?
U2’s new album “POP” has gone to number one in more than 25 countries around the world. It is already being seen as their most successful album to date.
Q: I wonder if that’s financially or artistically?
On paper their biggest selling album is still The Joshua Tree
Q: On paper their biggest selling album is still The Joshua Tree?
which was accompanied by a massive world tour 10 years ago. At the time they were given the royal treatment in the U.S. when TIME magazine put them on the front cover.
But even that album and tour could soon be small fry when POP MART opens its doors for business. The tour takes in America and Europe over the next year.
All four members of the band are eagerly looking forward to the shows and, as always, the unpredictability of every live performance which forms part and parcel of the excitement of a U2 show.
But even that album and tour could soon be small fry when POP MART opens its doors for business. The tour takes in America and Europe over the next year.
All four members of the band are eagerly looking forward to the shows and, as always, the unpredictability of every live performance which forms part and parcel of the excitement of a U2 show.
Q: These are not written correctly. What is “which” doing in there? Anyway.
Q: These are not written correctly. What is “which” doing in there? Anyway.
A huge selling album, an even bigger event than zoo and all of this after 20 years of together as U2. It’s only fitting that the band celebrate two decades of their brand of rock and roll with their biggest project to date.
Q: So all the emphasis is on “big” and “successful” and “massive” and “selling” and “business.” (“SSS”) It’s so sad.
( . . . )
Q: So I had a quite interesting conversation with Ken Kalb on the phone. I gave him various website information and told him about my belief of our shared subconscious, which is one that he agrees with, and the UFO cover-up. Anyway, he’s going to let me use his comet article. In fact, he’s going to give me an updated, revised version — we’re both (“NO[T]”) on the same wavelength, obviously. I joked even about ‘Mabus’ so he gave me his address and I’m going to send him a contract and told him I’d send him his check as soon as I received the signed contract and he was very nice and amenable. I’m going to send him a copy of my book and he’s going to send me a copy of his book. And I’m going to try to see him at the Whole Life Expo in Pasadena even though I fainted last year. Anyway, I’m late for lunch. I got up late today. There were earthquakes. More than 5.0. Actually, I woke up before the earthquake unless it was a small tremor that woke me up. I always am concerned about my sculpture of the goddess because she’s so fragile. As if it makes a difference. It’s either going to break or it isn’t. It hasn’t so far. I also told him — we discussed the Hubble ‘eye’ photograph because he just saw it at a recent exhibit and I said I think it’s another cover-up. It’s the eye of God and the “potato shaped structure with a symmetry axis dramatically different from that of the larger hourglass” description could be an allusion to the cover-up. He said he doesn’t think that much thought goes into it and I said, “What about (the headline ‘Hubble Finds An Hourglass Nebula Around) A Dying Star’? I told God that He’s not a dying star (You’ll get the love You need).” So you just never know. Maybe he thought I’m not crazy — (“WHEN”) he’s one of the few people who understands. He’s into synchronicity. So, anyway, I saw a library van last week and I thought that was some kind of a message and I was reading the book Psychic Archaeology: Time Machine To The Past by Jeffrey Goodman at the gym and there was a part about Edgar Cayce talking about Amun-Ra so I’m going to drop by the neighborhood used book store and see if they might have this book of Cayce’s because I saw a lot of his books there last time. Now I’m very intrigued about this.
( . . . )
Q: So I think I’ll finish transcribing the rest of this tape side out-of-sequence and let Mighael channel a few things that really makes Him angry. I just got into an elevator after two ladies got out and one of them had so much perfume on that I almost passed out just standing in the elevator that was still reeking of it. It was so sickeningly sweet. People in our society have got to wake up and stop buying perfume just because there’s sexy models in those ads. It stinks. It makes people have headaches. It’s disgusting. Perfume was invented as a cover-up for body odor back in the times when they didn’t have deodorants. It stinks, people. Wake up. Don’t fall for those stupid tie-ins to get a free travel bag. If you want to have an orgasm, masturbate — don’t dream about models in ads and you having the same luck just because you stink like they do. And those models don’t even wear the perfumes they’re paid to promote. They’re paid whores — I mean models. Maybe I should call this ‘volunteers needed’ (sign on corner). I keep forgetting — (records number seen on sign) since the Hotline’s coming to an end. This might be a good alternative. Someone just honked at me. That’s something that really makes Mighael mad — (“EARSE”) impatient wackos who’re so impatient that they don’t even know what they’re doing. I think He makes them have accidents. I mean it was a red light and someone honked at me. Like where am I supposed to go? I’m not turning right. And if you obtained your smog certificate the illegal way, when you get to heaven — or should I say hell — you’ll be in trouble. I’m hoping for electric cars in the near future. And don’t forget that ad: “Care if I smoke?” — “Mind if I die?”
( . . . )
Q: So I had a quite interesting conversation with Ken Kalb on the phone. I gave him various website information and told him about my belief of our shared subconscious, which is one that he agrees with, and the UFO cover-up. Anyway, he’s going to let me use his comet article. In fact, he’s going to give me an updated, revised version — we’re both (“NO[T]”) on the same wavelength, obviously. I joked even about ‘Mabus’ so he gave me his address and I’m going to send him a contract and told him I’d send him his check as soon as I received the signed contract and he was very nice and amenable. I’m going to send him a copy of my book and he’s going to send me a copy of his book. And I’m going to try to see him at the Whole Life Expo in Pasadena even though I fainted last year. Anyway, I’m late for lunch. I got up late today. There were earthquakes. More than 5.0. Actually, I woke up before the earthquake unless it was a small tremor that woke me up. I always am concerned about my sculpture of the goddess because she’s so fragile. As if it makes a difference. It’s either going to break or it isn’t. It hasn’t so far. I also told him — we discussed the Hubble ‘eye’ photograph because he just saw it at a recent exhibit and I said I think it’s another cover-up. It’s the eye of God and the “potato shaped structure with a symmetry axis dramatically different from that of the larger hourglass” description could be an allusion to the cover-up. He said he doesn’t think that much thought goes into it and I said, “What about (the headline ‘Hubble Finds An Hourglass Nebula Around) A Dying Star’? I told God that He’s not a dying star (You’ll get the love You need).” So you just never know. Maybe he thought I’m not crazy — (“WHEN”) he’s one of the few people who understands. He’s into synchronicity. So, anyway, I saw a library van last week and I thought that was some kind of a message and I was reading the book Psychic Archaeology: Time Machine To The Past by Jeffrey Goodman at the gym and there was a part about Edgar Cayce talking about Amun-Ra so I’m going to drop by the neighborhood used book store and see if they might have this book of Cayce’s because I saw a lot of his books there last time. Now I’m very intrigued about this.
( . . . )
Q: So I think I’ll finish transcribing the rest of this tape side out-of-sequence and let Mighael channel a few things that really makes Him angry. I just got into an elevator after two ladies got out and one of them had so much perfume on that I almost passed out just standing in the elevator that was still reeking of it. It was so sickeningly sweet. People in our society have got to wake up and stop buying perfume just because there’s sexy models in those ads. It stinks. It makes people have headaches. It’s disgusting. Perfume was invented as a cover-up for body odor back in the times when they didn’t have deodorants. It stinks, people. Wake up. Don’t fall for those stupid tie-ins to get a free travel bag. If you want to have an orgasm, masturbate — don’t dream about models in ads and you having the same luck just because you stink like they do. And those models don’t even wear the perfumes they’re paid to promote. They’re paid whores — I mean models. Maybe I should call this ‘volunteers needed’ (sign on corner). I keep forgetting — (records number seen on sign) since the Hotline’s coming to an end. This might be a good alternative. Someone just honked at me. That’s something that really makes Mighael mad — (“EARSE”) impatient wackos who’re so impatient that they don’t even know what they’re doing. I think He makes them have accidents. I mean it was a red light and someone honked at me. Like where am I supposed to go? I’m not turning right. And if you obtained your smog certificate the illegal way, when you get to heaven — or should I say hell — you’ll be in trouble. I’m hoping for electric cars in the near future. And don’t forget that ad: “Care if I smoke?” — “Mind if I die?”