Q: Mark Russell Bell
Z: Carol Andersen (family history specialist)
P: therapist
Z: We didn’t find any Bells in your family.
Q: Actually, now I think the connection may involve reincarnation.
Z: Oh, okay.
Q: Of somebody previously named Bel. I know it sounds really weird but I think in a previous life I was named Bel.
Z: That is kind of unusual. (laughs)
Q: Yeah.
Z: I don’t have your file in front of me but we did find a name for your mother’s mother: Mc Elhatten.
Q: She came from a very large family.
Z: Let me write that down.
Q: I think there were around eight kids and they would line them up to be adopted. It was during the Great Depression. You could call my mother at some point if you want to ask her questions. She would love to talk about it.
Z: I will call her then because we were excited about what we were able to find. In one of the census records the name was written just exactly like what you called it — Mc Elhatten. And they were in that area for generations. We were able to line-up your grandfather on that line. Of course, on the Russell side we found some interesting things about Ira, Vermont and interesting things about the Perry family.
Q: Great.
Z: I’ll be sending that along.
Q: The news I have is that over the weekend I found a letter from my father and apparently it’s common knowledge in my family that my uncle Thaddeus had done a complete family tree. But, of course, no one had told this to me.
Z: We don’t know how to find that tree, right?
Q: Well, I spoke to Uncle Bob and they said that they didn’t have my uncle’s number but I could get it from my grandfather in Winter Park. I’ve never even met him.
Z: He’ll be happy to hear from you, I’m sure.
Q: The last time I called I spoke to his wife because I wanted to send him a card. He’s not really available. He’s ninety-six years old and he still plays the stock market.
Z: Oh cool. Then that’s a good sign for you. So this Duane is your father’s brother?
Q: Thaddeus Duane. He’s the youngest son of my grandfather.
Z: He was born with the second wife. Thaddeus Duane Russell.
Q: She’s his current wife.
Z: There was a big gap in ages of the siblings and there was one that was much further down. He was born after the first wife was divorced.
Q: So I think she would have the phone number.
Z: Now is it right that you don’t know who the third sibling was in your family? There’s you and your brother. Your brother’s Mike, right?
Q: Correct.
Z: And you do not know the name of the other person?
Q: No.
Z: And your dad doesn’t know who that person would be?
Q: No — not that he’s ever shared it with us.
Z: Okay. I’ll find that when we pick up. I’m not going to search for that but we will try to find out how that third line got on there because it might just be that’s a blank line there on the form.
Q: But there was a number there.
Z: There was, wasn’t there? Well, I’m real excited about those things that we’ve been able to locate so far.
Q: I’m happy too. The only connection we really don’t have right now is Sardis Perry. I understand that Thaddeus traced the family back to Scotland. That was in the letter that I found.
Q: So, of course, everything is very good. I feel very normal. I’m going out to eat with my friends, producers and people like that. I still haven’t met with Barry yet but I recommended him to read that earlier Bell book.
P: Mark, what have you been telling him?
Q There’s just so much to tell him that I just answer whatever question he asks and sort of zero in on something. I mean at this point my interview manuscript is 400 pages long.
P: But first what are you telling him because he called me one time and he shared with me some of your conversation and it’s quite concerning me.
Q: What aspect of it?
P: He believes that you’re obsessed with this and —
Q: Well, I tried to tell him that this is what we have in common and this is what I talk to him about.
P: His impression of whatever you said to him is that you’re obsessed with this and that you’re constantly trying to link connections that have no link at all in his mind.
Q: That’s why I’m trying to finish this book. So I can put this part of my life behind me.
P: But there’s something you have to listen to — (“NOT”) there’s no reasoning. I mean I just want to tell you what he said.
Q: I told you the various things that have happened and I am trying to make sense of it. I don’t try to obsess on it because I don’t believe there are any clear answers to be had.
P: I’m just telling you his impression.
Q: Well, I found out that he’s not being entirely honest either because he told another producer about the event where a rock rolled up to him. When I asked him about that, I believe he said that had never happened.
P: I’m concerned with you.
Q: What I was going to recommend to you because I think this would be interesting for both of us is to call CPC Alhambra Hospital and ask for the file of what happened there because there was a lot of — I mean I believed at the time there was a lot of phenomena going on around me. So maybe it would be helpful to get their notes because I know they taped my interviews at the time.
P: And you feel that they would have documented phenomena in the chart?
Q: Not in the chart necessarily but there may be something on video. You know — you’re always under surveillance in those places because they think you’re going to hurt yourself.
P: They wouldn’t send me the tape.
Q: Well, they have done interviews with me where they turned on tape recorders.
P: I mean I’d be more than happy to —
Q: It’s worth a shot.
P: What are you hoping that I will see?
Q: I don’t know. I’m just saying I think it would be amusing — in fact, background information.
P: Background information would be good but what you —
Q: Because that to me was sort of like my own personal purgatory.
P: Yeah, I know. What you would need to do is call them and sign the release of information —
Q: I’d be glad to do that.
P: — and then mail it to me. The key fact that in light of Barry’s comments about you just being —
Q: See, I thought Barry would be a good one to read the manuscript.
P: I know. You’re not hearing me.
Q: No, I know. I’m sorry.
P: It’s something that it just (“YEAH”) goes in one ear and out the other ear and —
Q: Yeah.
P: — I’m concerned because I want to focus on this —
Q: Right.
P: — and I don’t want you to get way —
Q: Okay. Thank you.
P: — too far out with it. He mentioned your finding a connection with the Bell Witch: “There are a million Bells” and you’re “drawing a conclusion when there’s no connection at all.” He’s concerned about the way your mind is working and that you won’t let this go out of constantly drawing those connections.
Q: Well, because I am working on the book and am coming close to finishing it I do think about some of those things. I don’t obsess over it because — I mean being psychic you know there are mysterious elements that we can’t explain.
P: There are mysterious elements but the elements that you’re trying to connect I don’t think go in the realm of the unexplained.
Q: And that’s fine because I’m still trying to understand those things.
P: I know you’re trying to come to grips with it but I guess what I’m hearing from him is a lot of concern about how you’re processing it.
Q: Well, he could go to lunch with me and help me with it. I would like to find out what his thoughts are. I guess he has to read my book first before we can really do that because that would give him more to digest.
P: But just from talking to you and listening to your connections — he can’t follow them.
Q: I don’t blame him. It really takes a 400-page book. It really does.
P: I don’t think so, though.
Q: Okay.
P: I don’t think so. I think (“IT’S POSSIBLE” ) you’re stretching again.
Q: Let me just go over some of them real quick as an example. These are just some of the things that I’m trying to make sense of. And, again, they may or may not have anything to do with this.
P: I’m glad you leave that opening — may or may not.
Q: Yeah. Exactly. Okay, for example, in an article in the Coalgate Record-Register I came across a surprising detail which I had not been aware of before.
P: What is the Coalgate Record-Register?
Q: Just a local newspaper in Oklahoma where Maxine and Twyla live. Anyway, they were interviewed and Twyla said that Michael—their spirit—was born on August 8 and that he was eight years old when he died in 1951. My own birthday is August 8, 1956 so, again, it’s probably just a coincidence but —
P: August 8, 1951?
Q: That’s when he died at the age of eight. And I was born on August 8, 1956. It’s just a coincidence. An historical book of Coal County also had a strange incident — there’s so many strange incidents in this area of the country. There is an account of a dozen miners from Coalgate who were among forty men that mysteriously vanished into thin air in 1898 on their way to find gold in the Klondike. That doesn’t relate to me. (small laugh) I know that. There’s little subtle things too. For example, when Maxine mailed me copies of the local newspaper articles the post office envelope had a cracked liberty bell imprinted on it. Her married name had been Bell before she remarried. It’s just sort of ironic. When I dropped off my photographs to be developed at Ada — it was supposed to have taken an hour — the machine broke down and the technician said that it was the first time that had ever happened. So, again, it might have been the Entity but it might not have been the Entity.
P: But why do you link everything back to the entity as a possibility? Why does your mind even think in that direction?
Q: Because I’ve had lots of similar experiences. As I told you once before, every time the photocopier machine works I thank God for it because I just think that everything that works is because of divine providence.
P: Why do you think that?
Q: Because if we were created by God, everything that we receive and share is a blessing from Him. I know. I know.
P: It’s a little over the top here.
Q: I know. I know.
P: Can you see that in yourself?
Q: Yes.
P: You could be thankful to God for everything in life — I mean the smallest thing. But that a photocopier works or doesn’t work has nothing to do with Michael. If you feel that everything is a blessing and God is working in your life, that’s very beautiful.
Q: Um-huh.
P: But you see a photocopier working or not working and relay everything back to something you’ve defined —
Q: Right.
P: — as a spirit.
Q: I know. I see your point. I do.
P: It’s —
Q: I mean I think its philosophical, though.
P: No, it’s not. It could be delusional.
Q: Right. Okay. I agree.
P: Okay.
Q: Let’s see what else. Basically, the phenomena that happened when I came home was really what made me feel overwhelmed. For example, when I called up my friend Marie she had just had her bank account cleaned out under strange circumstances. Everyone in Oklahoma had been telling me, “He takes money.” So I thought, “It’s possible.” I wasn’t sure. How could you be sure? With all the robbing that goes on?
P: He took money from people’s bank account?
Q: When I came back, my friend told me her bank account had been totally cleaned out. Back in Oklahoma, the family was telling me, “Well, he takes $10. He takes $1. Watch your change.”
P: So then you see a connection in your mind because —
Q: It was a possibility. I’m saying that was one of the events that made me think that there was phenomena still going on. Possibly. Then, I called my friend Fiona and she saw a magnet fly off her refrigerator as I was talking to her. And so Twyla wasn’t there. Then, I called my mom and I said, “Michael, give me a sign” to see if something else would happen. She said, “Oh, well, there’s no sign.” But then all of a sudden she said, “Oops, just a moment.” She went away from the phone and when she came back she said, “A wasp is acting strangely.” And I had also experienced something similar in Oklahoma. I mean it was just the irony.
P: It’s very loose.
Q: I know. I agree.
P: Very, very loose. But why is it so important to you, Mark, to draw all these connections?
Q: I guess it’s due to that basic dilemma that we all share in life of trying to figure it out when we can’t. And I know we can’t.
P: What are you trying to figure out?
Q: I guess I’m just trying to figure out — I’ve sort of given up on trying to figure it out. I definitely have given up on figuring it out.
P: Not if you keep drawing these connections, you haven’t.
Q: Well, I’m just doing it for my book. If I am the possible reincarnation of someone by the name of Bel — I mean reincarnation is a possibility.
P: I don’t follow these leaps at all.
Q: I know. That’s why I’m trying — let me give you a few more good parallels.
P: But I keep wondering why is this important? Because you’re going to be able to write a book and it will give you some kind of an identity with —
Q: No, I didn’t really write the book. Again, it’s just transcripts. The book is something that I’ve been blessed with due to a series of events.
P: What are you trying to gain from all of this?
Q: I wish I knew. There’s nothing I see that I’m trying to gain. I mean I never would have chosen this particular assignment.
P: What is this particular assignment?
Q: Trying to come to terms with who I am, I guess.
P: But how is this helping you? This whole thing with Michael?
Q: Well, He knows that I think He’s a very loving Entity. It’s like pure love revealing Itself to you. And after that happens everything is great. There is nothing I’m afraid of because I have experienced pure love. That’s my interpretation.
P: Do you feel that He manifested some way in pure love?
Q: He’s just been very loving toward me in terms of the whole series of events. For example, He didn’t kill me. I mean if an Entity with that much power doesn’t kill you, you feel like, “Well, that’s nice.”
P: That’s not exactly loving.
Q: No, I know — but I’m just saying if He was evil, we would — I would have known it by now. I have never, ever experienced any aspect of Him that I thought was evil.
P: So what’s important to you, then, is you’re trying to make sense of a loving God or a loving spirit?
Q: Right. And I have so much of my own guilt and my own projections. I’ve seen so many horror movies over the years —
P: Guilt over what?
Q: Guilt about being chosen by Him in any way, shape or form.
P: Chosen for what?
Q: For Him to reveal Himself to me.
P: Mark, this is where —
Q: I know.
P: — it goes totally against logic because —
Q: No. Okay.
P: — it doesn’t seem like there’s — there is such a small amount of evidence.
Q: Right. But it was seeing the photo of the aliens —
P: What photo of the aliens?
Q: Didn’t I show you the photo of the transparent aliens looking in through the window? I thought I had. Vaguely you remember something — okay.
P: Yeah, it could have been something —
Q: Could have been anything — okay.
P: — or it couldn’t have been.
Q: I’m just saying —
P: In terms of proof that means nothing.
Q: The photo of the aliens. The photo of the neutrino-like cloud/spirit/whatever at the local market. The cryptograms. The insects. The other phenomena that I’ve experienced. Those all introduced the thought —
P: See again — I just don’t think you’re hearing either me or Barry when we’re talking to you and this is of concern. There’s nothing — there’s no hard evidence to prove anything.
Q: I agree with you.
P: Yeah.
Q: I agree with that, though.
P: Yeah.
Q: I’m just trying to make sense of my experience.
P: But, on the basis that there possibly could be no hard evidence, for you to jump to there’s a being who has been there with you and controlling your life and —
Q: Well, look —
P: — so forth, you know —
Q: I think it’s more of a —
P: — since you were a child —
Q: Well, I look at the book more as a collaboration because —
P: Well, whatever. To jump from no evidence to that — you know — it’s a huge leap and I’m just wondering why you’re doing this. And why there’s so much energy that you put —
Q: It’s just one aspect of my life but it’s the one aspect of my life that I haven’t fully come to terms with. And that’s why I discuss it with you.
P: Yes. Exactly.
Q: So I go to the supermarket. I listen to music. I go to the gym. I do have a very well-rounded life but when I speak to you and Barry, I focus on these questions because they’re the questions I still have.
P: Is this because this brings some kind of special meaning into your life that you’re doing it?
Q: I have recognized that it has always been in my life. It’s just that I didn’t fully realize or rationalize it. It was like, “Okay, I think someone’s here with me.” But now He’s showing that He’s here with me. Isn’t that great?
P: But he hasn’t though. How has he shown himself?
Q: Through the various events.
P: Maybe. Maybe not.
Q: I know. (“WILL YOU”) Just listen.
P: It’s very iffy.
Q: I agree.
P: But to make that —
Q: Yeah. Question mark. In fact, my treatment that I had pitched — the title was “?” That was the title: “?” Because, again, there’s no resolution that I can see because there’s nothing in history that can be definitely known for sure. Nothing. All recorded information is different people’s perceptions.
P: What are you hoping to achieve?
Q: I just want to fulfill what I feel is my destiny in life which is to do this book. It would be nice to sell some of my other scripts too but, again, I don’t know. I mean I just focus on one thing at a time. I set short-term and long-term goals. My short-tern goal is to get the book published. If I can share my book with other people—and definitely you’ll be one of the first ones to read it—I’ll feel like I don’t really need to be the one asking the questions because then other people can ask the questions too.
P: So you want to publish the book?
Q: Yeah. Well, I don’t even know if it’s meant to be published or not. I just want to share it with people.
P: So that they can then answer your questions?
Q: They’ll just have more of an idea of why I seem to be obsessing on something. I don’t feel like I’m obsessing on something because it’s not a negative aspect of my life. I make sure I get eight hours of sleep and take good care of myself. I’m going to feed my brother’s cat on the way home from the gym. I have a very normal life. It’s just that something very unusual happened to me. I feel very blessed and special because it happened. I know that sounds a little like Stuart Smalley.
P: But what exactly happened to you — we don’t know.
Q: We don’t know. Because there’s no way of knowing anything with complete certainty.
P: But because of that, (“EXPERIENCE”) to make such a big production out of it, I don’t see the leap. I mean instead of saying, “Well, it’s interesting. This could have happened. That could have happened.” You could say, “Well, whatever — I’ll go on with my life instead of constantly —”
Q: Well, I am going on with my life.
P: This is still the core of your life right now.
Q: Is it?
P: I think so. I really do.
Q: That’s something for me to think about. You’re probably right. Because sometimes other people are more objective than you can be about yourself. But I feel very good. I mean I feel fine.
P: That’s all-important. But you haven’t gone on from it.
Q: So what do you think my next step should be?
P: Finishing up the project. And going on to a new project.
Q: And I do — as I think I told you before — I do want to write poetry now.
P: But not about Michael.
Q: No.
P: A new project about a different subject entirely.
Q: I was thinking about either going back to finish one of my earlier projects because I’m always revising my earlier projects or maybe even doing — well, I’d like to set up that ‘Chucky’ Mullins screenplay too so when I write to Sherry Lansing I’m going to definitely mention that as well.
P: Exactly.
Q: I would like — I’d love to go visit the family and do more research there. Even though the script seems in pretty good shape. It’s always an advantage to meet the people who experienced things firsthand.
P: Exactly. To go on to a different subject matter and letting it sink in so there’s not as much mental activity about the previous one.
Q: Okay. That’s good advice.
P: And maybe in a year or something you can re-evaluate matters. Or if the book sells you can deal with it then.
Q: Right. That’s good advice. I mean everything you say I have to agree with because in the interpretive things you’ll better see why I am even giving any thought at all to them once you read the book. Let me see if there’s anything else that happened recently that you might be interested in. As another coincidence, at the laundromat when I was doing my laundry soon after returning from Oklahoma one of the washers came on and no one was using it at the time. I jokingly said to someone else, “A little spirit is doing his wash” because that was one of the things that would happen to the family back in Oklahoma. And the manager was there. This was over on Hillhurst and he looked at the machine and he couldn’t find any reason why this happened. So, I mean, that was just another thing. Got to go — (“OH SWELL”)
Q: Okay. The night that a penny and then a dime materialized in my living room when my brother and James dropped by, I definitely heard the SWOOSH when the penny hit my leg so that was definite phenomena to me.
P: Swoosh? (“SWOOSH”)
Q: There was a swooshing sound and the penny hit my leg. I called James’s attention to it and he said, “Oh, that just fell out of your pocket.” So I put it away and then, when he looked back again, there was a dime there and he knew that dime had not been there a moment ago. The next day I went to a slide show at his house and, coincidentally, people there were saying things that — I wasn’t really determined to draw conclusions but my friends were saying things that were reminding me of certain names and things. For example, Patty mentioned that her car was a Saturn and I just chuckled at it because that’s where the aliens in Oklahoma were from. And then — (“HE”)
P: That’s where who came from?
Q: Michael and his band of aliens.
P: That’s where they supposedly — he came from? Saturn?
Q: Yeah. Well, he also says he was an eight-year-old child so who knows? That’s just one of the stories he gave but it was just sort of ironic to hear Patty say that word. And then Charlotte, who was telling about her slides, said, “At the front of the tour group, the Indian man in the Hawaiian shirt was our leader.” And one of the other entities there in the house had been named Leader. So that’s what made me think, “Maybe the Entity is trying to communicate with me through the subconscious minds of other people.”
P: Why? But why? Why not be direct? Why go through all this rigmarole? It makes no sense.
Q: I know it doesn’t. I know that. But, see, I know it doesn’t.
P: And you’re wanting this to be true so much —
Q: Okay —
P: — just listen to me —
Q: Okay. Yeah.
P: — that you’re finding connections that are not there. I mean you’re stretching this a very long way.
Q: This will be good for me to listen to later on.
P: Good. Good.
Q: But then, also, the light bulb did explode in the projector, which was just another coincidence. The family members in Oklahoma were always saying Michael did things like that so I jokingly said, “Michael touched it.” (laughs) I wasn’t invited to the next slide show.
P: Yeah.
Q: I know. Oh gosh.
P: You’re really, really stretching it to make these connections. Can you try not to do that?
Q: Um-huh. I don’t try to do it — I just do it.
P: Can you stop trying to make these connections?
Q: I pretty much have been doing this only when I meet producers who have been involved in the phenomena (“PRETTY MUCH”) because it’s sort of thankless. I have never mentioned it at APLA.
P: But do you do it in your own mind? Like when anybody talks to you —
Q: No. Not so much anymore.
P: — are you constantly finding a —
Q: No.
P: — a connection or not?
Q: I believe that there is a basic synchronicity in life and we all see it from time to time in whatever shape it might take — whatever coincidence.
P: But you have such a brilliant mind, Mark. You’re so intelligent —
Q: I know.
P: — that you draw connections —
Q: Yeah.
P: — and see things —
Q: Well, that — it’s sort of fun, though. I don’t let it overwhelm me. But when I was doing it, it was definitely fun. I definitely enjoyed it.
P: I can see that you’re into it and you enjoy it and it’s very creative for you to try and draw the connections but —
Q: Wait. I think there are some more things that I wrote down. Well, of course, one of the most memorable things that happened to me, as I told you before, was when the two clumps of bushes outside my condo went up in flames, which was around the fourth of July last year. I thought it was because of kids with fireworks but the second time it happened I went down there immediately because I had been just waiting for it to happen again. And there was no one there in close proximity anywhere. It’s possible somebody could have gotten away so fast yet this was just one of the seeds that had been planted in my mind to take on new significance when I came back and remembered it. Those two burned-up clumps of bushes are still out there in front of my condo. They really need to clear that hillside. It’s a definite fire hazard. Let’s see what else. And, of course, during the making of the film “The Butcher’s Wife” — I mentioned to you that I met with the psychic consultant and she said —
P: Who was that?
Q: Maria Papapetros. She said that someone by the name of Michael would be responsible for getting my film made. And she even told me that I have a spirit watching over me — which I interpreted then like, “Oh yeah. Right. Some Indian brave-type character like you always read about during the spiritualism craze.” However, the Michael aspect intrigued me. I considered this could possible come true because of my twin brother, Michael Eisner or Michael Ovitz.
P: There are many different Michaels.
Q: It could be this Michael, though. I mean it’s possible. That was one of the things I recalled. Did I ever tell you about the strange glitch that happened when I was working on the “Clueless” press kit? That was one of the ones I worked on right before I went to Oklahoma. For some reason, I could not transfer the file from my 3.5″ disk to the computer no matter how many times I tried. I even went to Kinko’s and retyped it on another disk. No matter what I did the file would not transfer into the publicity department computers. And it was sort of ironic that the name of the film was “Clueless.” So that was another thing I remembered.
P: What’s the connection? I don’t even see that one.
Q: That I was clueless that Michael might have been in my life.
P: Big leap.
Q: I agree with you. But it’s something that I remembered. Also, the day before I went to Oklahoma I stopped by the publicity department and there were “Star Trek Generations” bookmarks everywhere that said “BOLDLY GO.”
P: Well, what connection would that be?
Q: The alien aspect.
P: “Boldly go?” So every time you see a “Star Trek” —
Q: Well, I was going on a trip. There was a box of bookmarks. (“POSSIBLE”) I think I even have one in my Land’s End bag here somewhere because I love bookmarks. These were spread out upon this courtesy table where you can take things near the storage room.
P: And how did you interpret this?
Q: Well, I was leaving to go on the trip the next day. I didn’t think about it before I left but I thought about it when I came back. I had seen the film and that was sort of weird too. Did you see that movie? “Star Trek Generations.” It was the one where Captain Kirk died and it combined the original cast with the new cast.
P: I think I did see it.
Q: There’s no obvious connection. It’s just ironic that I was going to Oklahoma the following day and these bookmarks were there. Plus, Taj, the assistant of the publicity director I was working with, saw me—it was the first time he had seen me wearing glasses—and he said, “You look like a wise old owl.” And, of course, when I was in Centrahoma I found out that the town had previously been called Owl. It’s just another coincidence in a long series of coincidences. I think another of the major phenomena I experienced, though, was when I had been transcribing for a long time and I turned on the TV to take a short break. I turned on MTV’s “The Real World” and at that exact moment I began watching, the roommates discovered that their telephone wasn’t working. Then, my television went off. (“YOU KNOW IT”) I went back to transcribing because I felt that Michael was telling me that this is what he wanted me to do with my time — to work only on the book. So that was one of the things that made me begin to feel overwhelmed.
P: I can understand why you feel overwhelmed.
Q: Well, I don’t now but that’s —
P: Well, you did.
Q: — why I did. Yeah.
P: That’s important — all of those things just bombarding you at once.
Q: And the thing that really pushed me over the edge, because I did think that it was a possibility that the Entity could be speaking to me through people’s subconscious minds — I don’t anymore — I mean —
P: You don’t?
Q: Once-in-a-while maybe but then I thought it was constantly doing this.
P: Do you think the entity is speaking through me right now?
Q: Only from a very broad philosophical perspective. God speaks through all of us.
P: Yes, but differently.
Q: Right. No. You know. (“BUT SHHHHHH”) But when I did think the Spirit was constantly communicating to me through people’s subconscious minds, my mom said, “Finish the book in three weeks.” (laughs) So I thought I had to finish the book in three weeks. (“OH I’M GLAD THAT’S OVER”) Plus, I live on Clinton Street where I moved before Clinton was elected President, which is sort of like a prophecy when you think about it. Like Nostradamus would always predict the future and things. I’m very familiar with Nostradamus. (“YOU KNOW”)
P: I’m a big believer in drawing connections. I really am. Co you couldn’t find anyone more sympathetic than I am.
Q: Right. Okay. Good.
P: But I think you’ve gone over the edge here in terms of drawing too many connections.
Q: I agree. But I would see them. I’m not looking for those connections any more. I’m not consciously looking for them any more. It was just during that period when I was feeling that everything was a connection.
P: There’s something about doing it so much that throws the phenomena synchronicity off-balance. It’s like the desk here. Instead of allowing it to flow and do what it wants to do, every little thing you’re tracking like a computer rather than —
Q: But I’m not doing it any more, though.
P: You’re still thinking about the connections.
Q: That’s because I’m finishing my book.
P: Okay. Alright. But this is going to come to a close.
Q: It is.
P: Soon.
Q: Thank goodness.
P: Do you know when your book will be done?
Q: I’ve finished all the difficult transcribing.
P: Okay. Good. Congratulations.
Q: It’s like a tremendous weight has been lifted off of me.
P: So you’re not transcribing any more?
Q: Well, the hard ones were the ones recorded in Oklahoma. There are a few ones I want to transcribe that I taped out here and I want to double check them because the first draft I did was sort of sloppy because I was rushing through it to see what I could find.
P: So about how much more time will this take?
Q: I wouldn’t think more than a week.
P: So by the end of next week, then you should be done and then what’s the next step?
Q: Well, I guess I’ll copyright it and register it.
P: How many pages is it?
Q: Right now it’s about 400 pages but it could be as long as 450. I’m not quite sure.
P: Single-spaced?
Q: Yeah. It’s all question and answer interviews so the manuscript is easier to read that way than it would be if it was double-spaced. Especially with that length. And I found out today that the other producers did not renew their contract so I’m free and clear in that respect so that was great news. I haven’t received a copy of the contract yet but that’s what he told me. That was very good news.
P: Alright. But the goal here, I just want to say, is to complete and send it off to whoever you’re going to send it off to.
Q: Right.
P: And then switch gears. Do you agree with that goal?
Q: I do. Did you notice though over the weekend? Something really sort of — I mean if you wanted to look for parallels, there was something this weekend in the newspaper that could be a parallel.
P: What happened?
Q: A geologist found what could be the oldest animal fossil — a jelly fish-like creature that lived on the sea floor up to six hundred million years ago. The fossil clearly shows a central bell like on a jelly fish with apparent tubes radiating outward. Again, the word bell.
P: Let it be. Let that go.
Q: Well, I do. I let it go. It’s just so funny to me because I just seem to be seeing bell everywhere. Like Pacific Bell.
P: It’s a very common word.
Q: I agree but remember the definition of bell. It’s sound is a symbol of creative power. Since it is in a hanging position, it partakes of the mystic significance of all objects which are suspended between heaven and Earth. It’s a very challenging symbol. That’s the symbolic definition of bell.
P: I’m not arguing that bell doesn’t have a symbolic meaning. (small laugh) What I’m arguing with is the lengthy chain of connections that you’re making.
Q: But it’s great for a book, isn’t it? Isn’t that a fascinating subject for a book?
P: I don’t know if it’s going to come off, to be honest.
Q: I know. I agree.
P: Because I’m not following the connections in my mind. We’ll see. I’ll give you my honest opinion —
Q: Thank you.
P: — when the time comes and I’m sure Barry —
Q: That’s the one thing I always try to be is honest.
P: I know that.
Q: At least from my perception.
P: I know. (“CORRECT”)
Q: You probably think I’m nuts.
P: I just think you’ve gone overboard with this. I just think there isn’t any balance.
Q: Well, there is a balance, though. For example, I don’t have any proof that I was sexually abused even though over the weekend I did find this certain old letter that had been written by my father that sort of suggested that and I’ll bring that in next time.
P: Do. Will you bring that in?
Q: Yes, I will.
P: That’s so important.
Q: I know it is.
P: Because I want to pursue that further.
Q: Okay. It really helps me to talk about all this. And I will call CPC Alhambra Hospital and try to get a copy made of the file.
P: They’ll just have you sign a release of records.
Q: And good luck on your own book.
P: Thank you. (“OH WE SNICKER”)
Q: This appointment time was good.
P: I don’t have much time. Can you get in then three o’clock on Wednesday?
Q: Actually, my gym time is from 1:30 to 3:00 that day. That’s practically the only time that I can’t come in.
P: I’m extremely booked next week. Is there any way you can shift your gym time just one day?
Q: Well, we can just do it the week after. I mean I feel fine and everything.
P: I really don’t want to skip a week. What time is your gym over?
Q: I leave from my house at one. I get there at one-thirty. Get on the bike for a half hour and then work out with my physical trainer for an hour so I get out of there usually at three. And it takes me like approximately from a half hour to forty-five minutes to come all the way over here.
P: Let me just put you down then at five o’clock.
Q: Fine. I’ll do some shopping at the mall. So I’ll call CPC Alhambra and have them send me the form to fill out. It sort of intimidates me — the idea of calling there. Thank you for everything. I don’t go around telling people about this on the street, you know?
Q: Actually, now I think the connection may involve reincarnation.
Z: Oh, okay.
Q: Of somebody previously named Bel. I know it sounds really weird but I think in a previous life I was named Bel.
Z: That is kind of unusual. (laughs)
Q: Yeah.
Z: I don’t have your file in front of me but we did find a name for your mother’s mother: Mc Elhatten.
Q: She came from a very large family.
Z: Let me write that down.
Q: I think there were around eight kids and they would line them up to be adopted. It was during the Great Depression. You could call my mother at some point if you want to ask her questions. She would love to talk about it.
Z: I will call her then because we were excited about what we were able to find. In one of the census records the name was written just exactly like what you called it — Mc Elhatten. And they were in that area for generations. We were able to line-up your grandfather on that line. Of course, on the Russell side we found some interesting things about Ira, Vermont and interesting things about the Perry family.
Q: Great.
Z: I’ll be sending that along.
Q: The news I have is that over the weekend I found a letter from my father and apparently it’s common knowledge in my family that my uncle Thaddeus had done a complete family tree. But, of course, no one had told this to me.
Z: We don’t know how to find that tree, right?
Q: Well, I spoke to Uncle Bob and they said that they didn’t have my uncle’s number but I could get it from my grandfather in Winter Park. I’ve never even met him.
Z: He’ll be happy to hear from you, I’m sure.
Q: The last time I called I spoke to his wife because I wanted to send him a card. He’s not really available. He’s ninety-six years old and he still plays the stock market.
Z: Oh cool. Then that’s a good sign for you. So this Duane is your father’s brother?
Q: Thaddeus Duane. He’s the youngest son of my grandfather.
Z: He was born with the second wife. Thaddeus Duane Russell.
Q: She’s his current wife.
Z: There was a big gap in ages of the siblings and there was one that was much further down. He was born after the first wife was divorced.
Q: So I think she would have the phone number.
Z: Now is it right that you don’t know who the third sibling was in your family? There’s you and your brother. Your brother’s Mike, right?
Q: Correct.
Z: And you do not know the name of the other person?
Q: No.
Z: And your dad doesn’t know who that person would be?
Q: No — not that he’s ever shared it with us.
Z: Okay. I’ll find that when we pick up. I’m not going to search for that but we will try to find out how that third line got on there because it might just be that’s a blank line there on the form.
Q: But there was a number there.
Z: There was, wasn’t there? Well, I’m real excited about those things that we’ve been able to locate so far.
Q: I’m happy too. The only connection we really don’t have right now is Sardis Perry. I understand that Thaddeus traced the family back to Scotland. That was in the letter that I found.
Q: So, of course, everything is very good. I feel very normal. I’m going out to eat with my friends, producers and people like that. I still haven’t met with Barry yet but I recommended him to read that earlier Bell book.
P: Mark, what have you been telling him?
Q There’s just so much to tell him that I just answer whatever question he asks and sort of zero in on something. I mean at this point my interview manuscript is 400 pages long.
P: But first what are you telling him because he called me one time and he shared with me some of your conversation and it’s quite concerning me.
Q: What aspect of it?
P: He believes that you’re obsessed with this and —
Q: Well, I tried to tell him that this is what we have in common and this is what I talk to him about.
P: His impression of whatever you said to him is that you’re obsessed with this and that you’re constantly trying to link connections that have no link at all in his mind.
Q: That’s why I’m trying to finish this book. So I can put this part of my life behind me.
P: But there’s something you have to listen to — (“NOT”) there’s no reasoning. I mean I just want to tell you what he said.
Q: I told you the various things that have happened and I am trying to make sense of it. I don’t try to obsess on it because I don’t believe there are any clear answers to be had.
P: I’m just telling you his impression.
Q: Well, I found out that he’s not being entirely honest either because he told another producer about the event where a rock rolled up to him. When I asked him about that, I believe he said that had never happened.
P: I’m concerned with you.
Q: What I was going to recommend to you because I think this would be interesting for both of us is to call CPC Alhambra Hospital and ask for the file of what happened there because there was a lot of — I mean I believed at the time there was a lot of phenomena going on around me. So maybe it would be helpful to get their notes because I know they taped my interviews at the time.
P: And you feel that they would have documented phenomena in the chart?
Q: Not in the chart necessarily but there may be something on video. You know — you’re always under surveillance in those places because they think you’re going to hurt yourself.
P: They wouldn’t send me the tape.
Q: Well, they have done interviews with me where they turned on tape recorders.
P: I mean I’d be more than happy to —
Q: It’s worth a shot.
P: What are you hoping that I will see?
Q: I don’t know. I’m just saying I think it would be amusing — in fact, background information.
P: Background information would be good but what you —
Q: Because that to me was sort of like my own personal purgatory.
P: Yeah, I know. What you would need to do is call them and sign the release of information —
Q: I’d be glad to do that.
P: — and then mail it to me. The key fact that in light of Barry’s comments about you just being —
Q: See, I thought Barry would be a good one to read the manuscript.
P: I know. You’re not hearing me.
Q: No, I know. I’m sorry.
P: It’s something that it just (“YEAH”) goes in one ear and out the other ear and —
Q: Yeah.
P: — I’m concerned because I want to focus on this —
Q: Right.
P: — and I don’t want you to get way —
Q: Okay. Thank you.
P: — too far out with it. He mentioned your finding a connection with the Bell Witch: “There are a million Bells” and you’re “drawing a conclusion when there’s no connection at all.” He’s concerned about the way your mind is working and that you won’t let this go out of constantly drawing those connections.
Q: Well, because I am working on the book and am coming close to finishing it I do think about some of those things. I don’t obsess over it because — I mean being psychic you know there are mysterious elements that we can’t explain.
P: There are mysterious elements but the elements that you’re trying to connect I don’t think go in the realm of the unexplained.
Q: And that’s fine because I’m still trying to understand those things.
P: I know you’re trying to come to grips with it but I guess what I’m hearing from him is a lot of concern about how you’re processing it.
Q: Well, he could go to lunch with me and help me with it. I would like to find out what his thoughts are. I guess he has to read my book first before we can really do that because that would give him more to digest.
P: But just from talking to you and listening to your connections — he can’t follow them.
Q: I don’t blame him. It really takes a 400-page book. It really does.
P: I don’t think so, though.
Q: Okay.
P: I don’t think so. I think (“IT’S POSSIBLE” ) you’re stretching again.
Q: Let me just go over some of them real quick as an example. These are just some of the things that I’m trying to make sense of. And, again, they may or may not have anything to do with this.
P: I’m glad you leave that opening — may or may not.
Q: Yeah. Exactly. Okay, for example, in an article in the Coalgate Record-Register I came across a surprising detail which I had not been aware of before.
P: What is the Coalgate Record-Register?
Q: Just a local newspaper in Oklahoma where Maxine and Twyla live. Anyway, they were interviewed and Twyla said that Michael—their spirit—was born on August 8 and that he was eight years old when he died in 1951. My own birthday is August 8, 1956 so, again, it’s probably just a coincidence but —
P: August 8, 1951?
Q: That’s when he died at the age of eight. And I was born on August 8, 1956. It’s just a coincidence. An historical book of Coal County also had a strange incident — there’s so many strange incidents in this area of the country. There is an account of a dozen miners from Coalgate who were among forty men that mysteriously vanished into thin air in 1898 on their way to find gold in the Klondike. That doesn’t relate to me. (small laugh) I know that. There’s little subtle things too. For example, when Maxine mailed me copies of the local newspaper articles the post office envelope had a cracked liberty bell imprinted on it. Her married name had been Bell before she remarried. It’s just sort of ironic. When I dropped off my photographs to be developed at Ada — it was supposed to have taken an hour — the machine broke down and the technician said that it was the first time that had ever happened. So, again, it might have been the Entity but it might not have been the Entity.
P: But why do you link everything back to the entity as a possibility? Why does your mind even think in that direction?
Q: Because I’ve had lots of similar experiences. As I told you once before, every time the photocopier machine works I thank God for it because I just think that everything that works is because of divine providence.
P: Why do you think that?
Q: Because if we were created by God, everything that we receive and share is a blessing from Him. I know. I know.
P: It’s a little over the top here.
Q: I know. I know.
P: Can you see that in yourself?
Q: Yes.
P: You could be thankful to God for everything in life — I mean the smallest thing. But that a photocopier works or doesn’t work has nothing to do with Michael. If you feel that everything is a blessing and God is working in your life, that’s very beautiful.
Q: Um-huh.
P: But you see a photocopier working or not working and relay everything back to something you’ve defined —
Q: Right.
P: — as a spirit.
Q: I know. I see your point. I do.
P: It’s —
Q: I mean I think its philosophical, though.
P: No, it’s not. It could be delusional.
Q: Right. Okay. I agree.
P: Okay.
Q: Let’s see what else. Basically, the phenomena that happened when I came home was really what made me feel overwhelmed. For example, when I called up my friend Marie she had just had her bank account cleaned out under strange circumstances. Everyone in Oklahoma had been telling me, “He takes money.” So I thought, “It’s possible.” I wasn’t sure. How could you be sure? With all the robbing that goes on?
P: He took money from people’s bank account?
Q: When I came back, my friend told me her bank account had been totally cleaned out. Back in Oklahoma, the family was telling me, “Well, he takes $10. He takes $1. Watch your change.”
P: So then you see a connection in your mind because —
Q: It was a possibility. I’m saying that was one of the events that made me think that there was phenomena still going on. Possibly. Then, I called my friend Fiona and she saw a magnet fly off her refrigerator as I was talking to her. And so Twyla wasn’t there. Then, I called my mom and I said, “Michael, give me a sign” to see if something else would happen. She said, “Oh, well, there’s no sign.” But then all of a sudden she said, “Oops, just a moment.” She went away from the phone and when she came back she said, “A wasp is acting strangely.” And I had also experienced something similar in Oklahoma. I mean it was just the irony.
P: It’s very loose.
Q: I know. I agree.
P: Very, very loose. But why is it so important to you, Mark, to draw all these connections?
Q: I guess it’s due to that basic dilemma that we all share in life of trying to figure it out when we can’t. And I know we can’t.
P: What are you trying to figure out?
Q: I guess I’m just trying to figure out — I’ve sort of given up on trying to figure it out. I definitely have given up on figuring it out.
P: Not if you keep drawing these connections, you haven’t.
Q: Well, I’m just doing it for my book. If I am the possible reincarnation of someone by the name of Bel — I mean reincarnation is a possibility.
P: I don’t follow these leaps at all.
Q: I know. That’s why I’m trying — let me give you a few more good parallels.
P: But I keep wondering why is this important? Because you’re going to be able to write a book and it will give you some kind of an identity with —
Q: No, I didn’t really write the book. Again, it’s just transcripts. The book is something that I’ve been blessed with due to a series of events.
P: What are you trying to gain from all of this?
Q: I wish I knew. There’s nothing I see that I’m trying to gain. I mean I never would have chosen this particular assignment.
P: What is this particular assignment?
Q: Trying to come to terms with who I am, I guess.
P: But how is this helping you? This whole thing with Michael?
Q: Well, He knows that I think He’s a very loving Entity. It’s like pure love revealing Itself to you. And after that happens everything is great. There is nothing I’m afraid of because I have experienced pure love. That’s my interpretation.
P: Do you feel that He manifested some way in pure love?
Q: He’s just been very loving toward me in terms of the whole series of events. For example, He didn’t kill me. I mean if an Entity with that much power doesn’t kill you, you feel like, “Well, that’s nice.”
P: That’s not exactly loving.
Q: No, I know — but I’m just saying if He was evil, we would — I would have known it by now. I have never, ever experienced any aspect of Him that I thought was evil.
P: So what’s important to you, then, is you’re trying to make sense of a loving God or a loving spirit?
Q: Right. And I have so much of my own guilt and my own projections. I’ve seen so many horror movies over the years —
P: Guilt over what?
Q: Guilt about being chosen by Him in any way, shape or form.
P: Chosen for what?
Q: For Him to reveal Himself to me.
P: Mark, this is where —
Q: I know.
P: — it goes totally against logic because —
Q: No. Okay.
P: — it doesn’t seem like there’s — there is such a small amount of evidence.
Q: Right. But it was seeing the photo of the aliens —
P: What photo of the aliens?
Q: Didn’t I show you the photo of the transparent aliens looking in through the window? I thought I had. Vaguely you remember something — okay.
P: Yeah, it could have been something —
Q: Could have been anything — okay.
P: — or it couldn’t have been.
Q: I’m just saying —
P: In terms of proof that means nothing.
Q: The photo of the aliens. The photo of the neutrino-like cloud/spirit/whatever at the local market. The cryptograms. The insects. The other phenomena that I’ve experienced. Those all introduced the thought —
P: See again — I just don’t think you’re hearing either me or Barry when we’re talking to you and this is of concern. There’s nothing — there’s no hard evidence to prove anything.
Q: I agree with you.
P: Yeah.
Q: I agree with that, though.
P: Yeah.
Q: I’m just trying to make sense of my experience.
P: But, on the basis that there possibly could be no hard evidence, for you to jump to there’s a being who has been there with you and controlling your life and —
Q: Well, look —
P: — so forth, you know —
Q: I think it’s more of a —
P: — since you were a child —
Q: Well, I look at the book more as a collaboration because —
P: Well, whatever. To jump from no evidence to that — you know — it’s a huge leap and I’m just wondering why you’re doing this. And why there’s so much energy that you put —
Q: It’s just one aspect of my life but it’s the one aspect of my life that I haven’t fully come to terms with. And that’s why I discuss it with you.
P: Yes. Exactly.
Q: So I go to the supermarket. I listen to music. I go to the gym. I do have a very well-rounded life but when I speak to you and Barry, I focus on these questions because they’re the questions I still have.
P: Is this because this brings some kind of special meaning into your life that you’re doing it?
Q: I have recognized that it has always been in my life. It’s just that I didn’t fully realize or rationalize it. It was like, “Okay, I think someone’s here with me.” But now He’s showing that He’s here with me. Isn’t that great?
P: But he hasn’t though. How has he shown himself?
Q: Through the various events.
P: Maybe. Maybe not.
Q: I know. (“WILL YOU”) Just listen.
P: It’s very iffy.
Q: I agree.
P: But to make that —
Q: Yeah. Question mark. In fact, my treatment that I had pitched — the title was “?” That was the title: “?” Because, again, there’s no resolution that I can see because there’s nothing in history that can be definitely known for sure. Nothing. All recorded information is different people’s perceptions.
P: What are you hoping to achieve?
Q: I just want to fulfill what I feel is my destiny in life which is to do this book. It would be nice to sell some of my other scripts too but, again, I don’t know. I mean I just focus on one thing at a time. I set short-term and long-term goals. My short-tern goal is to get the book published. If I can share my book with other people—and definitely you’ll be one of the first ones to read it—I’ll feel like I don’t really need to be the one asking the questions because then other people can ask the questions too.
P: So you want to publish the book?
Q: Yeah. Well, I don’t even know if it’s meant to be published or not. I just want to share it with people.
P: So that they can then answer your questions?
Q: They’ll just have more of an idea of why I seem to be obsessing on something. I don’t feel like I’m obsessing on something because it’s not a negative aspect of my life. I make sure I get eight hours of sleep and take good care of myself. I’m going to feed my brother’s cat on the way home from the gym. I have a very normal life. It’s just that something very unusual happened to me. I feel very blessed and special because it happened. I know that sounds a little like Stuart Smalley.
P: But what exactly happened to you — we don’t know.
Q: We don’t know. Because there’s no way of knowing anything with complete certainty.
P: But because of that, (“EXPERIENCE”) to make such a big production out of it, I don’t see the leap. I mean instead of saying, “Well, it’s interesting. This could have happened. That could have happened.” You could say, “Well, whatever — I’ll go on with my life instead of constantly —”
Q: Well, I am going on with my life.
P: This is still the core of your life right now.
Q: Is it?
P: I think so. I really do.
Q: That’s something for me to think about. You’re probably right. Because sometimes other people are more objective than you can be about yourself. But I feel very good. I mean I feel fine.
P: That’s all-important. But you haven’t gone on from it.
Q: So what do you think my next step should be?
P: Finishing up the project. And going on to a new project.
Q: And I do — as I think I told you before — I do want to write poetry now.
P: But not about Michael.
Q: No.
P: A new project about a different subject entirely.
Q: I was thinking about either going back to finish one of my earlier projects because I’m always revising my earlier projects or maybe even doing — well, I’d like to set up that ‘Chucky’ Mullins screenplay too so when I write to Sherry Lansing I’m going to definitely mention that as well.
P: Exactly.
Q: I would like — I’d love to go visit the family and do more research there. Even though the script seems in pretty good shape. It’s always an advantage to meet the people who experienced things firsthand.
P: Exactly. To go on to a different subject matter and letting it sink in so there’s not as much mental activity about the previous one.
Q: Okay. That’s good advice.
P: And maybe in a year or something you can re-evaluate matters. Or if the book sells you can deal with it then.
Q: Right. That’s good advice. I mean everything you say I have to agree with because in the interpretive things you’ll better see why I am even giving any thought at all to them once you read the book. Let me see if there’s anything else that happened recently that you might be interested in. As another coincidence, at the laundromat when I was doing my laundry soon after returning from Oklahoma one of the washers came on and no one was using it at the time. I jokingly said to someone else, “A little spirit is doing his wash” because that was one of the things that would happen to the family back in Oklahoma. And the manager was there. This was over on Hillhurst and he looked at the machine and he couldn’t find any reason why this happened. So, I mean, that was just another thing. Got to go — (“OH SWELL”)
Q: Okay. The night that a penny and then a dime materialized in my living room when my brother and James dropped by, I definitely heard the SWOOSH when the penny hit my leg so that was definite phenomena to me.
P: Swoosh? (“SWOOSH”)
Q: There was a swooshing sound and the penny hit my leg. I called James’s attention to it and he said, “Oh, that just fell out of your pocket.” So I put it away and then, when he looked back again, there was a dime there and he knew that dime had not been there a moment ago. The next day I went to a slide show at his house and, coincidentally, people there were saying things that — I wasn’t really determined to draw conclusions but my friends were saying things that were reminding me of certain names and things. For example, Patty mentioned that her car was a Saturn and I just chuckled at it because that’s where the aliens in Oklahoma were from. And then — (“HE”)
P: That’s where who came from?
Q: Michael and his band of aliens.
P: That’s where they supposedly — he came from? Saturn?
Q: Yeah. Well, he also says he was an eight-year-old child so who knows? That’s just one of the stories he gave but it was just sort of ironic to hear Patty say that word. And then Charlotte, who was telling about her slides, said, “At the front of the tour group, the Indian man in the Hawaiian shirt was our leader.” And one of the other entities there in the house had been named Leader. So that’s what made me think, “Maybe the Entity is trying to communicate with me through the subconscious minds of other people.”
P: Why? But why? Why not be direct? Why go through all this rigmarole? It makes no sense.
Q: I know it doesn’t. I know that. But, see, I know it doesn’t.
P: And you’re wanting this to be true so much —
Q: Okay —
P: — just listen to me —
Q: Okay. Yeah.
P: — that you’re finding connections that are not there. I mean you’re stretching this a very long way.
Q: This will be good for me to listen to later on.
P: Good. Good.
Q: But then, also, the light bulb did explode in the projector, which was just another coincidence. The family members in Oklahoma were always saying Michael did things like that so I jokingly said, “Michael touched it.” (laughs) I wasn’t invited to the next slide show.
P: Yeah.
Q: I know. Oh gosh.
P: You’re really, really stretching it to make these connections. Can you try not to do that?
Q: Um-huh. I don’t try to do it — I just do it.
P: Can you stop trying to make these connections?
Q: I pretty much have been doing this only when I meet producers who have been involved in the phenomena (“PRETTY MUCH”) because it’s sort of thankless. I have never mentioned it at APLA.
P: But do you do it in your own mind? Like when anybody talks to you —
Q: No. Not so much anymore.
P: — are you constantly finding a —
Q: No.
P: — a connection or not?
Q: I believe that there is a basic synchronicity in life and we all see it from time to time in whatever shape it might take — whatever coincidence.
P: But you have such a brilliant mind, Mark. You’re so intelligent —
Q: I know.
P: — that you draw connections —
Q: Yeah.
P: — and see things —
Q: Well, that — it’s sort of fun, though. I don’t let it overwhelm me. But when I was doing it, it was definitely fun. I definitely enjoyed it.
P: I can see that you’re into it and you enjoy it and it’s very creative for you to try and draw the connections but —
Q: Wait. I think there are some more things that I wrote down. Well, of course, one of the most memorable things that happened to me, as I told you before, was when the two clumps of bushes outside my condo went up in flames, which was around the fourth of July last year. I thought it was because of kids with fireworks but the second time it happened I went down there immediately because I had been just waiting for it to happen again. And there was no one there in close proximity anywhere. It’s possible somebody could have gotten away so fast yet this was just one of the seeds that had been planted in my mind to take on new significance when I came back and remembered it. Those two burned-up clumps of bushes are still out there in front of my condo. They really need to clear that hillside. It’s a definite fire hazard. Let’s see what else. And, of course, during the making of the film “The Butcher’s Wife” — I mentioned to you that I met with the psychic consultant and she said —
P: Who was that?
Q: Maria Papapetros. She said that someone by the name of Michael would be responsible for getting my film made. And she even told me that I have a spirit watching over me — which I interpreted then like, “Oh yeah. Right. Some Indian brave-type character like you always read about during the spiritualism craze.” However, the Michael aspect intrigued me. I considered this could possible come true because of my twin brother, Michael Eisner or Michael Ovitz.
P: There are many different Michaels.
Q: It could be this Michael, though. I mean it’s possible. That was one of the things I recalled. Did I ever tell you about the strange glitch that happened when I was working on the “Clueless” press kit? That was one of the ones I worked on right before I went to Oklahoma. For some reason, I could not transfer the file from my 3.5″ disk to the computer no matter how many times I tried. I even went to Kinko’s and retyped it on another disk. No matter what I did the file would not transfer into the publicity department computers. And it was sort of ironic that the name of the film was “Clueless.” So that was another thing I remembered.
P: What’s the connection? I don’t even see that one.
Q: That I was clueless that Michael might have been in my life.
P: Big leap.
Q: I agree with you. But it’s something that I remembered. Also, the day before I went to Oklahoma I stopped by the publicity department and there were “Star Trek Generations” bookmarks everywhere that said “BOLDLY GO.”
P: Well, what connection would that be?
Q: The alien aspect.
P: “Boldly go?” So every time you see a “Star Trek” —
Q: Well, I was going on a trip. There was a box of bookmarks. (“POSSIBLE”) I think I even have one in my Land’s End bag here somewhere because I love bookmarks. These were spread out upon this courtesy table where you can take things near the storage room.
P: And how did you interpret this?
Q: Well, I was leaving to go on the trip the next day. I didn’t think about it before I left but I thought about it when I came back. I had seen the film and that was sort of weird too. Did you see that movie? “Star Trek Generations.” It was the one where Captain Kirk died and it combined the original cast with the new cast.
P: I think I did see it.
Q: There’s no obvious connection. It’s just ironic that I was going to Oklahoma the following day and these bookmarks were there. Plus, Taj, the assistant of the publicity director I was working with, saw me—it was the first time he had seen me wearing glasses—and he said, “You look like a wise old owl.” And, of course, when I was in Centrahoma I found out that the town had previously been called Owl. It’s just another coincidence in a long series of coincidences. I think another of the major phenomena I experienced, though, was when I had been transcribing for a long time and I turned on the TV to take a short break. I turned on MTV’s “The Real World” and at that exact moment I began watching, the roommates discovered that their telephone wasn’t working. Then, my television went off. (“YOU KNOW IT”) I went back to transcribing because I felt that Michael was telling me that this is what he wanted me to do with my time — to work only on the book. So that was one of the things that made me begin to feel overwhelmed.
P: I can understand why you feel overwhelmed.
Q: Well, I don’t now but that’s —
P: Well, you did.
Q: — why I did. Yeah.
P: That’s important — all of those things just bombarding you at once.
Q: And the thing that really pushed me over the edge, because I did think that it was a possibility that the Entity could be speaking to me through people’s subconscious minds — I don’t anymore — I mean —
P: You don’t?
Q: Once-in-a-while maybe but then I thought it was constantly doing this.
P: Do you think the entity is speaking through me right now?
Q: Only from a very broad philosophical perspective. God speaks through all of us.
P: Yes, but differently.
Q: Right. No. You know. (“BUT SHHHHHH”) But when I did think the Spirit was constantly communicating to me through people’s subconscious minds, my mom said, “Finish the book in three weeks.” (laughs) So I thought I had to finish the book in three weeks. (“OH I’M GLAD THAT’S OVER”) Plus, I live on Clinton Street where I moved before Clinton was elected President, which is sort of like a prophecy when you think about it. Like Nostradamus would always predict the future and things. I’m very familiar with Nostradamus. (“YOU KNOW”)
P: I’m a big believer in drawing connections. I really am. Co you couldn’t find anyone more sympathetic than I am.
Q: Right. Okay. Good.
P: But I think you’ve gone over the edge here in terms of drawing too many connections.
Q: I agree. But I would see them. I’m not looking for those connections any more. I’m not consciously looking for them any more. It was just during that period when I was feeling that everything was a connection.
P: There’s something about doing it so much that throws the phenomena synchronicity off-balance. It’s like the desk here. Instead of allowing it to flow and do what it wants to do, every little thing you’re tracking like a computer rather than —
Q: But I’m not doing it any more, though.
P: You’re still thinking about the connections.
Q: That’s because I’m finishing my book.
P: Okay. Alright. But this is going to come to a close.
Q: It is.
P: Soon.
Q: Thank goodness.
P: Do you know when your book will be done?
Q: I’ve finished all the difficult transcribing.
P: Okay. Good. Congratulations.
Q: It’s like a tremendous weight has been lifted off of me.
P: So you’re not transcribing any more?
Q: Well, the hard ones were the ones recorded in Oklahoma. There are a few ones I want to transcribe that I taped out here and I want to double check them because the first draft I did was sort of sloppy because I was rushing through it to see what I could find.
P: So about how much more time will this take?
Q: I wouldn’t think more than a week.
P: So by the end of next week, then you should be done and then what’s the next step?
Q: Well, I guess I’ll copyright it and register it.
P: How many pages is it?
Q: Right now it’s about 400 pages but it could be as long as 450. I’m not quite sure.
P: Single-spaced?
Q: Yeah. It’s all question and answer interviews so the manuscript is easier to read that way than it would be if it was double-spaced. Especially with that length. And I found out today that the other producers did not renew their contract so I’m free and clear in that respect so that was great news. I haven’t received a copy of the contract yet but that’s what he told me. That was very good news.
P: Alright. But the goal here, I just want to say, is to complete and send it off to whoever you’re going to send it off to.
Q: Right.
P: And then switch gears. Do you agree with that goal?
Q: I do. Did you notice though over the weekend? Something really sort of — I mean if you wanted to look for parallels, there was something this weekend in the newspaper that could be a parallel.
P: What happened?
Q: A geologist found what could be the oldest animal fossil — a jelly fish-like creature that lived on the sea floor up to six hundred million years ago. The fossil clearly shows a central bell like on a jelly fish with apparent tubes radiating outward. Again, the word bell.
P: Let it be. Let that go.
Q: Well, I do. I let it go. It’s just so funny to me because I just seem to be seeing bell everywhere. Like Pacific Bell.
P: It’s a very common word.
Q: I agree but remember the definition of bell. It’s sound is a symbol of creative power. Since it is in a hanging position, it partakes of the mystic significance of all objects which are suspended between heaven and Earth. It’s a very challenging symbol. That’s the symbolic definition of bell.
P: I’m not arguing that bell doesn’t have a symbolic meaning. (small laugh) What I’m arguing with is the lengthy chain of connections that you’re making.
Q: But it’s great for a book, isn’t it? Isn’t that a fascinating subject for a book?
P: I don’t know if it’s going to come off, to be honest.
Q: I know. I agree.
P: Because I’m not following the connections in my mind. We’ll see. I’ll give you my honest opinion —
Q: Thank you.
P: — when the time comes and I’m sure Barry —
Q: That’s the one thing I always try to be is honest.
P: I know that.
Q: At least from my perception.
P: I know. (“CORRECT”)
Q: You probably think I’m nuts.
P: I just think you’ve gone overboard with this. I just think there isn’t any balance.
Q: Well, there is a balance, though. For example, I don’t have any proof that I was sexually abused even though over the weekend I did find this certain old letter that had been written by my father that sort of suggested that and I’ll bring that in next time.
P: Do. Will you bring that in?
Q: Yes, I will.
P: That’s so important.
Q: I know it is.
P: Because I want to pursue that further.
Q: Okay. It really helps me to talk about all this. And I will call CPC Alhambra Hospital and try to get a copy made of the file.
P: They’ll just have you sign a release of records.
Q: And good luck on your own book.
P: Thank you. (“OH WE SNICKER”)
Q: This appointment time was good.
P: I don’t have much time. Can you get in then three o’clock on Wednesday?
Q: Actually, my gym time is from 1:30 to 3:00 that day. That’s practically the only time that I can’t come in.
P: I’m extremely booked next week. Is there any way you can shift your gym time just one day?
Q: Well, we can just do it the week after. I mean I feel fine and everything.
P: I really don’t want to skip a week. What time is your gym over?
Q: I leave from my house at one. I get there at one-thirty. Get on the bike for a half hour and then work out with my physical trainer for an hour so I get out of there usually at three. And it takes me like approximately from a half hour to forty-five minutes to come all the way over here.
P: Let me just put you down then at five o’clock.
Q: Fine. I’ll do some shopping at the mall. So I’ll call CPC Alhambra and have them send me the form to fill out. It sort of intimidates me — the idea of calling there. Thank you for everything. I don’t go around telling people about this on the street, you know?