Darlene Y. Russell’s 1996 Newsletter
I'm finding it difficult to send the yearly newsletter at Christmas to all of you, so if you get yours at a different time that's why. Some have asked what my favorite holiday is: Easter is my favorite holiday because had Jesus not risen from the dead, we could not be redeemed from our sins. The worse things get on earth, the more I look forward to the day He will return. Rev. 1:7 tells us that everyone will see Him and those who have bot accepted Him as Lord of their lives will be sorry. Those of us who know him personally will go with Him. Just think, all of us who are born again will get to meet each other in person in Heaven! Talk about family reunions — that's one I don't want to miss!
I've lost touch with the following people. If you know their new addresses, please send them. Linda Calaba (formerly Watertown, NY), Bev Caskinett (formerly Liverpool, NY), Norman & Gwen Stuart (Greensboro, NC), Rusty [Michael Everrette] Russell (Albany, NY). Does anyone know how the Russells and Parkers got to Watertown, NY?
CORRECTIONS7746A John David Russell died 8 Sep, 1993TX Sherman7743 Arthur Isaiah Russell died 13 Jul 1994TN772213 Rev. Lee Call did not die — apparently was another Lee Call(or maybe someone was just hoping) MARRIAGES ID# FAMILY MEMBER SPOUSE DATE7417231 Kenneth K. Hopkins, Jr. Catrina S. Frisbie 12 Aug 1995
BIRTHS ID# NAME PARENTS DATE7742532 Caleb Joseph Lee & Sherri Eads 22 Jun 1994NE07742521 Allen Jay Rod & Kim Russell 14 Aug 1994SD7743512 Lindsay Nicole Brian & Kathleen Hall 31 Oct 1994MA7742212 Eryn Breese Merlin & Carol Russell 15 Nov 1995FL7742422 Delaney Nicole Danny & Sheri O'Hare 3 Dec 1995NY77224961 Dillion Arthur Erwin & Verna Bradway 16 Oct 1995NY7742522 Bethany Ann Rod & Kim Russell 24 Oct 1996SD
DEATHS ID# NAME DATE7759 Jesse Russell 3 Dec 1994 NY741724 Terrance E. Hopkins Jun 1995741461 Clifford C. Goodsell 2 Nov 1995 NY77a7 Margery Russell Taylor 3 Nov 199577571 Glendale E. Rounds 20 Nov 1995 NY77144 Bernard Russell 7 Feb 1996 NY
RECIPESPINEAPPLE FROSTING FOR ANGEL FOOD CAKE Darlene Russell1 container Cool Whip1 box instant vanilla pudding1 can crushed pineappleMix together; spread on top your favorite angel food cake
The topic for discussion this year seems to be: What are the signs of the end of this age/dispensation? At the end of every century, people have thought that Jesus Christ would return. What makes this century different from all the others?
I'm going to take some excerpts from the Bible Basics course I teach (The Rapture & The Second Coming of Christ, The World vs. The Word, and Comparative Religions in USA). If you would like a copy of the lessons, let me know; I'd be happy to send you a copy. If you have a computer, let me know the format you use for your word processing. Also, if you have an E mail address, please send it to me. I plan to go online some time within the next year, probably America Online. That will make it easier to get genealogy info to everyone. Now back to the question.
The exact time of Jesus return is not revealed in the Bible but it does describe what world conditions will be like at the end of this age. What are some of these signs?
1. Obviously the more time that goes by, the closer we are. People in past centuries could not see how some of these signs could be fulfilled; they just believed by faith that God would do it. But today we can see clear possibilities, i.e. the two witnesses (probably Enoch and Elijah Mal. 4:5) killed in the streets during the Tribulation will be seen by the world (via satellite?).
2. Rapid technological advances — Daniel 12:4. Bar codes on products (666), international credit cards. Lasers that can leave an ID under the skin, Japanese robot who is a teen singing star (speaks several languages), TV satellite, world-wide web.
3. Atmospheric changes — increasing in frequency and intensity: Isaiah 24:19-20, Matt. 24:7 & 29, Luke 21:11. Includes hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
4. Expectancy among some Christians (Luke 21:28) — II Peter 3:10-14, Titus 2:12-13, Matt. 24:42 & 44, 25:6, I Thes. 5:1-3 — Israel is seeking to make peace with her neighbors. Mark 13:10 Gospel preached with power. II Peter 3:3 scoffers.
5. Rebirth of Israel — Israel became a nation again May 10, 1948. Jer. 32:36-42, Psalm 102:16, Luke 21:24 & 32. Israel has street banners proclaiming "Prepare for the Coming of the Messiah!".
6. Russia's hatred of Israel — Ezekiel 39 and 39. Antisemitism is not new — from Pharaoh to present-day Iran and Iraq, there have been plans to hunt, persecute and eliminate the Jews. Islam/Muslim (about of the world) is determined to have Jerusalem as their capitol. Their new rallying cry is "Jerusalem first"; they are pouring their money into this project. The Jews in 1996 have been celebrating "Jerusalem 3000". Since the Jews are God's Chosen People, can you guess who will win in the end?
7. International conflict over Israel — Zech. 12:3, 14:1-4.
8. General world-wide apprehension — Luke 21:25-26, Matt. 24:6-7, stockpiling food — James 5:3-6. Great stress — II Tim. 3:1. Nation rising against nation (ethnos) Matt. 24:7. Pestilence and plagues (AIDS) Luke 21:11. Fearful sights and great signs — Luke 21:11, 26. (1995 — Jupiter's hit would have destroyed earth.)
9. Famines — Matt 24:7, Mark 13:8, Rev. 6:6 — Look at Africa. Zech. 8:10 unemployment.
10. Abounding evil — II Tim. 3:1-5, 14, Matt. 24:37, Jude 16-18. Drive-by shootings, rapes, murders (abortions), bombings in unusual places. II Tim. 4:24 refuse sound doctrine. Matt. 24:11 false preachers. Matt. 24:37 as in the days of Noah — thoughts focused on evil: greed, envy, deceit, anger, malice, hatred, sex, arrogance, homosexuality.
11. Resurgence of the occult — I Tim. 4:1. Occult bookstores, movies, witches covens in all major cities (even Salem, MA!).
12. Drug crisis — Rev. 9:21 (Greek = pharmakeia) sorcery: heroine, cocaine, crack, huffing, marijuana (has cumulative effects). The word also includes having evil supernatural power over others so it would include the metaphysical mind-science techniques for solving human problems and creating health and wealth. Your spiritual antennae warning "Danger! Careful!" should go up if you hear any of these terms: shaman, guided imagery, life-force, crystals, visualizing, the strong eye, inner/spirit guides, channeling, Eastern meditation like TM, self realization, higher self, hypnotic regression, reincarnation, karma, evolution, Gaia/mother earth, Holistic medicine (acupuncture, biofeedback), positive mental attitude (PMA), positive thinking, possibility thinking, psi (psychic powers), clairvoyance, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, psychokinesis, tarot cards, astrology, I Ching, martial arts, mental alchemy, yoga, ionics, Ouija board, transactional analysis, man's innate/inherent goodness. Movements such as the New Age movement, Human Potential Movement, Age of Aquarius, the Forum (Erhard Seminars), Lifespring, Silva, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and man others.
13. False Christs — Matt. 24:5, 11 and 24, 11:24, Mark 13:22. Cults started to bloom in the late 1800's starting with Mormons. This century is referred to as the century of the cults: Jim Jones, Branch Davidians, Luc Jouret, etc.
14. Apostasy in the church — I Tim. 4:1-3, II Tim. 3:1-5, II Peter 2:1-3. Phil. 3:17-19 mark them enemies of Christ. Apostasy = abandoning what one has believe in as a faith, cause, principle, etc. — takes something away from Christianity. For example: Many today do not believe Jesus was resurrected even though historians say it is the best documented event of history. Seek pleasure more than God — II Tim. 3:4-5.
15. "Revival" of the Old Roman Empire — European Common Market (EC) — Daniel 2:27-45, Daniel 7. Joining: 1948 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg. 1957 German, France and Italy: Treaty of Rome was signed by these first six. 1973 Denmark, Britain, Ireland. 1981 Greece. In 1986 Spain and Portugal. 1996 Austria was #13. This number will be reduced to 10 nations. Have you noticed how "The New World Order" is often used on TV? Many are looking for signs of the Antichrist, but the Scriptures tell us we should be looking for Jesus! Christians will be gone by the time the Antichrist is revealed.
16. The rise of a political Superman — Daniel 11:36-39, 8:23-25, 7:8, and 9:27, Rev. 13:8 & 18, II Thes. 2:1-4.
17. A massive Eastern army — Rev. 16:12 & 9:16.
The Jews/Israel are God’s time clock; pay attention to what happens to them. It will be the Jews God uses during the Tribulation (Rev. 7). Some have asked, “Why is this list different from Ezek. 48? The Jews in Rev. 7:14 are those in the Tribulation. Missing are the tribes of Ephraim and Dan. But why? I Kings 12:29 tells us: the idols of Jeroboam were placed in the tribes of Dan and Ephraim/Bethel. For this sin, Dan was replaced by Levi; Ephraim by his father, Joseph. During the Millennium these tribes will be restored (Acts 3:21) thus forming the list in Ezek. 48. Note, too, these 144,000 Tribulation Jews/Israel are all men and they are all virgins (Rev. 14:4).
I'm finding it difficult to send the yearly newsletter at Christmas to all of you, so if you get yours at a different time that's why. Some have asked what my favorite holiday is: Easter is my favorite holiday because had Jesus not risen from the dead, we could not be redeemed from our sins. The worse things get on earth, the more I look forward to the day He will return. Rev. 1:7 tells us that everyone will see Him and those who have bot accepted Him as Lord of their lives will be sorry. Those of us who know him personally will go with Him. Just think, all of us who are born again will get to meet each other in person in Heaven! Talk about family reunions — that's one I don't want to miss!
I've lost touch with the following people. If you know their new addresses, please send them. Linda Calaba (formerly Watertown, NY), Bev Caskinett (formerly Liverpool, NY), Norman & Gwen Stuart (Greensboro, NC), Rusty [Michael Everrette] Russell (Albany, NY). Does anyone know how the Russells and Parkers got to Watertown, NY?
CORRECTIONS7746A John David Russell died 8 Sep, 1993TX Sherman7743 Arthur Isaiah Russell died 13 Jul 1994TN772213 Rev. Lee Call did not die — apparently was another Lee Call(or maybe someone was just hoping) MARRIAGES ID# FAMILY MEMBER SPOUSE DATE7417231 Kenneth K. Hopkins, Jr. Catrina S. Frisbie 12 Aug 1995
BIRTHS ID# NAME PARENTS DATE7742532 Caleb Joseph Lee & Sherri Eads 22 Jun 1994NE07742521 Allen Jay Rod & Kim Russell 14 Aug 1994SD7743512 Lindsay Nicole Brian & Kathleen Hall 31 Oct 1994MA7742212 Eryn Breese Merlin & Carol Russell 15 Nov 1995FL7742422 Delaney Nicole Danny & Sheri O'Hare 3 Dec 1995NY77224961 Dillion Arthur Erwin & Verna Bradway 16 Oct 1995NY7742522 Bethany Ann Rod & Kim Russell 24 Oct 1996SD
DEATHS ID# NAME DATE7759 Jesse Russell 3 Dec 1994 NY741724 Terrance E. Hopkins Jun 1995741461 Clifford C. Goodsell 2 Nov 1995 NY77a7 Margery Russell Taylor 3 Nov 199577571 Glendale E. Rounds 20 Nov 1995 NY77144 Bernard Russell 7 Feb 1996 NY
RECIPESPINEAPPLE FROSTING FOR ANGEL FOOD CAKE Darlene Russell1 container Cool Whip1 box instant vanilla pudding1 can crushed pineappleMix together; spread on top your favorite angel food cake
The topic for discussion this year seems to be: What are the signs of the end of this age/dispensation? At the end of every century, people have thought that Jesus Christ would return. What makes this century different from all the others?
I'm going to take some excerpts from the Bible Basics course I teach (The Rapture & The Second Coming of Christ, The World vs. The Word, and Comparative Religions in USA). If you would like a copy of the lessons, let me know; I'd be happy to send you a copy. If you have a computer, let me know the format you use for your word processing. Also, if you have an E mail address, please send it to me. I plan to go online some time within the next year, probably America Online. That will make it easier to get genealogy info to everyone. Now back to the question.
The exact time of Jesus return is not revealed in the Bible but it does describe what world conditions will be like at the end of this age. What are some of these signs?
1. Obviously the more time that goes by, the closer we are. People in past centuries could not see how some of these signs could be fulfilled; they just believed by faith that God would do it. But today we can see clear possibilities, i.e. the two witnesses (probably Enoch and Elijah Mal. 4:5) killed in the streets during the Tribulation will be seen by the world (via satellite?).
2. Rapid technological advances — Daniel 12:4. Bar codes on products (666), international credit cards. Lasers that can leave an ID under the skin, Japanese robot who is a teen singing star (speaks several languages), TV satellite, world-wide web.
3. Atmospheric changes — increasing in frequency and intensity: Isaiah 24:19-20, Matt. 24:7 & 29, Luke 21:11. Includes hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.
4. Expectancy among some Christians (Luke 21:28) — II Peter 3:10-14, Titus 2:12-13, Matt. 24:42 & 44, 25:6, I Thes. 5:1-3 — Israel is seeking to make peace with her neighbors. Mark 13:10 Gospel preached with power. II Peter 3:3 scoffers.
5. Rebirth of Israel — Israel became a nation again May 10, 1948. Jer. 32:36-42, Psalm 102:16, Luke 21:24 & 32. Israel has street banners proclaiming "Prepare for the Coming of the Messiah!".
6. Russia's hatred of Israel — Ezekiel 39 and 39. Antisemitism is not new — from Pharaoh to present-day Iran and Iraq, there have been plans to hunt, persecute and eliminate the Jews. Islam/Muslim (about of the world) is determined to have Jerusalem as their capitol. Their new rallying cry is "Jerusalem first"; they are pouring their money into this project. The Jews in 1996 have been celebrating "Jerusalem 3000". Since the Jews are God's Chosen People, can you guess who will win in the end?
7. International conflict over Israel — Zech. 12:3, 14:1-4.
8. General world-wide apprehension — Luke 21:25-26, Matt. 24:6-7, stockpiling food — James 5:3-6. Great stress — II Tim. 3:1. Nation rising against nation (ethnos) Matt. 24:7. Pestilence and plagues (AIDS) Luke 21:11. Fearful sights and great signs — Luke 21:11, 26. (1995 — Jupiter's hit would have destroyed earth.)
9. Famines — Matt 24:7, Mark 13:8, Rev. 6:6 — Look at Africa. Zech. 8:10 unemployment.
10. Abounding evil — II Tim. 3:1-5, 14, Matt. 24:37, Jude 16-18. Drive-by shootings, rapes, murders (abortions), bombings in unusual places. II Tim. 4:24 refuse sound doctrine. Matt. 24:11 false preachers. Matt. 24:37 as in the days of Noah — thoughts focused on evil: greed, envy, deceit, anger, malice, hatred, sex, arrogance, homosexuality.
11. Resurgence of the occult — I Tim. 4:1. Occult bookstores, movies, witches covens in all major cities (even Salem, MA!).
12. Drug crisis — Rev. 9:21 (Greek = pharmakeia) sorcery: heroine, cocaine, crack, huffing, marijuana (has cumulative effects). The word also includes having evil supernatural power over others so it would include the metaphysical mind-science techniques for solving human problems and creating health and wealth. Your spiritual antennae warning "Danger! Careful!" should go up if you hear any of these terms: shaman, guided imagery, life-force, crystals, visualizing, the strong eye, inner/spirit guides, channeling, Eastern meditation like TM, self realization, higher self, hypnotic regression, reincarnation, karma, evolution, Gaia/mother earth, Holistic medicine (acupuncture, biofeedback), positive mental attitude (PMA), positive thinking, possibility thinking, psi (psychic powers), clairvoyance, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, psychokinesis, tarot cards, astrology, I Ching, martial arts, mental alchemy, yoga, ionics, Ouija board, transactional analysis, man's innate/inherent goodness. Movements such as the New Age movement, Human Potential Movement, Age of Aquarius, the Forum (Erhard Seminars), Lifespring, Silva, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, and man others.
13. False Christs — Matt. 24:5, 11 and 24, 11:24, Mark 13:22. Cults started to bloom in the late 1800's starting with Mormons. This century is referred to as the century of the cults: Jim Jones, Branch Davidians, Luc Jouret, etc.
14. Apostasy in the church — I Tim. 4:1-3, II Tim. 3:1-5, II Peter 2:1-3. Phil. 3:17-19 mark them enemies of Christ. Apostasy = abandoning what one has believe in as a faith, cause, principle, etc. — takes something away from Christianity. For example: Many today do not believe Jesus was resurrected even though historians say it is the best documented event of history. Seek pleasure more than God — II Tim. 3:4-5.
15. "Revival" of the Old Roman Empire — European Common Market (EC) — Daniel 2:27-45, Daniel 7. Joining: 1948 Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg. 1957 German, France and Italy: Treaty of Rome was signed by these first six. 1973 Denmark, Britain, Ireland. 1981 Greece. In 1986 Spain and Portugal. 1996 Austria was #13. This number will be reduced to 10 nations. Have you noticed how "The New World Order" is often used on TV? Many are looking for signs of the Antichrist, but the Scriptures tell us we should be looking for Jesus! Christians will be gone by the time the Antichrist is revealed.
16. The rise of a political Superman — Daniel 11:36-39, 8:23-25, 7:8, and 9:27, Rev. 13:8 & 18, II Thes. 2:1-4.
17. A massive Eastern army — Rev. 16:12 & 9:16.
The Jews/Israel are God’s time clock; pay attention to what happens to them. It will be the Jews God uses during the Tribulation (Rev. 7). Some have asked, “Why is this list different from Ezek. 48? The Jews in Rev. 7:14 are those in the Tribulation. Missing are the tribes of Ephraim and Dan. But why? I Kings 12:29 tells us: the idols of Jeroboam were placed in the tribes of Dan and Ephraim/Bethel. For this sin, Dan was replaced by Levi; Ephraim by his father, Joseph. During the Millennium these tribes will be restored (Acts 3:21) thus forming the list in Ezek. 48. Note, too, these 144,000 Tribulation Jews/Israel are all men and they are all virgins (Rev. 14:4).