Q: Mark Russell Bell
S: “Coast to Coast AM” radio show operator
B: Barbara Simpson, host of “Coast to Coast AM” radio show
M: Michael, Caller from Cleveland
J: Jim Berkland, “Coast to Coast AM” interview guest
I: Ian Punnett, host of “Coast to Coast AM” radio show
M: Michael, caller
A: Allen, caller from Ogden
R: Ross Mitchell, taped introduction for “Coast to Coast AM”
(X) unattributed sounds
W: Whitley Strieber, host of “Dreamland” radio show
J: Jim Marrs, guest on “Dreamland”
Q: So what happened was, as I was listening on the Internet — it’s a delayed feed because sometimes it (“GO”) has intermittent breaks in it. (“SO IT”) You lose time and, anyway, I heard a spirit message. I heard what sounded like “NOW.” (“SO”) I called in. I had my other tape recorder connected to the receiver and, anyway, that tape reveals what happened. . . .
S: “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Jim Berkland?
Q: Uh yes, I did.
S: Okay, what’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: And where are you calling from?
Q: Canoga Park.
S: Can you spell that?
Q: (spells)
S: And where is that?
Q: That’s in L.A. L.A. County.
S: Okay. You’re on the West of the Rockies line. Hang on.
B: . . . Jim, let’s get a couple callers in. We’ve got Michael is calling us from Cleveland. Hello, Michael. Thanks for calling this evening. . . . Let’s get another call in. We’ve got Mark is calling us from Canoga Park, California, which is down in Southern California. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara, once again and hi, Jim.
J: Hi.
Q: I wanted to ask you something about your previous interview but, first, there was a book that I once read by Increase Mather called Remarkable Providences. It was dated 1684 — around that time.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And, basically, he was linking all kinds of preternatural occurrences with weather phenomena and earthquakes. You should take a look at that if you can find it. (“HH” “LATER”) . . . Very old book.
J: How about that? Well I have an 1862 book by a Frenchman named Elisee Reclus and he came up with six concepts that I thought were products of the last century, the 1900s. He was at least fifty years ahead of his time in saying that the continents and the oceans change their places around the Earth just is billions of years old. The debris found upon the continents were not a product of Noah’s flood but some early ice age that — there were a couple other things too that he was incredibly correct on. But he was persona non grata in France and they burned his book.
B: Well, you know, I think that’s typical of what happens with anyone who comes up with something new — that there is such jealousy, particularly in science. I mean they talk about people in show business being jealous. I think people in science are even more so. (“I DON’T KNOW”) I don’t know why but I think it is. Let’s take another call. We have Dean calling us from Grapevine, Texas. Hello, Dean. . . .
Q: Who cares? I’m so frustrated. I guess I should’ve focused in on more what I really wanted to say, which had to deal with the EVP. I was going to ask him if maybe he had heard any EVP in his last interview — if he had played the tape again; and then mention last night’s show. So I just feel terrible now. I thought this was a big chance to really reach a lot of people and have them even go to the archives so they could hear it for themselves. Maybe I’ll try calling tomorrow night again. I just feel like I let God down. I guess Barbara doesn’t think that the quality of her life in eternity is at stake. I don’t know what anyone else thinks. I only know what I think and I’m not thinking very happy thoughts right now. . . .
S: (sounds like) Zeno?
Q: Hello?
S: Hey there. This is “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Ian Punnett?
Q: Yes, I wanted to ask him about EVP. Whitley —
S: Okay. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: Okay. Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: San Fernando Valley here in California.
S: Okay, Mark, you’re on the wild card line. Hang on. (broadcast begins to be heard on receiver)
M: I just can’t take it. I’ve had too many phone calls from too many — too many different organizations and, frankly, I’m frightened and I’m sorry I wasted your time, his time. I’m sorry I disappointed your fans.
I: Well you haven’t disappointed anybody that I know of, Michael, and whatever it is that’s weighing heavy on your heart, there is always help and you can’t get anywhere by giving up so don’t go anywhere yet. Let me — we’ll put him on hold to make sure that there isn’t some way we can clear up any sort of miscommunication that has gone on because I hate to have somebody sounding that despondent over a show that should be this much fun; and in an hour where we can never tell what’s going to happen. We’ll find out where we’ll go east of the Rockies coming up as we continue with open phones on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name’s Ian Punnett. . . . (commercials and bumper music)
I: I’m a little worried about Zeno but we checked with him off the air and everything’s going to be fine. And we go back to the phones for the rest of this hour before our guest Dr. Len Horowitz and his concerns about not only the West Nile Virus but other invisible threats in the air that he believes are coming with less than an unintentional nature toward us. We’ll talk about it coming up next hour but first Rick in Lexington, Kentucky east of the Rockies on “Coast to Coast AM” . . . Mark in the San Fernando Valley on the (BEEP) wild card line on “Coast to Coast AM.” Mark?
Q: Hello, Ian.
I: Welcome to open phones.
Q: I had a comment on EVP/Electronic Voice Phenomena or spirit messages. I’d like to find out if you have any experience with that. I know Whitley Strieber has played one from his broadcast: “CAN YOU HEAR ME”; and I heard an author named Beverly Donofrio who wrote Looking For Mary play a spirit message “THE BIRDS ARE UP” when she was being interviewed recently. But this is in relation to Friday night’s show. Did you hear that, by any chance?
I: I’m afraid I didn’t. (X)
Q: Dr. Seth Shostak was on of SETI organization. (“AN[D]”) Anyone unfamiliar with EVP or spirit messages, (“SHOULD”) listen to the archived edition of that interview. Of course, this phenomenon can commonly be heard during broadcasts. I found that you can hear it in all recorded mediums and on different broadcasts yet I found the EVP very audible during the last two hours of the show — during the question and answer period. I heard messages such as “YES,” “NO,” “RIGHT.” He was making a lot of statements. (“AN[D]”) It seemed like a good opportunity for Spirit to make some comments. (“SO”) Inserted within his statements, there were these (X) spirit messages.
I: Well I appreciate that ‘heads up.’ I didn’t hear that program but you’ll be glad to know that we are working on a show in the weeks ahead that we hope to get on featuring a reporter who is — been working on a story in the Louisiana area of a woman that continues to get messages on her call screener from famous former celebrities. That is to say dead celebrities. And some of these are politicians. Some of these are other notables and it’s at a part of the house where other people in her family have long since been willing to go. And that’s where she has her answering machine with the call screening service on it. And they come in with names and numbers. And it’s being checked out. And it’s — if it’s everything that this reporter believes that it could be, it’s truly an extraordinary kind of event, which is (or “WHICH IS” or “WITCHES”) kind of up the ally of what you’re speaking in. I hope to have that in the weeks ahead. Maybe we can tie-in those two things together. Richard in Antioch, California, West of the Rockies on “Coast to Coast AM” open phones. . . . On the wild card line, our last comment from Allen in Ogden, Utah on “Coast to Coast AM.” Allen?
A: First , I thought I’d — very quickly, I have a question and I believe you have a very balanced, positive show. I love to listen . . .
I: Good. I appreciate that.
A: Okay, I had a comment for the EVP lady who called about that. I was on a ghost investigation of a ghost investigators society here in Utah. We did a live investigation for Fox Television locally a week ago on Labor Day morning. And I got EVP in an old museum which was a army barracks in 1870 of a heartbeat — faded in and then rises for several seconds and fading out. But I just want to make people aware Electronic Voice Phenomena do not . . . come in words. It can be symbolic and I interpreted this as a symbolic message of saying “I’m still alive even though I (don’t) have the body.”
I: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) That’s very interesting. I’d love to hear that tape too. And if you ever get anything like that, Allen, make sure you include us in your mailing list. We’ll be happy to have you on to talk about it. Especially during an open phone segment like that one (“WHICH” or “WITCH”) we just had. And it was great to do it too. We’ll open up the phones again coming up a little bit later on in the show but we want to get down to cases on this West Nile Virus. It remains very much in the news and the minds of people all over the East Coast but who’s behind it all. We’ll find out more on our way next on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Well he got me off the air pretty quick. . . . I’m a little bit perturbed at Ian. I guess I should copy him on Barbara’s transcribed message because I was just about to say that more information about EVP/spirit messages is available at the website and he didn’t give me the chance. I mean who would’ve thought that he would’ve disconnected me so quickly unless the producer is behind it. Anyway, (“YEAH”) I don’t feel sorry for myself. I just feel sorry for God and what’s left of the world.
R: (rebroadcast begins) You’re listening to “Coast to Coast AM.” with the prince of darkness, Ian Punnett, on the Premiere Radio Networks.
I: Prince of darkness? (laughs) (“YES”) That’s going to go over big at the seminary. (laughs) That’s the first time I’ve heard that ever. I mean okay, sinister minister maybe but prince of darkness, please. (laughs) Well I’ll try to keep that in mind as I’m sitting here doing my homework for this week’s Hebrew class. It is a perfect night to just spend an hour on open phones and we will before we are joined by our guest for this show . . .
Q: . . . I’ve felt a need to concentrate on this show as being the perfect outlet for me obviously. The corporate mentality is something very difficult to deal with. Specific individuals are told certain instructions, apparently. That’s just the feeling I get. From my perspective, you can go to the website and it does have listings of the previous shows and the guests. And there’s an obvious majority of guests that came on the show with books to sell — with links to the books so, of course, the producers can get their kickback. Obviously, this tends to favor guests who have books to sell so the company can make some money. And, of course, for a book to be published in this society, they’re aimed at an audience that might not be as educated about spirituality as possibly some of the hosts and listeners of “Coast to Coast AM.” Now I know Ian has a lot of experience and education in spirituality or divinity and yet his response is the same as the others. But if you look at these guests — and the majority of them with their books, they obviously to get published had to attract a publisher in most cases who could feel that they could sell this to the public. So what happens is that, let’s say, a host from his knowledge can see certain parallels and certain significances in a book that matches other religious traditions. And yet he does not have the authority to have the author of the book on the show. The “corporation” wants to make money. The individuals in their high-paying, privileged positions feel that in order to justify their salaries—and then by exploiting others—they have to make money for the evil principality: the corporation. Therefore, there is an emphasis on these commercialized guests. So this is what has happened to me [being shunned and ignored]. You have varying degrees of this dilemma in the media. And I’ve had — well you know. I’ve kept a documentary record of my difficulty in finding messengers in their positions of power to help my deliver my Message. I would also have liked to point out to Ian during my conversation with him about Beverly Donofrio — that she, of course, didn’t realize that that EVP “THE BIRDS ARE UP” was a spirit message and she had attributed it to picking up a hoaxer’s walkie-talkie even though that’s so unlikely, considering that if you’re going to conduct a hoax you would do it with something other than birds because birds are very unreliable and is that really something that would be conclusive? No. . . . Last time (for the “Dreamland” rebroadcast) they did edit out my website address and this time I didn’t even have a chance to give the website address but people who see my message on the bulletin board can certainly get the address there. . . .
Q: (preceding journal entry) . . . Every job is a miracle. For all of those people who think that they are the sole person responsible for their success and wealth; and can’t find any justification for sharing their money, they should consider what life would be like without their job.
( . . . )
S: “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Barbara Simpson?
Q: Yes, I did.
S: First name, please.
Q: Mark.
S: And where are you calling from tonight?
Q: From Los Angeles.
S: Okay. You’re on the wild card line. Make sure your radio is turned off and hang on.
Q: Thank you.
B: (broadcast begins to be heard over receiver) . . . we tend always in news to kind of focus on California because, after all, that’s the most important state of all and if you are living (caller laughs) — if you’re living in New York — and I was back in New York a couple of years ago and I would watch the news. And I knew that in California they were having terrible floods and (“I”) I was very concerned because I have friends and family out here. And the news in New York gave it about ten seconds worth of coverage. They just ignored it. So I think it’s because we don’t get a lot of news coverage of what happens to folks in Oklahoma, you know? So we don’t really know what goes on there and you’re right. (“IF IT”) And, by the way, it’s a beautiful state too so Patty thank you very much for calling I appreciate it and I hope you’ll stay with us when we’re talking with Dr. Sheldrake later about the animals. I can hear the music and that means we’re at the bottom of the hour right here on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’re not going anywhere. We’ll take a pause, have a couple of messages and then we’ll be back. I’m Barbara Simpson. This is “Coast to Coat AM.”
( . . . )
B: Here I am and we’re talking — I mentioned later on we’re going to be talking about psychic animals. I found this story. I guess it was about a couple of weeks ago on the wires and it just is so silly. I don’t know if you’re all aware of the fact that Sylvester Stallone’s mother is named Jacqueline Stallone and she’s kind of an interesting lady. Very flamboyant in dress and what she does. And she’s sort of a — well she’s kind of a psychic, I guess. At least, she claims to be. She does — well how shall I say it? She practices — (laughs) I’m being serious — she practices the art of rumpology, which we’re told is similar to palmistry but it uses the imprint of a person’s derriere instead. Well she has two dogs and she claims the two dogs are psychic. They grown or they’re happy and what they do is they — well I guess they use telecommunication. They have mental powers that enable them to look into the future and predict everything from politics to the future for Jacqueline Stallone. And they give her the message in her mind and then she’s able to express them because they don’t speak. That’s the silly part of it. The real part is what we’re going to be talking about later. Mark is calling us from L.A. Hello, Mark. Thank you for calling. I’m Barbara.
Q: Hi, Bar — (BEEP)
B: Mark?
Q: Hi. (or “HI”) Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: Well my life has brought me smack dab in the middle of a couple more cover-ups.
B: Uh-huh.
Q: But first I thought I would mention about last night’s show with Echo Bodine. Did you hear that?
B: I heard part of it. Not the whole thing.
Q: Me too. (“BUT”) People should go to the archive shows because the spirit messages/EVP phenomena is getting quite noticeable. (“UM”) Especially with her. In the middle of her sentences, you can hear very distinct words such as “NO,” um “BUT,” “AND.” I heard some “YOU KNOW”s.
B: Really?
Q: Mostly “NO”s. Like there was one time when she was talking about ‘The Squadron’ — about how people (“SH”) should call upon ‘The Squadron’ and there was a very distinct “NO” there. But, anyway, that’s something that people can do on their own.
B: Okay.
Q: But, anyway, I had to quit my job because of a cover-up.
B: Um-huh.
Q: Another government cover-up. I was working for TeleTech which services clients like the United States post office. And it was sort of a long-term temp position. And I had to quit because my supervisor said I wasn’t allowed to give people the correct rates information when they called — (“HE”) told me that I had — I couldn’t give Special Standard Mail rates unless they specifically used that terminology and very few callers knew that terminology. So this is a new government cover-up to report. I guess they’re now hiring temp workers through intermediary companies to get around screwing the public. (“AND” “YOU KNOW”) Because, of course, they’re supposed to service the public but they’re trying to make as much money as they can and — try it yourself. (“TRY”) Call up and say “I want to send some books. (“WHAT’S”) What’s the cheapest rate?” And instead of Special Standard Mail rate, (“THEY”) they’ll probably just tell you the Parcel Post rate.
B: Well I’ll tell you, Mark, the problem I think dealing with almost any business is if you don’t ask the right question, you’re not going to get the answers you’re looking for. And frequently you’re dealing with people who really don’t know their job and that’s always a problem. Did you get another job yet?
Q: Well I’m starting on Monday. I — of course, after you quit a temp job they won’t use you again. So I signed up a new temp agency and I was horrified because there were like twenty different forms I had to fill out. One of them —
B: Welcome to the bureaucracy.
Q: Well it’s worse than you think because one of the things I had to sign — it said ‘Do you promise not to divulge any information whatsoever on your job?’ and, of course, being a writer, that’s something I wasn’t willing to sign so I scratched it out. And there was so much paperwork, they didn’t even notice that I refused to go along with them on that one. I was also — I think the people who (“EN”) en — uh engage in these cover-ups, though — such as this one with the USPS, because when people call and say, “I want the least expensive rate,” you should be able to give them the least expensive rate — but they have other cover-ups that get them karmically. For example, here in L.A. there’s a show called “Ask Mr. KABC” and he was interviewing Todd Wilbur who’s that cookbook author who writes about food chains and recipes. And he had apparently interviewed a chemist who had checked out Kentucky Fried Chicken. And apparently —
B: Mark, Mark, you’re getting really, really long on this and it’s very convoluted.
Q: Well don’t hang up on me because I’ll make the point now.
B: Yeah. What’s your point? (“WELL”)
Q: The secret recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken is MSG which is a powerful drug. (“HOW”)
B: How do you know it if it’s a secret recipe?
Q: Because Todd Wilbur, who’s a very — (“WHO’S A”) nationwide-known cookbook author —
B: Ahhh.
Q: — he’s known for — he’s published many different books. And he had it analyzed. Of course, he himself was just talking about it as an allergic reaction. He doesn’t know what I know, being a vegan. (“THAT IT”) It’s a powerful drug reaction and not an allergic reaction. And it destroys brain cells. And there are websites such as in addition to my own (at) that does go into some of these terrible things. Of course, the show itself has had a lot about —
B: Yeah.
Q: — Bovine Growth Hormone. (“BUT”)
B: Well we’ve done a lot on this program. I know Mike has done a number of programs on that. Listen, I — we’ve got to take a break but I think you, Mark, for calling and I hope — (line disconnected)
B: (heard on rebroadcast) — you will stay listening. And we’ll be right back. I’m Barbara Simpson.
Q: (commenting during rebroadcast) Well they’ve edited me again. They’ve made me sound totally unintelligible. They’ve damaged my reputation once again without any freedom of speech. They cut out both of the website addresses I gave: and — as well as my own.
( . . . )
Q: It’s always hard for me to listen to myself. And I wish I hadn’t said that about EVP becoming very noticeable because I believe these spirit messages/EVP have always been very noticeable. It’s just once you’re aware of it, it’s easier to hear. And, as you get experience hearing it, it’s easier.
( . . . )
Q: Well I wasn’t planning to but I guess I should clarify my sentiments about hell because I think that’s what is on the minds of the hosts at “Coast to Coast AM.” I believe that hell is a metaphor, as is heaven. Earth certainly — our society is a heaven for those who enjoy their lives. It can be a hell for even rich people who don’t know what they’re doing — or don’t want to know what they’re doing. And, of course, those 25,000 people who starve to death every death every day, life is certainly a hell for them. But I think people who are doing worthwhile work and have all their essential needs met — Earth is certainly a heaven for them. And where we go after here, if God so blesses us, is continuing our journey and, of course, I think He wants (this) unless that wasn’t in our best self-interest. With an expanded consciousness, we would have to live with the knowledge of the good or the evil — or I should say both the good and the evil that we’ve done — and this comprehension would enable us to live in ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ based on our knowledge of our actions and the consequences.
( . . . )
Q: I’m thinking now how people like this author have to find different synonyms and scientific terms other than “God” to conform with society and commercialize themselves — create profits. They can’t deal with God because of the hostility and antagonism that arouses. They have to find all these other obscure words and phrases to say the same thing, basically. God has feelings too. Barbara talks about her pets, which is something easy to talk about — and that horrible moment when her two dogs collided. Well I have the same feeling about mankind.
B: Barbara Simpson here with you on “Coast to Coast AM.” You know, the last couple of weeks, we talked a fair amount about the U.S. Navy. What with ‘Fleet Week’ here and my adventures on the USS Constellation. Then, of course, the explosion on the USS Cole. And then the plane that went down, which was off of the Constellation and — during one of their exercises down off of San Diego with the loss of a pilot. And I see on the wires today that just east of Fallon, Nevada, two navy pilots were taking part in training exercises over the desert when their FA-18 Hornets collided. (You’ve) got to wonder how that can happen. But they did. One of them managed to land safely at the station even though the collision sheared off three feet off of the right wing and damaged the fuselage, the vertical stabilizers and the horizontal flap. It’s a miracle this guy got the plane down okay. The other man, Lt. Cam Hanson, was ejected and the plane crashed and he survived okay. (“SO IT”) Those FA-18s have had quite a few accidents. I know they’re doing an investigation. They’re still not certain whether or not they’re going to ground them all but the plane that went down off the Constellation last week was also an FA-18. They’ve had a couple of other accidents with them so maybe (they) better do some heads up on that and find out what’s going on. Let’s go first to a caller from Los Angeles. Hello, Mark, how are you? You’re on “Coast to Coast AM” with Barbara Simpson. (“HI”) Good evening . . . (BEEP)
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi. I just wanted to share a thought that I had. I was reading a book by Richard Wurmbrand, (“WHO IS”) a well-known evangelical minister who was imprisoned for many years in Rumania between 1948 and 1964. And it just made me realize that our capitalistic system is very much like the communistic system after all.
B: In what way?
Q: Well, as he describes in his book because he had to (“GO”) undergo imprisonment and torture for his beliefs — (“BUT”) everything in these countries, he wrote — radio, television, cinema, theatre, press, publishing houses — they all had the aim of stamping out a belief in God. And now, of course, in our society even those authors who profess a belief in God share a distorted view of God.
B: Do you see the media today trying to stamp out a belief in God in this country?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: In what way? (“WELL”)
Q: Look at the content of everything. When they do deal with God, it’s in a very superficial way.
B: True.
Q: It’s — I, myself, don’t even watch television. I can find information (“ON THE”) on the Internet that I don’t think is manipulated the way you find it in so many different outlets. And, of course, you also have the need to sell things so, of course, anything that goes against — anything that the advertisers might not like gets left out of print as well. So —
B: I would raise the question — I would agree with you. I think that there is a concerted effort to eliminate anything religious from most — there’s a couple — “Touched By An Angel” I think is one that has religious overtones to it. There may be a couple of other programs but for the most part I think you’re right. I would not, however, come to the conclusion that our government — a capitalistic system is just like socialism. I think what you’re looking at, rather, Mark, is that the capitalistic system is transitioning to socialism . . .
Q: Well I didn’t mean socialism. I said communism, not socialism.
B: Alright, communism — well but, you know, I mean Ballin Vosiny (phonetic) who is a historian, a man who lived under the Nazis and under communists calls it socialism, regardless of what kind of socialism it is. But I think that because of the leaders that we have had and the trend in a lot of what the laws and the interpretation, our involvement internationally, etc., I think there are a lot of people in our government who are moving us toward socialism whether we want to or not.
Q: Well I think our leaders are a lot like their leaders.
B: Some of them are.
Q: I think that they’re just people who are putting on an act. I mean they’re so manipulated by the —
B: . . . they’re not an act.
Q: — rich and wealthy.
B: It’s not an act.
Q: And the power structure.
B: No, I would disagree with you. They are, in fact, the power structure.
Q: And there’s even an underground church today like there was back then.
B: Well that has nothing to do with the government. The underground church today is because maybe some people don’t agree with the way their churches are going. But I would say that the answer to that is let’s look at the kind of people we elect to office because fortunately in this country we do have a constitution which outlines in very simple fashion what our rights are — (“R”) unalienable right — not the permission from the government to have free speech but our right as human beings to have free speech. And I think that perhaps we might look at the kinds of people we’re electing to office and what they intend to do with us. (“THAT”) That’s really the issue. And, actually, you bring up a really good important point, considering that we are less than two weeks away from an election where we are going to be facing major, major choices for President as well as for various seats in congress, for a number of governors of states as well as the various selections that are going on in your own district. It’s very, very important to pay attention. A lot of people are saying, “Ahh my vote doesn’t count.” Yes, it does.
Q: And look how the power structure left out Ralph Nader from the process. They shut him out handily this time.
B: I think it’s outrageous. I think — in my opinion personally I think that all of the major candidates should’ve been in a debate at least once. The Libertarians. The Greens. You name it. The Constitution Party. All of those parties. Why not? What’s wrong with it? (“IF”) If you are a Democrat, if you are a Republican and you feel that your candidate is terrific and he’s the one that you’ve got running for the office, why not put him up against some of the other people who are running against him? At the very least, the people in this country would be able to see that there are some different ideas out there. Thank you very much, Mark. I appreciate it. (“I”) Good food for thought there. I just found that the debates — (“WELL”) well, you know, we could go on a lot about the debates but I think the fact that the other people running did not have the opportunity to have their voices heard — of course, we’ll never have a powerful third party unless somebody pays attention to them. The only reason Ross Perot got so much attention when he ran was because Ross is Ross and he manages to get the headlines. And he, you know, he used Larry King and Larry King used him and a lot of attention that way. (“BUT”) You know, look at the other ones. Do you see them very often? No. Were they in the debates? No. It’s outrageous. Cheryl in Vancouver — hi, Cheryl. Thanks for calling “Coast to Coast” this evening/this morning. . . .
W: . . . Jim Marrs about the election and the New World Order and the erosion of our freedom, which is one of the central issues of this age. As long as the secret government keeps growing and growing and growing — and I don’t mean just the intelligence community but all of the secret organizations and secret societies that surround the government like a crowd of remoras around a shark. As long as this keeps growing, our freedom gets less and less and less every day. We’ve got to get out of the habit of secrecy. Everybody wants to keep secrets from us — from ‘we the people.’ We have just come off of an election that has been an absolute disaster. A mess. It’s ironic, isn’t it?, that the Tilden/Hayes election of 1876 swung on Florida votes and there were great allegations of fraud in those — back in those days, over a hundred years ago. And in the end the person who won, Hayes, won as a result of the electoral games being played in the electoral college. And it was one of the weakest presidencies that we’ve ever had. Right now we’re going into a situation where the country looks like it’s getting into some economic rough waters and we’re going to end up, because of what happened, with a very weak presidency just when that’s the last thing we need. Well, you know, when Harry Truman came to office after the death of FDR, everybody thought we’ve got a real weakling in the presidency and he rose to the office because the greatness of this great country inspired him. Maybe that will happen again, whichever of the two candidates gets in to power. Let’s hope. Okay, the phones are packed. I’m not going to spend much time talking to you guys in this little break; instead, I’m going to go right back to Jim Marrs and to your calls in just a couple minutes. This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland,” and we’ll be back.
( . . . )
W: This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland,” and we’re going to go straight to the phones with Jim Marrs. I am not going to be able to answer Email questions tonight because we have got pushing toward 300 Emails just during the course of the show. We normally get about 3,000 a month and we try, as you know, to answer them all. At least, to say hello back so that you don’t drop your Email into a black hole. But tonight we’re just going to stay with the phone. Those of you who have written, asking why you can’t see stories I’ve talked about on — you go to whitleysworld and, for example, someone wrote, saying “I can’t see the Flight 800 story. Where is it?” Well what you need to do is to press refresh on your browser because you will see it. It’s right in — it’s one, two, three, four, five news items from the top. The headline is “New TWA Flight 800 Theory” and it is an incredible story written by none other than Anne Strieber and based on some extraordinary research, which it is linked to. Okay, Jim?
J: Yeah.
W: Yeah. We’re loaded with calls so let’s go to Mark in — I guess in California. (BEEP) Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Whitley and hi, Jim.
J: Hi, Mark.
Q: Of course, Jim is known for his — some of his conspiracy theories so I thought I would try one out on him. But what if all of the presidential elections are put-ons? Of course, we had the Monica Lewinsky and the Elian Gonzalez diversions. Perhaps, this whole election controversy now is a diversion to hide the fact that nobody really wants Mr. Bush. And none of the states that supposedly elected him really did elect him. Does Jim think that would be very possible?
W: In other words, this is — you’re saying it’s sort of a coup? Mark?
Q: Well I don’t know what words to place with it but how do we really know what the votes were? (“BECAUSE”) There’s always someone who’s doing the counting and how do we really know each of those state totals are accurate? I mean if Mr. Bush is going to be elected, it’s on the basis of doing away with Social Security and how many (“OF”) people who are just trying to make their weekly ends meet think that’s a good idea right now?
J: Well to answer your question let me just point out that as Whitley mentioned as he came back from the break, talking about the — back in the 1800s with the election that ended up in Florida. Okay? And Florida traditionally (SPIRIT SMALL LAUGH) and notoriously has been a state filled with voting corruption. Okay? And is it just pure coincidence that one of the Bush boys went to Florida to become governor? You think that’s just — you know (or “YOU KNOW”), they all came from Connecticut. That’s where Prescott was. They were all big Eastern establishment types and then George Herbert Walker goes to Texas and sets himself up as a Texas oil man and then Jeb goes to Florida and is it sheer coincidence that these (telephone line disconnected here)
Q: Well if I had a chance to speak further, I would’ve pointed out the fact that if the polls were proven to be accurate, what happened to the Green Party’s votes? Why is the media all saying different variations of the same thing and making the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader the bad guy in all of this? I’m talking about magazines, newspapers and television — I do catch a little bit of it because my mom watches TV morning, noon and night. And you hear very much the same thing. If you own the press and the media, then you can do just about anything to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. So it goes back to that whole question of ‘power,’ the media, and people—who do the bidding of the wealthy and the elite who pull the strings of even the President—think that they’re helping themselves financially by catering to this ‘power.’ And they forget that their first responsibility is to themselves and to what’s right and what’s good; and to God. So here we have people who would say anything or do anything to enrich themselves and the process is pretty much depicted as what you see in the newspapers and on the media where the system is abused through manipulation. Any claim can be heard to further the agenda — catering to the wealthy. On my website, I always call attention to that Fall 1998 Rand Review (“WHERE IT”) that said “the information revolution transforms the nature of conflict according to a 1997 Rand book In Athena’s Camp: Preparing For Conflict In The Information Age which predicts the passing of the era of massed field armies and the beginning of an age in which information and knowledge are the key elements of power.” And I might say all the misinformation out there about mind control obscures the real truth that the most powerful mind control device imaginable is in almost every living room throughout the United States. Television. I also might have mentioned the fact that the number of people earning salaries is dwindling as the baby boomer generation grows old so there won’t be the base for Social Security that there was before. I think that’s also why the borders have been so lax. And that’s why immigration and immigrants have been rewarded to come here. The wealthy need these people here putting money into the Social Security system in order for it to continue or they must give up some of their wealth. There is no concept of a Christian Socialism which is something that I’ve tried to help others with by setting an example and encouraging others to do the same. Anyway, who really knows what’s going on? It’s so devastating how everyone throughout our society caters to these greedy millionaires and billionaires that look upon life as a contest to see who can accrue the most wealth when every wisdom tradition tells you that’s the road to hell. And people trying to get ahead in this dog-eat-dog world are quick to help these unfortunate souls and join them in their pursuit. I also wanted to ask Whitley in terms of Mr. Marrs being on the show tonight — I slept through most of what he was saying, unfortunately — I was listening on the Internet until he said that they don’t carry the last hour on the Internet, anymore, so what does that tell you? Another loss of something for some reason. And I wanted to ask him, “Do you and Anne book the show—she’s the producer—or does the corporation book the show? Odd how you see certain people billed as counter culture figures when they really aren’t saying very much against the culture. Mr. Marrs certainly goes to a lot of those conventions but today I didn’t really hear anything that made me think of him as having much to say against the power structure. And as we all know since Susan B. Anthony’s 1873 trial, judges seem to share this same problem that all the others share in terms of catering to special interests and this government — this mythical government. Doing something for ‘the government’ — seeing the government as more than an individual concept, more than just a name on paper; somehow doing something evil for a government is appropriate because you’re doing something ‘for the government.’ Whereas there is no government. When you’re doing something evil, you’re doing something for the ‘powerful elite’ — the special interests to further your own self-interest. It has nothing to do with ‘government.’ Take a look at what went on in that trial as I do look in New Testament . . . As Allan L. Benson wrote in his 1914 book Our Dishonest Constitution: “The Constitution of 1787 . . . was made by a small class to further the interests of that class.” Benson shows how the government “was founded by the rich for the benefit of the rich.” He quotes President Wilson from the book Division and Reunion as saying, “‘The Federal government was not by intention a democratic government. In plan and structure it had been meant to check the sweep and power of popular majorities. The Senate, it was believed, would be a stronghold of conservatism, if not of aristocracy and wealth. The President, it was expected, would be the choice of representative men acting in the electoral college, and not of the people. The Federal judiciary was looked to, with its virtually permanent membership, to hold the entire structure of national politics in nice balance against all disturbing influences, whether of popular impulse or official overbearance.'” Benson points out: “. . . because the Constitution is doing much of what it was intended to do that the people are having great difficulty in ruling themselves. . . .’Divide and govern’ . . . has ever been the maxim of the small, compact, well organized, intelligent but unscrupulous ruling class. Trump up fake issues! Fill the air with a din! Divide the majority into parties — ‘and govern!” I guess one could find other ways of saying this, such as the rock group Depeche Mode:
The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves after all
Q: So what happened was, as I was listening on the Internet — it’s a delayed feed because sometimes it (“GO”) has intermittent breaks in it. (“SO IT”) You lose time and, anyway, I heard a spirit message. I heard what sounded like “NOW.” (“SO”) I called in. I had my other tape recorder connected to the receiver and, anyway, that tape reveals what happened. . . .
S: “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Jim Berkland?
Q: Uh yes, I did.
S: Okay, what’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: And where are you calling from?
Q: Canoga Park.
S: Can you spell that?
Q: (spells)
S: And where is that?
Q: That’s in L.A. L.A. County.
S: Okay. You’re on the West of the Rockies line. Hang on.
B: . . . Jim, let’s get a couple callers in. We’ve got Michael is calling us from Cleveland. Hello, Michael. Thanks for calling this evening. . . . Let’s get another call in. We’ve got Mark is calling us from Canoga Park, California, which is down in Southern California. Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi, Barbara, once again and hi, Jim.
J: Hi.
Q: I wanted to ask you something about your previous interview but, first, there was a book that I once read by Increase Mather called Remarkable Providences. It was dated 1684 — around that time.
B: Um-huh.
Q: And, basically, he was linking all kinds of preternatural occurrences with weather phenomena and earthquakes. You should take a look at that if you can find it. (“HH” “LATER”) . . . Very old book.
J: How about that? Well I have an 1862 book by a Frenchman named Elisee Reclus and he came up with six concepts that I thought were products of the last century, the 1900s. He was at least fifty years ahead of his time in saying that the continents and the oceans change their places around the Earth just is billions of years old. The debris found upon the continents were not a product of Noah’s flood but some early ice age that — there were a couple other things too that he was incredibly correct on. But he was persona non grata in France and they burned his book.
B: Well, you know, I think that’s typical of what happens with anyone who comes up with something new — that there is such jealousy, particularly in science. I mean they talk about people in show business being jealous. I think people in science are even more so. (“I DON’T KNOW”) I don’t know why but I think it is. Let’s take another call. We have Dean calling us from Grapevine, Texas. Hello, Dean. . . .
Q: Who cares? I’m so frustrated. I guess I should’ve focused in on more what I really wanted to say, which had to deal with the EVP. I was going to ask him if maybe he had heard any EVP in his last interview — if he had played the tape again; and then mention last night’s show. So I just feel terrible now. I thought this was a big chance to really reach a lot of people and have them even go to the archives so they could hear it for themselves. Maybe I’ll try calling tomorrow night again. I just feel like I let God down. I guess Barbara doesn’t think that the quality of her life in eternity is at stake. I don’t know what anyone else thinks. I only know what I think and I’m not thinking very happy thoughts right now. . . .
S: (sounds like) Zeno?
Q: Hello?
S: Hey there. This is “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Ian Punnett?
Q: Yes, I wanted to ask him about EVP. Whitley —
S: Okay. What’s your first name?
Q: Mark.
S: Okay. Where are you calling from, Mark?
Q: San Fernando Valley here in California.
S: Okay, Mark, you’re on the wild card line. Hang on. (broadcast begins to be heard on receiver)
M: I just can’t take it. I’ve had too many phone calls from too many — too many different organizations and, frankly, I’m frightened and I’m sorry I wasted your time, his time. I’m sorry I disappointed your fans.
I: Well you haven’t disappointed anybody that I know of, Michael, and whatever it is that’s weighing heavy on your heart, there is always help and you can’t get anywhere by giving up so don’t go anywhere yet. Let me — we’ll put him on hold to make sure that there isn’t some way we can clear up any sort of miscommunication that has gone on because I hate to have somebody sounding that despondent over a show that should be this much fun; and in an hour where we can never tell what’s going to happen. We’ll find out where we’ll go east of the Rockies coming up as we continue with open phones on “Coast to Coast AM.” My name’s Ian Punnett. . . . (commercials and bumper music)
I: I’m a little worried about Zeno but we checked with him off the air and everything’s going to be fine. And we go back to the phones for the rest of this hour before our guest Dr. Len Horowitz and his concerns about not only the West Nile Virus but other invisible threats in the air that he believes are coming with less than an unintentional nature toward us. We’ll talk about it coming up next hour but first Rick in Lexington, Kentucky east of the Rockies on “Coast to Coast AM” . . . Mark in the San Fernando Valley on the (BEEP) wild card line on “Coast to Coast AM.” Mark?
Q: Hello, Ian.
I: Welcome to open phones.
Q: I had a comment on EVP/Electronic Voice Phenomena or spirit messages. I’d like to find out if you have any experience with that. I know Whitley Strieber has played one from his broadcast: “CAN YOU HEAR ME”; and I heard an author named Beverly Donofrio who wrote Looking For Mary play a spirit message “THE BIRDS ARE UP” when she was being interviewed recently. But this is in relation to Friday night’s show. Did you hear that, by any chance?
I: I’m afraid I didn’t. (X)
Q: Dr. Seth Shostak was on of SETI organization. (“AN[D]”) Anyone unfamiliar with EVP or spirit messages, (“SHOULD”) listen to the archived edition of that interview. Of course, this phenomenon can commonly be heard during broadcasts. I found that you can hear it in all recorded mediums and on different broadcasts yet I found the EVP very audible during the last two hours of the show — during the question and answer period. I heard messages such as “YES,” “NO,” “RIGHT.” He was making a lot of statements. (“AN[D]”) It seemed like a good opportunity for Spirit to make some comments. (“SO”) Inserted within his statements, there were these (X) spirit messages.
I: Well I appreciate that ‘heads up.’ I didn’t hear that program but you’ll be glad to know that we are working on a show in the weeks ahead that we hope to get on featuring a reporter who is — been working on a story in the Louisiana area of a woman that continues to get messages on her call screener from famous former celebrities. That is to say dead celebrities. And some of these are politicians. Some of these are other notables and it’s at a part of the house where other people in her family have long since been willing to go. And that’s where she has her answering machine with the call screening service on it. And they come in with names and numbers. And it’s being checked out. And it’s — if it’s everything that this reporter believes that it could be, it’s truly an extraordinary kind of event, which is (or “WHICH IS” or “WITCHES”) kind of up the ally of what you’re speaking in. I hope to have that in the weeks ahead. Maybe we can tie-in those two things together. Richard in Antioch, California, West of the Rockies on “Coast to Coast AM” open phones. . . . On the wild card line, our last comment from Allen in Ogden, Utah on “Coast to Coast AM.” Allen?
A: First , I thought I’d — very quickly, I have a question and I believe you have a very balanced, positive show. I love to listen . . .
I: Good. I appreciate that.
A: Okay, I had a comment for the EVP lady who called about that. I was on a ghost investigation of a ghost investigators society here in Utah. We did a live investigation for Fox Television locally a week ago on Labor Day morning. And I got EVP in an old museum which was a army barracks in 1870 of a heartbeat — faded in and then rises for several seconds and fading out. But I just want to make people aware Electronic Voice Phenomena do not . . . come in words. It can be symbolic and I interpreted this as a symbolic message of saying “I’m still alive even though I (don’t) have the body.”
I: Yeah. (or “YEAH”) That’s very interesting. I’d love to hear that tape too. And if you ever get anything like that, Allen, make sure you include us in your mailing list. We’ll be happy to have you on to talk about it. Especially during an open phone segment like that one (“WHICH” or “WITCH”) we just had. And it was great to do it too. We’ll open up the phones again coming up a little bit later on in the show but we want to get down to cases on this West Nile Virus. It remains very much in the news and the minds of people all over the East Coast but who’s behind it all. We’ll find out more on our way next on “Coast to Coast AM.”
Q: Well he got me off the air pretty quick. . . . I’m a little bit perturbed at Ian. I guess I should copy him on Barbara’s transcribed message because I was just about to say that more information about EVP/spirit messages is available at the website and he didn’t give me the chance. I mean who would’ve thought that he would’ve disconnected me so quickly unless the producer is behind it. Anyway, (“YEAH”) I don’t feel sorry for myself. I just feel sorry for God and what’s left of the world.
R: (rebroadcast begins) You’re listening to “Coast to Coast AM.” with the prince of darkness, Ian Punnett, on the Premiere Radio Networks.
I: Prince of darkness? (laughs) (“YES”) That’s going to go over big at the seminary. (laughs) That’s the first time I’ve heard that ever. I mean okay, sinister minister maybe but prince of darkness, please. (laughs) Well I’ll try to keep that in mind as I’m sitting here doing my homework for this week’s Hebrew class. It is a perfect night to just spend an hour on open phones and we will before we are joined by our guest for this show . . .
Q: . . . I’ve felt a need to concentrate on this show as being the perfect outlet for me obviously. The corporate mentality is something very difficult to deal with. Specific individuals are told certain instructions, apparently. That’s just the feeling I get. From my perspective, you can go to the website and it does have listings of the previous shows and the guests. And there’s an obvious majority of guests that came on the show with books to sell — with links to the books so, of course, the producers can get their kickback. Obviously, this tends to favor guests who have books to sell so the company can make some money. And, of course, for a book to be published in this society, they’re aimed at an audience that might not be as educated about spirituality as possibly some of the hosts and listeners of “Coast to Coast AM.” Now I know Ian has a lot of experience and education in spirituality or divinity and yet his response is the same as the others. But if you look at these guests — and the majority of them with their books, they obviously to get published had to attract a publisher in most cases who could feel that they could sell this to the public. So what happens is that, let’s say, a host from his knowledge can see certain parallels and certain significances in a book that matches other religious traditions. And yet he does not have the authority to have the author of the book on the show. The “corporation” wants to make money. The individuals in their high-paying, privileged positions feel that in order to justify their salaries—and then by exploiting others—they have to make money for the evil principality: the corporation. Therefore, there is an emphasis on these commercialized guests. So this is what has happened to me [being shunned and ignored]. You have varying degrees of this dilemma in the media. And I’ve had — well you know. I’ve kept a documentary record of my difficulty in finding messengers in their positions of power to help my deliver my Message. I would also have liked to point out to Ian during my conversation with him about Beverly Donofrio — that she, of course, didn’t realize that that EVP “THE BIRDS ARE UP” was a spirit message and she had attributed it to picking up a hoaxer’s walkie-talkie even though that’s so unlikely, considering that if you’re going to conduct a hoax you would do it with something other than birds because birds are very unreliable and is that really something that would be conclusive? No. . . . Last time (for the “Dreamland” rebroadcast) they did edit out my website address and this time I didn’t even have a chance to give the website address but people who see my message on the bulletin board can certainly get the address there. . . .
Q: (preceding journal entry) . . . Every job is a miracle. For all of those people who think that they are the sole person responsible for their success and wealth; and can’t find any justification for sharing their money, they should consider what life would be like without their job.
( . . . )
S: “Coast to Coast AM.” Did you have a question for Barbara Simpson?
Q: Yes, I did.
S: First name, please.
Q: Mark.
S: And where are you calling from tonight?
Q: From Los Angeles.
S: Okay. You’re on the wild card line. Make sure your radio is turned off and hang on.
Q: Thank you.
B: (broadcast begins to be heard over receiver) . . . we tend always in news to kind of focus on California because, after all, that’s the most important state of all and if you are living (caller laughs) — if you’re living in New York — and I was back in New York a couple of years ago and I would watch the news. And I knew that in California they were having terrible floods and (“I”) I was very concerned because I have friends and family out here. And the news in New York gave it about ten seconds worth of coverage. They just ignored it. So I think it’s because we don’t get a lot of news coverage of what happens to folks in Oklahoma, you know? So we don’t really know what goes on there and you’re right. (“IF IT”) And, by the way, it’s a beautiful state too so Patty thank you very much for calling I appreciate it and I hope you’ll stay with us when we’re talking with Dr. Sheldrake later about the animals. I can hear the music and that means we’re at the bottom of the hour right here on “Coast to Coast AM.” We’re not going anywhere. We’ll take a pause, have a couple of messages and then we’ll be back. I’m Barbara Simpson. This is “Coast to Coat AM.”
( . . . )
B: Here I am and we’re talking — I mentioned later on we’re going to be talking about psychic animals. I found this story. I guess it was about a couple of weeks ago on the wires and it just is so silly. I don’t know if you’re all aware of the fact that Sylvester Stallone’s mother is named Jacqueline Stallone and she’s kind of an interesting lady. Very flamboyant in dress and what she does. And she’s sort of a — well she’s kind of a psychic, I guess. At least, she claims to be. She does — well how shall I say it? She practices — (laughs) I’m being serious — she practices the art of rumpology, which we’re told is similar to palmistry but it uses the imprint of a person’s derriere instead. Well she has two dogs and she claims the two dogs are psychic. They grown or they’re happy and what they do is they — well I guess they use telecommunication. They have mental powers that enable them to look into the future and predict everything from politics to the future for Jacqueline Stallone. And they give her the message in her mind and then she’s able to express them because they don’t speak. That’s the silly part of it. The real part is what we’re going to be talking about later. Mark is calling us from L.A. Hello, Mark. Thank you for calling. I’m Barbara.
Q: Hi, Bar — (BEEP)
B: Mark?
Q: Hi. (or “HI”) Hi, Barbara.
B: Hi.
Q: Well my life has brought me smack dab in the middle of a couple more cover-ups.
B: Uh-huh.
Q: But first I thought I would mention about last night’s show with Echo Bodine. Did you hear that?
B: I heard part of it. Not the whole thing.
Q: Me too. (“BUT”) People should go to the archive shows because the spirit messages/EVP phenomena is getting quite noticeable. (“UM”) Especially with her. In the middle of her sentences, you can hear very distinct words such as “NO,” um “BUT,” “AND.” I heard some “YOU KNOW”s.
B: Really?
Q: Mostly “NO”s. Like there was one time when she was talking about ‘The Squadron’ — about how people (“SH”) should call upon ‘The Squadron’ and there was a very distinct “NO” there. But, anyway, that’s something that people can do on their own.
B: Okay.
Q: But, anyway, I had to quit my job because of a cover-up.
B: Um-huh.
Q: Another government cover-up. I was working for TeleTech which services clients like the United States post office. And it was sort of a long-term temp position. And I had to quit because my supervisor said I wasn’t allowed to give people the correct rates information when they called — (“HE”) told me that I had — I couldn’t give Special Standard Mail rates unless they specifically used that terminology and very few callers knew that terminology. So this is a new government cover-up to report. I guess they’re now hiring temp workers through intermediary companies to get around screwing the public. (“AND” “YOU KNOW”) Because, of course, they’re supposed to service the public but they’re trying to make as much money as they can and — try it yourself. (“TRY”) Call up and say “I want to send some books. (“WHAT’S”) What’s the cheapest rate?” And instead of Special Standard Mail rate, (“THEY”) they’ll probably just tell you the Parcel Post rate.
B: Well I’ll tell you, Mark, the problem I think dealing with almost any business is if you don’t ask the right question, you’re not going to get the answers you’re looking for. And frequently you’re dealing with people who really don’t know their job and that’s always a problem. Did you get another job yet?
Q: Well I’m starting on Monday. I — of course, after you quit a temp job they won’t use you again. So I signed up a new temp agency and I was horrified because there were like twenty different forms I had to fill out. One of them —
B: Welcome to the bureaucracy.
Q: Well it’s worse than you think because one of the things I had to sign — it said ‘Do you promise not to divulge any information whatsoever on your job?’ and, of course, being a writer, that’s something I wasn’t willing to sign so I scratched it out. And there was so much paperwork, they didn’t even notice that I refused to go along with them on that one. I was also — I think the people who (“EN”) en — uh engage in these cover-ups, though — such as this one with the USPS, because when people call and say, “I want the least expensive rate,” you should be able to give them the least expensive rate — but they have other cover-ups that get them karmically. For example, here in L.A. there’s a show called “Ask Mr. KABC” and he was interviewing Todd Wilbur who’s that cookbook author who writes about food chains and recipes. And he had apparently interviewed a chemist who had checked out Kentucky Fried Chicken. And apparently —
B: Mark, Mark, you’re getting really, really long on this and it’s very convoluted.
Q: Well don’t hang up on me because I’ll make the point now.
B: Yeah. What’s your point? (“WELL”)
Q: The secret recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken is MSG which is a powerful drug. (“HOW”)
B: How do you know it if it’s a secret recipe?
Q: Because Todd Wilbur, who’s a very — (“WHO’S A”) nationwide-known cookbook author —
B: Ahhh.
Q: — he’s known for — he’s published many different books. And he had it analyzed. Of course, he himself was just talking about it as an allergic reaction. He doesn’t know what I know, being a vegan. (“THAT IT”) It’s a powerful drug reaction and not an allergic reaction. And it destroys brain cells. And there are websites such as in addition to my own (at) that does go into some of these terrible things. Of course, the show itself has had a lot about —
B: Yeah.
Q: — Bovine Growth Hormone. (“BUT”)
B: Well we’ve done a lot on this program. I know Mike has done a number of programs on that. Listen, I — we’ve got to take a break but I think you, Mark, for calling and I hope — (line disconnected)
B: (heard on rebroadcast) — you will stay listening. And we’ll be right back. I’m Barbara Simpson.
Q: (commenting during rebroadcast) Well they’ve edited me again. They’ve made me sound totally unintelligible. They’ve damaged my reputation once again without any freedom of speech. They cut out both of the website addresses I gave: and — as well as my own.
( . . . )
Q: It’s always hard for me to listen to myself. And I wish I hadn’t said that about EVP becoming very noticeable because I believe these spirit messages/EVP have always been very noticeable. It’s just once you’re aware of it, it’s easier to hear. And, as you get experience hearing it, it’s easier.
( . . . )
Q: Well I wasn’t planning to but I guess I should clarify my sentiments about hell because I think that’s what is on the minds of the hosts at “Coast to Coast AM.” I believe that hell is a metaphor, as is heaven. Earth certainly — our society is a heaven for those who enjoy their lives. It can be a hell for even rich people who don’t know what they’re doing — or don’t want to know what they’re doing. And, of course, those 25,000 people who starve to death every death every day, life is certainly a hell for them. But I think people who are doing worthwhile work and have all their essential needs met — Earth is certainly a heaven for them. And where we go after here, if God so blesses us, is continuing our journey and, of course, I think He wants (this) unless that wasn’t in our best self-interest. With an expanded consciousness, we would have to live with the knowledge of the good or the evil — or I should say both the good and the evil that we’ve done — and this comprehension would enable us to live in ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’ based on our knowledge of our actions and the consequences.
( . . . )
Q: I’m thinking now how people like this author have to find different synonyms and scientific terms other than “God” to conform with society and commercialize themselves — create profits. They can’t deal with God because of the hostility and antagonism that arouses. They have to find all these other obscure words and phrases to say the same thing, basically. God has feelings too. Barbara talks about her pets, which is something easy to talk about — and that horrible moment when her two dogs collided. Well I have the same feeling about mankind.
B: Barbara Simpson here with you on “Coast to Coast AM.” You know, the last couple of weeks, we talked a fair amount about the U.S. Navy. What with ‘Fleet Week’ here and my adventures on the USS Constellation. Then, of course, the explosion on the USS Cole. And then the plane that went down, which was off of the Constellation and — during one of their exercises down off of San Diego with the loss of a pilot. And I see on the wires today that just east of Fallon, Nevada, two navy pilots were taking part in training exercises over the desert when their FA-18 Hornets collided. (You’ve) got to wonder how that can happen. But they did. One of them managed to land safely at the station even though the collision sheared off three feet off of the right wing and damaged the fuselage, the vertical stabilizers and the horizontal flap. It’s a miracle this guy got the plane down okay. The other man, Lt. Cam Hanson, was ejected and the plane crashed and he survived okay. (“SO IT”) Those FA-18s have had quite a few accidents. I know they’re doing an investigation. They’re still not certain whether or not they’re going to ground them all but the plane that went down off the Constellation last week was also an FA-18. They’ve had a couple of other accidents with them so maybe (they) better do some heads up on that and find out what’s going on. Let’s go first to a caller from Los Angeles. Hello, Mark, how are you? You’re on “Coast to Coast AM” with Barbara Simpson. (“HI”) Good evening . . . (BEEP)
Q: Hi, Barbara.
B: Hello, Mark.
Q: Hi. I just wanted to share a thought that I had. I was reading a book by Richard Wurmbrand, (“WHO IS”) a well-known evangelical minister who was imprisoned for many years in Rumania between 1948 and 1964. And it just made me realize that our capitalistic system is very much like the communistic system after all.
B: In what way?
Q: Well, as he describes in his book because he had to (“GO”) undergo imprisonment and torture for his beliefs — (“BUT”) everything in these countries, he wrote — radio, television, cinema, theatre, press, publishing houses — they all had the aim of stamping out a belief in God. And now, of course, in our society even those authors who profess a belief in God share a distorted view of God.
B: Do you see the media today trying to stamp out a belief in God in this country?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: In what way? (“WELL”)
Q: Look at the content of everything. When they do deal with God, it’s in a very superficial way.
B: True.
Q: It’s — I, myself, don’t even watch television. I can find information (“ON THE”) on the Internet that I don’t think is manipulated the way you find it in so many different outlets. And, of course, you also have the need to sell things so, of course, anything that goes against — anything that the advertisers might not like gets left out of print as well. So —
B: I would raise the question — I would agree with you. I think that there is a concerted effort to eliminate anything religious from most — there’s a couple — “Touched By An Angel” I think is one that has religious overtones to it. There may be a couple of other programs but for the most part I think you’re right. I would not, however, come to the conclusion that our government — a capitalistic system is just like socialism. I think what you’re looking at, rather, Mark, is that the capitalistic system is transitioning to socialism . . .
Q: Well I didn’t mean socialism. I said communism, not socialism.
B: Alright, communism — well but, you know, I mean Ballin Vosiny (phonetic) who is a historian, a man who lived under the Nazis and under communists calls it socialism, regardless of what kind of socialism it is. But I think that because of the leaders that we have had and the trend in a lot of what the laws and the interpretation, our involvement internationally, etc., I think there are a lot of people in our government who are moving us toward socialism whether we want to or not.
Q: Well I think our leaders are a lot like their leaders.
B: Some of them are.
Q: I think that they’re just people who are putting on an act. I mean they’re so manipulated by the —
B: . . . they’re not an act.
Q: — rich and wealthy.
B: It’s not an act.
Q: And the power structure.
B: No, I would disagree with you. They are, in fact, the power structure.
Q: And there’s even an underground church today like there was back then.
B: Well that has nothing to do with the government. The underground church today is because maybe some people don’t agree with the way their churches are going. But I would say that the answer to that is let’s look at the kind of people we elect to office because fortunately in this country we do have a constitution which outlines in very simple fashion what our rights are — (“R”) unalienable right — not the permission from the government to have free speech but our right as human beings to have free speech. And I think that perhaps we might look at the kinds of people we’re electing to office and what they intend to do with us. (“THAT”) That’s really the issue. And, actually, you bring up a really good important point, considering that we are less than two weeks away from an election where we are going to be facing major, major choices for President as well as for various seats in congress, for a number of governors of states as well as the various selections that are going on in your own district. It’s very, very important to pay attention. A lot of people are saying, “Ahh my vote doesn’t count.” Yes, it does.
Q: And look how the power structure left out Ralph Nader from the process. They shut him out handily this time.
B: I think it’s outrageous. I think — in my opinion personally I think that all of the major candidates should’ve been in a debate at least once. The Libertarians. The Greens. You name it. The Constitution Party. All of those parties. Why not? What’s wrong with it? (“IF”) If you are a Democrat, if you are a Republican and you feel that your candidate is terrific and he’s the one that you’ve got running for the office, why not put him up against some of the other people who are running against him? At the very least, the people in this country would be able to see that there are some different ideas out there. Thank you very much, Mark. I appreciate it. (“I”) Good food for thought there. I just found that the debates — (“WELL”) well, you know, we could go on a lot about the debates but I think the fact that the other people running did not have the opportunity to have their voices heard — of course, we’ll never have a powerful third party unless somebody pays attention to them. The only reason Ross Perot got so much attention when he ran was because Ross is Ross and he manages to get the headlines. And he, you know, he used Larry King and Larry King used him and a lot of attention that way. (“BUT”) You know, look at the other ones. Do you see them very often? No. Were they in the debates? No. It’s outrageous. Cheryl in Vancouver — hi, Cheryl. Thanks for calling “Coast to Coast” this evening/this morning. . . .
W: . . . Jim Marrs about the election and the New World Order and the erosion of our freedom, which is one of the central issues of this age. As long as the secret government keeps growing and growing and growing — and I don’t mean just the intelligence community but all of the secret organizations and secret societies that surround the government like a crowd of remoras around a shark. As long as this keeps growing, our freedom gets less and less and less every day. We’ve got to get out of the habit of secrecy. Everybody wants to keep secrets from us — from ‘we the people.’ We have just come off of an election that has been an absolute disaster. A mess. It’s ironic, isn’t it?, that the Tilden/Hayes election of 1876 swung on Florida votes and there were great allegations of fraud in those — back in those days, over a hundred years ago. And in the end the person who won, Hayes, won as a result of the electoral games being played in the electoral college. And it was one of the weakest presidencies that we’ve ever had. Right now we’re going into a situation where the country looks like it’s getting into some economic rough waters and we’re going to end up, because of what happened, with a very weak presidency just when that’s the last thing we need. Well, you know, when Harry Truman came to office after the death of FDR, everybody thought we’ve got a real weakling in the presidency and he rose to the office because the greatness of this great country inspired him. Maybe that will happen again, whichever of the two candidates gets in to power. Let’s hope. Okay, the phones are packed. I’m not going to spend much time talking to you guys in this little break; instead, I’m going to go right back to Jim Marrs and to your calls in just a couple minutes. This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland,” and we’ll be back.
( . . . )
W: This is Whitley Strieber, it’s “Dreamland,” and we’re going to go straight to the phones with Jim Marrs. I am not going to be able to answer Email questions tonight because we have got pushing toward 300 Emails just during the course of the show. We normally get about 3,000 a month and we try, as you know, to answer them all. At least, to say hello back so that you don’t drop your Email into a black hole. But tonight we’re just going to stay with the phone. Those of you who have written, asking why you can’t see stories I’ve talked about on — you go to whitleysworld and, for example, someone wrote, saying “I can’t see the Flight 800 story. Where is it?” Well what you need to do is to press refresh on your browser because you will see it. It’s right in — it’s one, two, three, four, five news items from the top. The headline is “New TWA Flight 800 Theory” and it is an incredible story written by none other than Anne Strieber and based on some extraordinary research, which it is linked to. Okay, Jim?
J: Yeah.
W: Yeah. We’re loaded with calls so let’s go to Mark in — I guess in California. (BEEP) Hi, Mark.
Q: Hi, Whitley and hi, Jim.
J: Hi, Mark.
Q: Of course, Jim is known for his — some of his conspiracy theories so I thought I would try one out on him. But what if all of the presidential elections are put-ons? Of course, we had the Monica Lewinsky and the Elian Gonzalez diversions. Perhaps, this whole election controversy now is a diversion to hide the fact that nobody really wants Mr. Bush. And none of the states that supposedly elected him really did elect him. Does Jim think that would be very possible?
W: In other words, this is — you’re saying it’s sort of a coup? Mark?
Q: Well I don’t know what words to place with it but how do we really know what the votes were? (“BECAUSE”) There’s always someone who’s doing the counting and how do we really know each of those state totals are accurate? I mean if Mr. Bush is going to be elected, it’s on the basis of doing away with Social Security and how many (“OF”) people who are just trying to make their weekly ends meet think that’s a good idea right now?
J: Well to answer your question let me just point out that as Whitley mentioned as he came back from the break, talking about the — back in the 1800s with the election that ended up in Florida. Okay? And Florida traditionally (SPIRIT SMALL LAUGH) and notoriously has been a state filled with voting corruption. Okay? And is it just pure coincidence that one of the Bush boys went to Florida to become governor? You think that’s just — you know (or “YOU KNOW”), they all came from Connecticut. That’s where Prescott was. They were all big Eastern establishment types and then George Herbert Walker goes to Texas and sets himself up as a Texas oil man and then Jeb goes to Florida and is it sheer coincidence that these (telephone line disconnected here)
Q: Well if I had a chance to speak further, I would’ve pointed out the fact that if the polls were proven to be accurate, what happened to the Green Party’s votes? Why is the media all saying different variations of the same thing and making the Green Party candidate Ralph Nader the bad guy in all of this? I’m talking about magazines, newspapers and television — I do catch a little bit of it because my mom watches TV morning, noon and night. And you hear very much the same thing. If you own the press and the media, then you can do just about anything to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. So it goes back to that whole question of ‘power,’ the media, and people—who do the bidding of the wealthy and the elite who pull the strings of even the President—think that they’re helping themselves financially by catering to this ‘power.’ And they forget that their first responsibility is to themselves and to what’s right and what’s good; and to God. So here we have people who would say anything or do anything to enrich themselves and the process is pretty much depicted as what you see in the newspapers and on the media where the system is abused through manipulation. Any claim can be heard to further the agenda — catering to the wealthy. On my website, I always call attention to that Fall 1998 Rand Review (“WHERE IT”) that said “the information revolution transforms the nature of conflict according to a 1997 Rand book In Athena’s Camp: Preparing For Conflict In The Information Age which predicts the passing of the era of massed field armies and the beginning of an age in which information and knowledge are the key elements of power.” And I might say all the misinformation out there about mind control obscures the real truth that the most powerful mind control device imaginable is in almost every living room throughout the United States. Television. I also might have mentioned the fact that the number of people earning salaries is dwindling as the baby boomer generation grows old so there won’t be the base for Social Security that there was before. I think that’s also why the borders have been so lax. And that’s why immigration and immigrants have been rewarded to come here. The wealthy need these people here putting money into the Social Security system in order for it to continue or they must give up some of their wealth. There is no concept of a Christian Socialism which is something that I’ve tried to help others with by setting an example and encouraging others to do the same. Anyway, who really knows what’s going on? It’s so devastating how everyone throughout our society caters to these greedy millionaires and billionaires that look upon life as a contest to see who can accrue the most wealth when every wisdom tradition tells you that’s the road to hell. And people trying to get ahead in this dog-eat-dog world are quick to help these unfortunate souls and join them in their pursuit. I also wanted to ask Whitley in terms of Mr. Marrs being on the show tonight — I slept through most of what he was saying, unfortunately — I was listening on the Internet until he said that they don’t carry the last hour on the Internet, anymore, so what does that tell you? Another loss of something for some reason. And I wanted to ask him, “Do you and Anne book the show—she’s the producer—or does the corporation book the show? Odd how you see certain people billed as counter culture figures when they really aren’t saying very much against the culture. Mr. Marrs certainly goes to a lot of those conventions but today I didn’t really hear anything that made me think of him as having much to say against the power structure. And as we all know since Susan B. Anthony’s 1873 trial, judges seem to share this same problem that all the others share in terms of catering to special interests and this government — this mythical government. Doing something for ‘the government’ — seeing the government as more than an individual concept, more than just a name on paper; somehow doing something evil for a government is appropriate because you’re doing something ‘for the government.’ Whereas there is no government. When you’re doing something evil, you’re doing something for the ‘powerful elite’ — the special interests to further your own self-interest. It has nothing to do with ‘government.’ Take a look at what went on in that trial as I do look in New Testament . . . As Allan L. Benson wrote in his 1914 book Our Dishonest Constitution: “The Constitution of 1787 . . . was made by a small class to further the interests of that class.” Benson shows how the government “was founded by the rich for the benefit of the rich.” He quotes President Wilson from the book Division and Reunion as saying, “‘The Federal government was not by intention a democratic government. In plan and structure it had been meant to check the sweep and power of popular majorities. The Senate, it was believed, would be a stronghold of conservatism, if not of aristocracy and wealth. The President, it was expected, would be the choice of representative men acting in the electoral college, and not of the people. The Federal judiciary was looked to, with its virtually permanent membership, to hold the entire structure of national politics in nice balance against all disturbing influences, whether of popular impulse or official overbearance.'” Benson points out: “. . . because the Constitution is doing much of what it was intended to do that the people are having great difficulty in ruling themselves. . . .’Divide and govern’ . . . has ever been the maxim of the small, compact, well organized, intelligent but unscrupulous ruling class. Trump up fake issues! Fill the air with a din! Divide the majority into parties — ‘and govern!” I guess one could find other ways of saying this, such as the rock group Depeche Mode:
The grabbing hands grab all they can All for themselves after all

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